
One Man making a


Starts with a small Ripple.

December 19, 1985

Shane Bitney Crone

Over time his ripple would change lives and the world he

lives in.

Shane did not know it, but he

would touch another person.

The man who would be come the

love of his life.

Thomas Lee Bridegroom

Even in Tragedy the ripples still continue….

One year later the ripples intensify with the unexpected reaction to a video ….

It did not take long to hit 1,000,000 views…and then…..

And the ripples just keep growing.

Ripples expand. They influence and touch people all over the world..

The Ripples intersect with other Ripples -

Connecting with New Friends and Supporters

Turning personal grief into a tool to change the entire world. Ripples expanding … intersecting … growing larger.

6508 People


This one movie touched millions of lives. Shown at Film Festivals, on Netflicks, Redbox, Amazon… for a VERY LONG time became the number one watched movie of its category. Winning awards and accolades everywhere.

Even after putting your life out there for us, allowing us to see and experience what you went through… You continue to give back, reaching out to more and more people. Ripples expanding coast to coast and continent to continent.

But today is a day when we can CELEBRATE you … and show you how much we appreciate, love, and support you.

Today is your BIRTHDAY!!!!

Have a very Happy Birthday Shane! You are an amazing person and deserve nothing but the best this year is going to be even better then the Last Love Stephen Thole :)

Shane's story and his bravery reached us in Europe and really helped make the concept of equal rights real and relevant. It reminded me as a parent of just how important it is to make your child aware from an early age that whether they, or their friends, grow up to be gay, straight (or any where else on the rainbow) then that is absolutely fine-that we only want them to be themselves. Alex at age 6 found Shane's story to be so inspirational to him, he loved watching videos of Shane and Tom together and was enthused to go into school and tell all his friends about equal marriage and equal rights. Happy birthday Shane. Fiona and Alex

Shane: You are a inspiration to me touching my mind and heart in more ways that you can imagine. Due to you I can no longer sit on the sidelines and do nothing. So I will start off by wishing someone who I call a friend a most happiest of Birthdays ever.. I hope you take some time for yourself today and let the love, support and encouragement flow into you from all of us.

Love You LOTS….Thomas Canty

MORE WISHES to come from others..

Now its your turn…. Please click the following link and fill in the 4 questions. The responses will be updated here for Shane to see.

Share the love, help expand the ripple, and start your own to intersect.

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