Omran Abu Ghoush - Portfolio

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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By: Omran Abu Ghoush

2nd Year Mechanical Engineering, University of Toronto

I am a 2nd year Mechanical Engineering student at the University of Toronto that aspires to be a PHD

student with a main focus on sustainable methods of operating automobiles and other fossil-fuel

dependent machinery. My ultimate goal is to become a professor with great academic success in

the fields of sustainability and machinery manufacturing. My deep passion about cars and motoring

vehicles will be my main drive to push me towards creating a fully functioning sustainable system

that supplies energy that would replace fossil-fuel engines in the future. My past experiences in

solution generation will assist in achieving my goals and aspirations. Such solution generation and

design developing experiences include working with two teams to develop a method to prevent a

catch basin from overflowing during torrential rainfall and a method that helps contain the heat and

freshness of food during delivery. Other experiences additionally helped me gain several skills that


§ Proficiency in Programming Languages such as C, Java (Object-oriented), Matlab, Picaxe

§ Proficiency in 3D modeling softwares such as Solidworks

§ Ability to construct functioning circuits on breadboards that possess multiple different functions

§ Manufacturing and machining capabilities

§ Team management and leading skills

§ Problem-solving and analytical skills

§ Throughout the course of two semesters, I was able to learn Java programming

syntax and apply it to problems that included mathematical, strategic,

organizational skills. Some topics learnt included learning how to utilize and

manipulate arrays, strings, functions, pointers and other many topics. To test

my skills and summarize all the topics that I have learnt, I worked alongside a

teammate on two different games at the end of each semester, where the first

was based a procedural programming style while the other focused on an

object-oriented style of programming. The layouts for these games had to

initially be designed and the procedures to implement them had to be

discussed prior to the programming stage to fully be confident that our

designs would be functional. These programmed games were:

1. Space Invaders Procedural Java Program

2. Tetris Object-Oriented Java Program

§ Lessons Learned: I acquired the knowledge of being able to develop a fully

functional program from the bottom up. By the use of my knowledge of the

syntax, I was able to apply my designing and problem-solving skills to develop

games that can be used by users for entertainment.

• Space Invaders revolves around the idea that the player is controlling a small spaceship that is trying to shoot and destroy

three enemy spaceships. The player’s spaceship must avoid the enemy’s attempts to shoot it down and drain its health. This

program utilizes a GUI with photo shopped images of the backgrounds and spaceships characters. This program

encompassed methods of timing the shooting of the bullets, maintaining the oscillation movement of the enemy space ships,

controlling the shooting and movement of the players’ ship and several other controls.

• Required Skills: Problem-solving, mathematical and analytical skills, Organizational skills in programming (commenting), and

the ability to develop a functioning and aesthetically pleasing GUI system,

• Tetris is a game with a purpose to have each shape that comes down form a row without gaps. The aim of the game is to

have the shapes not reach the top of the screen for as long as possible. By implementing an object-oriented style of

program, I was able to properly organize the program by having a shape, movement and other objects separated into their

own object classes. Similarly to the previous program, the shapes and background interfaces were edited and imported

into the program. Some functions that shaped this program included parametrizing the area that the shapes can be

localized in, exponentially increasing the speed of the falling blocks, eliminating a row once it is full and several other


• Skills Required: Excellent knowledge of object-oriented programming, Ability to integrate a real-time timer into the

program, Persistent problem-solving, creative thinking and improvisation skills, Organizational skills (commenting)

• The following projects reflect my manufacturing and machining skills that I have acquired

throughout the years by creating such designs and models. The majority of these designs are

aluminum based and are manufactured in a machine shop. Through my use of a milling machine,

lathe, band saw, jigsaw, calipers, files and dremels, I was able to transform layouts of these

designs into physical objects that model the outlined designs.

• Required Skills: Schematic Drawing, Ability to Use Milling Machine, Lathe, Drill Press, Jigsaw,

Dremel, Files and Band saw, Ability to properly design, outline and measure layouts for given


• Lessons Learned: I learned the skills required to ensure proper use of a milling machine, lathe,

drill press, band saw and jigsaw. Additionally, I was able to practice the ability to create

accurate measurements using such machines. Finally, I learned how to properly finish those

designs through the use of proper files and sandpaper gradients to have a properly polished

and refined finished model.

Aluminum Notched Ring

• This ring was created to fit my ring finger by

measuring the thickest point of my finger.

Accordingly, I utilized a drill bit size that matched

that measurement and bored a hole into an

aluminum rod using a lathe. Afterwards, I notched

the outside of the ring, cut the specific designated

width of the ring off and filed the edges and

insides to ensure smoothness throughout the ring,

such that the ring does not cut or injure me.

“OJ” Aluminum Plate

This model reflects my own design that

I created through outlines and layouts.

By starting off with an aluminum plate

and outlining my design onto it using

blue dye, I used a band saw and jigsaw

to cut the plate into the designated

shape of the design. Afterwards, I filed

and used sandpaper to make the faces

and edges smooth.

Aluminum Cubic Key Chin

• This aluminum cube is the product

of a 1’’ by 1’’. I initially had to hole

punch the center of each side.

Afterwards using a milling machine,

I drilled into the sides using

different sized drills at different

depths to create the following

design. I utilized files and

sandpaper to create a refined finish.

Aluminum Dice

• This project revolves around the design of a 6-faced die that was

created using aluminum. The die initially started off as a rough

aluminum cube that had to be milled down using a milling machine

to its appropriate dimensions of 1’’ by 1’’ by 1’’. Additionally,

through the use of a caliper, I laid out the the locations of the dots

for each respective place, then drill punched and drilled the holes

using a drill press. I particularly invested a lot of time and effort in

trying to make this finished model appear as polished and refined

as possible by using proper files and sandpaper gradients.

Pneumatic Engine Model

• This model is a fully functioning pneumatic engine, where

the piston undergoes its stroking cycle when compressed

air is passing through the inlet pipes of the cylinder. I was

responsible for mainly designing the aluminum cylinder

and piston that were machined primarily using a lathe

and milling machine. Based on set engineering drawings

of the parts, I had to machine these parts with minimal

variance from the given measurements and assemble

them to form this given design.

• The following genre of projects reflects my ability to construct and lay out different intricate circuit board systems that can perform different tasks such

as operating a robot, or initiating a timer. I was able to construct such intricate systems using resources that include microchips, LED’s, transistors,

resistors, digit counters, breadboards and other components. These projects started off as schematics and layouts that are planned out on circuit board

drawings with the initial intention of having the overall product perform a specific function. Additionally, such design layouts were not always successful,

thus causing me to have to alter my layouts efficiently after having built them already. Also prior to altering such designs, the troubleshooting process

taught me how to analyze a circuit and be able to efficiently detect the source of the issue that is causing the circuit to not function properly.

• Required Skills: Excellent understanding of circuit building, Electric component analysis, Logic gate truth table proficiency, Cable management skills,

Soldering skills, Picaxe Programming Language proficiency,

• Lessons Learned: I learned how to properly analyze a circuit board problem and appropriately tackle it using a systematic approach. By properly

defining and understanding the singular steps required to be combined to create a specific layout or schematic, I learned how that makes the actual

building process of the circuit fairly simple and straightforward. Additionally, I learned how to properly understand the inputs and outputs of the

microchips that are used in creating these circuits, in addition to learning how to program one of the chips using Picaxe software.

Robot Controller

• This model presents a controller that was utilized

to operate the Breadboard Robot. I soldered 4

wires to 4 copper plates on the base of the

controller. Afterwards I attached the top of the

controller that has 4 copper plates directly

above each of the other copper plates. When a

pair of copper plates are in contact, a specific

direction command is transmitted through the

wiring to the robot. A spring is located between

both halves to allow the disengaging of the

contact between the copper plates.

Picaxe Breadboard Robot

• This robot was created through the use

of an intricate system of microcontroller

chips and wiring. I began by designing

the layout of the wiring on a schematic,

which was then applied to the physical

breadboard. Afterwards, I programmed

the Picaxe microcontroller using Picaxe

software to enable the robot to receive

and process movement commands from

the remote controller and actually apply

it to physically operate the robot.

Breadboard Timer

• This assignment was intended to be a

timer that counts from 1-60 seconds.

Similarly to the robot, I began by

laying out the initial design on a

schematic that was then applied onto

the breadboard. Through the use of

different chips that represent AND,

OR, NOR and NAND gates, I was able

to wire a system using 2 digital pulse

counters that was able to count in

appropriate increments .

• The following genre of projects reflects my ability to create 3D models that represent real-life objects or

mechanisms. These projects revolve around the idea of either modeling a design that can possibly be

implemented in real-life or one that already exists but has been modeled with added improvements. I worked

on such projects to become more knowledgeable and informed of ways to represent designs in a more

elaborate way as compared to simple, 2-dimensioned engineering drawings. I learned how to dissect a given

assembly and measure its given parts. Each given assembly would be modeled and upgraded on Solidworks

by improving the gear train (increasing/decreasing torque/speed), developing new methods to position those

mechanisms in the given casing or even develop an entirely brand new design from start to finish.

• Required Skills: Excellent understanding of Solidworks, Ability to create working mechanisms that transmit or

modify rotational and linear motion, Ability to design layouts and engineering drawings for models prior to

modelling them on Solidworks, Proficiency in motion modification (Gear Ratio Changes)

• Lessons Learned: I learned how to troubleshoot issues with Solidworks in terms of analyzing mating and

assembly issues. Additionally, I was able to become proficient with many of the features that can be done on

Solidworks including tools to physically model a part, assembling, rendering and motion capturing. Finally, I

became able of creating engineering drawings that represent third angle and exploded views of the models.

Hand mixer Motor Assembly

• The following CAD is a representation of the motor of a hand mixer. I

designed the outer casing, motor mount and motor assembly.

Initially, I developed the assembly by bolting down the motor mount

to the casing. Afterwards, I inserted the motor assembly’s shaft into

the motor mounts shaft holes that support the motor assembly. The

motor assembly dual motor system and shaft were mated to enable

a gear ratio of 1:1:1 to ensure that their rotation was simultaneous.

After this CAD was finalized, this was given to my teammates so that

they can attach the worm gear assembly that would convert the

motor’s assembly gear ratio (increasing torque and decreasing

speed) and transmit it to the revolving mixers.

Automatic Screwdriver’s Dual-Layered Planetary Gears

• The following CAD is a representation of the gear train of an

automatically operated screwdriver. By calculating the pitch

diameters and modules of each gear, I selected the appropriate

gears from the Solidworks toolbox that would produce the required

gear ratio and mesh properly with the other gears in the planetary

gear train. The required gear ratio was designed to reduce the

speed produced by the motor and increase the torque. I assembled

the gear train by positioning the gears in an internal spur gear that

is locked in place to the shell of the screwdriver. I attached the

planetary gears to extrusions in the stage carriers that had the sun

gears extruding from them to form the entire assembly.

Base Frame of a PCB Milling Machine

• The following CAD represents the base frame of a PCB milling machine that was developed by a design team that I was a part of. However, I

was in charge of creating the CAD model for the frame alongside one of my teammates. Initially, this model was designed to allow for the

attachment of the mechanisms that allow the milling tool to move in the X and Y directions. Therefore, my partner and I selected double-layered

V-slot rails to represented the sides of the frame, which would create a profile for the insertion of the wheels that would allow the movement of

the X and Y mechanisms. Additionally, I designed the feet that were used to support those rails using Solidworks as this would need to be a

custom part, such that it can fit this assembly appropriately. My teammate and I attached a V-slot member using screws to the bottom of

wooden board to support the board and keep it stable when milling operations are taking place. By extruding four slots throughout the board, I

was able to insert large thumb screws and wing nuts on the bottom side of the board that would be utilized as clamps that can be adjusted to fit

any PCB board size and clamp the board down throughout the milling process. Finally, the rails were connected to form the frame using cubic

joints that would allow the connection of the pegs and 2 v-slot rails in all three axial directions.

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