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L E D G E R E N T R I E S o i n UP and

FORTY-NINTH YEAR Being a Collection of Various

Topics of Local and General In teres t


/~\UR BRAVE navy boys toss on ^ the dark and dangerous seas, I and occasionally an enemy sub-] marine gets them. One of the worst of these disasters occurred when the destroyer Jacob Jones went to the bottom. Apparently only 11 o f i W o r s t S t o r m o f W i n t e r Its splendid men were raved. May' C»- - i „ • those who were lost find In a bet-1 M f l k C S i n r o r c e ter world the reward for their hero-

Ism and patriotic service. i the pathway of the worst snow iee of the village street department , » " l 6 0 ! rm. . ? a V y . e , i"torm of the winter which began has gone to Fort Custer where he terrif ic task. They have to safe- ; ^ 8 u n d a y ^ e m o o n . f o l i o w i n g guard the armies tha t are being h o u n | o f r a l n a n d w h I c h

L O W E L L . MICHIGAN, MARCH 12, 1942 No. 44

Snow and Gale ^ Hits

C. L. (Lodi) Shear, an employee .of the Municipal Plant for several

This section of Michigan was in j years and more recently an employ-

sent overseas to fight, the all per-vading Axis, and guard vast quanti-ties of munitions and supplies which have to travel 5,000 to 10,000

continued throughout Sunday night, not stopping until a f t e r mid-day on Monday.

, The storm spread Its paralysis miles in many esses. Let us never j r o m t h e a o u thwe8te rn lower pcnln-forget what those men have to bear, B U] a n o r t h e a s t corner, in as they watch the tossing sea for j a broad diagonal of dr i f t? and ice the enemy that seeks t h e i r | which bulged Irregularly along the

I course. Most of the upper penin-sula was equally effected and ferry

ANTE UP F O B LNCLE SAM j g e r v l c e a c r 0 9 0 t h e straits h i d to be SECRETARY O F the Treas- discontinued.

From 10 to 12 inche.i of snow fell within a few hours, but worse than the snowfall was the 36-mlle gale which created huge dr i f t s

gone has accepted a position army's fire fighting unit.

In the

r P H E ury has proposed to congress that

It Impose additional taxes amount-ing to $7,610,000,000, also social se-curi ty taxes totaling $2,000,000,000. The American people may groan | with which county and s t i t e hlgh-about more taxes, which may be way craws were unable to cope, twice the federal taxes they are: Hundreds of cars were marooned paying this year, and this year's1 ^ r hours on trunkllne highways, taxes were far ahead of those o f ' b u s service on all lines was away previous years. • behind schedule and many t r ips

It will be Infinitely cheaper to pay! were cancelled. The P. M. train the cost of defending our cherished f rom Saginaw, due here at 7:30 in government, and putt ing down the l t h e evening did not arrive until dictators, than It will be to submit about 5 o'clock Tuesday morning, to the rule of these tyrannnlcal carriers were unable to governments. If the dictators win, cover their routes except for very the United States will have to main- short distances In some cases They tain a tremendous military burden i s««nply could not get through. AI-for many years. I t might have to | most all secondary roads yrer.s im-flght a series of wars to resist in- pa*»ble and school buses were i n -vasion. I c e l , e d - Even resldenual streets were

People have to expect extra costs! with snow dr i f ts and early f rom time to time to meet all kinds; m o r n l n K drivers, braving the storm, of special needs. If they meet with a i &ot i n t o ^ k i n d 8 o f trouble In the serious accident, or t h e i r b u i l d i n g s l a n d i n g storm but fortunately no need extensive repairs, they have serious accident , were reported to meet the cos t Now that the ' Lowell schools were c osed all world has run up against t y r a n t s W Monday and only the first eight who are Imposing their terrible r u l e , f a d e s were In operation on T«*s-on many nations, it Is cheaper to day. All departments of the school pay heavily to destroy their power. ^ e r f In full operation on H J Wednesday. •

Rosella Yelter, Lowell township treasurer, states that the township tax roll for this year was $26,689.30 and taxes returned to the county only amounted to $747.94. This Is the smallest amount of taxes re-lumed In a good many years from this township.

Funeral services were held In Shlloh on March 2 for Claude Cop-pins. 67. who was found dead the Friday previous by his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Haverstlck. when she went to call him for breakfast . Mr. Copplns worked In a hardware store In Lowell some 25 or 30 years ago. He was a veteran of the Spanish American War.

Work on the third and final sec-tion 6f the Main Street bridge will begin as soon as there Is no likeli-hood of Interference f rom high water, states Gene Fewall, superln-tendent for the Lamb Construction Company. Clearance work prepara-tory to driving steel sheet piling Is now under way on the buildings adjacent to the bridge site. It Is also ststed that approximately eight months' time will be required for the completion of the project.

WELCOME SPRING By Tuesday noon the wind had I subsided to a gentle zephyr and the

T F A VOTE were taken on w h i c h ! 9 u n 8 h o n e brightly. is the most popular season o f j w h e n the storm broke last Sun-

the year, spring would probably d a y night. Old Man Winter was car ry the election. The heart is j evidently trying to show that he buoyed up by anticipation of the;sti l l had a heap of vitality left In bright summer days. [ his old veins before the advent of

The spring is such a refreshing spring, only 12 days away. contrast to the chills of winter.] I t of ten seems singular the way winter hangs on. By early March the sun has come almost half way! back f rom his long journey to the i tropica, but the average normal! temperature has advanced bn t slightly in the major i ty of the | s t a t e s The ear th through those l weeks seems like a cake of ice lone ticket In the field brought out le f t cu i in the sunlight on a cold | only 37 voters at the village election day. I t may melt a little, but only j last Monday. dowly. i All Incumbents were re-elected

The revival of nature Is out! nf and to m a k e the record complete

Village Election Enlkued by Coup

Bad weather coupled with only

It won't be long before the north winds that sweep f rom across the street moaning of winter ' s chill, will undergo a change and sound a more cheerful note and boom with less force. They will temper them-selves to the approaching season and realize they must give way to the sun which is climbing higher week by week. The days are lengthening and daylight makes na ture anticipate s revival of bloom. Comes the f irs t stirrings f rom a deep sleep with plans for activity. We aren' t opposed to win-ter here in our town for there is a friendliness that comes with fireside chats, evenings spent with the children doing home work round the dining room table, babies

I sleeping soundly upstairs, maybe a crowd stopping In a f te r the game, some good reading and radio to en-joy befi.. :• going off to bed, so snugly tucked Inside against the blasts. Winter Is a visiting time in Lowell. But as the sun rides higher and brings us spring we will make ready for the shif t ing of scenery and season.

those grand miracles that amaze the human mind. The trees and shrubs had seemed sunk In the sleep of death. Now buds appear, and the trees, recently naked and forbidding begin to take on a filmy cloud. In due time the buds

their names are repeated herewith: Village president; J . A. Arab a r t ; clerk, L. E. Johnson; treasurer, Elmer S. White; assessor, Chris Bergin; trustees, Wm. Christiansen. W. A. Roth, L. W. Rutherford.

Interest in the election quickened will swell into leaves and blossoms, \ late in the day when a few scat-and the dreary landscape will t ake i te red votes came In. but th« coup on a dress of surpassing beauty, d'etat failed, apparently lacking

The perennial plants and flowers i the hand of skilled leadership, a re perking up their heads In their ' The f inal 'ally showed the fol-beda of dry leaves, and telling the 1 lowing: J . A. Arehart . for village world once more that It Is a place, president received 25 votes to of beauty. ' eight votes for P . C. Peckham,

There seems such hope In the jL. E. Johnson, village c l e r k spring. It promises so many n e w ' a n d Elmer S. White, village things, such richness of production, t reasurer had no opposition, each

receiving 31 votes. Chris Bergin was elected assessor for the 13th term by 30 votes.

The vote on trustees was as

such offering of earth 's resources for the benefit of men. Countless people are emotionally affected. Some folks of romantic natures | write verses of poetry In the spring.; follows: The newspapers arc able to print William Christiansen, 25 votes bu t few of them, but they 8ym-|to three for William S. Doyle, one pathlze with the sentiment of ela-jfor William Doyle, one for Ray tion. • Borgerson and one for Theodore

Let us get all the good we can | Mueller. f rom the spring, take what tlmei W. A. Roth, 26 votes tn one for we can In the open air, cultivate I for William S. Doyle, one for Thco-sports and athletics, and enjoy to jdore Mueller and two for Ray the full this season when Nature , Borgerson. smiles once more, and tries to make us feel at hdme and happy on our earth.


PATRICK, who lived some 500 years ago, was said to ^ •

have found no Christians In Ire-land, and to have left no heathen there when he died. Perhaps that statement Is exaggerated, but there a re statements that he founded 365 churches, which may be pret ty near the t ruth. Evidently he was an orator of marvellous power, and one who had those g iand gif ts of sympathy and understanding that touch the hearts of people.

Considering the amazing record of his achievements, and the charm of his personali ty it Is not sur-prising that the Ir ish race has over since revered and been fascinated by the memory he left behind. They remember him with enthusiasm on March 17.

In those old times when there •were no newspapers, when few people could read, and when social organization had made practically no progress, a gifted speaker could Influence masses of people.

Today our people's minds a re filled -arlth thoughts obtained f rom books, magaxfnes, and neTropapers, and everybody's opinion is poured into their ears. Thus people be-come hard boiled amid all this conflict of belief, and it Is not easy to change their ideas.

S t Patr ick evidently had a power of persuasiveneaa such as few men have ever equalled. Few If any such cases can be found where one man has overturned the beliefs of a nation.

American life needs men of such power and eloquence, tha t its peo-ple can be converted to higher ideals, to the abolition of abuses, and to wise and tolerant views. If St. Patr ick were here today, he would tell people to devote them-selves with the utmost energy to the causes of good citizenship. Also as the f irs t s tep In that direction, to make everything subordinate to the Idea of victory over the dic-tators who have brought dreadful calamities on the human race.

New York—America now sup-plies nearly all the tobacco eon-Bumed lu E g y p t

L. W. Rutherford, 25 votes to two for Wm. S. Doyle, one for Theodore Mueller and two for Ray Borgerson.

Lowell Republicans Name Twp. Ticket

The Lowell township Republi-can caucus, held a t the City Hall Wednesday afternoon was attended by 33 voters and all candidates were nominated without opposition, as follows:

Supervisor, F rank L. Houghton; clerk, Elmer S. WhUe; treasurer, Rosella Yelter; highway commis-sioner, C. J . Place; justice of the peace, Robert E. Springett; board of review, Merritt Day; constables, F rank L. Stephens, Fred Gramer. Eugene Carr, Orley Rulason.

Roland Depew presided as chair-man of the caucus an.-? L. E. John-son as clerk. The tellers were Ear l Thomas, Paul Hilton and Mra Walter Kropf.

The following township commit-tee was re-elected for the ensuing year : Roland Depew, Earl Thomas and George Wleland.

Bond Sales Here Total $88,275

The Lowell post office reports February defense savings bonds sales as follows: Thirty-seven $25 bonds, three $50 bonds, nine $100 bonds, one $500 bond and one $1,000 bond making a total of $3,475. A total of $1,115 in defense savings s tamps were also sold during Feb-ruary.

At the State Savings bank bonds sold during February were as fol-lows: Fif ty $25 bonds, seventeen $50 bonds, forty-six $100 bonds, twelve $500 bonds for a total of $12,700.

The above figures added to bonds previously reported make a total of $88,275 In defense bonds bought In Lowell u t to March 1.

Jokes, jests, jabs and jibes just by Je f f : Looks as though our old rubbers are going to last through their th l r t winter — maybe they won't be needed for a fourth. Noticed a fellow the other day, who was out in the back yard watching a spot where he expects to sec rhubarb before long. . . . There is another American custom that seems to be slipipng, that of bring-ing apples to the t eacher . . . . These boys around Lowell who don't want to plow a fa rm will find that all life takes plowing through or un der.

Silas Onlooker's phllosphy: We might try shelling in. for defense bonds rather than be shelled out be-cause we didn't buy them.

How to Advertise

There are some business people who say they believe thoroughly in the advantages of advertising, but they rarely make use of it, since they claim they don't know how to write a good advertisement.

These people know the reasons why the articles they offer are good bargains and well worth the monev asked for them. If they will de-scribe the goods briefly and tell the price, they have the materials they need for an effective ad. What the public wants to know is what they have to sell and the reasons why they should buy. The man who


We still are able to furnish Ball Band rubbers In all staple styles a t the November price scale. Boots, arctics, work and dress rubbers. In all sizes. Coons.

From Glendon and Kathryn


Written fov readers of The Lou ell Ledger

News of Our Boys Can't Beat Axis W M e U S J i a s With 40-iir. Week

1 P. F. C. Roland Acheson writes that he has been transferred f rom ' _

I Camp Livingston, La., to Fort M a n y I l lus ions G o n e In j iDevins, Mass. He states that he! likes the new location very much. P a s t 95 Days

Kent county draf t boards have re-1 „ By Gene AJIeman leased the names of current selectees * r" M , c h , K a n Press Assn. ^ By K. K. Vlnlng who will leave for For t Custer L j f e js going on just the same in! shortly for induction into the army. M l c h i K a n pC On|e still oat. drink r d , t o r " N o t e - P i n c h h l t t i n g again

G. S. and K. S. Heard Fron—Ship Takes Refuge On

Island River—Stand 50-50 Chance of Escaping Sub.

this week for Mr. Vlnlng are John Stone, assistant extension agent and E. Eleanor Densmore. home

Editor 's Note.—(In last Ledger we explained tha t the last letter received from G. S. and K. S. was wri t ten on Feb. 11. The let ter below Is the first one to reach the Ledger since that da te al-though It Is quite possible that a let-ter written previous to the one here-with was either lost or failed to pass censorship.)

(Writ ten In Cabin 6. aboard a ship a t anchor In the Demerara . River, Georgetown).

It Is ra ther a long way f rom here to Panama—Cristobal, Canal Zone to he exact. As fa r as the submarine situation In the Carib-bean is concerned, our chance* of getting there seem to be about f if ty-fif ty a t present.

On the way op f rom Paramar ibo to Georget wn Kate has busied her-self with what she terms our "Sub-marine Defense U n i t " There Is a built-in sofa directly between our two bunks in Cabin 6. On It, two brand new life belts are propped Into position, ready to slip on. Be-tween them He my portfolio, our camera, and Kate's immense puree. These are the things we hope to save in the event of any distress.

have chosen the non-esssef^lal things—passport, money, etc. Kate has selected all the essentials: comb, t o o t h b r u s h e s , lipstick, needles and thread, her bottle of perfume.

Last night we had blackout prac-tice. Lying at anchor, all the win-dows and portholes were papered up, and all the lights turned on behind them. Theii the chief offi-cer and Captain were rowed aropnd the boat In search of the faintest gleam of light anywhere. All the officers have been Issued revolvers.

Col. Guy V. Thompson and Lt. Col. William Skinner. Capt. Klelnheksel Is Troop D commander.

Those from this vicinity are Carl F. wear clothes, and carry on their ? e ! ! r ; Ir i A I i ? r r ' uHe~m .aI! existence as nearly as possible Cordtz, Noah C. Blough, Keith O.l t o former habits Graham, Haro'd J . Denton Ed-, A n d y e t , l f e t c d a y | n , Michigan e X t e n i , l o n a K e n t i . ward J . Kulper, James -1. Hill, Mil- s m a l l c l t l e g a n d towns Is vastly! 5. r . . ton D. Rogers. different than what It was just 931 8 w * t O U n d # W , , , U n c t i o n

r .- . TW . . . . . . . . , I days ago. The only man not kicking today Capt. John Klelnheksel, who Is Many changes have taken place 's the fellow with his leg In a cast,

stationed at Fort Riley, Kan., is g i n c e p e a r , Harbor. So says a recent article that came 1 very proud of the fact that a poem,, More changes are coming, inevi- t o m y attention. A learned author-| America Speak to Me. writ ten by i t a b l y l l k c 8 p r , n g a n d 3 u m m e r a n d ity says, "Success depends on the .one of his boys, was read over the f a | | proper function of the glands, es-

UrOPTha* rAni0rft lth«0.n»heChntt Michigan Is awakening to the Pecially the sweat glands. Spring m a r r h l L t ^ n rtn«n i f h U ? h r e a >We s IMS Most of these reall- Js coming soon now. we hope, and wJv ls T r ^ n n T . H ^ hv t T 1 ' " a r e n o t P l e a 9 a n t Some may be |hi» year more than ever before we wajMs Troop D, judged so by L t b l c s 8 i n g g i n d | a f r u i g e . i n K e n t county plan to see that the

. ^ i sweat glands get a work out. The

Since Pear, Harbor, just 95 d a y . | ^

P. F. C. Orley C. Richardson 0 ^ * ' ^ fT 3e t r e r j ace a \ han e ; t m a 0 ny w e ^ ' h e ^ w l r m s 1 " u ^ l h ^ s p ^ f n g [hi

Service Co., 36th Armored In fan t ry j t , m e ' n 166 years. History has been f a r m e r | g r e a l , y g o i n g t 0 | e t t I e

Regiment of the 3rd Armored | o n t h e run. And we have been back in the collar and get at this (Bayou Blitz) Division has b e e n : ^ r r y ' 0 ? keep up with It. work of supplying the nation with promoteu to Technician 5th Grade ' G o n e 13 t h e illusion of isolation, food. it was announced today by Colonel 1 V a n i s h l n & b y degrees are illusions This ween we held a series of W. L Roberts, commanding the w e cannot lose the war, that!meet ings to test the vegetable 36th Armored Infantry Regiment. w e a r e invulnerable against at tack, g rowers soil and from tneir reports Technician Richardson is the s o n | ; h a t we will fight best when we are of seed shortages any one* planning of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R i c h a r d s o n ' o p t i m ^ ' c . tha t we can beat the ; to plant a garden should be very of Alto, Route 2. The 3rd A r m o r e d

A x i s on a 4ft-hour week, that we can [careful not to buy more seed than Division, one of Uncle Sam's panzer 1 w i n somehow without using our I is absolutely needed. Remember units. Is commanded by M a j o r best men In government regardless!gardens just don't grow like "Top-

t i j0f party, that lease-lend of arms jsy" and must receive constant care will suffice without American men j throughout the season. Food from to arm them, that the war can be , the garden on the table and in the done by defense Instead of o f f e n s e , can is the patriotic goal not just

We realize that we How face o u r i t h e 'dea of planting seed in the greatest crisis in 166 years—prob- back yard. ably In the next six to eight months.! —

~ j No Money Here

Gone is the Illusion that Michigan, Stop. Hold-up. Miss Densmore . . c o.. . . . - and Malaya have little in common and I just left the off ice when a

all tha t hot day, watching a hordei_ t„, ' t u J , t i W h o thought, prior to P e a r h m a n with a dark complexion en-of unenthusiastlc black stevedores ...-J,, .U P f r ~ " 1 w ouldn t Harbor, tha t automobiles and rub- tered with a gun saying, "Open the

f ^ . 1 1 f h . ? ? d 8Cjjoolhouse ber tires would be rationed within safe, sister!" to Miss McGlynn. who h n v ^ r mnf fho fri ' T d a y 8 ? What had South Sea was working In the ofllce at the Lowell Dossesses no^ S J i l ! i I , a n d > t o d o w , t h t h c Amerclan You probably know the rest h S . h i T ™ f , w a y of life, anyway? of the story from the feature

chants. V h o ^ ^ w . U i ^ a p p ^ L ? 011 S e e m e d f a , - f e t C h e d " ^ S S l ? ^ s h o c k . ^ n thoueh T ate what a swell town they live In. A n d y e t w c k n o w t o d a y t h a t w p bandit did not get anything. 6

must make our present family au- i - — tomobile do for many years to come, ^ c w Sugar Substitute —two. three, five and possibly tenli Here Is something for the Kent

When present automobile tires county f ru i t growers as well as the are gone, many of them cannot Se consumers to thin., about as a sub-

, The main "must see" In British Guiann. we had been told, was the sea cow at the Botanical Gar-dens. We grew rigid with deter-mination—after all. In Michigan, sea cows are ueually products of alcoholic imaginations, not realities.

Georgetown harbor consists of the first several miles of the Deme-rara River. Outstanding for its mud content, the most powerful ship Is completely at the mercy of the Demerara's tides. Entrance and exit are possible only between noon and four o'clock each day.

We lock — we wash our f a c e s . . . comb our hair present ourselves to the Immigration Officer for "In Transit" cards permitt ing us to go General Walton H. Walker, ashore . . .do we have a visa for British Guiana? . . .we smiie sweet-ly. . .how could we get a visa when we did not know the sh ip was coming to Georgetown ? . . . v e r y sor ry . . . I t will take t ime . . .you cannot go ashore un t i l . . . no sea cow!

We sit disconsolately on deck

The Ledger Is In receipt of an In-teresting letter from Pvt. C. Earl Doyle, who has been t ransferred from Camp Walters, Texas, to Fort Dlx, New Jersey. Earl says In par t : "I have been In quite a few towns since I left Lowell—Fort Worth, Dallas. Chattanooga, Washington,

load several thousand tons of rice into the hold. After dinner we go to a movie. The heat In Cabin 6 is ghastly. At eight o'clock the loading begins again—it goes on until four in the morning. The steam winches hiss and clat ter; the hand car t s rattle over the wooden wharf flooring; the elec-tric fans beat the warm air up to the hot thickness of a bat ter . No sea cow.

(Continued on Page 3)

Lowell Man Named Draft Bd, Member

Walter W. Gumser, super i r tend-ent of Lowell schools, Tuesday was appointed a member of Kent county d ra f t board No. 1 by selective serv-ice headquar ters In Washington.

The appointment of Gumser ¥en-larges the board to four members, it was announced by Donovan Wheeler, chief clerk. The appoint-ment came without solicitation on Mr. Gumser 's pa r t and he serves without pay.—He will begin his dutlee next Tuesday.

Mr. Gumser has served as pres-ident of both the Lowell Board of Trade and the Lowell Rotary Club and is a veteran of the First World War.

The at t i tude In the East towards the soldier is wonderful. Everything is around half fare for men In uni-form and incidentlally the food is swell. I was standing on the very-spot where George Washington

Farmers to Vote On Wheat Quotas

May 2, 1942, is the da te set by Secretary of Agriculture, Claude R. Wickard, for the farmers through-out the nation to vote on wheat market ing quotas, according to John McCabe. President of the Kent County Triple-A.

Wheat marketing quotas will aid in keeping wheat that Is not needed, off the marke t by allowing the f a rmers the privilege of wheat loans. This plan is flexible and allows for the release of the stored wheat when It Is needed.

A limited market among all farm-ers, guaranteeing each the privi-lege of selling at fa i r prices an equitable amount of wheat that he produces, is a part of the wheat market ing quota plan.

Without taking the 1SM2 wheat crop into consideration, there Is

This ye^r more than six million I already enough wheat on hand to American citizens are fil ing their j supply all of our anticipated needs first income tax returns, and a simi-iboth at home and in foreign outlets liar number will actually make their j well into 1943. initial contributions to Goverment1 Many f a rmers are awakening to through this medium of Federal ] the fac t that to produce more wheat

at a time when there is a greater need for other commodities. Is a waste of human labor, machines and materials,

The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 contains this provision: "Whenever It shall appear, tha t the total supply of wheat as of the

replaced. And this realization, too. sti tute for sugar. USDA Apple Syr-in 95 days. (u;), "Super-Pectin". Business Week,

— February 14: "With sugar rationing.' One immediate effect of Malaya ;°0 .m e citizens may pour apple

on Michigan Is a reverse In the ^ c e ' c o n ^ e n 3 e ^ t o 8 y r u P ' ' n ^ o ^belr trend of mobile shopping, a return m o r n i n g c o C f e e - T h e s y r u p and a of trade to hundreds of M a i n , 8 U ^ e ^ ' , ! ! , g a r " s a v l n g P ^ U n for jam Streets. a n d i e , , y making, also f rom apples.

Automobile and good roads made * 1 ® ^ m ^ n g t h e , a t e 8 t developments Michigan a land of gasoline g o - g e t - • ° f 1 . ! ^ „ D e p a ^ m e r ! t <>/Agriculture's ters. We thought nothing of t r a v e l - 1 , a b o r a t < " y a t Ing 10 to 50 miles, or even more. t o l

P h J i a d e l p h l a .

£ r K v M ' X 1 ; — Ing a movie and hurrying back A note to poultrymen. Shrunken home in time for evening dinner. . whe^t is good feed. The three year

Retail t rends for luxury g o o d s ; a v e r a 8 e egg production for the lots have been toward larger centers a t ! 0 ' White Leghorn pullets receiving the expense of small towns. One ex-!3 6 P e r c e n t ground plump wheat in ception has been the large m e t r o - ! t h e i r " " " ' b and 50^ plump whole poiitan centers—those over 500 0 0 0 i w h e a t l n their grain was 51 eggs to

our post paper and seems to be | population—where population and ' M a r c h 1 ' ^ d 1 6 2 eggs for the en-wri t ten with much feeling and un- ~ ~ . derstanding. Please publish this in memory of our friend and school-

crossed the Delaware. It was Sat-urday night and a motley crew finally threw one of 'Our Boys' over the immortal spot and into the Del-aware river. I am with a home-loving group of young men and run around with a fellow from Mlddle-vllle, Mich. Incidentally, the Ledger is the best small town paper I've seen In any of the Camps."

Richard H. Watters of the U. S. Marine Air Corps, stationed a t Quantlco, Va., writes to the Ledger enclosing a poem which he says "was written by a negro in- the Navy's ordinance depar tment In memory of the officers and men who lost their lives during the at-tack on Pear l Harbor December 7. This poem was recently published In

Pile income Tax By Next Monday

taxation. Reports reaching the Treasury

Depar tment f rom all collection dis-tr icts Indicate that our people have cheerfully assumed the additional tax burden which is one of the inevitable consequences of total war.

trading trends have been in the d l - l t i r e y e a r - Corresponding figures for rectlon of decentralization ! t h e 1 0 1 3 receiving s h m n k e n wheat

T PHI A v . 1 Michigan Main Street. w h l c h ! » t the same levels were 57 eggs and

1942. Here Is one of the unforeseen o u n C M p e r d o z e n f o r t h e p , u n i p a n d

blessings in the war readjustments f h r U n k e n w h e a t 8 : r 0 u p 8

now fast unfolding. | , y -

others that will follow In this war.

Sleep On Sleep on, shipmates, and take your ',

rest, Recline your heads on Glory's

breast! No more will war's destructive gale. Your gallant heroic soul Impale! Sleep on!

Althoug! s ign, were available In' p a r a g r a P h| f ^ Mr. Stone.

1941 of coming events, who among f o ' ,p

o w , n K P a r a p h s by M.ss Dens-us was convinced that we must do n i Q r c

withou t -even in 1942-8uch com-j monplace commodities as refrigera-

(Contlnued on Page 6)

on. shipmates, you arc „ o t l t o r a , W M h i n g m . c h l n e < ,

You ' r . Just asleep, for Fame has |

can talk about his goods should mony to the fact that a new spirit While these reports offer testi- beginning of the market ing year

be able to write about them.

Community Mourns Burt A. Charles, 70

Burt A. Charles, pioneer barber of Lowell, died at his home here early Wednesday morning, death being due to a heart ailment. He had been In his usual health up until the past three or four weeks.

Mr. Charles' career as a barber here covers a period of 53 years. He was known as a | o o d workman, was of a friendly disposition and was well known throughout the en-tire community.

Mr. Charles was born December 6, 1871, In Mlddleport, N. Y., the son of Thomas and Johanna Charles. He Is survived by the widow, Mary;

daughter, Mrs. Edith Vos of Flint; a niece. Mrs. Mabel Knapp, and a nephew. Bert L. Charles, both of Lowell.

Funeral services will be held a t two o'clock Fr iday af ternoon In the Roth Chapel with the Rev. Fr . E. J . Jewell officiating. Burial will be made In Oakwood cemetery.

The many fr iends join In extend-ing sincere sympathy to the be-reaved wife and daughter and other relatives.

pervades . the Nation's taxpapers. it is still imperative that the pub-lic be reminded, again and again, of the need for prompt payment of their tax liabilities.

Remember, tax re turns from Michigan must be addressed to the Collector of In ternal Revenue, De-troit or Grand Rapids, on or be-fore next Monday, March 16.


A daughter, Ri ta J a n e to Mr. and Mrs. F rank H. Carr, of Grand Rapids, formerly of South Lowell, on February 27 at St. Mary's Ho»-pltal

To Mr. and Mrs. Victor Clemenz, a daughter, Constance Elizabeth, on March 5, a t Blodgett hospital.

Marriage Licenses

Raymond Jousma, 21, Caledonia; Darlene Roark, 19, Alto.

Mathew Fase, 56, Ada; Eliza Gllllt, 56, Grand Rapids.

Montevideo—Arrival of five ships bearing coal f rom the United States relieved Uruguay's recent fuel short sge.

New Ag. Teacher Takes Up Duties

The Board of Education has an-nounced the employment of Albert T. Hall a s supervisor of agricultural activities connected wi th Lowell High School. Mr. Hall, who took up hie duties on March 2, succeeds Captain John Klelnheksel who re-signed to enter military service. Mr. Hall comes f rom a family of fa rmers aad his interests are cen-tered in the problems of the farm. His major Interest is animal bus-

said: "I gi"e to you Eternal Life!" And now you're free from hate and

str ife! Sleep on!

Sleep on, shipmates, the life you gave

On yonder shore In a watery grave Was not In vain; wc heard your

cry! And this our answer: "We'll avenge

j radios and girdles? The m c c h a n i ^ M c C f l b C , L t O f l p B l l

Will Speak at Fanners' School

was less than a normal year 's con-sumption and export plus 30 per-centum thereof, the Secretary of Agriculture shall proclaim such fac t . . . I f f a rm marketing quotas |We'l l drive the foe from ear th and

or die!" Sleep on!

Sleep on, your spirit will not die!

have been announced with respect to the crop grown In such calendar year. Thereupon, such quotas shall become Ineffective."

Two-thirds of the fa rmers voting must vote In favor of wheat mar-keting quotas before It can be put Into effect .

Mr. McCabe says that If the vote Is not favorable to wheat market-ing quotas, It will mean the dis-continuance of wheat loans and crop insurance and that the price of wheat will drop to the world price.

Strand Calendar

Thursday, March 12—Tim Holt In "The Bandit Trail." Added feature, "Burma Convoy" with Charles Blckford and Evelyn Ankers; also Novelty Reel.

Friday a n d Saturday, March 13-14—"International Squadron" with

bandry but poultry, crops t n d fruit . Ronald Reagan and Olympe Brad-will also take much of his at tent ion. 'na Also 'N iagara Falls" with Mar-

Mr. Hall taught rura l school for l jor le Woodworth and Tom Brown, also News.

Sunday and Monday, March 15-16—Greta Garbo and Melyvm Doug-las In "Two Faced Woman". Added feature, "Fiesta" with Arm I da and Antonio Moreno, plus News.

Tuesday and Wednesday, March IT-lft—'Tom Sawyer" with Tom

at present. Is teaching Home Econo- "eUv and Jackie Morarr Also mlcs a t Sandusky but will be s K Another Chorus with Jane

seven years In Sanilac County, whero his people have lived for years. H e graduated with honors at M. S. C. on March 1 of this year. He was awarded a Kellogg scholarship for practice teaching and he dis-tinguished himself In other re-spects while a t college. Mrs. Hall,

Sandusky with her husband next fall.


CROP PRODUCTION LOANS Foran and Leo Carrlllo.

Frazee and Johnny Downs. Thursday, March 19—"New Wine"

with Ilona Massey and Alan Curtis, also "Kid F rom Kansas" with Dick

Arrangements are being made to accept applications for crop produc-tion in all counties of Michigan, and as in former years, euch loans will bear interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum from the date of disbursement.

Applications are available at the County Agent's office.


I will be at the office of the late Dr. H. P . Gotfredsen every af ter-noon dur ing the month of March to collect accounts due him.

Besse F. Gotfredsen (Mrs. H. P.), Special Administrator. c42-tf

Australia picked 1,732 tons of

sky! We'll plant our flag on every crest! That flag for which you gave your

best. Sleep on!

Sleep on, t r iumphant spirits free! Sail you Eternity's boundless sea. ^ a l k y o u the deck beyond the sky!

the plain tact that we are five! years behind the Germans in con-j verting our industrial plants for war production, is bringing revolu-j tionary upsets in our easy-going mode of living.

In 95 days we learn that demo- T . „ „ , u t - «• , cracy must become dictatorial to I J o h n M c C a b e - Presldenf of Kent save Itself f rom dictatorship, that 9 o u n t . y A e r i c u j ^ 1 Conservation we must deprive ourselves of free- A a s o c " l t i o n - w 1 1 *>« a t the adult doms so that we can save them tl.at n l g h l 8 c h 0 0 1 o n M a r c h 18- H e w l 1 1

a dozen expeditionary forces" and l e a d . tIh e discussion on Soil Con-

cur home units will require nervat ion and Land Use. The meet-wards of ten million men by 1944. l n g 18 ' 0 r

18 ® c i 0 c k i n t h !

that tens of thousands of women L o w e n h i g h 8 c h o o , • A n f a r m < ! r e and must replace men In war plants , n t e r e 8 t e d persons are Invited to everywhere. Wha t a chanee ' 'a t tend.

__ 0 | As an added feature, Andrew The prospect of outright short- L a m P e n o f t h e K e n t County Pro-

ages in many lines of civilian goods ductlon Credit Association will be present. He will show two short pictures. The first, "Food for Free-dom," will show some of the efforts

has brought on a wave of hoarding. January retail sales were fa r ahead of January , 1941.

. - i Tconomists tell nn thai being put forth to increase food Sleeu S "Ahoy, there!" by and by. t l o n a l i n c o r n e - production. The second, "Signs of Sleep on! proximately 102 billions taxes an^ D e p e n d a b l e e r e < , i t ' " w , , 1 a n 8 w e r

-^Harry Wilson Pat terson. ^ b l , U o n s l e a v i n K ^ b i I some of your questions on farm 1 Hons to be spent. Yet the production C r e d ' V ^ W , 1 , , a n 8 W . e r

of civilian goods, because of war < » u e 8 t ' o n s relating to the work of the priorities, will decline to 65 billions. P r o d u c t l o n C r « d i t Association.

Here will come the pinch; 15

Woman Sentenced In

Gas Station Theft Mrs. Grace Metzgar. 40, of Lan-

sing began a 90-day jail term last T h v s d a y In connection with the thef t of money from the Helm gas stat ion In Lowell last month.

The sentence was Imposed by Just ice John C. Loucks of Grand Rapids a f te r she pleaded guilty to charges of receiving stolen money and contributing to the delinquency of her minor son f rom whom she took it. The jail term was In lieu of a fine of $100 and costs which tho woman did not raise.

Phone your news to the Ledger, apricots this year.

Ronciman Elevator

Addresses Farmers Farmers for many miles around

will be Interested In reading the timely announcement of the C. H. Runclman elevator which will be found on page six of this Issue. Mr. Runclman is cooperating In the! the w a r slogan of the hour, ' T h e Amerl-1 War is a temporarv Interruption can Farmer Fills the Nation's Food!to the normal way of life, a call for Basket," by offering the very best common sacrifices to be made will-In tested seeds, feeds and reliable jingly and cheerfully. sprays and fertilizers, steel and | wood fence posts, etc. , All this in 95 days!

We're taking it on the chin now. Soon we're going to be giving It. blow for blow, sacrifice for sacrl-rlflce. to Adolph. Bruno and Charlie Hlrohlto.

We peace-loving Americans are getting mad.

- Crop Rotation Studied I c > ° k ' n g , o r a market that This week Wednesday Paul Rood,

v T M o4

re B u y i n « Power I Extension Specialist in Soils from y- T h a t ' 8 t h e Michigan State College, led a dls-

m ^ ^ ' n f l a " 0 n - i c u a s i o n on crop rotations. Taking -nmo f « r S absorbed, the f a r m of one of thc men In the rnnH 0 ^ orld War dollars. Rail-j class, he showed how the cropping

. transportation may system could fit that farm. The men •inni " I #0 8 4 7 8 M l c h i * f a n ' s vaca-1present will now work out a suitable tioniand f rom a war-time depres-: rotation for their own Tarms. •wn. Certainly we Americans are | The last meeting of this series of f - i - f i . S P f « d . n ^ 0 r e m o n e y ' o r re- discussions of soil management will

-atlon In 194- than we did in 1941,'be in the form of a banquet on h m k ."if " m a y 8 0 u n d 1 1 March 25. Anyone desiring fur ther

win oe the normal reaction to war ' informat ion should contact Albert nerves, and a healthful prescription to take.

The home-town merchant - who makes the grade In this critical period of fast-made adjus tments will be the merchant who keeps his head, and uses It, too.

Positive thinking, not negative thinking. Is needed today.

All th inking must be subjected to one paramount objective: Winning

T. Hall, the local instructor of agri-culture.


St. Patr ick 's dance, Maccabee Hall, Smyrna, Tuesday evening, March 17. Everybody welcome. p44

As In the past, Mr. Runclman will be In tho market for wool and beans.

London—Pigs were seen feeding recently In Trafa lgar Square In London.

Auction Sales Arthur Anderson Estate. March 19

A public auction sale will be held on the estate of the late Arthur Anderson, 3% miles north-west of Lowell on Thursday, March 19, commencing at one o'clock. A large list of cattle, horses, feed. Implements and tools and other miscellaneous articles. Terms, cash, unless a r rangement s are made be-fore sale. N. C. Thomas, auctioneer, Har ry Day, special administrator. See complete list on another of th is issue.


Che C o u w i l L e d g e r and ALTO SOLO

PubhshKl every Thursdty morning at 110 EHSI Main Street. Lowell. Michigan. Enterert at I'cwtoffice at Lowell, Michigan, >• Second Claw Matter. 11. G. JKFVKRIES, Kdllor and I'uhllther

Mrnihrr MlrhlKun l'rr«* A\M>rlalion M-nilHT Natiiinnl Kdllorlal Atftoclallon

•>at(MTlpll«n Raicn I'ayable In Advaacei \riir tt.00: Six Monlhs <1.00

Slniclc Cople* 6c Hit Lowell Ledger, EsUblUhed June,

isvj. The Alto Solo, eaubliahed January IBi <. Consolidated with the Ledger June U'W. The Lowell Journal. esUMUhed 18M, C n-ollJated with the Ledger December 15, llfSH.

A SOUND DOCTRINE Every government orncial or board t&at

nanaip* |.ubUc money thould publish at rew lar intcn-aU an accounting or tt. «nj«.ng where and how each dollar la 'Mnt. We hold thu to be a fundamaaul pniclple of democratic government

Ledger Entries (Continued from first page)

N 0


ONE NEEDS to tells us that we are a very wasteful coun-

try. In Lowell ^*e admit it but are willing to help put a stop to it if by eo doing we will assist in putting an end to this war. Perhaps it is because America has always had such an abundance of every-thing that we have become a na-tion to forget a shortage in our needs. By advertising products and offering attractive prices Ameri-cans have been sold on the idea of purchasing new rather than ue-ing tip the old. It might have been alright then, but not today. Of course we all know it is necessary to sacrifice luxuries during a war and few who haven't already tasted of the denial, but even at this there is no such acute shortage as has been facing the other nations, especially the Axis powers, who for a long lime past have been sacri-ficing as they built up their ma-chine for the present conflict. They have been even cutting down on the necessities in order to be ready to strike. We are today having far more in the way of food and ma-terials than other countries have been having for years. But now we consider what we can get along without, pulling out of trunks in the attic certain cast-offs that might be fixed, bringing out of the «hed and garage discarded Items that might come In handy again. But dally we must bear In mind that there are many things which •we thoughtlessly waste that are vital in defense, to squander them will prolong the war. We can help by carrying our packages than to have them delivered since this saves gasoline and rubber for truckc. Save old scrap Iron and re-member the vast amount we shipped to Japan and what she has done with It! Don't burn paper and cardboard i since you already know of its Importance. Tell your mer-chant to save his paper bags If you can carry the article without, or not have a parcel wrapped If neces-sary even though It has leen customary. Save all collapsable tubes—your druggist will see that they reach the right authorities— for converting Into new tin.

ALTO DEPARTMENT I Mra. Fred Puttiaon

m mm ^ • m » .1 Alta Library Notes

New rental books at the Library iara "All That Glitters" by Frances

tHclcnscd by Western Newspaper I'nlon.i 1 Parkinson Keyes. The background a v a n v r v T i i n r n l o f novel Is laid In Washington. A K T F b T T VFAn* 1 • • S u m m c r Tempest" by D. Hume, a

A vrtiTvo t. . . . . romantic novel, also two new mys-TO A \OUNG MAN, Harold t-or | t e ! y 8 t o r i e s by Rex Stout and Earl

tham, now soldiering with a bomber j S t a n i e y Gardner. squadron in the West, thc names o(| Don't forget to bring your cx-cities, towns, villages and Kcnernlj hlblts, quilts, family heirlooms or locations from which each day'sj anything interesting and old, and war news of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Far East comes, are fa-miliar.

Ten years ago Northam, then 18. wanted a membership in thc Chi-cago Adventurers' club. He was told he lacked the needed qualifications. He determined to acquirc them.

With a capital of $10, he left Chi-cago for Boston as an attendant on a stock train. In the same capacity he sailed from Boston for Danzig, on n boat carrying steers from Chica-go. Leaving the boat at Danzig, he worked his way through much of Russia, including the Ukraine, Mos-cow, Leningrad, and Into Finland; south through the Baltic states and Poland, through Germany, Den-mark. Holland. Belgium, France and Spain—working at whatever he could find to do for a day, a week or a month.

From Spain he crusscd into Af-rica. then back from Egypt to Italy, Grecce, Turkey, Syria, Irak and Arabia. At Port Said he got a Job on a boat that brought him back to New York, and then on another boat that took him through Panama to San Francisco and on around the world, with stops in Japan, China, Indo-Chinu, Siam and India.

After years, he returned to Chicago with a new suit of clothes, a new bag, $10 and the needed qual-ifications lor thc Adventurers' club, of which be is now a member.


must be at Methodist church not later than Saturday noon, March 12, silver tea same day from 2 to 5. Don't foget to drop penny In boxes In stores to send a "box a month" to soldier boys.

Mrs. Harold Nye and Mrs. H. D. Smith, Comm.

Garden Club Program

The Garden Club yearbook com-mittee has arranged an Interesting year as follows: First meeting, April 15 with Mrs. Swift Wlnegar; May 20, Mrs. Fred Pattlson; June 3, Mrs. Jack Simpson; June 17, Brunch at Mrs. Harold Nye's, gar-den visiting to follow; Aug. 29 and 30, Flower Show at Methodist church; Sept. 16, Mrs. Lawrence Gephart, wiener roast a t Alto park; Oct. 21, with Mrs. Lawrence Head-worth and the last meeting, a Christmas party at Mrs. Herbert Cronlnger's.

Each member Is to work with a committee at one of these meet-ings. Mrs. Wlnegar will tell of their recent trip to Mississippi, where Natchez on the Mississippi, where the old south still lives and the beautiful gardens with the daffo-dils now In bloom.

Main Aid Meeting

Thirty-three attended the one o'clock carry-In dinner at the Meth-odist church Friday. In the ab-sence of the president the treas-

jurer, Mrs. Glen Yelter had charge j of the business meeting. Rev. Cham-berlain conducted the devotlonals.


Gorman preaching at 10:30 a. m. Bible School at 11:30 a. m. You arc cordially invited.

iHE MAIN STREETS of Amer.ca f0iiO Wed by a solo by Mrs. Ray represent more 0/ our national val- Rittenger, accompanied by Mra. ues than do thc Broadways, the Yelter and Mrs. Henry Klahn State streets, the boulevards of our j ^ v ' e a humorous reading, "A Bo3''8 great cities. People of Main-street communities are more typical of our American culture. They arc, as a class, better educated, with a far higher standard of literacy than is found as the average in the cities.

Our Main streets represent agri-culture, the foundation of American production and national wealth. They represent our forests, and very largely our mines. Without these three things, our cities could not exist

The Main streets of America, serving people of the towns and farms, represent one-half of the peo-ple ol the nation. From districts represented only by Main streets are sent to the national house of

Idea of Church". Next meeting will be in 3 months. All three aids were well represented.

Grange Party

Many enjoyed the f ine chop suey supper served by the Grange Ladles Friday evening at 7:30, followed by the "All-Games" party managed by thc men of the Grange. Many carried home fine prizes. Ladles cleared W.00 on their supper and the men $7.00 on their games. One more party will be held In the near future.

Methodist Church Notes

Rev. F. E. Chamberlain announ-ces his subject for next Sunday


Clinton County Republican News:

Tom Allen Is a Butte, Mon-tana, lawyer. He spent par t of this year In England. While there he Investigated many condltlona One day there was a bombing raid by German planes. He hurried to the scene. He saw people as they started to hunt among the rubble of what had been their homes. There came running a man—e de-fense worker. His home was blast-ed. He called to his wife. "She waa a t church," a neighbor said. No, she would have been home when this happened. Tom Allen watched this man uncover and carry out the mangled remains of his wife. A little later came the bodies of an 18-year-old son, then a 16-year-old daughter and last, the body of his 10-yoar-old daughter. Tom Allen could stand no more. He went on. Later he came back that way. The defense worker was still poking about the ruins, waiting for some-one to come and care for the bodies. But In the hour Tom Allen had been away from that scene this man had penciled a crude sign on a fragment of cardboard and propped It up among the brick and mortar. I t read, "Thank God for another day—a day nearer vic-tory." Tom Allen turned to we who were listening to this story and said, "How are you going to let people like that down?"


People need arithmetic lessons about their home town. Add to It. by working for Its progress. Don't subtract from it, by going away to buy things. Multiply Its power by constantly praising Its achieve-ments. Divide thc work of obtain-ing these achievements, by working in Its organizations.

We push our friends ahead by boosting them and speaking favor-ably of them everywhere. Don't for-get to push your home town In the same way.

- 1 S—. — mJjk £ " C / i V * \ / i ti

j FRtp W. BRAUN J <Jo Does a truck driver have better

manners than you? The answer is yes, If you are an average driver of a passenger car.

Anyone who spends much time on the road will tell you that the truck driver is the most consistent-ly decent driver a person meets oa the road. He will slow down to let you pass, even pull off the road to let a long line of faster moving traf fic get by before continuing on his way. I can't remember the last time a trucker failed to dim his lights when approaching at night.

Don't you think It's time that we passenger car drivers follow the steps of the truck drivers and use a little courtesy on the road?

Courtesy prevents accidents!

From the gossip page of a west-ern paper:

"Miss Beulah, a Batesvllle belle of twenty summers. Is visiting her twin brother, aged 32."

Hoi seradish Sauce

Prepare st iff ly whipped cream. Season to Uste with grated horse-radish, lemon Juice and sa l t Serve with baked ham or ham loaf.

represcntntives 50 per cent of iti morning to be "Our Heritage or members. People represented by 1 Christian Citizenship our Main streets can constitute a controlling force in national legisla-tion.

Our Main streets arc rural Amer-ica and it is rural America that makes of us a groat nation. With out our Main blreets. there would be no Broadways or State streets or city boulevards. Main street is the foundation. IMPERIALISM AND THE PEACE

IMPERIALISM has dominated ev-ery peace conference following an international war. Thc first thought of thc victors has been "what can we get—what territory, what re-sources, what markets—that will strengthen us and weaken our de-feated opponents?"

That was true of the peace con ference following World War I. The humanitarian ideas President Wil-son took to Paris, with the expecta-tion of writing a peace treaty that would end wars, went glimmering when he sat across the table from Lloyd George and Clemenceau

They had been willing to listen to humanitarian Ideas as propagan-da to undermine the morale of the enemy people, but not when the en-emy had been licked.

As a gesture to President Wil-son, they consented to taking enemy territory under mandates, instead of direct annexation, with the provi-sion that such territory was to bi administered for the benefit of the mandated people and was not to be fortified.

Japan received the mandate ovei some 700 Pacific islands under such conditions, but these Islands turn up now as Jap air and naval bases.

President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill have proposed a basis on which to fix the terms ol peace when this war is over. Their proposals sound good now, Just as President Wilson's 14 ooints sounded good in 1917-18. But what will the proposals be when the war is over and the enemy is licked?

It is a fairly safe bet that Lore Vengeance and Lord Imperialism will again dominate the peace con-ference. If so. both the loser and thc winner will eventually pay. CURRENT CROP OF WEATHER PROPHETS

IN LARGE SECTIONS of America snowfalls have been light during the winter, and long-range weather prophets are telling us we will have a dry summer. Such weather condi-tions are perfectly all right with peo-ple of the cities, until they go to buy food, when they complain about prices. It is fine to enjoy the sun-shine, but all sunshine and no rain means poor crops and high living costs. The farmer prays for an ade-quate mixture of snow, rain and sunshine

Boys and girls in Chile are orga-nlring model glider clubs.

It Is Not True To Say: "We did everything possible" unletM Chiropractic waa In-cluded.

f i n . : 1Q-12 a. m. 2-5. 7-8 p. m.

W. A . LARGE C h i r o p r a c t o r

Palmer Method X-Ray Service

Phone 42 King Block Lowell

City, Ind. She has been helping care for her father-in-law, Walter Thorne for the past seven weeks.

(More Alto News on Page 4)


I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors for all their kindness shown me during my sickness, also to thc White Circle for their basket of fruit* c44 Walter J. Thorne.


"I suppose that millionaire spent all kinds of money on his mansion."

"Oh, no; merely other people's money."

Appetite "Ladles and gentlemen," shout-

ed the street performer, "in a few moments I will astonish you by eat-ing coal, stones, and nails. I will also swallow a sword, after which I will come around with the hat, trust-ing to get enough for a crust ol bread."

"What!" came a voice from the crowd. "Still hungry?"

Alto Locals

Winter Is here again, Sunday's rain turned to snow and this Mon-day morning only 28 degrees and real winter. Saturday was a beauti-ful day and several Alto boys v<ere diligently gathering sap from our rows of maple trees on our street and boiling It down on the Walter Bergy fireplace. Alto and many other schools In vicinity were closed Monday; Lowell school bus was unable to get to Alto for high school children.

Mrs. Minnie Bouok returned Sat-urday to her home In Freeport af ter helping care for her brother. W. H. Watts, for eight we^ks. Mr. Watts Is much Improved but still con-fined to his home.

Glen Loveland spent Thursday at Carson City.

George and Pauline Montague and Mlas Johnson of Grand Rap-Ids were Saturday evening dinner guests of their aunt, Mrs. Val Watts and family.

Pete Bencker started to pick up cream and go to Carson City this Monday morning, but was unable to get through blocked roads and returned to Alto.

Mr. and Mrs. Valda Chaterdon were Sunday dinner guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sllcox. Mrs. SUcox returned with them and Claude says for an extended visit if the storm keeps up.

Mr. and Mrs. John Carey of near Cook Bridge called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clark Sunday.

Mrs. Minnie Bouck of Freeport called on Mrs. Frank Kline Friday afternoon.

Mrs. Byron Cudney of Caledonia Joined her husband at the Kline home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nelson of Ionia, who has worked In Alto oc-casionally as station agent, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Howe In their apartment over Frank Kline's. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson were also Monday guests on ac-count of the severe snow storm and drifted roads.

Mrs. Ida Brown of Mlddlevllle spent the week-end a t the Elmer Dlntaman home.

Mr. and Mrs. Merle Rosenberg and Larry had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs John Sullivan at Ionia.

Rev. F. E. Chamberlain drove to Hess Lake Sunday and brought Mrs. Chamberlain home. Mrs. Chamberlain has been helping care for her little grandson, who is doing nicely now.

Mr. and Mra R. D. Bancroft and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. HeiiMrt Cronlnger. Edward Campau of Wisconsin, Mrs. Carrie Campau of Grand Rapids and Mra. Otto Dygert and Joyce of Kalamazoo were also guests.

Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Thaler and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brown of Green Lake spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Linton. 11

Miss Flossie Tobias, who Is tak-.* ing a course in beauty culture a t ; I Lansing, spent thc week-end with ! her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George I Tobias. She intended to return Monday, but like many, it may be an extended visit, as the road scraper has not been through their road as yet.

Mr. and Mrs. Dale Packer of 11 Bostwlck Lake and Mrs. Paul k Rader of Grand Rapida called on f their father, Charlie Dryer Saturday j

jevening. If Mr. and Mrs. Allen Behler of 1

Lake Odessa were Thursday night ;f • g* dinner and evening guests at t h e j I A U J A I I 1 . BA A M A MJ Watts home. f L0W6II 1 ^ 6 1 1 1 ) 6 ^

Miss Sally Flnels of Lowell was ' a week-end guest of her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dlnta-man.

Alto loca ls

Eloise Hobbs was a week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. Paul Dlnta-man and husband and Mr. and Mrs. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Robert McWhlnney and children C o r ^ a s h l n g l o n and Kent were their Sunday dinner guests. l M o r n i n B H P [ . v i c c a e v e r y S u n d a y

Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Flnels and at 11 o'clock. children and Rufus Page and Sunday School a t 11:00 a. m. mother of Ionia called on Mrs. The reading room Is located In H. D. Smith Thursdav afternoon, the church building. I t Is open to

Mr. and Mrs. Owen Ellis were, the general public from two to four Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and o'clock each Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Jack Jousma a t Alaska and "Substance" will be the subject of over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lesson-Sermon In all Christian John Jousma. Owen accompanied, Science Churches throughout the Rex Jousma to Alto with thc milk world on Sunday, March 15. truck and Mrs. Ellis and children The Golden Text (Hebrews 11:1) probably will not be home until ^ " F a , t h ' • t h e substance of things roads are passable. hoped for, the evidence of things

Dr. and Mrs. H D. Smith were not seen." Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Ger- Among the Bible citations Is this trude Page and son R u f u s at Ionia. pas8aBc (Hebrews 11:3): "Through

Connie Smith spent the week- f a , t h w e "nderatand that thc worlds end with Geraldlne Flynn at Bowne b y w o r d o f O o -center and was unable to come so that thlngs whlch are seen were home Monday. n o t ^ a d e o f t h , n ^ w h l c h d o **•

Mr. and Mrs. Will Leonard, Mr. p c a r - . .. and Mrs Lloyd Houghton of Clarks- , C o r r ! ' a U v ® V ^ 5**. vlll. and Mr. . n d Mr., C l . „ d e S.lcox ^ < ^ 5 h S ^

Let a Buick Dealer

were Wednesday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. ErnVst £ * t o J £ # " * M a r *

Tho AUAmnir woo •rw.nt Baker Eddy, Include the following Rosenberg. The evening was spent . . (p. 335): "Spir i t God, has created all In and of Himself . . . Spirit Is playing cribbage.

Carl Gilllland was a Friday ^ 1 ^ ' " o n V ^ b S S S ; 4 the ' TnvWble per guest of Mr- a nd indivisible infinite God. Things Linton spiritual and eternal are substan-Hayward, Merle Rosenberg Frank t l a l T m a t e r l f t l a n d t r a l

Bunker and Bill R ^ h o u t to box- a r e ing matches in Grand Rapids.

Mrs J. Paul Keeney attended the March meeting of the Grand Rap- CHURCH OF TH E NAZARENE ids District Nurses' association at Lowsll, Mich, the Pantllnd Hotel Tuesday eve- Rev. R C. Wariand. Pastor nlng. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m.

Mr. and Mrs. Swift Wlnegar re- Mrs. Mable Miller Superintendent, turned Thursday from New Orleans Sermon at 11:00, topic "Grapes of and Natchez, Miss., touring through Eschol". seven states and having a very n . Y. P. S. at 6:45 p. m. fine trip. They accompanied Mr. The Junior church will meet In and Mrs. J im Tompkins of Sagi- the basement room at C:45.

iw. Evangelistic Service at 7:45 p. m. Miss Anne Buth of Comstock Prayer meeting Wednesday, at

Park, Francis Campau of near 7:45. Saginaw. Mrs. Otto Dyg»rt and W. F. M. S. prayer meeting Thurs-Joyce of Kalamazoo were supper day at 2:30. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert j Cronlnger Saturday night and all attended the dance at South Boston Grange Hall.

Blake Vanderlip saw a robin Monday morning on the Frank


Rev. Fr . Jewell, Pastor 8:00 a. m.. Low Mass and sermon. 10:00 a. m.. High Mass and ser> MacNsughton porch. I guess ho had

discovered his mistake in seasons, I nion and wanted to get In where it was | warm.

Rex Ellis, breadman and Lewis: DeWlnter, yeast salesman, both of j Grand Rapids were stranded In! Alto Monday night and Mr. and men. Mrs. Ernest. Rosenberg kindly gave j them lodging. After arriving early { this morning (Monday) the snow; storm gradually got worae, inowi plow was broken trying to clear' road south of Alto and heavier j plow was sent for, but had not yet, arrived.

Mr. and Mrs. Iris Hurd and ' children, Delphlnt and Ray o' ifor 'cvervone Wyandotte and Mr. and Mr, . John , 1 } : 0 0 a m ; _ M o r n l n | r w o r , h l p

S t Patrick's—Parnell Rsv. Fr. McNeil, Pastor

8:00 s. m . Low Mass and sermon. 10:00 a. m.. High Mass and ser-

Cascade and Bowne Rev. Fr . E. H, Racette, Pastor Services a t 8:80 and 10.00 a. m.


F. Logan, Spesker 9:45 a. m.—Bible School. Classes

Trumbley of Trenton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thorne over thc week-end. Mr. Hurd is Mrs Thome's brother.

Mrs. George Thorne loft Thursday, B e r v i c e B

morning for her home In Oakland |

1:30 p. m.—Evening service. Wednesday, 8:00 p. m.—Midweek

Prayer Service. Public is cordially Invited to all

the but

Automobile accidents on streets create a great stir, tuberculosis causes three times as many deaths.

young "Oh, Doctor," said the lady, "will the scar show?"

"That madam," said the doctor, "Is entirely up to you."


Church School—<10 a. m. Mr. A. D. Zwemer and Miss Mary Kent, superintendents.

Morning Worship—11 a. m. Dur-ing these Lenten Sundays we are seeking to know better the thought and life of the man who has done must to redeem our world. Let us seek to know better and to worshkp more sincerely the God who gave His Only Begotten to our world.

The Annual Irish Stew Supper sponsored by the Pilgrim Fellow-ship will be held In the church din-ing room on Tuesday evening. Mar. 17, beginning a t 5:30. The young people have adopted this method of securing funds for Summer Con-ference, A very excellent meal will bo serveu for the very nominal price of 40c. Tickets are available from many of the young people. Get your tickets early.

The Perry Group will meet this wepk, Friday, March 13 at the home of Mrs. Nick Kloosterman at 2:30 p. m.

GOSPEL HALL MEETINGS At German Methodist Church

3:00 p. m.—Sunday School. Inter-esting lessons and classes for al! ages, from God's complete text book, the Bible.

7:30 p. m.—Gospel preaching. 7:30, Wednesday evening—Prayer

meeting and Bible Study.

ALTON CHURCH H. E. Gllmore, Speaker

Sunday Scool at 10:30 a. m. with classes for all ages. John Gauw, superintendent.

W. B. Gardner of Alto will bring the Sunday evening message. You are invited to attend.

Play Safe I To Make Your Car last. Insist on Service According to Factory Standardsy by Men Trained

in Factory Methods!

A L L CARS don't have the same service needs. / \ . All adjustments shouldn't be made the same way on all makes.

Buick C-Y-C* Service provides regular care by authorized factory-trained mechanics who know your car "like a book."

They are not just mechanics! they are Buick experts, with direct, first-hand contact with factory service specialists who keep them con-stantly informed about every operation on every model.

They learn from the factory - not from "trial and error.,, They don't guess-they know! And by looking over your car regularly - say once each month-they can prevent trouble before it gets started, save you annoyance as weU as money.

Come in for a FREECIHEGK-UP that shows the exact condition of your car - and let us give you all the details about C-Y-C Service.


There are no less than eleven steps called for in a d j u s t i n g Buick brakes for wear, all of eighteen •tefis f o r a ma jo r brake adjust-men t Don't you think you ou^ht to £0 to men who know what these operations are, and will be s u r e to p e r f o r m them all ri^htP



by authorized factory-

trained mechanics


Lowell, Michigan 608 West Main Street

You'll enjoy a


with MILK!

A glass of Lowell Creamery PaNteurlied Milk a t noon will glvr you the pickup you need for afternoon activities. You will enjoy your lunch more and you will be getting the element* of health everyone should have.

Best Quality Milk With Beat Flavor

FIRST METHODIST CHUBCH Cecil E. Pollock. Minister

1 "The Cleansing Reagent" is the subject of the demonstrated talk hy the pastor for the Sunday School a t 10 o'clock next Sunday morning. This is the sscond of the pre-Easter talks that are illustrated by a chemical experiment. All ar* Invited to attend. This opening service is held In thc church sanctuary.

"Christian Personality Per»onl-fied" is the sermon subject for the sermon a t 11 o'clock next Sunday morning. The pastor will preach. At this service there will be special organ music, the senior choir will sing an anthem and the Junior choir will also sing a special selec-Uon. A cbrdlal Invitation is ex-tended all to attend.

Miss Beatrice Schneider will lead the Epworth League at 7 o'clock next Sunday evening. All young people are urged to attend.

The Men's Club will meet in the church dining room at 6:45 Monday evening for their monthly club meeting. The supper will be pot-luck. The Boy Scouts will be guests of the evening, and are invited to the supper with the men. The pro-gram will consist of a motion pic-ture of travel and recreation. This picture will be new to all, not having been shown here before. Following tho picture, the Scouts will go to the gymnasium for their scout meeting and the men will hold a brief business meeting. All men are invited.

The Sunday Evening Club will meet next Sunday evening, March 18, a t eight o'clock. In the dining

jroom of the church. The program I will be "An Evening With the I Hymns of Fanny Crosby" and will be In charge of Mrs. Jean Wachter-

hauser.-. Refreshments and a brief business session will follow the pro-gram. All people are Invited to be present for the entire evening.

The Sunday Evening Club is collecting religious papers, maga-zines and books for tho mch a t Fort Custer, and will be pleased to have any such brought to church Sunday at any of the services. The Club will be responsible for taking them to the Fort during the week that follows. Please remember.

Wednesday evening, March 18, there will be an Important meeting of the Methodist Board of Educa-tion In the upper room of the church at 8:30 o'clock. This meeting will follow the Bible Reading Serv-ice In the same room that evening. I t Is desired that all teachers and officers of the school attend.

There will be a District Men's Club meeting a t First Methodist Church in Grand Rapids, Tuesday evening March 17, beginning with a men's supper a t 6:30 o'clock, and continuing during the evening. Bishop Raymond J. Wade, D. D., L. L. D., of Detroit will be present and speak to the men. An Inter-esting program Is provided.

Wednesday evening a t 7:30 the Bible Reading hour for everyone will be held In the upper room of the church. The fif th chapter of James will he read and discussed.


The pastor will present another demonstrated sermon at the 2:30 o'clock service next Sunday after-noon. The new hymn books will be used in the service for a com-munity sing. Following the public worship service tho Sunday School will hold its usual session. The en-tire community Is Invited to attend and participate in these servlcea


Residence, Grand Rapids, R. S Telephone 827-F6

Bible School—10:00 a. m. Worship and sermon-11:00 a. m.


yt. B. Kolenhrander, Pastor Morning Subject: "The Disclosure

of the Cross." Evening Worship: "His Blood Be

Upon Us and Our Children." Baptism will be administered dur-

ing thc evening service. , Special prayer for Crops and In-dustry Thursday evening a t 8 o'clock. 1

"The Christian's t rumpet is earn-est and fervent prayer; let him not forget to sound it while the enemy Is near."


Bey. Wm. E. Tombaagh, Pastor ClarksvlUe, Mich.

Sunday School a t 10:00 a. ra. Morning worship a t 11:00. Evening service a t 8:00. Everybody welcome.


Miss Charlotte Fitch, Pianist Sunday School at 10:00 o'clock

every Sunday. Pilgrim Fellowship meeting a t

7:00 p. m. Evening Worshkp and sermon

7:30 p. m., "Freedom and Self Con-trol" will be theme for next Sunday.

The Lenten season of 1942 Is a good time to talk of our freedoms and to exercise ourselves In the things that go to the making of freedom. Is there not danger that we shall become enslaved to the excessee of Ufe? Real freedom means the exercise of self-control, of living the temperate life. This is a good time to take inventory.


Kc\ . Gordon E. Truesdell, Pastor Church School—10:00 a. m. Worship and Sermon—11:00 a. m. N. Y. P. S. and HI N. Y.—7:30 p. m. Evening Service of song and ser-

mon—8:00 p. m. Mid-week Prayer Meeting—Wed-

nesday, 8:00 p. m. You will find a hearty welcome a t

all of thc cervices of church. Come!

SOUTH LOWELL CHURCH Services every Sunday a t 2:45

p. m. A mesagc from the Word by Rev. Bert Baker of Gr^nd Rapids.

All are welcome.


Bible School—10:00 a. m. Classes for all ages. Elmer Graham, Supt.

Preaching service —11:00 a. m.


Alto Parsouage, Phone SO Alto

Worship service —10:00 a. m Sunday School—11:00 a. m.

Bowne Center Sunday School—10:15 a. m. Worship service—11:15 a. m.


Rev. Fleming, Minister Preaching service a t 10 a'clock

a t Snow Church and a t 11:50 at the Whltneyvllle Church.

Sunday School at 10:S0 a t Whit-neyvllh and a t 11:00 a t Snow.

This is a cordial welcome to all these services.


F. B. Harwood, Pastor Sunday School at 10:80, followed

by preaching. Christian Endeavor a t 7:80, fal-

lowed by preaching. Cottage prayer meetings every

Thursday n i g h t


James G. Ballard, Minister Sunday School—10:00 a. m. Preaching—11:00 a. m. and 7:80

p. m. Prayer meeUng Thursday, 8:00

p. m. You will f ind a welcome a t all our


Read tne Ledger ads.

SO. KEENE —NO. KOSTON Mrs. Ed. Totter

The Jolly Community Club will meet with Mrs. James Balrd next week Wednesday for dinner.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Clement at Blodgett hospital. Mar. 5, a daughter, Constance Elizabeth Mr. and Mrs. K. 8. Rlckert and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rlckert and daughters went down to see them% Saturday afternoon and also called on Mr. and Mrs. Clar%ncc Cham-bers and Harry. 1

Mr. and Mra. Paul Smith and children of Plymouth rpent Tues-day and Wednesday with their par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunter.

Catherine Hoover of Jackson wak a Saturday guest at the John Hoov-er home. George Hunter of Pontlac was a week-end guest and Mr. and Mrs'. Andrew Hoover . of T»n«ing were Sunday visitors.

Joe Mulslkaltls walked to the pavement Monday in order td get to his work in Grand Rapids.

John Hoover, Edward. Sower, Frank ThompsoK and Carl Baaler were callers at the Wm. Thompson home over the week-end.

Minnie Pinckney entertained the * Sayles School school Red Cross unit Thursday afternoon. The lead-ers are Mrs. Pinckney, Mrs. Daisy Rickert and Mrs. Laura Wilcox. Fourteen ladles were present.

Mrs. Anna Yardiey, Mrs. Joseph Snell, Mrs. Don Phillips and Mra L. A. Weaver of Lowell called at the Jim Denton and Sam Detmers homes Tuesday afternoon.

Sunday callers at the Sam Det-mers home were Mrs. Havenga and son of Ada and Mr. and Mrs. Al-bert Detmers of Grand Rapids.

Vivian Hale of Lansing spent the week-end at the home of her par-ents, Mr. and Mra Leon Hale. Naurine Cahoon of Lansing spent. Saturday night with Vivian.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wheaton and daughter of Saranac were Sunday guests a t the Eddie Potter home.

Mr. and Mra. Robert Woodcock and family of Lansing were Satur-day and Sunday guests at the J . Maloney home. '

All the sick are Improving In this neighborhood.

Nearly 1,000,000 pigs were slaugh-tered in New Zealand In the lest year.

Hot dogs may not hark, hut put some hot mustard on them and they'll bite.

Harry Day Lowell A. R. Smith Lowall D. A Wlngeler Lowell R. M. FerraU. R, 3, a RapkLs Grant Warner Lowell H. J. Ritteeger Lowell R. E. Springett Lowell Lester Antonides .R.J5, Lowell



P l a c e y o u r c u n f i d c n c e w i t h

t h e F u n e r a l D i r e c t o r w h o

h a s p r o v e d t h a t h e d e s e r v e s

i t .


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I * Complete Line of • This and That

F T n ' , 0 / ? ' ' 1; Fresh, lom-Mifc : the Old Town I •

Will Observe Golden Wedding March 21 1 9 3

Mrs. Lucy Stahl of Alto spent Tuesday with Mrs. Wm. Cosgiiff.

Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Quick of Pontlac were iiaturday visitors of Mrs. L. E. Walker.

A Letter to Lowell (Continued from first page)

In the morning our visa and sev-eral officials arrive. There is much shaking of hands, flashing of teeth. Wc do not bother with our appear-ance—down the gangplank—on to the sea cow!

We race up the main s t ree t Wide, unpaved; it is lined with huge frame buildings which house an Infinite variety of establishments. The houses are built on piles, with only a latticework walling the first floor. We pass an Americanized soda fountain. We are not tempted. We have a mission. We will stare at the blasted sea cow or die.

Someone tells us to take a Re-gent Street bus out direct to the Gardens. We wait on a corner. Eventually a normal-sized car creeps near, carrying a small bus body haphazard^- on its back. Sev-eral doors hang idly open, banging. All the busses have names; this one U "Tyrone Power". The driver sticks his head out of the nearest door: "Come in!"

We start off, honking at "Greta Garbo" and "Bob Hope" as we pass. We reach the Botanical Gar-dens—one hundred fif ty acres of tropical flora nnd fauna; yellow, blue, and red birds, water lilies with leaves five feet In diameter, orchids and a green, mysterious pool.

Several little black boys pounce on u a We w a n t to see the sea cow? They will ar range every-thing. One whistles shrilly, another splashes the water's edge with h is hand, the third tears up a hand-ful of grass.

The sea cow at last! Not one, but twenty—swimming placidly, their great moss-covered backs rippling the surface. Most of thom are enormous, ten feet long with flip-pers Instead of legs and a graat fan-like tall. They crawl part way up the bank, wrinkle their snouts, mangle the grass between hardened gums. Then, relaxing, they He back

• peacefully chewing their cuds like any Michigan Holsteln.

They are almost unbelievable. W e have seen something rare, a mamalhan relic of bygone ages.

Changing the subject. I recall a very pointed question asked by Frank Coons a t a meeting of the Rotary Club in Lowell Jas t October.

' He wanted me to notice what per-centage of the local merchants a-long our route advertiaed in the local paper. As far as the Carib-bean, British and Dutch Guiana a rc concerned, I can state without res-ervation, tha t every merchant along #very Main Street advernses faith-fully. The power of the printed word is something new to them. They have not grown accustomed to it as yet—and thus they appreciate what a local newspaper can do. Everybody—everybody r e a d s a local newspaper—and the market is even more interostod in what a local merchant has to offer be-cause he is a person, not merely a name above a store window. O K Je f f ?

G. S. and K 8.

Weekly Scrapbook

Week's Best Recipe

Mallow Candy: Take 6 table-spoons melted butter, 1 package marshmallows (80), 1 package puf-fed rice or rice crlsples. Pu t melted butter In double boiler, add marsh-mallows. When melted In creamy mix stir In the crlsples. W^hen thor-oughly mixed together turn out on buttered shallow pan and spread about an Inch thick. Keep In cool place and cut off as candy squares whenever desired. You can use this candy as a dessert with a topping of a rich chocolate sauce.

Clean Before Using

Since your hair Is no cleaner than your brush and comb It Is neces-sary that both be kept In good con-dition. Every time your hah Is shampooed then clean the brush and comb. Put them In a basin of lukewarm water and add about 3 tablespoons of household ammonia. Rinse thoroughly, shake off excess water and hang out to dry. Do not dry near heat and never stand brushes on their bristles to dry.

A Suggestion or Two

There are usually one or two rattling windows around each home and If you take an or Mnary clothes-pin and split It In two you will have two good wooden wedges for the windows that annoy you. . . . Use your left-over wallpaper for cover-ing old waste baskets, utility boxes and containers for drawers, also to naste Inside of closets a s a colorful lining.

For Lunch

Make the usual sandwich of cheese. Jam, pran'it butter or deviled ham. Dip each sandwich Into a mixture of one egg, one cup milk and % teaspoon salt. F ry the sandwiches In butter until bread Is golden brown. Serve hot for a lunch.

Bath Mitt

Make yourself a bath mitt to save having talcum powder all over the bathroom floor. Make a mitt with one-half rubberized silk and the bottom half of terry cloth. In-sert the can's opening In the com-partment of the mitt which slips on the hand. Powder sifts through the terry cloth side as you pass it over the body.

Jack Lalley Oi' Dowaglac spent over the week-end here with his mother, Mrs. John Lalley.

Mr. and Mra. F. H. Swarthout spent over the week-end with her father, W. G. Chubb at Howell.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Davenport', and family visited Mr. and Mrs.

jMyrle Fleet a l Nort Park Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Specklen of Nlles are visiting their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kreuger.

Miss Viola Fase of Ada spent last week and Is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Freyermuth and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Don MacNaughton spent Saturday evening In Grand Rapids as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks.

Miss Violet Yonker and friend of Caledonia were callers Wednes-day evening at the Dell Kropf and the Jay Carter homes.

Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Goff and! family of Lansing spent Sunday with Mrs. Goff's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Washburn.

Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don MacNaugnton were their par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Behnke. Franklin and George of Howard City.

Miss Nancy Slier, who attends the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor spent over the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Slier.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cosgrlff, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gates attended a party-Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Koepnick at Grand Rapids.

Mrs. Jennie Flynn and son Clair, Mrs. Floyd Flynn and daughters of Bowne Center were Sunday af ter-noon callers a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ellis.

HATTIE SCOTT'S Kandy Kitchen

E. Main St. Lowell •


The young couple stood before the ; parton. Both seemed very fright-ened. The parson glanced at the young man.

"Do you," he said slowly, "take this woman to be your lawful wed-ded wife?"

"I—I really don't know," stam-mered the young man nervously.

The parson turned to the girl. "And do you," he asked, "take, . . -

this man to be your lawful w e d > ™ , v e r 8 a r y w h»ch occurs on that

d " a " h i - " . i t n f f . H thu ffirl " I 'm M r 9 - R a n d e 1 1 w a s horn Marie \Vell, hesitated Uie girl. I C h a s e In 1872, the daughter of Mr. beghining to wonder land Mrs Marvin Chase of Boston-

The parson nodded. Up M r R a n d e l l w a 8 a l B 0 bom i n

"That's great!" he cried grimly. I ^72 t h e ^ o f M r a n d M r s j o h n

"I now pronounce you man and j Randell of Lowell. They were mar-

Mr. and Mrs. Burt Randell, who and Mrs. Randell moved to Newi reside at 209 Klng-sL, plan to hold j Jersey where they resided until 19391 open house the afternoon and eve-j when they moved back to Lowell, i nlng of Saturday, March 21, In!Mr. Randell was engaged for sev-| observance of their golden wedding



rlod March 21," 1892, at the home 'of her parents In South Boston by ,the Rev. Alexander Luther, Meth-jodist minister. ] They resided in Lowell for about ! five years a f te r tbelr marriage and I then moved to Saginaw where they | lived for three years. In 1902 Mr.

eral years at the job of telephone linesman, quitting that position to go to work for a rallroa* company In the east. He workci*. M- tha t ; company 23 years and retired Just; before their return to Lowell.

The Randells have one daughter , ' Mrs. Maryt Walker, who resides in-New Jersey, and three grandchil-dren.

The congratulations and best wishes of many old friends and j acquaintances Is extended to Mi.j and Mrs. Randell for the happy ^ observance of their golden anni- • versary, a proud occasion for a n y married couple.

"Have you ever been introduced to Miss Golden?"

"No, but our eyes have met ."

•jCowell Stems

of25, 30 and

35 Shears J^go March 15, 1917—25 Years Ago

"Hiram F. Lane. 68, Lowell night-

SOUTH BOSTON Miss Belle Young

Chiropractic Added to


Every advance Is made through some sort of warfare; over some sort of battlefield.

Health - Hygiene Dlxsemlnated through the Kent

County Health Departxnsrt hy the Joint Committee on Health Education comprising the Mich-igan l iepartment of Health, Uni-versity of Michigan, Michigan State Mcdlcal Society and 10 Other Cooperatine Organizatlnns.

Communicable Disease No. 1

So f i r this year, 1,832 cases have been reported to the Michigan De-partment of Health.

A v m w U o . U k C Q "Whooping "ough is dangerous. Army neaun acmce; especially to children under one - . . . . . . . . I year of age," said Dr. H. Allen Introduction of chiropractic i n t o | M o y e r i state Health Commissioner.

"During the ten years between 1930 and 1940, whooping cough killed

Funeral services were held Tues-day In Hoqulam, Wash., for Mrs. Cora E. Cramer, a former resident of Lowell, and known to many old-time school frlelnds as Cora Shear.

Mrs. Mildred Brlndle was guest speaker at the Wednesday noon luncheon of the Optimist club in Grand Rapids, relating her ex-periences and observations on the Island of Samoa.

Harold Schertel of Mt Pleasant was a Thursday evening guest a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lee. Miss Cassle June Lee spent over the week-end in Mt. Pleasant, guest of Mr. Schertel.

Mrs. Ella Robinson spent a few days last week visiting her son Glenn Robinson and family a t Lan-sing. Mrs. Charles Briggs of Grand Rapids was a caller of Mrs. Robin-son on Saturday evening.

Friends of Harry Elckhoff are glad to hear that he will be able to return home the end of this week from Blodgett Hospital, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis last Thursday.

Mrs. C. L. Shear and son. Ivan and Mrs. Anna Yardiey spent the week-end in Mattoon, 111., where they visited Junior Shear, who is in the U. S. Navy. Junior expcctcd to be moved this week to Norfolk, Va.

Leo Howard, formerly of Lowell,

Whooping cough is now M l c h l - I ™ ^ ™ * Woin teA alderman uv'a No. 1 communicable disease. ^ th«-' « " » ward City of Ionia by

•Mayor Clarence Johnson. Mr. How-ard has been proprietor of a news company In Ionia for some time past.

Opportunity Mrs. Smythe-Brown was making

the final arrangements for her elab- wa'ch for many years, passed away nrntp rAOPnfinn I a t t h e h o m e o f h l 8 B o n Charles.

••RriHaof •• cVw. cofr* tn hpr old ser h o m ® o t M r - and Mrs. Chris Bridget she said to her old jer- w a 8 t h e ^ o f a

vant, "for the first 3C mhnitei after w e ( J d i n g w h e n t h e , r d a U K h t e r

six 0 clock I want you to st-nd at LouiM was united In marriage to the drawing room and call guests' Ernest Frledll. names as they arrive." Mrs. Peter McPherson of Ver-

Bgldget's face lit up. jgennes entertained with a shower "Very well, ma 'am," she replied.

"I 've been wantin' to do that to some ot your friends for years,"

in honor of Miss Lena Abel. John Gahan of Parnell fell from

a load of hay and broke his arm. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.

E. R. Quick. The home of Chris Bleri near the That's Different

"Mr. S w i g g s - E r - a h , that is, can E ^ V e t e c t r i c pUuit ^ a s destroyed —er I—will you—?" by fire.

"Why, yes. my boy; you may Mr. and Mrs. Roy McNaughton of have her." South Bowne were given a farewell

"How's that? Have whom?" party before their departure for "My daughter, 0' course. You their new home In Mulllken.

want to marry her, don't you?" Addison Erb of Elmdale and Miss "No, sir; I Just wanted to find out Rhinesmlth of Indiana were mar-

i f ' ™ W ° U l d •""* te ' M B K ? r ° k ^ l r t r . t . d h i . ffllh ?!« . . . nn, 1 i h'rthday hy having dinner at the

Certainty not. Why, 1 hardly h o m e o f ^ g r a n ( i B O n i Kerekes. know you." 1 Ed. Trask and family moved from

|Keene to Flint. Clever Mr. Fly M r 8 - ^r®^ Conklin of South Bos-

"A movie actor I would be," ton died if diphtheria.

Said clever Mr Fly. , H a r r > ' M c a d o r i a m d B l e r e n t e d f l the Tasker farm In Keene and

*1 m fitted for the work you see, m o v e d h l 8 f a i n i l y t h e r e

And I will tell you w h y : - Rom. to Mr and Mrs. Thomas Donovan of G-at tan, a son.

Boyd O'Belrne and several | friends from Hastings, also Mr. and 1 Mrs. N. M. O'Belrne were Sunday !

dinner guests at the Verne Klahn j 1 home. This was a farewell dinner for Boyd, who Is leaving this week 1

for induction into the Army. Maynard Tucker, who recently,

enlisted In the Navy, Is now sta- :

tloned at the Great Lakes Naval ' Training Station. .

Mrs. Susan Ellis, South Boston's' oldest resident, was 91 y^ears old March 4. On Sunday a birthday, dinner, attended by members of her ' family was given at the home o r her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Ayers. 1 Congratulations and more happy1

birthdays for this venerable lady. Mrs. Chester Hlllsburg and little j

son of Muskegon are visiting at the Chris Fahrni home.

Remember the South Bell P. T. A | meeting Friday evening, March 13. Noah Blough will show his travel, pictures.


T H A T D O E S A 12 H O U R J O B

7 D A Y S A W E E K

5 2 W E E K S A Y E A R !

TIFFANY WORSTEDS . . . They beat them all for taking punish*

m e n t . . . MICHAELS-STERN Rochester-

tailored neediecraft assures yon of shape-

liness long after ordinary clothes mnst

be discarded. All 100% wool and there

is no restriction in styling in the new

Spring clothes now coming in.

Suits $33, $35, $37.50

Other all-wool suits of standard quality

at $25 and $30.

oons y d

WOMEN'S CLUB [Mrs. F. E. White and press re-porter. Mrs. A. F. Zwemer.

After Mrs. Brindle's talk, tea was


the health services of the army hae been announced in a bulletin Just Issued by the war department. 11.422 babies and children. There The ruling was made known by the! were more whooping cough deaths executive office of the International ' than from any other acute com-

i Chiropractors'association of Daven-1 munlcable disease except pneu-port . Iowa. 1

The army ruling says: Chiroprac-tor manipulates or adjusts verte-brae of the spine to,relieve Illness, believed due to preraure on nervous system at the spine and corrects posture of pat ient

W. A. Large, Lowell praetor states that many chiroprac-tors have enlisted or been Inducted Into the armed forccs but they must hold a diploma from an accredited school of chiropractic as a gradu-ate chiropractor and he licensed as a practitioner.

Members of the International Chiropractors' association h a v e voted to give free service to the military establishment for the du-ration of the war.

monla.' Vaccine given when children are

six to nine months old will prevent whooping cough or lighten and shorten the attack. The usual ^course of whooping cough when vaccine is not given is one of the

Chlro-! l o n® e 8 t o f childhood Illnesses from four to six weeks.


, t KT h e


w e , 1 Women's Club had ^ 7 Mrs. F ' H . ^ a r t h o u T d o i n g ! the privilege of hearing a very u , . oourin,,

S " " ' r t " n l h ' W ° , r T h , next D.-etlr* - i l l be . 1 t h . was a t the door? of Samoa, by Mrs. M. P. Bnndle. u-—, _f M r _ w v- rT0__. „ w ,

Ever been so ashamed you could at the home of Mrs. Theron Rich-' ^ 0 o n

fall right through the floor? , mond last Wednesday afternoon Ever been caught complaining a-1 , t t « u .

bout the things you have to eat? ! J - J - L a ^ y was chairman j t h t there Ever felt right bad 'cause your ^ program. Samoa te a .mall

shoes were off your feet? l ^ d *rtaf Just below the eQMtor. " W n g Is f ingws . Ever feel that you didn't get some between Canton and the Fiji Is- a d e a f w , t h

of the things you should have had? lands. Mrs. Brlndle made her home Ever had an illness that made 'n the small town of PagoPago. '

you feel right bad? M r e - Brlndle told the club how the ; Ever got to feelln* real soi ry .^aps were four and a hslf miles 'for yourself? i o u t a t sea, could site their guns

Ever thought that you were beln' t o shoot over a mountain and shell their base, which she thought, was Donovan o iWAiian , a son. t o n t h e 8 l t e y » meir oase, wmcn am

For years, if you have watched, Mr, and idrs. T. J . Elerick r e - r „ h e w h y j u s t r e m e m b e r 1 good marksmanship. m****** fmm whorr ' .. ! .« . w ^ aw. you ve seen

My Utile wife and me In funny stunts upon the

We'd do for comedy."

turned from Lake Odessa, where they spent the winter.

Classified ads bring results. Try' one and be convinced.

Hart Much? "What was the noise in Professor!

Blank's room?" "Don't know, unless it

Brown." "What happened." "He fell down on his exam


that you're not the only one. I Mrs. Brlndle Is the sister of Mrs. j And there have been some others Don Niles and Mrs. L. E. Johnson

that had less when they were and we are all glad Mrs. Brlndle young. i Is home safe.

And Just remember too, when Election of officers were also or. something always seems the matter, | the program for the day. Mrs. F.

That life Just Isn't handed to you H . Swarthout will be the club's In-26 years, passed away at the Sisters 'upon a sP"er platter. coming president for the coming

w a s ! 0 ' M e r c y hospital at Grayling. H e j —Jjme Sebree, Terre Haute, Ind. yea,. i n e others are: Vice presi-WM born in Lowcli and was oi-l ! d e n t M r a 0 ^ ^ , Johnson: oeconri

I ajned to the priesthood in 1910. 0 ^ 0 , . . . . w h o h a B a o n e m o s t to vice president, Mrs. John R. Coc; I . the working classes?" Recording secretary. Mrs. George

S h l « h o m e at Hillsdale on ac- H e c k l e r : "The inventor of alarm Hale; corresponding secretary. Mra. COUIK or nineM. lclocka."-The Rotary Felloe, High- W Wachterhauser; treasurer, Mrs.

screen. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Layman pre-paring to move to Alma.

March 14, 1912—SO Years Ago

Rev. Fr . George B. O'Brien^ agedj

WAKE UP BUSINESS By Advertising In | / T h u Newspaper ^ #

Cleo Poet of Chicago spent thc week-end with his mother, Mra Art Justice.

Bohette and Elyn Hartzeler are on the sick l ist Hope to sec them back a t school soon.

Two now pupils are enrolled at school. Patsy and June Reed.

Mrs. Nellie Rohblns and son Don-ald spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Art Justice.

Mr. and Mre. Carl Roth of Clarks-vlUe, Mr. and Mrs. Mart Griffin of Flint and Mrs. and Mrs. I. Harwood ana Jean Roth of Lansing spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Roth and family.


The Revival Church Siiiay Scfcool ai IfcN, Su|MrinUnd«nt

Semoi It 11:00 - Tsfic, "Grapes of Esdwl"

R. Y. P. S. service at MS

Jnier Cbireb it 6:45

Emgelistie service at 7:45

Prayeraeetiis Wedaesday at 7:45

W.F.M.t. Prayeraeetiag TbareJay at 2:30


Mrs. Clifford Kimball and two sons of Saranac spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Richard Nead. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mackey and children of Grand Rapids were Sun-day afternooi. callcrs at the Nead home.

Marilyn, Ruth, Dick and Gerald Ddnn of near Caledonia spent Sun-day with the Carl Freyermuth fam-ily while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dunn and Mrs. Mar-garet Dunn attended a funeral in Greenville. •

Mr. and Mrs. Emlel Stauffer of Fallasburg were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mra Lloyd Stauffer. Callers during the day were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chalmers and daughter of Grand Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. BUI Zwlers and family of Kalamazoo.

Mr. and Mra W. E. Spencer at-tended funeral services Sunday in Clarkflville for Mr. Spencer's sister, Mrs. Ida Ackerson whose home was In Spring Valley, Minnesota. Clyde Spencer and family of Ionia and Orville Spencer and family of Beld-Ing were Sunday s^ternoon callers of their parents.

Mr. and Mrs. John Roth and son Billy, Mr. and Mrs. George Story and children, Royce, Ronnie and Sharon Kay spent Sunday in Bay City with Rev. and Mrs. R. M Barksdale and baby son. All a t-tended the church of which Mr. Barksdale is pastor. The Barksdales sent their best wishes and regards to their many Lowell friends.

Sympathy Is extended to Murel Mills of Lowell at the death of hla mother, Mrs. Vlancle Wh.wlen, 66, of Grand Rapids, who passed away early Sunday morning at Butter-worth hospital. She is sunrived by Murel and another son, Howard of Grsnd Rapids, nine grandchildren, one brother and one sister. Funer-al services for Mrs. Whalen were held Tuesday afternoon and Inter-ment was in Dorr. Mich.

Mrs. Belle Eddy, 78, mother of Mrs. Claude Thorne was seriously Injured on Mtrch 3 while return-ing from Grand Rapids with Mr. and Mrs. Thorne and who waa taken to Blodgett hospital, was brought to the Thorne home this week Tuesday. Mrs. Eddy sus-tained both a fractured pelvis and a fractured collarbone when the Thome car skidded on the slip-pery pavement and crashed into a telephone pole on M-21 about five miles west of Lowell. She has been placed In a cast and will be confined to her bed for an In-definite time.

Loyal Lalley able to be out af ter a three months' Illness.

George W. Gorsllne, aged 59, died at his home in Vergennes.

Orra McCall returned from Owos-so to accept a position as clerk at the Lowell State Bank.

Born, In Lemoore, Calif., to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Braase (nee Jessie Watters of Lowell), a son.

Rev. A. L. Morrison and Dr. T. B. Hayes of Kansas City spent a week with their sister. Mrs. Charles Wil-son, In Vergennes.

"That must be the great Gobi James A. Land, 78. father of Mrs. Desert we hear so much about in J. E. Tower of Fallasburg, passed crossword .puzles." away af te r a long and severe Ill-

land Park , Michigan. Royden Warner; parllsmenterlan.

DAY and NIGHT We sr,; ready to serve yon . . . with a hot dinner a t noon or a snack at midnight. It makes ao difference. Many years of erperience make this servk* possible by knowing what you want and having it when yoa want I t

R i c h m o n d ' s C a f e

THERON RICHMOND, Prop. Phone 9106 LowoH 1

r a * * * LEADER * * * * in providing this specialized service


Half a Loaf

Mrs. A. M. Barnes recovering from a several weeks' Illness, caused by a fall.

John O. Clark purchased the Wol-

The plumber was a mild sort of ! c o " 8 : rP c e^y -

m vT , u * * . „ . Alfred, Joe and Henry Speerstra man but he could not get away 0

f ^ r e L . o v e r , ng from typhoid from the fact that his assistant was f e v e r a n d pneumonia. extremely lazy. Miss Jessie O'Harrow of South

For a time he said nothing, but Lowell accepted a position In Law-at last he could contain his exas- yer Watklns ' office In Grand Rap-peration no longer. j ids as stenographer.

"Bill, you get on my nerves stand-1 Stephen Custer purchased thc G. ing there with both hands in y o u r k- King farm near Elmdale. pockets," he said. "For heaven's M a x 9r?1

bin®k. i- 16• dl.e.d a t t h c

. . .. home of his father In Vergennes. sake, take one of them out. h a v i n < f suffered a relapse from ty-

„ . . phoid-pneumonia. Careful

The village fire brigade stood by watching the third story of a build-ing blazing merrily. When ques-tioned by an onlooker about their in-1 March 14,1907—36 Years Ago activity. Ihe captain replied, bland-1 Ellis Braman went to Stanton for ly: !a month's visit with his grand-

"Our hoses ain't any too powerful, mother. mister. %e'll 'ave a better chance, R. B. Boylan was called to St. when the fire gets to the second: Johns by the death of his brother-floor!" 1 in-law.

J Will Engle captured a 164 lb. I pickerel through the Ice at Murray Lake.

Miss Myrtle Hatch and brother, ' Orin Hatch, left for a tr ip to lomosa, Calif., the latter with tho Intention of making his home there.

Eras tus Hull, a former Keene resident, died a t his home In Sara-nac.

An orange tree, owned by Bessie * Hnav i^Hv I Story, bore a ripe orange.

_. , . .. cho ncprt Walter Gibson able to be down She cannot do the things she used t o w n a n l l l n e t s o f B i x m 0 n t h 4

To do some years ago. Mr and Mrs. Frank Woodworth Since her father bought an auto, | left tor their home at Clyde, Ohio,

The Angling Girl Here's to the girl! Who can handle a rod.

And Itnd a big fish all alone: If she's nifty and true. We know what she'll do

When she gets a small "school* of her own.


d c p s r . d a b i y

She hasn't time, you know.

Phone your news to the Ledger.

Experience Is not what happens to a man. I t is what a man does with what happens to him.—Aldons Huxley.

Plumbing, Heating,

Sheet Metal Worfc.

RAY H. COVERT The Plumber

! af ter an extended visit here with ' relatives and friends.

Mlas Bertha Carson, formerly of 1 Grand Rapids, came to make her 1 home here with Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Nash.

F rank Hastings returned to An-dover, 8. D.. a f te r a visit here at

I the home of D. H. Watters. ! A family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Bristol In Ada honoring the 76th

i birthday of her mother. Norma. 1% year-old daug-hter of

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bierl of Ver-gennes, passed away.

Mrs. A. E. Cambell returned to | |Glendo. Wyo., af ter an extended visit with friends here.

r bi Consorvotlen." • • • He gtves skilled, reliable, economical

service on ail mokes of c m and trucks.. • . See hhn today

—see him at reyuiar Intervals—if yoa want your car to

Aak about Of Bud ft PUm. Low do* 1 and —Bf tanm on porta mod mrrio*

Always *0

CHEVROLET DEALER FOR SERVICE a n a n y ca r o r t ruck

-CAM miawwATKMr a o o m t - w i You may receive • copy of t hu useful booklet from jrour Cbcrrolct dealer, or by writing to: Cbevrolet Motor DhrWoo. O e a n l Motor* Corporatioo, A-327 Oeneral Motor* Buildtac. Detroit. Mkh .


Gum chewers will welcome Gua-temala's report of a bumper chicle crop.

McFALL CHEVROLET Phone 298 I. W. McFALL 508 W. Main, Lowell



We are equipped to render complete Funer-al and Ambulance Serv-ice, promptly.

Alto News C A M l ' A U L A K E Mrs. E. it. Hurd

(Continued from page two)

Library Silver Tea

There will be a Silver Tea and

Mr. and Mrs. Levi Cooper en-joyed Sunday dinner with their son,

j Reed and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Terrell of

i Greenville were Sunday, March 1st guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marion

H A N E R F u n e r a l H o m e

Phone 22-F2

Lowel l

SOVE LAKE Mrs. H. L Cog«r

I Hobby Exhibit at the Methodist1 Clark and family. Church Saturday afternoon. Mar., Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Benjamin and 21. from 2 to 5. Mrs. Henry Holly son of Saranac spent Friday after-

|0f Dutton, AAA Field Woman, will i noon and evening with Mr. and Mis. | be the speaker of the afternoon and Flint Curtis. can tell us many ways in which Mr. and Mrs. Marion Clark were wc may help our government Sunday night supper guests of Mr.

— and Mrs. Howard Norris. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hurd accompa-

jnied by MV. and Mrs. Flint Curtis Alto was sure isolated Monday tipent Thursday in Saranac where

and part of Tuesday, but the large I the men spent their lime at the [

Short Story Grandma Tests Great Highway

R a b b i t s


(McClurc Syndicate—WNU Service.)

A d v e n t u r o u s M o t o r i s t F i n e s

P a n - A m e r i c a n R o a d

I s P r a c t ' c a l .

Alto Locals SAM THORP chuckled faintly

when he slid from his saddle in front of the little post office and gen-eral store at Mecaha. Montana, about noon on an early autumn morning. He lifted his two jack

snow plow has arrived and roads B. Curtis home, where combining - .uu , . are being opened.» schools mill i beans was the order of the day. " 5 b l U ^ ^

probably open tomorrow, news-i papers arrived same as usual. How 'we hate to have our well organ-1 ized lives dip-upted for even a day. We may have our way of life dis-organized for more than a snow storm will do.

Mr. and Mrs. John Linton called on the former's sister. Mrs. Anna Batey at hospital Thursday and while in city called on Mr. i:nd Mrs. George Yaeger and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bryant.

P. T. A, at schoolhouse Friday evening. Mar. 20 (next week.) A program is being prepared cu "Our Negro Neighbors".

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Seeley and Diane and Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Seeley attended a family gathering to celebrate the 86th birthday of Dan Richards, Sr., a t his home in Grand Rapids last week.

Mrs. Marian Coger reports seeing I ar her husband is ill. a robin last Saturday. Julius Wester had

Tom Slater with his milk truck I dinner with Mr. u id was the only traff ic on this road i Linton Monday. Monday. Too much snow. i Snow drifts don't bother Frank

Mrs. Dorothy Slater DeMaar left Bunker, he goes a horscback. Monday afternoon for near Boston, i Roger McMahon of Lowell spent Mass., where her husband is sta Ithe week-end with his grandpar-tioned. She, with her father, walkec enta, Mr. and Mra John Linton, in the deep snow to US-16, where j Mr. and Mrs. Lawre.ice Richard-she hailed a ride to Grand Rapids son attended a birthday dinner and left on the 5:20. On Tuesday Sunday in honor of the latter 's the men of the vicinity broke the i sister. Mrs. Arthur Bowman and

The ladies joined 21 other m e m - , . . . . . bers of the Saranac Women's Club I at the home of Mrs. W. A. Brown, where af ter the salute to the flag and repeating the Club Collect, a short business meeting followed. And af ter the meeting there was a short program. The "Parade of the Wooden Soldiers" was the piano duet played by Miss Ruth Brown and Mis. Harold Frost. Mrs. Kath erine Smith gave a very interest-ing talk on "My Experiences in Col-

Mrs. Leon Peet has gone to her]lege Life and Religious Training." i home in Caledonia for several <1«y«

fine fish Mrs. John

roads open with tractors. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Seeley and

Diane were Grand Rapids visitors Tuesday afternoon as were Mr. and Mrs. Al Slater.

Nassau—The Bahamas expect an early revival of their sponge-fish-ing industry.

her daughter, Mrs. Ray Burgess at Mrs. Bowman's home near Cale-donia.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barllett of South Lowell spent Tuesday eve-ing with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Patti-son.

Read t h ^ l edge r ads.

Through the courtesy of the W. K Kellogg Co., of Battle Creek, seven boxes of breakfast foods were giv-en away.

Mr. and Mrs. Flint Curtis spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hackett at Coopersville.

Dorothy and Arlene Cooper at-

LIMA, PERU.—Mr*. A. S. Hen-i ley, 58-year-cld grandmother from Glendale, Calif., has proved to the world at large that the Pan-Amer-ican highway, connecting the Unit-ed States and Argentina, is some- :

thing more than charts in govern-ment offices, or mule trails through! jungles and over mountains.

Nearly a year ago Mrs. Henley1

started driving from Rio de Janeiro ^ „ . on a pleasure trip. Today, after | Otis Green, postmaster and deal- h a v i n g c x p i 0 r c d m u c h o f Brazil

er m general merchandise well U r u g u a y . Argentina. Chile, Bolivi. and Peru, she figures she still has ahead of her four months of driying through Ecuador. Colombia. Vene- I

| zuela. parts of Central America, and [ * Mexico before reaching home.

The adventurous Califomian, who'

and sauntered to the rear of the

as real estate since the discovers of oil on the Musselshell, glanced up from thc pile of mail he was sort-ing.

He grunted Sam. Whatcha «ant to argue about today?"

Thorp held up the two jackrabbits 'Two dem fat rabbits—been livin" on the ol* lady's lettuce fer a coupla months. But I trapped 'em last night," said Sam. "Need a leetle coffee mighty bad."

"Couldn't sell the last ones 1 bought from you. Sam. But I'll give you twenty-five cents for 'em both."

"Uhuh." grunted Sam. "But I tended the Blue Bird Club at the! jist heerd you paid the Lamb boys home of Shirley Ellis. The girls spent their time working on their bed spread, which they hope to sell. Mrs. Ellis served the girls cocoa and cake.

Mrs. William Wittenbach and two children of Detroit spent Saturday night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark.

Ye scribe and husband enjoyed Saturday dinner with the Locks in Alaska. Sunday they were din-ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark.

Reed Cooper and son, Roy, and E. Hurd were busy men Monday a. m., digging cars out of the huge drif ts south of the Hurd home.

The fourth meeting of the Cam-pau Lake Extension class met a t the home of Mrs. Frank Warner Wednesday. Twelve members were present. New officers were elected as follows; New leader. Mrs. .Cecil

twenty-fi' cents apiece fer their rab bits an' them half shot to pieces, too."

"Best I kin do. Sam. Twenty-five or nothing'."

"Well, 'tain't fair. But have to let you take 'em. Dern shame, too. You sell us poor devils gumbo land at oil price. Won't grow nuthin' but rattlesnakes an' sage hens."

"Best geologist in the countr> says there's oil on the land. I ain't supposed to have wells sunk to prove i t am I? Besides, a trade's a trade with me. Sam. When I git stung I take it as my fault Ain't no use in you bellyachin' now."

"Can't raise nuthin* but rabbits in the garden an' now you won't even buy 'em—leastwise, pay only half what they's worth."

"A deal's a deal. Ain't no busi-Croniager, secretary-treasurer, Mrs. n e s s jedgment about you. Thorp. We Gertrude Sherington; chairman. Mrs. Florence Hurd. After a discus-

* sion on next year's work, the | lesson "Repairs About the House" I was given by the leader, Mrs. Edna ! Ha rig. | Reed Cooper and son and E. i Hurd report seeing a large flock of wild geese Monday, making slow progrecs in the severe blizzard.

At the present time, Monday 7 ! o'clock p. m.. no cars traveling on jWhitneyville cement.

TOUGH ON TIKE THIEVES is this new Pontiac wheel lock which is now available. The lock nuts replace the regular wheel nuts and can only be removed Dy a special wrench which fits only that particular set of lock nuts. Pictured is a Pontiac front wheel with two lock nuts holding a steel strap over the wheel hub. Each nut is tapered so that it cannot be removed by pliers or v Stillson wrench. Insert is a lock nut-and thc special wrench head.





T h e e s t a t e of t h c l a t e Arthur A n d e r s o n wi l l be sold at p u b l i c a u c t i o n

a t t h e f a r m located 3 1 2 m i l e s n o r t h w e s t of Lowell o n

live on suckers lak you owt heah in Montanner. Reckon you'd better go back to Kentuck whar you come from."

"Thet's what I 'm calcerlatin' on But I can't sell my land . . . " With a sigh Thorp picked up im pound of coffee, shuffled out to his little sorrel and Cambered onto the saddle. He chuckled faintly as he clucked to the little horse.

• • •

Sam had just finished thc evening chores when Otis Green jerked his antiquated automobile to a stop at the front gate.

"Havin' some men fer breakfast and need a couple more rabbits. Got any? Can pay you 25 cents for these."

"Now let me see. Caught three this afternoon. Reckon 1 might as well let you have two uv 'em. Nice mea t too. But they'll cost you 50 cents. See by the paper the-price

! of rabbits is up a leetle." 1 Otis spat in the dus t swore a blue

streci: and grabbed up thc rabbits. From thc front s e a t be tossed the money to Sam before ramming his foot on the accelerator.

Early next morning. Green and j three companions appeared at Sam's J cabin. I "Air yo' wantin* more rabbits, j Green?" chortled Thorp.

"Nope. Bigger deal this time." I beamed Otis. ' 1 come to buy this I one sixty of yours. Got some friends | here as witnesses, so we can close | the deal right now."

Til give you ten dollars an acre j fer the whole one hundred an* sixty."

"Didn^ I give you $20 an acre be-i fore 1 fenced *er and made all im-, provements?" Sam rasped vehe-


learned how to drive when she was 43, and who never has been east of the Mississippi in her own coun-try. has become quite a booster for t i^ highway. The idea of using her trip to advertise the highway was first put to her by United States Ambassador Claude G. Bowers in Chile. Since that time she has spoken in public and over thc radio, written for newspapers, and, in gen-eral. become one of the hemispheric road*s leading promoters.

Highway Practical. "Current opinion maligns the

highway." she says with some h»3t "The genera! impression is that it is very difficult. We are finding that it is not difficult but very prac-tical. especially if you stick to the highway."

Mrs. Henley can proudly claim that she knows South America bet-ter than most South Americans do. She has "rounded the Horn" by automobile, taking a side trip to the world's southernmost settle-ment of Aushuaia, Argentina, far below the Straits of Magellan. She has crossed the 15,SD5-foot summit of the world's highest highway near Ticlio, Peru, on the way to Lima. She has motored through the fiow-ering Brazilian tropics, across the rolling cattle plains of Uruguay, through the heart of the Chilean lake country, and over the wild Bo-livian Andes.**

No Fl*t Tires.

So far. Mrs. Henley estimates that her 1940 American station wagon has covcred about 20.000 miles of South American roads. Ir all that distance she has had no punctured tires, although she had two punctures driving from her home in Glendale to New Orleans where she boarded a chip for Rio. She has had no motor trouble and j! no accidents. She had a new set of j larger tires put on her car to raise | it higher off the road, and had Ihr brakes relined twice.

Since Santiago she has done a l l . the driving. Thc only time her ' nerves fail her is when she reaches a large city. She then moves over and lets Hector Burr, her traveling f companion, take the wheel.

She said the trip so far has been f neither unduly expensive, nor dan fcrous. Gasoline, in most places, f costs no more than in the United States; frequently it was cheaper. Hotel aOcommodation and garage space expenses proved extremely reasonable.

Thursday, '42

F r e s h m a n C o e d s S t o r m

C i t a d e l o f E n g i n e e r i n g SEATTLE. — Only four women

have been graduated from the Uni-1| versity of Washington's coUege of f engineering in the last five years— but that doesn*t discourage Alice Johnson and Peggy De Merchant two optimistic freshmen co-eds.

Miss Johnson enrolled in electri-cal engineering and Miss De Mer-

"Yap, but land ain't what it wasj^hant in aeronautical engineering j i l they get any encouragement,

c o m m e n c i n g a t o n e o ' c l o c k p . m .

1 0 H E A D C O W S

a n d Y o u n g C a t t l e a s l i s t e d

Holsteln, 10 years old Holstein, 12 years old Holsteln, 2 years old Holstein, 5 years old B'ack Brown Swiss & Holstein, 6 years old Holstein Yearling heifer Holsteln heifer, 20 months old Brown Swiss heifer, 2 years old Holstein, 2 years old Guernsey cow, 2 years old Guernsey, 6 years old Guernsey, 4 years old Brown Swiss heifer calf 2 Holstein heifer calves Guernsey heifer calf


Mare, 16 years, 1?00 lbs. 3 Bay Geldings, f 7 and

about 1700 to 1800 lbs. 8 years, weights


4 brood sows, 1 year old, bred

FEED 8 to 10 tons clover hay 150 bushels of oats 10 shocks com stalks Straw stack Small amount silo feed 150 bushels of corn


2 Two-horse riding cultivators Set Sleighs Lumber Wagon Land roller Wagon rack Power sprayer Mowing Machine Grain binder New spring tooih drag Old spring tooth drag Grain drill (fertilizer) Walk plow Stone boat U d d e r ' Stone boat piank Wheel barrow 2 sets work harness Single harness Bean cooker Cream separator Slush scrapcr Set wagon springs 5 milk cans Quantities of Small tools and articles


14 cords of wood 200 crates Small quantity lumber Washing machine

1937 Dodge, 4-door, In good condition and good tires.

T E R M S : C a s h . T h o s e des i r ing t i m e s h o u l d m a k e a r r a n g e m e n t s be fore d a y of sa le .

Arthur Anderson Estate I . C . T H O M A S , A u c t i o n e e r DAY,

during thc war, Sam.* "It'll take just three times what

it cost to buy it back. Sixty dollars an acre and it 's yours. Nary cent less."

"Yore plum crazy, Sam." Green shouted in a squeaky voice.

"You can have 'er fer my price er let 'er go. Ain't carin* which."

Green knew Thorp would not come down, so he gave him sixty dollars an acre, paying the purchase price in new shiny bills; Sam was afraid of checks.

"We're leavin* fer Kentucky to-morrow, mammy," said Sam, as he folded the bills with precision.

Green glanced at the other men and winked.

"Fer oncc- 1 got you, Sam. Lucky such s Sch as ysu is leavin* this country. I saw oil stain on your shoes and overalls yesterday So I came up last night and went over your place with my fifshlight I found oil bubblin* out at three places whole state for fifty years," said1-Green

"Good geologist awright Yuh found all three spots where there's oil, jist three of *em."

"How the hell you know how much oil's on your place? You ain't no geologist" snorted Green.

"Wal, Mr. Green, when I couldn't find thet oil you told me was on my land when you sold it to me, I went over to the Cat Creek Oil Field, got five gallons of crude oil, and made jist three wells for spee'lation. You found all three uv 'em," came the level voice at the rabbit man. "But a deal's a deal," be went on, a s he felt the dry oil stains on his overalls. "Shore ruins clothes to make spee'lative oil wells, but I reckon hit 's worth the trouble."

i t . will be from their freshmen engi-neering advisor, E. R. Wilcox. His daughter was graduated from the engineering school and now is junior engineer in the army.

C h i l d l e s s M o n k e y W i n s

F i g h t t o K e e p K i t t e n MACON. GA.—Fannie Simpson, a

childless but maternal monkey, came down to earth but wouldn't give up the gray and white kitten she's adopted.

L. H. Colquitt garageman, gave Fannie to a friend, but two days ago she returned, carrying the kit-ten, climbed high into the rafters and refused to come down.

Then she played around the ga-rage with the kitten but fought off all human moves toward her foster child. The kitten seems perfectly happy, so Colquitt has decided to

•Nuf oil here to supply the "P rescue efforts.

Seeding From Airplane b Latest Farm Wrinkle

OMAHA.—Sowing wheat from an airplane is the coming thing lor large s c a k grain farmers, Wilber White believes.

I h e Poplar. Mont, flying farmer said while here on business be har-vested SS acres of the best wheat he had grown in 20 years from an air-plane-seeded field. I h e trick was done hy mounting a small hopper on his' ship, then calculating wind velocity and propeller b las t

The man who watches the clock will always be one of the hands.— Kreolite News.






I t pays to advertise in the Ledger.





Haw YOU entered Kroner's Mammoth Coffee C u t e s t ? |KR06EirS MMATOj


Th* Nation's Gr*ot*it COHM Vain# I


Ccntests i m ccmplete Itske pride k\ ^ sen te i ce l

sfrving K n j e r

• M I L D g


Q u a r t j a r

CREAM CHEESE American or Brick

LOAF CHEESE Clover Valley

PEANUT BUTTER Embassy Creamy Rich

SALAD DRESSING Country Club Grade "A"



Rich and Creamy

Cottage Cheese '••> •*. 10c 4 1b.

boo Fancy S«molina Spaghetti ot

M a c s m i 3


21c 87c


10c 17c

2Sc 6 r a p e f n i t W e t 2 8 7 c

B j s q s l c k

Kiag't Flak* Cake and

Pasli-y RMT 5 Sincerity Coantif Clsb

Paicake Rter 5 ^ Kraft l iner p*




F R E S H C H U R N E D BUTTER C o u n t r y C l u b

EVAPORATED MILK C h o i c e M i c h i g a n H a n d P i c k e d

NAVY BEANS PURE URD W e e c o S t a r t i n g a n d




R E F l l f E D

100-lb. b a g

100-Ib. b a g

Cigare t tes i-aa • 1 —

- J 1 . 2 i ^••oioe Alaska

Pipk S a t a M SordAne

TeMteHti ts 2 — 27c W§S3i i f ?S 2 >*~ 21c

H r f f s t s 10c ••wPocfc Florida f V w n f f s m n a r B p c i i m u 2 25c Cotntrr Clnb Fancr

S 27c F r t f t CtckUi l 2 S 27c

Gerfcer's ^ 6 — 39c CouatryChsb

T m a t i Seift 3 OOBS 1 7 C





C O U H T t Y C L U B T f N D E K D




l b .

l b .

Ib .

lb .





L a r t Stew oTES •». 15c By the P»eo* K r r r n i i ' c LEOHA n e r r r a b s a u s a g e ib. 21c Sliced

Hennas Veal Leaf a*. 30c

Sparc Ribs ^ lb. 21c

Park Livers sac* Ib. 18c Yellow Pike or

Yelltw Perch Ib l i e Blue Pike Ib. 17c

WUtiig Fillets Ib. 20c


K R O G E R i i L l - J L i i

A M A Z I N * • V A t A M t l l .

S P R I N G H I L L — E A S T A D A Mrs. Knri T

Dora, Grace and Bffie Theule of G r m d Rapids were Thursday via-itors of their parent*.

S. Heyes bought a tractor last

pulp mixed with sour

cream waa a beauty formula used by Catherine the Great. I t i s still

used by heautirians

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kuiper and son were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fase.

Mr. and Mrs. Bud Huckle were recent callers of Vera Vosburg:.

Al GrochowaWd arrived borne Tuesday evening from a 4,600 mfle tr ip to Texas.

Vera Tbomas, nephew and neice of Muskegon, Otto Cornell. J im Monks, S. Heyes, M Dahlke, Lloyd Aid rich, Donald, Dorothy and Ber-ne ice Grochowalski were recent call ere at the Earl Voaburg home

Nola Vosburg was a Tuesda; r / ternoon ca'ler of Mrs. Dora Co; nell and little son.

"Doctor, is it t rue that we can live without the appendix.?"

"Yes, the patient can—hut to

t t la

I1 The oldest active barber in

United States has oeletorated 98th birthday. He must be well along toward thc point story—Montrose, S. D., Herald.

tht-h is

pettinjr of b*4



F i r l e a d e r K s a b M Steck Herses $7 .56 C e w s S f i

P r o m p t S e r v i c e

P h o n e C o l l e c t

Cei ipa iy T e l e p h o n e I o n i a 4 0 0

" F o u r t e e n t h Y e a r o f S e r v i c e , ,



Want Ads Bring Cash Customers to Your Door.

Sell — Buy — Trade — Rent.

It's easy to do with a Ledger Classified Ad.

WAMT-ADSI W a n t A d v . R a t e s — S o c f o r 2 5 w o r d s o r less , if e v e r 2 5 w o r d s , a d d 1c p e r w o r d . If o r d e r e d b y m a i l , p l e a s e e n c l o s e co in o r s t a m p s .

FOR SALE-Mare , 6 ;-eara old, wL 1350; also new milch cows and June clover seed. Clare Culver, 6 "miles north of Lowell on Lincoln Lake road. p44-2t

WANTED—Girl's used bicycle. Mrs. U-e R. Miller. Lowell Phone 228.


FOR SALE—Two new milch 4-yr.-old Jersey cows. Jas. G. Ballard. 2 miles west of Alto. p44

FOR SALE—Baled hay and straw, also clover seed. Phone Saranac 3116. Harold Simpson. p44, 2t

FOR SALE—1927 Chevrolet truck flat rack, pood runninp condition, $50.00. Tires In good condition. Lester Antonides, Lowell phone 149-F14. or R. 2, Lowell p44

FOR SALE—2 fresh cows, Guern-sey-Durham. Jake Bultendyk, Vi mile north and 1 ^ miles west of Snow School or 3H miles south-east of Ada. p44

FOR SALE — Potatoes and hay. Reuben Lee, Lowell Phone 54-F4. c43-3t

HARNESS SHOP NEWS—Hand-made harnesses, repairing and oiling. Kerekes Harness Shop, 1 mile east of Lowell on M-2L

p41. 4t

FOR SALE-Used tires that are good for many thousands of miles of wear. Trade in your smooth or broken tire on a good used tire today. Ralph's Tire & Radio Shop, Lowell. c40tf

TYPING PAPER —Good quality, hard finish, white Sulphite bond, 100 sheets, sire SHxll , for 25c. including sales lax. Inquire a t Ledger office. tf

U S E D C A R S 1937 Plymouth Dlx. 4-Dr. Sedan. 1937 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Town Sedan. 1936 Ford H Ton Pickup. 1941 Dodge Custom 4-Dr. Sedan. 1938 Dodge Dlx. Bus. Coupe. 1937 Dodge Dlx. Bus. Coupe. lfV36 Dodge Dlx. 4-Dr. Sedan. 1940 Plymouth 2-Dr. Sedan. 1936 Plymouth Dlx. 4-Dr. Sedan. 1938 Chevrolet Bus. Coupe.

Gould's Garage Dodge A Plymouth S a l o

Phone 289. Lowell c44

FOR RENT—c rooms and bath, full basement and garage. Seinind house off M-21 on Ada-Parnell tw.*1, near Lena Lou. Phone 3662, Ada. p44

LOGS hauled to the saw mill and B ^ G T E A M F , O R SALE—Gray and lumber delivered. Call Lowell j Phone 69-F4, George Wielland.


FOR R E N T — Modern furnished, home on North Monroe street. In; the village. $32.00 r e n t Phone 193-F2, Lowell. c42tf

A . W . HILZEY T h e Auct ioaeer

D u t t o n , M i c h ,

Service* that Satisfy and Terms That Are Reasonable

Book your dates early to get the tfatec you want,

Tuesday, Mar. 17—Youngs Farm, North Rockford. Michigan Trust Co., Trustees. General sale with good tools, Guernsey Cows, Hay and grains.

Wednesday. Mar. 18—Peter Kiel, Southeast Jamestown. General sale ' good Guernsey cows, tools, hay and grains, good horses.

Thursday. Mar. 19—Wm. Bieber, North Dorr, good horses, large list of good tools.

Friday, Mar. 20—Stanley Jarvis. Dorr. General sale with rood cows, good tools, hay and grains.

Saturday. Mar. 21—Mrs. Mainus Jorgensen. Northwest Sparta. Gen-eral sale with good tools and Guernsey cattle, hay and grains, large l i s t

Book dates wttfc D. A. Wingefer s t State Savings Bank. LowdL

bay, sound and true. If you have lots of work for team, this is the team you should own. For quick sale, 1200.00 buys these. Orley Rulason, Phone 105-F2. Lowell, 3 miles west and 1 mile south of the Grand Tiunk depot at Lowell. c44

MAGAZINE PRICES rapidly rising. Order now. The Post, one year, $2.00, becomes $3.00 in April and McCall's $1.00 becomes $1.50. Mrs. MucTavish, Phone 201-F2, also Fuller Brush Agent. c44 FOR S A L E - E l t h e r loose

C O O K Plumbing and Heating

Sheet Metal Work

Call 7 8


'HOUSE FOR RENT—Electricity. Located 2 miles west and H mile south of Grand Trunk depot. Mrs. Tom nehoe. Phone 105-F11.


How Come?

Last week as I sat In the car .waiting for husband, I saw burn-ing in a waste paper burner, cor-ruguted boxes, cardboard and other I

j paper. At another time 1 saw a ; ; man carry a large basket of papers ' ; and throw them on a fire already 1

.burning. At an AAA meeting, two! i weeks ago, a member of the war 'board said "to me this war is iKfe or death. If we can wlnj ; the war we live." Burning waste 1 paper helps lose the war.

—A Subcriber to the Ledger.

FRESH M E A T S at wholesale prices. Meat on hand at all times. Phone your order, or call at mar-ket on US-16. mile west of M-66. These meats all dressed right on farm. Also want good cattle and hogs. Wc pay Detroit prices. Phil Schneider, Phone 66-F6. p44

FOR SALE — New milch cow. M. D. Court. Lowell 154-F3.

Jersey Phone


Today's Paying Prices per dozen

for Eggs—Federal-State Grades

Extras, l a r g e Extras, Medium Standards, L a r g e . . . Standards, Medium.

29c Mc

HARRIS CREEK Mrs. Basil II. V reel a ml



Prices subject to chai ye

FOR SALE — New electric com sheller. New Idea; new Jamesway hog feeder for 42 hogs; New In-ternational spike drag—these Im-plements have never been used. Also pump with sink, 34 window frames with glass. 4 doors, scales, 6 shoats. one brood sow with 6 pigs. Adolf Witt. R. 2, Ada. p44

FOR SALE — Two-bottom 14 Inch John Deere plow, or will trade for one-bottom tractor plow. J . H. Burkholder, on US-16, near Pra t t Lake. p44

FOR SAUS—18 acres. North Wash-ington S t , electric lights and water along frontage. Inquire A. Velzy, 220 N. Washington, Low-ell. p4S-2t

FOR SALE—Seven room house and garage, with large lot, or will t rade towards farm. Some furni-ture for sale. Horace L Weeks, 717 Amity S t , Lowell. Phone 46-F5. c43-3t

FOR SALE:—Smooth Brome grass seed to drill with your oats. Also Certified Huron oats are still available. Call us cr C. H. Runcl-man. The oats do not need treat-ment for smut prevention, have a st iffer s t raw yield more straw and have heavier test weight. D. A. McPherson, Lowell Phone 71-F2. c44

FOR SALE— Strawberry rcan mare, 4 years old, well broke, wt. 1500; Massey Harris manure spreader, | in good condition: 2 milch cows.1

Ernest Roth, Clarksvi'le, 3 miles I east of South Lowell Church, or 2, p o R SALE miles north, 3 miles west of Clarksville. p44

or baled alfalfa or mixed hay, in the barn, or delivered. Also one stack of last year's wheat straw. D. A. McPherson, Lowell Phone 71-F2.


FOR SALE — C e m e n t building • blocks, four different designs to ' choose from, also chimney blocks, i I2arl Vosburg. Ada, Mich. p44-4t | WANTED—A

Heavy duty drill press with Jacobs Chuck and 1-3 h. p. motor; 10 in. ball-bearing band saw. Both tools like new. Ray Miller. M-2i at Jackson St., Ionia. Mich. p44

N. C. THOMAS Auction Sales

Bookings for auction sales r\av be made through the Lowell Ledger, Harry Day, Lowell, or with me direct.

Saturday, March 1 4 — G e r a l d Kamps, Wilson Avenue, James-) town township. 17 head cows and young cattle.

Monday, March 16—EJdwin Nash. Clarksville. 17 head of cattle, In-cluding 11 head fat Durham steers; 7 horses. 25 feeder pigs, John Deere tractor.

Tuesday. March 17—Mike Dahlke, US-16. Cascade. 17 head young cat-tle. good tractor and tools.

Wednesday. March 18 — August Schultz, Sparta. Mixed breeds of cattle, full l i s t

Thursday, March 19 — Anderson Estate, Lowell.

Wednesday. March 2.^—Clarence French, Middleville. 40 head cattle.

N. C. THOMAS, 4405 So. Division, Grand Rapids, Mich. Phone 32082.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Troy of Grand Rapids and Wm. Troy of near Cascade spent Tuesday with their sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs L J. McDonald, also calling at the John McDonald home.

Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn and Mrs. Katherlne Gougherty and daughter Margaret were in Lowell

•L. i Monday and Tuesday on business. Mrs. Margaret Sllcox, Miss Fran-

ces Porritt and Mesdames Lydia and llertha Porritt and Mary Vree-land attended the L. A. S. at Bowne Center last Wednesday.

Mrs. Joe Wenger and son of near Caledonia were dinner guests at the Vern Wenger home recently and ir. the afternoon all attended the Doyle sale and shopped in Hastings.

Mr and Mrs. John Flynn and son Joseph and Mrs. Ella Flynn were Grand Rapids visitors last Wednes-day

Mr and Mrs. W*m. Burns, sons James and Rob were Thursday eve-nir.p dinner guests at the Silcox-Vreeland home.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Flaherty and son Michael of Battle Creek spent Sunday with their parents. Mr. and Mr? Bernard Flynn and daughters.

Miss Bernadean Flynn will give a lecture to the girls of M t Mercy school in Grand Rapids Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. J . B. ArJerson spent the week-end in Alto helping to care for their father. Wm. Anderson.

Jerald Anderson was a dinner guest Sunday of Harold Vreeland and in the evening they attended the Strand in Hastings.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kahler ofi Grand Rapids spent Sunday af ter- j r«v>r rnd were supper guests at thc i Siicox-Vreeland home.

Santiago—Chile Is considering measures to restrict exceesive In- ; dustrial profits.



TO REIM TEXACO To add to the

s e n i o r of

oil an


your car.

poriant than before.

HEIM TEXACO Wa. Hon, Prep.


High Test MARL Mart now available la Vergennes,! Ada and Lowell townships. I


Order through your program or f rom


Arthur Vos I9S1 Martindale. S. W.

Phone 5-0380 Grand Rapids p4S-2t

Attornr) for M«rtcae«*. 14J Ball dint. Grsad lUpWt. MkWsM. .VOTICE OF MORTGAGE SAf E

htvinc been made la Uw con-aiUon* of & ctrtiin mort^aje made by VmecK. 3 AJWey and G«r*JdIae M. Xsh-tey. hii wife of Kent County. Jtlcli'gaa. U> Home On-neiV Lmh Corpora lion, a Corpora:f Icrtrum.r.tality of xhe Uruled Slates of America, dated Jixmary 14. 1936. and recorded In the r.fffce of th* HepiCer of Dcedi for Kent County. M'ch-lean, oa Jaimary It, IS'G. In Ubtt BOC of Morteapet. or. PW- ,'il3 514 and 51.V

~ " ~ ' -5 amended bv e*i«i«ion acreeascnt dated . Bcompetent girl for; mo." and reci.rdec m the o!f.c« housewovk. modern home at Cas- of the Repjur of Deeds for Kent County. 5".,

Vlchipio, cva January 32. 15M2. In Libei 1 : . 902 of Mortgase*. on pa«e Ml. and aaJdljJ^i mortfa^oe hav:rj e>cted under the term; .

m v RTrvT \ c OJ y u d snonxacc extended to decUr* •" F RENT —A modem 6-room eottre pmxdpaJ and seemed ioterettj.;

house with bath. 604 Vergennes-Ithereoo due, •schich eiectson it doe-« hero Rd. Call Phone 21S-F3. p44,b-v pursuant to »bich there »

— • — ^ and aajtaid the date


VAN'S Super-Market 220 W. M a i n S t . - L O W E L L

Bring Your Food Stamps to VAN'S—They Will Buy More!

Pork Loin Roast Spare Ribs R i b - e n d c u t S h b u l d e r c u t s

Ib. 2 9 c Ib. 7 \ c

•Pigs Feet F r e s h

Ib. S f c

BEEF HEARTS, t o r oas t ib . 1 6 c

Pork Liver M Hearts T o r o a s t

lb. 19c ib. 18c

Slab Bacon By t h e p iece

Ib. 2Sc


Sliced Bieon short Cut Steak 5 - l b . box

Ib. 1 6 c lb. 21c

Fresh Side Pork C h u n k

Ib. 2 1 c

Brooklield Better Gem Oleo

lb. 38e Ib. 17c Silver Leal Lird

1-lb. carton 16c BREAD, la rge t w i n loaf 9 c

Chocolate Cookies Oatmeal F a n c y ! D e f i a n c e

lb. 12|c Large pkg. 17c

P u r e

Egg Noodles

Mb. pkg. 12|c

GRAPEFRUIT , Seedless - Ig. 96 size ea. 3£c

Florida Oranjes Teias Carrots I-^gC

8-1 b. bag 39c Bunch 5c California Or»ges

288 s ize

Doz. 19c

Su;: pendiac la the Superior Court of Grant: Rapids. In Chancery, on the 6th day of February, A. D. L«RE. LAURETTA JONES. Plaintiff.

Caucus Notices Cascade Township, RepuMicun

DAVID s. JONES. Defendant, j Republican caucus for the town-Ordrr fnr AgvMnaie and i^wicatina ship of Cascade will be held in thc In the sbvve entitled cau*. it appear Cascade town hall on Saturdav.

tBR tha: the defendant. David S, Jones ss u 1 0 . 0 , .o/i „ ' not i resident of thu state, that «j March 14, 194... at 1.30 o clock p. m. casir'- sgcer.ained what ataie or i Michigan War Time for the

( Mexico City—Mexico's a rmy fly-, Washington—Engineers c l e a n ing service has opened a museum delicate instrumenti on the con-of historic planes in Mexico City, trol beards of the Grand Coulee

.um with corn pith.

London—SixLy-eight of e v e r y 100 new-papers in tho world are Tokyo—F o u r commercial air now printed in the English lan- servicee are maintained in Japan

iguage. by private ccrapanies. cour.; his 1

cade. Good wages. Phone Rapids 9-5478.

Grand P44

CORDUROY CLOTHES for and boys, ideal for early spring g ^ n d S a ' t o S i d ^ e " w wapr. Zipper jackets, button:Dolian (K.Sol.SO) a^d ao #u!t or pro-, coats and trousers, all sizes from i t Saw or in equity havrap tK-er.; age 4 to over-site 50. at Coons". ^ E R A L r ) M HENRY.

!*alo mongapf or lay part thereof; j Anomev for PbUmlff

tne defendant resides in and that purpose of nominating c a n d l -^ < r ^ d * 5 f o ' l * ™ * ? otticeS and for attoraey for p'oiotiff. ,tne transaction of such other busi-

i* Ordered that the defiadut enter neso as may properly come before appearance In said cause on or oe- caucus

: .re th'ee mootlia from the date 0 , , th.s order, and that within fwty day» G e m t B a k e the plaintiff cjuse this order to be pub- c43, 2t ilihed In the Lowe:i Ledper. a newspape publlabed and circulated w.thtn said coun

Township Clerk.


THADDEUS B TAYtOS. Judpe of Superior Coar:

Bowne Township. Republican Republican caucus for the town-

ship of Bowne will be held in the Bowne Center town hall on Friday,

of Grand Rapids, j March 13, 1942, at 2:00 o'clock p. m.. Michigan War Time for the purpose

BuKloeae Address; i(i! Federal Square I o f nominating candidates for town-w-, „ ,, " I ! Bidg.. Grand Rapids. Michigia. 'ship offices and for the transaction i n a r - pursuant to the btatutea of the State •: -xnirt mrf , . . , . 1

M-.chisin in such ca* made and irrv cec v " ^ W by we 1°' 3X1 0 t h e r b u s l n e s s a s may wagon and rack, riding cultivator. ^ n . " i ™ f t T o ^ l o S ? £ £ £ . F- M E I X K E I P ^ r i - V ^ome before said caucus 1

POR S A L E - 2 horses, 4 years o l d , ^ ^ S T 0 1 ^ S T wt. 1400-151X1: good set of nesses, springer heifers, tested:

Deputy Clerk.

plow. Inquire a t Dawson's. 3 door of the Court House in the C.ty oi c a r l -F ireiXKE miles west of Grand Trunk P™®*1 County of Kent. Mict rxrety Clerk.

igan. that belnt the place of hoJd.nj P " : Circuit Court m said County, said •nort

o T . .i •— *111 ^ Sareefc*ed by a sale at public Dahlke will hold a public auction' WANTED Junk tires in any con-; wiruoa to the highest bWder of ih'

• « . . . A i t ir* n

Auction Sale March 17 Having sold his farm. Mike

manure spreader. 3-section drag, Eastern Standard Time at the North FToni

depot Phone 154-F13.

Ic43-2t Leonard Johnson. Township Clerk.


sale at the farm located three miles east of Cascade on US-16, on Tues-day, March 17. at one o'clock. Cattle, implements and tools. N. C Thom-as, auctioneer: Caledonia Bank, Jlerk.

Registration Notices

Auction Sale Berause of ill health, a public auc-tion will be held a t the farm home of

Ralph White Five miles west of Ion>a or 8 miU* nor th and t miles east of Saranac on Potter's Corners road, on

Friday, March 20 At I t : * War Tlaae

Sale will consist of l iveetock, tn-ri tiding M siDch eews. h w e s . piemen ts, hay and grain.


dition. We will pav you highest preaisM described in" said mortgager or so - 8 t* t e 0 1 Michigan. The Probate C<«r | T4.«-nvKir. prices, or trade you a cood used1 t , m c h •« "ay be neoossary to pa> f01- u* Co«mty of Kent. ( • v s i n r iiiVb fir-/ T^o'r.v.v ^ amount due as aforesaid, aad an\ * sesstao of said court, held at U* 1 Notice is hereby given that 1 u r e lor your Junk tire. Ra iphs 6 tEn or w h v „• probate office. In the c!tr of Grand Rar. 1 ... . ' " . , l ' " , l 1

Tire & Radio Shop. LowelL c40tf undti^igned at or ^ l n L d county « J day oi 'w i 1 1 f o r registration, the — itaxes aad | or insurance oa said premises ^bmary A. D. 1M2. .names of all qualified voters within

T I R E S VULrANTZED — Recon- and all other sums pajd by the under _H o° CLARK E. HlGBEE.ithe township of Cascade, up to and including Tuesday. March 17. the last day, from 8 o'clock a. m. until 6 o'clock p. m.

G e r m Baker. c43-2t, Township Clerk.

ana adjust all claims and demands agalnr of N W ^ 11 deceased by and before said coun:

dition your tires today by having _4,r'lh »*"««« theroon. puwuant

breaks x-ulcanized while u, the te™. — , a ^ oi Probau.

Matter •# the E«tsie of Siwi «f "no monga^r ~ — l:~— ' .. TTlDDer . ,nd all lera] co»U. charges and expense Lrickssa. Drnt—H

repair supplies last. Quick low taciuding an attornev s fee. which pjem 1 i l »PP«tnng to the court that the time cost service. Ralph's Tire ft lses are described as foltowt: jfor » r y « U o n ol c-alma against said

rtr)i r That certain oiece or pared of land limited, and that a liau I situated in the City of Grand Rap,^ i " a P*** ** "W^ted to reoelre. ex.uclae County of Kent. Michigan.

Radio Shop. Lowell.

L o w e l l M a r k e t R e p o r t

Corrected March 12,1942 Street, Ad-I 15 11 0 n l e r w S- Th*' all the creditors oi

dition to the City of Grant Rapids. Kentlf!" required to present thei County. Michigan, acoordlng to the claims^,, to said


.751 1.40-

tha t a m < n t , 8 glreB on approved hanirahle beartng 7% I n t e n t


W h e a t bu S Rye, bu Com, bu. Buckwheat c w t Barley, bu. Oats, bu Corn and Oats Feed, cwt Corn Meal, c w t Coarse Cracked Com, cwt Shelled Cora, c w t Bran;, c w t Middlings, c w t Flour, bbl Pea Beans, c w t Light Red Beans, c w t Dark Red Beans, c w t

^Light Crssbcrry Beans, c w t . Yellow Eye Beans, cwt Wool, lb

Butter, lb be Butterfat . lb. es, Eggs, d o t .21..23

Hogs, live, c w t 12.75- 13.25 Hogs, dressed, c w t 19.00 Beef, live, lb .06-.15 Beef, dressed, lb 02-^2 Chickens, lb 14-18

1-ju corded plat then-of 1 1 ' 1 Dated: January 15.

court at said Probate Off joe on or before the HUi day ml April

1 0 4 , I A. D. IMS, at ten o'clock In the fore-jnoon. said ume and place being hereby

HOME OWNERS LOAN jappntnted for the examination and sdjast-CORPORATION. of &U ci&ixns uid demsixls Agftins'

Mortgapee. J-nd deceased. App. S-18-10 c36-a3: It is Further Ordered. That public no-

ice thereof be siveo by publication of a SALE aa MORTGAGE OF REAL B B T A T E t e . 01 0 r d e r f 0 ' t l i re* "^ofssive

'weeks previous to a u d day of heirtng. In

1.401DE-627-B-LG s,

215 205 2.05 2.00 2.06 2.10 7.60 4.10 5.00 5.00 3-00 5J0



of Michigan. The Probate Couri for the County of Kent.

Av a session of said couri. held at the Probate Office in the City of Grand Rap ids. in said County, cn the 24th day of February A. D. 1942.

Pnaeat. HON. JOHN DALTON. Judge of Probate.

l a the Matter of the Estate of Ennui J. Hobbel. Droeauwd.

Dan Wingeier having filed la said coun his wtltkw. praying for 1'reuse to sell the Inierest of said estate In certain real estate therein described

It U Ordered. That the STth day of MurWi A. !».. IMS. at ten o'clock te the fore-

at said probau olfioe. be anc

the Lswell Ledger, a newspaper printed and circulated In said county.

CLARK E. HIGBEE. Judge of Probate

A true copy: FRED ROTH.

Register of Probate. c42-3t

appointed for hearing and all per sot

estate appear before aald oourt.

APTOtNTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR State of Mlehipan. The Probate Cour.

for the County of Kent *t a irsstrsi ot mid court held at the

Probate Offloe in the city of Grand Rap-id* In said County, oo the 5th day of March A. D . IMS

Prwent, Hon. CLAPJv E. HIGBEE. Judge of Probate.

te W a n t - A d s g B Brinf Cash Customers to Your Door

SELL - BUY - TRADE - RENT It's Easy To Do With a Ledger Classified Ad;

Want to sell your Piano? Want to buy an Electric Washer? Want to trade j ou r Typewriter for a used Accordion? Want to Rent that spare room? A Classified Ad iu the Ledger is the answer! That's how you can reach hundreds of interested people—in the quickest time, and at the lowest cost And many tiroes, one insertion has done the trick! The Ledger Classified Section is read by folks who WANT what you have to sell . . . and used by folks who can save you money on the things YOU want The cost is amazingly low! Get all the facts now. Call 200.

Word Ad OM Week 35c - Cash with Order

a Uoense to sell the tntcreat of late In said real


estate should not be

It Is Further Ordered. That norioe thereof be gS»en by publicatior of a copy of this order, for three sooooscvt weeks previous to said day of baarlng. In the Lowell Ledger, a newapaper printed ano clrculaied In said nounty.

JOHN DALTON. Judge of Probate

A true copy. FRED ROTH.

Register of Probate. c43-3t

• r the Estate •

Shivel, Public Administrator

i r e o r w u x Probate 3oun

for the County of Kant. of said c o u n , held a i the

office, tn the Ctty of Grand Rapids. In said county, on the 27th day of



for Kant County, having filed in said ruin hu petition praym* that ihe admlni-stratlOB of said estate be granted to Roland M. Snivel or to some other sult-

pablic jable person. It is Ordered, that the Slst day of Man*

*. D. IMS. at ten o'clock tn the fore-noon. at aald probate office, he and it hereby appointed for hearing said peti-tion:

It Is Further Ordered, t h u public notice thereof be given by pubUcatlon of a capy ot this order, for three succes-*lve weeks previous to said day of hearing, In the !x)wen Ledger a sewtpaper printed and circulated in said oounty.

CLARK E. HIGBEE. Judge of Pivfeate.

A true copy. FRED ROTH

Register of Probate. c4t-3t


• Notice Is hereby j l v w that by a rate of a majority In number and value of Interest oi the members of the Alto Co-operatw Co-partoersbtp Creamery Associa-tlor of KHo, airtrtf-sn, UMTTED. K has b^ea determined that kuch Association Shall be dissptved. The undersigaed. chose Post office addross Is Alto. Michigan, are the Liquidating Trustees."


LEON T. ANDERSON. Llquldaunp Trustees

19, 1M2 dS-St

filed that

, to be the last eeaaed. now on file tn admitted to probate, and that the admlni-stratloB of aaid estate with the will an-nexed be granted to Harry Day or to some other suitable person

It is Ordered. That the Mth day ^ Marrti A. D.. IMS, at ten o'clock In the Dated. February

j forenoon, at said probate office, be and'—————— , — —— is hereby appointed for hearing said petl- N O n C E . L E D G E J l R E A D E R S —

jtftOB. Friends of The T edger having business in the Probate Court of i Kent County will confer a favor on the nublisher bv requesting the court to order probate notices published In this paper. The Court will be piad to comply with the request when made. — Re-spectfully, jC G. Jeffarles. t l

It Is Further Ordered. That Public notice thereof be given by publication of a copy i of this order, for three successive week« previous to said dty of hesrinc In the1

Lowell Ledger, a newspaner printed and circulated In said county.

JOHN DALTON. Judge of Probate.

A true topy. FRED ROTH.

ol Probate. ct3-3t j

Lowell Township Notice is hereby given that I will

be at my office every day except Thursday afternoon, from 8:00 a. m. until 5:00 o'clock p. m. to re-ceive for regiatration the names of all qualified voters residing in said township, and on Tuesday, March 17. last day for general rec-istration by personal application for said election, until 8:00 p. m.

Elmer S. White, c43-2t Township Clerk. •

Bowne Township

To the Qualified Electors of the! Township of Bowne, County of I Kent, State of Michigan. Notice is hereby given that I will be a t ; my residence every day except Sun-! day until Tuesday, March 17. 1&42, j being the last day for registration for purpose of receiving for regis-tration the name of any lepal voter i in the Township of Bowne not al- | ready registered who may apply to me persorally for such- regis-! tration.

Leonard Johnson. c43-2t Clerk of Bowne-tp

Vergennes Township To the qualified Electors of the |

Township of Vergennes, County of Kent, Sta te of Michigan. Notice te hereby given that I will be at my residence every day except Sun-day. until Tuesday. March 17, 1942, being the last day of registration, for purpose of receiving for regis-tration the name of any legal voter in the Township of Vergennes not already registered who may apply to me personally for such regis-tration.

Elmer Wittenbach c43-2t Clerk of Vergennes-tp.

WHAT? UO iettbrheads


In The Columns of

THE LEDGER Tke Ledger specializes In the kind ol

news yon ore interested i n - y o n r o o u n n i t y , yonr township.

Special attention is given in every issne to motter ol general interest and importance to farmers.

Many colnmns oi good reading matter are provided lor yonr interest and enjoyment.

WOEiN THIS HAPPENS. PHONE US and Wel l Pr in t Some For You In A H u m ! !

Read The Ledger EVERY WEEK


and Down Kent County Roads Continued from First Page

News F rom ( i rand Kapids Of F o r m e r Bowne Folks

Clara M. BninilfUmry

wt 1 a n ^ Partly by contribution of vege-I III S n H I lAWn tables, etc. from thc homes. Fruit u p a n u l / u n u is usually available from the Sur-

plus Marketing Association so all ij together thc youngsters get a pret-

ty well balanced lunch. Mrs. [Thompson says they are well or-iganized as to duties and they find

~~ it no hardship but on the contrary Ask for Enriched Bread | j t ig enjoyable and educational.

When you buy bread a t the gro^ Other 4-H hot lunch clubs are eery store do you just look for a operating in tho Kinney School, loaf of bread, or do you specify Vaikcr township, under the Icader-"enriched" bread? If not you a re j s hip of Miss El \a Hogaman; Mc-musing a really good bet^ It costs Bride School. Lowell township, un-no more, tastes the same and con- der Miss Alma Adams; Briggs talni Important vitamins and min- School In Solon, Mrs. Hazel Beatty, erals. i leader and the Wellot' School, Can-

For years we have known that In non township, under the leadership refining wheat for white flour wc 0f Miss Clara Lyndrup. were sacrificing the "health" fac-tor In thc grain but people demand- , n . m n n r ed white bread and the millers' L a B A R G E R I P 1 L E S could do little about it. Besides,' Mrs. Vern Lsring flour containing wheat germ, did not keep well. : . . „ , #

Recently, however, a method has1 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gale or been discovered whereby most of. Detroit spent the week-end with the "health factor" could be retain- ' their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry cd without changing the looks or Timm and Mr. and Mrs. Simon Gale tne taste of the flour and a t the j i t Caledonia. same time retaining Its keeping! Borden Tupper and Mrs. Carrie qualities. J Record of Grand Rapids spent Sun-

What are these "health factors a f t ernoon at the Ora Dawson home. we hear so much about? Well, M r 8 h l a Herrlck and Mrs there are two Important v i t a m i n s - W a l t e r ^ a n d ^ t W e d . thiamin (B() and nicotinic a c l d j ^ ^ . a f t e r n o o n w | t h M r s V e r n

(No, nicotinic acid Isn t the same a s Torjjjg nicotine, and you can't get your j ^ ^ c , m p b , n ^ 0 „ , u o U by smoking a h „ g r a n d ^ n . Roddlc Campbell at arettes). Thiamin is sometimes ® known a* the "morale" vitamin, if Hospital Frlda>, finding vou feel cross and irrlUble and are 1 h i m , m u c h l l " P r o y e d f , r o m P n e u -Incllned to scold and nag a lot. per- • n d • b , e t o return h o m e

haps >"Our diet Is low In tblamln. S u ™ a y . (Dick DuIccn- as he was called And don-t lay it to plain "cussed-1 a n d Mrs. Lawrence Woodl^ . . . . . . —

Virgil Kelm of the U. S. Navy, who is stationed at Detroit, spent Monday night and Tuesday with the home folks here.

John Mlshler and wife visited Mrs. Mlshler's niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spears at Home Acreo Sunday afternoon.

Rev. Ronald Hoffman, wife and son, James of Banner St. were ;n Charlotte last Thursday to visit Ronald's parents, Rev. Andrew Hoffman and wife at the Lane-Dulcena Home and Friday they visited friends In Sunfleld.

Rev. George Fleming of Hunting-ton, Ind., was the guest of Rev.

S O U T H B O W N E Mrs. Jcnnlo I'urdt.'o

F A L L A S B U R G & V I C I N I T Y Mrs. Wesley Miller

Duane and Wava Deardorf and| Will Booth spent thc week-end Elaine Kauffman of Freeport spent with relatives near Ann Arbor. Sunday at the Roy McRobertsj Joyce and Virginia Booth stayed home. | with their grandmother while Mr.

Mrs. Warren Roush, Mrs. Floyd Booth was away. Berkey and children of Hastings and Edna Hostettler visited Thurs-day afternoon with Mrs. A. T. Eash.

Mrs. Lydla Karcher is convalesc-ing at this writing.

Virginia Moore was a suppei gueet of Gwendolyn Mlshler Frldav night.

Russel Blough and family of Hastings. Aaron Gronewald and family of Freeport were Sunday evening callers at Je r ry Blough'a Rachel Stahl and son Arthur of

Ronald Hoffman and family froml S ' 0 " w e r e c a , l e r , , t h r o u « h the Sunday to Wednesday. He preached . . . . . . at the Banner St. Church Sunday.1 M r - a n d M r 9 R o y Mc^ober ts and

Frank Martin, wife and daugh-ter Marilyn visited Mrs. Martin's father, Addison Erb and wife at Grand Lodge and on their way home called to see Mra. Martin's aunt, Mrs. Elsie Gabel, who is car-ing for a Mrs. Dutcher near Grand Ledge.

Mrs. Edith Sines of Mlddlevllle was a recent guest of her sister, Mrs. Trilla Kelm.

We are very sorry to hear of the serious Illness of Mra Newton Coons of Lowell and sincerely hope she Is recovering at this time.

We noticed In last Thursday's Press the death of Richard Dulcey

ness" in the kids eliher. Maybe they need some thiamin too. And Is your family pretty choosey about what they eat? Maybe their appetites need toning up with thiamin. En-riched bread also contains iron and bread Is lots easier to take than the old sulphur and molasses remedy we used to resort to each spring.

So look for the word "Enriched" on your bread wrapper. The term is protected by law and can not bo used on bread unless it has been enriched according to government recommendations.

and daughter of Freeport called on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harper Thurs-afternoon. Mr. Harper has been quite poorly all winter.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Loring wore Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs R?.lph Rathbun. Mr. and Mra Irv-•ncr Lutz and son David of Mlddle-vllle took supper with their par-ents Thursday n igh t

The Auxiliary held their March meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Ora Dawson Friday night.

by his frlende) lived In the home )f James Morgan of Bowne Center .'rom his early boyhood and grew to manhood In that place. He was noted for many miles around for •jis beautiful singing. He had fine ;olce and loved to sing.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wlney of Lake Odessa vMted Will Wlney a t Kala-mozoo Sunday.

Mrs. Lydla Porrit t la spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Jennie Pardee.

Mra Lloyd Brock and Mrs. Eatel-la Rosier accompanied Mrs. Jennie Pardee to the Ladles Aid a t Bowne Center Wednesday.

Mrs. Estella Rosier and Mrs. Roy Blough of Freeport were In Low-

Sunday callers at the Emlel Stauf-fer home were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chalmers and daughter of Grand Raplda. Mr. and Mrt. Bill Zwlers and family of Kalamazoo, Pvt. Rus-sell Anderson and Mrs. Anderson and son. Mr. Anderson Is still sta-tioned at Fort Kno*>^Ky., and was visiting relatives In Ionia over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Stauffer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stauffer.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dennis and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Vandenbroeck spent Sunday with relatives In Cedar Springs.

Pvt. Sylvester Hllaski of Scott Field, III., spent Saturday night at the Wesley Miller home. Mrs. Hllaski returned to Illinois with him on Sunday. She expects to spend two weeks in Belvllle, near Scott Field. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Miller of Grand Rapids were home with his parents Sunday. Elaine Miller returned with them and spent a few days In Grand Rapids.

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Garfield were ell Saturday afternoon. . , . . . . . . w . Will Mlshler and daughter Owen- S e d n ! 8 1 t y

dolyn were In Caledonia Saturday M r s A n t h o n y K * " , n » « r -forenoon. This snow storm sure was a sur-

Mlner King was a dinner guest'p1-1®* t 0 a , l • S o m e f o l k 8 w e r e ? n o w / of Charley Bakos Saturday and he " 1 l n a n d o t h e r B w e r e • n o w « d o l £

We are all hoping the roads will be open soon. Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Vaughan and Helen and Billy were

j visiting friends Sunday evening I and found their road so filled with (snow when they were returning that they had to spend two nights

also called on Alice Gardner and Emery.


SEELEY CORNERS Mrs. S. P. Reynold*

Mr. and Mra. Harold Welton andlatJh.e S T * 0^he , . r T h i . orvnnf Qitn/lnvr mUW W I Pvt. 0161111 DcnillS phOflfd tO niS

W W . M ^ P ^ n t s last Friday trow Chicago. Wdton s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don ^ ^ < n r o u t e f r oy

m F o r t W o r d e n f Scott In Grand Raplda.

Mr. and Mra. Gene Bruton and Wash., to Fort Monroe, Va., where he will spend three months as motor

Mlcheal MeGlhn visited Mr. and m l c h l n I a X Cut Master school. Mra. W. V. Purras returned home, ^ T . ~ Vern and Claude Lorlne were i n l f r o , n F 1 , n t , a 8 t Friday, bringing! T r o y a t * h e •^>jm Qra-| M r s Wesley Miller and daugh-

Moselty Thursday on business. iber little granddaughter, j e an ^ h o m e , n C a 8 c a d e «ve- f p r s E , a i n ( , ^nd Mrs. Sylveiilor The same Is true of flour. Look M r s j e s s Larson of Grand R a p - | H o s k i n e w i , b her for an Indelmltc T_1 ^ t..__ |Hllaski epent last Friday evening

for the "enriched" label.

Hot Lunches Bring Results

More and more rural schools are serving hot lunches at noon. Medi-cal and nutritional authorities have long recognized its importance and hundreds of tests have proved con-clusively that children improve in health, gain in weight and do better school work vhen they have a warm, nutritious meal at noon.

Up in the Griswold school, in Spencer township, the teacher, Mrs. | Barge Friendship Club was held Hazel Thompson, has organized her at the home of Mrs. Ray Harper older girls and boys as a 4-H hot Thursday with an all day meeting, lunch club. They take thc full re- She served a very nice dinner at sponslbillty of preparing, serving; noon assisted by Maggie Tlmm and and cleaning up after each lunch. Ethel Frisbie. Visitors for the day Mrs. Thompson as project leader, were Mrs. Boe, Mrs. Sheets. Mrs. supervises the project and teaches Eckert and Mrs. Larson. Tho April health, good food habits, table meeting will be with Mrs. Florence mannet-s and good housekeeping ; T o l h o r s t at Wayland. practices as a part of the 4-H pro-, gram. Usually only one hot dish is

. J . 0 eJ , , .n d d a « . g h . t e r N e v a the MIlo Miller homo In Grand

visited Mrs. Batey a t Blodgett Hos- Rapids.

MORSE LAKE Mrs. Lisle CUrk

p ^ e n J s 1 M ^ a n d M ^ B i U F r^ - j ' Mrs. Claude Cole spent Thurs- v ' 3 ' l c u

We and son". Mr! and Mra. Clarance |d f ty night and Friday wnth her ^ ^ y finding her acme Schondlemeyer were Sunday guests;daughter, Mra Evan Fuller at Hast-, H ^ o f Q '

0 f Mr , e a i id P Mra t Rex Jousma called Rev. Glen Stewart of Lansing v U l t e d a t t h e , r f a r m S a t u r ' on Mr. and Mrs. Will Knight Sat- called on his cousins, Mr. and Mra; >_ w - n n i n - 1

. , r d a v i Seymour Hesche last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. n a n Manning en-j such a sudden change in weather I j ist week callers of Mrs Ora Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson of i ' e r t a l n e d their da-^ghter and hu6- | t h i 8 (Monday) morning. No school,

Dawron were Mrs John Fischer, Pontiac were week-end guests of ^ d ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Mr And Mr. Garvin. Mr. and Mrs. her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman " " j C V P r > ' w h e r e -

Rej-nolds. Mr. and Mrs. Merle A l d - | a ™ , . i . . „ M r . and Mrs. Floyd Yelter and

Mrs. Marian Yelter and Mrs. Jen-nie Yelter called on Mrs. Bessie Houghton Thursday afternoon.

Robert L. Clark returned home Saturday from M. S. C., East Lan-sing, where ho has just completed a IG-wcoks' short course.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Clark and sons were Sunday afternoon callers at Lisle Clark's.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Klahn at-tended the lecture of Jan Valtln at South high school last Friday eve-ning.

Miss Amy Yelter was a week-end guest of Miss Betty Axford.

Mrs. Ha Klahn visited relatives and friends at Peach Ridge near Sparta Saturday.

Ye scribe wishes to thank her many friends and neighbors for the many acta of kindness shown her In her recent Illness.



Albert Parker and Mrs. Hough. The March meeting of the La- rich and daughters o ' W hitneyvlile I Satuntey night and Sunday, daughter Doris were Sunday dinner

were also dinner guests Sunday at r - a n d Mrs. Earl Manning, M r . 0 f Mrs. Jennie Yelter and the Reynolds home.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Armstrong of Detroit were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Cole.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bloomer and family of N. MeCords were dinner guests Sunday of William Hcsche and Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Hesche.

j Shape pork sausage into tiny KtttAlI. KJoUtkliy UI11> UliC UUl uiail * la. ll /•* i » _ t ## # « M n • prepared each day at school, the! Mistress Marie, you were enter-,balls. Cook, drain off fat and add youngsters bringing sandwiches taining a man In the kitchen las<jthem to cream of mushroom soup from home. Ingredients for the hot night, weren't you? iheated and thinned with milk to a dish are obtained partly through I Marie: That's for him to say, sauce consistency. Serve piping bet the Surplus Marketing Association Ma'am. I tried "my best. Ion well-seasoned boiled macaroni.

and Mrs. Glenn Manning. Mr. and ; D o n a i d In honor of Pearl 's birthday. Mrs. Harold Welton and children jirs. Mac Watson and daughters spent Friday evening with Mr. and ^ r e afternoon callers. Mrs. Frank Welton. crfebiat lng George Houghton was in Detroit Earl and Harold's birthdays. Monday.

Mrs. J . C. Proctor and Vivian ' Mr. and Mra Claude Yelter and spent Saturday in Grand Rapids. j daughter of Freeport were guests

o ' Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Yeiter Sun-A young hillbilly f rom an Isolatee

ranch bought an ice-cream cone, walked ouside to eat it, then car-ried the cone carefully back to the clerk, he said, "Much obliged for the use of the vase." —The Wheel, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

day. In the afternoon they all called on Mrs. Mary Thomas, who Is re-covering In Blodgett hospital f rom a broken ankle.

Mrs. Verne Klahn and daughter Lois, Rev. Chamberlain and C. E. Llnsey of Grand Rapids called on Wm. Klahn during the past week.

CHICAGO.—Unknown to the av-erage farmer 10 years ago, hybrid corn was planted on 25.000,000 acres of mldwestem farm land last year, according to estimates of the Mid-dle West Soil Improvement Com-mittee.

"While Its popularity has been due to heavy yielding qualities, hy-brid corn Is no substitute for soil fertility," says a statement of the Committee, "and It Is usually a heavier drain on any soil than the older, common varieties.

"Hybrid corn outyields open-pol-Unated varieties from 10 to 30 per cent because it has the ability to draw more nitrogen, phosphorus and potash out of the soli. Many mld-westem soils, however, after gen-erations of cropping cannot supply more fertility than an average crop of open-pollinated corn can use. Un-less thc fertility level is raised on such soils by the application of plen-ty of plant food, hybrid com offers little advantage in yield over open-pollinated.

"In their eagerness to increaae yields, com growers too frequently lose sight of the necessity for an adequate plant-food supply to sup-port such yields.

"If hybrid is to retain Its popu-larity, more and more attention will have to be paid to the fertility of the soil on which it is grown. That means making certain that the soil's resources of nitrogen, phos-phorus and potash are replenished by the- use of commercial ferti-lizers. By such methods the new era of producing more abundant com crops on a smaller acreage can be made to serve the nation's needs to a greater degree."

Mix butter and grated American cheese with hot rice. Pack In greased ring mold and heat In the oven until cheese is melted. Turn onto chop pkite and fill ceat i r with

creamod tuna fish.

1915 1942

W. E. ROBB, Founder

Twenty-Seven Years of Marked Siecesi An Outstanding Company with an Outstanding


Over $12,000,000 Paid In Claims

Less than one-half of 1% of Claims go Into Court Insurance and assets Increased during past 6 y e a n

A Michigan Company for Michigan Folks

Started In 1915

Like a "surprise a t tack" in the nlgfat come automobile accidents Be prepared with a Citizen's Mutual Policy

Protect your tires and keep Insured

See Your Local Agent or Write Wm. E. Robb, Secretary.

Citizeis' M i t i a l Aiiomobile I n i n a c e Co. Howell, Michigan

WEST KEENE Mrs. F. A. Daniels

Charles Benedict and family of Berlin township were Sunday guests at Ray Parker 's .

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parker attended a family party 9.t the home of Chris Gehrer a t Lowell Saturday evening.

Sam Patterson and Mr< Addle Daniels were ouslness visitors In Saranac Wednesday and Mrs. Pat-terson w^s a guest of Mrs. Ray Parker.

George Kilmer and family of Grand Rapids ware Sunday after-t oon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sara Patterson.

Mr. and Mr?. M. E. Simpson were seven o'clock dinner guests of Mr. a r d Mrs. Ernest Pmkney Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Eai i Nash were Friday evening guests of Mrs. Addle Daniels.

Loren Moore was home from De-troit for the week-end.

Mrs. Oscar Mo->rp and grand-daughters were Friday cailers on Mrs. Lee Walker and Goldle Collins In Lowell.

Sayles District Rod Cross work-ers meet with Mrs. Addle Daniels Thursday afternoon.


g.vscess will be yours If you remember three points: 1. This is the Job. 2. Now Is the time. 3. I am the man.

Mr. and Mrs. Clare Gless and Mr. aad Mrs. Emmett Sheehan at-tended the theatre at Middleville Sunday evening.

Thomas Griffin, Mra. Zetha An-derson and daughter Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Houseman and son Jer ry and Mra. W. C. Ander-son were Sunday guests a t the Leon Anderson home.

Misses Jullanne and Alice Troy of Grand Rapids spent from Sat-urday until Tuesday with their parents, Mr. and Mra John Troy.

Mr. and Mra Dorr Glidden and little son Arden spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spencer a t LaBarge.

Mrs. W. C. Anderson of Alto is spending a few days with her son, Leon and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wlerenga of Mlddlevllle were Sunday guests of her parents. Mr. and Mra Em-mett Sheehan.

John Troy and daughter Nora attended the basketball game at Woodland Thursday evening.

The Gless boys and sister, Mary Clare spent Sunday evening at the Emmet t Sheehan home.

The Ledger produces good job printing. Prices reasonable.

^ A M E R I C A N

Called upon to fill the largest food basket ever needed to feed the nation, for the strength tiiat will carry through to Victory — Uie farmers of America face their task with limited labor and machinery, due to necessary inroads in line with our war e f for t Because of these facts, it becomes of more im-portance than ever before that you insure final results of your crops by planting only good seeds thai are tested for parity and germination. This seed will give your crops the greatest possible chance of a high yield. Don't gamble on any inferior seed, fertilizer or sprav material. The difference be-tween the cost of the best and ordinary- is small.

Tested Medium (June Clover)

Mammoth Clover

Alsike Clover

Michigan Grimm Alfalfa .

Montana Grimm Alfalfa .

Montana Common Alfalfa

Sweet Clover (White Blossom)

Sweet Clover (Yellow Blossom)

Brome Grass

Timothy . . . .

$11.50 bu. $10.00 bu. $13.50 bu. $23.00 bu. $25.00 bu. $25.00 bu. $ 8.50 bu. $ 8.50 bu.

23c per pound 11c per pound


Blue Ribbon Starting and Growing Mash M a d e w i t h 500 l b s . p e r t o n P U R I N A s u p p l e m e n t

! 3 ! S

Blue Ribbon Egg Mash Fresh Mix Egg Mash Blue Ribbon Scratch Feed Blue Ribbon Dairy Feed Steel Cut Cracked Corn Ground Whole Corn No. 2

per 100 lbs. $2.90 per 100 lbs. 2.50 per 100 lbs. 2.20 per 100 lbs. 2.30 per 100 lbs. 2.00 per 100 lbs. 2.00 per 100 lbs.



$ 1 . 1 0 per bishel 8 5 c ter bishel

C O A L : YOUR GOVERNMENT Asks You to Fill Your Bin Now - Be Prepared for an Acute Coal Shortage. P O C O H O N T A S SLACK . . . S 5 . 8 0 t o n FILL YOUR BIN

SPRAYS and FERTILIZERS Lime and Sulphur in bbl. lots 15e gal. Arsenate of Lead . . . . 13c lb.

WE HAVE THE FOLLOWIHG FERTILIZERS OR HAHR: 2 - 1 2 - 6 2 - 8 - 1 6 2 - 1 6 - 8 0 - 8 - 24 5-10 -5

20 Percent Phosphate


S E E D C O R N Picket's Yellow Dent Golden Glow

Hybrid, suitable for this territory

Wftbii Two Weeks We Will Reeeive

i Stick of


STEEL FENCE POSTS 6Vrf142c 7 ft. 44c WOOD POSTS 7 ft., 5 in. top 35c 3 in. top 18c

Will have carload Fencing after April 1

V,-,1: WOOL-BEANS We Are Paying 45c per Pound for Good Wool

O . H . R U N C I M A N . M L


* * P t H l > T * * S S J

• " v t * 0 * 1


THE SXORV SO FAR: Joan Lelnnd accepts a secretarial position In a nluht club and falls in love with the handiomr proprietor, Karl Miller. Her sister, Syb-il. snspecU Karl's motives and Is not mollified when he also (els her a new poiltlon. Paul Sherman, club manaRer, warns Joan about Karl but she defends him to both Paul and Sybil. Delivering a mysterious messaee (or Karl to a tramp steamer, she finds Paul secretly tollowinK her. He rescues her trom Eric Strom, Karl's partner, when Eric tries to klai her. Karl shoots and kills Eric in Joan's presence, and threatens to blame hsr U she calls the police. Re admits he Is German, and part of a spy rlnj. To her surprise, Paul backs him up. At her home that night, Paul enters through the window and reveals himself as Panl O'MaUey of the FBI. Knowing her finger-prints were on the gun Karl made her pick up, he had to side with him tempo-rarily, be explained, as this work was more important than their ll?es. Joan Is sickened by the revelaUon that Karl also has a wife in Germany. Sybil disappears.

Now conUnne with the story.


One-thirty and still Sybil had not come home. What had she meant by that note saying "something ter-rible had happened?"

"She never trusted Karl." Joan spoke fearfully.

Paul was lookipg out of thc win-dow. "He's not, there now. What-ever happeaed to Sybil had nothing to do with Karl personally. He hasn't been nut of sight nil eve-ning. Of course there are plenty of others working with him."

"Karl said that everyone at Uie Club Elite was Involved. Is that t rue?"

"I 'm afraid so Karl is too clever to take any chances."

"But whet docs he actually do?" Paul thrust his hands Into his

pockets and stared at Uie fire. "I 'm not sure of all his acUvities and I have no proof, but he Is suspected of transferring plans of bombing planes and muniUon plants to other foreign agents. He's working with someone else, of course."

"Remember that freighter Karl took m e to and later sent me to with a package?"

"Maybe establishing refueling bases for submarines."

"Not here!" Joan cried. "No. Probably in the South At-

lantic. I don't know yet." Joan sighed. "I always wanted

adventure but I certainly didn't ex-pect it to take this form."

"I 'm sorry you got in so deep." Paul told her very seriously.

"I t ' s my own fault You tried to warn me, so did Sybil . . . "

Their eyes me t Two o'clock and Sybil was still out.

" I 'm going." Paul said, rising, "and you'd better get some sleep I'll be by for you at one-Uiirty. Karl 's orders, you know." He sniiled grimly. "It 's fortunate for boih of us."

"I 'm not going to bed until Syb comes," Joan insisted.

"Oh, yes you are! You need your sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a tough day. You've got to be click-ing on all cylinders. Both our lives are at stake. You can't afford to mak^ a slip. If Karl ever finds out, we'll end up just like Eric."

"Don't say that! Oh Paul, I 've been such a fool I loved him . .

He patted her thoulder. "We all make mistakes," he said comfort-ingly.

When he had gone she tried to obey his instructions. She went to bed and tried to sleep. But the grandfather's clock had chimed three, then three-thirty before she slept, a fitful doze. It was a little after six when she awoke.

"Sybil!" she called hysterically, but there was no reply. Her sister's bed was untouched.

Joan got up, shivering In the cold of the December morning. She went into the kitchcn and made a pot of coffec. What had happened to Sybil?"

"I 've got to keep my head," she thought desperately, pouricg the coffee with shaking hands. "But I feel so helpless."

At one-thirty Paul arrived and took Joan to the Club Elite.

"Now remember," he said as he parked the car, "we're not friends. Ignore me. And watch your step."

"I ' l l do my best," Joan said grim-iy-

But it was not easy to walk into this ofllce, to see Karl sitting at his desk wiUi Ute latuiliar icu car-nation in his buttonhole, the same smile that had one*; endeared him to her. With shaking hands she re-moved her hat and coat and sat down at her desk.

"Paul tells me you have decided to be sensible," Kail commented.

"What else can I do?" She paused for a moment then bi'rst out "What have you done to my sister?"

Karl regarded her with apparent surprise. "Sister? What do you mean?"

"She didn't come home all n igh t " Karl Miller shrugged and smiled.

"What makes you think I had any-thing to do with It? I have no Inter-est in your sister."

"You know what I mean . . "Let us get on with our work."

Karl said. Joan managed to con-trol her resentment apd obeyed. •

The afternoon finally dragged to a conclusion. At six Paul Sherman appeared and he and Karl had a short conversation in German, after which Karl lef t

" I 'm taking you to dinner," Paul said. "Karl 's orders."

Without a word Joan got her coat and they lett Uie club.

Safe In a small restaurant she asked. "Whal about Sybil? Have you heard anything?"

"Not a word And I can't ask Karl. It's too much of a chance."

"But we have to do something," Joan pleaded.


and soe "Wait until tomomAv what happens."

Paul smiled primly. "It amuses mc the way Karl trusts mo. Even tho most clevor criminals make one fatal mistake. This is his."

"You really think he trusts you now?"

"Yes. And since he does, he is sure to reveal something."

"And all this trouble started be cause I wouldn't take Sybil's ad vice."

As Joan picked up her purse she remembered tho ring Karl had giv en her. It was in its velvet box in her purse where she had placed it this morning. She had completely forgotten to return i t Karl did not seem to care particularly whether she did or not.

"It's probably stolen anyway," Jdan thought bitterly as Paul took her back to tho club.

Joan laid Ihe dazzling emerald be-fore Karl without speaking and Karl put it in his pocket as if it had been a slip of paper.

Joan wanted to scream, to pour out her anger. But she suspected that it would only amuse him.

Karl actually seemed to think that she would return to their former re-lationship. "You loved me yester-day," he reminded her. "WHiat is so different?"

"You can force me to work for you—that's all!" Joan told him, her green eyes blazing. Had she ever loved this cruel, conceited man?

An hour later Paul Sherman ap-peared again and said something to Karl In his own language. Joan noticed that Paul did not look at her, but she felt a personal importance in those guttural v/ords even though she could not understand them.

Karl smiled as he turned to her but there was warning in his eyes.

"There are two officers bete to soe you, Joan. I believe they have news of your sister."

• • •

"The police!" In an instant Joan was on her feet.

"Something about Sybil," Karl re-peated calmly, but his eyes warned her not to make a false move.

Josp risked a glance at Paul. It seemed to her that he shook Ijis head ever so slightly. He was try-ing to tell her not to take any chances.

"All r i g h t " Karl snapped. "Show them in."

Paul disappeared. When the door opened as he left,

Joan could hear the music and laughter from Uie front of the club. Christmas gayety! How could these people laugh and be merry? How could they be so unaware of the drama that went on in that back office?

"Watch your step," Karl advised. "If you say anything, you will be the loser, I wam you. I will not hesitate to use all the cards I hold. Shall we put it that way?"

Her green eyes filled with tears. "Don't worry! Sybil is all I 'm think-ing about now."

Paul returned with two officers. "Sorry to bother you, Mr. Miller." "Not at all," Karl replied gra-

ciously. "Tell me," Joan cried, "is it some-

thing about my sister? What's hap-pened to her?"

"We're not sure it's your sister. Miss Leland. We want you to come down to headquarters and identify the clothes."

"Clothes? You mean . . . oh, no!" Her voice rose to a scream.

'Take it easy now." the officer advised. "We're not sure."

"Tell me." Joan begged. "Where did you find them?"

"A woman's garments were found on the Golden Gate Bridge—a coat shoes and a handbag with a letter adr -essed to year sister. Apparent-ly it was suicjde."

"Suicide? Sybil wouldrrever do a thing like that!"

"Maybe she didn ' t Maybe she Just wants you to think so. But we called up her employer, Mrs. Murdoch and she said she hadn't shown up for work."

Joan's eyes were upon Karl. "You had something to do with this." her eyes accused.

For one moment she was templed to pour out the whole story of the spy ring, to scream her accusations, but Paul was at her side now. gresp-iug aci firmly by Uie nun. aitu the pressure told her io be sUent

Karl was saying. "I 'm terribly sorry. Joan. You may go with the officers. Paiil will go with you and see that you get home safely."

Thanks!" Joan flung the word Into his expressionless face.

All the way to headquarters Joan prayed that all this might be a mis-take—that those clothes found on the Golden Gate Bridge were not SybU's. I t could not be SybU! Her sister had said she would "be back soon." Was that indicaUve of sui-cide? But when she was faced with the coa t shoes and handbag she knew there was no mistake.

"Yes. These are my sister's," she told them tonelessly.

There was a sympathetic silence as an officer removed the clothes and letter.

"Do you know of any reason why your sister should have done this?"

"No." Joan wanted to cry but the tears would not come. great pain weUed up inside her. Sybil! SybU was all she had In the world! She felt the floor swaying beneath her. She clung to the table.

"Poor kid!" Paul was saying as he helped her into a chair. Some-one else brought a glass of water.

"It's almost Impossible to recov-er a body from that part of the bay," one of the men was saying. "Of course wc'U do aU we can but the tide is so strong . . . "

"Stop it!" Joan screamed. "I tell you my sister didn't kill herself! I know she didn't!" She wss speak-ing incoherently now.

A d a N e w s (Mrs. Hattle R. Fitch)

Ada I^ocals

Mrs. Norman Wride and daugh-ter Marlon spent Friday afternoon in Grand Rapids visiting Mrs. Lynn

(Gross and children. John VanDroe of McBaln was a

I guest on Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. ) I Peter Brunlkool, Sr.

| Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cramton-Stllson Wedding i Herman Stukkle were Mr. and Mrs.

I In n lovely ceremony performed A d r i a n n ^ erBnrg. Sunday morning, March 8. a t 12:151 •M l 8 , K n t , e B u r t ' w l , 0 i 8 111 a t

| o'clock in the Griggs St. Evangell-lO'Keefe's Sanitarium. Grand Rap-ical Church, Grand Rapids, Miss Ws. Is not getting along as well as Maxine Roma Stllson of Ada, be- her friends would like to hear. Mrs.

I came the bride of Pvt. Edward f t has been 111 at the home of Bates Cramton of Chanute Field, Mrs. Leon Freeman for the past

| III., son of Mr. and Mrs. Merle several weeks and was taken to O1-l Cramton of Ada. Tho Rev. Ledn l Keefo's this past week. Her many Woodward officiated. Miss Stllson i Ada friends hope to hear that she is thc daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'ls niuch improved very soon. James Harrison Stllson of Ada. Mr. and Mis. Ronald Tronsen of

Mrs. Ceclle Wlerda Visser of'Amble spent Sunday with their par-Grand Rapids, organist, played a cntB. Mr. and Mrs. George Chaffee, program of appropriate music bo-j ) M'- 'in<l Mrs. Will Lockwood of fore the ceremony and also rend- ^* r n n i ' Rapids attended the annua! erod tho traditional .marches. Miss Turkey dinner at tho Kent Courty Bette Ensign sang ''Because" and I Garage at Ada with Mrs. Mary "I Love You Truly". Ferns and tall I K a n i s o;i Thursday evening, candelabra with tall white tapers A h o * social and Euchre party were placed either side of the a l - j w ' " ' ) e held at Lono Pine Inn on tar. |Tuesday, March 17, sponsored by

The bride, given in marriage by j Egypt Grange. Prizes will be given her father, wore a wedding g o w n | ' o r hr *t Jocorated box and also of white velveray embroidered mar- 1 ' 0 , " the .•uchre games. Proceeds quisette featuring a draped sweet- 'j"0"1 party will be placed in heart neckline, finger tip length the fund to help rebuild the grange

-10— Joan laid (be dazzling emerald

before Karl without speaking and Karl pat It In his pocket as If It had been a slip of paper.

hall. Everyone Is invited to attend the party.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morris mo-tored to Grand Rapids Sunday to

sleeves and cut princess style with a long train. A seed pearl tiara hold the long veil of imported bridal Illusion, edged with wide chantllly lace. The bride carried a small i b e d l n™ ,r guests of thalr son-ln-Iaw white Bible, mounted with white "" (1 "'aughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn brldo's roses In a shower bouquet, with long white satin ribbon; P l e a 8 e remember to turn l-i the streamers. names of all the service men

i Attending as maid of honor was!^1 your district to Mrs. Hattle The officers loaned closer. " Jus t ; thc bride's sister, Miss Joyce Lyn G r c o " - librarian at Ada Clroula-

what do you mean. Miss Loland?" I Stllson, wearing a gown of French i I-ibrarj*, who Is keeping a list Paul came to the rescue. "Miss organdie In orchid, and carrying a i®' a I ' Ada township men In thc

shower bouquet of pink roses a n d ' a r r n e ' 1 , ' frees. Visit the library, white sweet peas on a white t e s ta - l ^ c n , ' " 'e list and he sure your men's ment. names are Included. The library

Mrs. Evelyn Cramton Vlssor,!*18" h a s a splemdld selection of and Mrs. Lyleen Cramton" Wolff, i b o < * s 3,1,1 magazines for your cousins of the groom wpre brides- r c a t , l n g pleasure and would wel-malds. Mrs. Visser's gown was of ' c o n i c donations of late numbers of light blue chiffon and she carried i m a z a g l n e s . pink tea roses and pink sweet peas' Stukkle of Akron, Ohio. In a shower bouquet with longi, h ' 8 Parents' home until the white satin ribbon streamers, a n d ] 1 ® . P*'1 o f March when he ex-Mrs. Wolff was gowned In plnk|P e5! s called Into servicd. /elveray and her shower bouquet' . r s ' p e c " c Wallace, A. M. of was pink tea roses and orchid l ^ e 8 t a i ' h a P t e ^ • N o - O - E - s - a n d

sweet peas, and each bridesmaid ; r r r 8 ; Grace Whaley, Ruth, of the •arrlcd her bouquet on a whlteiy®8 '®, a t t e n d e d " F r ' f ' n d 8 h ' P

tes tament j Night at Cyclamen Chapter, O. Beverly" Davenport of Muskegon, | E ®- a t

> V )1

w e 1 1 o n F r i d a y evening, cousin of the bride was flower g l r l l " 1 8 8 A d r l a n n a Wallace of Cas-and her dress was blue taffeta and * a d e ^ * f inner guest Frt-lay of she scattered flower petals from a ^ n c y \yhaley and they attended basket carrlod on her arm. }"J® t h e a t e r a t Lowell In the eve-

Robert Cramton of Ada, cousin i11 . . . . „ of the groom was best man, a n d ' Congratulations, y r 8 Grace ushers were Charles Cramton, j ? r h a c y i f J

n y o . u r growing demands Chester VanDort, Tom Keenan and ^Hdren s care . Your new Kenneth Wolff. j telephone must be a real aid.

Completing the wedding party aa ' * Republican caucus will be hold master and mistress of ceremonies;®® u r ^ a \ a ^ r n o o n at 2 p. m. at were Mr. and Mrs. Max Barbour of T o w n Hall to nominate town Marne, brothcr-ln-law and sister of i 0 , f i c ! r 8 . . a ! , d * 0 ™ c h o t h e r business thc bride Mrs. Barbour's gown was " 8 ^ n l a w f u l I y c o m c before the of blue silk Jersey and her corsage was pink roses and white 8 W e e t Monday morning found the roads p e a 8 .blocked with snow which drif ted

. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. d u c1

l ° "?• h l « h w i n d w h l c h

Stllson chose a powder blue iUk ^ T p a n ^ la n o w 8 t

1o r m o f

crepe gown with powder blue a c - ! S u n d * y " ' ^ t - This caused many cessorles and her corsage was Jo - I 0 ®" , 0 b e 8V l l e.d a n d much Incon-hannah Hill roses, pink sweet p e a s ! ™ 1 ™ a n d A d a resWcnts for the and freesla. Mrs. Cramton. mother , , r 8 t , ' m c i n m a n y y®a«» were with-of the groom wore ..ack velvet ^ , h f , r f v e n ^ PaP<!r 8 , n c e t h e

with white accessories and her c o r . ' P r e s s truck could not get out from sage was of rod roses and forget- ^ . t ; a P i , „ t me-nots. and white sweet peas. J Coppons and Roy Web-

A reception followed thc c c r c . ^ ^ ^ w e l l and Nancy Whaley mony at the Stllson home at Ada ? n d , ™ T l g e ' " 0 f A l t 0 a t * with more than seventy-five guests 1

, r n d o d T

t h c ^ " Iwtba l l game be-attendlng. Mrs. Burt Barbour from ' w c e n a n d G r®® n v i l i e at

' the Schnitzeibank, J c f f e r s o n - s t J 0 " ® 0 * " ® V"1'8 p a s t

Grand Rapids w^s cateress in , ? r a n d a n d ™ 0 rnapple Rivers at charge of the wedding dinner serv- ^ a r c . . v e i 7 , g a " d tjie Grand cd af te r the reccptlon, with thc 8 ° v e r a n d i h e I o w

Loland is hysterical It 's only nat-ural. This has been a terrible shock, of course. Probobly a good night's sleep wiU hx her up. Why not let me take her home? She's had enough for one night."

"Sure," the officer said sympa-UietlcaUy. "Go ahead."

Paul led the trembling figure down the cold marble hall and Into Uie street. Joan could not have stood without his support.

"Why didn't you let me tell Uiem?'v She asked over and over. "Paul, you know Karl had some-thing to do with this."

"Wc can't prove It," he reminded her kindly. "Our only chance to convict Karl of this, or anything elsp, is to be seemingly unsuspi-cious."

They were driving home now, through the wet streets of San Fron-cisco. V/rcaths shone from the win-dows of homes and apartments. Small Christmas trees sparkled. Next week—Christmas.

"Oh. Paul I can't stand It!" "Listen, honey," he said tenderly,

"I don't think Sybil committed sui-cide."

"Then you think Karl is behind It?"

"I wouldn't be surprised." "But where is Sybil? Has he . . . ? " "As a matter of fact ," Paul said

thoughtfully. "I think Syoil is alive. Now this is pure theory, understand, but I think Karl is trying to pui a scare into you. He's probably tak-en Sybil away somewhere, but 1 don't think he's really harmed her. He doesn't want to take that much of a chance. He wants her as a hostage."

"You mean," Joan said slowly, "that Karl will someday tell me that SybU is aUve and threaten her life if I don't do as he asks?"

"That's the way I have it figured." "As long as Sybil is alive, that's

nU that matters. Surely we can find out if we go on with Karl and he isn't suspicious."

"Good g i r l " Paul approved as they drove up before her apartment. '*'11 we work together, I think we can be^t Karl MiUcr at his own game. He's bound to make a slip and when he does we'll have all the evidence, not only about Sybil but his other acUvities. You'U sUck it ou t Joan?"



Physician and Surgeon General Practice

Special Attention to Rectal Dlseaaea

(Prepared and equipped to treat P i l e s , Prolapse, Fissures a n d Fistull without hospitalization),

tt Lafayette, SE, Grand Rapids Phones: Office S87W; Bea. 88019

F . E . W H I T E


Negonce Block, LoweU, Mich. Closed Thursday Afternoona

Phones: Office 151 Rea. 186



Offloo—US N. Division S t

Phone 52 LoweH, Mich.

R H. SHEPARD, M. D, Phone 47

J. A. MacDONELL, M, D. Phone 110

Negonoe Block, Lowell

Office Hours 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Office Phone 36

House S5 Office 50

D. H. OATLEY Dentist

Offices In room formerly eocupled by the Ctty State Bank


— OPEN — Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

from 2 to 8 p. m.

\UDEE E. POST. Librarian


COFFEE $ 6 0 «

| T y p i c a l A & P V a l u e s ! |




4 c








K E T C H U P to 14«








w - 5 c








Misses Dorothy Morris, Clarice l a ^ d a a r e "ooded. At the Consum-ar.d Carloe Clinton and Yvonne e r 8 P o w e r

tP , a n t t h e y a r c

Svodoba, Ada friends of the bride 8 P i , H o» * * * ' a n d " s a very In-assisting in' serving. tcrcstlng sight and many have

P v t and Mrs. Cramton left im- w a , c h e d t h e w a t e r s ^ l o w the spill-mediately af ter the reccptlon din- w ayS" nor for Chanute Field, 111. and Mrs. Cramton chose for traveling a fit- Now Hollywood Child Stars Must ted powder blue auit and powder Save Their Money blue lafti, with black accessories. e .

% " f i x *

Miss Fern McClaln. and Mr. and Iu L T V ™ aS u " d a ? T i

|m e 8 " " * e x -

^ ° r „ r « r L w o n a T r ^ Ev c r^t t ' c ram t o n ' " d " M"' ' a X " V

s i r - ~ ° v t z r * ; - ^ ' s r s u X Times this week and every week.

^ On sale a t Maincs news stand or Shower for Bride-Elect phone for delivery.

Mrs. Evelyn Cramton Visser cn-tertalned this past Tuesday with a miscellaneous shower honoring B • • A I Miss Maxine Roma Stllson, whose 1 1 | | A f I A R V 4 i H wedding was an event of Sunday. U V a i V l l V f l M V

Mrs. Visser invited to her home

^ ' 0 l l 0 £ i n * . v n a m w £ , e * t Vn T h C m l e Eas t Holland, Michigan, Misses Dorothy Morris, Clarice. o n j j . g j Clinton, Pauline Jasperso, Yvonne Svoboda, Charlotte Fitch. Mildred C a h i n t a f l l o r r i i 1 A 1 Q A O Souzer. Joyce Stilson and Laurel U l X t , 1 ^ 4 * Katx. Mrs. James H Stllson Mrs l o m m e a c i n f a t 1 0 a , m S h a

Merle Cramton, Mrs. Charles Cram- W a r Tlrr <• ton, Mrs. Everett Cramton, Mrs. VanDort of Grand Rapids. Mrs. HORSES and MULES—26 to 30 hd. Max Barbour of Marne and Mrs. Kenneth Wolff of Detroit.

Games were •.he evening's diver-sion.

The guest of honor was prosent-

ranginf in age from 3 years to smooth mouth, weighing from 1200 to 1700 lb*. Homes will be «old as represented. Few Saddle Hursea.

ed with many lovely gifts and the i CATTLE—Few head of mUch cows, hostess, Mrs. Visser served a dainty and some young cattle. lunch of home-made ice cream and IMPLEMENTS — About twenty ^ Farm Tractor*, nearly all make*

I and models. Many of them hnve Farewell Party for Rev. H. Decker thoroughly reconditioned

, . . , , and a few a re very late model Members of A d a Reformed units.

Church gathered a t thc church on T R A r T O R Thursday evening to honor their D r a « B ' pastor. Rev. H. Decker with a fare- „ J S t a " H ™ " " well party. Rev. Decker has served ^ ^ the church for several years and 1 TOOLS—Hay Loaders, Mow-will leave late Irv March due to ill I H o r * e Drawn Rakea, Side health and make his home In Grand Rapids.

A program of music and recita-tions waa given and as a token of esteem and affection Rev. Decker


Cream Separators, Harneasea, and small tools too numerous to mention.

S M A R T M O N E Y M / C W 5


was presented with a purse oflL'SED MOTOR TRUCKS—4 Pick-money from the members of his ups. 2 Panda , 6—1J4 ton Tracks, chu:ch. Following the program re- some with Stake Platforms, 2 freshments were served. Dump Bodiea and Holsta.

TERMS of SALE: CASH or. Credit Ada Locals Terms may be arranged through

, w „ your bank, or with Manager on day Mr. ana Mrs. Homer Morris and of sale. AH property must be settled

Joanne- Morris motored to Sunfleld for before moving off premlaea. on Saturday to attend thc wedding reception held In the evening for A C r i n c Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bern'. Mrs. O O H S Berry was before her marriage j-International Harvester Dealers -Miss Lorraine VanWormer, daugh- „ . . . . ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan VanWor- " " " a n d ' M , c h -mer of Sunfleld.

Rev. and Mrs. Henry L Rust and H U daughter Janice of Bostwlck Lake Auctioneer: EMMETT WEAVER, were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Allegan, Mich. Grace Whaley.

Miss Charlotte Fitch was a din-ner guest Tuesday of Miss Bette Hansen. Clarice VanDerBush and M P P C M A K I T C Maxine Erway at their apartment 1 ^ In Grand- Rapids. The group at-tended a lecture a t St. Mary's hos-pital In the evening, given by Dr. Lentlnl and sponsored by the Delta Gamma Epsllon Sorority of Grand Rapids University.

Phone 9215

M Mile Eas t of HoUand, on M-21


PRESERVES ix c m two

2-lb. jar 31«











4 32c 2pC 6C




| OLEOMARGARINE 2 lbs. 33c |


Has your son entered an army camp? Send him the Ledger—It's like getting a long and interesting letter f rom home. These boys do appreciate their home paper. Send to any address for $2.00 a year, pay able in advance. tf

I There la only one way to get ready for immortality, and that is to love thla life and live It as bravely and faithfully, and cheer-fully as we can.—Henry VanDyke

Wrap chunks from a tall can of red salmon in two cups seasoned fresh mashed potatoes, one beaten egg added. Roll in cracker crumbs, v rown in shallow f a t

j Spread well seasoned mas'ied sweet potatoes between slices of :browned pork steak. Pour on one ;cup of mushroom soup, cover light-

It pays to advertise In the Ledger, ly and bake slowly for one hour.

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means of conserving cars, tires and gasoline.

MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. Conserve materials . . ,

Help win the war! "Read "Em and Reap" OUR AbS



Red & White Coffee Ib. 35c large box 23c

large box 12c

large box 18c

Ib. 29c

Red & White Oats

Red & White Bran Flakes

Kellogg's Al l Bran

Blue & White Coffee

Campbell SoupsMo,, 3 cans 29c Red & White Strained Honey

Red & White Flav-R-Jel

A & H Baking Soda

Michigan Hand-picked Beans

White Monday Bleacher qt. 10c Dux . . .

Boraxo Soap Flakes .

Old Dutch Cleanser

Boraxo •

15 ox. 23c

3 for 17c

pkg. 7c

3 lbs. 20c

large box 22c

box 21c

4 for 27c


Red & White Flour !4! lk M $1.03

Veal Shldr. Rst. Ib. 27c LAMB CHOPS Ib. 29c Fresh Ground Beef lb. 23e Beef Ribs . . lb. 18c Veal Stew . . Ib. 18c Round, Sirloin Stk. Ib. 35e Lamb Stew . . Ib. 15e Lamb Shldr. Roast Ib. 2Sc Boiling Bee! Brisket Ib. 15c Beef Pot Roast Ib. 25c

PIG LIVER . lb. 19c Beef Chuck Rst. lb. 27c

W E AVER'S r O O D F M Phone 156

ARKET We Deliver

ELMDALE Mrs. Ira Sargeant

Friday evening and were enter-tained by the play, "Bolts and Nuts" which was presented by the local club. The play was greatly en-joyed by a packed house. The cast included John Holcomb, Clare

News is rather scarce this week owing to the severe storm over t h e . , , , , „ . „ week-end. Mailmen were seen d e - i ^ ^ 0 1 ^ ' Ervln Stahl, Arnold Mil-

, livering mail on foot Tuesday as the Mf1"' • ^ u s t i n Miller, Carl Fox, J im side roads arc still unopened. I • , a r 8® a n t . Mrs. Leona Stahl, Mrs.

S ) . T . r o d ! V i c t o r l a M , l | e r and Mrs. Edna Lett

clear co or. f o r t h e n e x l m e p t i n g w i l l b e M r g

Mrs. Joe Stahl has not been s o | o r a D. Miller and Mrs. Wesley well the past week and is confined iKeim. to her bed most of thc time. Fred Reusser and family of Beld-

The regular meeting of the Rosen-1 ing were Sunday afternoon callers berger Community Club waa heldlof Mr. and Mrs. Orvie Stahl.

| Ira Erb of East Campbell visited I his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Weaver, one afternoon last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eldred and son Dorlin »f Pontiac are spending sev-eral days with relatives here.

Miss Eloise Miller spent from Friday until Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Susie Miller.

Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Peck of Middleville spent Sunday afternoon at the Ira Sargeant home and were treated to warm sugar.

Re-side Now!


Let us re-side your house with beautiful brick roll siding. I t cost* no more than a good paint Job. Brick roll siding insulates your house and gives you years of trouble f res service.

Advauce Sale of Boats 14 ft. boat SI7 .00


Lowell Lumber & Supply


The Paint That Does I t Bight

Mrs. Lulu O'Brien and son Mar-vin spent over the week-end in Kalamazoo visiting Mr. and Mrs. Courser.

Merritt Day spent Tuesday in Gr-nd Rapids with his daughter aiid husband, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Nelson, and celebrated h 's birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Converse of Keene and Mrs. Dell Condon spent Wednesday in Grand Rapids with Mrs. Coleta Condon.

Chris Fahrni of South Boston spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Condon and then visited at the Ace Vanden-oroeck home.

The "Junior Far ther Lights" held their second monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gilmore last Friday evening. Plans were completed for mailing Easter cards to children of miasionaries In South America. Sewing, table tennis and chorus singing were the activities of the evening. Sand-wiches, cookies and hot chocolate were served by Vlrglna Ford. Edna Myers and Betty Mofflt. The meet-ing was brought to a close with a short devotional service.

Rev. W. B. Gardner, pastor at Alto, will be the speaker at the Sunday evening service, March 15 at the Alton church. Come and en-joy this profitable time together with us for you are Invited.

More Local News Sale of the Gus Wlngeler home.

West Elm Street, to Percy J . Read Is reported this week.

Chris Bergin, who was taken ill last Monday morning, is reported on the gain though still confined to his bed.

Mrs, Charles H Thomas of R F. D. 1, Ada, ha? just returned from Blodgett hospital, where she had been confined for the past twelve days with a fractured ankle. Her many friends in the vicinity hope she will be able to be around again soon.

Clifford Morse, former well known Lowell boy, has been transferred from St. Louis, Mo., to Salt Lake City, Utah, where he will represent the DuPont Company In a war de-fense plant. Clifford Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Will J . Morse of this place.

William Davis, who was born in Lowell 69 years ago, was in town Wednesday trying to renew old ac-quaintances but Informed a Ledger reporter that Time had wrought its charges and that his quest was not meeting with success. He aaid that as a boy of 10 he delivered groceries for the late Charles McCarty. Mr. Davis was here for a visit with his uncle. Isaac Filkins of Lowell route 8.

Social Events , Coming Events Special Friendship Meeting Pilgrim Fellowship of tho

. . , . . . . , Congregational Church will hold Its A special friendship meeting was I annual Irish stew supper in the

held in the Masonic Temple Friday church dining room on Tuesday evening when Cyclamen Chapter, evening, March 17. No. 94, O. E. S. entertained Signet! Chapter of Grand Rapids and Kent I The annual Irish Stew Supper, county officers and members from sponsored by the Pilgrim Fellow-all chapters In Kent county. There!ship of tho Congregational Church, were one hundred and thirty ptes-l will be held on Tuesday evening, e n t- 'March 17th with supper beginning

Mrs. Ernest Roth, mistress offftt 5:30 In tho church dining room, ceremonies started the program The young people assisted by some with community singing with Mrs. i of their parents are sparing no ef-Elmer White, leader and Mrs. Ros- ' for t to make this an attractive and ella Yelter, accompanist. All Jjres-jappetizing meal. Adults, 40c: chll ent gave forth with lusly a p p e a l . I dren under high school age, 26c.

A one-act skit laid In the court-} c44 room of Judge Gab brought forth! many hearty laughs. The partlcl-l T h c Men'8 Club of the Methodist pants were: Mrs. Arthur Arm-iChurch will have a potluck supper strong, Mrs. Elmer White, Mrs."11 t h e church on Monday. March Rosella Yelter, Mra Mert Sinclair, >16- B r i n « own service and a dish Mrs. Howard Krum, Mrs. Bort t 0 P488- R o 1 1 8 and coffee furnished Purchase, Mrs. Ed Johnson. Mr3.;by committee.. Emma Coons and Mrs. R. G. Jef-] ferles. ! There will be a regular meeting

Mrs. M. P. Brlndle of Samoa, o f t h e Eastern Star this Friday gave a fine talk on her life on e v c n , n 8 : . March 18. the Island and their many experl- ; jnces a f te r war was declared. Her T l 1 0 P e r r y Group of the Congre-'alk proved most Interesting. After Rational Church will meet with Mrs. the meeting delicious refreshments Kloosterman Friday af ter-were served. , n o o n - March 13, at 2:30.

Vergennes Co-Op. Club . The Vergennes W. S. C. S. will 7 I meet at the Hermance-Gross home

The Vergennes Co-Operative Club, Friday afternoon, March 20, Instead met at the home of Mrs. Bert Baker of Thursday afternoon. on March 5. t « |

There was a large at tendance j The Child Study Club's next meet-and following the regular business | lng will be on Monday evening, session Miss Pyle Jones f rom the March 23, hAvlng been postponed

from March 9. The meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Harry Stauffer and Mrs. Wm. VanVorst will give thc lesson.

Wlshmaker House, gave a very in-teresting talk on color and design in relation to the furnlahlngs of thc home, and explained how the different periods of time had an effect on the design, and how dif- The German Ladies Aid will meet ferent countries Inspired people to on Thursday, March 19 at 2 p. m. create beautiful pat terns and colors at the home of Mrs. Ellse Bleri, 121 for materials. , N. Jackson street.

Miss Jones also gave some BUg-| ^eatlons as to color schemes and The Martha Group of the Metho-proper curtain materials to use jd l s t Church will meet with Mrs. however cautioning us that on ac- Howard Rittenger on Monday, Mar count of the war. many materials 18. A St. Patrick's program has would not be available. The mem- been planned. Everyone Invited. bers all enjoyed very much the splendid talk. ( The Egypt Grange Is sponsoring

After the meeting adjourned the |* box social and euchre game. Mar. jommluee served a very delicious 17 at Lone Pine Inn. Prizes for wln-l u n ch . ]nors. Everybody welcome. c44

Selene Condon will be hostess for, the April meeting and It will bei The Junloi- class of Lowell high held on April 9 a t Lone Pine Inn. school Is sponsoring a baked goods

( | salo at Johnson's sales rooms on Couple Married In Grand Rapids i Friday and Saturday. March 13 and

„ 114. Be sure to stop in! c44 Miss Gertrude Koolstra, of Grand

Rapids, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. The Lowell Women's Club will tr" i IJ « r a 0 f S a n b o r n ' I o w a and meet Wednesday afternoon, March Haro'd Bloomer, son of Mr. and IR n t 2:30 at the home of Mrs. M. Mrs. 'ri. Bloomer of Ada were unl- N. Henry. ted In marriage on the sixth of March a t 7:30 in Grand Rapids. Tho Rev. G^rls performed the louble r ing ceremony.

?.Iis8 Anne Koolstra, sister of the bride was her slster'p only attend-j ant and Lloyd Bloomer served his cousin as best man>.

1 ] e w l j n ? r e d s p , a n t o m a k e I Recent government rulings in re-hoir future home near Adiu Igard to home construction' of all


For Home Building The bride was honored recently

V several showers. On February 27, Mrs. Peter VanderKooi and Miss Anne Koolstrr,, acted as Joint host-eEses at a miscellaneous shower. Miss Grace Nagel of Comstock Park also entertained with a shower and Mrs. Bloomer was the reckplent of •nany lovely gifts.

types has led to much harmful con-fusion among home owners as to just what they can and cannot do about keeping their homes In shape, says Bruce Walter of the Lowell Lumber & Supply Co.

' I n many instances home owners have decided not to make much needed repairs and improvements on their homes In the belL; that

Family Night Event j the materials to be used were neces-

Forty-flve guests were present a t | the Vergennes MethodUt C h u r c h u n p a t r i o t i c , " he said. family night sapper last Friday eve-; . . S u c h ,8 n o t t h e CI15C a t a l l . . d e . nlng at the Hermance-Gross home.glared Mr. Walter, " a s s great many After the supper, hymns were sung lof the materials used in home re-from the new Methodiet hymn pair and maintenance are not on books which were purchased by different members and dedicated in memory and In honor of their friends.

Fortnightly Club

The Fortnightly Club met a t the boms of Mrs. Theron Richmond on Tue-day of thi . week. Mr,.

the critical list at all. Asbestos roofing and siding shingles, rock wool Insulation, and decorative wallboards, to mention a few ex-amples, are available now in suf-ficient quantities to meet the needs of home owners.

"Repairs to keep homes in good condition, are certainly necessary

George Arehart was assistant | m o r ( > t o n t d e p r e c l a t l o n a n d

hostew. Mrs Mary Zwemer and I deterioration which would seriously . ~ M « S e l ? n . M c M . a h ?, n r e P o r t e d ^ affect their future value. Asbestos So This is America. | roofing and siding shingles, for In-

o . « . 771 c . J ' Stance, not only protect the home St. Mary s Altar Society ; f r o m f l r e a n d w e a t h e r , but because

Mrs. Art Hill was hostess to the 1 t h e y a r e Immune to rot and decay, St. Mary's Altar Society at h e r | t h e y c l , t maintenance costs by home last Friday. After the bus i - | 0

|, ' m i "* t l n K the need for preserva-

uass meeting cards were played and j , r p " ' r " n n t " honors were awarded to M m John M r W a l t e r 8 a i d , h a t lo ans for Lalley and Mrs. Anton Tusken. nrooerty repairs and maintenance

nf this sort can be financed on the Federal Housing Administration's convenient repair Loan Plan.

Capetown—South Africa Is con-sidering a proposal that the present army medical services form a basis for a government medical service after the war.

Rio De Janeiro—OH from govern-ment-owned wells was splashed on a new airplane when it was chris-tened recently by the president of Brazil at Santos Dumont airport near Rio de Janeiro.

LoweU Extension Class

The Lowell Extension Class met with Mrs. Robert Focht on Thurs- S a n t i a g o - Amerlcsn 12-passen-

J f a r c J K5 - , e " o n . r " 0 P | ger planes will be u:od on Chile's

"Repairs About the Home." E a c h | n e w a l r 8 G r v i c e member was urged to have a Vic-: tory Garden If possible.


Social Brevities •

Robert Hahn entertained, with a supper^bridge at her iiome l

Wednesday evening and is enter-! taining with one this evening! (Thursday).


Red Tape Tie-Up

Your Wages!

A few cents a week spent on auto insurance, can protect you and your pay envelope In case of accident Call 144 for details today.

H. J . Rittenger llfl & Riverside D r . LoweU

Important Meeting Anti-TB Society

Because war always produces ex-tra problems in the field of tuber-culosis the 37th annual meeting of the Grand Rapids Anti-Tuber-culosis Society on March 17 will no doutot be an Important one. I t Will be a dinner meeting a t 6:16 p. m. In Fountain Street Baptist c h u r c h . Henry Hekman, tho society's president will greet the guests and conduct a very short business meeting. M. M. McGorrUl, D. D. Is chairman of the arrange-ments committee and will introduce the speaker.

"War and Tuberculosis" will be the topic of an illustrated lecture by J. Arthur Myers, M. D., dean of the school of public health. University of Minnesota and a past president of the National Tuber-culosis Association. He is national-ly known as an Interesting, fluent speaker for either professional or lay audiences. Various services ren-dered throughout Kent county by the society will be shown by Its Junior board with tableaux.

Several hundred Invitations have been sent to the society's members and community leaders. Many par ent-teacher associations and other organizations in Grand Rapids and Kent county are sending from one to three delegates. The general pub-lic is Invited and reservations may be made by calling 85428 before March 16 or dropping a card to the Antl-tuberculosls society, 148 N. Ionia Ave.

Irish Stew Supper | Congregational Church | Sponsored by the Pilgrim A

Fellowship Class

Tacsday, March 17 j Adults 4 0 c Cliildren 25c |

Serving s tar ts a t 5:30 |

Those who will not contend for their noble ideals and fundamental principles may see the day when they will have to live In chains.


In Effect June 27 To

Gd. Rtpidt 10:23 a. ra. t:S8 p. m. 8:08 p. m. 8:48 p. m. 8:t8 p. m.

10:28 p. m.

To Luuing 7:20 a. m.

11:25 a. m. SrBO p. ra.

• 0:26 p. m. 11:45 p. m.

To Fliat Otfia . B . 1:60 p. m. 6:64 p. m.

* Operates Friday, Saturday and Sunday only.

Phone 3 0 BUS DEPOT

Henry's Drug 4tore

Ernest Clarks visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Wleland and daughters. Mr. Clark Is a brother to Mrs. Wleland.

Charles Wleland visited Mrs. Elizabeth Wleland and Walter on Sunday. ' , ,1

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bartlett were visitors at M. S. C. green-houses on Wednesday In East Lan-sing.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lyon spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rittenger.

Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and son motored to Grand Rapids Sat-urday evening af ter attending a dance. They stayed over night with Mra Miller's sister, Mrs. Clarence Marlett and family. Sunday they accompanied J . B. Ward and fian-cee, Miss Lorene Westgate to Hol-land for him to return to camp. Theodore Ward returned to Pontlac and Johnny came home, Mrs. Miller staying with her sister. Monday Mrs. Miller came homo as far as Lowell road, the storm holding her there until the plows came through.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shaffer and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson of Grand Rapids were luncheon guests a t Oxel Johnson's Sunday evening. Marian Grant was a guest on Wed-nesday.

Sheep to Sing Barber Ballads

The Angels of His Presence

ONE of the hupeful and en-couraging signs of Ihe times is a reaching out on the par t

of an increasing number of people to a power beyond the human, in which they may iind a refuge, guide, protector, and friend. This human yearning for something dependable on which to lean in trying times, for something stable in the midst of conrusion, for that which will replace dismay and despair with confldence and hope, is understandable and reasonable. Further , it can be productive of results. Nearly two thousand years ago Jesus said (Matthew 7:7), "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall bo opened unto you." These promises still s tand. All Ibrough the years those who have sought Go.f sincerely and humbly have found Him close at hand. . . .

Mary Baker Eddy In "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip-tures" (page 581) defines "angels" as follows: "God's thoughts pass-ing to man; spiritual intuiUons, pure and perfect ; the inspiration of goodness, purity, and immortal-ity, counteracting all evil, sensu-ality, and mortality." That this deflnition is in accord with the Scriptural meaning of the word is evidenced by many incidenli of divine guidance and protection re-lated in the Bible. . . .

Throughout the Old and the New Testament there are many references to angels. These heav-enly messengers, "spiritual intui-tions," brought comfort, guidance, explicit commands, and, when heeded and obeyed, never failed to bless. Jacob experienced a bit-ter struggle with a false sense of selfhood, of life as material, until an angel appeared to him. And not until he thoroughly under-stood the message and received God's blessing, would he let the angel go. Then he was trans-formed. . . .

In the twelf th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, we read of the angel that delivered Peter when he was cast into prison, bound in chains. Because he lis-tened and obeyed the angelic mes-sage, Peter found himself un-bound and free. Angels ministered to Jesus a f te r bis vigil in the wil-d o r n e s s , — p u r e a n d perfect thoughts f rom God, which came to our great Way-shower a t the

outset of his wonderful career of service to mankind.

Today, as then, God, divine Love, reveals Himself to every honest seeker for Truth. To all who humbly and earnestly look to God for help, thus acknowledg-ing His power, angels, "God's thoughts passing to man," bring Ihe needed inspiration, direction, comfort , love, and protection. There is no situation too compli-cated, no sin too deep, no disease too hopeless, no burden too great, to be reached and healed by God, divine Mind. Even if the call for help is faint and hesitant. Love is always present, and he who turns to God finds Him near. The Father-Mother God is constantly blessing man. His own Idea, and providing for his every need. But we must place ourselves in the position to receive the blessing. We cannot receive it by denying God's presence and power^ but In reaching out to Him, no matter how hesitatingly, we put our-scIVeJ" '.vhere w e can receive and utilize the good that is always available. Then, encouraged and strengthened, we may Increase our understanding of God until we know Him as ever-present Life and Love, and. begin to ap-preciate the perfection of His cre-ation, including man in His image and likeness.

Many of those who now on land, in the air, or on the sea, are doing their par t in preserving the free-dom and liberty so dear to all right-minded men, are proving re-peatedly that protection, sure guidance, and safety are assured when thought Is turned to God, and His righteous government of His own creation acknowledged. So did a similar turning to God deliver the Israelites many times in Biblical days.

The angels of His presence must be sought and made wel-come. Then, in their radiant light, evil of every kind fades and dis-appears. When we strive to un-derstand the heavenly message, as did Jacob, and drink deep of spir-itual inspiration, as did Jesus, there will come to us "the inspira-tion of goodness, purity, and im-mortality, counteracting all evil, sensuality, and mortality." Thus ?8 God's love for H?s beloved child made known. . . .

—The Christian Soienoe Uonitor.

A million sheep In Michigan are pructiclng barber ballad bleating as flockmastcrs prepare to clip be-tween. seven and eight million poundr of wool from the backs of the animals.

Which leads to puzzling among Michigan farmers as to what wool actually is worth now that the fed-eral government has set up celling prices on the valuable crop.

An explanation prepared by the Michigan State College extensloni ocrvlce and reprcsentatlvea of the Michigan Cooperative Wool Mar-keting association Indicates the meaning of the celling price wham It concerns the high quality Mich-igan wool.

Much of Michigan wool Is c'assed as three-eighths staple or one-quar-ter staple. Colling prices on a clean-ed basis at Bostoni are $1.04 and 96 cents a pound, respectively, on those grades. But that Is af ter the wool has been taken "out pf the grease." Michigan wool on thc farm this spring will be worth a top price of approximately 47 cents a pound If a flock owner cani obtain the top or celling price.

According, to Paul Flnnegan, Lansing, manager of the Michigan wool cooperative, farmers with wool to sell ought to have samples graded and appraised before sfcll-Ing. Variations In grade and shrink-age make It difficult for the aver-age farmer to estimate actual value of the wool clip from his sheep.

To aid farmers In getting samples graded and appraised, the coopera-tive Is maintaining such services In Lansing and Jackson and contem-plates establishing another service center in a more northern location.

Difficulty in. obtaining Imports appears to Indicate future wool prices will not recede. Consumption of wool In 1941 has been estimated at 900 million pounds, of which only 50 per cent came from wool clipped from sheep In the United States.

SMYRNA Mrs. Albert Hauserman

WPB Issues Decree Permitting Only Cufflesi and Pleatless Coats and Trousers; No Two-Pauls Outfits.

Your lust chance to secure a suit that U tnllnri>d to your specifications Is rapidly ap-proaching.

The many restrictions that have been put on the tailoring of suits and overcoats are go-ing Into effect on March 30. Merchant tailors and tallors-to-the-trade of which we are a member will not become subject to the order until May 80.

Come In today and order your new suit which may have to last you for the duration.

5 e e o u r new fabrics and stylet today!

REYNOLDS' Men's Wear

We give Gold Stamps

Smyrna Is observing St. Patrick's Day in the usual way wgaln with a dinner a t noon, program In the aft-ernoon and a dance In the evening. Everyone welcome.

Mra. Leonard Blandlng of Muske-gon Heights was a week-end guest i of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank i Mattlson, and other relatives here 1

Mr. and Mrs. Will Dlcken drove' 7.000 miles on their trip, being gone three weeks.

Leonard Weber of Fowler spent par t of last week here and while working a t Bostwlck l a k e he fell In three times on Thursday. Rather cool to take three baths In one day.

Mr. and Mrs. Blackull and daugh-ter of Grand Rapids spent Saturday evening here with her sister, Mrs. Jack Mooncy and family.

Mrs. Clare Norton Is ill with sinus I trouble In her eye.

Mrs. Karl Gelger, Jr., entertains! the Jolly Eight Bridge Club this week Thursday evening.

Mrs. Joe Krupp spent one day re-cently at Miriam with her sister,! Mrs. John Matternack, who isn't, very well.

Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance

Eighth Grade

Honor Roll—Stanley Alexander, Marjorle Behnke, Yvonne Bleri, Joann Ellis, Roseanna Haglund, Darlene Holecheck, Ray Houghton, Donald Kelser, •Marlon Kutchey, Robert Kyeer, Flora Jean Mulder, Flora Myers, Barbara Richmond. Jane Rittenger. Betty iRoberte, Dorothy Thomas, Darlene Weeks, Amy Yelter.

Perfect Attendance—Merle Alex-ander, Wlllard Denlck, Genevieve Depew, Raymond Falrchlld, Rose-anna Haglund, Arnold Hoag, Leslie Hoag, Ray Houghton, Frank John-son, Lester Jones, Earnest 'Kauf-man, Marcel Kropf, Robert Kyser, Bruce Myers, Mary Newell, John Richards, Herbert Swan, Dorothy Thomas, Dean Trichler, Amyi Yelter.

Washington—Napoleon I I I was "the man of Sedan" because he surrendered his sword to the King of Prussia af ter the battle of Sedan in 1870.

When America gets through with the J a p s they will have no more "yen" for war.—Keener News.

Washington—Aftei- three years j machine that will plant about '

8,000 trees or shrubs a day has ' been developed for use oft the shel-ter belts of the prairie states.

Teheran—Nearly 4,000 tons of almonds were gathered In I ran In the last year.

Greatness is cantered not In quantitative, hut In qualitative, brains; not In strength of muscle, but In control of wUl power.


D A N C E Sponsored By

Lowell Moose Lodge, No. 809 T

Saturday Night ' March 14 |


Friday and Saturday. Mar. 13-14

— ALSO —

" N I A G A R A F A L L S "

Tuesday and Wednesday, Mar. 17-18

— ALSO —

Sunday and Monday, Mar. 16-16





/w fRAza


' * * » ^ • * * * *

Thc World's News Seen Through

THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An Intemstiond Daily Newspaper

Publiikcd by THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY One, Norway Street, Boston, M»ss*chusetU

is Truthful'—CorutrucUve—Unbisjed—Free from Semadonsl-ism — Editorials Arc Timely and Initrucdve and It* Daily Feature*, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newipaper for the Home.

Price ^12.00 Yearly, or ^1.00 a Month. Saturday luue, including Magazine Secdon, £2.60 a Year.

Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Isiues 25 Cent*. Obtainable at:

Christian Science Reading Room South Washington Street

LoweU, Mlohig*n

top related