OMS Week In Review

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A newsletter produced by the Office of the Minister of State: Sports, National School Meals Service and Special Projects ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA


The American University of Antigua College of Medicine Hosts Seminar on

Sports Medicine Orientation for Ministry of Sports Technicians

The partnership between the American University

of Antigua (AUA), Col-

lege of Medicine and the Ministry of Sports was

further demonstrated by

way of a three hour semi-

nar on Sports Medicine Orientation hosted by the

local University on

Wednesday December 12, 2012 from 8:30 - 12:30


At the opening ceremony,

which was held at the

AUA Campus, Acting

Minister of Education, Sports, Youth and Gender

Affairs, Sen. Hon.

Winston Williams Jr. com-

mended the Management and Staff of the Institution

for contributing to national

development through edu-cation, health and sports.

The Seminar which saw

the participation of 43 sports administrators,

coaches and other techni-

cians from the Ministry of Sports, included presenta-

tions on the following ar-


Emotional Coaching -

Dr. James

Rice, Associate Dean of Research / Associ-

ate Professor & Chair

- Behavioral Science/

Director - University Counseling Services

Sports Nutrition - Ms. Dorothy Graham-

Charles, Nutritionist,

Medical Benefits


Conditioning & The

Human Body - Dr. Elias Jackson Jr. As-

sistant Professor,


Common Sports Inju-

ries in Children &

Young Athletes - Dr. Shari Jackson, Assis-

tant Professor, ICM Continued on following page...




December 17, 2012 VOL 2 ISSUE 13/Wk 02

The Office of the Minister of State: Sports, National School Meals Service and Special Projects

Inside this issue:

2012 National Students Athletes Named


School Sports Column


ABBSA has a new National Champion


Letter From The Desk Of The Minister Of State


12 & Under Jun-ior Tournament at SASS


Senior Sports Services Unit Corner


Sports Health Tip 11

Fencing displayed in Antigua & Bar-buda for the first time.


AUA representative Mr Vernon Soloman along with Miss Candine

Roberts, Mrs Anne Jonas and Mr William Richards of the Ministry of


Transportation of Injured Athletes, Mr. Marlon Des-

tin, Senior Administrator,

Emergency Medical Ser-vices

In his brief remarks, Minister Williams also used the opportu-

nity to call on the Management

of AUA to work steadfastly to-wards the establishment of a

faculty of sports medicine to

provide critical education and

training for national, regional and international students alike.

The Vice President, Mr. Stuart stated that the AUA was com-

mitted to making a significant

contribution to national develop-

ment in Antigua and Barbuda in the areas of health and sports. He

also shared that the institution

was in the process of expanding the cricket, basketball and tennis

facilities on campus for use by

both students and residents.

The feedback from the participants to the seminar presentation was

very positive. Sports Technicians

also had an opportunity to identify areas of sports medicine which they

would wish to receive more in-

depth training in the future.

The AUA College of Medicine is also collaborating with the Ministry

of Sports on the Inter-collegiate

Cricket Championships which was started last year.

Page 2

Demonstration on how to lift an injured patient

Mr Mervyn Richards listening keenly

to Keynote Speaker

Coaches getting advice from AUA profes-



At the 3rd Annual Student/Athletes Awards Ceremony, held

last evening at the Bible Believers

Sanctuary in Clare Hall, nominees in ten (10) sporting disciplines

received their awards before the

announcement of the Top Male

and Female Student/Athletes.

The Acting Minister of Educa-

tion, Sports, Youth and Gender Affairs, Sen. Hon. Winston Wil-

liams congratulated the young

scholar athletes and charged them to 'Go the Distance' not only in

their athletic but academic careers.

The Chief Judge, Honourable D.

Giselle Isaac commended the nomi-nees and applauded the policy to

blend sports and academics in the

youth development process.

At the end of the evening, the Top

Male and Female Student/ Athletes

for 2012 were announced as Mr. Cehjae Greene a Track and Field

Athlete from the Princess Margaret

School and Ms. D'Jeri Raymond, a Tennis Athlete from the St. An-

thony's Secondary School

The Student/Athletes Awards is

an annual event which invites nominations from both the Na-

tional Sports Associations and

School Sports Programme for

consideration by a panel of judges.

In addition to the Chief Judge, Hon. D. Giselle Isaac, the 2012

Panel of Judges was comprised

of Canon Franklin Reid and Mr. Hugh Gore.

Page 3 The Office of the Minister of State: Sports, National School Meals

School Sports Column

The Ministry of Sports Cool &

Smooth School Football Knockout

Championships end

The Ministry of Sports/Cool &

Smooth school football knockout

championships has ended after a

round of very competitive matches.

The best of the best played hard but

at the end of it all there could be

only one champion in each category.

The results are as follows:

Under 18 Male Division

The All Saints Secondary School

(ASSS) ousted out the Pares Secon-

dary School 2-1 in the finals making

them the champions in this category.

Alzarri Joseph was the player of the

finals in this category.

Under 18 Female Division

St. Anthony’s Secondary School beat

Jennings Secondary School 3-1 on pen-

alties to become the knockout champi-

ons. Jade Iturriaga was the player of the

finals. St. Anthony’s was also the

League champions this season.

Under 15 Female Division

The Antigua Girls High School

(AGHS) beat Clare Hall Secondary

School (CHSS) 2-1 which made them

victorious in the knockout champion-

ships. Britney Edwards was named the

player of the finals in this champion-


Under 15 Male Division

The All Saints Secondary School

(ASSS) defeated the National

Technical Training Centre 2-1 to

become champions. Kenduka

Challenger was named the Player

of the finals.

The Ministry of Sports would like

to commend all players, coaches,

sponsors and supporters for a job

well done.

ABBSA Has a New 2012 National 9 Ball Champion

Bryan ultimately had to compete for third place against Vernon Peltier, another competitive athlete. Both Bryan and Peltier lost their chance for a spot in the finals and Hence had to compete in a race to seven wins. Bryan emerged trium-phant defeating Peltier seven to six. However, what hardly any initially suspected but ultimately realized is the ‘new kid in town’ Bernard Dowdy, was the upset in the com-petition. It was clear he was a for-midable opponent to Bernard Percival who initially appeared able to keep Dowdy at bay where at one point he, Percival, was leading. However Dowdy, who has been Playing pocket billiards in excess of a decade, was patient and meticulous in his approach which allowed him to seemingly wear Percival down with his strategic method of play by executing some impressive safety shots. At the end, Dowdy emerged the winner defeating Bernard Percival eleven to eight and hence securing his reign of the coveted title of 9 Ball Champion.

Both Dowdy and Percival received 1st and 2nd place trophies respectively and all three (Dowdy, Percival, and Bryan) received cash prizes as well as soft-drinks courtesy Frank B Armstrong. In terms of what is next, President of the Antigua and Barbuda Billiards Sports Association Kadesh Bailey intimated the Association will increase the number of competitions and provide separate competitions for males and females. Additionally, the association will realize the implementation of the Youth Development Billiards Programme which has an inter-school competition component to it. Bailey closed the competition by saying 2013 will be a remarkable year for Billiards Sports in Antigua and Barbuda and he is excited to see what will happen in the months to come. To learn more about the Antigua and Barbuda Billiards Sports Association, visit their Face-book page or web site at:

The Antigua and Barbuda Bil-liards Sports Association held its annual 9 Ball Championship this past Saturday, December 15 at the association headquarters in Gunthorpes (Caribbean Relay Company complex). Thirteen ath-letes competed relentlessly from 11:00AM until 10:30PM when the last 9 ball was sunk Specta-tors came out to see some of the greats like reigning 8 Ball cham-pion and 2011 Top Male Athlete nominee Bernard Percival and Newly crowned 9 Ball Invitational champion Dale Bryan. The female Athletes were wonderfully repre-sented in both Yolanda Joseph and 2011 Top Female Athlete nominee Sira Berzas both of whom gave stellar performances defeating male counterparts and progressing to the quarter finals. Imtiaz Tal-lim, the current 2012 Top Male Student Athlete nominee, was among the youths; he performed very well winning a set (race to six wins) against Bernard Dowdy. Both Percival and Bryan were amongst the top-favored to win the championship however as the day progressed an upset was in sight.

Page 4 The Office of the Minister of State: Sports, National School Meals

2012 Billiard winners posing with their trophies


Sports, National School Meals Service and Special Projects

Page 5 The Office of the Minister of State: Sports, National School Meals

Dear Stakeholders

The last few weeks have been very

busy and even more so with the ad-

ditional responsibilities as Acting

Minister in the absence of the sub-

stantive Minister, Hon. Dr. Jacqui

Quinn Leandro who has been on

leave. It has however been my

pleasure to serve and I am confident

that the Technical Officers in the

Departments of Education, Youth

and Gender Affairs will continue to

provide the Public with the best ser-

vice possible.

My letter highlights a number of

events in our schedule over the last

few days which will provide you

with a brief synopsis of some of the

events taking place in the commu-


December 6, 2012

Official meetings began in the

morning with frank and open dis-

cussions with three executive mem-

bers of the Antigua and Barbuda

Cricket Association (ABCA) on the

state of local cricket and the way

forward for the Association in light

of plans to complete arrangements

with the ABFA to enter into a man-

agement lease of the ARG during the

day. The ABCA representatives in-

cluded Secretary, Mr. Martin Cave,

2nd Vice President Mr. Elkanah

Charles and Director, Mr. Earl Wal-

dron. Our delegation included the Di-

rector of Sports, Mr. Mervyn Richards

and Special Projects Coordinator; Mrs.

Anne Jonas.

Following our discussions, all parties

agreed that in light of the pending An-

nual General Meeting (AGM) for the

Association, further discussions on the

relocation of the ABCA Secretariat,

the cricket youth and club develop-

ment programmes, the management of

the Sir Vivian Richards Cricket Sta-

dium, Communication and other ave-

nues of collaboration between the

ABCA and the Ministry would be held

after the AGM. The evening was spent celebrating the

achievements of the 2012 student/

athletes at the Bible Believers Sanctu-

ary. The Ceremony was short but very

inspiring as 15 nominees in 10 sports

were featured as the top student/

athletes in their individual sporting

disciplines. The evening saw the win-

ning Male and Female Athletes of the

Year being named as Mr. Cejhae

Greene and Ms. D’Jeri Raymond in

the sports of Athletics and Tennis re-

spectively. Congratulations once again

to the winners and to the nominees on

their achievement. We look forward

to their future success in their various

sporting disciplines. The Ministry of

Sports extends sincerest gratitude to

the Pastor and members of the Bible

Believers Fellowship for their warm

hospitality. We truly felt the true

meaning of God’s love.

Later that evening, I journeyed to

the Antigua Recreation Grounds

to get a first hand view of the state

of readiness of the facilities for

the Caribbean Football Cup. I

took the opportunity to commend

the grounds men, construction

team and the President and Gen-

eral Secretary of the Antigua and

Barbuda Football Association on

the successful preparation of the

grounds and the installation of

additional flood lights on the


While at the Antigua Recreation

Grounds I learned of the fire at the

Antigua Grammar School, which

was blazing in the south eastern

most wooden building on the

compound, the home of a fourth

form class. I allowed the Fire De-

partment to address the blaze and

made arrangements to visit the

school on the following morning .

December 7, 2013

Accompanied by the Senior Edu-

cation Officer with responsibility

for Secondary Schools, Mr. Clare

Browne I visited the Antigua

Grammar School as planned. We

met with the Principal, Ms. Myrna

Isaac and the staff and I had the

opportunity to thank them for

their contribution to national de-

velopment and assured them that

the Government would do all in

its power to provide safe school

environments for both staff and


Continued on following page...


Sports, National School Meals Service and Special Projects

Page 6 The Office of the Minister of State: Sports, National School Meals

True to form, the young students did

not allow the incident to spoil their

planned house football match. I took

the opportunity to display my sporting

skills in a friendly game of hand ten-

nis. Who won? I will keep that a se-

cret. I then joined enthusiasts in cheer-

ing on a couple of teams engaged in

the football match.

Regarding the cause of the fire, the

Ministry of Education is expected to

receive the official report from the

Fire Service.

My schedule that morning also called

for a site visit to the Tomlinson's area

with the Ministry of Lands representa-

tive to confirm the location for the

new secondary school which is ex-

pected to be constructed as part of the

CDB Basic Education Project - Phase

II. Other components of the project

will include the construction of a

model early childhood education cen-

tre as well as a Measurement and Test-

ing Unit in the same location.

The Country Director Eastern Carib-

bean Peace Corps, Ms. Elizabeth Nea-

son along with Associate Peace Corps

Director Antigua and Barbuda, Ms.

Cleo Henry, paid a courtesy call to my

office. The occasion marked the last

official visit to Antigua and Barbuda

as a Peace Corps jurisdiction due to

budget cuts which forced to pro-

gramme to be restricted to only the

neediest countries in the Eastern Car-

ibbean. I expressed my disappoint-

ment with the US Government's deci-

sion to close the St. John's Peace

Corps Office and made a strong case

for the extension of the programme

even for a period of six (6) months. I

explained that in light of the serious

challenges being faced by the nation

as a result of an increasing number of

youth offenders, that it would be

meaningful to establish a national

equivalent to the Peace Corps under

the caption of a National Volunteer

Corps (NVC). In response, Ms. Nea-

son expressed her Organization's regret

at having to make this decision and

acknowledged the needs which still

exist in certain sectors of the society.

She however gave assurances that

every effort would be made to provide

technical assistance where possible to

guide the establishment of the NVC. In

spite of my disappointment, I however

expressed the profound gratitude of the

Government and People of Antigua

and Barbuda to the Peace Corps for

their years of service to the country in

a range of areas to include education,

information and communication tech-

nology, health and youth development.

The Peace Corps Office in Antigua

and Barbuda will officially close on

December 31, 2012.

Heroes Weekend – December 8 – 10,


The weekend was also a very special

one for the Football Fraternity, when

sports enthusiasts in Antigua and Bar-

buda participated in the official open-

ing of the 2012 Caribbean Football

Cup which will see the participation of

eight (8) teams competing at both the

Antigua Recreation Grounds and the

Sir Vivian Richards Cricket Stadium

December 7 - 14, 2012. I was pleased

to be on hand at the Opening Cere-

mony and acknowledged the work of

all those who had made it possible for

the hosting of the full event in Antigua

and Barbuda for the first time. On a

previous occasion in 1997, the event

was jointly hosted in the twin island

nations of St. Kitts/Nevis and Antigua

and Barbuda respectively. I got all

excited with the prospects of our

Benna Boys competing in the finals

with the win against the Soca

Warriors, so I can understand the

disappointment of fans when this

proved not to be. We remain

hopeful nonetheless that our foot-

ball future will be bright.

In addition to a number of Na-

tional Heroes Day events such as

the Church Service and wreath

laying ceremonies, the 2012 holi-

day weekend included a number

of other exciting sporting events

to include the Dadli Hikers Cross

Country Walk from Hawksbill to

Half Moon Bay, the two day 'Full

Throttle' Car Race at the John I

Martin IV Recreational Centre

and the Liberta Sports Club Walk

from Old Road.

Continued on following page...


Sports, National School Meals Service and Special Projects

Page 7 The Office of the Minister of State: Sports, National School Meals

Sports Technicians participated or

attended one or more of these

events. The Ministry of Sports

also served as sponsor of the Full

Throttle Car Race and provided

the Minister of Sports Trophies to

eight categories of winners. The

Government of Antigua and Bar-

buda also provided waiver of

taxes and fees for the overseas

participating teams. Congratula-

tions to all the winners listed be-


Continued on following page...

Minister Williams engaging in a presentation with organiz-

ers of Full Throttle


Sports, National School Meals Service and Special Projects

Page 8 The Office of the Minister of State: Sports, National School Meals

14 Second Class

Winner- Kish Roberts

Runner Up- Arnold "Screech" Sam-


13 Second Class

Winner- Andre "fuzzy" Francis

Runner up- Tori Abraham

12 Second Class

Winner - Magic Frederick

Runner up - Clinton Jackson

11 Second Class

Winner - Clinton Jackson

Runner up- Lenny (SKB)

1/8th 5.99 Class

Winner- Andrew Hadeed

Runner up- Yousef Michael

The National Youth Awards was

held on Saturday evening at the Pre-

cision Centre where a number of

deserving individuals were recog-

nized for their contribution to youth

development in a range of areas. I

was pleased to congratulate the

awardees during the ceremony. The

Commonwealth Youth Develop-

ment Specialist, Ms. Glenyss James,

who is based in Guyana, was also on

island to receive an award for her

work with youths across the region.

It certainly brought back memories

of my tenure as the Minister of State

with responsibility for Youth during

the period 2005 – 2009 and my work

with Ms. James on the regional and

national levels.

Congratulations to all National Youth

Award Winners 2012! The winners

are listed as follows:

1. Special Awards - Author Joanne

C. Hillhouse and Regional Youth De-

velopment Specialist Glenyss James.

2. Education Award Winners - Joni

Spencer, Joel Beazer and Adia


3. Outstanding Scholarship

Awardee - Diane Archibald

4. Young Sports Man and Sports

Woman - Quinton Griffith and

Tamiko Butler

5. Young Journalist - Rory Butler

6. Young Media Practitioner -

Cleveroy Thomas

7. Youth Friendly Media House -

Observer Media Group

8. Cultural and Performing Arts -

Tiffany Smith and Renee Smith

9. Young Farmer of the Year, the

Princess Margaret School Agricul-

tural Science Programme

10. Literary Arts, Linisa George

11. Visual Arts, Emile Hill

12. Tourism Service, Coleen Samuel

13. Tourism Management, Andre


14. Young Entrepreneur, Mario


15. Young Artisan, Natasha


16. Community Service– Individ-

ual, Silvyn Farrell

17. Community Service – Group,


18. Young Professional, Ladesa

Loren James

19. Barbuda’s Best, Renee De-


20. Young Activist, Women of


21. Phoenix Award, Paralympian

Jamol Pilgrim

22. Corporate Award Recipients

as Youth Development Partners –

Sandals and Bank of Nova Sco-


23. Corporate Award Recipients

for Philanthropy – Cool &

Smooth, The Source and Ayou-


24. Lifetime Service Award re-

cipients – Charlene Warner-

Samuel, Lucaso Brumant, Dr.

Margaret O’Garro, Edris

George, Genevieve Smith, and

Eustace ‘Gaytooks’ Harris

Continued on following page...

December 11, 2012

The celebration continued on

Tuesday with CARICOM/Cuba

day. I was pleased to join the

Prime Minister, Hon. Dr. Winston

Baldwin Spencer, as well as a

number of senior technicians and

Ambassadors from the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs at a luncheon

celebration at the Cuban Embassy

here in Antigua and Barbuda. I

joined in recounting the long and

beneficial regional partnership

between CARICOM and Cuba but

also the close bilateral relation-

ships between Antigua and Bar-

buda and the largest Caribbean

island. Scores of young Antiguans

and Barbudans have benefited

from Cuban Scholarships, our

public health, sports and engineer-

ing sectors have also seen signifi-

cant growth through assistance

gained from Cuban technical ex-


Following my recent visit to

Cuba, I also look forward to wel-

coming very shortly, a diagnostic

team of experts to conduct an as-

sessment of our sports sector with

a view to providing recommenda-

tions for the establishment of the

National Institute of Sports.

The day was also spent meeting

with the President of the National

Sailing Academy who provided an

update on the work of the Acad-

emy which is expected to see the

establishment of a Home for the

entity in the upcoming year. Ex-

ecutive members of the Contract

Bridge Association also met with

Senior Technical Officers during

the day to discuss plans for the

2013 OECS Bridge Championships

which will be hosted in Antigua

and Barbuda in parallel with an

Open Invitational Tournament.

Antigua and Barbuda are the pre-

sent OECS Contract Bridge Cham-

pions. The Ministry of Sports con-

tinues to pray with the family and

friends of President, Mr. Al James

who has been hospitalized for the

last few months.

December 12, 2012

This was not only a day for the delivery of

the Throne Speech by Governor General,

Dame Louise Lake Tack GCMG, DGN,

DSt.J in which plans for development in

Education, Youth, Sports and Gender Af-

fairs were highlighted, but it was also a

day when the partnership between the

American University of Antigua (AUA),

College of Medicine and the Ministry of

Sports was further demonstrated by way of

a three hour seminar on Sports Medicine

Orientation hosted by the local University.

At the opening ceremony, which was held

at the AUA Campus, I commended the

Management and Staff of the Institution

for demonstrating clearly through their

work with a number of entities including

the Ministry of Sports that they were good

corporate citizens. The Seminar which saw

the participation of 43 sports administra-

tors and technicians from the Ministry of

Sports, included presentations on emo-

tional coaching, sports nutrition, condition-

ing and the human body, common sports

injuries in young athletes and transporta-

tion of injured athletes.

Continued on following page...


Sports, National School Meals Service and Special Projects

Page 9

National Youth Awards


Sports, National School Meals Service and Special Projects

Page 10 The Office of the Minister of State: Sports, National School Meals

Facilitators included Doctors Jim

Rice, Elias and Shari Jackson as

well as Ms. Dorothy Graham-

Charles and Mr. Marlon Destin. In

my brief remarks, I used the oppor-

tunity to call on the Management of

AUA to work steadfastly towards

the establishment of a faculty of

sports medicine to provide critical

education and training for national,

regional and international students

alike. The Vice President of AUA,

Mr. Basil Stuart as well as the

course organizer, Mr. Vernon Solo-

mon, Head of the Emergency Medi-

cal Training Department, Dr. An-

gela Adams, Community Outreach

Coordinator and Ms. Sumita Ba-

looja, Outreach Officer were also on

hand at the Ceremony. The feedback

from the participants to the seminar

presentation was very positive.

Sports Technicians also had an op-

portunity to identify areas of sports

medicine which they would wish to

receive more in-depth training in the


December 12, 2012 also marked a

special day for one of our staff mem-

bers, Sports Officer, Mr. Austin Rich-

ards who celebrated 40 years of Public

Service. I extend highest commenda-

tion to Mr. Richards for his service to

the people of Antigua and Barbuda

and in particular the sporting frater-


The day ended with a site visit to the

proposed location for the Headquarters

for the National Sailing Academy.

President of the Academy, Ms. Eliza-

beth Jordan was on hand to guide the

tour at the English Harbour location.

Additional details will be provided

over the next few months as more in-

formation becomes available.

Dear Stakeholders, as I close this

week’s message, I encourage you

to look out for details on our up-

coming events in 2013 which will

be declared the Year of Sports in Antigua and Barbuda. Get ready

to participate in one or more of

the activities or volunteer to assist

in planning the events. Feel free to

contact our office at 562 6227 for

further details.

As always, ‘Keep Moving’


Senator Winston Williams Jr Minister of State, Sports, National School Meals Service and Special Projects




Keon Armstrong (St. John’s Lu-

theran) and Lilly Mae Thomas (St.

Anthony's Secondary) were both

successful in their bid to claim the

boys and girls 12 & under title at

this weekend’s SASS (St. An-

thony’s Secondary) Jr. tennis tour-


St. Anthony’s Secondary School

(SASS) in collaboration with

Samantha’s Tennis held its first Jr.

Tournament on its courts, Saturday 8th

Dec, 2012. Over 25 Under 12 juniors

were present as the tournament kicked


In the boys finals Keon Armstrong (St.

John’s Lutheran) got the better of Noah

Fields (St. Andrew’s Primary) ousting

him with a 4-0; similar results

came in the girls competition as Lilly

Mae Thomas defeated Devon Wuilliez


Tournament director Ms. Samantha

Johnson was pleased with the

turn out and encouraged the ath-

letes to continue to work hard in

preparation for the 2013 season.

The ABTA 2013 tennis season

will kick off on January 12, 2013

with the Rupert K. Henry Tennis

10s tournament, immediately fol-

lowed on the January 26th with

the Under 14 open competition.

Page 11 The Office of the Minister of State: Sports, National School Meals

Life begins at 40 Have fun It’s a journey Come join the party It’s all about you Take control Make the change You will be glad You did.

Let’s hike, play games Run, walk, and make friends Make Antigua the Life Style of the World Join with the Senior Sports Unit. Live long, live well

Enjoy. It’s all about you.

The Senior Sports Medical Services

unit is a new arm of the Special Pro-

jects Department of the Ministry of

Sports. This unit is charged with creat-

ing sports and recreational activities

for persons who are forty and over

with Cisse Joseph and Bradley

Knowles at the helm. The Ministry of

Sports identified senior sports as an

area for development since sports and

recreation were typically thought to be

only for “the young.” Nevertheless,

many persons who are forty and older

still have the capability of partici-

pating in physical activity and

should be given the chance to do

so. Further, as our populace bat-

tles with a high prevalence of non-

communicable diseases such as

diabetes, hypertension and high

cholesterol it is a good initiative to

keep this age category healthier

through sporting activities. The

Ministry of Sports is proud of this

new imitative and has pledged its

full support behind the department

to ensure its success.

Sports Health Tip

How do I relieve stress?

Is your daily life wearing you down?

Does your life seem as if it is spinning

out of control? If these things are hap-

pening to you, then you are likely to

be stressed. Stress relievers can restore

some degree of serenity to your life.

You do not have to invest a lot of time

or thought into stress relievers but

instead just try one of these 4 tips

when your stress gets out of control.

Top 4 stress relievers

Get active

Just about any form of exercise

and physical activity can act as a

stress reliever. Even if you are not

an athlete or you are not in the

best shape, physical activity

pumps up your feel-good endor-

phins and refocuses your mind on

your body's movements; improv-

ing your mood and helping the

day's irritations fade away.

Continued on following page...

Senior Sports Services Unit

Page 12 The Office of the Minister of State: Sports, National School Meals

So consider gardening, house clean-

ing, biking, swimming, weightlift-

ing, walking, jogging or anything

else that gets you active.

2. Meditate

Meditation instills a sense of calm,

peace and balance that benefits both

your emotional well-being and your

overall health. During meditation,

you remain focused and jumbled

thoughts that may be crowding your

mind and causing stress are elimi-


3. Do yoga

With its series of postures and con-

trolled-breathing exercises, yoga is a

popular stress reliever. Yoga brings

together physical and mental disci-

plines to achieve peacefulness of body

and mind, helping you relax and man-

age stress and anxiety.

4. Sleep

Stress often affects sleep because

the mind is constantly occupied

with a “to do list.” However, sleep

is the time when the brain and

body recharge. Also, the quality

and amount of sleep you get af-

fects your mood, energy level,

concentration and overall func-

tioning. So sleep often.

The National Olympic Committee Introduces Fencing

To Antigua and Barbuda For The First Time

courtesy call on the Director of

Sports, who expressed the Ministry’s

support for the initiative.

sons, including students from the St.

Anthony’s Secondary School, were

exposed to the sport by a Coach from

the International Fencing Federation.

While on island, the Coach also paid a

The National Olympic Committee

recently sponsored a Technical

Fencing Coaching Course from No-

vember 14—28, 2012 here in Anti-

gua and Barbuda. A number of per-

Demonstration of Fencing at the St. Anthony’s Secondary School





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This weekly online newsletter is produced by the Communications Unit in the Office

of the Minister of State: Sports, National School Meal Service and Special Projects.

It is compiled by a team of professionals including Ms. Candine Roberts and Mr. Rich-

ard Henry.

Ms. Candine Roberts has responsibility for the formulation of the National Institute of

Sports Project and management of the Communications Unit, while Mr. Richard Henry

has responsibility for internet based communications.

As usual feel free to share your information, news and notices with us by sending an

email to or calling the Communications Unit at 464 1311.

Keep up with all the latest information by following us on



Seasons Greeting To One And All

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