November 2015 - Central Journal Central · PDF filein his poem ”The Layers” expresses the feeling that ... LaMancha, calling us to ... November 2015 - Central Journal 4 Trustees

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November 2015 - Central Journal

Informing Members and Friends – Encouraging Fellowship and Spiritual Growth

A monthly publication of Central United Methodist Church, Lansing, Michigan

November 2015

Central Journal

Founded 1850

From the Pastor, Rev. Linda Farmer-Lewis

Remembrance and Gratitude At this printing we will have marked All Saints Sun-day, remembering those of our church family who have passed into the arms of God this past year, and consecrate the gifts that have been given to the church in their honor and our financial pledges for the work of the church in the year ahead. In marking All Saints Sunday, we recognize that we stand on the shoulders of giants, that we have been given a legacy as a gift of sacrifice and faith-fulness, that we do nothing alone, but have been helped by the hands of many, we have been given gifts by some we may never know, and that our very existence as church and as human beings is owed to others. Remembering fosters gratitude. When we remem-ber, we re-member our own lives. We connect the dots and see we are not alone. In remembrance and gratitude we are made whole. Stanley Kunitz, in his poem ”The Layers” expresses the feeling that sometimes our lives can seem scattered, alienated from our moorings by our losses, the landscape our lives littered by events and the passage of time. “Oh, I have made myself a tribe out of my true af-fections, and my tribe is scattered! How shall the heart be reconciled to its feast of losses? In my darkness night, when the moon was covered and I roamed through wreckage, a nimbus-clouded voice directed me: ‘Live in the layers, not on the litter.’” To live in the layers is to remember we come from our lives, and the lives of those who have gone be-fore us. That the rich layering of time is a resource to draw on, and those who have occupied the past are part of the present, a continuing resource that informs us. That is what the communion of saints is

all about. When we gather at the table of Holy Communion, we join the unending hymn of those faithful ones who now dwell in the house not made with hands but eternal in the heavens. We are one with them in the layers of the life of faith that con-tinues on in us and through us to future genera-tions. When we remember and are grateful, we give thanks and we give. One follows the other. If we forget to live in the layers we are left fearful, hands clenched, and arms crossed. When we live in the layers our arms open, our hands are ready to share all our gifts and we in turn are re-membered and whole once more. So remember for All Saints Day, and be grateful this Thanksgiving, they go hand in hand. In Christ, Rev. Linda Farmer-Lewis, Pastor

During the Children’s Sermon on Oct. 25 Pastor Linda used a magnifying glass and an Audubon Bird Book to demonstrate to the children that there are lots of hidden things in this world that we can see if only we will look closely with believers’ eyes. Her sermon that day was “Believing is Seeing.” If you are not in church to see these happy, excited children come rushing up for Children’s Sermon each Sunday, you are missing out on a good helping of “delight” in your life! — Joi Tennant

November 2015 - Central Journal 2

Church Directory

WJIM-AM 1240

Sponsor a radio broadcast Call 485-9477

Christian Education Joi Tennant, Christian Education Director

Rev. Linda Farmer-Lewis, Senior Minister Rev. Bill Amundsen, Ret., Minister of Spiritual Formation Joi Tennant, Christian Education Caryn Welter, Director, Music and Worship, Organist Andrew Minear, Director,Chancel Choir Brandon Smith, Director,Bell Choir Bailey Shepard, Anne Todey, Jona-than VanKuren, Brandon Smith Chancel Choir Section Leaders

Patricia Mort, Administrative Secretary Alice Pifer, Financial Secretary Stephanie Rave, Bookkeeper Bruce Newton, Facility Manager Ira Savage, Anthony Moran, Jere-my Brown, Building Attendants

Office Phone: (517) 485-9477 Office Fax: (517) 485-9772

Website: Facebook: Lansing Central United Methodist Church and Central United Methodist Church: What’s Happening

Sunday Worship – 9:30 AM Fellowship Hour – 10:30 AM Sunday School - All Ages—11:00 AM

Radio and Television The worship service is broadcast live at 9:30 AM on WJIM-AM (1240) radio and telecast Tuesday and Thursday at 4 PM on Lan-sing Comcast Cable channel 16.

The Central Journal is published monthly by Central United Methodist Church, 215 North Capitol Avenue, Lansing, MI. 48933

Send copy to: Linda Farmer, Editor

FOOD, FUN and FAITH strengthens Central! Open Your House to a Small Group!

A home, a meal, a handful of friendly people, a great DVD study, some

prayer, some hugs, some happy sharing together, and a neighbor or

two. That’s the way a church grows stronger! The new small group that is meeting for 6 weeks on Monday evenings at the home of Michael and Laura Olabisi, is discovering firsthand why John

Wesley believed in the power of small groups as he organized the origi-nal “societies” of Methodism. From 6:00 to 6:30 we squeeze around a table for an easy cooperative

meal. So far we have had spaghetti, pizza, sub sandwiches and baked

chicken, with simple side dishes. From 6:30 to 7:30 we watch the Adam Hamilton DVD “Revival,” which takes us on a travelogue each week of

each main place in John Wesley’s life, while Adam Hamilton reflects on the faith growth and challenges of each layer of John Wesley’s life.

Then we have just enough time to work through 7 or 8 discussion ques-tions before we go home. And all the time, children are happily enjoying

our time together, too! Do you think you might open your house to a new small group for such

a study? You can organize it or you can ask Joi Tennant to help you make this happen. Please call her at 989-224-8159.

On World Wide Communion Sunday, Choir Director, Andrew Minear, sang,” To Dream the POSSIBLE Dream,” a very clever and inspiring play-on-words of the theme song of Don Quixote from the musical, Man of LaMancha, calling us to visualize the con-tinuing mission of our church here on the corner of Ottawa and Capitol.

Mary Boudreau and Pastor Linda sang another brilliantly re-created song, this time from the musical, Cinderella — “It’s Possible!” Mary is dressed as Cinderella before the ball, and Pastor Linda is her Fairy Godmother, singing all the ways that Central UMC can continue to do even more incredibly amazing things for God in the year 2016 if we will only believe!!

“Mission Possible” is this year’s Finance Campaign theme

November 2015 - Central Journal 3

Worship & Music Notes Caryn Welter, Director of Music and Worship

The Jack Clarkson Band will perform in the Central UMC sanctuary on Sunday, November 8, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. This widely-known group will play a blend of contemporary and traditional gospel numbers, and stylings from rhythm-and-blues to bluegrass. The group features Tess Clarkson on keyboards and vocals; Paul Ojibway is on saxophone, flute, piano, and harmonica; Jack is on the fiddle, guitar, and mandolin. They’re in the Midwest through the summer months, and perform from San Antonio to South Padre Island every winter in south Texas. They have done lead-in acts for groups in the Country Music, Bluegrass, and Rock and Roll Halls of Fame. Do you have your Christmas Cabaret Benefit tickets? They’re available each Sunday during coffee hour in the Fellowship Hall for this upcoming, fabulous December 4 event. You’ll be given a great dinner, view amazing entertainment, and have an opportunity to bid on a rich array of auction items. Entertain-ment includes Sistrum, Basses Loaded (a horn ensemble), and the Elden Kelly Trio. All of this can be yours for $35 per ticket! You may also reserve a table of eight for $250. Checks can be made out to Christmas Cabaret Benefit. Reminder: the deadline is quickly approaching for donating auction items via Janet Geissler at Leah Fitch, Mike Garcia, Mark Graham, Meg Haas, John Houston, Peter Hudy, Sue Kephart, Carolyn Kirk-by, Deb VanNortwick, and Rob Wolfer, along with Linda Farmer-Lewis and Caryn Welter from the staff, serve on Central’s The Engaging Worship Team. The group met on October 25 and, in a think-tank forum, generated ideas aimed at enhancing worship as our current parishioners know it, ideas to encour-age new people to join with us, and worship ideas which may entice our visitors into staying. The Team was amazingly productive, candid, energized, and faith-filled. Watch in worship for the implementations of their suggestions. Advent and Sip ‘n’ Sing begins on Sunday, November 29! To launch this significant time in the life of the church, members of the Worship Committee have combined with others to plan and implement an 8:30 a.m. hot breakfast on that day. This will help prepare everyone to join in singing Christmas car-ols at 8:45. The long-revered tradition of carol-singing is fun for all ages, and helps to “do” Advent in a very special way. Questions about music monies? You are always encouraged to pose questions you have about music ministries monies. Recently, I was asked about the endpoint of money that’s collected for our ongoing special music concert series. The money is used to finance the next events which, in turn, serve to pro-mote Central UMC in Greater Lansing. Typically, about half of the attendees are our own parishioners. The other half represents those from an even broader geographic area. The concerts show Central’s commitment to cultural richness and variety, instilling memories that are forever etched on the hearts of those who fill Central’s sanctuary. Christmas Cabaret Benefit profits for this year will be allocated this way: 50 percent to the Method-ist Children’s Home Society, 25 percent to Central’s operating budget, 25 percent to the Music Support Fund for items like music and outside musicians. Additionally, generous contributors continue to earn for our church a “best-in-class” music program designation in the Lansing area and even across the State. The program shows members and guests that we are a “happening” church. Looking ahead to December, there will once again be two Christmas Eve services, one at 4:00 p.m.

and one at 11:00, with a prelude beginning at 10:15. The 11:00 experience will be one of traditional les-

sons and carols, further enhanced by a rich array of other musical offerings. Why don’t you invite your

families and friends now?

November 2015 - Central Journal 4

Trustees Larry Beckon, Chair, Board of Trustees

The role of the trustees is to supervise and maintain all the property belonging to the congregation so that the ministries of the congregation can be effective.

Church and Society Submitted by Victor Asbury

When mom or dad is in prison, their children are of-ten the silent sufferers who feel abandoned by their parent. You can let them know they aren’t forgotten. Give the child of a prisoner the joy of Christmas this year. Share the true meaning of Christmas with the least and the lost, and invest our church in our com-munity. On November 22, the Sunday before Advent and the Sunday before Thanksgiving, the Giving Trees will be up downstairs. One of them will be for Angel Tree. There will be 25 paper angels with the name of the child of an incarcerated parent. We need you to take the paper angels from the tree, buy the suggested gifts for the children whose names are on those pa-per angels and bring those gifts to the church. Then we will need volunteers to help wrap those gifts and volunteers to help give out the gifts when the fami-lies come to pick them up.

One more reminder of the outside cleaning that was done last month.

Building Use Fees: The fees paid by groups and persons who use our buildings will be increased on January 1, 2016. Additional Gifts from Estates: Central has con-tinued to receive gifts from wills and trusts. Recent gifts have been left to Central by Harold J. Leeman, Sr. and Jon Jenkins. Both gifts are unrestricted and can be used for any needs of Central. Christman Company: Conversations have been held with Christman Company, our neighbor across Capitol Avenue, who provided suggestions about tuckpointing (repairing deteriorated mortar joints), restoration of our windows (not including stained glass windows) and roof restoration. Value of Endowment Funds: Our endowment funds are a major factor in supporting the ministries of Central. It was expected that the value of Cen-tral’s endowment funds would increase about 6% during 2015. Instead of increases, the value of the endowment funds we had on January 1 had de-creased by about $80,000 by the end of September. As this is being written in late October, recovery is occurring. Section 213 Recommendations: The Adminis-trative Council recommended that the Board of Trus-tees consider providing some funding for ministry shares, work on restoration in the dining room and kitchen, and provide funding to have Central’s web-site redesigned Positive action has been started or taken by the Board of Trustees on all three items. Walls and Ceilings: Facility Manager Bruce New-ton was asked by the Board of Trustees to evaluate the condition of our walls and ceilings. Bruce re-viewed the rooms/areas in both of our buildings and reported damage in plaster or the need for painting in nearly all of the 56 rooms/areas reviewed. Con-siderable damage occurred because of water enter-ing the buildings. Next steps are being considered with the assistance of Swanson Design Studios.

November 2015 - Central Journal 5

Cleaning the Church Kitchen Special report from the Judy Grove Circle

Beginning October 12, members of Judy Grove Circle be-

gan the task of deep cleaning the kitchen. It may not seem like much if you haven’t been in our kitchen but

these ladies are removing every dish and glass from the

cupboards and washing the cupboards inside and out and washing and counting everything down there.

The first night Sharon Doering, Anita Gamble, Linda

Towsley, Sue Strait and Edie Robinson got through the upper cabinets in the serving kitchen. The shelf liners

were put through the dishwasher and deemed unusable.

They have been replaced. The glasses, dessert cups and punch cups were washed, counted and replaced in their


Later that week and the next during the day Mary Beth

Pifer, Sue Strait and Edie Robinson came back. Mary Beth washed the tops of the cabinets and all the lower

“plate” cabinets were emptied, cleaned, the dishes washed and counted and put back. Drawers have been

emptied, washed out and items replaced. The old miss-matched flatware has been set aside for donation, along

with other items no longer used. Items in disrepair or

broken items have been thrown away. The new flatware will be gracing the drawers soon.

UMW Submitted by Pat Mort and Linda Towsley

Among Friends Frank Anderson, home Don Coble, home Rita Clee, home Wilma Sewell, Willows of East Lansing Ron Gibbs, South Carolina recovering +++++++++++++++++++++++++

Transitions Art Boot died October 11, 2015. His service was held here at Central on October 24. +++++++++++++++++++++++++

Thanks Thanks to everyone for their cards and prayers dur-

ing my recent illness. They made me feel very

special. I especially thank David Stinson and Mary

and David Jessup for all of their support. I don’t

know what I would have done without you.

Rita Clee

Crismons for the Christmas Tree After gracing our Sanctuary tree for more than 30 years many of our cherished Crismons are in need of repair and/or replacement. This year’s Sanctuary tree will feature a few from our collection. We hope to repair or replace our more fragile Crismons for our 2016 tree.

Hard to believe that 2015 is almost over and time to

close the books for this year. There is still time to send your Pledge or World Thank Offering or Call of Prayer

to get it counted for this year.

You do not need to be a circle member to help support

Women and Children through UMW projects. Please send any and all checks to UMW treasurer Linda Tows-

ley, 11964 Jarvis Hwy, Dimondale 48821. Funds will be transferred to Lansing District UMW.

Thank you for all you have and will give to Central's


Edie scrubbed both the large stainless refrigerator

and the small stainless cooler ~ there are no long any “fuzzies”!

These women have worked long and hard and saved

us the cost of a professional cleaning crew. There is still work to do but please know when you go to use

the kitchen in the future everything will be clean and in order…thanks to the Mighty Women of Judy Grove


(Want to be a “Mighty Woman” and help out? Just

let the office know; we will put you in touch with the right people. We’ll take Mighty Men, too. We are an

equal opportunity force-to-be-reckoned-with!)

During this cleaning journey we have discovered

some things are no longer in the kitchen…things like the 100 cup coffee maker and the microwave. Two

of the four rolling carts work well. One has been dis-posed of for lack of working wheels! One needs re-

placing. If you plan on using the kitchen for a func-

tion in the future, please keep this in mind.

We will keep you informed on the progress in our kitchen adventure over the next few months.

November 2015 - Central Journal 6

Missions Cathy Amundsen, Chair

Silver Bells in the City is Friday, November 20. We will be open during the evening for people to stop by for a snack, to warm up and hear and see entertainment. This year Orpheus Choir and Irish Dancing will happen in Fellowship Hall. To make this a success we need some help ~ spe-cifically cookies or donut holes, cider, people to serve, host and clean up. Ideally we’d like 25 gal-lons of cider and lots of cookies! If you can help out please let Pat in the office know. There are also sign up sheets available in Fellowship Hall during Fellowship Time on Sundays. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet the people of Lan-sing and the surrounding communities while serv-ing Christ in downtown Lansing.

Central’s Daytrippers visited the Charlton Park Historic Village, Museum and Recrea-tion Area on October 21. The weather was perfect, and the fall colors were brilliant.

THANK YOU for your generous giving to the Chris-tian Education Sunday offering. The total was $303.00. With Christian Education we are building the church for the future. November 8, 2015 UMCOR DISASTER RELIEF OF-FERING From flooding in the US to earthquakes elsewhere. UMCOR is already there and working on our behalf. Now we need to help them carry on the work and replenish their supplies. Simply write UMCOR in the memo line of a check or put your offering in the envelope provided. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE! We are looking forward to having Rev. Bill Chu and students from MSU Wesley Foundation with us in worship on November 22nd. COMING IN DECEMBER: Look for the Christmas Giving Trees in the Library in December. For the last few years we have delivered most of the Mit-tens/hats and gloves collected to Willow School. This year we are expanding the MITTEN TREE to include other gifts to Willow School as well. More information on that will be in the December Central Journal.

A second Giving Tree this year will be an Angel Tree which Church & Society is planning and will be part of a Prison Family Ministry. Thank you for all your faithfulness.

November 2015 - Central Journal 7

01 Sunday 9:30am Worship 10:30 Fellowship Coffee Hour 11 Sunday School for All Ages 5:30pm Vespers Class

02 Monday 10am Staff 11:30 Interracial Fellowship

03 Tuesday 6pm Church & Society

05 Thursday 5:45pm Bell Choir 6:00 Church Conference/Mt. Hope UMC 6:30 Spirit Singers 7:30 Chancel Choir

08 Sunday 9:30am Worship 10:30 Fellowship Coffee Hour 11 Sunday School for All Ages 4:00pm Jack Clarkson Concert 5:30 Vespers Class

09 Monday 10am Staff 6pm Judy Grove Circle

10 Tuesday 6:15pm Trustees

11 Wednesday 7pm Administrative Council

12 Thursday 5:45pm Bell Choir 6:30pm Spirit Singers 7:30 Chancel Choir

15 Sunday In-gathering for South Lansing Food Bank 9:30am Worship 10:30 Fellowship Coffee Hour 11 Sunday School for All Ages 4:15pm Historic Organ Crawl 5:30 Vespers

16 Monday 10am Staff

17 Tuesday 9:30am Friendship Circle

19 Thursday 5:45pm Bell Choir

6:30 Spirit Singers 7:30 Chancel Choir

20 Friday 5:00pm Silver Bells in the City

22 Sunday ~ Thanksgiving Sunday 9:30am Worship 10:30 Fellowship Coffee Hour 11 Sunday School for All Ages 5:30 pm Vespers Class

23 Monday 10am Staff 1pm Guys Lunch Out

24 Tuesday 6:30 Spirit Singers 7:30 Chancel Choir

26 Thursday ~ Thanksgiving Blessings 27 Friday ~ Office Closed 29 Sunday ~ 1st Sunday in Advent 8:30am Hot Breakfast 8:45 Sip n Sing 9:30am Worship 10:30 Fellowship Coffee Hour 11 Sunday School for All Ages 5:30 Vespers

30 Monday 11:30am Staff

December 1 Tuesday 6pm Church and Society 6pm Finance

3 Thursday 5:45pm Bell Choir 6:30 Spirit Singers 7:30 Chancel Choir

4 Friday 6pm Christmas Cabaret

6 Sunday 8:45 Sip n Sing 9:30 Worship 10:30 Fellowship Coffee Hour 11 Sunday School for All Ages

5:30 Vespers Class

The Central Journal is published monthly by

Central United Methodist Church, 215 North

Capitol Avenue, Lansing, MI 48933. The De-

cember deadline is November 16, 2015.

Please submit your article to the church office

by that date. Thank you.

November 2015 - Central Journal 8

It is time to think of our annual display of red poinsettias for the Advent Sea-son. If you would like to contribute a poinsettia for the Chancel during the Ad-vent Season, please fill out the form below and send it along with your check to the church office. You may honor or memorialize someone in this manner. The cost is $11 per plant. The final day to order is Monday, December 7. The plants will be in place for the December 13 Worship Service and will remain through the Christmas Season. If you would prefer not to have an actual plant, you may designate that your contribution per plant be donated to the Ministry of Kindness Fund in memory or honor of your loved ones.


Please reserve #______ poinsettias ($11 per plant) = Total:$__________ OR

Donate $__________ to the Ministry of Kindness Fund.

The designation should read: ______ in memory of: or ______ in honor of:



Order deadline: December 7 — Please mark your check “Poinsettia” Payable to Central United Methodist Church, 215 N. Capitol Av, Lansing, MI 48933

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