OGR, Online Greenlight Review: Armilla

Post on 07-Dec-2015






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This is my OGR (Online Greenlight Review) for my chosen city, Armilla. Please read at your own leisure and give any feedback possible!


Drawn Thumbnails: 1-27

I first started off by doing drawing to get an idea of where I would be starting with this project, some of the drawing would later influence later designs. As you can see in 10, 11 and 12 it is meant to show the scale I would be going for.

Drawn Thumbnails: 28-50

At about idea 36 I came up with a really good idea, doing these ‘Silhouettes’ of cities was not only quick and easy to do but showed how fast I could come with with idea that were recognizable.

Key Drawn ThumbnailsThese were the main thumbnails that inspired me. You can should be able to get an idea with what I am doing with this project.

Digital Thumbnails: 1-9 (51-59)

You can see that I have carried me ‘Silhouette’ Method over from pencil drawing. This was also my first attempt at digitally painting and was a little tricky at first but I am getting used to it.

Digital Thumbnails: 10-18 (60-68)

Digital Thumbnails: 19-29 (69-80)

Digital Thumbnails: 30-41 (81-92)

The abstracts were a really interesting

experiment, it allowed me to

convey massive emotion, feel and scale with a very

small image. Use of color was also very important in this.

Digital Thumbnails: 42-55 (93-106)

These were also Abstract painting but I used some image manipulation to make some of these designs really “Pop”. I also tried merging some of

them and hopefully I got the correct message across. The one that is the best in my opinion is

45, it shows how much the tower stands out

Key Digital Drawn Thumbnails

All of these images are inspired by ‘Armilla’, I

like the tall pipe/tower idea I came up with and these images show the diversity of the city and

the scale.

Key Digital Drawn Thumbnails

Interior Influence Map Exterior Influence Map

Claustrophobic, Damp, Old, Intricate, Mechanical, Detailed, Alive, Canals, Water, Pumps.

Huge Towers, Pipes, Sandstorm, Desert, Rugged, Advanced, Worn, Sunset, Old, Mythical

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