NOVA SCOTIA. - · lector for sev,eral months for this work alone and the results have justified the exopenditure. ,T'he collection

Post on 14-Oct-2020






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YEAR 1938







COUNCILLORS \Vard I-Charles Mo~htr

\Vanl 2-Arthur R. Publico\'tr Ward 3--A, C. Pettipas

William Austin Lome R. Hartlen James J . Macintosh

BOARD OF SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS Councillors P.eltipas (Ch.) Austin. Hartlen.

Commissioners-John Kilroy. A. T. Croft.

COMMISSIONERS OF DARTMOUTH PARK W. A. Case (Ch.); ,Mayor Isnor; Coun·s. Maclntos.h and

PubJicover and !llr. W , C. Bishop.

DARTMOUTH FERRY COMMISSION !llayor Isnor (Ch.); Coun·s. Publicover and Pettipas; ~f. S. Regan;

John Paterson ; Robert T . Lynch and J ohn Otto.

TOWN OFFICERS Stipendiary Magis trate ............ ............ Norman D. Murray T own Solicitor . .. , ............................ . . . \V. E. Moseley Town Ckrk and Treasurer............... . ..... . w . T . Smith Deputy T own Clerk and Treasurer.. .. . . . . . J. H . Conrad ' I~o ll'n En gineer. . . ......... ,., .J. Lorn AHan Plumbing Inspec tor... . ........... , ... . ... ... . \IV. N. F orbes Auditors... . .. . ........ . . A. J .Conrad and E. A. Bailey Revisers Electoral Lis ts·-Edgar Levy, \Vm. R. Jennett, B. O . Bishop Assessors ............ \V. N. Forbes. Michael Lahey, C. G. Roome

DARTMOUTH HOUSING COMMISSION 1;\. T . Croft (Ch.); John W. Payunt; :\ , E. H yde; Vincen t DeVan;

Paul Creighton ; Edgar H. Levy (Stl;ty.)

CHARITIES Cou n. Aus tin (Ch.); Coun's. Mosher and Publicover,

Miss M. D. Robb, (Secty.)

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William S. Symonds .. 1873-74 William S. Symonds.. . . 1874-75 George }. Troop . .. .... 1875·76 George }. Troop. . ......... . .1876-77 William H. Weeks, 11. D .. ...... 1877-78 \VilHam H. "Vleeks, M. D. . .. 1878-]9 Will iam H. Weeks, M. D . .... . .. ... ...... 1879-80 James \ V. Turner .. . .. . ... .. 1880-81 J o hn Y. Payzant .1881-82 John Y. Payzant . . 1882-83 J ohn F StaiTS . . John F Stairs

. . . • .......... 1883-84 .... . 1884-85

. .. ... 1885-86 · .1886

J ohn C. P. Frazee ......... . •.. Byron A. \ Veston Byron A. \Veston J ames Simmonds F rederick Scade Frederick Scarfe Frederick Scarfe J ohn C. O land ) ohl1 C. Oland \ \lm. H. Sterns \VIII . H . Sterns \ \lm. H. Sterns A. C. John ston A. C. Johnston :\. C. John £ton A. C. J ohn£ton A C. J ohnston F rederick Scarfe Frederick Scarfe Frederick Scarie Frederick Searfe E. F. Williams E. F. Williams Thomas Nolting Thomas Notting Thomas Nolting Thomas Nolting

· .1887 .1888

· .1889 ...... 1890

· .1891 · . 1892

..... 1893 · . 1894

.1895 .. . ... 1896

· .1897 . . .. 1898

· . 1899 . ....... ....... .. . ......... 1900

.... . ..... •• .. . . .. 1901 · .1902

........ 1903 .. ... . 1904

· . 1905 ... 1906

..... 1907 ....... 1908

..... 1909 .. .. ..... . 1910

.... 1911



Thomas Nottin'g . ....... ............ . ...... 1912 E. F . Willi;lI11 So ....... .... . ............ .... 1913 E. F. Williams .......• • ...•....•.......... 1914 E . F . \ViIl i:un.s .........••...•... . • ........ . 191 5 E . F. WiIl iam.s ........•....•....•....... ... 1916 E. F. Williams .. ........... ••... . ...... .. .. 1917 E . F . Williams .............•.... . .......... 1918 H. O. Simpson, M . 0 .......• , ...•.. . ....... 1919 H. O. Simpson, M. D ...... ..•. ... • .. ..... ... 1920 I. W .Vidito ... ........ .. . .•... . . . ......... 1921 Walter Mosher ......... ....... . • _ .... .. ... . 1922 Walter . .. . ..... .. • ... . . ....... 1923 Walte r ~loshler .. . ...... . . .. ...•........ . . . 1924 e has. A. McLean ... .. . . . ....•. ... . ..... . 1925 e has. A. McLean .... ..... • .... • ... . .1 926 Ghas. A. McLean. .. . ......•........ . .1927 Walter Mosher.. . . .. . .. ... . ... .. . .. . . . 1928 Walter ~I osher ...... ... .. . ... .. ... . . .1929 Walter Mosher.......... . . ...... . . .... 1930 Walter Mosher ........ .. ... . .... . . .... .... 1931 Walter Mosher . . .... ....... ... .. . ..... ... . 1932 Walter Mosher . ........ .. ..... ..... . . .. ... 1933 Walter A. T opple .... .. . . ......... . .. . . .. .. 1934 Walter A. Topple . ................... .. ... 1935 Walter l.!oshe r ..... . ...•... ..... . • ........ 1936 Walter Mosher .... .............. .. . . ...... 1937 L. J. Isnor ......... ....•... . • ... . , . . ...... 1938


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Dartmouth, ~. S., February 1st, 1939.

To the Ratepayers, Town of Dartmouth. Lad ies and Gentlemen:

I na\"c the hono r to submit my report as l\layo r of the Town o f Dartmouth for the year 1938.

I am pleased to be able to say that while sen'ral of the <'st imal cs werc sligh tly oyerrUIl our receipts e,,"ceeded our c ~ l i mat es , so as to CTl:l.blc us to end the year wi th a balan­ced budget and a small surplus in the town gene ral accourut and some reduct io n in our bank Q\"crd rait.

In the \\ ':ttcr and Sewer :'Ilaintenancc D epartment th ere is noted a dec ided impro\"cmcnt O\'cr p rCyiOU5 years which has result ed in a n:duttion in the o\"c rdrait in the amount of $3.35i.3 1. Thi~ impro\'cd cond ition is undol1bt­<-dly a rcOcction of the building ac ti\' ity oi the past sc\'e ra! yea r:> and a greater use oi metered sen 'ice,

During the yea r there was paid out for wages to town workmen $22.470.05, an increase of $4,660.54 O\'er the pre\' i olt~ yea r,

Building operatio ns 'wh ile not as acti\'e as in the pre­\' iolts yea r, ne\'('rtheless, showed satisfactory progress. The new ") I a~dair)) build ing completed in 1938 is a great compliment i rom the o wners to the progress of the town and for its future prospects,

Our Po lice an d Fire Departme nt s are worki ng on a high s tandard of efficiency.

In 1 he prescnt rear T heir ~lajest ies , King George and Queen Eli zabel h \\' ill visit Canada, I propose to take steps to have Da rtmouth recogni zed on this occasion and solicit the co-operation of our citizens, By all rule of reason thi s oug ht to be in sisted upo n as the beginning of conscious-


mess in Dar·tmouth in sharing the honors and responsibility of an Empire Port.

It would be impossible to carry on satis factorily wit-hout co-operation and unity and in trhis connection I wish to thank th e councillo rs, towru officials and all employees for the very able assis tance rendered to me during the year. I also wish to express my appreciation to

I'he citi zens a t la rge fo r the pr il"ilege of sen'ing the.m and for th eir ad vice a nd encourage ment du ri ng Vhe past year.

I have the honor to be,

Yours faitllfully,

(Signed) L . J. ISNOR, Mayor.


His \Vorship t·he i\fayor and Councillo rs, Town of Dartmo uth .

Gentlemen: 1 have rhe ho no r as Chair;man of the Finance Com­

mi\"t'ee to submi t my report for the year 1938, an.d am pleas­ed to Ir:eport tlhe T o wn to be in an excellent fina.n cial sitlia­tion and that rhe d o se of the year reveals a small credit balance on the year's work which mean s a balanced budget.

Statements of all outs taoo ing pe rsonal and poll taxes were ,taken off th e books by the T own Clerk's staff and handed to your Co mmittee who engaged a special t a.. ... co l­lector for sev,eral month s for this work alone and the resul ts have justified the exopenditure. ,T'he co llect ion oi t'hese taxes is a matter that requires close and cons tanit a.ttention.

T'he total tax collections for the year including real estate, personal and poll and arrears amounted to $188,-694.33 as compared with $189,936.86 In 1937. Other


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recei-pt s amounted to $31,297.61 making ~he total receipts for the year of the Town General Account to be $219,9;)1.94. T he expenditures -totalled $219,486.02 which reflects in the OV'eTdraft decreasing from $80,784.97 at ,the beginning of the year to be $80,279.05 at ~he close of the year. The overdraft is covered by outs tanding taxes $83,848.12 and a reserve Ihas been! set up for non-collectable taxes of $22,132.57 in addition .

l )he Bonded Debt at the beginnjng of the year includ-ing DarLmouth Ferry Bonds was ............. . $1,359,SOCl.

Debentures were issued during t'he year as follows :

Water (Chlorinat,ion Plan[!:) ....... .. . 7,OC1J, \Vater and Sewerage ......... . .. . .. . 5.(X)), Se wers Pleasant St. .......... ... .... 3,6£X>. Curbs and Gutters ... ... ..... • ...... . 10,0::0.


1,385,100. In additio n 10 t,he abo\'e , the P'fovincial Government

is ho lding Town of Dartmouth de.bentures to the amount oi $1 89,OCO. as security for the loan of the Dartmout'h Housing Commission.

The Town 's total debt of $1,385,100. is made lip as fo llo ws:

Consolidated Debt .. .... . Sc hools . .... . . . . • ....... \Vater and Sewerage . . .. .. . . .... .

18,000. 318,500. 397,200.

Sewers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,6£X>. Permanent Sidewalks .... . .. . 35,OCO. j\'!oto r Fire Engin~ ........ • ..... 15,500. Mo to r Ladder Truck.. . ......... 14,(XX). Road Roller.. . . . . .. . . .. . .. .. 4,0CX>. Widening' Windmill Road.... . ... 13,((X)'


Cemetery ... . . . Permanent Streets .... . Fire Truoks .......... . •. •. .. . ... Elect.ric Light ........... • ....... Unemployed Relief ....... . •.. ... Crusher .. .................... . Royal Bank OY(> rdraft . . . ... .. . Public Works . ..... . ....... . . Tractor, Plough and Truck . . . .

11 ,000. 266,CXXJ.

2,500. 3,500.

27,500. 3,100.

24,000. 22,200. 8.500


Ferry ............ . . 188,000 . . ---1,385,100.00

,The Sinking Fund for the redempt'ion of debent<ures at tlhe beginning of the year was ... 474,5 11.(1)

The fund was increased during tohe year as iolJows :

Cash assessed for 1938 ....... .... 35,363.25 Cash Dartmouvh Ferry Commission 1,()()J.00 Interest earned on ilH"eS"tments .. 19,453.67 Cain on Bonds .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345.00

To the cred it o f the following: Ferry .. . . . .. ... ... . .......... . \ Vater and Sewerage . . ...... . Permanent Sidewalks . ...... . Sdhools .......... . . .. ... • . . . Consolidated Debt Motor Fire Engines ..... . . • . Hoad Roller .......... . .. . •. ... Cemetery ..... . .... . . . ... .• .... Permanent Streets ............ . Electric Light ................ . Widen·ing Windmill Road .

71,314.43 156,018.83 16,216.99

123,919.66 163.74

26,WS.06 2,373.50 5,483.93

74,899.09 1,381.07 3,623.76






Unem ployed Relief . ...... ... . Impro\"'Cmc nt s . . .. . ....... _. _. Stone Crusher _."" ... _ .. - . Truck and Tractor. .... _ .. __ ... . Q\"crdraft Royal Bank __ ... .. _ . _

12,689.00 4,037,88

586.45 7,444.88

23,911.74 ---- 530,673.01

[n closing my report I desire to exp ress my thanks and ;lppreciation for th e co-oper·ation gi,''eI"V me by ~he other members o f the Finance Committee and by TO'n1 Olerk \ \-. T. Smith and his staff who ha,-e perfo rmed thei r dul ies in a iai.hfu l manner.

Respectfu lly submitted,

WILI .. J A~ I AUSTI:\. Chainnan .


Town School Year Rat e. Rate. Total 1905 .... ... . . .. . ... ... .79 .55 $1.34 . 1906 .. · . .. . . . . . .... . ... . . . . .78 .60 1.38 1907 .. · .......... . . . .. ..... .88 .6' 1.56 1908 · .... . .. .............. .95 .6' 1.64 1909 .... · ...... ........ .... .81 .74 1.55 19\0 ....... .. ............. .75 .75 1.50 1911 ...... .... .85 .70 1.55

! 1912 · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 .73 1.55 1913 ... .. ........ .......... .85 .70 1.55 1914 · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.02 .68 1.70 1915 .. . .................... .78 .8' 1.67 1916 · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.03 .'2 1.95 1917 .. .... . . ••.. . ... . . . .... 1.03 .'2 1.95 1918 ..... . .... .. . ••• 1.01 2.00 1919 . .. ... .. . .. ... .. . ... 1.39 1.26 2.65 1920 · .... ...... ..... . 1.70 1.30 3.00 • 1921 · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.74 1.26 3.00 1922 · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 1.69 1.26 2.95 1923 ... ..... ...... . ....... 1.73 1.22 2.95 1924 · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.84 1.26 3.10 1925 .. . ... ...... ..... ..... . 1.79 1.26 3.05 1926 .... · . ...... .. . . 1.82 1.28 J.lO 1927 ........ .. .. . . •• .. . 1.81 1.29 3.\0


I 1938 ......... .... ..... . 2.03 1.34 3.37 1929 ...... ......... .. . 1.97 1.33 3.30 1930 · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 1.96 1.34 330 1931 . ... · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.97 1.33 3.:30 1932 .. ... .. .. ..... ........ . 2.12 1.38 3.50 1933 .. . .. . .. ..... .. ........ 1.96 1.54 3.50


I 1934 · ..... .... .......... .. 2.12 1.48 3.60 193.; · ........ ..... .... ... .. 2.08 1.47 3.55 1936 . .. . ..... •... . •• .. .. ... 2.04 1.56 3.60 1937 .........••. .... ...... . 221 1. 57 3.78 1933 ... ..... .. ............. 2.21 1.54 3.75 I

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----R= E"A":L- A=ND PERSONAL PROPERTY T he fo llowing is a comparative staterno::nt of the

\,a]u;J.t ;on of the real and personal proper ty. 1900 ......................... . 1901 ......................... . 1902 ......................... . 1903 ." ....• _ ....• , ....•....... 1904 .......•..........• • ......

1,905,560 1,910,915 1,931,250 1,9..\3,265 1,987,405 2,033,140 2,0-'19,727 2,086,9i7

1905 1906 1907

1908 1909 19 10 1911 1912 1913 1914 \915 \916 ]91 7 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 192J 1924

1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936

........ ... .•. . . ..•.... . .. 2,185,085

...... • .. . .•. .... • .... . ... 2.201.877

.. . .......•... . .. ....... 2,278,744

.. ... . ... .•.... .•. .... 2,327,672

......... .. . ...... 2,368.414 """"" 2,512,923

2,580,077 2,644,445 2,823,000 3,~i750

3,150,930 3,367,600 4,264,900 4,344.800

. , , .. , , .. , , .... , , , . , ..... , 4,698,430 , .. ' , .. , ..•. , , , . .... , .. , '. 4,926.100

1937 .,"', .. • ' , ...•. , 1938 .... , .. , '.'

4,903,580 4.927,730 4,883.950 4,896.930 4.612.000 4,735.675 4,787.900 4,859.025 4,882.230 4,892.200 4,895,900 4,897,150 4,932,100 4,9-14,450 5,073,995



The Bonded Debt of The Town on Detetnber 31, 1938

Debenturl'l5. When Issued. Years. Due. Int. Amount Consolidated Debt. Det. 2, 1914 30 1944 5% $17,000.

July 2, 1935 20 1955 4% 1,000. $ 18,000.

Sthools July I, 1914 JO 1944 5% 90,000.


Sewers P erm't. Sidewalks

May I, 191 5 25 1940 5% 4,000. July 2, 1918 25 1943 6% 100,000. July 2, 191 9 JO 1949 5% 12,500. Nov. I, 1921 JO 1951 6% 30,000. July 3, 1922 20 1942 5!1i% 12,000. July 2, 1928 20 1948 4!1i% 27,000. Jan·. 2, 1931 20 1951 5% 3,000. May 1, 1932 20 1952 5% 40,000.

--$318,500 JUly 2, 1919 30 1949 5% 15,500. Jan. 2, 1921 20 1941 6% 100,000. ""1-Jan. 3, 1922 20 1942 5!1i% 50,000. -Aug. I, 1923 20 1943 5% 6,000. July 2, 1924 20 1944 5% 5,000. Sept I, 1926 ZO 1946 5% 5,000. Ott. 1, 1926 20 1946 5% 40,000. Aug. 1, 1927 20 19474!1i% 7,000. Aug. 1, 1927 ZO 1947 4!1i% 4,000. July I, 1928 20 1948 4!1i% 24,000. Nov. I, 1929 ZO 1949 5% 14,000. June 1, 1931 ZO 1951 4J!,% 20,000. July 2, 1932 ZO 1952 SJ!,% 25,000. July 1, 1933 20 1953 5% 32,000. July 1, 1933 20 1953 5% 6,200. July 2, 1935 20 1955 4% 8.000. Nov. 2, 1936 20 1956 3J!,% 5,(0). Nov. 2, 1936 20 1956 3Y.% 3,.500. Nov. 1, 1937 20 1957 3!1i% 10,000. Nov. 1, 1937 20 1957 3Y.% 5,000. Nov. 1, 1938 20 1958 3Yi% 5,000. Nov. 1, 1938 ZO 1958 3Y.% 7,OCXJ.

--$397,200. Nov. 1, 1938 20 1958 3Y.% 3,600. Nov. I, 19Z1 20 1941 6% 10,000.


Aug. I , 1927 ZO 19474;;"% July 2, 1932 ZO 1952 5)4%

Curbs and Cutl ers Motor Fire Engine ~ I otor La. Truck Roller Winthnill Road Windmill R?ad

Cemetery Perm'l. Streets

Nov. I, 1938 20 J uly 2, 1919 20 J uly 2, 1921 20 July 2, 1919 30 July 2, 1919 30 July J, 1922 20

Oct. I, 1925 to Aug. 1, 1927 ZO Nov. I , 1929 20 Nov. I, 1929 20 J une I , 1931 20 "Iar. I, 1932 20 July 2, 1932 20 J uly I, 1933 20

f Fire Trucks No\'. 1, 1929 20 E lec tric Light June I , 1931 20 Unempl.yed Relief Nov. 1. 1932 10 Crusher July I, 19JJ 20

1958 J)/,% 1939 5% 1941 6% 1949 5% 19..J9 5% 1942 S}Ii%

1945 5% 19·U 40% 1949 5% 1949 5% 1951 4;;"% 1952 5;;,,% 1952 S}".i% 1953 5%

19-19 5% 195 1 4Wk> 1942 5% 1953 5%

Public Wttrks J uly 1, 1933 20 1953 5% 4% 4% 4%

\I)\'erdraft R.ya\ Bk July 2, 1934 ,; 1939 T r;lCltt r, PI.\\" Truck July 2, 1935 5 19-40 1¥lI cmple yed Relid July 2, 1935 10 19-15

10,000. 15,000.

8,000. 5,000.

50,000. 11,000. 25,000. 90,000. 19,000. 21,000. 50,000.

$ 35,000. 10,000. 15.500. 14,000. 4,000.

$ 13,000. 11.000.

$266.000. 2,500. 3,500.

15,000. 3,100.

22.200. 24,000. 8,500.


$1.197,100. ferry May I, 19U 30 19-1 3

July I, 1913 30 19-13 July I, 19U 30 19-13 ~Iay I , 191 5 25 19-\0

N. S. H ousing Act Aug. I. 1920 20 19-\0 Sept I , 1921 20 19-11

5% 25,000. 5% 7,000. 5% 3.000. 5% 15.3.000.

$1f\8,OOO. 5% 100.000. 5% 89,000.


$1,574.100. The Debentures for $189,000. issued ul1dcr the NO\'a Sco tia

Housing Ac t 1919 are held by the GovC-rnment of No\':\ Scotia as security for the loan to the H ousing Comrnission.



His Worship the Mayor and IVlembers • .A Council, Town of Dartmout1h, Nova Sco.t~a.

Gentlemen: J have Ithe honor to my reP9rt as Chairman of

the St ree ts and Public Prope rty Committee for the year 1938.

Snow Removal-As t,here was very littJle snow during 1938, t·he plows were oniy used on two or three occas.ions. Of Ithe .total amount $593.33 spent for snow removal O\'er 50% was for putting ashes on icy stJreets and sidewalks and cl earin g crossings and gutters and (rom around .hydrants. Hauling SIlO W away from Portland and Commercial Streets was no t necessary.

Stone Crusher-T he C('usher was in oper<l!tion as re­quil'ed irom .July 2nd . to October 8\Jh. cruShing 1922.33 tons at a cost-of $1.26 per ton including sinking fum:! , inte rest and insu rance premiums. i\'fain.tenance costs were con­siderably 10\\'er than la st year.

Macadam and Asphalt Treatment-As in t,he past the policy of the Committee has beDn to add year by year to t-he mileage of hard sunfaccd streets. Provided drainage ,has been aNended to, t,he basis of all good roadwoflk .is 'haNI crushed stone \\"e1\ compact-ed and having the surface seal­ed to pren!nt the ent'ranee of water. Tn applying Asphalt as it seal coat the greater -the penetraticm. among t·he parti­cles of stone the greater will -be the res istance to disintegra­tion by tohe wear and tear of traffic.

Asphalt pavements are developed in various ways; such as. plant mix, road mix, pentration and spraying. llhe costs vary, spraying being the cheapest. On account of the limited amount a \railable for street work \\'e are compelled

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to use vhe spraying method in order to distribute tahe money as fa r as .possible. The demand for st-reet improvements from all sect ions of tlhe Town makes it difficult to do as mlloh macadamiz ing as one ' .... ou ld like ,before applying the asphalt; on the orhe r ha.n.d if morc macadam is laid than can be asphalt treated, t·he roads wear out and blow 3\\"ay

as dust. This is a waste of money and a great inconven­ience to the people ,in the oncighborhood.

During the year about $1500 was spent on macadam­izing as iollows: Dahlia St" Maple to Beech St.; School St.; vVindmill Road to Wyse Road; Sih'cr's Rd.; at Haw­thorne St.; Chu rch St., King to Wentworth St.; Green St.; Best St., Windmill Rd. to Fairbanks St., and l\·lo tt St.; W indmi ll Road to Fairbanks Street.

,These streets were sprayed willh uwo coats of asphalt and twenlt}'*scnm other streets were re--sprayed. Com* mercia l Street from Portland Saeet to Synott's Hill was specially t reated to fill the cracks and renew the life of the asphalt. A total of 20,428 gallons of asphalt was used ('overing 4.9 miles of stree t of which 1.5 miles were new work.

Concrete Curbs, Gutters and Sidewalks.-Petitions for concrete curbs, gutters and s idewalks were received from property OWT1a s on t.he fo llowing streets: Curb and Gut* te r Plea,s..nt st reet, \Vest side, Tupper to Boundary St.; Tlhi st le street, North side , Victoria Rd. to Pine St.; Crich* ton Ave, \Vest side, Cleveland Crescent to Far.m Road; Fairbanks street \Vest side, Mott to Best Street.

Sidewalk only-Pleasant St. East side. Motts Lane to Old Ferry Road.

As all the petitions were signed by .property owners representing O\'er 50% of I'he frontage, toile Counci l decided to proceed with the work and obtain the a.pproval of tlhe Departmen.t of Municipal Affairs. The approval of rhe


Department also covered au~hor:ity to complete curbs and gutters on D<Lwson st reet, bOoth sides. By -dhe time appro­val was Ifeceived t·he season was well advanced and we were ollily able to co mplete Pleasant s treet from Tupper to Boundary St. and Dawson St. except the block on the nortlh side from Blig;h ItO Dawson St. The o ther streets will be­complCJtoo as soo n as weather com:1itions will permit.

Street Cleaning.- This wonk was carried on by John J. Thompson as in previous years . Owi,nlg to increasing t·ra­ffic and extension oi concrete c-unbs and .gutters the work is IIlcreasmg. I t was necessary to give Mr. Thompson some assistance at .tlime'S of greatest traffic. Inoreasmg civic pride on the part of t·he citizens 1S creati-ng a greater demand for dean streets and is consequently increasing the cost of t,he service.

Dumps.---,The disposal of ganbage, cans and rub.bish present s a difficult problem j'n every oommunity, and re­quires the co-operation of <the citizens in o rder to carry it out with any degree of suc-cess without ,being expensive. T wo dumps, '<l.S centrally Jocated as ·possrble, w.ere main­tained during the yea r. Un for.tunately a lange :nllmber of citizens do ·not take advarutage of the authorized dumps and dispose of gallbage in vacant fields j'llI liheir neigh·bour,hood making these places u·nsightly and causing extra expense in cleaning up. An edllcat'ive .program in the .matter wou ld be of grea,t assi s.tance.

General.-Beside the spring and au.tumn cleaning of Catch Pits, t-he summer deani.n~ of gut.ters and repairs to streets and s idewalks, catch pits, gutters, dmins and grat­ings are frequcnt-ly inspected and deaned in order to avoid damage during stormy weather periods.


Buildin,g Perlmits.- The following buildiIlg permits W C I'C authorized.

13 new houses .......................... $ 36,9(0 13 houses remo delled .. . ....... . . ... . ... 11 ,250 1 Publ ic Garage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500 2 Se rvice Stations, Alterations & Additions 2,500 1 Theat're . ............ . ... . .. . 28,0Xl

Apar tment house ...... . . .. · · .... . 7,M 1 Slore .... . ..... . ......... , ........... 1,8CX) 1 Coal shi pping office and scale ,house.. . . 2,150

$ 92,100

Street Lighting.-St reet ligrhLing cost about $30) more t.han in 1937. 'Dh is was due to extension of lighting to Johnson Avenue and Blink Bonnie Terrace and a few exrt ra light s in ,'anous scccions th roughout ,the Town. T eru lights and fixe poles were added. The total is no\", 338 ligrh t'S. Renewal s were 727 of which 68 were broken lamps. \Vhile as renewals were marc than i rv 1937 the an!rage liie w as 1380 ·hours almost double the minimum estimated life of fhe lamp.

I wish to convey my thanks to the other members of th e committee for crheir assistance and co-operation a lso to the E ngineer and his s taff who 'ha\"e been unriring in their efTonts to furthe r tjhe in terests of the tow,n~ and without \\,hose advice and experience ~t \\"Qu ld ,ha\"e 'been impossible 10 have accomplished as muoh as we have during the past year.

LORNE R. HARTLE N, Chair;n'ln.

, , ' . • •



His Wo rship the Mayor and Members of Council, To wn o f Dartmouth, N. S.



I have Ilhe ho no r to submit my reporl as Ohairmam of the Water and Sewer Committee for t-he year 1938.

'I'he outstanding event was the installation of a Chlori­nating Plant, near rthe water su pply inlet at Lake Lamont. Early in the year com plaint s were receiv'Cd of a fi shy taste in the water. At the same t ime the presence of large Rocks o f gulls at t-he ;;upply Lakes was reported. Investigation sho wed fish manure from the surrounding ,farms was being carried by th e gulls to ihe lakes. \Vater tests showed con­tamination due to among many, the following causes.

I. Lo w water during winter followed .by 'high water in t'he Spring, wash ing foreign matters from the sho res into the Lakes.

2. Several ,inlets bringi llig in drainages from farms. 3. Culver;t;; through f';resto n ·highway carrying drain­

age from highway into Topsai l Lake. 4. Gull s depositing robten fi sh into lakes. The health officer advised the citizens to boil water for

drinking purposes and reported to Council cl1e danger of an outbreak of Typhoid fever and strongly advocated Ch lorinatio n.

T he Cou nci l decided ,to install a Ghloninatio n Plant and applied to bhe Department o f Municipal Affairs for permiSSio n. The Department approved of the scheme sub­jrd to ratification by the Ratepayers. A favorable vote was recei"ed on July 8th., tenders called on J uly 14th, and a cont ract awarded to \Vallace & Tiemam for an Automatic P,roportioning V isible Vacuum T ype Ohlorinator with dup-

. .


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licate hydrau li c pumps, VervtlUri tube and flow indicator. A suitable bu ilding was erected and the plant went into operation on October 3r<l.. On October 6th. water coming into To wn was iound to be free of contami nation.

Due to some cri ticism which occured at the time of the Royal T,heatre fi re on King St., and statements that the installatoion of the Ventu ri tube has seriously effected the water supply, it ,may be well to c:"(piain uhe nature and lun ct ion o f th is tube.

,T he Ventu ri Law states that a fluid flowing through a conical pipe oi g radually diminishing cross area loses head or pressure as it gains in \'c!ocity, and vice nrsa when flowi ng through a gradually expanding pipe or cone it loses speed as it gains in head or pressure . This fact is said to have bee n known to the an cient Roman hydraulic engmecrs, It \\ as howc\'c r fir st establ ished o n a sc ien tific basis b," \ 'ell turi in Ji%, This tube is now made fo r water mains, fo rms a part of the pipe line, It is as stated conical shaped wi th a perfectly smoot h bore causing no interrup­t ion to th e su]>ply. It is placed ill water mains fo r mea­surement purposes, as due 10 the absence of any mo\-ing part s it gi\"(~s an extrcmcJy accu rate record o f th e flo w, T he tube in scrt'Cd in the T o wn 's 'XJ" l\lain at the Chlorina­tio n ho u:.e was supplied by \Yallace & Tiemam world k,oown Manu iact urers of Chlo rination Systems and was made and desig ned for th em by the hydraul ic Engineers of th e Sim plex \ ';\ I\'c and i\ lcter Co. Since the fire this com­pany ha s checked their calcula tions and has assured us tha t t·he design is correot and tJlat the Venturi tube ins talled wi ll not effect or curtail the flo w a nd that 1'he flow at rhe time of the fire, 1.9OJ,0J0 I mperial gallons pe r day, "ne drop in pressure wo uld amount to less than 4 inohes of water head,

By requ est of the TaWil, the No\'a Scotia Board of Fire


Ullde nwriters sellt a r e.presentative to;ry out hydrant t'ests ill uhc vicii rJty of t·he Gre and in scatlered sections of the Town. :rilis was done shortly after the fire. ·"These test s showed a slight change in pressure since the "-ests of 1923. (\ny change in any 0:11{" sect ion of If.he Town could have been caused by the increase in domestic demand where an increase in ho using has taken place. " The report goes on \0 state that "tests made at the hydrants which were in t:se during the fire would indicate that an amount o i water suc.h a'i was Jemanded from the mains wilhin the fire area would overtax th~ capacity of rhe 10 inch main feeding that section of bhe T own." 1t is furthe r stat~d

that "the quantity of water used at \Jh e time of fire plus the norm:tl domesti c supply di.d not over !<LX t'he 20 inlCh mam or become restricted by the installation of the Venturi tube."

The report o f the Board oi Fire Underwriters makes \".arious suggestio ns and recommendations regarding im­prO\ >ement s in the water supply system to insure u.nint errupted supply and greater volume for fire pro­lootion in the l\lercantile districts. This will involve duplication of and increase in the num.ber of mains. ] t mu st be kept ill mi nd that a large part of ou r distribution !<ystem ,has been in li se for almost fifty years and that aside from the increase in populatoion, ltihe ra\'ages of time have beNl reduc ing the c.'pacity of the mains. In additio n to these improvements we will sooni be faced with the problem of supply for the highe r elevations in It'he Town.


Water.-\Vater mains were Ru shed o ut in the Spring and special flushing was carried ou t in many location s. I.a:Mo~t and Topsail Lakes were treated wi t.h Copper Sul­hate. Hydrants were checked frequ ent ly for pressures and


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proper d rainage. Many house se ry;ces were dug up at the main to improyc the pressure.

Sewcrs.-Small sewers make frequen t inspect ions necessary to endeayour to keep manholes and sewers clear o f sticks and rubbish.


Sewer E xtens ions. The 21 inch sewer extending 530 feet sou l'herly along

Pleasant street from Old Ferry Road commenced in 1937 was completed.

124 icet of 15 inch sewer on Summit street, southerly from Sunny B rae A\"\!'nu c .

25 fect of 9 inoh sewer o n Erskine st reet easterly. 270 iecI of 18 inch se wer on Crichton Aycnuc northerly . 7i icct of 15 inch sewe r conn~cting Portland Sl ree t with

Old Ferry Road . Y/ ater Extension :

124 feet of 6 inch, Summit SL southerly irom Sunny Brae A\'cnuc.

25 ic-ct of 6 inch, Erskine Stree t, easterly. 80 fect oj 6 inch, Crichton fhe. northerly from Oak­

dale Cresce nt. 230 feet of 6 inch, Dundas St reet i rom Ochte rloney

northe rl y replac ing 10 gah-anized pipes. House Connections_

31 new hOllse conncctions wcre made. I new house on 1'he P res ton Road outside the .Town

limit s was connected wirh the To wn main at no loss to the Town, the o wner agreeing to pay a sen 'ice c.harge of $20.00 pe r yea r.

1 pri\"nte garage was connected \\;111 water . t wish to com'ey my thanks to the othe r members of

the committee and to the enginee r and ,his s taff fo r their


co-operation and advice which 1 have found .invalua:ble a t all times.

LORNE R. H ARTLEN, Chairman.


His \Vorship the Mayor and Members of Tow.n, Council, T own of Darrtmouth.

Gentlemen ;- 1 have the honor to submit my report as Chairman of tohe Fi re Committee for the year 1938.

T·hc amount eSbimated for this service was ... . . $6,056. The aotual amount expended was, and is up as

follows: Salaries Lighting Fuel .... . .. . 1'elephones .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . • • • •. • .. . . . Repairs, gas, etc . ..... . .... . . . . . .... . In sura m::e . . . ..... .... ........ . • •.• •.. . Prevention \·Vee k expenses ... . .. • .. . . .. Fire Convention expenses ..... . • .•• . ... 300' hose. . . . . . . . . . .......... • . . . .. Fire Ala rm Siren Wheels and tires . Rubber boots . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . .... .. . U . P. C. supplies . .. . . .. • . ... •. . . . . . . Sund ry ...... .... .


$3,779. 18 168.Ql 457.53 133.85 364.42

78.25 75.00 75.00

308.70 1,242.30

335.25 22.75 61.42



2nd and 3rd paymenlt s on siren and wheels to be financed 1939 and 1940. . . . .. . . . . . .. 733.00



, , ,


Following is a list of fire alarms responded to by the Dartmout.h Fire D epantment in the year ended Decem ber 31, 1938. jan. 12. jan. 15. Jan. 16. Jan. 19. Jan .. 26. i\·far. 23. Ap ril 8. April 8. Apr.i116. :'11.1)' 28. .rune I\. Tunc 19.

.T unc 19. j1lly 8.

Edgemere Apa rtments. Pleasant Street.- \ -Voods. Esson Road- McKenzie. 43 Windmill Road. Dahlia Street-Stevens. Criohton Avenue- \\·oods.

V ictoria Road- Grass. V ictoria Road-Barn.

Crichton Avenue. I Korth Street- A. Tynes. Lethbridge Serv ice Station . Johnstone Avenue-Jack Grant. Pontland Street--S. Solomon-bam .

Prince Street-Richard Owens. lilly 22. \'csscl- Jeanr Joyce. Aug,;!,,! 17. Dartmouth Pier- \\ ' harf. September 11. Ochterloney Street--Stanley Awalt. September 14. Hute,hinson's Ice House. Sep tember 19-Canal Strcet-Shell Factory, September 27. Canal Street-Shell Factory. October 8. Gaston Road- J. McK.:IY . October 2i- 1'\'ryrtle Street- Carters bam. Octokr 27. lI'Tyrtle StrC{'t-Carter's barn. ?-lovember 20. Commercial Street-Ferry Honse. December 5. King Street-Royal .T heatre and adjoining


Chemical CaBs . .. . .. . ........ . 77 Genieral Alarms .. .......... 25

A new eleclrk siren was purchased and installed above the bell on the tower of tJle fire station .


Two of the wheel :> o f the LaFrance pumper \Vue re.placed and fitled with pneumatic lires.

All a.pP<lra tu s and equipment is in firs t class> co114d i.tion. The National Fire Protection Association again

awarded the Town of Dartmouth a ce rtifica te o f merit for the acti vi.ties of Fire Pre·vention Week.

In closing J wish to extend to Eire Chief George Pancrso n and th e members o f th e Depa rt'ment .my congra­tu lations for dIe keeping up o f the 'high standard o f the Department and the excellent work sho \,"m in combating fires, especially in sa\-jng the adjoining bui ldings the Royal Theatre fi re on December 51·h.

Respectfully submitted,



I-lis Worship the !\layor and Mem.bers of CouIllCil, Town o f Dartmout,h, No\'!;) Scotia.

Gentlemen :- 1 have othe ,hono r to submit my annual report as Ch a.irman o f Uhe Charities Committee for the year 1938:

The amount estimated for llhis service was ..... . $16,470.00 The amou nt chargeable to 1938 estimates 17,858.07 Of ot hi s there was recovered .. .......... 1,655.06

---$16,203.01 ·Makin g an underex·pend iture of ..... . . . .. . 266.99

H ereunder is a s tatement showing ho w the Imoney has been expended: Maintenance of in mates at City H ome ...... . ......... . $ 5.702.77 Maintenan'Ce of patients at ~[unicipa l Hom e, East H ants 824.42 Ma int enance of Child \Vclr.<tre ..... ..... .... .... .. . .... . 11 3.64 M aint"~nanct of (1) p.., :icnt at St. Thl· res a' .~ Home. . . . 181.92 ~fainl cnanc;e at SI. Patrick's Home. . ... . .... . 247.50


Maintenance at Victoria General H ospital . . .... ...... . !o.laintenance at Indus trial School ...... . Maintenance at Morris Street T . B. H(,)spilaL ... .. .... . Maintenance at No\'a Scotia Sanatoriu m .... .. ..... " .. . ~bintenance al St. J oseph's Orphanage ... . .... . . . .. " .. Hal ifax Visit ing Dispensary (Grant) . ........ ......... . Board of poor in Town . ............. ..... . .... . . ...... . Orders given for groceries ...... •. ..... . . Orders given for fuel.. . .....•... . O rders given for clo thing. . . . • ... . ......... Secretary, ~alary ....... .. . ..... . . ........ . Sundries ........... .......... .

4,000.00 927.03 687.72 427.06 130.68 15.00

91 4.37 2,340.04

322.45 25.53

519.75 418.19

Refunds ...... . ..... . . $ 17,858.07


$ 16,20J.0l

At the beginning oi the year th ere were at the City Home twenty-fixe irumates ,thirteen male and tweh'e female. Two ma le patients died during Lhe year; fou r male and two female patients were admitted, !ea\'ing at the end of the year ,twenty-nine patien~. a t a cost of $4.00 each per week.

J am adv ised by th e Charities CommiU>ee of the City of Halifax t'hat maintenan~e cost of inmates at tlhe City Home will be in crea sed to $5.00 a week per patient from J anuary I , 1939. This will mean a substanlial increase in the estimates. Effo rts are being made ItO haw the price reduced .

• A.t the beginn ing of the year Lhere \\-a5 at rhe Victoria General Ho~pit;tl chargeab le to the Town, o ne patient. During the year one hundred and sixty patients \'.'ere admitted, one hund red and fifty were d isc harged and six died. lea\'ing at the close of the year fi \'e pat ien ts. T'he maint ena oce cost is $2.00 per day.


At the 'Present time the To wn of Dafltmouth is paying for It,reatment for two patients at the Mo rris Street Tuber­culosis Hospital, H alifax.


T he amount estimated for this· service was>. . $3,580.00 The amount chargeable to 1938 estimates . . .... . . . $5,451.17 Of this thclC was rccovered......... 1,269.73


l\lakin g an over expenditure of. . . ....... .. .... . . $ 601.44

At the first of the yea r there were at the Nova Sco tia Hosp ital cha rge:tble to tIDe .Town ten patients. Seven pat­ients were admitted during the yea r, one .patient died and six were disc-hanged, leaving at tihe close of the year ten patients, five ma le and five female.

Your Committee baH! kept close watch on all matters coming under their direction and the ,niet over expenditure for all services was only $335.35 which is a very small amount conside ring expenditure which amounted ro $23,309.24.

In conc.lusion I wish to appreciation' to the otiher member.s of the Committee , namely Counc1llors Mosller <lncl Publicover, to t'he Secretary andl the Town Clerk and his staff .for the co-ope·rabion and assistance rendered the year.

RespectfuUy submitted,


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H is Worship t'he Mayor and Members of Tow.n Council, T own of Dartlrnourt.h.

Gentlemen :-As Chainnan of the Police Committee I wish to report on the wo rk of .the Police Department durin~ I,he year 1938.

The pcnsonnei of the police force remains the same as at the begin'ning of the year, namely :

Chief of Police-John ]. Lawlor. Deputy Chief-H. 'Weldon Arnold. PO'lice .officer-Earle Gray. Pol ice Officer- Welsford Symonds.

The force is now working in hanmony a nd has been faithful and conscientious in the performance of t-heir duties as is evidenced by t,he act i\"ity shown during the year.

The ,fo llowing report of Chief of Police Lawlor gives an idea of how mu ch work was accomplished which is a credit to the force as with the steady gTO"lth of the town the work placed o n the force is qui te rheavy.

For the second conseclIti\-'{' yea r <there 'has no t been a fatality tTecorded as a result of automobile accident s.

The Par-king of cars on Portland Street is becoming a )Jroblem whioh will have to be dealt with by the Council at some t ime.

The questJi oTli of the purchas ing of a new car for the Department is a mabter that should be dealt with b\' the new Committee.

A word of praise is due Chief Lawlor and the Officers for the exce\1ent manne'!" in which they carri.:d out duties trhroughout the rear. submitted, A. R. PUBLI COVER, Chainnan.



His Worship the Mayor and Members of Town Council, Dartmouth, N. S.


Gentlemen :- Thc report is .repectfully sub­mitted cove ring ,the year ending December 31, 1938.

During the period under review there were 558 com-plaints receivcd and investigated by the Police.

Persons placed under arrest ..... . .. . ... .. ....... 134 Persons given shelter ............. . ...... . ...... 53 No . of A utomobile accidents .... . . ...... ........ 32 No. o f Persons injured in Auto accidents ......... 13 No. of Automobiles stoleru and recovered. ......... 3 Doors found unlocked and 'Premises lefe insecure .. 112 No. of Civil Su mmonses ser.\o'ocd . . .... . ........... 306 No. of Executions ....... . ..................... 13

The following -is a lis t of the \"mous cases tried before the Police Court.

Affray ............ ... . . . ............. 2 Assau lt .............. • . . • .•.. • ....... 9 Attempted Theft ... .. . ... . . . .. .. .. . ... 1 Burglary .... . ....... .•..• .... • ....... 20 Byc-La,,'s . . . .. ......• •• .•.. .. • . • . .... 8 Drunk Driving .. . . . . • .. . .•.... • ....... 5 Exci se Act . . ........ . . . • . •• • • . • . ...... 2 1 ncome T ax Act ............. . .. . ...... I Intoxicated . .. .......... • , • • ••• . •..... 65 Liquor Control Act ..... . ....•... . ... . . 33 lHotor Vc"hiclc Act ....... , .. . ......... 25 Non-Support ...... . ... ... . .•. . . '. ' . . .. 6 Perjury........... ...... • •••• . . ...... 2 Radio Tclegraph Act .... . . . . • . . ....... 17


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Receiving Stolen Goods................ I 'I1heft ...•..••.•..•....... . ... • . • ..... 13 Truancy ......... ... . ..•. . ..• ..... 3 Vagrancy........... . .. ...... • . . 16 Vanious ........ . ... . ..... . ... . ... . . . . 3

Total number o f prosecut ions . .... ...... 232 Total number of convictions ..... ...... . 21 6

Resulting from the abo\'c cases S513.50 was ,recei\'cd in fines in the Police Cour.r:, and in the j\hnicipal Court $1 ,054.28 was re<:eived.

Resp~c tfully submiLted,

JOH N J. LAWLOR, Chief of Police .



PLUMBERS Ralph Innis .............................. $ 5.00 ). P. Dunn and Son....................... 5.00 H. A. Smith ............... . ....•........ 5.00 S. H. Crimp ....................•........ 5.00 J ohn Sheehan ................. ....... . 5.00 E rnsclifT and Co., (HaWa:c.) ....... .

James I. MOir, Sr .. . Michael S. Slaney . .


\Villiarn Fraser ......... . Special license L. Morris, et al. .... .


25.00 --$

40.00 10.00 20 .00 40.00

- - $

George Frizzell...... . ................. 25.00 John M. Boyle ( I driver) 2 cars . . ......... 51.00 Gordon A. Boyle (2 ca rs) .... ............. 50.00 Leslie Thornt on (driver)............... ... 1.00 Si nclair Boyle ........................... 25.00 George F. W hite ......................... 25.00 ). T. Penipas (2 cars) 1 driver ............ 51.00 Charles Sullh'an ................... .. .. : .. 25 .00 F. B. Ormon (3 cars) 2 drivers ............ 77 .00 L. ~1. Rell. l.imited (4 buses) ............. 100.00 B. K. Publicover ................ .. ... .... 25.00 Jack Urquhart (drive~) .................. . 1 .00



11 0.00

----$ 456 .00

JUNK Nathan Jacobson . .. .... .. ... . . .. $20.00 $20.00

CHIMNEY SWEEP A. B. Wilson ........... . ...... . ......... . $ 5.00 Lawrence McLachlan.. . . . .......... . ..... 5.00

-$ 10.00

! ,


,. , ,

L , , ,

, I


PETrY 'TRADERS Fuller Brush Company .. . ......... $20.00 By ron Tyn es .... . .................... 10.00 John Murphy 20.00 Frank Gallant....... . ..... . ... . .. . . .. .... 5.00 Robert Chase . .. . .... .... . ... . ..... . .. . .. 5.00 J ohn Wilson. ..... ......... . ... . . .. . . .... 5.00 Clarence H orne (Licen~ t o. ?!fay I, 1939 .. 7.00

-$ 72 .00

AUCTIONEER Harbor Realties . .. $ 10.00


DOG TAX 1938.

Austen. Miss Gladys .. .... $2.00 Adamson, Herbert 2.CO Anderson, Mrs. Alice. 2.00 Ardley. Durt on E.. 2.00 And~ews, )'Irs. A. E ....... 2.00 Anderson. Hubert 2.00 Arnold. J. S. .. 2.00 Atkin son. n. }.. 2.00 l\ulenback, Titus 2.00

Bryant, \ "'. R .. . Boland. S. D .. . BaroSs, \V. deW Brennan, D. B Baker. H . O ·C ........... ..

2.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

Baker, Stanl ey 2.00 Browne, Dr. Courtney. 2.00 Brown, \V. N 2.00 Bunker, NOmHItl . . 2.00 Barry, Arthur ... 2.00 Bevans, A. W ............. 2.00 Burley, Roy ....... 2.00 Barry, W . H. 2.00 Brush<: tt. Capt. H. M. 2.00 Barteaux. R hl .. ,.... 2.00 Boland. Roy. .... 2.00 Bateman. T. M. 2.00 Baxter, Dr. Leo 2.00 Beazl ey. William B. .. 2.00 Baker, Hazen .... , ....... 2.00 Balcom. Clarence ........ 2.00 Brown. }ameg A. 2.00 Bellefontaine . Walter ..... 2.00 Baker, Clyde ............. 2.00 Benjamin, John 2.00 Bishop. Evatt . ... , ....... 2.00 Boyle, John 2.00 Billard, Robert ..... , ..... 2.00

Blackie, Edwin Bowes, J ames A. . ....... . Boucher, H. A .... , ...... . Bam stead, Charles .. . Bowes. George .. . Bowles, E. H ....... . Barns tead, Mrs. Laura . Behan, Earle . .... . . . . . Butcher, E . J ....... .. Brooking. W. J .......... . Boutilier, John J ........ ,

Coales, E. E ... Creighton. Mrs. H. S Creighton, Gerald ... . Canty, W. O .. . .... . Crichton. James ......... . Cool.le, Lewis ........... . Crook, ]. A. C~owell, \ViUiam . . Crimp. Pearl .. .......... . Colford. H oward ........ . Carter, Lawrence . . Cleworth, ]. ......... , .. .. Cole, Charles . . . , ...... . Crook, A. J . .. ....... .. Comod, Laurie ...... . Cooper, Mrs. Elsie Colter, Maurice ... .... , . . . Courtney, Rev. G. F. Clarke, Albert ...... . Carroll, .. Conro-d, Freeman ....... . Clarke, Gerald .... . .... . . Can!'y, L. W ... . .... . Colter, G. A. . . Cooper, Joseph, .... . Craig, Michael ... .


2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 4.00

2.~ 6.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

"I " > >,



Collins, C . ........ . . . Clarke, Mrs. James .. . Con rod, Charles E . . . Conrad, Maurice .. Cote, Eugene ...... ..... .

De Young, 'I\homas Dc\VoHe. Arthur De Bay, Mi ss Geraldine .. Duff. John Dunn, Colin Dillman, H . F. Dares, Harris H ... DeVan , 1IIiss NanD. Dickie, E. S. Driscoll, Cl ifford Denny. L. P .. Dyke, FR. . ........ . . Dillman. ). L. Dukeshire. Lloyd Dean. A. B . .. Dar. Victor Dowell. Henry Davidson, W. F. De\Volfe. Alfred G.

Edwards. JO"s<'ph Edwards, Carleton. Eisoener, Car! Emsley, C. 0 Elliot, Miss Mary

Faulkner, I. J. Fullerton. Leslie Faulkner. Roy ... Forsyth, \ Valter Freeman, Harry Flick. Donald

Gully. John

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.110 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

I 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

I 2.00

George, Harry Gray, James Greene, \V. B. Garden, Cecil .. .. . ....... . Gray, George Gammon. R. \V. Grant, E. R. Gordon. Stewart Gilbert. Lillian L. Griffin, ] . Lester Gar. Arthur ... Glenis ter. Dr. E. 1.. . Grant, William Gandier , Dr. G. G Gammon. Reg. Griffin, George ... . Griffith Arthur B . ...... . . . Core, Edward .. ... . Gay, Miss Bernice ..

Horohin, F. \V. Hi1chie. Miss Florence. Huxtable, Teddy . ... Haiey, Ivan L. Haimes. Albert Hall. HaTTY .. Hurs t, James . . Hilton, George A. Hare, Arthur .. Hutt. Clifford Harni sh. Fred H orne. Fr<,d .. ' Hooper, W . J. R. Harrison. Geoffrey Hunt. Mrs. \ Villiam. Harri~ . Miss Frances .. H anllll, H. R. . . .. Hicks, Capt. Arnold. Hyde, Laird Hooper, A. \V.

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 200 2.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

2.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 200 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00


Hen ley. James H endon, Henry .. Henley, Miss E. R. Hull, C. W . .. ..... . Hiltz, E. Hand. Clement ...

Isnor, John ..... . iJl ce, Gcorge Irvin, Bernard .... Ins-lis, A. E. InnC'Ss, J . A. Isnor, G. C. ..

Johnsen, B. A. Jackson, Avery J ohnston, ~ll's. E thel.. Johnston, Edward ... Jackson, C. J. .. Jones, Ches ter

Lo\'ctt, Miss ~Iargaret

Lynch. Miss Gladys Lowe, J oseph .. , ... . L;lngille, W. K ........... . Lesbircl. Reter Love, George Lovett, Frank Logan, William A ... . Lyn ch, T . W. }. Lo\·ett. F. O ........... .. Lawlor. J . J. .. . Lapierre, E, A. Lynch, D. W ....... . Lohnes, H arry .......... .

Malcolm, Dr. Milne, J ohn

F rank ..... .

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 2.00


2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00

2.00 2.00

Mitchell, P. H ............ 2.00 Misener, Clarence ... . .... 4.00 Moffatt, Charles. ...... . ... 2.00 Moseley, Fred .... ....... 2.00 i\l orris, E. A. ...... . 2.00 i\J ills, Douglas ........... 2,00 Moir, Stewart ... ..... . ... 2.00 Moir, F red . .. .... .. . 2.00 Moir, Clifford 2.00 i\foir, Norman ......... ... 2.00 Merson , C. \V. 2.00 i\losher, Loran 2.00 Murray, Judge R H . 4.00 Myers, Donald 2.00 Morris, James 2.00 Maxner, Arthu r 2.00 Morri~n, ~fiss Olga .... 2.00 i\foir, James I. Sr. 2.00 Marshall, Frank .......... 2.00 Mathieson, G. M . ... ..... 2.00 Myers, Charles ....... . . ,. 2,00 May, Arthur ........... . . 2.00 Mason, Russell .. , ...... . . 2.00 Molt, Robie ............. 2.00 Murhl'. Harold 2.00 Morris , Claude H . 2.00 i\foore, William... 2.00 Mitchell, Ced ric. .... . 2.00 Marshall, Charles 2,00 Morris, Fred ... ,...... 2.00 Monovan, Miss Ruth . . 2.00 Misener S. 2.00 i\furphy, A. A. 2.00

M-cInnis, Hec tor i\[eDow. Alex ... , ...... . McKenzie, \Villiam ..... ,. i\fcKay, James \\T . .. . McDonald, F . S ........ . i\ fcLean, Grant ....... .

2.00 2.00 2.(10 2.00 2.00 2.00

It ,

, • l' , "

, ' .' or

t . '

0' ,

" :~

k "

'I if: , ", " ii ,., i ~·

If ,.


McDonald, A. A. McElmon, William McLarTen, 1\. F. 1lcQuarrie, Fred C. 11<:lntyre, M. W . McGrath, Vincent MacLean, S. A . .. McDonald, f.. j. MtKenzie, Ke nnNh j . Mc K enzie-, Harry McNeil, L . C. McCull ocll, Mrs. Douglas. .III cKenzie, George McDo nald, Stanley McKenzie, J. R.

Nichol son, \V. A. Nidorth, James Naugle, Elton Nixon, C. H . . .

O 'Brien, Hedley O sborne, ~Ir s. Reta Otto, Mrs. George . O'1'oole, }. J .. Otto. 1lrs. P. }.. O' Regan, Miss T eresa.

Publico VCT. Arthur Piper. A. E . Pclt ipas, A. C. Prin g. ~Ir s. Gladys . Payne, H. H . Petlipa.'l, Robert C. Patt erson, Raymond Pye, ~ I rs. Martha Pin eo, Ralph Pcttipas. Joseph E.

Rei r], R. H.

4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

2.00 2.00 2.00 2,00

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 , 2.00 2.00 2,00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00


Rainnic, } . C. Roberts, C. H. L .. ... Rocves, \V. A. Roose , 1I1iss Margaret. Robinson, W. G ... Roach, Frcd Robinson, Robert Roome. :;"1 rs. Isabella Ruml ey, Geo rge RQ!;s . J ames . .... . .. . Rodovick, George

Skid mo re, .lIlrs. ~lart ha

Stevens . Geoffrey Sinclair. Thoma s Saint P ierre, H . Paul. . Symonds. W. C. .. Symo ns, \ V. Roland ... Sylvester, John Sheen, Thomas R. Swaffer. GeQrge Sm ith, Henry E. Stanfo rd, Dr. R. H. .. , . Silve r, H . R ..... . .... . 5awler. Owen Sih'c r, :;"!iss E ffi e Sprague. G, \Y. , . Stubbs, W. H . .. Slaunll'hi te. ?' Ir s. Arnold Sli mming, Fred Smith, Elswo rth L. Shew fclt . Gordon \V. Sammon, Mrs. J. E. Sawl er, Owcn Short, Gerald Stap1et o'1 . \V. C. Silvcr, L . E . Strum, H . A. Sigs ton, E, T. Smith, J. . ............. ,

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

I 6.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00


Smallwood, Josep h H. Slayter, Robert Seaman, Frank .........

'iiufllS, Courtney 'Tuft s, ~1 rs. E. C. Tait, t\ rthur ... Taylor, H. E. 'Ilhorn["on, Leslie R. Trider, Arthur ... Tufts, La'wrence Teasdale, L. E T rider, Charles Tanner, A. ll. ....... ..

Verge, H. H. VanBuskirk, ). G

Ward, ~Ir s. Minnie Waddell, Cleveland Whitman , A. A. Walhr, Alf~ed Withers, F. H .

4.(0 2.(,0

2.00 ,

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 200 2.00 2.00 2.CO 2.00 2.00

2.00 2.00

2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

Wilson, Gil~rt \Varner, Miss Nellie Walker, William W iseman, Wesley Webber, ). H ... Webb, Mrs. w. S ........ "Vallace, Pen;y \Vilson, Donald Wallin, George Walsh, Rev. Dc H. H .. Williams, ) . Arlhur. Williams, Harvey .. "Voodward, William White, Earl ... . Wilson, Mrs. ) . L. .. .. Wilcox, Mrs. Nora Wil son, David Wells, 1- R .. ... . ... . ...

You ng, Youn g,

George H. Mrs. Sadie

2.1)0 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 400 2.00 2.00 200 2.00 2.00 2.00 200 2.00 2.00

2.00 200

$ 71 4.00





Hi s Worship the r-.hyor and hl c.mbers of Town Council, D ar ttmoi.lth, N. S.

Gcnt'lcmcn :- P!casc find my report for year 1938: Xumbcr buildings conn ected wi th Town ',"aleT and

sewerage December 31. 1935."l .. .... ............ . .. 1998 Buildings burned or oth er wi se destroyed 1938 . . . 10

One building mo\'cd to another locat ion a ll same str eet

New buildings con nected with water and sewerage .. 37 Old bu ildin gs connected wit h wat er and sewerage,. 5

Building on water and sewe rage line . . .. ....... . Bu :ldings not on wat~r and sewerage line.




2031 78



MEMO PLUMBING FI XT URES u~ ALL BUILDINGS T otal lor .Takeruout Installed

1937 during 1938 1938 Kitchen ~in~ ...... 2037 i3 2024 57 Laundry trays 722 722 32 Wash bas:nS' ............ 1647 4 1643 61 Bath tubs .. 1546 1545 48 Range boilers ... 1529 4 1525 46 Toilet s (W. e.) . .2205 i3 2192 66 Shop taps 94 2 9l Garden hose 220 2 218 15 Stabl e hose ... 3 2 2 Urinal trough s 38 38 1 Shower bath s 33 33 8 Barbers' lavatories 8 8 Ohi nese laundries 2 2 Vegetable s inks 1 1 Drinkin g fountain s 28 28 Slop sinks

10114 40 10074 349 T otal number of plumbing fixtures on Town water ,"d

sewerage system-l042J. MEMO OF TOILETS

Park School ... Vict oria School Gree nvale School Hawthorne School Findlay School Arlllouries .. . . . . En gin e H ouSle Resid ence over Engine House. U. P. e. T own Hall .. Community Wading Pool.

31 10 14 19 19 2 3

1 2 2

104 Ratepayers . . 2154

-2258 Yours t,ru\y,

'f atal

2081 75'

1704 1593 IS71 2258

92 243

4 39 41 9 2 1

29 2


W. N. FORBES, Plumbing Inspector.

'. r •

, I

\ , , • • , , ,

~ •



Hi s Worsh ip ~he Mayor and IHembers of Town Council, T own of Dartmout'h.

Your Worship:~ Tlhe heait'h of tlhe town for the past year has been very

good. T.herc were no houses under quaran tin~ during the yea r.

The outstanding feature o f the year was th e installation of a "Chlorine Plant" on the water supply. There had been gross conta.minatiOln' of (-he water suppl y evidenced in our dri nking wa ter and numerous samples taken at va rious point s bot'h at vhe lakes and taps Tcyca\ed large number of colon bacilli present, whi c.h is an i'odex oj contaminat ion . 'Phis wa.s me.t by aclYice to users to boil Lhe wa.ter as a tem­porary measure and ch lorin ation \\"35 recomm ended. By a \'o te of the ratepayers it was decided to do tJh is and a plant was in.stal!ed, sin ce which t ime colon bacilli ha'-e been entir<11y absent in e"ery sample taken irom the taps and \-<'s ted by the P rovincial Laboratory.

A bad taste in the water caused by algae, a low fonm o i plant life, was corrected by copper sulphate.

\ Ve now hayc a water supply second to none in taste a.n.d safety.

l'\'fany calls to inspections of wells , drains and food supplies ha\'e been attended wi th the helpful assistance of Ohief Lawlor who is ready to cooperate.


Health Officer.



H is Worship the Mayor a.nd llolembers of Council, Town of Dartmouth.


Gentlemen ;-Hereunder is a statement of coll~tions made by me during the year 1938 and commissions earned on same, "iz;

Real Estate ............. $5,543.52 @ 5% $277.18 Personal and Poll ........ 2,382.61 @ 10% 238.25 Poll Taxes ............. 1,555]0 @ 15% 233.35 Water and Pipe Rates.... 477.95 @ 5% 25.91 Sewer Rates ..... . .... . . 98.69 @ 5% 4.94 Sidewalk Rates. . . . . . . . . . 48.35 @ 5% 2.42 Hospital Account s .... ... 21.00 @ 15% 2.65 Dog Taxes. . . . . . . . . IS.00 @ 5% .75

--$10,142.82 $785.45

Respectfully submitted,

J. M. HENN EBERRY, Tax Colledor.

1 ~ •

40 TOWN OF DART~IOUTH ---------- -~- . . -


His Worship the Mayor and i\'fcmbers of the Town Council, Dartmouth , Nova Scotia .

Gen tlemen: \ Vc take plasurc in submitting herewith audited

statemen ts of t1he accountS of the Town Clerk and Treasurer and of the Board of School Commission.ers fo r the year ending December 31st. 1938.

All books and transactions hayc been audited, balances n:rificd and Si;J1Iking Flmd Accounts examined . \Vc believe t.he statement s submitted .herewith to be correct in CH!ry

respect .md to represent the true financial stand ing of t'he To wn oi Dartlmouth as at December 31st, 1938.

Respectfully yours,

A. J. CONRAD, E. A. BAILEY, Auditors.


Statement of Assets and Liabilities-December 31, 1938.


Current :

Ca~h on hand Royal Bank of

............ . $ 550.00 Canada-

Sid ewalks . . ... Tax Sale Fu.nd ... Debentures . . Curb and gutter No. l. Pavement No.5 .. Cemetery . . Pleasant Street Sewer ........ .

Firemen's Fund : BalIk of Nova Scotia ......... .

1,575.67 1,369.30

745.68 573.80 502.09 265.39 176.79

- --$ 5,208.72

108.19 Ea st e ~n Can. Savings & Loan Co. 2,961.09

---$ 3.069.28 Taxes Receivable:

Assessment 1938 1937 19.36 and previous ... .

Reserve for non-collectable . ..

Wat er Rates ........ . Reserve for non-collectable

Deferred Accounts: Sidewalk Frontages Receivable . Sewer Frontages Receivable .... . Reserve for non~collectable ..... .

60,183.94 33,455.41 12,341.34

$105,980.69 22,132.57 --~$ 83,848.12

8,646.37 302.3Q

--~$ 8,344.07

9,212.30 1,00>.00

2,85 1.68


-----:.$ ~8~:z:12~.JIl~ $112,084.17

Fixed Assets: Sch("lol Buildings . .......... 307,958.10 Les~ Depreciation.... . . .•. . ..... 60,350.35





- -- -------------


School Land . ..... . . School E quipment Less Depreciation . . . .. .. .

Tow n Land .. .. . ...... . . . Town Land (Tax ' f own' Buildings Less Depr·eciation

Sale) . .. .

Police Equipment ..... . Less Depreciation

Streets Equipment Less Depr(!ciation .

Fire Equ.ipmcnl ... Less Depreciation

24,000.00 14,342.82 2,506.23

---~$ 11 ,836.59 40,582.80 6,216.98

16,786.95 4,022.78

---~$ 15,991.95 I,OIl.75

81 4.00 --~$

12,469.19 197.75

4,022.78 ---$ 8,446.41

50,1 89.50 40,277.60

- - -'$ 9,911 .90 Lig hting Equ ipment LCSi D epreciation ..

.. . ......... 11,698.53

Pe rmanent Pavements Less Depreciation ....

Permanent Sidewalks Less Depreciat ion .. .

8,271.55 ---'$ 3,426.98

313,000.00 138,300.00

- --'$174,700.00 79,547.69 42,868.27

- --'$ 36,679.42 \Vater and Sewer Systems. Les~ Depredation ... .

.... $5i2,212.S3

Office Equipment .. . . Mount H ermon Cemetery ...

Sinking Fund Inves tment. ...

156,986.78 ----'541 5,225.75

1,232.00 12,227.67

---'1,008,283.95 459,358.58




Royal Bank of CamH.la_ General Overdraft ...... . Boa rd of School Commissioners

Bank of Nova Scotia_

80,829.05 341.92

\Vater Maintenan ce Overdraft. 4,889.37

Capital Expenditure Borrowings:

Royal Bank of Canada-\Vater lnd Sewer Construction. Cu rb and Gutter No.2 ...... . Ch lorination Plallt ........... . Equil)men t ...

Accounts payable: General \Vater and Sewer Maintenan'ce .. \Vater and Sewer Construction .. Chlorina tion Plant Curb and Gutter ..

---$ 86,060.34

1,496.59 1,996.88

496.58 3,096.19

--~$ 7.086.24

2,652.70 246.89

8.69 106.36


Board of School Commissioners. $ J,OI9.1 3

474.66 ---$ 3,493.79

Pa\'ement Deposit held .. .. ...... 502.09 Accrued Bond Interost.......... 23,318.53 Bonded Debt .......... . ........ 1.197,100.00

EXclush'e of Contingent Liabilities

DartmOU1h Housing Commission. 189,0CI0.OO Isstled for DartnlOuth Ferry Com. 188,000.00

1 Surplus December 31, 1937 ...... 243,964.69 Added to Surplus 1938.. 18,466.02

$262,430.71 Loss on Assets Sold ...... ,...... 265.00


----:$262,~:I6~S~.71 1,579,726.70



Liabilities of Town of Dartmouth on Ferry Commission Bonds:

Ferry Bonds issued ........ .. . . 188,000.00 71,314.43 Sinking Funds Dec. JI, 1938 .. .. .

Net lndebtedn es~ ... . $11 6,685.57



19,400. 5,SI0.

20,050. 7,282. 6,056.

2,500. 13.2S0.



Sale of Tax Sale land .... . .... . ... . ISl22

$219,991.94 Royal Bank of Canada, Overdraft

December 31 , 1935 .............. 8O,S29.05 Le9s cash on· hand December 31, 1938 550.00

DISBURSBMENTS Board of School Commissioners ... Eltpenditures 1938:

Streets ............... . Lighting ........ . ..... . Charities .. . ......• . ...• • ..... .. Police ... . ...... •...... . . ..... .. Fire .. .... . Lien sale .. Contingent Salari~

Pension ........... . .. .

$ 80,279.05


$ 72,701.00

20,257.22 5,648.S6


7,4IS.99 6,548.07

173.50 2,#5.54

12,601.43 500.00

$ 75,97S.06 Accounts pay;able Doc. 31, 1937. . 3,592.73

$ 79,570.79 Accounts payable Dec. 31, 1935.. 2,652.70

- -----'$ 76,918.09 26,797. Interest charges:

Overdraft . .......... . ......... . Permanent Sidewalks ........... . 1Iolor Fire Engine .. .. .. . . Motor Ladder Truck ........... . Moto r Fire Trucks Sleam Roller ... . .............. . Widening Windmill Road ..... . Cemetery . . .......... . . . ... . .. . Pennanent Pavements .......... . Electric Light ................ .. Unemployed Relief . ...... . ..... .

3,255.12 I,S75.00

775.00 840.00 125.00 200.00 700.00' 550.00

12,800.00 157.50




100. 300.

300. ISO. 700. 100. 125. 200


C1"usher . ....... .. .... . ........ . Public Works ............... ... . Ovudraft Loan ............... ,. Tractor, Plow, Truck . .... .... . . Consolidated I)d)t ............. .

155.00 1,110.00

960.00 340.00 890.00

---;$ 21,982.62 Sinking Funds, Schools:

N o. 2 . . .... . ... ..... . No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7

Sinking Fund s.: Steam Rolle r

94{).00 1,250.00

840.00 810.00 97.50

1,333.00 $

80.00 Widening Windmill Road .. .. .... 135.00 Motor Ladder Truck .. .......•.. 280.00 Permanent Sidewalks ... .. ....... 900.00 Cemetery .......... .... ........ 330.00 Water and Sewer ............... 3,200.00 Permanent Streets .. ..... ....... 8,505.00 Unemployed Relief ....... .. .. ... 1,237.00 F ire Trucks . .... ..... . .... ... ... 75.00 Electric Lights .. .. ......... , ... 11 3.75 Crusher . ... . ...... . .... ..• 103.00 Improvement9 .. ... .... . . ..... . . 740.00 Con solidated Debt. ..... • ...•.... 35.00 Overdraft Loan ...... . .•....... 4,500.00 Direct R elief ..... . ..... ....... . 1,041 .00


-----'$ 21,274.75 Registrar of Bi rths and Deaths. .... 91.60 Public Health .. ...... . .. ... ... .... 201.40 Grants:

Dartmouth Park Commission .. .• V ictorian O rder of Nul'5e5 ...... . Natal Day Com mittee ...........• Dal'tmoulh Fire Department ..... . Un ion Proteetion Company ...... . Reading Room ...... . ........... .

<00.00 550.00 700.00 500.00 125.00 200.00


25. Victoria Parle: . .. .

5,086. Provi ncial H ighway Tax . . . 2,466. Coun1y Rates ... .................. . 6,700. Munici1>al School Fund . ........... .

--- $ 2,475.00 4,997.89 2,466.17 6,744.50

100. Convention of 'Municipalities Refund: Illegitimate Child Act..

500. Cemetery ......... .

75.00 287.50

219,072. 80,785. Overdraft December 31, 1937 .. .

$219.486.02 . 80,784.97

299,857. $300,270.99


Statement of Receipts and E xpenditures to D ec. 31. 1938.

RECE IPTS Est imates

480. Rent old Park School..... . .. .. $ 480.00 1.400. Tuition fees 1,J43.S0

72,701. T own of Dartmouth estimates. 72,701.00

326. 40,900.

350. 4,690.

17,150. 260. 500

2,400. 135. 160. 700.

Rent Assembly H all 17.00 Sundry .. . .. . ... .. . ..... ..... 1..35 Debit balance Royal Bank Dec. 31/38 341.92

--~$ 74,884.77

EXPENDITURES O "erdr:tft January I, 1938.. . ..$ 326.J1 Teachers' sala r ies . ...... $ 41,321.45 Subst itutes salaries .360.00 Janitors salaries 4,668.80

---$ 46,350.25 Int erest Interest Interest Fuel

Bonded Debt . . Old Park School

\Vater rates Telephones Insurance ..

17,150.00 260.00 508.81

1,908.65 135.00 165.55 321.00

500. ISO 300. 400. 300.

850. 550.


600. 100. BOO. 500.


Ordinary Repairs: H eating and plumbing

Electrical ...... . .. .... $957.59

67.62 Carpentry ....... . .. . . .... . . P ainting and glazing ... . .... . Masonry .... .. . . Desk ..... . ..... ...... . . .

548.91 716.17 34.78 8.85

--$ Stoker for Greenvale ..... . New belier HawthoTlle Sehool 1,59·t OO Less Town of Dartmou th Equ.ip.

Acct. . . . . . . .. . ..... 1,044.00

Contingent : Reve nue stamps . .......... . Janitor-Assem bl y H all },Iusic Direction

Orchest ra . . . .... $70.50 Gl ee Club ...... .. ... 51.00 Musk ........... ..... 21.95


36.00 13.00

Fire extingui.9her ... Truckage .. . Blinds ..... ..... ......... .

-$ 143.45 24.86

6.00 46.95 36.60 15.39 6.50

Lights ..... ..... . ........ . Union Jacks . . . ........... . Mats ... . . ........ . Sweeping Chimneys .. . ..... 25.00 Firs t aid s\!pplies .. . .... ... 13.45

5.55 Priz es .. Sundries . ...... .. ..... 45.52 Carbo-oxide ......... ...... 21.60 ISO' h05e and couplings.. .. 25.47

$ L ight and power ......... .. Beautifying grounds Stationery and printing .. ... ...... . Grant to Halifax Techn ical Coll ege . .

2,333.92 850.00


465.34 612.62

22.35 740.20 476.00



Medical lnspeetion: 250. Victorian Order Nurses 200. Doctor

SO. Supplie~

100. Reference books SO. Clothing and footwear

100. Art certificate bonuses 600. School Supplies:

250.00 7J)/).OO



Laboratory .. . $228.95 Brooms, brushes, soap, etc,. 353.58 Floor oil, dustbane 16.20 Hardware .. iZ.62


505.95 66.31 41 .35


671.35 11.50 10. Tuning pianos

New desks ... . 202.51 ---$ 74,884.77


Statement of Re(:eipts and Expenditures to Dec. 31, 1938.

Estimates. 31.439. Wa! cr 2,000. Water

500. 3,000.

\Vater Sewer


ral es, general .. rales, meter rat es , steamer supply ... (ront age and int erest.

Repairs, cleaning. etc. sold ..

..$ 29,294.82 3,422.76


A(:cTued bond in teres t ...... . . .. ... .

4,365.59 229.91 40.20 8.05

Transfer from Ch lorintaion PI-nt Dank ol·erdraft, Dec. 31, 1938 . .

---$ 37,894.40 1,167.73 4,889.37

$ 43,951.50



8,247 . ... 0verdraft. Ban k of No\a Scotia. Dec. 31. 1937 $ 8,246.68 19.903. ' Interest, debentures ................ 19.902.50

400 . ... Interest, O\'erdraft ................ :. 325.77 2.500, ~ Labor ........ . .... . ...... , .... .... 2,204.63

~ Watc hman at Lake ....... . ......... 87.20 2,540. "' Salaries ............... . ........... 2,540.00

500. ~ Pension, E. Nichol$ ................ 500.00 1,000 . .. Materials, suppl ies, meters....... .... 1,184.09

- CoI)per swphate and chlori ne ....... 266.67 100. _ SWldries:

_Printing and advertising, etc. ..... 44.06 - Plumbing inspection .... .. ....... . 149.00

.... Refund water rates . ... ... . ....... 22.64 .... \Vorkmen's Compensation Board . 92.53

- Land Chlorination Plant ...... . ..... 100.00 __ 300. Sinking Fund, Eastern Tl"USt Co..... 300.00

1,000. Sinkin g Fund. Eastern Trust Co..... 1,000.00 ISO. Sinking Fund, Eastern T rust Co.... . 100.00 150 Sinking Fund, Eastern Trust Co. . ... 150.00 ISO. Sinking Fund, Eastern Trust Co..... 150.00 210. Sinking Fund, Eastern TrU6t Co..... 210.00 120 Sinking Fund, Eastern 1'Tust Co..... 120.00 720. Sinking Fund, Eastern Trust Co..... 720.00 420. Sinking Fund. Eastern Trust Co..... 420.00 650. Sinking Fund, E&stern Trust Co.".. 650.00 833. Sinking Fund, Eastern Trust Co..... 833.00

1,273. Sinking Fund, Eastern Trust Co..... 1,273.00 175. Sinking Fund, Eastern Trust Co..... 175.00 280. Sinking Fund. Eastern Trus t Co..... 280.00 132. Sinking Fund. Eas tern Trust Co..... 131.00 350. Sinking Fund, Eastern Trust Co..... 350.00 175. Sinking Fund £.astern Trust Co.. ... 175.00

6 J ,g _$ 34,537.09 Labor and material Chlorination Plant. ... ,. .. 1,167.73

$ 43,951.50



Statement of Receipts and Expenditures to Del'. 31, 1938. RECEIPTS

\Vater and sewer conne.ctions .... .. ... . ... . .. $ 973.15 Materials sold Sale of bonds .,


Overdraft December 31, 1938 .. .. . . ....

5,000.00 -----<$ 6:017.70

$ 1,496.59

EXPENDITURES Overdraft December 31, 1937

-Labor "' Lead. drain and water pipe .. - Cocks and \'Ollves .... Cem ent, gravel, lumber . - Refund on depos its - \\"o rkmcn's Compensation Board. -Supplies

$ 7,514.29

$ 785.33 .$ 3,874.52 '

1,704.72 . 372.95 ' .., 63.54 /' . 24.97 )

136.30 ,f 551.96 /

$ 6,728.%

S 7,514.29


Sta tement of receipts and expenditures to Dec. 31, 1938. RECEIPTS

Salt- o f bonds Over(irafl Dec ember 31, 1938 . .

Labo r ~laterials. building 'l1at erials, plan t Chlo rination plant Eqll.iplll ent . .... ...... . Pkbiscite expense


Co~t o f deben tures . ........ , •..

......... ... $7,000.00 496.58


9OH9 484.96 554.44

5,418.00 .-63.25 38.07 33.37

- --$7,496.58

, '", ..

" ".




Bank Decomber 31, 1937 ... $ 667.10 Credit balance l~oya l

Lots and graves ~old 1938.. . . . . .. ..... . 932.00 ---$1,599.10

EXPENDI1'URES Labor ........... .. . .. ................. $1,253.93 Seed and f c rtili~er ..... . Lumber . ... ... . . PrintinG" Sundry supplies Balan.:e at c redit Deccmber 31, 1938 . ... . .

43.38 16.14 3.13

14.11 264.39



RECEIPTS Sale of debentures . ...... ... . ... . . . ........... .. . . ... 10,000.00


Debit balan ce Roya.l Ba.nk December 31, 19J7 .... $9.375.70 Lumber. etc. .. ................... 50.50 Credit balance December 31, 1938... ...... 573.80



EXPEND ITURES Labor ... . ........ . . .............. . $1,303.89 Cement and gravel and s tone. ..... ........ 446.78 Plebis cite e:'(penscs .. . .. . . . ... ...... . ... 30.00 Co~t of debentures .................... •. .... .. . 36.04 Lumber .............. . Repairs to coucrete mixer Supplies .......... .

47.33 40.36 90.48

-~$1 .996.'" Overdraft Royal Bank December 31, 1938.............. 1,996.88

. 1

I 1


------------FIREMEN 'S FUND

Balance at c redi t December 31, 1937 .. Interes t on inves tments


. . $3,204.59 125.44


Premium on CrOUI) Insurance. 260.75 Balance at credit December 31, 1938..... ... .... 3,069.28



R ECE I PTS Balance at credit December 31,1937. Premium on debentures sold.

Balance at c redit December 31, 1938.


RECEIPTS From streets account Zrl(\ paymellt tTuck :Ill d tractor. Balance at debi t Decem ber 31. 1938.


Balance at debit December 31, 1937. a/c ne'W boiler Hawthorne School. ,. , ... a/c Fire Alarm and wheels Fire Engine.


.. $ 722.64 Z3.0.\

---'$ 745.68 745.68

600.00 3.096.19


1,919.19 I ,~.OO

7JJ.00 ---'$3,696.19

Ihlance at cT('dit Royal Bank Decemb('r 31. 1937 .. 1.349.02 Interest to Decemb(,T 31, 1938 .... .. . .

Balan ce at cred it December 31, 1938 ..

ZO.28 --$1.369.30




RECE IPTS Credit balance Bank of Nova Scotia Dec. 31, 1937 29.01 Gran t Town of DartmOl1lh 1938 . . . . ....... . Grant, 1'OWI1 of Dartmouth 1938 additional. .

300.00 100.00

--- '$ 429.01 EXPEND ITURES

Labor-Cutting undergrowth, repairing roads, etc. 373.55 23.75 15.80 5.00 3.99 6.55

\\1. H . Seaboyer; plant ing t rees and stakes .... . James Simmonds, Ltd., paint, putty, nails, etc .. . Charles Cole: lettering sign posts .............. . Lumber ....... . Sundries ....

Balan ce at credi t Bank of Nova Scotia ... $ 428.64

.37 ---$ 429.01


RECEIPT.S S;lle of debentures. 3,600.00 3,600.00

EXPEND ITURES Debit balan"CC Royal Bank December 31, 1937 ..... $1,740.86 Labor ......... . .......... . ................ . . . . 914. 73 Pipe castin gs, cement, etc. ................. . 736.91 CO!!t of debentures. .. . . . .. . . . .. . ..• .. . . 30.71 Ba lanoe at credit Decembe r 31, 1938 .......... .. .

PAVEMENTS No. 5 Balance at credit December 31, 1937 . ...... . Balance at credit Decem ber 31, 1938 ..


Bala nce at credit Decem ber 31, 1937 ......... . Balance a t credit December 31, 1938 . .. ....•..

176.79 --$3,600.00

502.09 502.09

. .$1,575.67 .$1 ,575.67

, ,.





Water and Sewer Bonds No.2 Balance Dec. 31, 1937 10,924.80 Income 1938 501.40 Eastern Trus t Co. Cash depos it 1938 300.00

$ 11';26.20 $ 11,726.20 Water and Sewer Bonds No.3 Balance Dec. 31, 1937 51,003.83 In come 1938 2,133.29 Eastern Trust Co. Cash deposit 1938 2,000.00

$ 53,139.14 $ 55,139.14 Water and Sewer Bonds No. <\ Balan ce Dec. JI, 1937 21,4-19.85 Income 1938 918.93 Eastern Trust Co. Cash depos it 1938 1,000.00

$ 23,368.78 $ 23,368.78 Water and Sewer Bonds No. S Balance Dec . 31, 1937 3.478.57 Income 1938 147.24 Eastern Trust Co. Cash dcposit 1938 180.00

S 3,805.81 Water and Sewer Bonds No.6 Balance Dec. 31, 1937 Income 1938 Cash depos it 1938

2,622.59 lJ().12 150.00

S 2,902.71 Water and Sewer Bonds No. 7 Balance Dec. 31, 1937 I ncome 1938 Cash Deposit 1938

2,110.31 98.89


$ 2,359.20

Eas tern Trust Co.

Eastern Trust Co.

$ 3,805.81

$ 2,902.71

$ 2,359.20


Water and Sewer Bonds No.8 Balance Dcc. 31, 1937 16,812.68 Incomc 1'38 709.26 Easlern Trust Co. Cash deposit 1'38 1,200.00

$ 18,72 1.94- $ 18,721.94 Watcr and Scwcr Bonds No.9 Balance Dec. 31, 11)37 2,625.01 Income 19,. 11 6.02 Eas tcrn T rust Co. Ca sh de()o~ it 1938 210.00

S 2,95 1.0J $ 2,951.03 Water and Sewer Bonds No. 10 Balance Dec. 31 1937 1,504.03 Income 1'38 64.l i EaSlern Trust Co. CaS.h dcpo~t 1938 120.00

S 1,688.20 $ 1,688.20 Watcr and Sewer Bonds No. 11 Balance Dcc. 31 , 1937 7,980.23 Income 1938 299.56 Eastern Trust Co. Cash deposit 1938 720.00

$ 8,999.79 $ 8,999.79 Water and Sewer Bonds No. 12 Balam:e Dec. 31, 1937 3,934.92 Income 1938 164.96 Eastern T.rust Co. Cash dC'Posit 1938 420.00

$ 4,519.88 $ 4,519.88 Water and Sewer Bonds N o. 13 Balance Dec. 31, 1937 4,370.12 t n'come 1938 177.54 Eas tern Trus t Co. Cash deposit 1938 650.00

$ 5,197.66 $ 5,197.66 Watcr and Sewer Bonds No. 14 Balancc Dcc. 31, 1937 4,547.22 Income 1938 195.52 Ea~tcrn Trust Co. Cash dcposit 1938 833.00

$ 5,575.74 $ 5,575.74


Water and Sewer Bonds N o. 15 Balance Dec. 31, 1937 5,418.74 Income 1938 224.03 Eas tern T.rust Co. Cash deposit 1938 1,273.00

$ 6,915.77 $ 6,915.77 Water and Sewer Bonds No. Hi Balance Dec. 31, 1937 701.09 I ncome 1938 16.91 Eastern T.rus! Co. Cash deposit 1938 280.00

S 998.00 W ater and Sewer Bonds No. 17 Balance Dec. 31, 1937 175.00 Income 1938 6.31 Eas tern T11lst Co, Cash deposit 1938 175.00

S 356.31 Water and Sewer Bonds No. 18 Balance Dec. 31 , 1937 132.00 Income 1938 3.67 Eas tern T,rust Co. Cash deposit 1938 132.00

$ 267.67 Water and Sewer Bonds No. 19 Cash deposit 1938 175.00 Eas tern Trust Co. W ater and Sewer Bonds No. 20 Cash deposit 1938 350.00 Eastern Trust Co. E lectri c;: Light Balance Dtc. 31, 1937 1221.36 Income 1938 45.96 Eas tern Trust Co. Cash depos it 19J8 11 3.75

S 1.381.07 Permanent Sidewalks No. 1 Balance Dec. 31, 1937 4,237.60 I ncome 1938 185.63 Cain on bonds 1938 100.00

$ 4,523.23

$ 998.00

$ 356.31

$ 267.67



$ 1,381.07


I.tCss trans rerred E.aSlern 'tl"USI CO. Unem plo}"ed

Relief 1,237.00 Wind. Rd. No.2 50.00 Cemetery 90.00 1,377.00

$ 3,146.23 $ 3,146.23 P ermanent Sidewalks No, 2 Balance Dee. 31, 1937 6,468.02

Income 1938 259.35 Eas tern Trust Co. Cash deposit 1938 200.00

• $ 6,927.37 $ 6,927.37 P ermanent Sidewalks No.3 Balance Dec, 31. 1937 2,479.20

Income 1938 98.55 Eastern Tru$t Co. depos it 1938 200.00

$ 2.777.75 $ 2,777.75 Pennanent Sidewalks No. 4 Balance Dec. 31, 1937 2,743.00 Income 1938 1 22,~ Eas t~rn Trust Co. Cash deposit 19.38 500.00

$ 3.365.64 $ 3,365.64 P ermanent Streets No, I. Balance DC"<:. 31. 1937 18.826.29

Income 1938 747.46 East>e rn T ru st Co. Cash dcpo.sit 1938 1,500.00

$ 21.073.7.~ $ 2 1 .07J.7~ Permanent St reets No. 2 BaTanoe Dec, 31, 1937 3,582.64 Income 1938 133.28 Eas te rn Trus t Co. Cash deposit 1938 330.00

$ 4,045.92 $ 4.045.92


P ermanent Streets No. 3 Balance Dec. J I , 1937 7,073.41 Income 1938 285.46 Eastern Trust Co. CaSh deposit 1938 750.00

$ 8 ,108.87 $ 8,108.87 P ermanent Streets No.4. Balance Dec. 31 , 1937 19,792.04 I ncome 1938 8 19.36 Eastern Trust Co. Cas.h depos it 1938 2,925,00

~ 23,536.40 $ 23,536.40 P ermanent Streets No. 5 Balance Dec. 31, 1937 3,475.69 I ncome 1938 157.34 Eastern Trust Co. Cash deposit 1938 633.00

$ 4,266.03 $ 4,266.03

Pennant nt Streets No. 6 Balance Dec. JI, 1937 3,829.82 I ncome 1938 161.49 Easre rn Trust Co. Ca,h deposit 1938 700.00

$ 4.691.31 $ 4,691.31 P ennanefl t Streets No.7 Balanoe Dec. 31, 1937 7,283.6-1 Income 1938 226.17 Eastern Trust Co. Cash d eposit 1938 1,667.00

• , $ 9,176.81 $ 9,176.81 Consolidated Debt Balance Dec. 31 , 1937 125.74

i~ Income 1938 3.00 Eastern Trus t Co. Cash Deposit 1938 35.00

$ 163.74 $ 163.74 Motor Fire Engine . , Balance Dec. 31 ~ 1937 17,218.31 Easte rn Trus t Co . I ncome 688.89

$ 17,907.20 $ 17,907.20


Motor Ladder Truck Balance Dcc. 31, 1937 7,316.95 Income 1938 296.83 Eas te rn Trust Co. Cash deposit 1938 280.00

$ 7,893.78 $ 7,893.78 F ire Trucks

" Balance Dec. 31, 1937 70H )6 I rYcome 1938 28.02 Eastern Trust Co. Cash deposit 1938 75.00

$ 807.08 $ 807.08 Stearn Roller Balance Dec. 31. 1937 2,209.53 Income 1938 83.97 Easte rn T rust Co. Cash deposit 1938 80.00

$ 2,373.50 $ 2,373.50 Widening W indmill Road No. 1 Balance Dec. 31, 1937 2.330.27 1 I nCOllle 1938 93.35 Eas tern T rus t Co. I Cash deposit 1938 85.00

$ 2.508.62 $ 2,508.62 Windmill Road No. 2. Balance Dec. 31 , 1937 972.39 I ncom e 1938 42.75 Eastern T rust Co. Cash depos it 1938 100.00

$ 1,11 5.14 $ 1,11 5.14 1914 Balance Dec. 31, 1937 36.333.1 0. I ncome 1938 1.439.06 Eas tern T rus t Co. Cash deposit 1938 9110.00

$ 38,672. 16 $ 38,672. 1() Schools 1915 Balance Dec. 31 , 1937 2,022.41 I Il'CCT1]e 1938 95.00 Eastern Trus t Co. Cash deposit 1938 40.00

$ 2,157.44 $ 2,157.44

• ,

f. " , , '. ,

• ,


Schools 1917 Balance Dec. 31, 1937 30,426.77 Income 1938 l,42J'()9 Cash deposit 1938 1,000.00

$ 32,849.86 Schools 1919 Ba lance Dec. 31, 1937 8,188.54 Income 1938 346.48 Cash deposit 1938 250.00

$ 8,784.82 Schools 1921 Balance Dec. Jt, 1937 IJ,9S1.43 Income 1938 577.92 Cash deposi t 1938 600.00

$ 15,1 29.37 Schools 1922 Balance Dec;. J I, 1937 5,1 38. 18 Income 1938 213.16 Gain 0 " bonds 1938 245.00 Cash deposit 1938 240.00

$ 5,836.34 Schools No.5 Balance Dec. 31, 1937 8,956.43 Income 1938 355.70 Cash deposit 1938 810.00

$ 10, 122.13 Schools No.6 Balance Dec. 31, 1937 1,117.61 Income 1938 47.06 Cash deposit 1938 97.50

$ 1,262.17


Eastern Trust Co.

$ 32,849.86

Easlern Trust Co.

$ 8,784.82

EaSlern Trust Co.

$ 15,129.37

Eastem Trus t Co.

$ 5,836.34

Eastern Trust Co.

$ 10,122.13

Eas tern Trust Co.

$ 1,262.17


S<::hools N o. 7 Balan<::e De<::. 31, 1937 7,450.56 In <::Oll1e 1938 32 1.81 Eas tern Trust Co. Ca~h deposit 1938 1,333.00

S 9,105.37 $ 9,105.37 Unemployed Relief Bala"<::e De<::. 31, 1937 5,275.78 I "<::ollle 1938 213.62 East r rn Trust Co. Cash deposi t 1938 2,474.00

S 7,963.40 $ 7,963.40 Direct Relief Balan<::e D~. 31, 1937 3,555. 12 Income 1938 129.48 Eas tern Trust Co. Cash deposit 1938 1,041 .00

S 4,72i60 $ 4,72i60 Improvements Balance Dec. 31, 1937 3,167.06 Income 1938 1.30.82 Eastern Trust Co. Cash depos it 1938 740.00

S 4,037.88 $ 4,037.88 Stone Crusher Balance Dec. 31, 1937 455.01 Income 1938 28.44 E.'"tstern Trust Co. Cash deposit 1938 103.00

$ 586.45 $ 586.45 Truck and Tractor r.r-Balance Dec. 31, 1937 5,521.47 lIiiIl"""-Income 1938 223.41 Eas tern Trust Co. Cash deposit 1938 1,700.00

$ 7,444.88 $ 7,444.88 Overdrat Royal Bank Balance Dec. 31, 1937 18,749.80 Income 1938 661.94 Eastern Trust Co. Cash deposit 1938 4,500.00

r-: $ 23,911.74 $ 23,911.74


I ...



Cemetery Balance Dec. JI, 1937 In-come 1938 Cash deposit 1938

Ferry Bonds Balance Dec;. JI, 1937 lncome 1938 Cash deposits 1938

Ferry Bonds No. 2 Balance Dec. 31, 1937 In come 1938

4,869.90 Nova Scotia TrutH Co. 194.03 420.00 $ 5,483.93

$ 5,483.93


9,835.90 389.77 Kova Scotia Trust Co.



57,813.20 2,275.56

$11 ,22.5.67

Xo\'a Scotia Trust Co,

$ 60,088.76 $ 60.088.76




To rhe Ratepayers o f Dantmouth, I.adies and Gentlemen:


It is a pleasure for me to submit my first r eport as Chai of the Dartmo uth School Board for the year 1938.

'jlhe educational activities relating to <t he public schools were conducted and managed in a sp lendid way and tlhis is amp ly supported by we encouraging results obtained. The Darlmo utlh School Board and the cit izens in general have e\·-cry reason, J feel, to be proud of 'fhe high standard of efficiency wihich marks the teaching staff, all under the capab le direct ion and leadership of the superv;sor, G. C. Be,17.ley, and his assistMlltS.

Several ma.tters of vital importance and concern to the future edu ca.t ional advancement of rhe Dar,tmoutih Public Schools were considered by the Board during t he past year and with a great deal of success, 'tIhe way being paved fo r lohe successfu l conc\usio:n) of many of these undertakings during the forthcoming year, a nd in years to come. The Board was successful .in carrying out many desired im· provements and in adjusting certain unrlesirable features \\'hidh make fo r a much happier relationsh ip between \lhe manage ment and the teaching sta ff.

A new schedule of salaries affecting tlhe members of ,me Jt~n.ior High and the Hig;h School was put in to effect pro\'iding for antomatic increase to reaCh the ma..ximum in all cases by the end of 1940.

Consideration was also gh'en by <the Board during the year to the important question of prov id ing additonal school accom'modation. In spection made by all the mem· bers of Lthe Board showed tltat there was great need fOT

more accommodat ion and fhat V ictoria School should be replaced by a modern building as it was considered unfit

" I'



, • ,

, "

, t.





and unsafe for 50'hool purposes. :Many tlh ings were found about the o ld Vie toni a Sahool whi ch offe r hazards to the :: hil drcn in case of fire It was the confi rmed opinion of !hc Board ullat it would be again st all economic principles to spend money fo r improvements and repa irs to Victoria Sohoel in ,-jew of its physical condit ion . Independt'JT1It of this, howe vcr, the build ing is not suilab ly located and does not pro,- ide proper or sat isfaotory playg round accornmocla­'lion fo r bhe ohild ren and furt her, the buildi'fllg does not offe r adequate accommodn.tion for the number oi ch il dren enrol1ed. All the cl asses a rc heayily o,"crcro\\"ded, milita ti ng against gi'"ing the ch ildren the educationa l ad,-·antages to which t.hey arc elntitled . T he teaching staff ha s bccn wo rking under se rious and hea ,·y handicaps in the iaiohful periormance of the ir duties.

II is hoped that the new rear will crystalize plans for the erec t ion of a modern building on an ideal site. which will nOt onl~' take care of the ch ildren now enrolled in Victo ria Sohool, but will pro,·ide accommodation for some ch ildren, at present enrolled at Park School .

The Cha irman of the ,·anous Committees oi the Board de,·otcd a great deal of time to their respecli'·e respons ibili­ties, and. as a result , they must be gi,·en credit fo r carrying Ollt ma ny desir:tble impro,·ements. E specia lly is this true in cOlln ~Gt ion ,,·i\h the heating oj the ' ·'arious build ings . The in s ta.llatioll of automat ic stokers has not on ly given increased c!Ticiency in heating arrangements but has eflected a substant ial s,l\~ing in t!he cos t of fuel.

The Boa rd also discussed during the rear a possible cha nge in the curriculum, ofleri·ng constru ct iye critici sm in ulis respect with a view of dhanges being eventually made \,"bich ,\·,i11 betler fit the Sllldent for his fut ure calling in liie. There is lil,tle doubt bu t that improvement and radical


changes can be effected which will prove beineficial to nbe stludents.

Careful consideration has also been gi\'en by tJhe Board, on recommendations of ·rhe Supervisor, witlh regard to re­creational pursuit s, and in llhis respect it has been. noted that the Supe.l'visor and his assistants ha\"(~ embal'ked upon a progressi\'e and profitable field of sport aot ivities, all help­ing materially to maintain and increase .the interest of the ~tudCillltS in their work.

About rhalf a century ago a banking system was estab­!ished in the public schools whereby each chiJd iflJ certain grades was privileged 10 deposit with t'he teacher so mtlch each week T his banking plan, while little attention has been gin'_n to it by the general public ,has pro\'ed to be a fine il1 st iluiliol1, MiCouraging thrift and helping out many lamilif'S Il'hen the deed was greatest. Unfortunately tlhe s)"stcm has not been encouraged to the extent that I think it merit s. The bank ing syste.m is c<Yll'ducted through the Bank of :-..ront Scot ia and at the end of the year there was a balance of $2,904.26, compared to a balance of $9,945.39 in 1932. There is 110 doubt but that itlhe big difference be­tween tlhe balance in 1938 <lind 1932 is due to the fact that many of the parents fou nd it necessary to \\'ithdraw sal·~ngs to help them "'0 meet contingencies which arose during the past fel\, years, As one educ,atidnalist put it, "Today one does not prac.t ise thri ft, one ·has to be thrifty."

The students have won many honors for tJhe public sc hools in ,-ario us fields during the year. Keen interest has been and is beilnig maintained in gardening, Last year thousands of packages of flower seeds were distributed free to the children through the generosity of the newly organ­ized Dartmouth Amateur Gardeners Association. The c-hildren were enthusias t ic over the new I'enture and were able to make a gratifying showing in the first flower show


held under the allspic~s of the Board. The shield for gar­dening was won by Pa rk School.

There has been a great improycmcot im singing in all the schools and the Dalhousie shield for rhe high school <,honlS was won by the High School. The cup for the sw imm ing championship wa s also won by the High School.

l 'h (' ,health of the ohildren during the year was well main tained. T he scare of a smallpox epidemic created an unprecedented demand for \"acoinations wi th the resu lt that ov-er OCO chi ldren were ,-accinated as compared to the usual a\'erage of 150.

One of the pressing needs s ideration is the construction properly equipped. Whether

whi oh calls ior early con­oi a modem gymnasium, it \\"Quld be possible to

incorporate a gymnasium in one of the present schools is doubtful. Thc id eal way of course, would be to erect an independen t unit for this purpose. although it may be possible to include it in such a unit which would provide for manual t rain ing and domestic scie.nce . The demand for these two new dcpartme.nts was experienced during the year, but due to lack of finan ces the Board ,,-as not in a position to makc :lJny progress. J t is one of thc new progrcssi\·c idcas which e\-entually must be considered by the Board with a vicw to some definite action being taken.

I n concl usion I wi sh to extend my deep and sincere appreciation to the members of the Board Mld also to the Supc,,·isor and c\'Cry member of the teaching staff who so generously cooperated in the important and responsible adrnini~!ralion of school affairs, with a request that the; !<ame generous consideration be extended durmg the year 1939.

Respectfully submitted,




A. C. Pettipas, Chainman,

Boa rd oi Sc hool Commissionrrs, Dartmouth. Sir :-

I wi sh to submi l my annual report for the year 1938. Co mparal i\'c statis tics \\' ith 1934 foUow:

1934 No. of pupil s enrolled ........ .. . .. ..... 1780 No. o f Boys . . ...................... . . 889 No. o f Girls .......................... 891 No. of pupils Grades I to VI ........... 1219 No. of J uni or Hi gh pupils VII to I X .... 386 No. of Ilig h School pupils X to XlI .... 175 Total days' att enda nce . .. ........... 294,843.5 A\'cragc o f mo nthly percentages ..... 88.8

1938 1830 906 924

11 19 450 261

304,281.5 89.4

T he number of pup ils enro lled by g rades in 1918, 1928, and 1938.

Grade 1918 1928 1938 1 · . ... . .... . . · . 359 487 232 2 . . .. . . ... 215 158 167 3 . . .... .. . ..... 160 192 187 4 .. . ..... .... 188 177 156 5 · . . . .. . .. .. ... .. . . 128 207 180 6 · . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .. · . 11 3 139 197 7 · . .. . .. ... .. .. . . · . 89 156 155 8 · . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . · . 84 1(}4 130 9 · . .. . ... ... .. ... . · . 67 84 165

10 . . ..... .. . . ... 57 135 11 . . . . .. .... .. . .. ... 22 86 12 · . · . . 42 • ,


, • ,




• " , ~I: ". ·

~ o·


70 TOWN O F DARTMOUTH - - --'---------- -

T he staff, with license held, and yea rs of ser.;ce, was as jolla\\'s at the close oi th e year.

During first 5 years of Service

"A" License: :'Ilis5 Orpah Bryson, Yoli ;;$ :'Ilary Clewo rth, :'Il iss :\I arjorie Conrad, :'I1is5 Katherine De\'an, C. D. Grant, :'IIis5 Ida J ackson, ),I iss Lilli?..n Lo\'c, J. G. :'Iloo re5. ,\1 iss :'II ild red PublicoYer, .\\ iss :'liable Robens, H. H. Saw!e r, A. E. Smallman .

"E" License: :\lis5 Ruth :'I[onoyan , :'II is;; Florence OHO, :'Iri~s :\Jargaret :'Ilurra:-' ,

Over 5 and up to 10 years of Service.

",-\" Li cense : R. L. Clarke, \Y. P. La\yson, ]. F . .\I arsters, C. :'IT. Shipley, :'Iliss .\'ina Purcell .

Over 10 and up to 20 years of Service.

Academic License: L K. Forsyth , ::'Ilis.;; Elizabeth :'Ifac:\amara.

"A" Licen~f' : :'Il is;; .\brion F orsyth, .\liss Clara Q uinlan . ·'B" License: .\Ii ss ,\larion Conr ad. '\liss Ethel Harrison,

.\Iiss .\I aude Otto.

Over 20 years of Service.

Acade mic: G. C. Beazley. "A" License: '\fi ss .\Iarga ret Auld. .\Iiss Abby Beazley,

.\Ii ;;.s .\l argaret Christie, .\I iss Florence Corkum, Miss :\an De\'an, '\liss Lena Gates, .\\iss Adela ide Hiltz, .\Ii ss Gertrude :\"oonan . .\lrs . Alice Oakley.

·· B" L icense : .\Iiss Hatt ie Acker, .\li ss E ffie Sih'er, .\Iiss ~\l argaret Sutherland.

·'C" L icense: i\Iiss Rut h Ellio tt , '\fiss Beat rice McLeod. A numbe r oi changes in staff and transiers were made

1n June. .\Ii ss Gladys Gen·a is . '\liss Ethel Hihz. Miss Do rothy :\orris . .\Ii ss Flora '\facdonald and '\liss .\large.ret .\Iyatt leit teaching in June for other \·ocat ions. i\Ir. Scott


,left early in the year to teach in H al ifax. Th·u ~ changes take place ,experienced teachers of the greatest value to a school system, are replaced by begillonrers in the fie ld of teaching, who in the ma rch of time replace the former teache rs.

~ I r. Crant returned as Principal at Park School and the esprit de corps is increasing at that school.

1"lay I repeat a paragraph from a former "Annual Repo rt," "Mecha.n'ic Science, Domest ic Science, Commer­cial Department in the Hi gh School, and classes for retard­ed pupils are required to complete rhe training for liveli­hood that ou r pupi ls sho uld receive." l'his situatio n rema ins the sa me today.

I wish to exp ress my appreciat ion of the cooperation rC'ccivcd fro m you and the Board du r~nlg the year.

Respectfull y submitted,

C. C. BEAZLEY, Supervisor.

; ,

! I




A. C. Pcttipas, Esq., Chairman, Board of Schoo l Commissioners,

Dartmouth, N. S. Dear Sir;

The following is a report of the school ''''Qrk for the year 1938:

The annual physical examination has been giYcn in fou r schools, from Grade 1 to 6 inclusi\"'e, by school doctor and 1 wo nurses.

We assisted Dr. Payzant, the school doctor, vaccinat­ing 65 1 pupils, a much la.rger number than in previous years.

The children were weighed and examined fo r communi­cable diseases. pe rsonal cleanliness a.nd physical defects.

Fi,'c hundred and sixty nine notices were sent to parents for deJects found. This was 180 less than last year, sho win g cafrections are slowly bcind made. .

One hundred and eighty nine home schools yisits were made to most urgcnt cases.

\Vc st ill ha\'c a large number untrcated which need attcntion. mostly in familics of limited incomes and very little to spcnd on tonsi ls. tee th and throat.

E-ighty-seycn \'isit ,; were made to schools. Onc hl1ndred and twcnty-eight hours were spent i.n

school work. Forty-eight childrcn were excludcd for skin and 5C..1.1p

disease. Respectfully submitted,


(Nurse in Charge.)



His Worship tlhe Mayor and Members of the Dartmouth Town Council. •

Ge ntl cme~ :-On behalf of the Dartmouth Housing Commissio n I beg to sub,mit the following report for bhe year 1938.

During the year, E state o f C. R. Mosher, Capt. E. A. Lavallie, C. A. Roberts, Clyde Teasdale and W. F. Chane­ton, paid the balance due the Commission and the proper­ti es have been transferred to them.

Tihe Commission found it iIlccessary to re.-possess No. 77 Rose Street and No.9 Maple Street. The Com­ml$5oio n wOllld like to d.ispose of the properties either for cash or o n telims.

The Co mmission was able to effect negoti·ations where­by ,th e Misses Bea zley has signed an agreement to purchase No. 11 l\'1 aple St reet o n the usual temns and payments. 'Phe pa st year has sho wn a general improvement in the payment o f in stallments, ne\'(~rtheless there are some house­holders w'ho are apparent ly finding it impossible to keep up the payment s, and there may be no alternat ive but for the Commissio n to take over cerl'ain properties in the near future.

Commissioners J. '-V. Payzant and A. T. Croft sen t in th eir resignations during the year, and your Coun\Cil appointed Mr. Harrison Cann and Lieut John Gully to fill the vacancies.

Mr. V . M. DeVan was appointed Chairman' and Mr. A. E . Hyde, Vice-ChaiIiITlan of the Commission.

The books of lite Commissio n have been audited by Major H. D. Creig hton ,C.A., to the 31st December, 1938 and found correct.


Further par.ticular.s are included in the Secretary's report which follows.

Rescctful1y submitted,

NAME I ns tal. D. D enham .. 211 A. B. Smith .. 173 H. C, 9 :-'Iaple Street 147 Stairs Benjamin ..... 217 Geo. A Coltcr ....... 1H H enri Stroud F. Cok

. 171 ' . . 2 14

F. Dunlo p ..... . .... 210 Ral ph D. Rogers ..... 99 Mrs. Laura Dillman . . 21S Ross Peel's ........ .. 137 Jo hn A. Graham ...... 183 Marlin T . Murphy .. 163 Mrs. i\l ary DUIl<artsq. l<)9 Alex i\lcDow .104 Missc~ Beazley .. .. . . 147 H. C. Wambolt .. .... 169 Gregory O 'H earn ... 199 W . ] . 1Il crcdith. . .. 204 H. C. 7i Rose 51.. .. 158 J. T . Brookin g ..... 171 Wm . Roger.. .184 W. N. Brown. . . . 195 Albert Brewer ..... 156 Wm. Ch isholm .. ... . 182 111 rs. Clara .-\ . Bailey.162 W. O. Ainsley . .187 E. S. T uft s. . .183 E. F. W,hebby.. .151 J. C. Ril , hic .. ... .... 195 H . ) . L yndl ..... . .... 193

V. M. DeVAN, Chairman.

Date Paid up to. Amount. Intel'es t. Principal

June 1138 $4692.64 $1953.06 $2739.58 Mar. 15135 -1036.09 1876.90 21 59. 19 June 15133 3664.71 1825.59 1839.12 Dec. 1138 4758.81 1943.23 281 5.58 Sept. 1137 3160.80 1577.54 1583.26 Mar. 15135 4069.80 1903.02 2\66.78 No\" . 1138 3032.38 1250.23 li82.15 Sept. 15138 5356.10 2237.27 3118.83 Dec. 1137 2309.61 1261.07 lo..s.60 Dec. 15138 5222.35 2145.71 3076.64 ?Iar 1132 3264.00 1641.84 1622.16 Apr. 1136 4666.50 2123.52 2542.98 Aug. 1134 4156.50 1982.74 2173.76 Sept. 113i 4644.66 2008.00 2636.66 Dec. 1137 250120 1354. 12 1147.08 Dec. 1138 3763.20 1865.19 1898.01 Mar. 1135 3944.46 1853.97 2090.49 Aug. 1137 5307.33 2293.33 301 4.00 Mar. 1138 5438.64 2323.84 311 4.80 May 15134 3160.00 1525.60 1634.40 :-'Iar. 1135 4560 57 2132.97 2427.60 Jan. 15.38 4600.00 2076.53 2523.47 jan. 1139 4418.70 1931.94 2486.76 July 15138 31(.(1.00 1504.60 1595.40 Jan. 15138 4853.9-1- 2203.14 2650.80 Dec 1138 4631.00 2475.04 2155.96 Apr. 1138 4987.29 2232.89 2754.40 Nov. 1137 4146.78 1885.78 2261.00 ~Iay 15135 2819.17 1377.73 1441.44 Dec. 15138 39CO.00 1708.60 2191.40 No\,. 15138 3860.00 1698.50 2161.50

ANNUAL REPORT 75 -------_ . __ .-

A. J. Conrod . ..... .160 Feb. 15136 3200.00 1537.1 0 1662.90 t\\'e ry Ja ckson .. . . .176 May 30138 3520.00 1623.10 1896.90 E. Hpj(: .... ..... .... 190 Oct. 1138 3800.00 1686.20 211 3.80 Miss Mary Smith .. .. 179 Nov. 30138 3580.00 1638.70 1941.JO J oscph Smith .164 Scpt. 1137 3280.00 1560AO 1719.60 ~Irs ~largarc t \\ ' ilson 178 Oct. 1138 J660.oo 1633.40 1926.60 E. A. Butlcr. . ... 181 Dcc. 15138 3620.00 1639.40 1980.60 Total amou nt paid Go\'e rnmenl.. .... . .... .... $237.640.62 TOlal amounl paid for Principal ........ . .... $122.502.79 TOlal amoulll paid for Interest .. ....... ..... 115.137.83


Collcctions fo r 19J8 .. .......... ....... ...... $ 15.612.09 Amou ni paid Govcrn mcnt, 1938.............. 13.624.99 W . F. Charlcton balance of loan paid in full. ..... . ... $ Estate of C. R. Mos her. balan ce of loan paid in fulL E. A. Lavallie. balance of loan paid in full ......... . C. 1\ . Roberts. balance of loan paid in full ........... . Clydc T easdale. balance of loan paid in full . ........ . ... .

870.11 706.85

1503.89 1106.18 1960.93

( H. C. in namc COIWlln indicates houses taken o\'cr and held by Commission.)

Respectfully submitted,

EDGAR H. LEVY, Secretary.



Dartmouth, N. S., J anuary 23, 1939. To the Ratepayer,; Tov,,' 11 of Dartmouth, ~ . S.

Ladies and Gentlemen: The year 1938 ha s bten a most sat i,f<lctory one . E ," cry

branch of Lhe service showed substantial increases o\"er the prc\<lous year and nOI\\'ith standing the extension of ferry se rvice during the year, the ope rat ing expenses were do wn $2,304.98 from the prc\'ious yea r. A special Traffic Commiltec wa s appoint ed during the year and charged with the responsibility of regul atin·g and maintaining boat sd:edules, whic~ I fec i ha s rC5ulted in a morc .:'atisi:>.cto ry sen ";cc to the ferry patrons.

The revenue from sales of \"chicular and pedestrian tickets was $188,1 29.02, an in crease of $5,91 i.21 o\'cr the previous year.

Ope ra.t~n,g profit for t.he year was $33,099.98 and after charg ing off depreciation amounting to ~14,376.00 and paying the usual grants of :;;500.00 each to the V ic to rian Order o f Nmscs, the Natal Day Committee and ~100.00 to the Dartmouth Read ing Room, ~1,664.37 superannuat ion to retired employees and ~1 ,CXX>.00 to Sinking Fund Resen'c, the net profit stood at :;;14,939.61 as"lred wi th $9,495.83 for the previous year.

The pay roll fo r the year \\'as ~92,753.57, an increase of $2,665.48 over 1937. This increase is due almost entirely to the eX'tra se n'ice proyided.

During the year your Commission has giHn serious cons ideratio n to urgent requ irements of the ensu ing se\'eral years, i. e. the rearrangement of the Dartmouth docking fa cilities and the purchase of a new boat to replace the forty-three year old Chebucto. Regarding the latter pro­ject, it is proposed t-11at when the Chebucto goes o n the


slip in Febnuary, an j'nrlependent survey be made of her condition . If this survey shows the necessity of a new \)oat, the mailer will be put before the ratepayers at an ea rl y date.

In accordance with Section 126 of Chapter 56 of the Acts of 1902, $10,000.00 was paid oyer to the Town of Dartmouth.

Detailed statistics may be obtained from a study of the Fina.m::ial Report, which will be incorporated in the Annual Repof't of the Town of Dartmouth.

I desire to express to the Commissioners, the Manage­men t and all employees my appreciation for the courtesy and cooperation tendered me during the past year.

I have the honor to be,

Yours sincerely,

L. J. ISNOR, Chainnan.

Dartmouth Ferry Commission.

To the Ohainnan <lJnd Dartmouth Ferry Com.mission, Dartmoutql, NOH'!. Scotia.

Gentlemen: The year 1938 has proved a successful one for the

Dartmouth Ferry Commission. Tihere has been a notice­ab le increase in traffic; losses due ,(Q accident·s or claims have been negligible 311ld covered by insurance; repa irs to plant and equipment are minor as co.mpared with 1937, yet the propert ies have been maintained and arc at present in good conditiOnl on the Halifax side.Tn D ar,tmotuth there are some important renewals yet to be undert'aken.

A new bridge was constructed and installed in the main dock at Dartmouth, new guide posts erected and pe~m3in-


· •

• ,. ;


, t

, ., ~ r


cnt horns placed in position. renewed, also t.he stonewall and

The bridge apron was concrete curb rebuilt.

A new pontoon. was built and installed in the north dock at Dartmouth and necessary repairs made to the landings.

A Pontoon for the Hali fa.-.:: north dock is now unde r con­st ruction. \Vh<lri repairs include the renewal of scycral piles also shcathingon Ihe north s ide oi the main Danmouth dock; the reconstruction of about 123 feet of the north _ wharf, also necessary repairs to the south or lay-up dock.

A re-a rrangement of the Halifax stalion house was made and a ramp built in. Nc\\- to ilets, also a new ticket booth were in stalled. On the Dartmouth side, the statio n house, yard. whan'cs, bridges and jog signals wefe rewired and a central cont rol installed, thc building has been paint­cd ,insidc and o ut and a ncw tickct booth built in position. A ¥l!CW fog alann and lighthousc ha\'c been built and put in place.

The usual annual repairs were made to the seyeral boats. T'hrec bottom ro ws o f tubes were rcmov-ed in the S. S. " I-Ialifax" and tlh is boat has had a steam steering gear in stalled. It wa s also found nccessary to pro\'idc propellor blades for the steamers "Halifa..x" and "Dartmouth."

One of our oldest Employces, ~Ir. Bellefon­taine was superannua ted on Mar 14th.

Mr. John G, Clark, a highl y respected and capablc engineer with the se n ' ice since 1920 was removed by death March 14th, 1938.

It has been deemed ad\'isable to further cx,tcnd the se r-vice for the bcnefit of our public a.nd this has employment of more men to cope with the conditions.

meant the expanding


The se n -ices as rendered by aU employees in their several capacities are greatly appreciated by the manage~ ment , rclic\ling thc rcsponsibi lity w'hich would otherwise be far heavie r.

For informat ion relative to ferry statistics, you are referred ,to the report of the chairman, also the Auditors statements_

Respectfully submitted,


~neral Superintendent.



.. "

, , \' •

• "

.. . , ;C "


· , ,.




1937 Dec. 31 AmouJlt at Credit 1938

........... $...?QJ,260.03

Jan. 20 By !\ mount transferred from Profit and Loss Account .............. .

By Adjustment, value of Equipment. .. Dec. 31 By Interest for 1938 .......... ,. , .......... .


9,495.83 492.07



Jan. 20 To Halifax Docks. written off... . .$20,525.80 Dec. 12 To Amount paid T own of Dartmouth 10,000.00

$ 30,525.80



1937 Dec. JI By Amount at Credit ........................ $180,599.05 1938 Oct:. JI By Provision fo r Depreciation during 1938.. .. 14,376.00

1938 Dec. 31 . By !\mount at Credit. .......... .. .... . ...... $194.975.05



Year ending December 31st, 1938. By Ferriages and Commutations ... $188,129.02

Rental s, Advertisin g Space, Bll.ildings, e tc. 3,772.92 '1"10 Int erest . . . . . . . , . . . . ......... $ 9,400.00

\Vorkme n's Compensation 511.44 Pub lic Liabilit y Insurance Emp loyees' Sickness In surance Operating Expenses In sur.l nce Reserve for Depredation Tax es and \Vater Rat es Grant to Katal Day Committ ee . Grant to Victorian O rder of Nurses . Grant to Dartmou th Reading Room. i\l isce l1aneOlls Expenses .......... . . . Bad Debts . .................. . Inspection A{ll'en L;i ng . ... ..... . Superannllati!'n ...... . .... . Net E.a rnin gs for year . .

790.30 517.08

132,149.48 2.261.90

14,376.00 12,326.11

500.00 500.00 100.00 95.34

145.80 270.00 334.51

1,684.37 15,939.61

$191 ,901.94 191,901.94

1937 Dec. 31 1938


By Amount at Credit .......... $ 9,405.83

D ec. 31 By Net Earnin gs 1938 fr om above . 15,939.61

$ 25,435.44 1938 Jan. 20 To Amount tran ~ fe rred to Reserve .... $9,495.83 Dec. 6 T o Amount to Sinking Fund Reserve . . 1,000.00

1938 Dec. 31 By Amount at Credit ..

$ 10,495.83

. .... . . .. .•....... . . $ 14,939.61


• · .

• •


BALA NCE SHEET Dec. J i st, 1938.


Real Estate and Equipmen t. ........... .... $+W,9JO.55 Lcs.s Reserve fo r Depreciation . 1 9~,975.0j

Coal and ot her Supplies ........ .

----'$245,955.50 .......... 1,074.55

Cash on Hand and in Bank ... . .... $ 4,530.24 1,099.73

----'$ Accounts Receivable .................... .

Deferred Charges. unexpired Reserve F und Inve5tmcnts:

insurance ... . Bonds ..... .

Sa,,;ngs Ba nk ........................ . Sinking Fund Invcs tmenlS:-

Tow n of Dar tmouth (under Legi~lation oi 1924) ...

5,629.97 2,217.51

57,308.25 27,42).79



LlA BILl'rl ES

Town of Dartmout11 ...... $135,000.00 Accou nts Payable . ..... , .................... $ 1,871.58 Accrued Int erC"St, Town of Da runouth.... 1,733.80

$ Commutations paid in advance ..... Reserve . ............................. . •. .... , . . .... . Sinking Fund Reserve ..... . .......... , .... . Profit and Loss Accoun t .... .

3,6()5.38 247.50

185,817.08 11 .125.67 14,939.61



I ihave examined the books and accounts of Dartmou\lh Ferry Co;mmission fo r year ending December 31st, 1938, amid in Illy opinion the above balance sheet is correctly drawn to represent the posi.t ion of the Commission as on December 31 st, 1938, as shown by the books of the said Commission.

During the year unde r review the sum of $20,203.78 fo r repairs and re placemenltS was cha l'ged dire<:t to opera­(,ion expenses.

No credit has been taken fo r accrued interest on $53,OC:O.OO paid to To wn of Dratmouth in 1935.

As in fonne r years and in accordance with resolution of the Commission, t.he Income from Reserve Fund I nvest­ment s has been credited direct to Reserve AccolLTht and does not appear in Uhe Revenue Account {or the yar.

GEO. H . HOLDER, C.A., Auditor.


, :; ,



To the i\layo r and Danmouth To wn Council.

Gent lemen :

By the unanimous \ute o f th e fui! Park Commission in l\'lay 1938, a po rtion of park at th e corne r of Park Avenue and Commercial s treet. \ras given O'"c r to the town for the purpose o f buil din g a swimming and wading pool for the children o f Dartmouth.

Fifty Sco tch Pi ne trees were donated to the Park Commission by ) I r. Cote and they were transplatcd on the top of the hill by the SU.Illmer hOllse and are doing welL

T hi s spring we will ha,"c to transplant about 100 Scotch Pine tfees th at WCfC p lanted too close together by the sc hool chil dren about t\\'o y ears ago.

The lI sual wo rk during the summer wa s carried out in the way o f keeping the roads built up as bes t we cou ld, painting the summer house, and be nches and signs on the roads, and placing some ne\\' oncs, cutting brush and grass and cleaning up rubbish and can s, etc. , thro wn in the park by our citizens.

A park keeper ,,-as on duty e"ery day iro m 1\lay 15th to Augu st 18t h. He should be kept on duty until Labor Day was oYcr. But on account of the small grant from the TaWil Council for park act i"ities thi s could not be done.

The roads in the Pa rk arc in a disgraceful co ndit ion a.n.d ha"e been for years.

\Ve sho uld do a small por tion of road work each year "ntil all the roads in the park arc completed, In this way it "'auld IlOt be so ha rd on the tax payers .


s incere ly t1"us t that when the new council take up the es timates for ilhi s year they w.i'll be a little more liberal to the Park Commission than they hav'e been iIn, past years.

S incerely yours,

W I LLIAM A. CASE, Chairman

INDEX Ac;c;ounts Payable .. ...... . .. . .... .•.. . . . Assets and Liabilities . .. . . ........ . . , . . . . .. . .. . ASSiClSsment Auditors' Report .. , .. . ...... , .... , .....•...... Bank Balances ..... ........ .. , .... .• ... , ...... . Bonded Debt ............ , ....•.... , ....• •. .... Ch'<Lrities ........ ......... . .•......... • ....... Dog Taxes ............... • •. , .•....•. . .. •• ..... Fire Financ;es Ferry Commission ........ . .. .... , .. ...• . Go\"!. Town of Dartmouth ... ..... . . .. . H ealth Officer ............ ... ......... . Housing Commission .... .. .................... . Licenses:-Hack. T.ruck, Traders, etc . .. . . M ayor'lS Report ..... . .. .... ............... . ... . Ua}'or-s, List of ..... . ................ ... ..... . Park ComTllis~ i on ..................... • .. . .... . Plumbin g Inspector's Report ........ .• ........ Police .. . . ................ . Rec::eipts and E xpenditures:-

4J 41 10 40 4J 11 23 31 21 5

76 1

38 72 29 4 2

84 36 26

T own General ............................. 45 \Vater and Sewer Maintenance... ....... SO \Vater and Sewer Construction ... .. T".... 52 Chlorination P lant .... . ............... 52 Sc.hool, ... . . . .. 48 Mount H ermon Cemetery .. ..... •. . ... 53 Cu rbs and Gutters ..... . ........ . .......... 53 F iremen's Fund . ........ ....... .•.... . ... .. 54 Tax Sale Fund ...... . ... .. . .. .............. 54 Pennanent Sidewalks . ...... .... . .... . ..... 55 Pavement No. 5........................... 5S Dartmouth Park Commission .. . ... .•. 5S Debentures Account ................• . ..... 54 Equipment ...... . ............ .. . ..•. ...... 54 Pleasant Street Sewer.............. ... 55

Streets and Public Property ......... . .... . ...... 13 Schools ........................... •...••... . . . 6S School Medical Insp«tlon. ... ................. . 72 School Staff . ..................... ••... • ..... ... 70 SinJ...-ing Funds ................ . . . , . . ..... . ... .. 56 T ax Collector's Report....... .......... ...... 39 T ax Rate.......... . ........ . ........... . .... .. 9 \Vater and Sewera~ ................... . ... . 17 Returns Respeeling Debentures and Si nking Funds.

Return to Municipal Commissi(imer Respecting Debentures and Sinkings to 31st December, 1938, I of the Town of Dartmouth.



CIHII}t. 1 Year.


.. ~ ::. , ~= .:. ~ CC "' .='--g .. :.. 5:;t. e...>oI ... . 1"'0 ::0 ..... _ _ _::: 0-.

- ;: 'i: :l 2 ·= oiij6~ "Q ~ ::... ",00 .. ~ ~ ] ~ .., ~ z ~~ g~;E

r::! • 15 0 ~ - - .= c.::"Q .:: ._3!::O '0 '0 '0 =~ ;; S"" -;;; £: ::; .., ..,.., 5~-::i <i ~"Q '=

• ~. ..., :: ' _ 0 '

Q 0':-- " ""Q ~ I 10()

§ 0:: e.· .5 Q:l _0'0 0:: ':1.. >o J ::O 0; ~111-i - .:: =,,:: ~ "'-"= ~ . ..

O~ _0

-:;I .§ ,~

:;-:;1 , § 0,,--;; IO()~ t~ ~

'0"2 e ;; ;:;:; :; "'g o~=-g --------- I--I--~ ...." Q Q ~ "" ~"- ... ,~.

'0 I': ~ ' o ~ t-< iii C! ! 5 ,S -----

_0_ e·-.c: _00.

Schoole ... . ... ... . . .

• • •

• School Renewing 29,000 ..

, « • O,6OCl . . Schools ... .... ...... . Fire Truth..... . ....... . Crusher , , . . . ............ . Public Works and Improvements. Electric Light ................. . ColUlolidatcd Debt .... .

• • Unemployed Relief .... . Direct Helicf. ... .... . Overdraft Royal Bank . Tractor and Plough .... Truck ..... ... . Motor Fire Engine ..... .

~ Laddcr T ruck . , ,. Road Roller ....... ..... . Widening Windmill Rd .. .

• •• Cemetery ... ... . .

Permanent Sidewalks .. • • • • • •

Pavement •.. •

• • • •

" " 95 0'1 93

G5 81 75 81 84 7G 7G 8G

" 57 G7 57 70 57 57 ..

100 .4 95 65 97

93 77 G7 77 29 81 86 29 67 76

1014 101 5 1017 1919 1921

1922 1028 1030 19211 1929 1933 1933 19" 1914 1935 1932 1935 1934 1035 1935 Igll 1920 Igl 9 IIU9 1022 1925

1921 1927 1932 1927 19211 1928 1931 1928 1032 19"

, 00,000 I S 4,000

100,000 12,6OCl 30,000

12,000 :.17,000 3,000

40,000 2,500 3,100

22,200 :3 ,500

17,000 1,000

15,000 12,500 24,000 5,500 3,000

15,500 14,000 4,000 8,000 5,000

11 ,000

10,000 10,000 15,000 5O,000 11 ,000 25.000 00,000 19,000 21 ,000 5O,000

00,000 4,000

100,000 12,500 30,000

12,000 21,000 3,000

40,000 2,500 3.100

22,200 3,500

11,000 1,000

15,000 12,500 24,000 5,500 3,000

15,500 14,000 4,000 8,000 5,000

11 ,000

10,000 10,000 15,000 5O,OOO 11 ,000 25,000 110,000 19,000 21 ,000 5O,000

J uly I, 1 0 1~ lI."i:l,y I , lOIS J uly 2, Hil S J uly 2, t910 No,'. I , Ifl21

July 3, 1022 July 2, W28 JUII. 2, 1931 May 1, 1932 Nov. 1, 1929 J uly 1, 1934 July I. 1934 J une I, 1!l31 Dee. 2, 19 14 J uly 2, 193.l Nov. I , 19:3'l July 2, 1935 Ju\y 2, 1931 July 2, 1935 July 2, 1!l35 J uly 2, 1919 July 2,1921 July 2, 1919 Jul y 2, 19 19 July 3, 192'1 Oct. I, 1925

Feb. I, 1916 Nov. I, 1921 Aug. I, 1927 July 2, 1932 Aug. I, I9'J1 Nov . I , 1!J29 Nov. I , IlYoffl Junc I , 1931 Mnl' . I , 19:32 July 2, 1932 July 1, 1934

\!J·I-I I!J 10 H1-13 1 9·1~ 1951

I!H2 1948 1951 1952 1!).19 1\l5·1 1{),j ,1 1951 H) 1·1 1955 19-12 19·15 1\l30 19·10 19-10 193\1 IIl·1I If}!!) 19·Ii) 11)42 19,15

"36 19·11 10·17 1!)52 19·11 I." J94f1 11151 HI52 1f)52


5% 5% 6% 5% 6%

5J{~ 4}1 70

5% .')% 5% 5% 5%

454% 5% 4% ~;t :~} 4% 5')1 • r, 5% ~l

5}i'% 5%

5% 6%

4J<% 5J4% ' J<'&

5% 5%

4J{2j> 5Wl? 5X ~


• 000 00 4000

1,000 00 250 00 000 00

2-10.00 810 00 91 .00

1,333 00 7500

103 .00 140 00 113 .75

3500 1,237 .50 1,0'11 00 4,500 .00

1,700 00

280 ,00 80 .00 85 .00 50.00


200.00 200 .00 500.00

1,500.00 330 ,00 150 .00

2,925 .00 G33 00 700 .00

1,661 .00

$21 .000 00 !IOO 00

20,000 00 5.000 00

lO,m 00

3,8'10 .00 8, 100.00

i12 50 7,!)98 .00

Gi5 00 51& ,00

3,100.00 700 .25

1 5~ 15 7 , ~22 . 00 1.371 .50


6,957 .25 12,700.00 5 ,0~0 . 00 1,520 .00 1,605 .00

86000 4,290 .00

3,400 .00 2,200 ,00 3,000.00

16,500 00 3,300 .00 6,750 .00 2Q, ~7r..c)0 3,198 ,00 4,200 00 8,335 ,00

S 36.3300 .00 2,02'AO 00

30,4200 _00 S, I&'>O .oo

13,9500.00 00.

524&) 5,1330 .00 8,9500 .00 1.111.l7 . 50 7,4.';(33 00

10.]75 .00 45..'03 .00

3, t(i7~O . OO 1,2:.!1I:3 .15

. i2ti5:00 5,2n7.\ .00 3,5~1l . 00

18,14000 00

5,52100_00 11 ,21B . 1,3 1680 .00 2,20080 _00 2,334l85.00

91200 _00 4,86920 .00

In on ~ lOO t

4,2371 .00\ 6,4!l!JOO .OO 2,41(200_00 2, 14;j()() . 00

18,82000 .00 3,~.00 7,073'50 00

19,102125 .00 3,475\33 .00 3,829'00 .00 7,283)61 ,00

5 1,439 .00 95 .00

1,423 .09 340.'18 577 .9:.!

213 . Hi 355 70 47 .06

321 .SI 28 .02 28 . 401

130.82 45 .00

3 .00 213 .62 129.48 061 .g'l

223.41 688 .89 296 .83 8397 9.1 .35 42 .75

104 .03

185 .63 25g .35 9S .55

122 .64 147 .46 133 .28 285 .46 SIO .36 151 .34 161.40 226 . 17

• " ... "t:I ..

oQ ~ .- . §"9 !l Q 3 ,5 a:.... 10()

= lOG.::


Oi:;'g "":::0; ~iij,::

I 38,672 . 10 2,157 .4~

32,8,1\) .80 8,784.82

15,12'J .37

5,836.34 10,122 . 13

1,:.!6:.! , 17 9,105 37

807 .OS 586 . 45

4,031 .88 1,381.07

. iil.i74 7.963 .40 4,125 .60

23,9 11 .14

7,444 . S.~ 11,007,20

7,S\13 .78 2,373 .50. 2,508 62 l , llS . 14 5.483 .93

3,14623 6,921 .31 2,717 .75 3,365 ,64

21 ,073 .75 4,0~5 02 8,103 .87

23,536.40 4,266 .03 4,691 .31 9,116 .81


EfI3 lern T rust Co. · ., · .' · " • •

· ., · ". · ., · ., · ., • • · ., · .,

No Sinking Fund E Mtern TrusL Co. · . ,

" ., " .' · ., · ., · ." · ., · .,

N. S. Trtl!lt Co. Ellillern Trtl!lt Co.

• • • • " • • •

• •

• •

• • • • •

• • • • • • •

• •

Return to Municipal Commissioner Respecting Debentures and Sinking Funds to 31st December, 1938, of the Town of Dartmouth. .



Waler :Ind Sewemge ., .... . ... . · . " " " " • • • •

" " • •

" • • • "

" "

~ Hcnewal35,5IXl . WUer nud Sewerage ..

• Hcnewa! 62,500 Water nnd Sewerage . .

• • • " • • • •

• " " • •

• • " • •

Sewers Pleasant St. . ........ .. . , Curbs and Gutters .. . . Water (Chlorinat.ion ,'bnt) ... . . Dllrtmollth !'crry COlJu!liss ion . . .

" . .


eh,,!', .! Year.

] "' . "' ~ ::'0 ,., ., ,e;-g ~ .

~ j ~ "

• " J '0

" 8


" ~

'0 o


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5 11)35 10,000 10,000 Nov. 1, 1937 1957 3Wl" 56 100Z 5,000 5,000 Nov. I , 1!)38 1%8 3J4%

.... 193.'i 3,000 3,000 Nov. I. 1!)38 1053 3Wf9 iO 1!XJ4 10,000 10,000 No,'. I, 1!l3S HISS 3Wio

.'j 1935 7,000 7,000 Nov. I , HI38 1058 3J..i70


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16,812 .68 2,62;; .01 1,501 03 7,950 .23 3,fl3-1. !)2 4,370 , 12 4.5 17 .2"2 5,," 8 .74

70 1. 09 17500 132 .00

3()() .00 2,000 .. 00 1,000.00

180 .00 ISO .OO 150 .00

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501.40 2,133.29

\lI 8'.93 147 .2-1 130 . 12 9S.3D

700 .26 116 .02 64. 11

29956 164 .96 171 .54 195 .52 2:z.l .03

\6 .91 6 .31 3 .67

11 ,726 .20 55,139. 11 2J,31l8 7S 3,805 .81 2,902. 71 2,359 .20

18,72 1. 9-t 2,!lSL01 1,688 .20 8,009.79 4,619 .88 5, 197.66 5,575 .1<& 6,915 .77

998 .00 350 .31 267 . 67 175.00 350 .00

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102 H112 7,000 7,000 July 1, 1913 l!H3 1'1% 1.000 .00 8,;j()() .00 0,835 .00 1,000 .00 389 .77 1l,2Z5 .67 N. S. Trust Co.

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102 1912 25,000 25,000 l\lfly 1, 1013 19·13 fI%) ! 102 1!H2 3,000 3 ,000 July 1, 1913 19·13 fI% II •• ____________ .I~ \015 15a,000 153,000 M!ty I , IfJ15 'I!HO 5% 57,8 13 .20 2,275.56 60,088.76 ___ " ____ _

TOTALS . .. $[,385, :00 1 $1,385,100 53(;,373 75 ! $ 8,500 00 $,174,511.00 1$30, 708 . 25 1119,453.67 I


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