
One Way to

 Spend Summer Vacation

Hiawatha's Library Carpet Project

We began in June.  Inventory, then boxing up!

We scrounged boxes from everywhere we could.

All shapes and sizes and manner of emptied contents.

We packed 'em full, labeled 'em, then stacked 'em.

We did this 77 times.  And then we ran out!

We had to buy 100 boxes more.

Slowly, slowly, the job got done and the boxes lined the hallway all the way to the main office.

We met for strategic planning while the custodians removed all the shelves.

The carpet wizards worked their magic, and the bookshelves came back in.  We love our new look!

Next we reversed the whole operation!  (A good time to make a few changes...)



...and recruit some helpers...



(We went through a lot of donuts in July and August.)

Now we can start on the NEW books!


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