Olympic Rings Of Light - Event Details

Post on 18-May-2015






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Inner Peace, Global Peace - 24 Hour Sit in Meditation - Auditorium Lagos Algarve


Olympic Rings of Light

08 08 08

Olympic Rings of Light – 24 hour Sit in Meditation for

Inner Peace-Global PeaceLagos Auditorium Algarve Portugal

Friday 8.08.08-Sunday 10.08.08

You can take part in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

No warSave DarfurFree Tibet

Responsible Global Citizens in a

Sustainable Global Econonmy

One Day, we will be looking out on a New Dawn, and that day may be in your

lifetime, may be soon ...

You can take part in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games


In your lifetime we can create a world free from war, hunger, poverty, oppression,

and destruction of nature...

You can take part in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

All of us can enjoy security, freedom, inner peace, contentment, and satisfaction... If we

choose to govern ourselves with understanding, tolerance, respect, compassion and love.

You can take part in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

You can take part in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

We can only do this together. We depend on our world leaders and government

officials to do this for us, and we must ensure they do this. After all, we pay to be governed, and we should get good governance for our money and as our right.

On the Friday 8th August 2008, The Beijing Olympics will start. On this day we can change the World. Together. With our world leaders, government

administrators, celebrities and the media.

You can take part in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

Please join in our contribution to the Beijing Olympics, wherever you are in the world. You can play your part as a responsible global citizen. You can take part in this

Olympics! Don`t just sit back and watch ...

You can take part in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

In solidarity with the people of China, Tibet and Darfur, we are calling for an Olympic Ceasefire, recognising the original

purpose of these Ancient Greek Holy Games as the best opportunity to create global peace in modern times.

You can take part in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games


In preparation for the Olympics we are asking you to join with us in contacting the Chinese government,

your government and the UN to call a 16 day ceasefire. (everything is on the Internet to help you do this).

You can take part in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

In Lagos, Portugal, we will sit in meditation together at the start of the games for a 24 hour period, seated in the

formation of the 5 olympic rings under a pyramid of light. We need about 300 people sitting in rotation to do this.

You can take part in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

At the Lagos Sit in Meditation, our Opening Ceremony is on Friday 8th 7 -10 pm. Residents and Tourists from as many different nationalities are invited to witness a

Global Citizenship Peace Pledge.

Film Rights Auction!

A camara at the top of the pyramid will film the meditators

forming the five olympic circles over a 24 hour period.

All profits to Oxfam`s Darfur Refugee

Camp Programme.Place your bid on


Shading by OZ Shades

Hi Tech video and Display Equipment by

the Enova Group

PA & Sounds by Clan Entertainment

You can take part in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

On Saturday 12 noon to Sunday 12 Noon we will be sitting in silent meditation, in solidarity with the

people of China, Tibet, Darfur and all those suffering at this time.

You can take part in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

Sunday afternoon and evening is a time to celebrate any ceasefire that has taken place, and

party for Inner Peace, Global Peace...

You can take part in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

We need:•Support from Celebrities•Sponsors for the Event•Participants for the 24 Hour Meditation...•People to email their governments to call for this ceasefire ...

You can take part in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

Visit our Website to inform your self more, see who else is playing a part in this Olympic Games, and be part of the change to a better

world . Please get back in touch with us.

Stella Rose ja21rose@yahoo.com 0351 963220176 Gordon Sillence gordon@almaverde.com 00351 91331592

Janela Aberta 21 - Education for Sustainable Development CentreCasais Monchique Algarve Portugal 8550

Janela-aberta21.org www.monitoring-globalization.net


You can take part in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

This Presentation has been prepared by:• Gordon Sillence Coordinator • Stella Rose Administration • Dieter Malter Web Design

Part of theMonitoring Globalization - Global Citizenship Programme

Janela Aberta 21 - Education for Sustainable Development CentreCasais Monchique Algarve Portugal 8550

• Janela-aberta21.org • www.monitoring-globalization.net

• Stella Rose ja21rose@yahoo.com 0351 963220176 • Gordon Sillence gordon@almaverde.com 00351 91331592

Olympic Rings of Light

08 08 08

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