
Team Amazing November 2014 News


Table of Contents!Page 3...Note from Lisa Kaye Fuller! Page 6-...Leadership 101


Page 8…New Product ! Page 9-10…Vendor Events Tips

Page 11…Shout Outs!

Page 12…Tip of the Day

Page 14…Book Of The Month

Page15-16 …Shout Outs!

Page 17…Training

Page 18…Getting Your Mind Right !Page 19…Shout Outs

Page 20…Social Media !Page 21-22…Business 101!Page 23…Steps To Success

Page 24…Recipes Of The Month

Page 25…Shout Out

Page 26…Product Of The Month !


Note From Lisa Fuller


Let’s hear it from Ambassador

Diamond, Lisa Fuller!



Check out Lisa’s Video! Click Below



**QUALITIES THAT MAKE A GREAT LEADER**A good leader is made not born.

Brooke LeeTriple Diamond

“Successful leaders are learners, and the learning process is ongoing.”We need to stay current within the industry, and attend conferences and workshops to improve our craft. Seek

out those who have succeeded and learn from their achievements. Identify areas of weakness as well as

strengths. Don’t get discouraged. Sometimes the smallest steps are the hardest to take, but moving forward is

the key. Perseverance pays off.

“The discipline to prioritize and the ability to work toward a stated goal are essential to

a leader’s success.”Maxwell mentions that, according to the Pareto Principle, 20% of our effort should yield 80% of our results, yet

often we spend too much time on tasks that produce few results. In order to be good time managers, we need to

identify when we are most productive and spend those hours on the most important work we need to accomplish.

Of equal significance is the ability to identify which projects should be given top priority.

“It’s not how hard you work; it’s how smart you work.”The leadership guru ranks jobs according to urgency and importance. Tackle the high importance/high urgency

jobs first. The low urgency/low importance projects can be handled by someone else or often ignored


Frequently review the “Three Rs: Requirements, Return, Reward,” by asking the following questions:

“What is required of me? What gives me the greatest return? What is the most

rewarding?”To ensure we’re not spinning our wheels on something that won’t move us forward, evaluate the personal

expenditure needed for each task, whether the payout is worth the effort and what personal satisfaction will be

realized upon completion of the project.

“A truly valuable vision must have God in it,” Maxwell states. “Only He knows your full

capabilities. Have you looked beyond yourself, even beyond your own lifetime, as

you’ve sought your vision?”Pray for direction. Listen to the voice within to determine where your want to go. Don’t limit yourself or your

dreams. Step out in faith. Be bold.

“A leader is great, not because of his or her power, but because of his or her ability to

empower others.”Be a mentor. Share your expertise. Extend a hand up. Help others to achieve their greatest potential.

GET OUT OF DEBT ... IT'S ALL BACK!!If you haven't heard already. ALL THE GOOD BONUSES ARE BACK!!! If you achieve Diamond,

Double Diamond, Triple Diamond, Presidential Diamond or Ambassador Diamond for the 1st time by December 31st you earn $10,000, $15,000, $25,000, $50,000 or $75,000 Bonus!

If you EVER lost a rank, if you get it back by December 31st, you get your bonus BACK!!


Get ready to take it all off with the Exfoliating Peel! Boost your skin’s natural renewal with a bounty of botanical and fruit extracts that strip away the dead skin cells, excess oil, and daily debris that clog your pores and age your face.

Take it all off to reveal softer, smoother, healthier-looking skin and let the more youthful, luminous you shine!


Elaine SimonsenDouble Diamond

Vendor Events-Part Two

Now you packed up your booth, splits the leads evenly with everyone who worked the booth. Including friends marked on drawing tickets.

Before you go home all of you have picked a drawing winner to get the Free wrap. It's up to each of you to decide how you award those wraps. One way is for by appointment only of the winner and Dt meets to ensure procedure done correctly. Two is to mail out wrap to winner with instructions and quick follow up. Three is to award the wrap as a chin wrap party of five, appointment only and winner gets to invite 4 friends to enjoy a chin wrap from one wrap. This is an opportunity to get people in front of you and have a game of "Facebook likes"to win a chance for free wrap appointment other time. Fourth way is to make it a facial giveaway instead of a body wrap appointment.

Most important is what info did you get from doing the vendor booth. A tax write off, advertising, networking, a visual to public you are in the community, etc. It's your business. How would you like to see it grow? By doing it or watching others? It's your choice.




Shout out to….

Cody Doll has just barely signed and is already chasing Ruby. She is so driven and has such an amazing work ethic. - Ginny Wolfe

Ashley Gantz. This girl never says quit. She has such determination and I couldn't be more proud to call her my friend. - Ginny Wolfe

Tiffany Jenkins. This girl truly works hard. She goes for no on a daily basis and she stays so positive. I find her lifting me up so much of the time and I am so thankful for her. - Ginny Wolfe

Tennessee Pilkington...this woman has fought so many battles and still works her business with no excuses. She is truly a winner. - Ginny Wolfe


Ambassador Diamond Lisa Kaye Fuller

TIP OF THE DAYAttention: this is not a race! Stop comparing yourself to someone else! Your journey is your journey!As individuals we beat ourselves up and constantly question ourselves. We hear these stories of people getting to diamond in three months and going ambassador in nine! We think "I must not be doing something right, maybe this isn't for me!" I'm gonna lay out the cold hard facts here and everyone that knows me knows I'm all about the real...No smoke and mirrors here!

First of all facts are facts! I have now been part of this company for four years as of August 1st! In that time I have seen many people start and many people quit! The truth is this...the hardest part of this business is setting up your foundation and it will take 90% of you atleast one year to possibly two for you to do that. Most people will take that long to reach the rank of DIAMOND! The cool part is that once you get there on a great solid foundation it goes very fast...getting to double is fairly easy in fact most do it within three months of hitting diamond!

Here is the deal! Facts are most of you reading this will take about a year, give or take, to get to diamond. Facts are most of you will quit within your first three months. So let me ask you this....if it takes 90% of people about one year to hit diamond if you quit within three months you will never know and always wonder if you could have done it! A business takes time to build it doesn't happen over night! This is not a get rich quick scheme.So I bet you thought that most people get to DIAMOND quickly! Truth is it's hard to get to DIAMOND in that time frame. Do you think that the company would give out a ten thousand dollar bonus for something that was a piece of cake? The reason you think your not good at this is because the company and the leaders have to recognize that small % that get their quickly! They have accomplished something awesome!! But in your eyes your the only one not doing it that quick! This is why only a small percentage of people last their first year. Don't be fooled! Stick with this!!! Do you know of any other way you can plug away at something and within five years have an extra five grand minimum coming into your household every single month for the rest of your life??? Me either! (There is an amazing book I highly suggest you read called your first year in network marketing by Mark yarnell)

Everyone comes in under different circumstances! Some have a huge market! Maybe they owned another business prior and have tons of followers! Maybe someone is single, no kids, and all the time in the world to invest! While others may work three jobs with a family and no following! Obviously with different circumstances come different outcomes. If this is a numbers game and someone can put more time in they will probably go faster. It's also about the people you are putting in your business. You may still be looking for that one serious person like you!The fact is that 95% of people who get through that first year actually end up becoming very successful the problem is most will never experience it because they quit within three months. One of my amazing distributors Tiffany Taylor said something once that always sticks with me...she said that anyone that would even think about quitting before a year is plain crazy because it takes a year just to figure it out and get good at it! It takes a year to learn the products, the comp plan, to learn the way you like to blitz and do your parties or call leads back! Like everything else in life you have to learn and practice. Her point being why would anyone sign up and even think that they would get rich and have it all figured out within a couple months??

It's funny how many people want to make sure this isn't some get rich quick pyramid before they sign yet when they finally sign and don't get rich quick they quit! Stop thinking your fooling anyone...a get rich quick scheme was exactly what they were looking for!Point blank you said you wanted to own your time, you said you wanted to own your own business, you said you wanted a better life, but most people are not willing to do what it takes to get there. So I said I'd Keep it real and I will! Fact is that there is not one person in my downline that has been in four years that works this daily not making less then two grand every month. Now that is a fact! Facts are the only people not making money under me are the ones that quit! Now that's a fact!

My theory....The next five years of your life is going to go by no matter if you stay with It Works or you quit but where will you be if you quit? For me I would still be waiting tables, living pay check to pay check, being unhappy, never seeing my kids! If you quit It Works where do you think you will be? So if those FIVE years are going to happen why not continue to share this opportunity and see where it takes you!? I know one still won't be where you are now...I don't know exactly where you will much money...or what level...but I know for sure you will be in a better place then not doing anything at all. Stop comparing and realize this is your journey and your worth sticking it out to see where it leads! I know you all deserve it but will you be willing to do what others won't to someday be where others never will? I hope so!! Happy Friday ALL!



Triple Diamond Sandy Durre


The Leadership expert, John Maxwell, brings an in-depth look at God's laws for leaders and leadership.

Features include:*2 New Laws - Law of Addition and the Law of Picture*New major articles and new notes throughout the Bible thatconnect with the new Laws*New notes that reflect Maxwell's works since the Feb 2002release of the Maxwell Leadership Bible, including The 360º *Leader, Attitude 101, 25 Ways to Win with People, andLeadership 101Revised indexes to the 21 Laws of Leadership and the 21 Qualities of a Leader

Shout out to….


I am excited to nominate Karla Oppedisano. Karla is not only an amazing person but she is also an amazing distributor. Guess what, she didn’t see results with her first set of wraps!! She gave it another go and was so impressed that she knew she had to join this crazy wrap business. Karla just has it together. She is focused and driven. She keeps her eyes on the prize. One of the things I love about her is that she is out there making it happen everyday. She does booths with team member, launches new distributors, and she is constantly thinking about her next prospect. She wants Diamond so bad and is doing everything she possibly can to get there! One of the things that I think really helps her in her business is that she makes sure that every team member she brings on has at least 4 customers before they even sign up! I love that because they already are fast start qualified and get the $120 in free product. This allows them to focus on team building that first month! She is a strong leader and I love seeing her celebrate her many successes along the way. Karla has been a family friend for my entire adult life, I am so happy and privileged to have her part of my IT WORKS family! I love you Karla. You deserve every bit of recognition!! Keep going, you’re almost there!! -Tawnia Owens

Karla Oppedisano

Shout Out to…!


Love that Brad Greenland went "All In" at 2014 Conference when he got his "ah ha" moment on the last day! He has been a totally amazing support to our team and bleeds Green! I see him on stage one day sharing this moment! Go Brad! - Elaine Simonsen

Brad Greenland

Shout out to Marivel Guzman!This girl has been through so much in her personal life in the short amount of time in this business, but yet she is pushing through and has never given up! She is the true definition of a rockstar! She is inspirational and I can't wait to see where she takes her business! - Tina Aumsbaugh




Now easy to find in ONE location!!!

www.lisakayefuller.comClick on the tab: Training Videos!

Jodi BuschurTriple Diamond

Getting Your Mind Right


Attitude is a little thing in life that makes a BIG difference!

When you get out of bed in the morning are you already dreading the day you have ahead of you before your feet hit the floor? When you are headed to a party do you already have defeat in your mind because your last party didn’t go so well?

Sometimes we just need to have a self-attitude adjustment. Have you ever heard “Your attitude determines your altitude? If we keep our attitudes up and positive we will continue to climb higher in life and soar in our business, however if our attitude is always a bad one full of negative thoughts and defeat we will fall and stay on the ground never reaching the destination God intended us to reach.

Even when things get tough the outcome that lies ahead is a result of our attitude and how we choose to deal with it, so we need to discipline ourselves to stand strong with a positive attitude in every circumstance! If we want to stay on track in our life and in our business, we need to maintain a good attitude at all times! A positive attitude creates a more positive YOU!!!



Shout out to Elizabeth Heydinger for my DT of the Month!I met Elizabeth at her mom’s wrap appointment this summer. The entire family was getting ready for her brother’s wedding. Elizabeth was one of those very skeptic people who was not thrilled to even try the crazy wrap… ..but when her wrap came off and she saw her own results I knew I saw that twinkle in her eye and knew she was going to join my team! Her launch party was a huge success and she joined the team! I Love her spark and determination. She jumped right in and is not afraid to talk to anyone about the products and her weight loss success. Recently she ran my 2 last vendor shows by herself and she has lots of leads to build her team! Everyone friend request this amazing girl and ask her about her testimony with greens and her beautiful baby daughter Kendal. Thank you Elizabeth!! - Dorene Johnson

Elizabeth Heydinger

I would like to pay special recognition to an amazing friend and team member Tammy Risner. Tammy came into this business and got kind of “lost in the shuffle” however she saw the potential in this business and fell in love with our products and took off running! Tammy is the Loyal Customer Signing Queen and was the first our team to get her $600 CAR bonus! She has had many speed bumps in this business, but her positive mindset and attitude sends her flying right over those speed bumps! Tammy is an inspiration to me always smiling and always positive with a Faith that could move mountains! She gives no excuses in this business and has her eye on the prize! Tammy is a true example of “your journey is your journey” and when I look at her drive and passion for changing lives, I know there’s no stopping her! Love you Tam! - Jodi Buschur

Tammy Risner


TAWNIA OWENSDouble Diamond


I know some of you have heard this a thousand times. It is so important to brand yourself on social media. How do you want others to think about you? How do you want to make people feel? Am I only marketing or am I sharing personal fun stuff too? Am I reaching out and engaging my audience by asking questions? Social media has been a huge platform in growing our businesses. Make sure you are not airing any dirty laundry. Make sure what you put on facebook isn’t politically driven. Don’t talk about sex or use offensive language or memes. Instead, promote positive uplifting messages. Build your audience by tagging people in inspirational photos that make people feel good. At the end of the day, if you are bringing drama, you are going to lose potential customers and team members but if you brings smiles and good thoughts to others they will want to do business with you.

Triple Diamond Elizabeth Houlihan

Business 101: Establishing Your KEYSTONE Habits

If you could accomplish one big goal in the next year, what would it be? What important aspirations do you have to improve your life, your career, or your health?Big goals can feel overwhelming, especially when they take FOCUS and commitment to complete. If you think about losing 20 pounds for example, you know you have weeks or months of wrapping, defining gel, taking thermofit, fat fighters, profit shakes, exercise and making healthy food choices ahead of you. Just beginning the goal can be overwhelming and to know that you are about to take on sacrifices and hard work to accomplish this goal. in my experience big goals are more manageable and can be accomplished with less stress if they are put into small, manageable habits — and then to begin their habit work. By starting smart and planning ahead your odds of creating a sustainable habit are dramatically improved. There are many other skills involved in successfully creating a new habit, but today I want to talk about the importance of some particular habits.What if some of the habits you choose actually streamline all of the other goals you want to achieve? What if you work on a particular small, positive change and suddenly you find yourself making other positive life changes? This phenomenon is real, author Charles Duhigg who wrote The Power of Habit, calls these habits “keystone habits.”

Here are 6 keystone habits that can create big results:

1. Plan your day the night before

When you get in the habit of planning your goals and priorities for the following day, you commit to specific actions that are productive and positive. When you write down these daily goals, you are far more likely to complete them. We often talk about the “6 list” write down 6 Key things you need to accomplish that are directly related to advancing your business. These are certainly not the only keystone habits that impact positive change. In fact, you can probably think of many behaviors in your life that impacted a waterfall of new behaviors.When you’re ready to undertake a big goal or a new habit, consider choosing a keystone habit first. Once you accomplish this keystone habit, you may find you easily and naturally follow suit with the original goal. You’ll expend far less mental energy and have several habits and goals under your belt as a result.

2. Journaling

Taking just a few minutes first thing in the morning to write down dreams, goals, and even just things on your mind... You begin to notice patterns in your life and see with clarity exactly how much you’re staying on track. In studies, those who journaled daily actually began to complete daily task list (like our 6 list!), and they make healthier life choices.


3. Making your bed

Do you make your bed in the morning? Really , not kidding... If not this very brief and simple habit has been correlated to more productivity, a sense of well-being, and even time management and budgeting skills.

4. Visualization

Michael Phelps, the Olympic swimmer who is the most decorated Olympian in with 19 Olympic medals, credits his focus and success on the power of visualizing a perfect swim before he jumps in the pool. Says Phelps in a 2012 interview with The Telegraph, “Now I have gotten back into the rhythm of it, of seeing what I want to see, seeing what I don’t want to see, seeing what I possibly could see. I’m trying to picture it all, everything I possibly can, so that I’m ready for anything that happens.” Visualization has been shown to support increased performance in all areas of your life when applied to the desired outcome.

5. Positive thinking

Actively changing your mindset to view your life and circumstances from a negative to a positive point of view creates an attitude of confidence and energy that promotes many other positive habits. If you practice the habit of positive thinking, even when you don’t feel positive, you will eventually change your mood and outlook — and this impacts your desire to perform a variety of other behaviors that improve your life.

6. Exercise

Exercise is an obvious keystone habit, but it’s good to know research backs this up. A landmark study has shown that exercise facilitates the desire to make a variety of other positive changes like eating better, being more productive, smoking less, spending less, and feeling less stressed. And it doesn’t have to be much exercise. Even as little as once a week is enough to kickstart these other changes. However, a better way to approach the exercise habit is starting with just 5 minutes a day, every day, until the habit s established. Walk, Walk Walk.... And if you can walk outside so you can breath in as much fresh air as you can each day!Establishing your Keystone habits, big or small can make success in many aspects of life far easier, regardless of the circumstances you face. These habits unlock a cascade of other positive behavior changes with far less effort than establishing a single habit from the ground up. If you have big goals you want to achieve or even small habits you are considering, first consider tackling some keystone habits to simplify your journey and help you focus on goal.... Remember life is a journey, enjoy the path to success!

Blessings! Elizabeth Curran Houlihan



Double Diamond


Starts With One November Tip:

As we go into the "holiday season" be sure to remind your loyal customers and potential clients that we have fabulous products to help with the season stress and the season weight gain that many face. Recommend also, our amazing skincare line as holiday gifts.

Be sure to consider your customers this time of year while you are working on card list; sending a little holiday note to your clients is a great way to improve upon your existing relationship with them.


by: Double Diamond Angela Jockett

Yummy It Works Recipes to try!

Ingredients:3 scoops Creamy Vanilla Ultimate ProFit1 large banana, diced½ cup cinnamon applesauce¼ cup non-fat greek yogurt4 egg whites½ cup rolled oats1/3 cup chopped walnuts1 tsp baking powder1 tsp baking soda½ tsp nutmeg1 tsp cinnamon

Directions•Add all ingredients in a bowl and wisk•Spoon into greased or lined muffin tins•Bake 15 minutes or until ready

Serves 8

Ultimate Banana Nut Muffins



I want to give a huge shout out to Kristi Schwabenbauer!! I met Kristi a little over a year ago at a party I was doing for one of her friends. She was one of those stubborn guests if you know what I mean! No wrapping, no sampling, just sat with arms crossed, come to find out later she didn't even want to go to the party she just did it to support her friend. However we did talk her into taking a defining gel sample and putting it on her Psoriasis to help with the itching. A couple days later she wanted to meet and hear more because the gel WORKED! I then gave her some greens samples and to make a long story short it helped her with her lupus and gave her more energy and she signed to be a DT a few weeks later!! She has been a loyal customer gathering machine since day 1!! She recently said I can get loyals all day but I cant get teammates, I said change your focus to getting Dts and BAM she signs up 2 Dts in one weekend and earned herself a #TooGood entry!!!! Kristi you have become way more than a business partner, you are my sister from another mister!!! I love you sweetheart and I am so proud of all you have accomplished so far!!!! Can't wait to see what the future holds for you and the kids!!!!! - Angela Jockett

Kristi Schwabenbauer


Product of the Month

by: Triple Diamond, Dorene Johnson

The Facial Cleanser is one of my favorite skin care products from IT Works! I use is it morning and night for clean skin! My face has improved with the daily use and my pores and blemishes have diminished. You can use it as a body wash too any area of the body!

It should be in your daily routine. My routine is the cleanser, toner, tip and eye cream. I use the facial wrap 1 time per week for that tightening , toning and lifting . Directions:Wet hands and face with warm water. Apply a small amount of cleanser on hands. Work into a foamy lather and massage onto face and neck with gentle circular motion. Rinse with warm water and pat dry.Why Try It?- Removes all oil, dirt and makeup even waterproff mascara- Clean-rinsing lather leaves skin soft and silky smooth- Beautifying botanicals gently cleanse without drying- Formulated for all skin types- Pair it up with the facial for Maximum results!




TEAM SHOUT OUTS!!I want to give a shout out to Julie Sesco !!! This lady was so close to quitting her business 2 months ago and to watch her and see her now you would never now! She sees the vision of this company and know where she wants to go! Last month she signed 7 LCs and is on a mission so sign even more this month! You can do it girl! We all have faith in you! - Sandy Durre

Lindsey Wolfe - I had the pleasure of having dinner with her ths last week and I can see there is a big future in front of hero She's a single mom and on a mission. Several times she's thought about giving upg but never gave into that urge! It says a lot about someone who will not quit when things get Riveooo Lindsey I"s proud of you and I look forwarh to watching you grow in your business and as a person! - Sandy Durre

Myra Kluesner- I am so proud of you!!! Everyday you think about your business, everyday you do something to share and grow your business. You have been working hard towards your Diamond Bonus and I have no doubt that you will achieve it before the end of December! You're dream is to quit your job and I know you will do it! I love how you are there for your team, I"m blessed to have you as a friend and leader! - Sandy Durre

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