Nutrition Jansen Crossley and Logan Militzer Computers 8.

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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NutritionJansen Crossley and Logan MilitzerComputers 8

Vitamins Functions

A: eyesight, boosts immune system: Milk, meat B: cell metabolism: grains, veggies, meats,

fruits C: heals and maintains tissues: Fruits, veggies D: maintains/builds bones, absorbs calcium:

Meat E: Builds and protects cells: veggies, grain K:Clots blood: veggies, dairy products, food oil Facts- helps body grow and develop

Vitamins (cont.)

Water Soluble Function-flows in bloodstream, not stored: Food-Fruits, veggies, grains, meats Types- C, all types of B

Vitamins (cont.)

Fat Soluble Fat Soluble- stored in for future use Foods- milk, meat Types- A, D, E, K

Minerals Functions

Make body grow, and stay healthy Transmit nerve impulses Builds strong bones, hormones, normal

heartbeat Facts- rock minerals in cereals, spices 3/10 boys get proper amount of calcium 1/10 girls get proper amount of calcium

Common Minerals (cont.)

Calcium- dairy products, meat alternatives, green vegetables

Builds strong bones Zinc- meat, beans, peanuts, peas Builds immune system Iron- meat, veggies, grain transports oxygen from lungs to body Potassium- veggies, fruits, muscles/nervous


Minerals Macro and Trace

Macro-calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, sulfur

Means small in Greek Body needs large amounts

Trace- iron, manganese, copper, zinc, fluoride, selenium

Means small amount Don’t need much on a daily basis


Functions- Critical role in body temperature Carries nutrients throughout body Improves digestion Eliminates waste and toxins

Carbohydrates Fuel for body Converted into glucose 2 types: Simple & Complex


Found in sugars 1 cal/g In fruits, candy, wheat, etc…

Carbohydrates (cont.)

Complex Found in starches 4 cal/g Healthier than simple carbs Rich in fibre In vegetables, grain products, etc…

Fats Fuel for body Develops heart insolation & hips 3 types: Unsaturated, Saturated & Trans

Unsaturated Fats From plant-based foods Good for heart health Found in olive oil, peanuts, fish, etc…

Fats (Cont.)

Saturated Fats Solid at room temperature Increases cholesterol levels Found in meat, dairy, etc…

Trans Fats Very bad for health Lots of trans fat in prepared foods In fast food, snacks, fried foods, etc…

Protein Builds tissues Source of energy Protects us from disease 20 amino acids build proteins Protein contains carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen 2 types: Incomplete & Complete

Protein (Cont.)

Incomplete Protein Contains only some essential amino acids Plants are considered incomplete protein Found in nuts, grains, legumes, etc…

Complete Protein Contains all essential amino acids In fish, eggs, dairy, meat, etc…

Fibre Prevents constipation Lowers blood cholesterol Makes you feel full Not digested Mix of substances in plant cells More fibre in unrefined products Beans, grains, nuts, seeds, etc…

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