

My Occupational Identity


Travelling is something I am very passionate about as I love exploring new things. I find it meaningful as I get the opportunity to learn through different cultures and experiences.


I have recently learnt this occupation and it has been a challenging, yet satisfying experience to be able to conquer.

It was a test to my determination and a great excuse to bring friends together and do something outdoors, learn and have fun.


I am currently in year two of studying a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy. I feel a sense of belonging within my class of fellow students and have a lot of motivation and determination to become a qualified Occupational Therapist.


Fishing is something I have grown up doing as my family have always been into it.

It’s a great way to bring my family together in the holidays and spend a day out in the boat.

Its most meaningful to me as it provides me with a sense of belonging within my family as we are out there doing it together.

Sports: Football.

I was involved in sports all throughout high school and made some really strong friendships. Football was my priority sport and is still a big part of my identity. I was captain of the 1st eleven football team which was a rewarding role to have.


I love to bake and try out new recipes. It makes me feel good when I can share my creations with friends and family.


Exercise is an important part of my life and I have always been very fit and active. It is my way of relieving stress and gives me energy to fulfil my day with other occupations.

Dairy Farming.

I have been brought up on a farm as my parents are dairy farmers. It is a huge part of my identity and is an amazing lifestyle. This gives me a sense of belonging and I always love going home to visit my parents and going on the farm to have a break from the city life.


Cleaning is something that I enjoy doing as it helps clear my head and makes me feel satisfied.

I like a clean environment around me and its important to me to have things tidy to create a positive environment.

Being with Family.

I adore my family and they are my support team to help me when I need it. With them I have a sense of belonging no matter where we are. We are all very close and we love doing things together. I am a daughter, granddaughter, sister, cousin and niece.

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