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Vollie News Thursday 24th November 2016

Page 1

What a night! I would like to congratulate all the nominees and award recipients of

the annual Volunteer Awards ceremony that was held on Saturday night at Darwin


The Annual Church Service was well attended on Sunday and this year was the first

year for quite a long time that the Cadet colours were paraded.

I flew down to Melbourne straight after the church service to a Not-For-Profit

conference. I have come back with a few ideas from this conference. Melbourne

was cold and wet for the last two days. I was told that it was very hot in Melbourne,

but I wore a jumper.

Please remember that we need your hours updated in DMS. If your hours are wrong

please let your Superintendent know or the Volunteer Office.

One last note, I would like to congratulate our Territory Officer Youth Support Hailee

Skinner and Youth Superintendent Daniel Watkin-Blaser on their recent

engagement. Please congratulate them when you next see them.

Mark Ferguson OStJ

Director Volunteer First Aid Services

A High Tea Thank You Our final event for Ophthalmic month was the High Tea at Palmerston Division last

Saturday, 12th November, hosted by Angie Butler and members Marion McLauchlan,

Sandra Buckley, Brendan Bayliss, and myself. A great selection of food, several

varieties of tea, as well as juice and coffee was provided by members. The idea was

to give a donation for the afternoon tea, and your generosity to our Ophthalmic

branch of the Order raised $285.20. We had some items that we had intended to

use as raffle prizes but you had already been so generous that we issued free raffle

tickets to everyone who came instead!

Our visitors were from both the volunteer and service areas of St. John and made

it a truly ‘One St. John’ afternoon, and that was great to see. Thank you all so much

for taking the time to support what is a very important part of our St. John service

world-wide. You can be sure that someone, somewhere, will be grateful that you

cared enough to provide the means that will help them deal with eye problems that

prevent them from enjoying life as we know it.

Lesley King, DStJ

TO Fellowship/Ophthalmic

On other pages this week:

Volunteer Awards 2016

Palmerston Cadets

Christmas Shopping

The NT’s First Volunteer


2017 Calendar

Found items

Charity Golf Day 2017

Historic Competitions

Tiny Tots

Training Calendar

This week in history

“Let’s be Frank”

Coming events

Christmas Party


Weekly Newsletter of St John Ambulance Australia (NT) Inc. Volunteer First Aid Services

Volunteer Office Contacts and to

subscribe to Vollie News:


Phone: 08 8922 6234

08 8922 6205

Please send contributions to

Vollie News before

4.00 pm Thursday https://www.facebook.com/grou



Frank Dunstan, editor

0456 695 766

Thursday 24 November 2016

Vollie News Thursday 24th November 2016

Page 2

The annual Volunteer Awards night was held at Darwin Hilton on the 19th November 2016. His Honour the Honourable

John Hardy OAM, Administrator of the Northern Territory; Her Honour Natasha Fyles MLA, Minister for Health; His

Worship the Mayor of Palmerston, Mr Ian Abbott; Mr Roland Chin, Chairman St John Ambulance NT; and St John Board

Members were in attendance.

The awards night started with cadets having a fun couple of hours playing games and then the presentations

started. The first awards were the Grand Prior Badges. The Grand Prior, Prince Richard the Duke of Gloucester, is

second to the Sovereign Head of the Order, Queen Elizabeth II. The Grand Prior’s Badge is a major achievement for a

Cadet. To gain this badge a Cadet must earn 12 Proficiency Badges over at least 3 years. The recipients were:-

Lauren Coghill

Racquelle Paterson

Patrick Chow

Zoe Johnston

Gemma Gray

Hayley McLaughlin

Luke McLaughlin

The next presentation was for the Southern Cross Award. St John Ambulance Australia launched this Award in 2008

and it is aimed at all St John members aged between 16 and 25. The Award is designed to provide a flexible framework

of personal development and achievement. There are 3 levels that can be achieved, Bronze, Silver and Gold. The

recipient of the Bronze Southern Cross Award was:

Sarena Hyland from Alice Springs Cadet Division

Then we got down to business. The annual awards winners were:

2016 Adult Division of the year Alice Springs Adult Division

2016 Cadet Division of the Year Darwin Cadet Division

2016 Junior of the Year Jack Knight, Alice Springs

2016 Cadet of The Year Jessica Longe, Alice Springs

2017 Peter Falkland Youth Leader Leanne Eltagonde, Palmerston Cadet Division

2016 Operational Support Member of the Year Cate Driver, Alice Springs

2016 Adult Member of the Year Fiona Reid, Tennant Creek, and

Maria Vescan, Darwin

It was a wonderful night that could not have been

possible without the help of Mandy Paradise, Nadia

Parker, Hailee Skinner, Kelly Raven, Joanna Bigwood,

and Kevin Blake who was the MC for the night. Thank

you to all involved for making the night such a success.

We would like to congratulate all nominees and

winners and to thank all of our volunteers and their

families for their unwavering support over the past 12


We also thank our sponsors of the Awards for their

valued support – KR Blacker, Choices Flooring and

Grice Group.

We hope to have the full set of professional photos for publication in Vollie News next week.

Vollie News Thursday 24th November 2016

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Meanwhile, thanks to our Facebook friends for these photos taken at the awards:

Nerissa Brumby & Krystal Kent

of Darwin Cadet Division

Mitch Childs shares a table with the crew from Katherine

Vollie News Thursday 24th November 2016

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Debbie Garraway, Marketing & PR Co-ordinator

On Monday this week I was honoured to be invited to the annual Palmerston Cadet Division Awards ceremony, where

members of the Cadets and Juniors were recognised for their efforts during the year. Leanne Eltagonde did a fantastic

job with the presentations and reminded all of the members that even though they may not have received an award,

their contributions and hard work throughout the year has not gone unnoticed. Well done to all who received awards,

to the Superintendents for their dedication and to the parents and families for their ongoing support.

Well done to the following Cadets and Juniors on their awards.

2016 Cadet of the Year Holly Guymer

2016 Most Outstanding Contribution to the Division Charlotte Bramley

2016 Community Service Award Alex Leete

2016 Junior of the Year Patrick Tidalgo

2016 Most Improved Junior Holli Alchin

2016 Junior Coordinator's Choice Jennifer Keightley

Palmerston Adults DS Angie Butler,

Holli Alchin, Leanne Eltagonde

Debbie Garraway, Jennifer Keightley,

Leanne Eltagonde

Deputy Commissioner Craig Garraway,

Patrick Tidalgo, Leanne Eltagonde

Vollie News Thursday 24th November 2016

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Well done, and congratulations to all the winners!

Palmerston Adults DO Benny Butler,

Charlotte Bramley, DS Geraldine Turner Mayor of Palmerston Ian Abbott,

Alex Leete, DS Geraldine Turner

DS Geraldine Turner, Holly Guymer,

Leanne Eltagonde

Vollie News Thursday 24th November 2016

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Our retail outlet at 416 Stuart Highway will be open for the next 4 Saturdays from 9am -


So make the most of the weekend shopping opportunity and get your cyclone kits up to date

or knock some items off your Xmas list, don’t leave it until the last minute.

Prefect gifts for the person who has everything, some great specials on offer. And

remember, First Aid kits & training are the perfect gift that keeps on giving!

OPEN SATURDAY 9am -1pm for the next 4 weekends (26 Nov, 3,10 & 17 December)

OPEN THIS WEEKEND! Our retail outlet at 416 Stuart Highway will be open for the next 4 Saturdays from

9am -1pm. (26 Nov and 3,10 & 17 December)

Make the most of the weekend shopping opportunity and get your cyclone kits up to date or knock some

items off your Xmas list. First Aid kits & training are the perfect gift that keeps on giving!

Vollie News Thursday 24th November 2016

Page 7

NT Administrator/Deputy Prior Dr Neil Conn awards Darwin Adult Division DO Jan Rowell the inaugural Adult

Volunteer of the Year at the Annual Parade on 14th October 2000. Jan also received her Service Medal of the Order

of St John for 12 years volunteer service. Her day job was a Training Branch instructor at Casuarina.

The first Adult Division of the Year was Tennant Creek.

Territory Officer Steve Peers accepts the award on

their behalf.

Paulo Fernandes of Darwin Cadet Division was

presented a certificate and lanyard for inaugural

Cadet of the Year at the District Staff meeting on 15th

February 1997. This award was renamed the Peter

Falkland Memorial Award in August 1998, and is now

the Peter Falkland Youth Leader Award.

A separate award for Cadet of the Year was re-

introduced in 2000, and awarded to Jonathan Haslett

of the Cadet Band.

Dr Conn presents Humpty Doo Cadets Superintendent

Tanya Griffiths with the inaugural award for Cadet

Division of the Year.

Vollie News Thursday 24th November 2016

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Vollie News Thursday 24th November 2016

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St John Ambulance will be holding our third charity

fundraising golf day on Friday 5 May 2017 at the

Darwin Golf Club at Marrara. The previous two events

we have held have raised significant funds for our

volunteers and the aim is to do the same again next


I have attached for your information a copy of the

registration card. We are seeking any local business to

support the event by way of entering a team and/or

sponsoring a hole. If you know a local business who

you think would benefit from participating in this

event, please pass on the information or ask them to

contact me directly. We need to find 36 teams for the

day and 18 hole sponsors, so any assistance would be

appreciated. This is a fantastic opportunity for local

business to participate in a major networking event

and access a large number of local business managers

at the event. Any business who participates will be

widely acknowledged both within St John and

externally in the lead up to the event and on the day. I

am happy to speak to anyone about sponsor

opportunities if you send me their details.

Closer to the event, volunteers to assist in the week of

and on the day will be required, if you would like to

assist permission will be required from your

manager. Once approval has been given, full details of

the assistance required will be sent out.

I look forward to making this the best event we have

held, if you can help us to make this happen I would

love to hear from you.

Debbie Garraway

Marketing & PR Coordinator

St John Ambulance Australia (NT) Inc.


Ph: 8922 6202

Do these belong to you? Please contact Mandy at the Volunteer

Office if they are yours.

Vollie News Thursday 24th November 2016

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Vollie News Thursday 24th November 2016

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Centralian Advocate, 5 September 1979

Vollie News Thursday 24th November 2016

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Hello Everyone,

It’s over for another year – The Annual Awards night went off without too many hitches. I

would like to apologise to the Palmerston Cadet Division for missing Superintendent Geraldine Turner’s name off the list on the program. I do not know how that happened and I am very sorry

Public Event paperwork – In 2017 I will be chasing up public duty paperwork as this year

there was far too many duties with no records kept. So beware, I will be chasing you.

Save the date – All Superintendents and Approved Trainers – we will be holding our

annual get together on the weekend of Feb 11th and 12th 2017. This is where we discuss any changes (there are always lots) and talk about ways to improve what we do. There will be some major changes in the way that training is delivered which will give us a lot to talk about.

PTS shifts in 2017 – The Volunteer PTS shifts will continue in 2017 as long as we have enough

people to Supervise. The Supervisors must be either Paramedics or PTS trained. The day is also changing to Friday nights from 6pm to midnight. So if you are a First Responder or above and would like to gain some more experience, get your name and dates in to Mandy. Shifts are filled fast so do not wait. First shift for 2017 will be Friday 6th January and every Friday after that. I am always on the lookout for Supervisors for these shifts, if you or someone you know would be willing and are suitably qualified, please let me know. Check your records: Now is the time to make sure that all your appropriate hours and duties

are entered into DMS. At the end of this month the ‘button’ will be pressed and all hours added up. Are you efficient for this year? Have you completed your skills for this year and done at least 60 hours of service? Superintendents and Divisional Trainers should now be thinking about planning their training schedule for 2017. Please ask if any assistance is needed.

Please note that if you have any problems relating to a Public Event, contact Comms (8922 1503) in the first instance. For any others queries after hours that cannot wait until the office is open, relating to Volunteering, please contact the Volunteer Duty phone 0437 426 469. Please respect the need for office staff to have family time.

If you require any further information on any training issue please contact me:

Email: mandy.paradise@stjohnnt.asn.au

Phone: 8922 6205

Vollie News Thursday 24th November 2016

Page 13

St John Ambulance Australia (NT)

First Aid Services Training Calendar 2016 Revised 14 September 2016

Date Course/Activity Location

Every Thurs 5.30pm - midnight Volunteer PTS crew – rostered Casuarina

Northern Standard, Friday 29 November 1946

Flying Doctor Service

(To the Editor.)

Sir,-May I beg a little space in your paper to bring

forward a matter which needs urgent attention. It is

the lack of air transport between Katherine and Darwin

for the use of the doctor stationed at Katherine,

which used to boast of a flying service.

There have been several cases lately of expectant

mothers being sent to Darwin for examination owing

to lack of facilities at Katherine Hospital. These women

have to travel 200 miles by road in an old Army

ambulance which is subject to chronic breakdowns. To

my mind these mothers should have nothing but the

best and quickest service. I think the flying doctor

should be stationed at Katherine rather than Alice

Springs, but preferably at both places.

I am, etc.,


Autobiography of Frank Oakley Simmons, SBStJ – episode 8 I will always say that although the times were very

bad when I was a youngster, most of the people were

much better, as they nearly all had nothing, and hard

work was common; it was not a case of pressing

buttons, but doing the job yourself, manually!

Scrubbing all the linoleum in each room, then

waxing all the floors, (on your hands and knees the

whole time) cutting up firewood so that meals could be

cooked, and clothes washed. Spare time was rare, and

for those who had jobs it meant Saturday afternoon

and Sunday were relaxing (?) days. People were fitter

than they are today, as hard work made them so, and

there was little money to spend on fitness clubs.

Washing clothes UGH! What a job; first the wood

had to be cut, small enough to fit under the copper,

then the copper itself would have to be cleaned, and

when all was ready, the fire lit and bar soap cut up, (no

detergents in those days). Then the clothes would be

put in the copper, the water boiled, the clothes pushed

up and down, (agitating them), and when the Boss,

(Mum) was satisfied, they were taken out, put in a

wash trough, and those that had to be scrubbed, were

done so on a scrubbing board. Then there were rinses,

and on the second rinse, the clothes that required it

were blued, then they were wrung out again, (all by

hand of course), and last but not least, hung up on the


The whole job could take up to four hours to do,

and if you have never wrung out blankets by hand, may

I suggest that you try it, then you will certainly realise

how fortunate the modern woman is. The old phrase

of “slaving over a hot stove or copper” does not mean

much today, but in those days it certainly did.

After the washing came the ironing of the clothes;

no one in those days would dare ever leave the house

if their clothes were not ironed, and boots or shoes

cleaned. Our irons were known as “flat irons”, and they

were made of iron and shaped not unlike the modern

version, but there the similarity ended because ours

were heated on the stove, then the plate would be

rubbed in salt, which collected any carbon, etc. If this

was not done dirt would be transferred to the clean

clothes, so imagine the uproar if you were responsible

for not cleaning the iron.

Vollie News Thursday 24th November 2016

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We used to have about three irons on the stove at

any one time, as they tended to lose their heat rapidly

once removed from the heat source. Ironing could take

hours to do, but Mum made sure that I could do my

own, also mend my own clothes and shoes and boots.

Shoes were kept for Sundays and special occasions,

otherwise we nearly always wore boots, and these

would be steel plated, toe and heel.

People worked hard, most Mums had little time

for tennis and afternoon-tea parties, as there was

always housework to do, messages to go, and the

evening meal to be ready in time. The only “takeaways”

in those days was the fish and chip shop, and we were

lucky to visit it once a week.

Rabbits, do you like them? I suppose that I could

still eat them, but during the depression many families

made rabbits their main meat meal. Hawkers used to

come around the streets, calling out things like:

“Rabbits, any rabbits today, six pence a pair”, and when

you stop to consider that sixpence would buy half a loaf

of bread, or a fair amount of butter, or a pint of milk,

(fresh, not reconstituted either), housewives used to

rush the “rabbit-oh”, as they were called.

Most of them had either horse or hand drawn

carts, so up the back lanes these hawkers would come,

calling out their wares, Mum used to buy them often,

too flamin’ often in my opinion, as we used to have

rabbits, fried, boiled, grilled, baked, steamed, in short,

any way that they could be prepared, she did it. It’s a

wonder that a bloke has not got buck teeth and big

ears. Yuck! “What’s up Doc?”

It is hard to visualise modern housewives having

to do some of the things that women did in those awful

depression days, and I hope that we never have to go

through them again, but I think that if ever women had

to go back to basics, they would cope; it is surprising

what one will do to survive.

Talking about hawkers, rabbit-oh’s were not the

only ones to bring their wares to your door, because

the ice man would deliver ice, (no refrigerators) the

woodman the firewood, milk was always delivered in

bottles, early each morning; in fact, quite a lot of

people would deliver your goods. Looking back, we

certainly were besieged by local business people who

brought their goods to your door.

Another old identity was the “rag and bone” man.

He used to collect rags, and then take them to a firm,

which used to clean them. Then of course, there was

the bloke who called to collect the “dead marines”.

I wonder how many young people know what a

“dead marine” is, and of course it does not refer to

those men of most countries who are attached to ships

as soldiers; they are real marines, but a dead marine

refers to empty beer bottles!

Each of these people used to have their own type

of call, and the women would be ready to either buy

the food, or sell the rags, bottles, etc.

Our modern way of living has seen the end of a lot

of picturesque types of “business” men, and women,

for as poor as they were, they were really in business,

trying to make ends meet.

Some women used to go to their local butcher and

ask if they had any bones for the dog. Fair enough, but

the butcher would know that the “dog” would be the

family, and the bones would go to make a soup. They

were given, free of charge. Different today, as nothing

is given away; it’s a wonder we do not have to pay for

the smells.

Fancy going into a shop, and asking the shop

assistant for any broken biscuits, or any “speck fruit”.

That means damaged fruit. When we were kids, we

always used to do those things, and usually the shop

keeper would give the kids the biscuits, or damaged

fruit, “gratis” too! I suppose the shop keeper knew that

if he didn’t give us the “speck” fruit, we would pinch

some, and it would not be damaged fruit that would be


Continued next week …

Have a laugh as Nazeem Hussain plays the Bogan Race

Marshall at Bathurst.



Vollie News Thursday 24th November 2016

Page 15

When What Where Comments Requirements Web



Sat 3 2016 Staff & Vollies Christmas Party

Crocosaurus Cove, 58 Mitchell Street, Darwin

All members invited Refer to flyer

Mon 5 International Volunteer Day




Thu 5 –

Thu 12

National Cadet Camp 2017

Gold Coast, QLD https://www.facebook.com/groups/1639913472944275/

Thu 26 Australia Day All centres


Sat 11 –

Sun 12

Superintendents & Trainers weekend

TBA Contact the Volunteer Office

Vollie News Thursday 24th November 2016

Page 16

For those bringing a partner, details for

payment on the left.

Payment can be made in person at

Casuarina Reception (Please confirm with

me once paid so I can check you off the list)

or please fill in the form (left) and return to

me and I will forward for processing.

If anyone has questions, please do not

hesitate to contact me.

Rhiannon Wilson

Executive Assistant to the CEO


Vollie News Thursday 24th November 2016

Page 17

St John Ambulance Australia (NT) Inc.


National Members’ website


user name: onestjohn

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Add “Jonny St John” as a

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SJANT History Group



Awkward Hours, Awkward Jobs

A History of St John Ambulance in the NT

1915 – 2012

by Frank Dunstan


Information on the book, where to buy, and download an

order form.

Copies for sale in Volunteer Office and with the author.

Back issues of Vollie News



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