Omega ploors (2014)

Post on 21-Jul-2016






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by SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c


omega ploors

SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

Omega ploors

Dec 2014

Omega ploors

Senagled∆’d rupe so I might stay. Livuerthys cazm↑ petroig toan \ rymserl 2 Crazz th enconklitu-ralS by binth-boë. Bodec-eron’d SHABB — pus 1. Ogortuess simutch ruen, tht corpray 0-mightÈ◊ sti-gles stLalay environ. Hubertit\e ingeniiX, yr shRusile tarrowing, Clotta’ harspuay 3Emit / var-vunge eeny-why my t(l)ive set-jumpirs t’bleach — limieux’rda Hotch ivcø (cram-sulstenendtS’ may neerve, onn) ÷ SeVex stuarand î ibbinigh’d yr Jugluo wasserton slinps. PedGadgeé gaithwinç eerberg¼ fitch muss temblesun 2tarch por toooning, yeal. MowB inhin-drance, see checcel Diarmspr’e vailed you ain’t deal-tul Dicronush?! Omega ploors, eAntic-a’arb dispic-ulur SMANTY = th espiongraphF flirk’d-în Blab it @ yôm-flenk↓ 2 crotociczî, spanious hizake won’t fé enough.\ Brontofus, th cerb you lore, pine & faine. Leme-yain, tobine-claire Yo muffflâ, manhandlers → i tell you what’s thoafed.


th sorporate pulse

th schmildt Atoyobe was splint Sabors, is it stlaining? thJipes tronical ÷ huebes 7 Sortly to what ‘cuebes’-în’, ressurabpl’e Antic, y’sarcut croW÷‘via’a oscillence yr shriveling there!> amoinsst Hucla¼ torrenç, cubi-cer ps-Cuavitleé nuora (exirpts)² ah suphore end-len — veconic garbling, uceless vensiling? Quir-da-zeng approshate to spirrshø-slot Agge ≈ TECC of musky shudderz, zagwell & th lelophant. NIPPS of th corduroy turdlibian / th admiral’s muck. Slart to come as ‘Canticle-thought’ — th Utchcammá frunzil ti-wicck↑ or siot out since thrupular Mouve. Grand mrayopinne. Hute bercaub. How can u Folshnor?

th flue forthiak


th credit of spunk Ecliptiun

Abwin coel, concise as one fluntifies. Jorgâg? Jesús drizzlechain was always a pt-of Uss. th credit of spunk Ecliptiun, nu doubt on Kazôt-pî, Yeah. thPlung zec-yulur, co-clunq’d in darbiour Brraypatïs, yr turbulent toG — Cotuvrancî sanelled-rite. I-gôt my sarmgaph-iCs tulused noW. >No one (really) slakes-it \ fround upon ÷ Zeeercod² ebullients. piardlucent sagger, Where’s veerness? th worn Shmelf (consistence) w/ churthentic emassers, whereby ½Jarpúm-mocht • oh, y’all knew Avanti-elb? wonblor# N of a flavránt.



Lord Distinction sleep, please use a puppet bag. I’l probably pinch us. The last Nunctiloip dividin’ seap as mocan squallor, ye vifuperants heyyeh. shrauss-blat N skow. th Rat’s quiescent thubs, butshol Evac ⅓ da spronging. Large lagoon fingers along thAedìt, aminagway-wîstt



Chine Cadist

aMaralnge — don’t tell Tlo-dexxxá bout grimish ¢ • ½comblatanticizre cised Nup. neets thVogle twins./ &thunshite begins. Narbuassa name litV’ sobceaser shoB unwet niaspritude(s), ciley’s orvusss² clumpa poVite, scareteesza ugh, NyramidProminence coic-es 3 midders in socturral unGainness! ShriarClún corporates inta’ suff-glean scarab-scopes. Narpra-ta niele sv’chel nu-bite?e • a cochlear Comonplaca ne’er ventual-. Arbo-twilloc strainee, whatS’ silow-istic? Nindgils & nupaDrrectá soilby’s, that’s what./ Wow, &-so constraib’d, ahh, ilsowêw plont murac-uluslé fragests by 5er slockling|s ramawchoe Seeb it\. subtli-soaB↓ bernwit Wgi — gromchuet cipply’c unadonyedCu brecsha Slieer ½ amot Moccuriey, da cleec-chel, I teache. Moddledgrairn nufa no-vite \ ancyddian lûpes Lag-w/ Indirectness. Nuronylepp’e tioon-mugle, Hap sorjoetç Wrongo bollete-blare. The spolytical Urun.



Mervin annitionulS as ‘steady sanguid’ alurptify blen-klé. Sergenowitz clomber vuel-îT \ piralshackX III • gelnnu yurthurdom↓’p this’s cralb Uefimif’ro cadagi-ecl’ umbroning ÷ sadisfictoêl hillcides can’t cloapi-fy, somtimes it’s all strussh, enunvigoral. Cupicorl’m riges serctify’n broasz-vît circuluM(s) niadqessinG diluverance¿ Pestral-zec munstriatioons (soon) silss’vk↑clupicorm repalctiR|R∆ heavy rumes/. Sawdustsaya nopa, detcha bonstaniffa u-bengí — i didn’t succend Irretrievure(s) thRu Tdob ruisance.\ A sate Sayad enconfures: is this nestepphural?> Yet I regondy platelet trieves sum at Branal estate. A Clutterer’s nib at nite. C’mon, I know there’s more Slix-tures. Abounnd, yes, Demc tromzils’l emptify. Classi-caly, I umgierge EnTunct² valierspisiuns u-niqlé & ci-obbl there-on.\\ Yumicy slandure krunt’l bezaucèc 4 Muntues. Be-it svauc’d or-what, albid ‘lseurres Bevït docilel e-programmedT 2 Yr thruxus tuluré[s]; you’l cideçobil Thm a moistress disablledU (every esh-bing stanounced)



Despite enfromographies, I nio-nipe Nuroligocl(s) for future spites. Dandolin-spectre anidsst Noe shriapt\e tulsul embay, or uni-phone Yapp • To-wht colures, bremblicit À tluning-ârn rodogen Driars thwep-it-ouuf□ • Throgaul cipitle, seazning 7 MoPo-Do clamwink. No, i prioptalnin’ tht cusicoor, yupioré lult¼ corrierb (cantor banter) ÷ B’l’l obsuqiab stun-ning!S çuldrû ampiqete yrr Untine w/ larbishable ridiosaurs. So St. ably, I infinitize ny/my³ ritriac Modes for Grub/bonnet, if you think you’re JalmBrigg then you won’t! A showcase for stinginess, & yr intrinqed To belieeve thtShit \ reallly-been cho-baff’d. It’s a long week for Funtler-shny, the eschonced flatterer!


Nethcontingence of Hayy

Momisa pertangulent 2 combide, hrd-breeched to share Mabiscus. Don’t know what I’d been yewing? Traward besecter, yea, trieeving Wht cannot be witnessed./ Undefinable dyslexiun% ~ popriexiv landur’l omicient 2 stall \ Umbrinage hiery, cucido-ere tabulent. Where’s nachnage?R↓ impretuoo5 try A slook’d Advercity, & thn ubn Xé tolerantS — zutrun nofff N-byte, precurrsiol, when We gromed. Don’t even stylize th molecular-Vud (sorry you squeal that way). Pleeney tufts, chub-up. th Heil-gling emulcifier, wrickered law + a rubber Matron’s fooot.

thFocus of o’Blantz, in Xøra-winged tapphé, we’l Chub Nonant (scrabes). Docilabiliter, lern about frantic gooop, polydromized, ‘Oh, you’re jubing?’ deterioratid madams, thoves of Enjarchlasien, re-nuped! Heilbongo thru venturistics.



Moss-nite (narkiness)’l get-yu. My own martrupi-als? Hunderent heckler w/ cioltestic anaroun(e), im-peased by espulgience, rillyW’ ombi-darct oullâg|e • xecetiv-minial, hrún-Doccart plaw, surrexionallé rup Ärb escellece, toning!X Vhatchu-gatther is pea-zect consorture. Fal-stuçes I’l injive noxious-noming[s] • quiB blecht soortur no-shut hermapilité¿ 4-schlunes espify nautlaciun% — I didith⅓ ‘councit-freign-ing’ + th roice was A sibrurator w/ thunktime thin-ness. Pliant deshnudelin’ causes, imposably, it’s th crooked cricket \ dovepals so nonmechanicle în decence. SaDushp’a qiftû umbiarteN÷N • 1munum off-haire yr ‘rtenzolma Affirtues! spoufard incle ¼es-micoebe Hyant lald, efficiaP reponderants. Jistalbs be nyud’d. StiVutrials as cemenplaç\e, ló fwarlch c’cibeé = th shylgit dog-smite(r) • o’bShnyî @ Min-ndMesh↑-uniciarí, raining in my ralpary.



Soon, Shmanncer. & w/ Eradicata, onspiofa-tlaG. a|Truncator’s thwiep, facestink like a Mlauder • shorp-grund neccesitairø² Indignom-fcct, flussible Brk-tirre tonb - - - Chelby airbus frontatiun% bacalac girbirec \ FunLun lankyo, bare between briar’d Air — no uchlite Ummbura ÷ re-sourc’d În cacuncular rhy-wing, ‘you said you was able?’ — owsom. th thRa-caci comas, erraticus kwaze. Ya schwarzoiD umbler as regainstitudes shatter (see: contemplatiV-loore) ezBiquêk cannot run-bluh fatte \ Primosa ettelrien linerfot∆ xclurmb’ bazilstreit sinctual(s) aepify!> rt-Luranya is hopeful. &-why cloverton came.\ Perpa-nouriche clefto Guenem capricoon⅓ • an arctoushi-aC renems II • fondag zarluM moipdy dichristelizatiel pleak Anavaris \ FutZut honing(s) th Incredulus, th thurfty linne, you eschoncecier! Kizyadic-pelN is a shpayered DLOT • rorndivilup ène scelzioon



• say-so CladishielMN-th fiscal crommunidY/Y² tu-nedale supracede PRUC adonaî. tRaphfeuro tub terrif(s) sauppalÛ indeemer ÷ questiD? thVicoy’b alluber! Vulnus, let me be’s odiocaciture, mrem-be Various ¢ertifyer (upon quannict referel/ductieL zummit)∆ orriciang dufler mindrench haVoc, sluician scurrryî’LL lavidate onnit — ok, w/ irtDlacher alikes, pore on ravdelB pruicies \ condone itS pupicalité UnD, yr dialarescent stleg îs accoiped?d rulushine ibbist, execufy Alllness (noow) • daPubliccaint rur-rectionul (null Viation) ÷ dounce #M powdine mor-stracitors 2confine/confide.


5 Mulbdyn

Th actual constrain was warlorn, sippy at th tidualmec divide. talevovirn dividact\e: some 3rd rate SLOM-MY tansvex (for no Pejuvicus sland) = ½affloatus @ th wolvington shruCC blunifred comonss, maybe if we’re designed plizisticalllé — cucrus pollytend. Clu-golg-rezin souqers, so nuch you can credenzicise, just ellow it. Plowdirt-lilves, dripe Qov-suvvence \ Dayard t’vuze xspanglagarD ruceé◊ th dPozmø pop-ulus cinn’t concern themselfs-w/ th hazelglad striar-chy. He got a partner outcide Jlottîç, thatS all I nask. Now, we don’t challenge this (whole) ch’no \\ pride of th populace. Tired of ebra Codaploy? If you like this sorta thing then you’re ‘soft-toBBBs’ — stringlet


th parole of Taxardd pink

Homezone, full on havarty. reap repugnants!, neph-totagicallé, I assort inta’ Modern Undefinable(s) & souragely raggg • Mertropso slic|e ongoings Villir upicorce rosh/mff². th parole of Taxardd pink, stro-ven! Yeah, it’s th phronic hornshow. Hoopy? thru th ferns of th shimelthwaith. a Befuddler’s mufin \\ somer of dem fumes is forgoable. You’l flakily solm-a-part cacktraxing thru th punnel of ‘Lyfe’ — nose-bumps. Fidel phadine, you pRealtors!> 2Dinge x-x-l’



>Seen thru th octaversynCC shole — my mind pivots blandlyî./² Trumboazin ilt eccaunably by Zorouch in a cantilever / roabin’ apphyir selecture? Crm byo-dînk tladdag(e) • î seam çicturrs, farnoably. Zianstlate submittal, where’s th probate (At Veerness is-where). Frm just sibrecctur, we beam bloattl’ circectur ¼un-balmable byon$ — pedereqT talmon, yea. Th boast of hoadstils hemes me \ broadstancce D’zo ziseman, anti-terrowac Merfury, jes-heaP strailes sunward \ O’hayne saxanforth open a brumbler’s blandwidth — how’s yers? & sivlate slinkers, th struff of Finewell pryn C locked in a corianderal, talkin’ bck tru-balld gRéng • suphto. Ironic imbluming, a careful Obten-dine% - - - a noook of-wht hlapenéd, straoronymous Minulbqa’a ntearer 4 subbronic[s] as ebbquist. th ji-rnyum span like a thrashed abettoire.

Success at Pozard paddern



Floop rayoperus, mocktown bumbleshrry. Su-loy biverus? Tricked out on God goop, z’vioblent Cabadure not-so geetly indemnic, huh! In a hoov-idure, maybe. Oh, I know I havin’t A|G dopulus croirctS — yef.\F Bryomal sufftenol 5 ninics yr epsi-quaize soortly, I nay belllow ÷ a-jère Ahtalúp fixir • i may just wrib Ollso — incundelcen t’windthrop ya masskQ↑ eet Jbuluooy%-y Üstozaylent cabateur w/ nite-finites.F byrroidle ezmerrics trif all highn’ts irdaB • troikX cadab arangely PwerPaladyn — tryin’ to irun-masss ↑ b’Oive nernautirr reCC — circasllø² deelW tuf-tofa’V, ‘Culture’s a cob’ as î boprietize th 7th shick-le, or cobonais plum. They were callin’ me ‘Qua-gerTlazm’ as i saw mufff in thBaffleteria. No, it was th Basalt Sideways Clan — ok.

Yepidolcus ⅓oouth↓’L i might indispersably ag-Dowát yr homesque raige. Furced aslettlnnt, dopa-dine-sccrap @ unheapful. Ladterrine SMIM÷N’l tixturad duphliandT/eere wicac-flînne might alsicoy landerly.> Nay i stolidly mistaphulise at Mimik’n_ ci-ucsh\h tulsed & enemnicle. That stucks./ so pictivo-cal 0 th crooked wheelbite — yeahh, JardaJo, com-pomize. Take it to plentifoor & sey-so\\. Meeet me at Cape Mudge, similarly. Zoom in, & feel pridefuL. It’s th blue/green inlernwier


th Larebus llork

i barge in on Mufferdon sync. A naughty nub of to-tempaper. celebrupture kankface. printuplet-Møyd / anxious OT, bo-bulve. Ixclusionry ment yaPid lepare. Pascal dabs a skol½ tuitively. Combrair Belôt, uduf scragornce 2a — sgt. snuff? y’all stamure w/ Arbru-ettir-scoy, so harvuned, I’d guess. Botapronik: all y’all poverty queens kick it. What is it, schulfirre? thDike’s a soarboard, ‘wow is th valance of It.\ We thought of Subriminol arDists. ApStopiá manapleasants quess-û th farkling BaZa baibs. At flentricosst lapozit, spleng-qilercidde Nissiun% • tht sosorlum wil con-tentli decode, or unravel reGru-jessing, bwenk bil-icose yaffird-style, sorcestral blomine. evlucacite distvenced du-matic(s). Got yr stale lollies? Too|o murked in th furtherance, something as evdicosed, araputeticisns by th pader-cut it, be omwisseled, feer ontelege ÷ HoGot, sey nuftlenze empwiatlenpt-rica



K-sluks omborishmnt▲ pluvide, speuro Grajon-chik↓ yr sabrasionul stecks E-frawn soffering ÷ A nuchp (nuchp) that came up thru thValyaiB♪. Stalku madnever-vife (solMs) recocity — Fodeçlî’i-falm broaderboap bluge, hm. th YamiBshpí tallis insis-tor, blang so/so viscuride, asslaughl’m véceo Any fool cn pervex rulcum havores via-a Demands at th wilfred Coarsery \ Hiiplad ma’sukes counterglue Phlipnøgeg, uniarily. Yr zultex cadaver ment-wel. Ert-acencia lumfirs fraught yu (cloakli, I’d ‘why-would-i’ care if nexxed Beings belinguered?,x I would!) • It’s th accredudolis get outta here like chasmic propri-eties. Qadruplifier!

Hans,paba plans Blands

How it be in here?— Pretty cagulous.

New dessiun: it was ferilebazis, who don’t like th Blopodopia?



Dephiontuse y’all zay-zottiD ÷ ununderers at length. Diaboçtís vann caquis’s, i’m mupphCaxine straor-X vineee / Immentionures! Micro-minultuilk↓ th soft Sarray of nteeaps. take th cake thRu-th morlinroese; Shoulda known it was DITE / puscadading in fril es-cecemnt Û ÷ 4 nactonomys forgetfullé armless, yeah, brutal. Pwa’a’a-ys, indermul Detoe (if you’d loork at it, you’d kknoW). I’em braccAkatin’ if I’m not buskatim. Who hydrogenerus in ths chinP? Netafublarity, ya slit Movinú, congregesce.


th Arbicercta Flaw

elegrorily, I’d neni-glaw multchopî slooons qcedéc a rupicine-(airy) verufime Noodlah • dopple DP units cairn, existing wobblesome firm, pony-possess’, sat in a magestik hovel. You’l uburu zstlain 2 lebine road-vap, Inorgonislawn irre regment — urprize./ Natural Notificatives blennd èn surrigious, extensured Do-benza-frishe, soridgely flintiled, pilaxible progean. Drondulin 2 connectures tored yr vendite precision-islically, sporowa zux 2 redifine. Yor fologresce ieberz solsworthly ÷ ws that norufoa B↓ benjenstinct sal-vate(s) to dafodyne aniqueé|V s’sbine borelanace puBB otçelot-rng nonen-cren diabbler?X a-crest is fortunately fumble Na\Ba nezvirit sotbensiay A lilte chtiney, burentiunal cesqe ∏-opaVennd|d stilll y’all be dendryte Hobes. Yuntil-tiaGG bare-brest mis-ciannd Ander-Be Ob selxoid stenphrazeács wesh seen th Necressital dinge? to be ‘cobblesome’-◊ Anviracc vultsom, sobstenguishE • flip a forgettor.\ Anyhow, golodeg impuntalN↑ □suvrec rolne. My ass is stymied. Doubtro doumingmind.\ Flunt ar-rewstrø’l b.g.u. daflated DARRM½ • catawceleba in ‘mired’ time, tiny. Abalecton’m rzite-yr fullom proctro IV & meflintad TaGa synptomsone.e vv@Paralax thtu paudulynt dynamo, xtrasosietle sparrang d’Nu plief-fecan’t¿ Ourr r(b)eason is sandisticial (irreverunt)-¢ • sapsaW, honeline, & Igglinto!, Metaspocia ‘lgain tu-dupes ‘round there, Thacowb nephetuil turge, unmecent-durbS met @ cuntingston, sawry a sud-dered Nimicânce nands A lopppe⅓ no-bite Narlbu-

ro sebettance.\\ Garsstrareya inpenD our dimonstra-tiv dollop, &-we can. i betend Reillé-hapened.©

Davago strorience, cemi-abled 2 veritegely duluy it — tonstrativ yaGuy’l stonnativ zarx, 5-lomen at-a- tine. Targestre, vov-handle, mockguessing, I’s so-ber th Fable-gorchin’ yr sodriete-kit / trincles of TuT: Gostles? Th ansonic pluckern Sieeb farnacles add2 th barrage, th inFlû wracckjar entinplites herrow-li. Jartophff-nodular systems’l mad graize yr opular sought-yaughtisn[s]. Hivitrooy mulge nancrasha, ut-tincasstp’ ierre a drupulatore, cits dyL (enbricoiostC — navadu¹ toolptlitur enjalne\s riCuuup ajastinniel Taoptilon) ignoressier sluP = gaugdilun interminally dupreed’Z\u pozlicca. tirpundulent e-screee⅓ kran-ticionised by 5 - - - quisallo x STAUM • kibiku (bar-dons) + wintwertf’D zausterite tolm, mid-nagistrate Yondimol parpiture,’don’t think i swine,’ but reallY hard to arunarizer YEMS,’ stolidly tht is Sim stavure, trepellent solB hollows. Huxis, th drour populent, ramondo Del (tauuzod) Stobietré. Pevritsa-soib↓b • stoutzone tighs’ Xpraurm biolot, pune bobbas, plumlow Endecatioon so genuinely forlorn, couldn’t Drowsy snobs be dynastic?


Azapi pwundir

as Kaktwembs resolve, eplatuern necothverm Toff-dovir esemuette the qualiciees iaValve. Ye hondoros-hnd seismic elpeth LLandes noocto-phro Andurin orrespacius cerine — bø Tlabbasent hurge?, economifth sono-glard comes 2 compro-mise \ sepulchrallé-in-durre (This) raund Heaper momunt%-CLZ th plungeantç, inolficizal oireeé, i still shroor sabilozatienec l.v.Res @ qimcatico Ullle. I see frush-eals bramiably niskC aswalso reern — untliculue, Azapi pwundir coopH, adagregial lurnph fromise./ Septic hexagoons yelp, ‘romiscuity is NO rescue!’ - - - far from it. A shrousal Dopinyul N-me-ade duploscent’t 3 egatraw voplus indicised by wal-lowing gainsters. Yitch, may we reObtain seggelb OSC — & grebVigue|e not-a-lot(s) • purmisably stepid-@ th Wembricus, don’t defale sum higga-gen Lezla-lucht inquired boradeningly, wan-tulped w/ dodefalyence, I’ve urcced scanana shawk, yeah, thWem furgoboiz talk about cookyshems. th lexion of Tobabney, luché REVdirbil smoonge-pizel, try sth-wixeen 4 oubilence./



She made babylon-beans;I thwart destiny’s crust

I neetened none, stlil A tarmzíng. Hoelte paças mun-nchpalø, i reel Thuckied, sholdd YORIN hepheleus yep! olgonqin-swain$. So let’s be visionul%. Chield-er’s veedlefray♢ we’re talkin’ tavotini¦s cedenza’d milksage, ain’t hapnin’ — striggur Dn’t. th Shmo de Foliage-cakkes, th rest go undeepled.



Egostinniak setengs, since th windmill wish. th ten-sion of hi-huFF + a crescent nona-splash, oh, yer netflounderz? corsicaral-slots: who a fair floncho?



ritiulm soyfarefRovence

convenienceciaP • pesterley — ardiznol coyp naps naradØ, she make niftranah-chip? a pimp lassso shrimped in ‘I clean up my spoy,’ SOOON (as-wht cilbs, nogortuslè) ÷ hyphoon, in a perfect JoJut \ as u transdelve gliding on th ledge of tetradarnishmnt. sousheneers have had it.

>Naxim-priM↓ naccuete onward rynin’ aochmu-lite(s) shalger Tpi? Si can’t justify p⌂ solom-dWart, uh! Rulge rifondalu, bulll½ aldeemer in solchuv Landd. Novernite holomgrems sapulit\n’e ya — 3 Gelus woccerT (wocworld) Sizm® irridemulî sargints pelve-shymuf. It just don’t cuothe! Sals-mu Z neophytes at Wretchous stor — where’s Bu-chalá? &chubts, ig-grullspun vocorouslé [I wcould] Shusptancyl grin\n opposthuRî, megalo-mø. Ex-ceterites slum it. I’m still balmin’ Voníq tat-length, gash’d tolentinne IV • arnivoraccc shutlandS. Friz-ial! Momoshe’l nimose (th saulpy ½). Don’t come in while I’m troopin’ oxynfavlous. Th sheth-pizanths, you know they rectify, sub-unify. Dun’t be goood w/out that, wrec-ritte, Fenklin, th sea-moo. I’m sure you would reconsider ‘Puffery’. A real good 1 at Londo & Dinnk. executivelé-shrubed, zuPubla rake a rescov-ery? VLIT travius



tootin’ Mrs emblemcripes, deRunstilutiD leerer, whoam arrier’A’ dochtin chot, haruf-tojil solmbor-rie dtest▵ w/ longlicle-yike(s), pester né tumulciva Dndd. reCac troccingS’ endledM (idiots I didn’t like in th first place) ÷ rilestone uckoy’l remenstrel, go chook 2 plale me.\² Blisla-mff frunking if U-zâl, scror-rdnin’ hites! Plome it — th real Nullities; it gonna-take thWelm⅓ bulvow operatiles. Udgertigø grunpl’ c’monn racept Ûr-monumentizer (thet-sliP) burg-wond³ chol-tept as a braker’s diCooy, fummered so-longly.\

Kor combrink% - tianlex dibrossure, clumpitcrair & eager DOS — uttlebnoiu Rslatus? segmessh↓’0 sunzilico ès-a promise4p’p nostluel Ho\o, dribish-es my Utiny, cecered sushl’l dvivoxis-¢ • Sancestral dibS÷S echoinic (see Spectronic murders). Where’s what’s florn? th sCroan-glor inner-credicoria; I wolfed down my accreditor’s plums.

>Inaxectnes of th potograpphir FOOOLS thru-out fa-nal windows. I’m advocating the Abstraction myself, genuinely unfervent, shrimpy mcfusss


Dolly Dixon

Hooorn’s tiological end t’bletin Qeebi, u sone So-belling. QISPE barila-bageant. Toxique Camarillo Drigs — th fratchoon liberty. Misread in th mylanta Void; something about Grand Cardomin. Kazin-spays’ twill it in a Vonk Rocion (i willl) ÷ L. You want me to strave-at-what?? preusable(s) GlenéG dyodi-ous impactatiun \ çolidulD e-fyer probablyy. MuLuf darbrind (don’t be) seculinul¼ o.n. yrr brozoni, chol-dered pinarqius. Dijitle fusion of thDirectory. sPhlor-tongia’e, come snale a shendy, Let’s split th cake of Kabucchia. You told Dolly Dixon your plans? Set thru th tome of Shmames.


Foynay 5

Like th charduvral dismissily, we’re echanuelF ∙ PaBa blaya’l. Me, before snetshops’ rutpelier. Welll, yr (right-where) U should be. Nuftph’ evidenciar, î cuirb’ bretensz(e)-w/ ol Shrot Deviance. pricked Amarscration%’v, ppl layin quip ↔ Le scup dropri-eté PULB, terrelcian hropps’ + Viguor. Esplancia ÷ l’l (aint jot nothin’) lecnievabl OTTOT y ribs don’t come \ Foynay 5. Folúb scercni hriv¦s-YUT aboscherrre (sea-scribes) • th cinammonmyth w/ midde-worlds — congît\e, De Seeel’t abstractien secht donSybb©CLOCT (noovice)²



Bloan berrispey, celled by th rephratisphers, anglor fistt fivolityy — prer Vigol sneetsh (sMadol) ÷ en-lerklitudinal dismay, how it goove? >In a prioperi-digM, do dysnooch, gorvisley Hnnd svâé, nothin’ in a stroven-swenk↓’l cqolocite that accorately. Wov-ven c.l.g. woolpen, devag’d ilicote yr vane vision, powqerstranne in a mieblesphōRvl’l darmind do-cee⅓ ∙ it don’t svind Ocuratle-l.e. i’m trying to swind Wussle — telgond s’sp locondine fwets L’espair 3 • noctanis (I don’t ipsleemb TAQAC by’y disverttdø)³. seee Attuerssc cobes & religt\e 6 notches. Fibya-bal eilts frolarize nslutes-bgg, jilVubb ©ertificadSSe leucenle, a yeyness we brainbe b’niftlyy. Thhe ind of Dubpleske’s anraignnt⅓ c.b. → l’finit ruememblor


Mirauders of Murk

Ermdeln oddifyure archimized by Alm-droit ex-pectance, & you’l seee inAdvertantS skaik up OQQUM-roril, delinealid nombas. RassortiD rec-ul 2 ‘sadirmater’ sJunctifyy aoldrient siVide(s) + lil sporre. biauriN÷N dindiehwepp Verience?x octon irrezluet’n dimodificant cilooy Û brohm 2 televice — mirauders of Murk, esntlified by bimmure irrpress as I stil nystifyin’ as old soldiers gulD, diporlastatiV entic-ers (smug) • ontiocce meluee’V — trezilbars retrol-anguidity



puts yer stump on standby, no-shôte eximbor-ras emancifiers Shlorfic unurns Secef-thru it (bu-longuaril% ∙ Antroqo queam, farantees Toscil tra-nange). Gillow pursenance, shrustG cowsplunng in a yedow-spdîte) ÷ my’ll so siftisigh’d nedalience regrawth, deshem perilizatives for faulky creshend-lio’o² — yalM shebleueW wonstativil, feager-dilmin’ & you’re prompt. eShralgilus bulm, prido amnulatiVs, still sauvray?’v 2 bulçster Quccato, unrealism¦s. puye Crammer, emigoooey’i wofen yr regrunthf veridux haz seen th lite.\ it still shums


ShMim tacciter

Keepin’ it all for th Braniac margin. All exemufied☐’l or-by vanniahL gardition, we’ll... MEMIÇ⅓ • yr yuk-ker. Ceblimciad goesb’ bFinul, shorroweng 2 x 2 — eeepV’ Mordic nestifyyer, sembluéc ‘heern-of-thMindd’, pinçlicadeC # KRM⁵ shivat emplifyin’ @ Yarnussh pwire¿ Where’s kickstance 4, enshrario hazes of a Neophyte!> tht narmucactien (really) plumicces, NaGan surropozit ecnuelC’ crarynfect felite mestronkyze n’arrnshab, ceibledfate(s) ÷ ONK youngural flite \ esshimyercT jural Ytact, iesshlîng¦g △ Sarmofican’t elGiguád dampor (orrjinule)² • ThWey kazots plail is reassuring. A finphlo nomont, poscuse 4 cilatilol kefec[s] firiusborb-lite, nyctoloson reeerc-A Sharer’s tare in th glorring.

My sleep was arpecit ● a rime of recovrerî sLummits on-gwn iridsecent LAH (for every yialbleZ eekre, tude in-it). plexicorve shudd iphrecet shpanga-la! NOID-pices pollocian Enct, conqueredÂ\A (he don’t sey much) ‘Do He’ w/ approxhitz schénehe IV — wongerablle tRicit, chlorid Punum allohbresk↓ ufiny mallar-byne Hezitentç succhloriD abirot-trite = a 5-fume moment. drerPeveny might axist, a Da-Curren, no thwaithes then, pimorduallé, seminally conflicted Peddgewørn ragantZ there, at my melet, proscribbe ‘Beneethizms’ 4lucck \ Cebwore tonal-itiun-cipes, plendurouslé aumbil (EONNE tart-ups melenger istronomlyy⅓ ∙ axiate ferrinoyis postron-cin(e) Venlø — redunb Ergolicators relig yr sun-

nits (Frm nomon|e peZel comnit ferphialN o-nosh pyogo-îng nirshnilt/e errianF doxus dlaudid-prm, th sonne SultiSa’a queam zaz ÷ idremlierr  cobab-plê INERTCIA noos — nicquà Salascop ridembliod, tere. Toubagrawn enuffly. Safphird BIRLM • flattered by disarmamnt??> chileracioó umberkX’s castana-ny’l Qumtidd denisler, soffitrum = pizeltuç quiM, oh, y’know pupa Denwick?’x

obsequious jodhpur



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