November 2013

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The Ambassador Newspaper issue for November 2013


The Ambassador 1

June 2012

November 2013

GOD AT WORK!Divine Transformation

p. 9

Robbery GoneRIGHT!

p. 8

Local Homeless Get R.E.S.T.


In a deleted scene from Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction, Mia Wallace

(Uma Thurman) tells Vincent Vega (John Travolta) that she needs to find out what kind of person he is before she’ll go to dinner with him. Here’s what she says: My theory is that when it comes to important subjects, there’s only two ways a person can answer. For instance, there’s two kinds of people in this world, Elvis people and Beatles people. Now Beatles people can like Elvis. And Elvis people can like the Beatles. But nobody likes them both equally. Somewhere you have to make a choice. And that choice tells me who you are. There are other important things in life that can tell us what kind of person you are: chunky peanut butter, or smooth? Regular cola, or diet? It seems to me that the same is true when it comes to reading the Bible. Do you read the Bible as a helpful tool in your climb up toward moral betterment or as the story of God

coming down to broken, sinful people? In a very real way, our lives are defined by how we answer that question. Specifically, our lives are defined either by a cross or by a ladder. The ladder symbolizes our ascension—our effort to “go up.” The cross symbolizes God’s descension—his coming down. There is no better story in the Old Testament, or perhaps the whole Bible, for depicting the difference between the ladder-defined life and the cross-defined life than that of the Tower of Babel. In Genesis 11:4, the people make a decision. “Come, let us build ourselves a city,” they said, “with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves.” This is humanity in a nutshell. We want desperately to be known, appreciated, lauded, and extolled. We want to secure our own meaning, significance, and worth. We give our all to these objectives. But then something funny happens. After the people go to work

to build this tower that reaches “to the heavens,” v.5 says, “But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building.” I find this verse to be a great and sobering picture of our futile attempts to “make a name for ourselves,” to do something great in our own power. The momentous achievement that the builders are so proud of is so small and insignificant to God that he has to “come down from heaven” to even see what they’re up to. All their efforts, all their hard work, have resulted in a tower that not only doesn’t reach the heavens, but that can’t even beseen from them! None of our best attempts and none of our self-righteous strivings (and make no mistake, that is exactly what they are) can get us up to God. We are like the tower-builders: addicted to a ladder-defined life. We think that a life of ladder-climbing is a life of freedom: free to move at our own pace, up or down depending on our decisions,

Cont. on p. 7

By Tullian

What Is Your Life Defined By?


CROSS byTullian Tchividjian


The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador2


The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador




Editor/Publisher - Seth Halpern - Advisory - Dave Kugelman - Design - James Halpern

The Ambassador is a free, monthly publication promoting unity and revival among the local Yuba-Sutter area Bible-believing churches.The Ambassador has a circulation of 6,000 - 7,500 and is distributed in local churches and businesses in the community.The purpose of The Ambassador is to pursue the great commission of Christ by making disciples and to encourage, inform, challenge and connect the local body of Christ.We believe in the inspiration and authority of the Bible as the written word of God. We believe that God exists as One, in three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.We believe that the atoning work of Christ (His death) on the cross and His resurrection is the ONLY means of salvation and the only way to Eternal Life in Heaven.We welcome editorial content from anyone wishing to promote the mission of The Ambassador. All articles and advertisement content is subject to the approval of the editor. Views expressed in The Ambassador do not necessarily reflect those of our sponsors or advertisers

Janis Maasenis an author

and ordained minister -available for

Speaking Engagementsand Weddings.

She can be reached at(530) 675-9663

The Bride Church655 Colusa Hwy, YC

530-751-0505thebridechurch.orgSun. 9am & 11am

Craftsmen for Christ, Tue. 6:30

Church of Glad Tidings1179 Eager Road, Yuba City


Saturday 7pm - Sunday 10:00amWednesday 7pm

Samaritan Village OrphanageTanzania, Africa

You CAN help save the lives of

Call Tara (530-329-6619)or see page 16 to learn how

children in Tanzania!

Praise Chapel398 Aylor Avenue Yuba City

530-923-7204Sun. 10am, Wed. 7pmPastor Chris Madsen

WORD OF LIFE CHURCH1229 Buchanan Street, Marysville


Sun. 10am & 5pm & Wed. 6:30pmPastor Stan Reynolds

Janis MaasenIs an author

and ordained misiter available for

Speaking Engagementsand Weddings.

She can be reached at(530) 675-9663

Janis MaasenIs an author

and ordained minister available for

Speaking Engagementsand Weddings.

She can be reached at(530) 675-9663

Agape LighthouseCommunity Church2106 Pepper Street, Sutter

Pastor BJ Wilson530-237-6351


A place to sleep, shower and eat a meal.

Hear the Word of God every night,

Daily Bible studies.

Noon Prayer Service Mon-Fri

JOIN US FOR NEW SERVICES AT LIFE POINT OUTREACHSundays from 11:00 AM -1:00 PM314 D Street, Downtown Marysville Worship by Kings Clay, Reverend Joe Grinnell bringing us the Word of Truth.

Joe Grinnell, Executive Director

530-743-8777 – 940 14th Street, Marysville

Janis Maasenis an author

and ordained minister -available for

Speaking Engagementsand Weddings.

She can be reached at(530) 675-9663

WORD OF LIFE CHURCH1229 Buchanan Street, Marysville


Sun. 10am & 5pm & Wed. 6:30pmPastor Stan Reynolds

Janis MaasenIs an author

and ordained misiter available for

Speaking Engagementsand Weddings.

She can be reached at(530) 675-9663

Janis MaasenIs an author

and ordained minister available for

Speaking Engagementsand Weddings.

She can be reached at(530) 675-9663

CrossroadsCommunity Church

445 B Street, Yuba City530-751-9168

Iglesia Hermanos Unidos en Cristo700 Washington Ave., YC

Ph. 916-504-6050Pastors - Tino & Nila Melgar

Services: Domingo 2pm Martes 7pmSpanish only services

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church or ministry

partner with

The Ambassador?



for details

Bible College Tue/Thur 8am - noon,starting Sept.9th


Con� dential AnswersFREE



Walk-ins welcome! CALL24 HRS

430 North Palora � Suite KYuba City, CA


The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador




My sons waited patiently for the cookies I had promised they could share, while I finished washing their lunch dishes one afternoon. Suddenly my five year old began to cry, distraught because his younger brother had told him he couldn’t have any cookies. I was puzzled by his reaction. “But son,” I told him, “that’s not up to your brother. I already said you could have the cookies.” In that moment the Holy Spirit connected what had happened in my little boy’s mind, and what was happening in me when I believed lies spoken by the enemy. I knew Jesus had paid for me with His very life, in order to bring me back to Himself. His sacrifice secured me as loved, accepted, wanted, and invited into this relationship where I belonged, and where all that He had promised and paid for could be freely mine. At the same time, Satan had lost the authority he had over me when I believed in Jesus as my Savior, and he could not undo what Christ had already done. Then, as a believer, why was I experiencing so much less of the reality of heaven than I had been promised? In Genesis 3:11, God spoke to Adam and Eve, saying, “Who told you that you were naked?” When I read that question, I

heard God asking me, “Beloved, who told you that you weren’t good enough? Who told you that you must perform so that I will accept you? And who told you that I compare you to others, or that I could ever stop loving you? Those are lies from the liar, and I want you to know this - he is not the boss of you. I have said you are secure in Me. You must choose to believe Me.”

The answer to the question about why I lived as though I had more darkness than light surrounding me was in that simple lesson in which the Holy Spirit used my sons to teach me truth. Who did I really believe? Not, who did I say I believed, but whose words did I take in to my soul? Whose words did I repeat to myself, and make agreement with? You could tell by the way I lived, they were those of the liar. That afternoon with the cookies, my son would not have cared about words that weren’t true if he had really believed me. The years of pain and death I walked through as a “believer”, would have been very different if I had really believed my Savior. Since then, I have found power and life in meditating on God’s Word. I take it into my soul, repeat it to myself, whisper it in the dark, and agree with it out loud. Lies that once felt true are exposed and vanquished in the Light of Truth. “When I discovered Your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear Your name, O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies” Jer. 15:16. (NLT)

The Trumpet Call by Paula McBride

Ah! Football season! It isn’t too many years back that I was a football mom sitting in the home-side bleachers of Wheatland High School, enjoying the crisp autumn air, the spirit of anticipation, and the smell of grilling hot dogs. I stood with the crowd as the Pirates broke through their paper banner and stormed to the field, but my eyes didn’t rest until they found player #34, my son. I focused on the back of his jersey as the band tuned up for the National Anthem. Actually, the playing of the National Anthem was my favorite part of the evening. (The rest of the time I was terrified each time #34 ended up on the bottom of a pile.) A friend of mine played in the trumpet section, and when the song got to the part, “the land of the F-R-E-E-E”, she would flawlessly sound the note an octave higher, sending shivers down my spine and prickling my arms with goosebumps. I love the clear purity of that tone, and I anticipated it every time I heard the band play. I am honored to call that talented musician my friend. As I count my blessings this Thanksgiving season, I am grateful that one day a celestial trumpet will sound announcing the return of the best friend of all, the Lord Jesus Christ. Could it happen in my lifetime or yours? Are we foolish to believe it might? Not at all. Great men and women of the faith throughout history lived their lives believing that the Lord’s coming was near. Even though the Lord didn’t come when they thought He would, looking for His return impacted their lives in such a way that their influence is felt today. The apostle Paul, Luther, Calvin, Spurgeon, Finney, Moody, and Torrey all felt the Lord’s coming was close at hand. These many years later, the Lord still hasn’t come. Does that mean we quit living as if today could be the day? Should I toss my Bible in the nearest trash can and forget the promises it contains? Never! I choose to stand on the rock-solid “I Will” statements of God.

If Christ doesn’t come back for another 500 years, I would rather spend this day in anticipation because I know the effect it has on me. I realize that that troubles of today will not last forever. I value relationships over the accumulation of “things”. I agonize in prayer over lost loved ones who haven’t secured their eternal destiny. I participate in purposeful activity that benefits the kingdom of God. Most of all, I believe that Bible is the inspired Word of God. Paul, in writing to the Thessalonians, said, “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of a trumpet” (I Thess. 4:16 ESV). There will be more commotion at that event than we’ll ever see in football! Will you be joining me in the clouds? In the meantime, as we watch and wait, let’s be grateful. God’s promises are trustworthy, a sure foundation. He will come again, perhaps in our lifetime. Happy Thanksgiving!

COOKIESBy Rebecca Cofer

David HolycrossHelping families honor the lives of those they love since 1998

www.holycrossmemorial.comYuba City | (530) 751 - 7000 | License #FD1653

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador




Elizabeth HexbergBeginning the Day

By April James

Are any of you like me? I,attimes,tendtohitthefloorrunning,rushingheadlong



















Turquoise Heavens, pink and grey,the perfect end to a long hot day.

Lifting humble hands to pray,‘Thank you, for it all.’

Every moment, good or bad.Every feeling, happy, sad.Every set back, every goal.

Every time God touched my soul.‘Thank you for it all.’

I close my eyes to see His Face.Safe, at peace in His Embrace.

Nothing else has any place.Jesus pouring Holy Grace.

‘Thank you, for it all.’

With me, when my spirit soars.With me, when she cries no more.

With me, through the thick and thin.With me, stumbling through my sin.

‘Thank you, for it all.’

and,When I fall upon His Feet.

Home at last, the Race complete.Dare to lift my face to see,

the One who always carried me.

I will whisper through my tears to Thee.‘Thank you, for it all.’

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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador6

CHRISTIAN BUSINESS ALLIANCE LUNCHEONEvery 1st Tue @ NoonBonanza Inn, Yuba CityJoin us for Lunch, Fellowship and God’s Word! For info contact Dave Kugelman 530-632-9292

RIGHT TO LIFE MONTHLY MEETING1st Wed., 7pm (1st Wed of every month)St. Isisdore’s Community Parish Hall Conference Room. Business Meeting open to the all interested in pro-life issues. For more info, visit

FREE KARATE CLASSESFirst Baptist Church of OlivehurstMon 6:30pmFREE karate classes taught from a Christian perspective. 743-1831 for info, Pastor Miguel.

CELEBRATE RECOVERY Loma Rica Community Church - Moy Hall.Fri., 7pm.Call church office for more information 743-5435.

CROSSROADS CLOTHES CLOSETCrossroads Community Church, YCShop at our - FREE Clothes given away! Open Mon - Fri 10am - 4pm

AWANAWed’s, 5:45-7:45 PM during the school yearEvangelical Free Church3785 Olive Hwy., OrovilleFor information please call 533-6866Awana is a boys and girls club consisting of small group time, games, large group time.

PRAYER VIGIL FOR LIFE!Last Wed of each month, 4-5pmYuba-Sutter Right to Life is hosting peaceful, prayerful vigils in front of the Yuba City Planned Parenthood. All you need to participate is one hour and the desire to pray for LIFE. Please contact Heather Pugh at 751-9349 if you are interested.

WESTWORD RIDERS MOTORCYCLE MINISTRYNovember 16th & December 21st at 8:30am at Gridley Grill,484 Hwy 99, GridleyThe WestWord Riders motorcycle fellowship meets the 3rd Saturday of each month. Meetings are followed by a planned ride, so dust off that helmet and join us! For more information, contact: Willy Alongi at 701-1045.

CELEBRATE RECOVERYHope Point Nazarene, 600 N. George Washington Blvd, Yuba CityEach Wednesday, 6:30pmJoin us for this Christ-centered recovery group that provides a safe place for you with people who will love you through your pain, and celebrate with you during your victories. The group meets weekly, so visit us any time. Contact Pastor Mark or Pastor Dan at 671-1130 for more information.


If your church or ministry is having an outreach activity that you would like to promote in ourcalendar, please send your item via email to

editor@ambassadornewspaper.comby the 15th of the month for a listing in the

following month’s issue.

KNIT & CROCHET WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIPFirst Baptist Church of Olivehurst, 1777 - 8th Ave.Mon 10am - NoonPractice your yarn craft or learn a new one with us. Knifty Knitters are welcome. Bring your own project or work on a charity item that we donate to those in need in the community. Email for info.

SAMARITAN VILLAGE MONTHLY MEETINGCall 329-6619 for location3rd Tue of each month, 6:30pmThis meeting is open to all who are interested in helping with an orphanage in Tanzania. For info call Tara at 329-6619

DIVORCE CAREWednesdays 7:00 - 8:30pmHosted at: The Church of Glad Tidings1179 Eager Road, YCInfo:530-671-6069www.YubaSutterMarriage.comA Divorce Care group is a special place of encouragement, information and sharing. Weekly meetings provide you with an ongoing “support team” as you deal with the issues surrounding your separation or divorce

CELEBRATE RECOVERYPraise Chapel ChurchSun. 6:30 p.m.Join us for great worship and open share group.For more info call 530-923-7204 CELEBRATE RECOVERYCrossroads Community Church Mondays at 6:30pmWe are a Christ-Centered recovery group that provides a safe place to share your struggles, experiences, victories, and hopes with others who are also going through a Christ-Centered recovery.For more information contact Scott McCoy at 530-776-7602 or Follow us on Facebook @Celebrate Recovery Crossroads Community Church

GUITAR LESSONS - NEW!Twin Cities Rescue Mission 940 14th St Marysville, CA 95901Mondays at 4:45pm-6:15pmWe are offering free guitar lessons led by Cliff Martin. Beginning and experienced guitar players of all ages are welcome. We practice chords as well as learn some Christian worship songs. All you need is a guitar! We hope to see you there.

HELPING HANDS FIGHT HUNGER MEAL PACK-A-THONNew Life Christian School--5736 Arboga Road, OlivehurstWednesday, Nov 6th noon to 4 pmNLCS is excited about our first fundraising campaign “Helping Hands Fight Hunger Meal Pack-a-Thon”, where our students help pack 10,000 meals to help feed the food-insecure in our area. We’d be blessed to have you participate in this exciting campaign! To make a donation or for more info, please call the school- 742-3033

RESTORATION RAILROAD IN-DEPTH HUMAN TRAFFICKING TRAININGYuba College Main Campus, Room 1018 in the 1000 BuildingThursday, November 7, 6:30-8:30 PMLearn what human trafficking is, its indicators, how to respond. This is a great opportunity to introduce the topic to others you know. Explode myths, gain deeper insight and learn what you can do now to fight trafficking. This is Restoration Railroad’s final event until March 2014.

FCS PLAYERS PRESENT “THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST”First United Methodist Church of Yuba City – 3101 Colusa HwyNovember 13-16 at 7:30 p.m. and November 16 at 2:00 p.m.Original drama by Oscar Wilde, adapted and directed by Paul DeMeritt. General Admission: $12 Seniors, Students, and Active Duty Military: $10 call (530) 674-5474 for more information or go to

ORGAN CONCERT - ANGELA KRAFT CROSSFirst Presbyterian Church of MarysvilleNovember 17th at 4pmFPCM will be hosting Angela Kraft Cross a virtuoso organist, pianist and composer. She is also a retired Eye Surgeon. The event is free to the community in the appreciation of the arts.

HOLIDAY MARKETPLACEHope Point Nazarene, 600 N. George Washington Blvd, Yuba CityFriday November 22nd from 1pm - 7pm

Do your shopping here! Home decor, food, jewelry, furniture, and more - all hand made specialty items. $15 to rent a space to sell, the event is free for visitors. Contact Linda at 673-1105 for details.

GRANDPARENT’S DAY AT FAITH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 2620 Colusa Hwy and 3105 Colusa Hwy in Yuba City, November 22 A day to honor the grandparents of our school families. All FCS grandparents are welcome. For more information call (530) 674-5474 (families with 6th-12th grade students) or (530) 674-3922 (families with K-6th grade students).

THANKSGIVING BASKETSNorth Valley Calvary Chapel 613 Bogue Rd. in Yuba CityMonday, November 25th at 6PMEvery Year NVCC puts together Thanksgiving Baskets to distribute to needy families in our area. We are accepting donations for the baskets. You can contact us at 530-674-5296 for items list. We need people to assemble and deliver as well.

THANKSGIVING SERVICE AND DINNERTwin Cities Rescue Mission 940 14th Street, MarysvilleNovember 27th at 12pmWe are having a service led by Joe Grinnell in our sanctuary at the mission as well as some worship led by Kings Clay. Following the service will be a time of fellowship and a time to enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone is welcome.

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador 7


By Dan WoodingFounder of ASSIST Ministries

COSTA MESA, CA (ANS) -- Pastor Chuck Smith, 86, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, California, died early today (Thursday, October 3, 2013), after a courageous battle with lung cancer. He passed away in Southern California where he had lived with his wife, Kay, for most of his life. Smith was an extraordinary man, who despite his terrible pain and breathing problems, preached three times last Sunday morning at his huge church. “Papa Chuck”, as many called him, became well-known in the late 60’s and early ‘70s when hippies started flocking to his church and a tent was erected nearby which was packed with hippies. The resulting “Jesus People Revival” transformed worship music and birthed the rise of the Calvary Chapel movement with churches all over the world. Many of those early hippie converts went on to pastor some of America’s largest churches, including Greg Laurie and Mike MacIntosh. His verse-by-verse Bible

teaching was a hallmark of preaching and he would take the congregation through the entire Bible and that teaching was carried on his “Word for Today” radio program . He appeared almost to the end, on “Pastor’s Perspective” on the KWVE Radio Network, which was linked with his church and was carried across America, on “World News Briefing” on His Channel ( It was on Sunday (January 1, 2012), when many in the congregation at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, were shocked and surprised when Chuck Smith announced during the morning services that he had been diagnosed with lung cancer. Yet Smith said that he had never smoked in his life. During an interview shortly after he first announced he had lung cancer, I was able to interview him and I asked him at the time how people could pray for him. “Well, just pray that the Lord’s will be done because whatever it is, I’m open to Him,” he said. Now, the Lord’s will has been done and Chuck Smith has finished well and is now receiving his reward.

Pastor Chuck Smith, 86, Home With Jesusresponsible for our own progress. We climb our ladders for the same reasons that the people of the world built their tower: to make a name for ourselves, to ensure our own legacy, to secure our own value. We love to imagine that we’re on a higher rung than someone else, a better father than someone else, a more accomplished follower of Christ than someone else. But ladder-climbing actually and inevitably leads to slavery. Paul Zahl, in his great book Who Will Deliver Us, describes the ladder-defined life like this: If I can do enough of the right things, I will have established my worth. My identity is the sum of my achievements. Hence, if I can satisfy the boss, meet the needs of my spouse and children, and still do justice to my inner aspirations, then I will have proven my worth…conversely…if I do not perform, I will be judged unworthy. To myself I will cease to exist. The life of slavery happens when we try to “do it ourselves.” We become imprisoned by our failures (often real, sometimes perceived) and to ourselves, we cease to exist. This isn’t freedom, it’s bondage. But there is good news: our towers of Babel don’t remain standing. God loves us too much to leave us in the hell of unhappiness that comes from trying to do his job. Into the slavish misery of our ladder-defined lives, God condescends.

His first act is an act of judgment. He scatters them—he dis-organizes them, literally. God takes away their faith in themselves, the very misplaced faith that enslaves them. When everyone in the world spoke the same language, God came down in judgment, breaking the world apart. But at just the right time, he came down again, this time to reconcile that sinful world to himself. He replaces our ladder with his cross. His final descent was to save us, and to set us free. So how do you read the Bible? Is the Bible a manual for living the ladder-defined life? Or is it the announcement of the one who came down and hung on a cross in order to rescue us from our efforts to make it on our own? God is not at the top of a ladder shouting, “Climb.” He is at the bottom on a cross whispering, “It is finished.”

ABOUT TULLIAN TCHIVIDJIANSenior Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Author, and Speaker. A South Florida native, Tullian Tchividjian is the grandson of Ruth and Billy Graham. He is the author of several books and a lecturer of Pastoral Theology at Knox Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Kim, have three children. For more of Tullian’s writing visit

Cont. From Cover

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador




Cont. on p.12

by Kug

Full line of Promotional Products Embroidery Screen PrintingOwners: David & Robin Kugelman

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By Heather ClarkChristian News Network

GUTHRIE, Okla. – A Christian woman from Oklahoma recently stunned a man who stole her wallet after she offered to pay for his groceries. The situation happened earlier this month when Jessica Eaves, who serves as an outreach leader at First Christian Church of Guthrie, realized that her wallet was suddenly missing. She had been shopping in her local grocery store and remembered seeing a man come up behind her. The next thing she knew, her wallet was missing from her purse. However, instead of immediately calling the police, Eaves decided to do something bold: she tracked him down. But as she did so, an admonition from the Bible came to mind.“ So I walked toward him and kind of weaved through the carts,” she told local television station KWTV. “And as I did, this Scripture from Luke kind of jumped out at me that said if someone hits you on the cheek, turn the other cheek. If someone steals your cloak, give them your shirt. So I thought, ‘Well, I’ll just be nice.’” “I said to him, ‘I think you have something of mine. I’m gonna give you a choice,’” she told reporters. “You can either give me my wallet and I’ll forgive

you right now, and I’ll even take you to the front and pay for your groceries.” However, she also told the man that if he chose not to return her wallet, she would call the police. The unidentified shopper was taken aback for a moment, and then handed her the wallet. “He just kind of stared at me for a second and he reached into his hoodie pocket and handed it to me,” she explained. Eaves then proceeded to pay for the man’s groceries, which consisted of items such as milk, bread, bologna, soup, crackers and cheese. He became emotional and was moved to tears as she covered his $27 bill. “The last thing he said to me was, ‘I’m embarrassed, I have kids, I’m broke and I’m sorry,’” she told local television station KOCO. However, the story didn’t end there. Eaves states that she never carries cash on her, but just happened to do so that day. Even more amazing to Eaves was the fact that she had just the right amount of money in her wallet to cover the man’s groceries. “When I got to the check-out counter that day, his total was just a little over $27 and I had $28 in cash in my wallet,” she told the Christian Post. “And

Robbery Gone RIGHT

530 755-3474

The Ambassador



The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


The Ambassador Ministrywould like to thank the following people for their Individual Sponsorship

Marty BrownWarren & Lucy Campbell

Chuck DavidBill EberleyBob Gilbert

Pamela GivansRich & Joan Hackney

Tom HarrisMarie Hiebert

Brad IndelicatoHope Ithurburn

Sandi JuriSue Kochi

Carrie PedersonWendell Prine

Jeff RoyceJon & Pat Skillman

An out of state donor

God Bless Each of Youfor your support of this ministry and our community

If you would be interested in supporting The Ambassadoras an Individual Sponsor ($20/month)

please contact Seth Halpern at: or call 530-933-1385

or visit us online

1224 Plumas StreetYuba City, CA 95991

Geri Moore, Director530.755.3850Lic. 515001824

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Divine Transformation!

Frank Weger Before the year 2000, I was a productive tax paying citizen. I had a house, a wife and a general contracting business. Divorce can produce a downward spiral. I went from being a productive citizen, and no drugs to manufacturing Meth to pay divorce bills. Addiction came soon afterwards. Through all the chaos, God saw fit to bless me with a new wife, Lisa. In January 2011, Yuba County Net Five woke me with a raid on my house. Two days before, I cried out to God for help. God’s answer was a S.W.A.T. officer’s rifle. Facing five years in prison, God intervened. While Lisa waited for me, I

If you would like to experience the peace and transformed life that Frank did and you are willing to commit your life to the only one who can truly set you free from your sin, you can pray to the Lord right now and ask Him to forgive you of your sins. Because of what His Son, Jesus, did by dying on the cross, your sins will not be held against you by God anymore. You can experience freedom for the rest of your life on earth and then have a life in Heaven with God for eternity. God’s part of the deal is already done. Your part is to confess your sins, repent (or change your ways) and believe that He is Lord. If your life is out of control, let Him take over control. For help, questions, or more information, contact us at The Ambassador or any of the churches listed on p. 3..

did a year in Feather River Men’s Center where I learned to trust in God. For two years now I have been playing music with Roger and Linda Vaca in Kings Clay. They introduced me to the Twin Cities Rescue Mission, where we are on the Board of Directors and teach at their Bible College. Great things are happening for us. Joe Grinnell informed Lisa and I that we were chosen to oversee the Women’s Mission, which, God willing, opens soon. Without God’s saving grace, none of this would be possible.

“For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not disaster. To give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

The Ambassador10

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador 11

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador



RESOURCESPraying for the Persecuted

By Kole Farney

The deadliest attack on Christians in the history of Pakistan happened last month. The death toll has reached 85, with 120 wounded. Two suicide bombers entered the worship service in a building that has stood since 1883, and set off explosives containing ball bearings. Children, wives, brothers, mothers and friends were among those murdered “in the name of Allah” by these wicked men. In Iran, a pastor named Saeed Abedini, has been imprisoned for being a Christian. He has served one year of an eight-year sentence. His wife, Naghmeh, recently spoke to students at Liberty University saying, “They’ve told him many times that they would free him and allow him to return to our family, the kids and I, if he would deny his Christian faith, and he’s stood strong in that prison. He’s led many, many—over 30 people—to Christ in that prison.” What should we expect?Jesus told his disciples that he was sending them out as sheep among wolves and that they would be mistreated, beat up, and, “Hated by all for my name’s sake,” (Matt 10:22). He told them that this was going to happen so that they could bear witness before kings and governors and the Gentiles. Trouble was coming so that the gospel would advance.

For the 12 disciples, this happened just as Jesus said it would. However, the story does not end with them. Paul says in 1 Timothy 3:12, “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” After reminding Timothy of how he was persecuted in many of the cities he took the gospel to, Paul said that

this was the normal Christian experience. How should we pray?While sitting in a Roman prison, Paul wrote the book of Philippians. He told the Christians in Philippi that he was in prison for the advance of the gospel (1:12). Prison guards were hearing of Jesus (1:13) and local believers were emboldened to witness for Christ because of Paul’s ministry while in chains (1:14). Paul shared with the Philippians that their prayers and the Spirit would bring about deliverance from any temptation to be ashamed of Jesus Christ, even in the face

of death (1:19-20). From the same prison, Paul also wrote to the Ephesians. He asked them to pray that, “Words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly as I ought to speak,” (Eph 6:19-20). Paul’s prayer request in the midst of persecution was that he would be bold with the gospel. The ministry was thriving in that dark prison and Paul knew God had sovereignly placed him there to witness for His name. Amidst our righteous pleas for mercy and release for persecuted Christians, let us not forget that they ought to be declaring the gospel boldly. If our prayers are to mirror the New Testament requests, they must be tempered by the truth that “To live is Christ, and to die is gain,” (Phil 1:21). Pray that God would advance the gospel through others, even in the face of death.

Philippians 1:29—For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake. Matthew 5:11—Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. 2 Corinthians 4:11—For we who live are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.

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so I knew in that moment it wasn’t me. It was Christ that played in that moment.” Eaves says that she never wanted any attention over the matter, but that when she posted about the experience on Facebook, word began to spread. While some have been critical of the college student and mother of four for not reporting the man for theft, Eaves believes that she did what was right and would like to see others also react the same when in similar situations. She also says that she hopes the man has learned his lesson and will stop stealing. “Regardless of how much money we have, we should always be willing to help someone in need because there is always someone who is in greater need than we are,” she stated.

Cont. from p.8

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The Ambassador



The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


By Justin Sarachik, Christian Post Reporter

Christian independent movie, “I’m In Love With A Church Girl,” looks to be quite a hit after a strong opening weekend in select theaters. It is currently the #1 independent movie in theaters, with Rolling Stone calling the film “the biggest indie debut this week,” with showings on more than 450 screens averaging, per screen $2300. The movie stars Jeff “Ja Rule” Atkin, Adrienne Bailon, Stephen Baldwin, Vincent Pastore, Michael Madsen, T-Bone, Martin Kove and TobyMac, with Steve Race directing. The story focuses on Ja Rule looks to find “faith and redemption” from a past of crime after meeting the girl of his dream, Bailon, who happens to be a church girl. “I got a call about the film, I read the script and liked the character,” said Ja Rule to The Christian Post “I felt there were parallels between me and Miles life. [There’s a lot of parallels] he’s going

through a struggle between good and evil, he’s trying to do something positive with his life. He’s looking towards the light and his past keeps bringing him back to a dark place and I can really relate to that.” The rapper, like his character Miles Montego, just came out of a stint in prison. Churches have flocked to support the film and are going on church

visits to theaters. “’I’m in Love With A Church Girl’ may be one of a very small handful of totally in your face unapologetic Christian movies that’s hitting 500 screens. That’s quite unusual in the distribution process in Hollywood. So the fact that the companies that are involved in this [such as] Sony and Vivendi is really encouraging,” said actor Stephen Baldwin to CP about his goal working on the movie.

“I’m In Love With A Church Girl,” is rated PG and is distributed in the United States by High Top Releasing.

For more info about the movie visit,

‘I’m in Love with a Church Girl,’ Starring Ja Rule and Adrienne Bailon, is #1 Indie Movie in the U.S

By Janey DeMeoSpecial to ASSIST News Service

Nothing compares to a cozy Christmas story at this time of year—especially when it takes place in a quaint village in Victorian England. And especially when it’s written by Max Lucado. Picture courtesy of TN Publishers The Christmas Candle (TN Publishers) by best-selling author Max Lucado takes place in one of my favority parts of England -- the Cotswolds. In the heart of the Cotswolds, in Gladstone, life consists of hard work, tradition and

cobblestone streets. But for Edward Haddington, a humble candle maker, life takes on a new meaning when he receives a mysterious visit from an angel—a visit that will not only change his life but the lives of everyone in the community. And it will renew the jading faith of the new preacher. The angel imparts a special gift to Edward but with it comes a heavy responsibility. He and his wife Bea must choose the person they feel is most needy of a miracle. Through this delightful novella, Lucado shows that everyone needs a miracle at some time. Everyone needs a special touch from God, a miraculous provision or healing. And miracles don’t depend on the whim of man. They are the specialty of the one whose birth we celebrate at Christmas. The Christmas Candle makes a great stocking stuffer or gift for a co-worker or friend. It will also be out in theaters as a movie in November.

The Christmas Candle

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador



COMMUNITYHelping The Homeless

REST This Winter Regional Emergency Shelter Team. In one word, REST. A statement meaning warmth, nourishment and compassion. REST partners with local churches coming together to offer shelter to our Yuba Sutter homeless families and women during the winter months. Last season, REST provided a total of over 2800 beds and meals to over 140 different individuals. As a rotating shelter, REST provides an evening meal and a warm safe place to sleep in the same fashion Jesus calls upon us from Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” REST is a team of volunteers working with churches and organizations that share the spirit of love and hospitality and desire to demonstrate compassion and concern, not only for the physical needs, but also recognize their spiritual need for love, acceptance, respect and friendship. With the weather changing, REST is again preparing to open the doors to shelter those in need. For this season to be successful, we need you! If you have a heart for service and a passion to help those in need, we have opportunities where you may offer support, encouragement and prayer. We are seeking volunteers to serve in the capacity of Intake, Overnight Supervisor and Morning Portal. Intake takes place

each night at Hands of Hope, 909 Spiva Avenue, Yuba City. Volunteers help with the registration and prepare them for their transition to the overnight shelter. Overnight Supervisors share dinner with the guests and stay overnight at the host church. Morning Portal volunteers greet the guests as they arrive back to the Hands of Hope building, offer a light breakfast, snack bag and shower facilities. Our 4th season will operate from November 23, 2013 to April 11, 2014. If you are interested in volunteering, we encourage you to explore the REST website for our local area, Please consider attending ONE of our Volunteer Training classes set for Monday, October 28 at Cornerstone Church, 700 Washington Avenue, YC, OR Tuesday, November 19 at River Valley Christian Fellowship, 1764 Tierra Buena Road, YC, both from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm . If you have questions regarding the REST program please call 530-218-1985. We look forward to beginning a new season, a new adventure and continuing to build upon a delightful team of volunteers to make this season a success!

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All year long OCC volunteers plant seeds that grow into shoeboxes to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to children around the world. Churches, clubs, organizations , and individuals pack their boxes with school supplies, hygiene items, and toys to give to children suffering from war, famine, disease, and poverty. These boxes will be given in the name of Jesus, and when they are opened the love and prayers packed within will burst forth to bless that child, helping God to change his or her life for all eternity!

Have you finished packing your Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift yet? If not, get busy. You don’t want to miss your chance to change a child’s life. Shoebox packers across the United States will be bringing their

filled gifts to their local relay center during National Collection Week. Our Yuba Sutter OCC Drop-Off Location is Hope Point Nazarene Church,600 N. George Washington Blvd. Yuba City, CA. We will be open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday from 2-4 pm, Wednesday 5-7 pm, Sunday 1-4 pm, and our LAST DAY is Monday [11/25] 10 am to noon. So join the harvest celebration and finish packing those shoebox gifts. God is working in a mighty way through Yuba Sutter. He has already provided over 500 shoeboxes from the OCC packing party. Be His hands and feet by packing a box for Operation Christmas Child to send to a child-in-need across the world. For more information, please call Kathy at 916-747-2212 or email

God’s Bountiful Harvest through Operation Christmas Child

National Collection Week ~November 18-25~

The Ambassador



The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

COMMUNITYLocal Author Realizing a Dream

My name is Leslie Greenetz. I live in Yuba City and work as a freelance artist and writer. I’ve always been enamored with imagining the life of Jesus before his ministry years. He was raised like every other young man in Israel. I presume many of the parables he told stemmed from the life experiences he gleaned in his formative years. Years ago I wrote a play exploring the life of Jesus as a twelve year old boy then ten years later as a young man. And recently I have wanted to express to young people, children in particular, that Jesus was just like them, but perfect.

So the idea of a ‘what would Jesus do’ for kids series developed. A Week In Galilee is the title of the series that is told from the perspective of a mouse (smile).

Mort is a tiny mouse who lives in the workshop of Jesus, a carpenter in Nazareth. Jesus was recently made the head of his house when his step father passed away. He is the oldest son of Mary and has five younger brothers and sisters. As a mouse and head of his own family, Mort has a busy and complicated life. His daily responsibilities are often interrupted by the needs of others and he struggles with knowing what is the right thing to do. Very often he takes his cues from Jesus, the way he handles life’s twists and turns. Children learn right along with Mort the way someone as wise and loving as Jesus sets an example of how to honorably juggle responsibilities, relationships and life in this complex world we live in. I take great delight in illustrating and created watercolors to fill the pages of the first finished book, Thursday in Capernaum. The other titles in the series are: Monday in Nazareth, Tuesday in the Wilderness, Wednesday in Tiberius, Friday at the Market, Saturday Rest Day, and Sunday Feast Day.

To obtain books, please contact me directly at

November is National Adoption Month

Open Adoption has changed the way women see options when facing unplanned pregnancy. If she isn’t ready or able to provide for her child, adoption can become a positive solution for her and her baby.

Today, some women face outdated myths and fears when it comes to adoption. At Lifetime Adoption, we understand. Our goal is to help her learn the truth about adoption so that she can have the freedom to decide if it’s the best fit for her and her baby.

Let’s address some of the common thoughts women might share regarding an unplanned pregnancy:

She thinks: I can’t tell my family.The truth is: You can make a confidential adoption plan and hide your pregnancy, if needed. Only the adoption professionals you trust, the adoptive family you choose, and the loved ones you include will know about your pregnancy and your plans. Your privacy is important and there is help for any situation.

She thinks: I’m not sure I could handle wondering about my baby the rest of my life.The truth is: With an open adoption, you can choose an adoptive family who will keep in touch with you through pictures, letters, email, websites, phone, text, or even visits. You can get to know them before the adoption too. Many open adoptions feel like extended family over time. Your baby can know who you are and how you provided her a life through your loving choice of adoption.

She thinks: If I have faith, God will provide a way for me to raise my baby on my own.

The truth is: There are many times when a woman facing unplanned pregnancy receives confusing advice from her church, family, or pastor. Sometimes God’s solution may not be for a mother to parent her child directly at this time in her life. Adoption is one way God may lead a woman to plan for her child’s needs and future. Adoption is a loving choice, a choice of faith, hope, and redemption.

She thinks: I’d never forgive myself.The truth is: Women who make informed decisions do find healing and hope. Through adoption there is FREE counseling available, before, during, or after choosing adoption. She can even talk with other birth mothers for their experience and support. With open adoption, a woman can find peace knowing how her child is doing and seeing the family she helped to create. There are even scholarships and resources to help women achieve their personal goals after adoption. It’s one way she can provide a future for her child and create a positive future of her own.

If you’re facing unplanned pregnancy, take a step to learn about open adoption: call Lifetime Adoption at 1-800-923-6784, go online to, or visit our office at 430 N Palora Avenue, Suite K, in Yuba City.

(Editor’s Note: See Lifetime Adoption’s ad on p.3. Also, listen to the Ambassador Radio Show on Thursday, Nov 7th for my interview with the founder of Lifetime Adoptions, Mardie Caldwell)

What Have YOU Heard About Adoption?





The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador




Join us from noon to 1pm at the Bonanza Innthe first Tuesday of every month for a time of

encouragement, fellowship and prayer with theChristian Business Alliance.

All are welcome!

Samaritan Village OrphanageTanzania, Africa

Simon(DOB: May 2nd, 2001)

Simon’s mother died of HIV when he was two months old. He was taken in by a Convent until the age of two years. At this time, being a boy child, he had to leave the convent. The convent requested that he be placed in Samaritan Village. He attends Lady of Mercy School and is in Primary Prep.

A gift of $60. monthly will provide for Simon’s care at Samaritan Village Orphanage. A monthly sponsorship for a child is $60., but any amount - either one time, monthly or even yearly is greatly appreciated.

You may follow us on Facebook @ Samaritan Village Orphanage and through our quarterly Newsletter. The all volunteer Board and friends of Samaritan Village meet monthly and you are invited to attend the meetings to learn more about this life saving work. Please call Tara @ 530-329-6619 for information and meeting information. To sign up for our Newsletter, please drop us a note at the address below and include your name, mailing address and email address (if available). As always, we solicit and covet your prayer partnership for these little ones whom God has placed in our care.

Samaritan Village Orphanage, Inc.P.O. Box 444Yuba City, CA 95992Tax ID#68-0214955 501c 3

Can You Sponsor Simon?

“...whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matt 25:40


In Jesus Name!by Dave Kugelman

There is great and growing opposition from non-Christians (and surprisingly from some Christians as well) to try and stop us from praying in the Name of Jesus! Military Chaplains are no longer allowed to pray in Jesus’ name. This is just one example. Students in our government schools, though legally allowed to express their faith, continually face disciplinary action for professing their Christian beliefs. Those who practice a faith other than Christianity do not experience the same level of aggressive opposition that followers of Jesus experience. Why? The answer is because satan (I refuse to capitalize his name) knows that other faiths are not a threat to him. He is terrified at the mention of the name Jesus. He understands that there is true power in the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus makes it clear in the following verse that He will answer prayers that are prayed in His name.

John 14:13-14 (NIV) And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

Let me be crystal clear on one essential point. It does not take any courage to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ in a Christian setting. It does, however, take courage to proclaim his name in a hostile non-Christian environment where there is a blend of varying beliefs. Jesus also makes it clear how He feels about His followers who acknowledge Him publicly and how He feels about those who don’t.

Matthew 10:32-33 (NIV) “Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.

We must stand boldly for Jesus Christ regardless of the consequences. I know that I do not have the courage to stand for Him in a hostile setting. But I do know that He can and will give me His power and His courage to do what I could never do on my own. Satan knows that there is only one answer to man’s problems and that is Jesus Christ, the only Son of God who died for the sins of the world. The World needs Jesus. Let’s not keep Him a secret.

David Kugelman is the president of the Christian Business Alliance which meets each Tuesday at noon at various locations. Dave welcomes your questions or comments on this article at

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador




3-Nov Localofficialsandcommunityleaders4-Nov Caregiversofelderlyanddisabled5-Nov ElectionDay-fornational/stateleadersandissues6-Nov Marriages,RestorationandStrength7-Nov Unityamongchurches8-Nov Forboldness&protectiontostandforTruthwithoutcompromise9-Nov Simon&otherorphanchildren-SamaritanVillage(seep.3)10-NovMilitary,Allarmedforces&theirfamilies.11-Nov Veteran’sDay-forhealth/provisonforvets12-Nov LGBTindividuals-forGodtorevealtruth13-Nov Prayforhomelessministries14-NovAreaYouth-LocalYouthministers/Youthgroups15-Nov AmbassadorRadioShow/KCYC104.7forlistenerimpact16-Nov Jobsforunemployed/underemployed17-Nov ChristianBusinesses-AmbassadorSponsors&others.18-Nov Sick/Afflicted,HealingandComfort19-NovAWoman’sFriend-Unbornchildren/PregnantWomen20-NovTheAmbassadorNewspaper-IncreasedreadershipandImpact21-Nov GlobalPersecution-Safety/CourageofBelievers22-NovAreaSchoolsStudentsandTeachers23-NovMiddleEast-ForthepeaceofJerusalem24-NovSexTrafficking-prayfortherescueofvictims25-NovMarketplaceMinistries-Opportunitiestoshare26-NovLocalministries(seep.3)27-NovChildrenandChildren’sMinistries28-NovThanksgiving-GiveThankstoGodtoday!29-NovElderly,healthandhealing,comfort30-NovSingles,SingleParents,Divorcehealing1-Dec Addicted,Rehabministries-ReformersUnanimous(p.3)2-Dec Homeless/Poor-TwinCitiesRescueMission,AHandUp,otherhomelessministries3-Dec TeenDepression,Suicide4-Dec Missionaries-Fruit,Provision

Prayer Calendar for

November 2013

For weekly reminders, updates, or to join email

A-1 Carpet Cleaning - (530) 673-3634 - www.a-1clean.comKathy Baum - Operation Christmas Child - (916) 747-2212

Ron Brasier - A Hand Up Ministry - (530) 671-1360Marty Brown - KCYC-LP FM - (530) 674-5296

Kathleen Caldwell - City of Live Oak - (530) 695-2112Fred Cox - Richard's Tree Service - (530) 673-7993

Chuck DavidBrent Davis - Brent Davis Insurance - (530) 671-2764

Carol Dodds - A Woman’s Friend - (530) 741-9136Bill Eberley - Digital Direct - (800) 824-4246x10

Dennis Gable - Operation Christmas Child - (530) 695-1495Bob Gilbert - - (775) 722-1212

Pamela GivansMarcos Gonzalez - Ultimate Business Maintenance - (530) 671-1564

John L. Guth - Attorney/Estate Planning - www.johnguthlaw.comJames Halpern - Remembrance Video Tributes -

Seth Halpern - Ambassador Newspaper - editor@ambassadornewspaper.comDavid Hobbs Painting - Cont. Lic#880562 (530)742-2428David Holycross - Holycross Memorial – 530-751-7000Cassandra Hoon- A Better Yard Care - 530-673-3722

Brad Indelicato - Dolco Packaging - bdi26@comcast.netDean Ingraham -

Bill Jens - Yuba Sutter Healthy Marriage Project - (530) 671-6069Sandi Juri

Dave Kugelman - Proforma by Kug - (530) 742-2423Clay Maynard - Consultant - (530) 790-6611

Carmel Mooney - Pawsitive Solutions - pawsitivesolutions.comJerry Munz - JM Construction Co. - (530) 682-5316

Jared Nunes - Sutter HealthChuck & Miriam Page

Ronda PutmanDarrell Sayles - Love Unlimited Body of Christ -

Roger Shadd - Shadd Janitorial Supply - 530-673-0083Robert Stark - Sutter county Auditor/Controller -

Dwayne Tanabe - Taylor Accountancy Corp - dktanabe@yahoo.comJenine Tanabe - Jenine L. Tanabe, MD Dematology - (530) 743-0301

Bill Weeks - Larry Geweke Ford-Kia - www.geweke.comKim Worthy - Stretch-A-Buck - 530-674-2275

Rich Fellowship, Powerful Prayer, Refreshing Presence of God! We meet at the Bonanza Innthe �rst Tuesday of the month from noon – 1pm.

Current members:


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The Ambassador18

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


Seth Halpern - Editor

A Very Encouraging ‘Letter to the Editor’

(The following letter came as an email to me from one of our dear Individual Sponsors. Not wanting to draw attention to herself, this sponsor asked not to be indentified)

Hi Seth, I wanted to let you know I just finished reading this month’s edition of The Ambassador. I love each issue, but I honestly think this is the BEST one yet. I am a passionate Pro-Life believer, but wasn’t always. Before I was “awakened” I thought I was -- having become wise in my own eyes so that my beliefs fit conveniently with those of all my co-workers who were “pro-choice” or “pro-death” as I now refer to it. I started becoming truly awakened by listening to a Pro-Life radio program on radio 1620 which is a Catholic station. A number of years ago now, during my commute to Sacramento there was a program on that station supporting and explaining the Pro-Life movement and exposing the “pro-choice” movement. Over a period of several months, my eyes were opened and I came to realize what the pro-choice movement was all about.

I know from first hand experience how easy it is to totally lose sight of the Truth when surrounded by people who are “wise in their own eyes”. I am ashamed now that I ever fell for the lies around me, but I did. I will forever be grateful to the Catholic church for having that program on the radio that reached my heart. I am so thankful to be a part (however small) of The Ambassador because the paper speaks the truth and hopefully this issue will open the eyes of other people who have had their eyes blinded by the constant lies spoken in favor of “choice”. Thank you Seth for all you do to get the Word out. It is desperately needed. Desperately.

Individual Sponsors typically contribute about $20/month (some more, some less). Would you consider joining this sponsor and a handful of others who long to see this message spread in our community?

Before I get into this article I’d like to preface it by saying; I have no beef with science. I am thankful for the advancements in medicine and technology that have made life here on earth more enjoyable. In fact, some years ago, science and nature were where I, mistakenly, placed my faith. So no, I have no problem with science…my problem is with…scientists. Recently, the Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded to Peter Higgs and Francois Englert for their “apparent” discovery of the of the elusive Higgs boson (a boson being a subatomic particle). In 1964, Higgs theorized the existence of such a particle as an explanation of how matter formed following the “Big Bang” (yet another theory). In effect, trying to prove one theory by using another, which, in turn would validate the other. Simple, huh? It is kind of like age dating a fossil using the age of the rocks found around it…which are, in turn, dated by the age of the fossil. Say What? Anyway, in March of 2013, physicists accelerated particles down a 17 mile, $10 billion particle collider and smashed them into other particles and atoms. By gathering data from the collision, physicists believe they have proven the existence of the Higgs boson. They didn’t actually see the boson but observed the creation of its theorized properties and characteristics. Physicists believe the Higgs boson to be the building blocks of matter and the foundation of the universe…an explanation of how the stars and planets formed while the universe cooled following that great big bang

thing. Because Higgs and Englert believed their boson may be the building blocks of matter and the foundation of the universe, the media and a few rebel scientists dubbed the Higgs boson…“The God Particle” (the media may have gotten this one right) This really torques the jaws of physicists and especially Higgs himself. Higgs, a self-avowed atheist, believes his particle has nothing to do with God and the term The God Particle is an insult because it connotes the supernatural. And this is where scientists and I part company. It seems every scientific discovery point more and more to a creator. But for some reason the words, God and Creator, cannot be found in the lingo of science. Some have grudgingly uttered the phrase “Intelligent Design” but fail to name the intelligent designer. I think their intellectual arrogance will not allow them to compromise their elitist standing within the scientific community. They can’t see the boson, yet they believe it exists. I have not seen God, yet I believe He exists. Jesus told Thomas; “…because you have seen me, you have believed, blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:29. Isaiah 48:13, “My own hand laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand spread out the heavens; when I summon them, they all stand up together.” Higgs and Englert may have discovered a boson…but it is indeed, “God’s Particle.”


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Our Planet’s Most Powerful Nations Are Focused On The MIDDLE EAST, Just As Bible Prophets Predicted For


Yet you say, “I don’t deny those prophesies are incredible--even scary. I can agree that Jesus Christ is unique. In fact, I even prayed the prayer asking him to forgive my sins and come into my life--but nothing


Sadly, this is true of most who pray that prayer. This is probably because we are the most self-absorbed, perpetually distracted people in

human history.

Consider doing this: Get alone and talk honestly with Him; tell him your frustrations and fears. He loves you more than you can imagine. Ask Him how you can have a genuine relationship with Him. Promise yourself to do this each day, and

then watch what He does!



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