左側に日本語・右側に英語の『見開き 2 ページで日英両言語 ... · 1 左側に日本語・右側に英語の『見開き2 ページで日英両言語参照型』を『suhara

Post on 26-Sep-2020






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左側に日本語・右側に英語の『見開き 2 ページで日英両言語参照型』を『SUHARA 式』と名付けてい

ます。中学 3年生で使用中の『SUHARA式 J - CLIL教育 テキスト』の抜粋です。

2015 年まで八尾市の公立中学校で採用されていました、啓林館の教科書と帰国子女用の教科書の合本





2017年度大阪府立高校入学試験 数学 C問題


『見開き 2ページで日英両言語参照型』である『SUHARA式 J - CLIL教育 テキスト』の一例です。



(1) Calculate (−1


2× (−2𝑎4𝑏) ÷



(2) Calculate (3√2+2)(3√2−2)

√6− (√


2+ √



(3) Factor 𝑎𝑏2 − 2𝑎𝑏 − 2𝑏 + 4

(4) Solve the quadratic equation (𝑥 − 29)2 − 3(𝑥 − 30) − 31 = 0

(5) F’s high school had a two-day culture festival. F’s class sold candy and soda, and stocked

up with 140 pieces of candy and 240 cans of soda. On the first day, the candy was sold for

¥100 a piece, and the soda for ¥80 a piece, for a total of 𝑥 pieces of candy and 𝑦 cans of

soda. On the second day, a piece of candy and a can of soda were sold in combo sets of ¥160,

with nothing being sold separately. At the end of the second day, twelve pieces of candy

remained, but the soda was sold out. If the total sales of the two days were ¥30,560, what

are the values of 𝑥 and 𝑦? Please note that 𝑥, 𝑦 are natural numbers, and that sales tax

is ignored.

(6) The numbers 1 to 8 are each written on a single card, and contained in a box. You withdraw

two cards from the box simultaneously. Let 𝑎 be the product of the two numbers of the

cards you withdrew, and 𝑏 be the sum of the six remaining numbers on the cards in the

box. What is the probability that 𝑎 + 𝑏 is an even number greater than 40? Answer as if

each card has an equal likelihood of being withdrawn.

(7) In the graph on the right, 𝑛 represents 𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥2 (𝑎 > 0). A lies on the y-axis, and its y-

coordinate is 1. B is on 𝑛 and its x-intercept is positive. ℓ is a line the passes through A

and B, and has a positive slope. C is the point where ℓ intersects with the x-axis, and its

x-coordinate is 4 less than the x-coordinate of B. 𝑚 is the line that passes through B, and

has a slope of 1

2. D is the point where 𝑚 intersects the x-axis, and its x-coordinate is 3 less

than the x-coordinate of B. Find the value of 𝑎.

(8) Let 𝑛 be a natural number. Find all values of 𝑛 for which 𝑛+110

13 and


7 are also

natural numbers. Please show your work.



In figures 1 and 2, the quadrilateral ABCD has sides AB = 3cm and AD = 6cm. E is the

midpoint of side AD. E and B are connected. F is on AE without overlapping points A or E. G

is on the extended line formed by BF, on the opposite side of F from B. The triangle formed by

connecting the three points A, E, and G, is isosceles with AE = AG.

Answer the following questions. If your answer includes a radical, ensure that the number

inside the radical is as small as possible.

(1) In figure 1, prove that △ EFB~ △ GEB.

(2) Figure 2 is modified from figure 1, in that F is the midpoint of AE.

In figure 2, H is a point on the same side off AD as G., and the triangle formed by

connecting the three points D, E, and H, △DEH is congruent to △AEG. G and H, and G

and C are also connected. In this case, GH ∥ AD.

➀ Find the length of GE.

➁ Find the length of GH.

➂ Find the area of the quadrilateral GCDH.



For figures I to III, the solid ABC-DEF is a triangular prism. △ABC and △DEF are

congruent, with AC = 4cm, BC = 8cm, and ∠ACB = 90°. The quadrilateral ACFD is a square,

and the quadrilaterals ABED and CBEF are rectangles. G is a point on BC, between B and C.

H is on EF, and HF = BG. G and H are connected.

Answer the following questions. If your answer contains a radical sign, ensure that the

number inside the radical is as small as possible.

(1) In figure I, I is a point on DE above H such that it runs parallel to DF. Let BG = HF = 𝑥cm,

where 0 < 𝑥 < 8.

➀ Express the length of IH in terms of 𝑥.

➁ Find the value of 𝑥, when the area of the quadrilateral CGHF is twice that of IHFD.

(2) In figure II, A and G, and A and H are connected. AG = AH. Find the area of △AGH.

(3) In figure III, BG = HF = 2cm. C and H are connected. J is on the extended line AC, on the

opposite side of A from C, and JA = 2cm. J and G, and J and H are connected. K is the point

of intersection of line JG and side AB. L is the point of intersection of line JH and rectangle

ABED. M is on AB such that LM is parallel to AD. In this case, the line LM is perpendicular

to the face ABC. A and L, and K and L are connected.

➀ Find the length of LM.

➁ Find the volume of the solid AKL-CGH.



2017年度 センター試験問題 数Ⅰ・A 抜粋

『見開き 2 ページで日英両言語参照型』である『SUHARA 式 J - CLIL 教育 テキスト』の高校生用の一

例です。これも Seph さんが英語に翻訳してくれたものです。2017 年度分は、Ⅱ・B まで全問完成できて






Question 1. (Compulsory. 30 points)

[1] Let 𝑥 be a positive real number that satisfies

{ 𝑥 squared, plus 4 over 𝑥 squared, equals 9}.


{ 𝑥 plus 2 over 𝑥, all squared} = _____

and so,

{ 𝑥 plus 2 over 𝑥, equals root _____}.


{ 𝑥 cubed, plus 8 over 𝑥 cubed, equals 𝑥 plus 2 over 𝑥 ,

all times 𝑥 squared plus 4 over 𝑥 squared, minus _____,

which equals_____ times root_____ }.


{ 𝑥 to the fourth, plus 16 over 𝑥 to the fourth, equals _____}.


〔2〕 Let p and q be conditions on the real number 𝑥 such that

p: { 𝑥 equals 1}

q: { 𝑥 squared equals 1}

Also, show the negative of p and q as p-bar, and q-bar, respectively.

(1) Pick from one of the four options from 0 to 3 that fill the blanks. However,

the same item may fill more than one blank.

q is _____ for p.

p-bar is _____ for q.

p or q-bar are _____ for q.

p-bar and q are _____ for q.

0. (a) necessary condition(s), but not (a) sufficient condition(s)

1. (a) sufficient condition(s), but not (a) necessary condition(s)

2. necessary and sufficient condition(s)

3. neither (a) necessary nor (a) sufficient condition(s)


Question 1


𝑥2 +4

𝑥2= 9 (𝑥 > 0) …➀

(𝑥 +2



= 𝑥2 + 2 ∙ 𝑥 ∙2

𝑥+ (




= (x2 +4

x2) + 4

= 9 + 4 (from equation ➀)

= 13

And since 𝑥 > 0, 𝑥 +2

𝑥> 0 must also be true, so

𝑥 +2

𝑥= √13 …➁

Thus, we set the two equations, resulting in:

𝑥3 +8

𝑥3= (𝑥 +


𝑥) (𝑥2 +


𝑥2− 𝑎)

Expanding the right side, we get

𝑥3 +8

𝑥3= 𝑥3 + (2 − 𝑎)𝑥 + (4 − 2𝑎) ∙




𝑥3 …➂

By comparing like-terms on the two sides in ➂, we know that

2 − 𝑎 = 0 and 4 − 2𝑎 = 0


𝑎 = 2


𝑥3 +8

𝑥3= (𝑥 +


𝑥) (𝑥2 +


𝑥2− 𝟐 )

= √13 ∙ (9 − 2) (from ➀ and ➁)

= 𝟕√𝟏𝟑

Moreover, since:

(𝑥2 +4



= 𝑥4 + 2 ∙ 𝑥2 ∙4





𝑥4 +16

𝑥4= (𝑥2 +




− 8

= 92 − 8 (from ➀)

= 𝟕𝟑

[2] Conditions 𝑝, 𝑞 on the real number 𝑥:

𝑝: 𝑥 = 1

𝑞: 𝑥2 = 1, which means, 𝑥 = ±1


・Let’s determine what condition 𝑞 is on 𝑝.

Testing the veracity of 𝑞 ⇒ 𝑝, we find that it is false.

Testing the veracity of 𝑝 ⇒ 𝑞, we find that it is true. ➀

Therefore 𝑞 is a necessary but not sufficient condition on 𝑝. Therefore, (0.) is the best answer.

・Determine what condition 𝑝 is on 𝑞.

𝑝: 𝑥 ≠ 1, meaning, 𝑝: 𝑥 < 1, 1 < 𝑥. ➁

Testing the veracity of 𝑝 ⇒ 𝑞, we find that it is false.

Testing the veracity of 𝑞 ⇒ 𝑝, we find that it is false.

Therefore 𝑝 is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition on 𝑞. Therefore, (3.) is the best answer.

・Determine what condition(s) 𝑝 or 𝑞 are on 𝑞.

𝑞: 𝑥2 ≠ 1, meaning, 𝑞: 𝑥 ≠ ±1

For 𝑝 and 𝑞, respectively:

𝑥 = 1 𝑜𝑟 𝑥 ≠ ±1, meaning, 𝑥 < −1, −1 < 𝑥

Testing the veracity of (𝑝 or 𝑞) ⇒ 𝑞, we find that it is false.

Testing the veracity of 𝑞 ⇒ (𝑝 or 𝑞), we find that it is false.

Therefore, (𝑝 or 𝑞) is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition on 𝑞. Therefore, (3.) is the best


・Determine what condition(s) 𝑝 and 𝑞 have on 𝑞.

From ➁, 𝑝 and 𝑞 yield:

(𝑥 < 1,1 < 𝑥) and 𝑥 = ±1, meaning, 𝑥 = −1

Testing the veracity of (𝑝 and 𝑞) ⇒ 𝑞, we find that it is true.

Testing the veracity of 𝑞 ⇒ (𝑝 and 𝑞), we find that it is false.

Accordingly, (𝑝 and 𝑞) is a sufficient, but not necessary condition on 𝑞. Therefore, (1.) is the best


(2) Condition 𝑟 on the real number 𝑥, is such that:

𝑟 ∶ 𝑥 > 0

Test the veracity of proposition A, (𝑝 and 𝑞) ⇒ 𝑟.

From 𝑝 and 𝑞, we know that:

𝑥 = 1 and 𝑥 = ±1, meaning, 𝑥 = 1


A ∶ (𝑝 and 𝑞) ⇒ 𝑟 is true.

Testing the veracity of proposition B, 𝑞 ⇒ 𝑟, we find that it is false.

Test the veracity of proposition C: 𝑞 ⇒ 𝑝.

The contraposition of C is 𝑝 ⇒ 𝑞, which is true from ➀, so C ∶ 𝑞 ⇒ 𝑝 is also true.

Accordingly, (2.) is the best answer.


『見開き 2ページで日英両言語参照型』以前の教材『関数総論』(抜粋)の一例です。



◎ 座標(Coordinates)

y 軸(y-axis)


the second quadrant the first quadrant

( 4 , 3 ) coordinates four and three

x 軸(x-axis)


原点(origin) 軸(axes ⇒単数形は axis)

the third quadrant the fourth quadrant

X-coordinate (abscissa, x-value) is four and y-coordinate (ordinate, y-value) is three.

◎ 関数(Functions)

関数とは何か。 ( What are functions? )


通常、ある値を x 別の値を y で表すので、x の値を一つ決めると別の値 y が一つだけ決まる

とき、y は x の関数であるという。

Functions are the relations of one-to-one correspondence that when one value has been decided, another value is decided.

We usually use x as one value and y as the corresponding value. So, when the value of x is decided and there is only one

value of y, y is called a function of x.

◎ 定点を通る直線(a straight line through a fixed point )

傾き m

y -b

( x , y ) m =

x -a

定点 P ( a , b ) ・

∴ y -b =m ( x -a )

Therefore, y minus b equals m times open parenthesis x minus a close parenthesis.

このように、直線の傾き m と直線上の1点 P( a , b )がわかっているなら、その直線の式はその点と傾きを用い


In this way, if the slope m of a line, and the coordinates of a fixed point P ( a , b ) are known on the line, then an equation of

the line can be written by using the point-slope form.

2点 A ( x1 , y1 ) , B ( x2 , y2 )を通る直線の式は次のように表される。(但し、x1≠x2)

y-y1 y2-y1 the slope of the line

= increase the amount of y

x-x1 x2-x1 =

increase the amount of x


∴ y-y1 = (x-x1 ) y minus y sub one over x minus x sub

x2-x1 one equals y sub two minus y sub one

over x sub two minus x sub one.

P( x ,y )


B( x2 , y2 ) y minus y sub one equals y sub two

minus y sub one over x sub two minus

A( x1 , y1 ) x sub one times (the quantity) x minus

x sub one (,close quantity).

An equation of a line may be written by using the two- point form: where A( x1 , y1 ) and B( x2 , y2 ) are two points on the


Expressions:直線の方程式の標準形 (An equation of a line in standard form )

・傾きと切片 ( the gradient / the slope and the y-axis intercept )

y =m x+b the slope-intercept form

・点と傾き ( the point and the gradient / the slope )

y-b=m ( x-a ) the point-slope form

・2点形 ( two fixed points )


y-y1 = (x-x1 ) the two-point form














There are so many functions like the primary function (the linear function), the secondary function (the quadratic function),

the cubic function, the fractional function, the irrational function, the exponential function, the logarithmic function, and the

trigonometric function, and there are also so many quadratic curves such as an equation of a circle, an equation of an ellipse, an

equation of a hyperbola, and so on that we can say more than half of the mathematics learned at a high school is study using

graphs including differential and integral. There are 12 types of following basic graphs. It is important to memorize these

expressions and the graphs as a set. If you can understand these 12 basic graphs and their equations, and use the rules for curve

transformations, you can easily solve the problem of a graph of a complicated equation by using the expression of that basic

graph. The rules for curve transformations follow four path ways, they are;

① Parallel movement

② Symmetric movement

③ Enlargement and Reduction

④ Rotational movement

If you can draw a graph, you’ll be able to understand a function more easily, and be good at high school mathematics. Now,

let’s start drawing graphs!

The notation f (x) means ‘function of x’. A function of x is an expression which (usually) varies, depending on the value of x.

Any function f (x) can be transformed.

① 平行移動 (Translation / parallel movement)

y = f (x)上の点 A ( X , Y )を x 軸の方向に p、 y 軸の方向に q 平行移動した点を B ( x , y )とする。

点 A ( X , Y )は y = f (x)上の点だから、Y=f (X)を満たす。

y y = f (x) を x 軸に p、y 軸に q 平行移動すると

x = X + p ⇒ X = x -p

y = Y + q ⇒ Y = y -q

Y=f (X)に代入すると

∴ y -q = f (x -p)

B ( x , y )

y = f (x)

A ( X , Y ) q




通常は元の関数 y = f (x)上の点 A ( x , y )を平行移動した点 B ( X , Y )を考えて説明するのが一般的である。これで

は最後に Y -q = f (X -p)の式を( x , y )平面に戻し、X を x に Y を y に置き換えなければならない。したがって

上記のように、最初から y = f (x)上の点を A ( X , Y )として説明した方が分かりやすいと思う。


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