Oldenburg Franciscan Center Programs - Jan-Jul 2013

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Spirituality programs, retreats, & workshops!


Programs & Retreats

January—June 2013


Program Calendar, January—March 2013 January Page

4 Film, Faith, & Franciscanism: I Am ....................................... 6

11-13 Retreat: God at Work in Our Dreams (CEU eligible) ............ 10

14 Mens’ Night ............................................................................... 19

16 Contemplative Prayer ............................................................... 16

19 Self Image .................................................................................. 12

20 Coffee Talk: Living the Sacraments ......................................... 4

26 Guided Spiritual Autobiography (Session 1) ........................... 16

26 Understanding the Beatitudes ................................................. 8

27 Understanding the Greatest Images of the Universe ............ 14


1 Film, Faith, & Franciscanism: Finding Joe.......................... 6

2 Jung Series: Mindfulness (CEU eligible)................................. 10

9 Introduction to Spiritual Direction .......................................... 13

9 St. Valentine’s Dinner ............................................................... 12

11 Men’s Night ............................................................................... 19

13 Contemplative Prayer ............................................................... 16

16 Farm Program: Understanding Cattle & Beef ......................... 15

17 Coffee Talk: All is Sacred .......................................................... 4

21 Lenten Series: The Role of the Prophet ................................... 8

23 How to Raise Backyard Chickens ............................................ 15

23 Guided Spiritual Autobiography (Session 2) .......................... 16

28 Lenten Series: The Prophet Jeremiah ..................................... 8


1 Film, Faith, & Franciscanism: Born to Be Wild ................. 7

2 Living the Sacraments (full program) ..................................... 9

7 Lenten Series: The Prophet Ezekiel ......................................... 8

9 Women’s Day: Women of Beauty ........................................... 17

10 Coffee Talk: Who is Church, What is Church .......................... 4

11 Men’s Night ............................................................................... 19



Program Calendar, April—June 2013

812-933-6437 ~ center@oldenburgosf.com

March (continued)

14 Lenten Series: Jesus, The Prophet ........................................... 8 15-17 Retreat: Spirituality for the 2nd Half of Life (CEU eligible)... 18

20 Contemplative Prayer ............................................................... 16

23 Guided Spiritual Autobiography (Session 3) ........................... 16

24 Palm Sunday RCIA Retreat ...................................................... 9


5-7 Retreat: Cosmology, Christ, & Us ............................................ 14

8 Men’s Night ............................................................................... 19

12 Film, Faith, & Franciscanism: What the Bleep Do I Know? 7

13 Communication Workshop (CEU eligible) .............................. 13

14 Coffee Talk: What is Wholeness? ............................................. 5

17 Contemplative Prayer ............................................................... 16

20 Jung Series: Liminal Space & Transformation (CEU eligible) .... 11

27 Guided Spiritual Autobiography (Session 4) ........................... 16


5 Coffee Talk: Original Blessing .................................................. 5

13 Men’s Night ............................................................................... 19

15 Contemplative Prayer ............................................................... 16

18 Guided Spiritual Autobiography (Session 5) ........................... 16

31-Jun2 Retreat: Individuation, Archetypes, & Mythology (CEU) ....... 11


8 Have you Found Your Pearl or Panned for Gold? ................... 13

9 Coffee Talk: Transformed by Grace ......................................... 5

12 Contemplative Prayer ............................................................... 16

22 Women of Scripture .................................................................. 9

29 Guided Spiritual Autobiography (Session 6) ........................... 16

2013 Franciscan Retreat ............................................... 18

Private Retreats & Spiritual Direction .......................... 19


OFC Coffee Talks Free to the public; donations appreciated!


Take a Sunday drive to Oldenburg, attend 9:30 liturgy in the Convent

Chapel, and join us afterwards for coffee, pastry, & faith sharing.

All is Sacred: Sacramentals Sunday, Feb 17th

S. Sharonlu Sheridan, OSF 10:45 a.m.—noon (Educator) $freewill donation

The understanding of who is Church and what is Church changed with Vati-

can II. In this talk, we will look at how Church was defined before Vatican II,

and how Vatican II redefined Church as the People of God and what that

means for us and how we are called to live our faith.

Who is Church, What is Church? Sunday, Mar 10th

What Changed with Vatican II 10:45 a.m.—noon

S. Therese Tackett, OSF $freewill donation (Educator)

We will talk about what the Church has established as sacraments and sacra-

mentals, how they are defined, what they do, and why they are important.

We will also understand that sacramentals can be anything—not just tradi-

tional church signs and objects—but anything we use with sacred intent.

Living the Sacraments Sunday, Jan 20th

S. Kathleen Mulso, OSF 10:45 a.m.—noon (Spiritual Director & Pastoral Minister) $freewill donation

The Sacraments are important gifts of the Church and highlight God’s pres-

ence in our lives today. In this talk, we will look at an overview of the seven

Sacraments and how we are called into an ever deepening relationship with

God through the graces they offer.

5 812-933-6437 ~ center@oldenburgosf.com

“The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it”

-Henry Nouwen

What is Wholeness? Sunday, Apr 14th

S. Olga Wittekind, OSF 10:45 a.m.—noon (Spiritual Director & Jungian Analyst) $freewill donation

Jesus reflected in his teachings four paths that lead us to understand original

blessing: negative, positive, creative, and formative. The wisdom of Jesus has

taught that living implies beauty, freedom of choice, giving birth, love of life,

honoring the dignity of others and self, and that all leads to discipline and

celebration. We will explore how this wisdom is found in nature and religious


Original Blessing Sunday, May 5th

S. Karla Barker, OSF 10:45 a.m.—noon (Educator & Spiritual Director) $freewill donation

Reaching balance and integration of our inner opposites can bring

about peace and happiness. We will learn how embracing our spir-

ituality and the “is-ness” of our life journey can help us along the

path of individuation and into greater wholeness with God.

We will look at an overview of the chief Council Documents, what they prom-

ised, what has actually been implemented during the past 50 years, and what

we must “begin today because until now we have done little.” Handouts &

outlines for private study will be provided!

Transformed by Grace: Sunday, Jun 9th

The Evolution of Vatican II 10:45 a.m.—noon

S. Norma Rocklage, OSF $freewill donation (Educator & Spiritual Director)


Film, Faith, & Franciscanism Free to the public; donations appreciated!


Bring your own beverages; popcorn & movie discussion will be provided

in the context of Franciscan spirituality! Make it an overnight retreat;

stay in a private room for only $35 (special rate for movie nights only).

I Am Friday, Jan. 4th

Friday Film Series 6:30 p.m.—9 p.m.

“We must get rid of the life we’ve planned so as to have the

life that is waiting for us.” - Joseph Campbell

“Through interviews with visionaries from a variety of

fields interwoven with enactments of classic tales by a

sweet and motley group of kids, the film navigates the

stages of what Campbell dubbed The Hero’s Journey: the

challenges, the fears, the dragons, the battles, and the re-

turn home as a changed person. Finding Joe… provides a

narrative for how to live a fully realized life – or as Campbell would simply

state, how to “follow your bliss.” - www.findingjoethemovie.com

Finding Joe Friday, Feb 1st

Friday Film Series 6:30 p.m.—9 p.m.

“I Am is an utterly engaging and entertaining film that poses

two practical and provocative questions: what’s wrong with

our world, and what can we do to make it better? In I Am,

filmmaker Tom Shadyac steps in front of the camera to re-

count what happened to him after a cycling accident that left

him incapacitated, possibly for good. Though he recovered,

he emerged with a new sense of purpose, determined to

share his own awakening to his prior life of excess and

greed, and to investigate how he as an individual, and we as a race, could im-

prove the way we live and walk in the world.” - www.iamthedoc.com

7 812-933-6437 ~ center@oldenburgosf.com

“Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential.

Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what is still possible for you to do.”

-Pope John XXIII

Born to Be Wild Friday, Mar 1st

Friday Film Series 6:30 p.m.—9 p.m.

“Narrated by Morgan Freeman, Born to be Wild is an inspir-

ing story of love, dedication, and the remarkable bond be-

tween humans and animals. This film documents orphaned

orangutans and elephants and the extraordinary people who

rescue and raise them—saving endangered species one life at

a time. Born to be Wild is a heartwarming adventure trans-

porting moviegoers into the lush rainforests of Borneo and

across the rugged Kenyan savannah as rescue teams rescue,

rehabilitate, and return these incredible animals back to the wild.”


What the Bleep Do We Know!? Friday, Apr 12th

Friday Film Series 6:30 p.m.—9 p.m.

“What the Bleep Do We Know!? is part documentary, part

story, and part elaborate and inspiring visual effects and

animations. The protagonist finds herself in a fantastic

Alice in Wonderland experience when her daily, uninspired

life literally begins to unravel, revealing the uncertain world

of the quantum field hidden behind what we consider to be

our normal, waking reality. This film employs animation to

realize the radical knowledge that modern science has un-

earthed in recent years… with dazzling visuals that reinforce the film’s mes-

sage in a powerful way.” - www.whatthebleep.com


Holy Inspirations


Jesus spoke the Beatitudes from a mountain toward the end of his public life.

St. Matthew puts them nearer the start of Jesus’ ministry because they give

an outline of all Jesus’ teachings. Each one has a special message for us. It is

what we must strive for to gain heaven since they show us what heaven will be

like. How does each fit into your living? There will be time during the ses-

sion for information, pondering, and deciding what you will do.

Understanding the Beatitudes Saturday, Jan 26th

S. Sharonlu Sheridan, OSF 9:30 a.m.—2:30 p.m.

Writer: www.peaceandgood.wordpress.com $45 includes lunch

This insightful series includes studies of scripture, sacraments, and the

lives of holy people whose stories can inspire us on our journeys to God.

Lenten Series: The Prophets Thursdays: Feb 21 & 28,

S. Barbara Leonhard, OSF March 7 & 14. 7-8:30 p.m.

(Theologian & Spiritual Director) $15 per session

Biblical prophets had two fundamental roles. They were truth-

tellers, calling people to wake up to their responsibilities, to

whom they are called to be. They were also people who offered hope in

times of great conflict and disillusionment. In this Lenten series, we will

look at several biblical prophets in their own context and ask ourselves how

their words apply to us today. Topics for each week:

1) The role of a prophet; the difficulty of being open

to the prophetic message.

2) Jeremiah: the painful role of speaking truth to

people unwilling to hear.

3) Ezekiel: inspiring hope among a defeated people.

4) Jesus as prophet: challenging the self-righteous

and offering hope to the downtrodden.


Living the Sacraments Saturday, Mar 2nd

S. Kathleen Mulso, OSF (Spiritual Director) 9:30 a.m.— 2:30 p.m. Jane Schaefer (Pastoral Minister) $45 includes lunch

The Sacraments of Initiation include: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.

This presentation will explore the background of these Sacraments through-

out time. It will present each Initiation Sacrament as a living avenue of

Grace, which can support us in our lives of Faith.

812-933-6437 ~ center@oldenburgosf.com

“May it be done with me according to your Word.”

-Mary, mother of God

Luke 1:38

RCIA Retreat: Know God’s Love Sunday, Mar 24th

S. Clare Teixeira, OSF 9:30 a.m.— 2:30 p.m. (Educator & Pastoral Minister) $45 includes lunch

See the great Love our God has for us, calling us deeper into Relationship.

Our Catholic Faith is filled with riches beyond our imaginings. Come relax

and bask in the Awesome love of our God. Experience some of the ways our

God loves us through each minute of our busy days.

From Mary, mother of Jesus, to Mary

Magdalene and earliest women disciples

like Prisca and Lydia of Thyatira, our

Christian heritage offers rich testimony

& inspiration for women of the Church

today. We will look at the tradition of Christian women throughout the cen-

turies, particularly the roles of women as disciples, prophets, and torch bear-

ers of the Good News, and see how they may speak to us today. What does

scripture reveal to us about who we are and how we may be called by God?

Women of Scripture Saturday, June 22nd

Jennifer Profitt 9:30 a.m.—2:30 p.m. (Scientist & Scholar) $45 includes lunch


Jungian Series


The work of psychologist C.G. Jung opened the door of understanding

between spirituality and psychology. The following courses are inspired

by Jungian psychology and help us grow in wholeness with God.

Retreat: God at Work in Our Dreams Jan 11th -13th

S. Olga Wittekind, OSF 7 p.m. Fri.—noon Sun

(Jungian Psychologist) $215 private room*

CEU ELIGIBLE (CEU fee: additional $40) $180 shared room*

*fee includes program, meals, & materials $130 commuters*

Our dreams are messages from God. Dreams open us to

our inner lives and can help us grow spiritually. Learn

about the archetypal themes in our dreams. As a Jungian

analyst, S. Olga will guide us in understanding the concept

of alchemy as a metaphor for inner transformation and

how dreams help us advance on the road to wholeness.

NEW! OFC offers accredited Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for

LSW, LCSW, LMHC, LMFT, LAC, & LCAC. Courses are marked.

Mindfulness Sat, Feb 2nd

S. Olga Wittekind, OSF (Jungian Analyst) 9:30 a.m.—2:30 p.m. Claire Sherman (Clinical Psychologist) $45 per workshop CEU ELIGIBLE (CEU fee: additional $20) includes lunch

Mindfulness is a practice that helps us pay attention to the

present moment. The more we practice mindfulness, the

more adept we become at elevating our consciousness to

abide in a state of heightened self awareness. Mindfulness

helps us increase our clarity, reduce stress, and promote a

greater sense of health and wellbeing. It is a spiritual prac-

tice that deepens our awareness of God.

11 812-933-6437 ~ center@oldenburgosf.com

“God has fallen out of containment in religion and into human hearts; God is incarnating. Our whole unconscious is in an uproar

from the God who wants... to be known.”

-C.G. Jung

Liminal Space & Transformation Sat, Apr 20th

S. Olga Wittekind, OSF (Jungian Analyst) 9:30 a.m.—2:30 p.m. Claire Sherman (Clinical Psychologist) $45 per workshop CEU ELIGIBLE includes lunch (CEU fee: additional $20)

We go through many transitions in our lives. Come learn

how changes can bring about growth & new life. We will be

inspired by a poem written by Pam Breau, which describes

the Liminal experience: “I live in unfamiliar places; the

unknowing of empty spaces between what was and what is

yet to be; I offer up what was to mourn in empty spaces,

let go, so what is yet to be may somehow birth in me.”

Archetypes & Mythology May 31– June 2

S. Olga Wittekind, OSF (Jungian Analyst) 7 p.m. Fri.—noon Sun Claire Sherman (Clinical Psychologist) $215 private room* CEU ELIGIBLE (CEU fee: additional $40) $180 shared room* *fee includes program, meals, & materials $130 commuters*

When we take the time to acknowledge our ego (the cen-

ter of our conscious personality) and the archetypal and

mythological images that we carry in our deep psyche

(collective unconscious), we are opened to a new world of

personal exploration and self-understanding. Join us in

exploring the primary archetypes and myths that subcon-

sciously influence our conscious selves. By relating to the

images and stories that speak meaningfully to us, we can grow in wholeness

& more deeply connect with our God who knows us and wants to be known.

*Dreamscape photography by Margaret Lois Jansen—www.smallsmallacts.com

12 www.oldenburgfranciscancenter.org

Tending the Heart Nurturing hearts, spirits, and minds on the journey to God.

Growing closer to one another, we grow closer to God!

Bill and Colette Fike married late in life and

look forward to celebrating 11 years of marriage

this year. As our hosts for our annual Valen-

tine’s Dinner, they will share ways they bring

their individual lives of prayer together into

shared moments throughout the day, connect-

ing spiritually with one another and God.

Drawing upon the tradition of Liturgy of the Hours and other prayer tradi-

tions, Bill and Colette will share some of their daily rituals, ways they adapt

during stressful times, and how their shared prayer experience has helped

them stay grounded through major life changes. Join us for a celebratory

evening of love & relationships, complete with romantic dining and wisdom

and inspiration for you and your significant other.

St. Valentine’s Dinner Saturday, Feb 9th

Praying our Days, Linked in Prayer 4:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m. Bill & Colette Fike $45 includes dinner (Parishioners of St. Chris, Speedway, IN)

Come, know yourself more deeply! In this workshop, we will discover the

importance of developing a realistic self-image and believing in the positive

within us. We will review the “5 pivotal centers of the human person” and

answer the question, what are the centers from which we act? S. Doris brings

the wisdom of her 46 years as a missionary in Papua New Guinea into this

transformative and touching workshop.

Self Image Saturday, Jan 19th S. Doris Holohan, OSF 9:30 a.m.—2:30 p.m.

(Educator & Missionary) $45 includes lunch CEU ELIGIBLE (CEU fee: additional $20)

13 812-933-6437 ~ center@oldenburgosf.com

Interpersonal communication is the key to life, personal growth and learn-

ing. It is an ongoing process. The concepts of being positive, perception,

acting rather than reacting, and listening will be explored, discussed, and

practiced. Participants will be encouraged to commit to action and personal

growth at the end of the session.

Communication Workshop Saturday, Apr 13th Bill Daily, OSF Associate 9:30 a.m.—2:30 p.m.

(Professor Emeritus, Xavier Univ.) $45 includes lunch CEU ELIGIBLE (CEU fee: additional $20)

Join us in reflecting on the struggle and joy one must experience to crack

open an oyster that reveals the priceless pearl. And/or you may think you can

find gold at the “end of the rainbow,” but the news is, panning for gold takes

many hours of sifting to find a nugget, then letting out a sigh of jubilation.

Have you found your Pearl Sat. June 8th

of Great Price, or panned for Gold? 9:30 a.m.—noon

S. Karla Barker, OSF $20 includes snacks (Educator & Spiritual Director)

“There is no path to peace, But Peace is the Path itself.”

-Richard Rohr, OFM

Have you heard about “spiritual direction” and been intrigued by the sound

of it, but don’t really know what it is? Join us for a morning to learn about

private spiritual direction—what it is, why you might seek a spiritual director,

& how to find a director that is a good fit for you. We will conclude with a

small group spiritual direction session—which is another option you may

wish to pursue with trusted friends or with your family or spouse!

Intro to Spiritual Direction Saturday, Feb 9th Olga Wittekind, OSF 10 a.m.—11:30 a.m.

(Spiritual Direction) free


Care of Creation


“God saw everything that was made, and indeed it was very good.”

-Genesis 1:31

Understanding the Greatest Sunday, Jan 27th

Images of the Universe 2 p.m. —4:30 p.m.

S. Olga Wittekind, OSF (OFC Director) $ freewill offering

Join us for a screening of Experiencing Hubble: Un-

derstanding the Greatest Images of the Universe, a

Great Courses DVD that captures amazing images of

planets, comet crashes, and birthing stars. Following

the video, we will discuss the vast and beautiful Mys-

tery of God’s Creation in the universe and how it may

enhance and challenge our faith.

Retreat: Cosmology, Christ, and Us April 5—7

Fr. Ed Kinerk, S. J., STD 7 p.m. Fri.—noon Sun

Jesuit Priest & Doctor of Sacred Theology $215 private room*

$180 shared room*

*fee includes program, meals, & materials $130 commuters*

“Through Him all things came to be.”

This retreat will use the extraordinary findings of mod-

ern physics and cosmology to reflect on God’s Word

and on our place in creation. We will examine revela-

tion and how Christ’s actions bring all things to fulfill-

ment in God. Presentations will include non-technical

descriptions of modern cosmology, understandings of

human freedom, grace, and above all the place of Christ

in our world and lives. Fr. Ed is a Jesuit priest, Director of the Sacred Heart

Retreat House in Denver, former president of Rockhurst University, & has a

passion for physics & spirituality.

15 812-933-6437 ~ center@oldenburgosf.com

How to Raise Backyard Chickens Saturday, Feb 23rd

April Boyle 9:30 a.m.— 3:30 p.m.

(Educator & Poultry Farmer) $45 includes lunch

In 2012, Michaela Farm began a transition from

Beefalo cattle to Devon cattle. Farmer Chris Merkel

will share a story of discovery that reveals the scien-

tific nature of farming and the efforts of local farmers

to produce healthy cattle for healthy food consump-

tion. Also, learn about the labels you see at stores:

what’s lean, what’s Angus, what’s in that “slime”? Become a more informed

consumer, support local agriculture, and take a tour of Michaela Farm!

From the Farm to Your Table: Saturday, Feb 16th

Chris Merkel talks about cattle & beef 9:30 a.m.—11:30 a.m.

(Head farmer at Michaela Farm) $20 includes farm tour

Back after popular demand! Chickens often re-

ceive an undeserved bad rap for being dirty and

dumb. In fact, they are intelligent, entertaining,

and affectionate animals that can offer both com-

panionship and an economic food source (eggs!).

OSF Associate April Boyle has been raising poultry

for more than 20 years and will share all you need

to know about raising poultry safely, humanely, and enjoyably at home! She

will cover everything from breed selection to equipment & environmental

needs, food, hygiene, pecking order, & more. She will even bring a couple of

her own chickens with her for show & tell! This session is being timed

right before prime chick season to help you get started right!

“Faithful Mother Earth, You are God’s glory... Make us instruments of Your faithfulness to life, Your justice, Your hope,

As we open to the divine compassion to which we are drawn.”

-Earth-Hope Prayer (www.earth-hope.org)


Seeking Deeper Wisdom


Joining in community with others who share similar experiences,

interests or hopes for spiritual growth can be very healing and rewarding!

Together we awaken to God’s Love!

Guided by modern contemplatives like Merton and Keating, we will practice

contemplative prayer, share God’s movement in our lives, and reflect on our

experiences through the process. All are welcome.

Contemplative Prayer Weds: Jan 16, Feb 13,

S. Olga Wittekind, OSF Mar 20, Apr 17, May 15,

(Spiritual Director & Psychologist) Jun 12, 3 pm, $5/session

Spiritual Autobiography Series: Jan 26, Feb 23,

Angela Roesler (Poet, Musician) Mar 23, Apr 27, May 18

Jennifer Profitt (Scientist, Scholar) Jun 29, 9-11:30, $90/full

CEU ELIGIBLE (CEU fee: additional $30)

CEUs Available!!!

NEW! OFC offers accredited Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for

LSW, LCSW, LMHC, LMFT, LAC, & LCAC. Courses are marked.

This 6 month workshop series will support participants through a writing

process designed to facilitate life-review & promote self-discovery in a small

group environment. This group may be of special interest to individuals

facing life transitions or elders wishing to process and share the gift of their

written life story with loved ones. We will follow the Birren Method for

Guided Autobiography. There will be time in each session for learning

about the writing process, personal reflection, and sharing segments of our

written stories. Upon completion of the series, you will have generated your

very own autobiography! The course fee may be paid in full or budgeted in

monthly installments ($15 without CEUs, $20 with CEUs).

17 812-933-6437 ~ center@oldenburgosf.com

The Navajo blessing, “May you walk in beauty” captures the es-

sence of the spiritual journey we are all experiencing as we move toward

becoming all that we are called to be. Beauty is the lens through which we

understand the world, ourselves and God. Beauty can be another name for

God, as St. Augustine so prayerfully says, “Late have I loved you, O Beauty,

so ancient and so new.” The presentations will focus on our vocation to imi-

tate God in action by recognizing and bringing forth beauty in our lives, in

the world around us in many, sometimes, surprising ways.

KEYNOTE: S. Norma Rocklage, OSF will show how we can find beauty

inside ourselves and in the world and people around us. Using poetry,

stories, and images, S. Norma will help us become more Beauty

Conscious—GOD Conscious—in our ordinary lives.

S. Patty Campbell, OSF will share the beauty of self-discovery through

the process of creating mandala art. Participants will create mandalas!

Kathy Cooley is a dietitian at Margaret Mary Hospital. She will share how

our food choices have a far reaching effect on our health and beauty!

Lois Jansen is a photographer & owner of www.smallsmallacts.com She

will engage our visual senses and help us see to the heart of our spiritual

journey through the beauty we attend to within and without!

Women’s Day: Women of Beauty Saturday, Mar 9th 9:30 a.m. — 3:00 p.m.

S. Norma Rocklage, OSF: Being God-Conscious S. Patty Campbell, OSF: Creating Mandalas Kathy Cooley, RD: Nourishing Beauty Margaret Lois Jansen: Seeing Within & Without

$45 includes a beautiful, delicious lunch!

“The actual task is to integrate the two threads of one’s life… the within and the without.”

-Teilhard de Chardin, S. J.


Growing in Wholeness with God


Growing in wholeness means growing into your authentic self.

It is a call to deeper self-discovery and experience of God.

To grow into wholeness, we need trust, acceptance, and courage.

Facilitating this process is what OFC is all about.

2013 Franciscan Retreat! August 5-9, 2013

Spirituality for the 2nd Half of Life March 15-17

S. Barbara Leonhard , OSF 7 p.m. Fri.—noon Sun (Theologian & Spiritual Director) $215 private room* CEU ELIGIBLE (CEU fee: additional $40) $180 shared room* *fee includes program, meals, & materials $130 commuters*

Theologians and psychologists alike remind us that the tasks of life and our

perspectives on life change as we grow and mature. This weekend retreat is

an opportunity to reflect upon the ways in which we are led to deeper ways of

living our faith, praying in the midst of life’s great questions, and discovering

who we are in the second half of life. Scripture tells us that divine wisdom

comes with experience (Prov 8:12), a positive view indeed of the spiritual

richness that can be discovered in the second half of life. These years offer us

the opportunity to discover an inner richness we may not have imagined, a

richness which in turn can be a source of wisdom for those who look to us for

encouragement and support.

Jesus of Nazareth, Francis, and Clare of Assisi: Pray! Resist! Bring Forth a New Humanity!

S. Marya Grathwohl, OSF, founder of Earth-Hope S. Helen Prejean, CSJ, author of Dead Man Walking

“I saw the suffering and I let myself feel it… I saw the injustice and was

compelled to do something about it. I changed from being a nun who only

prayed for the suffering world to a woman with my sleeves rolled up, living

my prayer.” - S. Helen Prejean, CSJ.

Save the date. Come, live your prayer!

19 812-933-6437 ~ center@oldenburgosf.com

Spiritual Direction & Private Retreats

Directors Accommodations/Services

S. Karla Barker, OSF $45/night ~ private room

S. Janet Born, OSF $45/hr—spiritual direction

S. Patty Campbell, OSF Dine with Sisters ($18/day)

S. Barbara Leonhard, OSF Or bring your own food,

S. Kathleen Mulso, OSF Or eat at local restaurants.

S. Olga Wittekind, OSF

Men and women of all faiths are invited to make private and

group retreats at Oldenburg Franciscan Center. Spiritual Directors

are available for private or group spiritual direction and/or to provide input

and/or help facilitate prayer times for your groups. Additional information

about our retreat directors is found on page 20. To schedule a private retreat

or inquire about spiritual direction, please contact Angela at 513-543-5368

or aroesler@oldenburgosf.com.

To learn more about private retreats and spiritual direction at OFC, please

visit the “Heal, Learn, Discern” page of our website:


“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, & change.” “Courage is telling our story…” and

“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.”

-Brene Brown, author of Daring Greatly

Men’s Night at the Burg Mon: Jan 14th, Feb 11,

Fr. Carl Hawver Mar 11, Apr 8, May 13, 7-8:30 pm

Using materials from male authors and guest speakers, participants will

share experiences of prayer and seeing God in the everydayness of their lives.

20 www.oldenburgfranciscancenter.org

Meet Our Spiritual Directors

“Journeying with another is a profound call to break bread

and share at a deep level the mystery of life & faith.”

- S. Karla Barker, OSF


Schedule a Retreat! Call 812-933-6437

“My peace I leave you; my peace I give you; Not as the world gives do I give to you.”

-John 14:27

Private Retreats for Individuals or Groups can be a time for reflecting,

rejoicing, recovering, rediscovering, replenishing, redirecting, re-centering….

And resting. With technology that keeps us connected to the demands upon

us (and temptations before us), it is often difficult to give ourselves time to

just Be...

“Be Still and Know I am God.”

- Psalm 46:10

It’s in the calming of our hearts that we find God. That’s what we’re inviting

you to do. Pause for a day, a weekend, or a week. Turn off your cellphone

and give yourself permission to meet quiet again. Walk our grounds and our

beautiful town, visit our chapel, meet with a spiritual director, walk the laby-

rinth, play the piano, peruse our library, wander the wooded trails at

Michaela Farm, paint a picture, write a poem, or find a quiet bench to enjoy

nature and watch the clouds shift form. What you do with your time is up to

you, with as much or as little guidance from us as you would like.

812-933-6437 ~ center@oldenburgosf.com

22 812-933-6437 ~ center@oldenburgosf.com

OFC Registration Form










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