Online Dating 2.0 Online Dating & Web 2.0 User Generated Content and European Social Communities.

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Online Dating 2.0

Online Dating & Web 2.0

User Generated Content and

European Social Communities

• What is Web 2.0?

• Gartner´s 2006 - Emerging Technologies Hype Cycle

• Social Networking Sites

• Online Dating - de lege lata / de lege ferrenda

• Conclusion

Online Dating 2.0 - Table of Contents

Online Dating 2.0 - What is Web 2.0?



Power of APIs

RSS as an interface

End of Software Release Cycle



Lightweight Programming


Data is the next “intel inside“

Online Dating 2.0 - What is Web 2.0?

TechnologiesWeb 1.0 Web 2.0

Double Click Goolge AdSenseOfoto Flickr

Akamai Napster

Britannica Online Wikipediapersonal websites blogging

evite and EVDBdomain name speculation search engine optimization

page views cost per clickscreen scraping web services

publishing participationcontent management


directories (taxonomy) tagging („folksonomy“)stickiness syndication

Online Dating 2.0 - What is Web 2.0?

Human Face

Folksonomies/ Social


Wisdom of


Turning away from anonymity

Awarnessing Collective Intelligence

Blogs- phere

Online Dating 2.0 - Meme Map 2.0 Tagging, not


PageRank, eBay reputation, Amazon:

reviews User as contibutor

Blogs: Participation No Publishing

Bit Torrent: Radical Decentrallization

Gmail, Goolge Maps and AIAX: Rich User


Google adSense: Customer self-service enabling the long tall

Wikipedia: Radical Trust

An attitude, not a technology

The Long Tall

Data is the “Intel Inside“


The perpetual beta

The Right to Remix “Some rights reserved“

Software that gets better the more people

use it

Emergent: User behaviour not predetermined


Granual Addressability of content

Rich User Experience

Small Places loosely Joined (web as components)

Trust your users

Strategy Positioning• The Web as platform

User Positioning• You control your own data

Core Competences• services, not packaged software• architecture of Participation• cost-effective scalability• remixable data source & transfomations• software above the level of a single device• harnessing collective intelligence

Online Dating 2.0 - What is Web 2.0?

Web 2.0

SNS Social Networking Site

Online Dating

Online Dating 2.0 - Social Networking Sites

What is Social Software?Every piece of software that enables people to interact directly or as a Group: email, messenger, blogs, group chats etc.

In former times we had insider relationships - close shop networks.

Social software on the other side enables everybody to become part of a network:

• At the beginning were blogs, which can help companies to understand client‘s needs• Internet swashes into real life - podcasts• Mainstream of Minorities -• Consolidation of locality & globality - / flickr• Human Information Filter - persons I trust give advise and therefore sort & assess opportunities• Surrender of anonymity because one can build up a reputation on the internet

Online Dating 2.0 - Social Networking Sites

The value of Social Software / Networking(in adoption of Danah Michele Boyd - University of California, Berkeley)

Mrs. Boyd studied in the case of Friendster:• how people negotiate context when presenting themselves• Examined how the network structure of a meme spreads & connects people• Determined the issues involved in articulating one´s social network as compared to behavior-driven network

Online Dating 2.0 - Social Networking Sites

Results/Problems were:

-the value of the network depends on the value of your connections-Relationship indicators are binary - friend or not-This may cause the problem, that it might be necessary to be friend with somebody for political reasons- this is the main weakness of such kind of systems--> connections are often devalued because trust cannot be guaranteed- it destroys the importance of classical social connectoes and they-Might be not willing to give up heir status-Most users fear the presence of two people: boss & mother

Reasons for participating:-reconnecting with long lost friends -Curiosity-To make useful connections - e.g. headhunters-advertisment

Online Dating 2.0 - Social Networking Sites

Many are using it for its intended purpose: dating

Majority of dating falls into three categories:

Hookups Direct Pestering Familiar Strangers

Online Dating 2.0 - Social Networking Sites

The fakester dilemma

There exist three form of fakesters:a) Cultural characters (e.g.Homer Simpson)b) Community Characters (e.g.Black lesbians)c) Passing characters

While faksters are integral part of social platforms since beginning, Attempts to fight against them resulted in:1) mass activation of new fakesters2) Became less interesting for other users, because they valued the

creative expression and usefulness of community characters3) It reflects the weakness of trust in such social platforms

As a result social platforms have to find ways to encourage real characters and to avoid anonymity!

Online Dating 2.0 Why Social Software will survive

Plentiful dispersion of broad band access for the first time makesnew forms of interaction & communication available to the masses.

Needs of human beings in a society of knowledge & mass information make more personal ways of making this knowledgeavailable necessary. The best advisor/friend in the end is another human being and not an algorithm or a search engine!

Best informant:

Online Dating 2.0 Gartner´s 2006 Emerging Technologies Hype Cycle

• one of 78 hype cycles released by Gartner in 2006

• more than 300 Gartner analysts assessed more than 1,900 information technologies & trends in more than 75 industries, technology markets

• it gathers the maturity, impact and adoption speed of technologies

• it highlights the progression of an emerging technology from market over enthusiasm through a period of disillusionment to an eventual understanding of the technology´s relevance and role in a market

Online Dating 2.0 Gartner´s 2006 Emerging Technologies Hype Cycle

Each hype cycle follows five stages:

1. Technology Trigger Product launch etc. generates sigificant press

2. Peak of Inflated ExpectationsPublicity generates over-enthusiasm & unrealistic expectations

3. Trough of DisillusionmentThey fail to meet expectations - press abandons the topic

1. Slope of EnlightenmentAlthough press may have stopped coverage some business continue to understand thebenefits & practical application of the technology

• Plateau of ProductivityThe benefits become widely demonstrated and accepted. The technology becomes stable and evolves through second and third generations.

Online Dating 2.0 Gartner´s 2006 Emerging Technologies Hype Cycle

Online Dating 2.0 - de lege lata

At the beginning stands your profile:

Online Dating 2.0 - de lege lata

Then you can start searching:

Online Dating 2.0 - de lege lata

And you will finally get a huge number of interesting results:

Online Dating 2.0 - de lege lata

Then you have to evaluate the results:

Online Dating 2.0 - de lege lata

And a lot of information - unfortunately very standardized:

Online Dating 2.0 - de lege lata

And then the most difficult thing for men - communication:

Online Dating 2.0





Online Dating 2.0 - de lege ferenda

It should be more friendly & easy to use - you should share friends:

Online Dating 2.0 - de lege ferenda

Easy and comprehensive communication:

Online Dating 2.0 - de lege ferenda

Easy and comprehensive communication:

Online Dating 2.0 - de lege ferenda

Enhanced, more realistic features like an interactive calendar:

Online Dating 2.0 - de lege ferenda

Enhanced, more realistic features like an interactive calendar:

Online Dating 2.0 - de lege ferenda

New technologies for more convenient search results:

Online Dating 2.0 - de lege ferenda

What else can Online-Dating learn from Web 2.0?• static content will be swept away by user generated content e.g. usage of tags / user defined interest groups • definition of own special interest communities within the community

• enrichment of data like personal information, photos etc. regarding calendar dates

• merger of dating, friendship, business

• pasting away anonymity by enrichment of personal information e.g. using blogs

Online Dating 2.0 - de lege ferenda

What else can Online-Dating learn from Web 2.0?• mixture of other business models in one (mashups) - for example not only describing music interests, but also offering samples to interested partners

• convergence of so called scientific dating services like parship with normal flirtplatforms using more easier scientific methods of matching

• enrichment of profiles by offering possibilities like video uploads, voice samples etc.

• real loaction based services - you can track your friends or potential flirt partners via mobile phone

• mobile dating and pc based dating will unify

Online Dating 2.0 - The Future

Online Dating Platforms / will become:

Life Enrichment Tool boxes

It cannot guarantee that you will become happy,but it will make your

current situation better - guaranteed!

Online Dating 2.0 - The Human Face of Internet

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Online Dating 2.0 - for more information

Web 2.0 in general:Tim O'Reilly: Richard Joerges: Jared M. Spool: Mario Sixtus: Wolfgang Sommergut: Spiegel:,1518,411147,00.html,1518,429551,00.html

Web 2.0 and dating:

Web 2.0 and social networks:

Online Dating 2.0

Thank you for your attention!

Dipl.-Ök.Sven Jan Arndt,CIAManaging Director of

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Online Dating 2.0

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is a group existing of:

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