ommittee to Proclaim Liherty ..

Post on 23-May-2022






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[ommittee to Proclaim Liherty .. i~~ites

1/ooN BELDING President, Freedoms Foundation, Inc.

ERWIN D. CANHAM Editor, Christian Science Monitor

GENERAL MARK W. CLARK United States Army

ERLE COCKE, JR. National Commander, American Legion

BING CROSBY Screen and Radio Star

CECIL B. DeMILLE Motion Picture Director and Producer

WALT DISNEY Film Executive

CHARLES E. DUNBAR, JR. Council of American Law Institute

RICHARD L. EVANS Author and Voice of " The Spoken Word"

DR. JAMES W. FIFIELD, JR. Pastor, First Congregational Church of Los Angeles

Y. FRANK FREEMAN Vice-President, Paramount Pictures

L. M . GIANNINI President, Bank of America National Trust &: Savings Association

DR. EDGAR GOODSPEED Bible Scholar and Author

CONRAD N. HILTON President, Hilton Hotels Corporation

OVETA CULP HOBBY Publisher and Fonner Director, Women's Anny Corps

PAUL G. HOFFMAN President, Ford Foundation



yrnt to jeiH witk tksm ;, cam m.&I1UJ.r.a.J.i0Jj_ ..of the 175th Anniversary of INDEPENDENCE DAY


D. A . HULCY President, U. S. Chamber of Commerce

B. E. HUTCHINSON Vice-President, Chrysler Corporation

JAMES C. INGEBRETSEN Executive Vice-President, Spiritual Mobilization

JAMES L. KRAFT Chairman of the Board, Kraft Food Company

FULTON LEWIS, JR. Radio Commentator

ROSCOE POUND Dean Emeritus, Harvard Law School

LEONARD E. READ President, The Foundation for Economic Education, Inc.


MRS. HOPE REED President, American Legion Auxiliary

CAPTAIN EDDIE V . RICKENBACKER President, Eastern Air Lines


CLARENCE MANION Dean of Law School, Notre Dame University

RABBI SAMUEL S. MA YERBERG Temple of B' Nai Gehutah, Kansas City

HUGHSTON McBAIN Chainnan of the Board, Marshall Field & Company

BISHOP EUGENE J. McGUINNESS Bishop of Oklahoma City and Tulsa

DR. ROBERT A . MILLIKAN California Institute of Technology

ADMIRAL BEN MOREELL President, Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation


W. C. MULLENDORE President, Southern California Edison Company



BISHOP G. BROMLEY OXNAM Religious Leader, Author and Lecturer

DR. NORMAN VINCENT PEALE Pastor, Marble Collegiate Church, N. Y. C.

J. HOWARD PEW Chairman of the Board, Sun Oil Company

President, Pittsburgh Pirates

JACKIE ROBINSON Brooklyn Dodgers

0 . A . SEYFERTH President, West Michigan Steel Foundry Co.



ROBERT G. SPROUL President, University of California

THE HONORABLE MEIER STEINBRINK Chairman, Anti-Defamation League

ROBERT G. STOREY Dean of Law, Southern Methodist University




C. E. WILSON President, General Motors Corporation


President, Brown University

F HEED 0 M [EN T E H • 1 5 2 1 w I l s H I R E B l v D. • l 0 s A N G E l E s 1 7, c A l I F.


Fifty-six famous Americans, including former President Hoover and General Douglas Mac­Arthur, have formed a "Committee to Proclaim Liberty" and urge every person in the United States to join them on the 4th of July in a unique observance of the I 75th Anniversary of America's Freedom under God.

The celebration involves: bells of every church in the nation ringing for ten minutes at noon on Independence Day; clergymen of all denomina­tions preaching sermons on "Freedom Under God" on the Sabbath preceding Independence Day, and each citizen taking time on the 4th of July to read the Declaration of Independence.

The name, "Committee to Proclaim Liberty," is based on a verse from the Bible (Book of Leviti­cus, 25th Chapter, lOth Verse), "Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof." These words appear on the crown of the Liberty Bell.

The number of Committee Founders, fifty-six, corresponds with the number of signers of the Declaration of Independence.

The theme of the "Committee to Proclaim Liberty" is: "Give thanks to God for liberty."

The theme is based on a quotation by John Adams, who, in 1776, declared: "It ought to be commemorated as a day of deliverance by solemn

acts of devotion to God Almighty." Adams was speaking of America's first Independence Day.

On that occasion church bells rang. Prayers were

said. Copies of the Declaration of Independence were read by everyone.

Throughout All The Land

The purpose of the "Committee to Proclaim Liberty" is to revive a custom long forgotten in America-spiritual emphasis of the 4th of July. .

By urging the reading of the Declaration of Independence, the Committee seeks to encourage understanding that God is the source of individual Freedom ... that "all men ... are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights ... "

By suggesting to clergymen of all denomina­tions that the bells of their churches ring at noon on the Fourth of July, the Committee seeks to

I organize a nation-wide, vocal demonstration sym-bolizing America's Freedom under God.

By suggesting that sermons on "Freedom under God" be preached on the Sabbath preceding Inde­pendence Day, the Committee hopes that millions of Americans will take that occasion to subscribe to its theme and "give thanks to God for liberty."

The "Committee to Proclaim Liberty" was con­ceived by Dr. James W. Fifield, Jr., pastor of the First Congregational Church of Los Angeles, and Director of Spiritual Mobilization, a 16-year-old non-sectarian crusade for freedom in America.

The Committee is currently contacting more than 125,000 clergymen of all denominations, and is arranging for a special Independence Day broadcast to be heard over a coast-to-coast net­work.

All future information will emanate from Com­mittee Headquarters in Los Angeles. Communi­cations may be addressed to the "Committee to Proclaim Liberty," Freedom Center, 1521 Wil­shire Boulevard, Los Angeles 17, California. Telephone: Dunkirk 2-2146.

How You [an Participate

As a clergyman

1. By having the bell of your church ring for ten minutes at noon on the Fourth of July to symbolize that God is the source of our freedom.

2. By delivering a sermon on "Freedom Under God" at the worship services in your church or synagogue on the Sabbath preceding Independence Day.

3. By ordering the specially prepared church calendars for use at your "Freedom Under God" worship services. Use the enclosed postage-paid reply card to obtain the calen­dars at cost: one penny each, postpaid.

4. By urging other clergymen to cooperate with you in this unique observance.

5. By telling your community what your church is planning to do in its "Freedom Under God" observance. A sample press release is enc1osed for use with your news­papers, television, and radio media.

As· a member of a church

1. By telling your minister, priest, or rabbi of your dedication to the observance of "Free­dom Under God" at this coming Independ­ence Day. Ask him to participate as sug­gested above.

2. By volunteering to assist your clergyman in this observance. Help him with the press release; contact the newspapers, television, and radio stations; see to it that there is

manpower available for the bell tolling; or offer to help finance the modest cost of the "Freedom Under God" church calendars, or help arrange for distribution of this pam­phlet among the members of your church or synagogue.

3. By arranging to post a notice of the "Free­dom Under God" observance on your church bulletin board.

As a member of an organization

1. By organizing a task force within your organization to contact and obtain the coop­eration of every church and civic group in your community. Distribute copies of this pamphlet to do the job. Write to this Com­mittee for details.

2. By asking the other members of your organi­zation to take part in the "Freedom Under God" observance in their churches.

As a free individual under God

1. Attend the church or synagogue of your choice on the Sabbath preceding Independ­ence Day.

2. As the church bells ring on July 4th, take that occasion to reread the preamble of the Declaration with your family. Suggest your friends and acquaintances do likewise.

3. Tune in on the commemoration radio broad­cast on the 4th of July.

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Declaration of Independence

WHEN in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for

one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected

them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the

separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's

God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires

that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

v v v We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created

equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable

Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness .

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men,

deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That when­

ever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is

the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new

Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing

its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their

Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments

long established should not be changed for light and transient causes;

and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more dis­

posed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by

abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long

train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object

evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their

right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new

Guards for their future security.

.... ·,·· ... · ..

For additional copies of this pamphlet or further informa­tion write: "The Committee to Proclaim Liberty," Freedom Center, 1521 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles 17, California.

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