
OnlineParent Information Sessions

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Queensland AcademiesSenior secondary state high schools offering an innovative educational program for highly capable high school students in Years 10 – 12.

Science, Mathematics and Technology

Creative Industries

Health Sciences

Benefits of attending the Academies

Senior secondary state high schools offering an innovative educational program for highly capable high school students in Years 10 – 12.

Science, Mathematics and Technology

Creative Industries

Health Sciences

The Academies Partnership Schools Program

provides collaborative environments and networks for best practice in teaching and learning for highly capable students in Years 5 – 9

students will be prepared for diverse, rigorous senior schooling pathways.

QAPS On-line Courses

Emphasise intellectual challenge

Encourage students to make connections between their studies and the real world.

Foster development of skills for: Communication; Critical thinking; Risk-taking; Reflective learning.

For studentsStudents participating in QAPS programs benefit from a program that is:

Unique not more


Focused on understanding themselves as learners

Rigorous in its curriculum

Pedagogically innovative

Curriculum Overview

A series of interrelated courses that build in complexity and are influenced by the high expectations and challenges associated with learning in the Queensland Academies and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program.

Unless otherwise specified all units are of 8 weeks.


Phase One

Research Methodologies Scientific Inquiry

Research Methodologies

to understand the purpose and practices associated with research

to understand some basic concepts of research and its methodologies

to develop critical thinking, reasoning and inquiry skills to identify appropriate research topics to organise and conduct research in an appropriate manner

to develop skills in locating and disseminating data

to write a research report.

Scientific Inquiry

t o under st and t he pr ocess of sci ent i f i c i nqui r y

t o devel op i nvest i gat i ve ski l l s

t o empower st udent s t o be quest i oni ng, r ef l ect i ve and cr i t i cal t hi nker s

t o i dent i f y met hods of sci ent i f i c r esear ch

t o devel op eval uat i ng and anal yt i cal ski l l s

t o wr i t e a sci ent i f i c r esear ch r epor t .

Phase Two

Mathematical Explorations Literature and Critique Microbiology Architecture and Design

Mathematical Explorations

confident, creative users and communicators of mathematics, able to investigate, represent and interpret situations involving mathematics;

develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of mathematical concepts and fluency with processes, and are able to solve problems and reason in Algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics;

recognise connections between the areas of mathematics and other disciplines and appreciate mathematics as an accessible and enjoyable discipline of study

Literature and Critique

Confident, creative communicators when they seek to identify and analyse the themes and issues in novels, plays and poetry

Utilise a range of techniques to critically analyse, compare and contrast, and thoughtfully comment on the textual strategies employed by different writers

Analyse the themes and formal characteristics of the texts studied

To develop critical thinking, reasoning and inquiry skills


To develop practical skills specific to Microbiology

To gain understanding of cell theory

To gain understanding of basic microbiology concepts.

To develop processing and presenting data skills.

Week 5, Tuesday November 11, 6.00pm – 7.00pm

Thursday November 13, 6.00pm – 7.00pm

in the Lab at QASMT

Architecture and Design

Students will:

be confident communicators of art/design principles;

develop a sophisticated understanding of architectural concepts and fluency with processes;

be able to solve problems and reason in Structural form, Pattern and Three dimensional space;

recognise connections between the areas of architecture and other design based disciplines

Phase Three

Critical Thinking and the Global Citizen

Gain an understanding of themselves as learners – focused on deep inquiry and real world research and issues as well as gaining valuable peer to peer support through collaboration with online teachers and students from other schools.

Timelines and Delivery

Eight (8) week on-line courses

Two (2) 60 minute teaching and learning episodes each week.

Designed for online delivery using IConnect and Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing

Home Study Requirements

Reliable home internet connection

A quiet place to study, including a desk and a chair that supports good posture and concentration while sitting at a computer

USB noise cancelling headsets. We use and recommended Logitech h540 headsets available at many local retailers for just over $50.00.

Attendance Expectations

It is an expectation that full attendance and participation is required in order to complete the course successfully.

The course delivery is based on 16 hours of learning experiences (including one compulsory lesson and one compulsory tutorial per week).

We appreciate family support of students’ participation.

Classroom participation

It is expected that students are willing to share ideas with other class members and have the confidence to explain their opinion/s even when this may differ from others in the class.

Students are expected to have a positive attitude and approach new work with enthusiasm and the desire to learn.

Students are expected to be self motivated and work independently.

Students are encouraged to become creative, critical and reflective thinkers.

Submission of Work

It is an expectation that students will submit ALL weekly tasks/activities in order to complete the course successfully.

Students will submit ONE final assessment task.

Task Expectations

Teachers will clarify the expectations for all tasks with direct reference to learning objective/s.

Task specific clarifications will clearly explain what students are expected to know and do. They might be in the form of:

A classroom discussion A detailed task sheet A task-specific assessment criteria


Students will receive feedback on all weekly tasks/activities and drafts.

Students need to be reflective thinkers who continually review and respond to feedback given to improve learning outcomes.

Achievement standards and Reporting

All courses will be reported as standards A – E.

At the conclusion of each course, students will receive a certificate of participation and report from the Queensland Academies.

Where applicable, student outcomes will also be noted on the partnership school reports.

Results will be on OneSchool.

Accessing course information

‘How to Videos’ for accessing Blackboard Collaborate, Blackboard Elearn and MISWebMail are available on our website:

Accessing course information

Course information is available on Blackboard.

Click on eLearn (Bb)

Choose your course

Announcements page

Course Information

The material for each week here

Iconnect sessionsInsert search here

Your on-line session is displayed here. It will be blue if it is active.

Your online session will be displayed. If it is blue your course is active.

Be patient

It does take a few minutes to load.

Please ensure that your child logs on to the session a few minutes prior to the start time of the lesson so that they are not late.

Lessons will commence promptly at start time.


Use of tools

Students are to use the tools, when directed by the teacher, to participate in the on-line lesson.

Tools are to be used responsibly.

Recorded lessons

All on-line lessons are recorded.

Recorded lessons can be accessed at any time by the student.

Accessing recorded lessons

Search for recordings here

General Discussion

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