Online communication elements

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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Elemen Komunikasi Online


Definition of online communicationTypes of online communicationSynchronous Forms of Online CommunicationAsynchronous Forms of Online CommunicationHybrid forms of Communication

What is online communication?

Online communication is simple



Internet connection


Types of online communication

Sample of synchronous mode

Synchronous mode?

Sample of asynchronous mode

• Email

• Threaded Discussions 

• Blogs

• Wikis

• Asynchronous Video

Asynchronous mode

Synchronous forms - CHATform of synchronous communication and provides the opportunity for people to communicate in real time. Some people may use Chat for live office hours, tutoring sessions, or class discussions. When chatting online it is particularly important to keep your communication short. Very few people can write as fast as they think or talk.

Synchronous forms - CONFERENCES

Conferences is another form of synchronous communication and may be called webinars or live

online meetings. This form of communication is very similar to chat but may be considered more formal.

Conferences is another form of synchronous communication and may be called webinars or live

online meetings. This form of communication is very similar to chat but may be considered more formal.

Hybrid forms of communication

Collaborations is a form of communication that can be

synchronous or asynchronous. This mode allow some persons to edit documents at the same time. For example, Google Docs has a comment system that displays

color highlighting and comments of each person who is editing the document at the same time. You

don't necessarily have to be online at the same time to edit a

document this way.

Collaborations is a form of communication that can be

synchronous or asynchronous. This mode allow some persons to edit documents at the same time. For example, Google Docs has a comment system that displays

color highlighting and comments of each person who is editing the document at the same time. You

don't necessarily have to be online at the same time to edit a

document this way.

Hybrid forms - Collaboration

Hal yang perlu diingat saat menggunakan media on line

1. Pastikan siapa audiens Anda, sebab ini akan

sangat berpengaruh terhadap isi pesan dan gaya

bahasa Anda.

2. Pertimbangkan konteks dari tulisan Anda. Jadi,

pertimbangkan baik-baik siapa orang yang Anda

ajak bicara dan apakah Anda mewakili pendapat

pribadi Anda sendiri atau lembaga?

3. Hormati privasi teman-teman Anda.

Terima kasih

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