Post on 06-Apr-2018






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The Board of Coal Mine Safety (Board) proposes to add regulatory provisions to Chapter 208.

These proposed additions include §§ 208.101 – 208.412 (relating to Standards for surface

facilities) as well as the definitions of “Barricaded,” “Berm,” “Certified or registered,” “Flash

point,” “Qualified person,” “Roll protection,” “Safety can,” and “Trailing cable” to read as set

forth in Annex A. This rulemaking proposes to implement existing federal regulations, thereby

making them independently enforceable by the Commonwealth.

Sections 106 and 106.1 of the Bituminous Coal Mine Safety Act (52 P.S. §§ 690-106 and 106.1)

(BCMSA) authorize the adoption of regulations for its implementation including additional safety

standards. BCMSA further authorizes the Board of Coal Mine Safety (Board) to promulgate

necessary or appropriate regulations to implement the requirements of BCMSA and to protect the

health, safety, and welfare of miners and other individuals in and about mines.

This notice of proposed rulemaking was given under Board order at its meeting of ____________.

A. Effective Date

This proposed rulemaking will be effective upon final-form publication in the Pennsylvania


B. Contact Persons

For further information, contact Joe Sbaffoni, Director Bureau of Mine Safety, Fayette County

Health Center, 100 New Salem Road, Room 167, Uniontown PA 15401, (724) 439-7469,, or Andrew Jenkins, Assistant Counsel, Bureau of Regulatory Counsel, Office

of Chief Counsel, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 9th

Floor, P.O. Box 8464, Harrisburg, PA

17105-8464, (717) 787-9376,

C. Statutory Authority

The proposed rulemaking is authorized under Sections 106 and 106.1 of BCMSA which grant the

Board the authority to adopt regulations to implement BCMSA including additional safety

standards. The Board is further authorized to promulgate regulations that are necessary or

appropriate to protect the health, safety, and welfare of miners and other individuals in and about



D. Background and Purpose

On July 7, 2008, Pennsylvania’s General Assembly enacted BCMSA which was the first

significant update of the Commonwealth’s underground bituminous coal mine safety laws since

1961 (52 P.S. § 690-103(a)). BCMSA provides broad authority to promulgate regulations that are

necessary or appropriate to implement the act and to protect the health, safety, and welfare of

miners and other individuals in and about mines (52 P.S. § 690-106.1(a)). Final regulations

consistent with federal standards may also be promulgated (52 P.S. § 690-106.1(c)). Such

regulations are to be promulgated by the Board which consists of three members representing

mine workers, three members representing underground bituminous coal mine operators, and the

Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) who serves as the Board’s chair

(52 P.S. § 690-106).

This proposed rulemaking will implement existing federal regulations that broadly relate to the

surface work areas of underground coal mines and govern surface installations, thermal dryers,

safeguards for mechanical equipment, electrical equipment, trailing cables, grounding, surface

high-voltage distribution, low- and medium-voltage alternating currents, ground control, fire

protection, maps, personnel hoisting, wire ropes, trolley wires and trolley feeder wires, and slope

and shaft sinking. As a result, the existing federal regulations will become independently

enforceable in Pennsylvania.

At the outset, the proposed rulemaking will implement the federal regulations relating to qualified

or certified persons. The federal regulations require certain types of work and certain tests—

electrical work and tests for methane, for example—to be conducted by qualified or certified

persons. Requiring a person to be qualified or certified ensures that the examinations and tests

they conduct and the duties they carry out will be done in a professional manner, thus enhancing

the safety of persons in and around mine sites.

Another component of the proposed rulemaking will implement the federal regulations governing

surface installations. These rules ensure that all underground bituminous coal mine structures,

enclosures, and other facilities located on the surface are maintained in good repair in order to

prevent accidents and injuries. Accordingly, the rules mandate proper illumination, safe storage

of materials, and suitable slings and hitches for hoisting materials, among other requirements.

Additionally, the proposed rulemaking will implement the federal mine safety regulations for

thermal dryers. Thermal dryers are an integral part of coal processing and are used to dry coal at

high temperatures. The federal regulations governing thermal dryers are intended to ensure that

thermal dryers are properly used and located on the site and mandate certain safeguards to

minimize the risks associated with the use of thermal dryers.

This proposed rulemaking will also implement the federal regulations mandating safeguards for

mechanical equipment. These federal regulations ensure that various machines and other types of

mechanical equipment are maintained, located, operated, and handled in a safe and proper

manner. Similarly, this proposed rulemaking will adopt the federal requirements relative

electrical equipment at the surface operations of underground bituminous coal mines. These

requirements ensure that electrical equipment is adequately maintained, insulated, and used.


Another component of the federal regulations that will be implemented by this proposed

rulemaking relates to trailing cables. Generally, trailing cables are the cords that connect portable

or mobile equipment and devices to power sources. Ensuring that trailing cables on mine sites are

properly handled, spliced, and protected enhances safety at a mine site.

This proposed regulation also implements the federal regulations regarding the grounding of

electricity-conducting materials. Included in these regulations are requirements for grounding

wires, equipment receiving power from underground alternating power current systems, and

enclosures of electric equipment.

In addition, this proposed rulemaking will implement the federal regulations governing surface

high-voltage distribution. These regulations promote safety at a mine site by ensuring high-

voltage power supplies and transmission are properly maintained, connected, grounded, and

tested. This proposed rulemaking will likewise implement the federal requirements relative to

low- and medium-voltage alternating current at the surface areas of underground bituminous coal

mine sites which ensure the proper usage, maintenance, grounding, connecting, and testing of

low- and medium-voltage currents.

The federal ground control mine safety regulations will also be implemented by this proposed

rulemaking. These federal requirements require operators to establish certain plans and

procedures and take certain precautions when conducting activities relative to stripping, box cuts,

highwalls, and drilling.

Additionally, the proposed rulemaking will adopt federal regulations relative to fire protection at

the surface operations of underground bituminous coal mine sites. These requirements ensure

that proper plans, warning signs, and firefighting equipment are maintained on the mine site.

They also ensure that flammable materials and fire-prone units like battery-charging stations are

properly maintained.

The federal requirements relative to personnel hoisting and wire ropes are also included in this

rulemaking. These requirements are intended to ensure that workers and cargo at mine sites may

be safely elevated or lowered by structurally sound hoisting equipment. The wire-rope

components of this equipment must be examined and measured and must meet minimum strength


There are also loading and haulage requirements in the federal regulations that will be adopted by

this proposed rulemaking. These regulations ensure that loading and haulage equipment will be

properly installed, inspected, maintained, and operated.

In addition, this proposed rulemaking adopts some miscellaneous safety provisions including

requirements for workers to have access to adequate means of communication, first aid

equipment, and wear protective clothing and adopts the federal regulations governing mine maps.


This proposed rulemaking also adopts federal requirements regulating trolley wires and trolley

feeder wires. These requirements ensure that trolley wires and trolley feeder wires are maintained

in such a way to reduce the risk of overcurrent.

Finally, this proposed rulemaking will implement federal mine safety regulations relative to slope

and shaft sinking. These regulations ensure that the operations associated with slopes and shafts

are conducted in a safe manner.

Also, included in this proposed rulemaking are the definitions for “Barricaded,” “Berm,”

“Certified or registered,” “Flash point,” “Qualified person,” “Roll protection,” “Safety can,” and

“Trailing cable.” These definitions will improve the clarity of the proposed regulation and

facilitate compliance with its requirements.

Adopting these proposed regulations will ensure that surface operations at underground

bituminous coal mine sites are safely conducted and maintained. Although underground

bituminous coal mine operators are already required to comply with these regulations,

implementing them in the Pennsylvania Code will provide DEP with the independent authority to

enforce the federal requirements. This will result in improved efficiency and enhanced autonomy

for the Commonwealth.

E. Summary of Proposed Regulatory Requirements

§ 208.1. Definitions.

The proposed rulemaking proposes the following definitions to be added to § 208.1:

Barricaded—means to obstruct passage of persons, vehicles, or flying materials.

Berm-- means a pile or mound of material capable of restraining a vehicle.

Certified or registered—As applied to any person means a person certified or registered by the

State in which the coal mine is located to perform duties prescribed by 30 CFR Part 77, except

that, in a State where no program of certification or registration is provided or where the program

does not meet at least minimum Federal standards established by the Secretary, such certification

or registration shall be by the Secretary of the United States Department of Labor.

Flash point-- means the minimum temperature at which sufficient vapor is released by a liquid or

solid to form a flammable vapor-air mixture at atmospheric pressure.

Qualified person—means, as the context requires: (i) An individual deemed qualified by the

Secretary of the United States Department of Labor and designated by the operator to make tests

and examinations required by 30 CFR Part 77; and (ii) An individual deemed, in accordance with

the minimum requirements to be established by the Secretary of the United States Department of

Labor, qualified by training, education, and experience, to perform electrical work, to maintain

electrical equipment, and to conduct examinations and make tests of all electrical equipment.


Roll protection—means a framework, safety canopy, or similar protection for the operator when

equipment overturns.

Safety can—means an approved container, of not over 5 gallons capacity, having a spring-

closing lid and spout cover.

Trailing cable—the cable connecting portable and mobile equipment to a power source. It is not

considered a trailing cable if it connects to equipment which is installed in a stationary location

and is permanently wired.

Qualified and Certified Persons

The following proposed additions to Chapter 208 incorporate by reference the federal mine safety

regulations governing qualified and certified persons:

Proposed § 208.101 relates to certified person and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30

CFR 77.100 (related to Certified person). Certified persons are authorized to conduct certain tests

and examinations at the surface areas of underground bituminous coal mining sites.

Proposed § 208.102 relates to tests for methane and for oxygen deficiency and to qualified person

and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.101 (related to tests for methane and

for oxygen deficiency; qualified person). This provision requires tests for methane and oxygen

deficiency to be made by qualified persons.

Proposed § 208.103 relates to an additional requirement for tests for methane and oxygen

deficiency and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.102 (related to Tests for

methane; oxygen deficiency; qualified person, additional requirement). This provision requires

the qualified person conducting methane and oxygen deficiency tests to possess a current card

issued by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) indicating that the person is in fact

qualified to conduct such testing.

Proposed § 208.104 relates to electrical work and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30

CFR 77.103 (related to Electrical work; qualified person). This provision describes qualification

procedures to become a qualified person to perform electrical work.

Proposed § 208.105 relates to repair of energized surface high-voltage lines and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.104 (related to Repair of energized surface high voltage

lines; qualified person). This provision describes the qualification requirements for persons to

repair energized surface high-voltage lines.

Proposed § 208.106 relates to qualified hoistman at slope or shaft sinking operations and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.105 (related to a Qualified hoistman; slope

or shaft sinking operation; qualifications). This provision describes when a hoistman is qualified

to operate a hoist at a slope or shaft operation.


Proposed § 208.107 relates to records of certified and qualified persons and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.106 (related to Records of certified and qualified persons).

This provision requires an operator to maintain records of all certified and qualified persons.

Proposed § 208.108 relates to training programs and incorporates by reference the provisions of

30 CFR 77.107 (related to Training programs), with the exception that MSHA will approve the

training program. This provision requires operators to provide a program of training and

retraining certified and qualified persons.

Surface Installations

The following proposed additions to Chapter 208 incorporate by reference the federal mine safety

regulations governing surface installations:

Proposed § 208.111 relates to surface installations and incorporates by reference the provisions of

30 CFR 77.200 (related to Surface installations; general). This provision requires all mine

structures, enclosures, or other facilities to be maintained in good repair to prevent accidents and


Proposed § 208.112 relates to methane content in surface installations and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.201 (related to Methane content in surface installations).

This provision mandates that the methane content in the air of any structure, enclosure, or other

facility be less than 1% of the volume of air.

Proposed § 208.113 relates to tests for methane and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30

CFR 77.201-1 (related to Tests for methane; qualified person; use of approved device). This

provision requires tests for methane in structures, enclosures, or other facilities be conducted by a

qualified person with an approved device at least once during each operating shift and

immediately prior to any repair work where a welding torch or open flame is used or a spark may

be produced.

Proposed § 208.114 relates to methane accumulations and a change in ventilation and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.201-2 (related to Methane accumulations;

change in ventilation). This provision provides for a change in the ventilation of any structure,

enclosure, or other facility when the air in such structure, enclosure, or other facility contains

more than 1% methane.

Proposed § 208.115 relates to dust accumulations in surface installations and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.202 (related to Dust accumulations in surface

installations). This provision prohibits the dangerous accumulation of coal dust in the air of, in,

or on the surfaces of structures, enclosures, or other facilities.

Proposed § 208.116 relates to the use of material or equipment overhead and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.203 (related to Use of material or equipment overhead;

safeguards). This provision mandates the adequate protection of persons working or passing

below areas where overhead work is being done or repairs are being made.


Proposed § 208.117 relates to openings in surface installations and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.204 (related to Openings in surface installations; safeguards). This

provision provides that openings in surface installations through which people or material may

fall must be protected by railings, barriers, or similar protective coverings or devices.

Proposed § 208.118 relates to travelways at surface installations and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.205 (related to Travelways at surface installations). This provision

requires travelways to be maintained in such condition as to minimize the risk of slips, falls, and

other accidents.

Proposed § 208.119 relates to ladders and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR

77.206 (related to Ladders; construction; installation and maintenance). This provision provides

for the safe use and maintenance of ladders.

Proposed § 208.120 relates to illumination and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30

CFR 77.207 (related to Illumination). This provision requires safe illumination of all surface

structures, paths, walkways, stairways, switch panels, loading and dumping sites, and working


Proposed § 208.121 relates to storage of materials and incorporates by reference the provisions of

30 CFR 77.208 (related to Storage of materials). This provision requires materials to be stored in

such a way so as to minimize unsafe conditions.

Proposed § 208.122 relates to surge and storage piles and incorporates by reference the provisions

of 30 CFR 77.209 (related to Surge and storage piles). This provision prohibits any person from

walking or standing immediately above a reclamation area or any other area at or near a surge or

storage pile where the reclamation operation may expose the person to a hazard.

Proposed § 208.123 relates to hoisting of materials and incorporates by reference the provisions

of 30 CFR 77.210 (related to Hoisting of materials). This provision mandates that hitches and

slings used for hoisting be suitable for handling the type of materials being hoisted and requires

workers to stay clear of hoisted loads.

Proposed § 208.124 relates to draw-off tunnels and stockpiling and reclaiming operations and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.211 (related to Draw-off tunnels;

stockpiling and reclaiming operations; general). This provision requires tunnels located below

stockpiles, surge piles, and coal storage silos to be ventilated such that concentrations of methane

do not exceed 1%. The provision also requires the concentration of methane to be less than 1%

before electric equipment is energized, operated, or repaired.

Proposed § 208.125 relates to continuous methane monitoring devices and the automatic

deenergization of electric equipment and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR

77.211-1 (relating to Continuous methane monitoring Device; installation and operation

automatic deenergization of electric equipment). This provision provides that continuous

methane monitoring devices must be set to deenergize electric equipment automatically when


such a monitor is not operating properly and give a warning signal to alert of a certain

concentration of methane not above 1%.

Proposed § 208.126 relates to the installation of draw-off tunnel ventilation fans and incorporates

by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.212 (relating to Draw-off tunnel ventilation fans;

installation). This provision dictates installation requirements for draw-off tunnel ventilation


Proposed § 208.127 relates to draw-off tunnel escapeways and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.213 (relating to Draw-off tunnel escapeways). This provision provides

that an escapeway must be installed at the closed end of the tunnel to a safe location on the


Thermal Dryers

The following proposed additions to Chapter 208 incorporate by reference the federal mine safety

regulations governing thermal dryers:

Proposed § 208.131 relates to thermal dryers generally and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.300 (relating to Thermal dryers; general). This provision provides that

the operation and maintenance of thermal dryers shall comply with 30 CFR 77.301-306.

Proposed § 208.132 relates to the operation of dryer heating units and incorporates by reference

the provisions of 30 CFR 77.301 (relating to Dryer heating units; operation). This provision

dictates the operation of dryer heating units used to dry coal at high temperatures.

Proposed § 208.133 relates to bypass stacks and incorporates the provisions of 30 CFR 77.302

(relating to Bypass stacks) by reference. This provision requires thermal dryer systems to include

a bypass stack, relief stack or individual discharge stack provided with automatic venting to

permit gases from the dryer to bypass the heating chamber and vent to the outside atmosphere.

Proposed § 208.134 relates to hot gas inlet chamber dropout doors and incorporates by reference

the provisions of 30 CFR 77.303 (relating to Hot gas inlet chamber dropout doors). This

provision requires thermal dryer systems with hot gas inlet chambers to be equipped with dropout

doors at the bottom of the inlet chamber to permit coal, fly ash, or other heated material to fall

from the chamber.

Proposed § 208.135 relates to explosion release vents and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.304 (relating to Explosion release vents). This provision provides that

drying chambers, dry-dust collectors, and ductwork between collectors and discharge stacks shall

be protected by explosion release vents which open directly to the outside atmosphere.

Proposed § 208.136 relates to access to and installation and maintenance of drying chambers, hot

gas inlet chambers, and duct-work; installation and maintenance and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.305 (relating to Access to drying chambers, hot gas inlet chambers and

duct work; installation and maintenance). This provision requires drying chambers, hot gas inlet


chambers, and all ductwork in which coal dust may accumulate to be equipped with tight sealing

access doors.

Proposed § 208.137 relates to fire protection and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30

CFR 77.306 (relating to Fire protection). This provision allows an authorized representative of

the regulator to require certain fire protection measures like water sprays and fog nozzles.

Proposed § 208.138 relates to the location and installation of thermal dryers and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.307 (relating to Thermal dryers; location and installation;

general). This provision provides setback requirements for thermal dryers from mine openings

and installation requirements related to enclosing thermal dryers.

Proposed § 208.139 relates to structures housing other facilities and the use of partitions and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.308 (relating to Structures housing other

facilities; use of partitions). This provision requires that thermal dryers installed in structures also

housing tipples, cleaning plants, or other operating facility be separated from all other working

areas by a substantial partition.

Proposed § 208.140 relates to the visual check of system equipment and incorporates by reference

the provisions of 30 CFR 77.309 (relating to Visual check of system equipment). This provision

requires frequent visual checks of thermal dryer system control stations.

Proposed § 208.141 relates to the location of control stations and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.309-1 (relating to Control stations; location). This provision requires

thermal dryer control stations to be located so as to give the operator of the control system the

widest field of visibility of the system and equipment.

Proposed § 208.142 relates to control panels and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30

CFR 77.310 (relating to Control panels). This provision requires control panels to be located in

areas free of moisture and requires control panels to be accompanied by diagrams and directions

for use.

Proposed § 208.143 relates to alarm devices and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30

CFR 77.311 (relating to Alarm devices). This provision mandates that thermal dryer systems be

equipped with audible and visible alarm devices.

Proposed § 208.144 relates to fail safe monitoring systems and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.312 (relating to Fail safe monitoring systems). This provision provides

that fail safe monitoring systems and controls shall accompany thermal dryer systems to ensure

the dryer system is safely shut down in the event of a failure of any component of the dryer


Proposed § 208.145 relates to wet-coal feed bins and low-level indicators and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.313 (relating to Wet-coal feed bins; low-level indicators).

This provision provides that the wet-coal bins feeding the thermal drying systems shall be

equipped with audible and visual low-coal-level indicators.


Proposed § 208.146 relates to automatic temperature control instruments and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.314 (relating to Automatic temperature control

instruments). This provision dictates the type, use, and inspection requirements for automatic

temperature control instruments associated with thermal dryer systems.

Proposed § 208.147 relates to the examination and inspection of thermal dryers and incorporates

by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.315 (relating to Thermal dryers; examination and

inspection). This provision mandates the examination of thermal dryer systems for fires and coal-

dust accumulations.

Safeguards for Mechanical Equipment

The following proposed additions to Chapter 208 incorporate by reference the federal mine safety

regulations governing safeguards for mechanical equipment:

Proposed § 208.151 relates to mechanical equipment guards and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.400 (relating to Mechanical equipment guards). This provision requires

parts of mechanical equipment to be guarded to prevent accidents and injuries to workers.

Proposed § 208.152 relates to protective devices for stationary grinding machines and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.401 (relating to Stationary grinding

machines; protective devices). This provision requires stationary grinding machines to be

equipped with parts and certain protective devices to protect workers.

Proposed § 208.153 relates to safety devices for hand-held power tools and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.402 (relating to Hand-held power tools; safety devices).

This provision mandates that hand-held power tools shall be equipped with controls requiring

constant hand or finger pressure to operate and shall be equipped with friction or equivalent safety


Proposed § 208.154 relates to falling object protective structures (FOPS) for mobile equipment

and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.403 (relating to Mobile equipment;

falling object protective structures (FOPS)). This provision requires FOPS to be installed to

certain types of equipment at the surface work areas of underground mine sites.

Proposed § 208.155 relates to rollover protective structures (ROPS) for mobile equipment and

provides that all rubber-tired or crawler-mounted self-propelled scrapers front-end loaders,

dozers, cranes, loaders and tractors, with or without attachments at the surface work areas of

underground coal mines shall be provided with rollover protective structures, in accordance with

the certification requirements approved by MSHA.

Proposed § 208.156 relates to seat belts and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR

77.403-1(g) (relating to seat belts). This provision requires the use of seat belts by operators of

mobile equipment that are required to be equipped with ROPS.


Proposed § 208.157 relates to the operation and maintenance of machinery and equipment;

operation and maintenance and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.404

(relating to Machinery and equipment; operation and maintenance). This provision dictates

operation and maintenance requirements for machinery and equipment.

Proposed § 208.158 relates to safeguards for performing work from a raised position and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.405 (relating to Performing work from a

raised position; safeguards). This provision provides that workers shall not work on or from a

piece of mobile equipment in a raised position unless it has been securely blocked in place.

Moreover, no work shall be performed under machinery or equipment that is raised until it is

securely blocked in place.

Proposed § 208.159 relates to drive belts and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR

77.406 (relating to Drive belts). This provision dictates the use of drive belts for machines.

Proposed § 208.160 relates to power-driven pulleys and incorporates by reference the provisions

of 30 CFR 77.407 (relating to Power-driven pulleys). This provision mandates that belts, chains,

and ropes shall not be guided onto a power-driven moving pulley or similar system with the hands

nor shall pulleys of conveyors be manually cleaned while the conveyor is in motion.

Proposed § 208.161 relates to welding operations and incorporates by reference the provisions of

30 CFR 77.408 (relating to Welding operations). This provision requires welding operations to

be shielded and the area well-ventilated.

Proposed § 208.162 relates to shovels, draglines and tractors and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.409 (relating to Shovels, draglines and tractors). This provision dictates

the use of shovels, draglines, and tractors and requires shovels and draglines to be equipped with


Proposed § 208.163 relates to automatic warning devices for mobile equipment; automatic

warning devices and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.410 (relating to

Mobile equipment; automatic warning devices). This provision provides that mobile equipment

such as forklifts and front-end loaders shall be equipped with warning devices and dictates the

types of warning those devices shall emit.

Proposed § 208.164 relates to compressed air and boilers and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.411 (relating to Compressed air and boilers; general). This provision

requires all boilers and pressure vessels to be constructed, installed, and maintained in accordance

with the standards and specifications of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler

and Pressure Vessel Code.

Proposed § 208.165 relates to compressed air systems and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.412 (relating to Compressed air systems). This provision specifies the

operation and maintenance requirements for compressed air systems.


Proposed § 208.166 relates to boilers and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR

77.413 (relating to Boilers). This provision provides the operation and maintenance requirements

for boilers.

Electrical Equipment-General

The following proposed additions to Chapter 208 incorporate by reference the federal mine safety

regulations governing electrical equipment:

Proposed § 208.171 relates to the deenergization of electric power circuits and electric equipment

and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.500 (relating to Electric power circuits

and electric equipment; deenergization). This provision requires power circuits and electric

equipment to be deenergized before work is done on such circuits and equipment.

Proposed § 208.172 relates to the repair of electric distribution circuits and equipment and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.501 (relating to Electric distribution

circuits and equipment; repair). This provision provides that repair of electric distribution circuits

and equipment shall be conducted by a qualified person.

Proposed § 208.173 relates to a qualified person and incorporates by reference the provisions of

30 CFR 77.501-1 (relating to qualified person). This provision provides that a qualified person

for the purposes of proposed § 208.131 is one that meets the requirements of § 208.74.

Proposed § 208.174 relates to the examination, testing, and maintenance of electric equipment

and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.502 (relating to Electric equipment;

examination, testing, and maintenance). This provision requires electric equipment to be

frequently examined and tested and properly maintained.

Proposed § 208.175 relates to a qualified person and incorporates by reference the provisions of

30 CFR 77.502-1 (relating to Qualified person). This provision provides that a qualified person

for the purposes of proposed § 208.133 is one that meets the requirements of § 208.74.

Proposed § 208.176 relates to the frequency of examination and testing of electric equipment and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.502-2 (relating to Electric equipment;

frequency of examination and testing). This provision requires at least monthly testing of electric


Proposed § 208.177 relates to the capacity and insulation of electric conductors and incorporates

by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.503 (relating to Electric conductors; capacity and

insulation). This provision mandates size and current carrying capacity requirements for electric


Proposed § 208.178 relates to electric conductors and incorporates by reference the provisions of

30 CFR 77.503-1 (relating to electric conductors). This provision requires electric conductors to

meet size and minimum current carrying capacity requirements provided for in the National

Electric Code. There is a similar minimum standard for trailing cables in this provision as well.


Proposed § 208.179 relates to the suitability of electrical connections or splices and incorporates

by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.504 (relating to Electrical connections or splices;

suitability). This provision specifies that electrical connections or splices shall be mechanically

and electrically efficient.

Proposed § 208.180 relates to the suitability of cable fittings and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.505 (relating to Cable fittings; suitability). This provision dictates that

cables shall enter metal frames of motors, splice boxes, and electric compartments only through

proper fittings.

Proposed § 208.181 relates to overload and short-circuit protections for electric equipment and

circuits and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.506 (relating to Electric

equipment and circuits; overload and short-circuit protection). This provision mandates that

automatic circuit-breaking devices or fuses of the correct type and capacity shall be installed to

protect electric equipment and circuits from overload and short-circuit.

Proposed § 208.182 relates to the minimum requirements for overload and short-circuit

protections for electric equipment and circuits and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30

CFR 77.506-1 (relating to Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection;

minimum requirements). This provision requires devices providing overload or short-circuit

protection to conform to the minimum requirements for protection of electric circuits and

equipment in the National Electric Code.

Proposed § 208.183 relates to switches for electric equipment and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.507 (relating to Electric equipment switches). This provision requires

all electric equipment to be provided with switches or other controls that are safely designed.

Proposed § 208.184 relates to lightning arresters, ungrounded and exposed power conductors and

telephone wires and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.508 (relating to

Lightning arresters, ungrounded and exposed power conductors and telephone wires). This

provision requires all underground, exposed power conductors and telephone wires to be

equipped with suitable lighting arresters.

Proposed § 208.185 relates to lightning arresters and wires entering buildings and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.508-1 (relating to Lightning arresters; wires entering

buildings). This provision provides that lighting arresters shall be provided at the point where

telephone wires enter a building.

Proposed § 208.186 relates to the installation and guarding of transformers and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.509 (relating to Transformers; installation and guarding).

This provision dictates the installation and guarding requirements for transformers.


Proposed § 208.187 relates to the location and guarding of resistors and incorporates by reference

the provisions of 30 CFR 77.510 (relating to Resistors; location and guarding). This provision

requires resistors, heaters, and rheostats to be located to minimize fires and hazards.

Proposed § 208.188 relates to danger signs at electrical installations and incorporates by reference

the provisions of 30 CFR 77.511 (relating to Danger signs at electrical installations). This

provision specifies that suitable danger signs shall be posted at all major electrical installations.

Proposed § 208.189 relates to inspection and cover plates and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.512 (relating to Inspection and cover plates). This provision dictates

that inspection and cover plates on electrical equipment shall be kept in place at all times except

during repair.

Proposed § 208.190 relates to insulating mats at power switches and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.513 (relating to Insulating mats at power switches). This provision

requires nonconductive material to be kept in place at all switchboards and power-control


Proposed § 208.191 relates to passageways and clearance for switchboards; passageways and

clearance and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.514 (relating to

Switchboards; passageways and clearance). This provision requires switchboards to be installed

to provide passageways permitting access the back of the switchboard from both ends for

inspection, adjustment, or repair. Openings are to be guarded.

Proposed § 208.192 relates to the voltage of bare signal or control wires and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.515 (relating to Bare signal or control wires; voltage).

This provision requires the voltage on bare signal or control wires accessible to personal contact

to not exceed 40 volts.

Proposed § 208.193 relates to the installation and maintenance of electric wiring and equipment

and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.516 (relating to Electric wiring and

equipment; installation and maintenance). This provision requires all wiring and electric

equipment to meet the requirements of the National Electric Code in effect at the time of


Trailing Cables

The following proposed additions to Chapter 208 incorporate by reference the federal mine safety

regulations governing trailing cables:

Proposed § 208.201 relates to trailing cables, short-circuit protection, and disconnecting devices

and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.600 (relating to Trailing cables; short-

circuit protection; disconnecting devices). This provision requires short-circuit protection for

trailing cables to be provided by automatic circuit breakers. Moreover, disconnecting devices

used to disconnect power from trailing cables shall be plainly marked.


Proposed § 208.202 relates to temporary splices of trailing cables or portable cables; temporary

splices and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.601 (relating to Trailing cables

or portable cables; temporary splices). This provision specifies how temporary splices in trailing

or portable cables are to be made.

Proposed § 208.203 relates to the permanent splicing of trailing cables and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.602 (relating to Permanent splicing of trailing cables).

This provision provides specifications for when permanent splices in trailing cables are made.

Proposed § 208.204 relates to the clamping of trailing cables to equipment and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.603 (relating to Clamping of trailing cables to equipment).

This provision requires trailing cables to be clamped to machines in a manner that protects the

cables from damage.

Proposed § 208.205 relates to the protection of trailing cables and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.604 (relating to Protection of trailing cables). This provision requires

trailing cables to be adequately protected.

Proposed § 208.206 relates to breaking trailing cable and power cable connections and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.605 (relating to Breaking trailing cable

and power cable connections). This provision mandates that trailing and power cable connections

shall not be made or broken under load.

Proposed § 208.207 relates to the handling of energized trailing cables and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 606 (relating to Energized trailing cables; handling). This

provision requires persons handling energized trailing cables to wear protective gloves.

Proposed § 208.208 relates to the minimum requirements for the use of rubber gloves and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 606-1 (relating to Rubber gloves; minimum

requirements). This provision provides the minimum requirements for the use of rubber gloves

when handling energized trailing cables.


The following proposed additions to Chapter 208 incorporate by reference the federal mine safety

regulations governing grounding:

Proposed § 208.211 relates to grounding metallic sheaths, armors, and conduits enclosing power

conductors and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.700 (relating to Grounding

metallic sheaths, armors, and conduits enclosing power conductors). This provision requires the

metallic sheaths, armors, and conduits enclosing power conductors to be electrically continuous

throughout and to be grounded by approved methods.


Proposed § 208.212 relates to approved methods of grounding and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.700-1 (relating to Approved methods of grounding). This provision

dictates the approved methods of grounding.

Proposed § 208.213 relates to grounding metallic frames, casings, and other enclosures of electric

equipment and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.701 (relating to Grounding

metallic frames, casings, and other enclosures of electric equipment). This provision provides

that metallic frames, casings, and other enclosures of electric equipment that may become live

shall be grounded.

Proposed § 208.214 relates to approved methods of grounding of equipment receiving power

from ungrounded alternating current power systems and incorporates by reference the provisions

of 30 CFR 77.701-1 (relating to Approved methods of grounding of equipment receiving power

from ungrounded alternating current power systems). This provision specifies the approved

methods of grounding equipment receiving power from underground alternating current systems.

Proposed § 208.215 relates to approved methods of grounding metallic frames, casings, and other

enclosures of electric equipment receiving power from a direct-current power system and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.701-2 (relating to Approved methods of

grounding metallic frames, casings, and other enclosures of electric equipment receiving power

from a direct-current power system). This provision specifies the approved methods of grounding

metallic frames, casings, and other enclosures of electric equipment receiving power from a

direct-current power system.

Proposed § 208.216 relates to the capacity of grounding wires and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.701-3 (relating to Grounding wires; capacity). This provision specifies

the approval requirements where grounding wires are used to ground metallic sheaths, armors,

conduits, frames, casings, and other metallic enclosures.

Proposed § 208.217 relates to the use of grounding connectors and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.701-4 (relating to Use of grounding connectors). This provision requires

clamps to be used or installed when attaching grounding wires to grounded power conductors.

Proposed § 208.218 relates to protection other than grounding and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.702 (relating to Protection other than grounding). This provision

permits the use of protective methods other than grounding where such methods are approved and

no less effective than grounding.

Proposed § 208.219 relates to grounding frames of stationary high-voltage equipment receiving

power from ungrounded delta systems and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR

77.703 (relating to Grounding frames of stationary high- voltage equipment receiving power from

ungrounded delta systems). This provision requires the frames of all stationary high-voltage

equipment receiving power from ungrounded delta systems to be grounded.

Proposed § 208.220 relates to approved methods of grounding and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.703-1 (relating to Approved methods of grounding). This provision


specifies which methods of grounding will be approved with respect to the grounding of frames of

high-voltage equipment.

Proposed § 208.221 relates to deenergizing and grounding work on high-voltage lines and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.704 (relating to Work on high-voltage

lines; de-energizing and grounding). This provision requires high-voltage lines to be deenergized

and grounded prior to work being commenced on them.

Proposed § 208.222 relates to work on high-voltage lines and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.704-1 (relating to Work on high-voltage lines). This provision specifies

requirements for working on high-voltage lines.

Proposed § 208.223 relates to repairs to energized high voltage lines and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.704-2 (relating to Repairs to energized high voltage lines).

This provision identifies the specifications for when and how high-voltage lines may be repaired.

Proposed § 208.224 relates to reporting work on energized high voltage surface lines and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.704-3 (relating to Work on energized high

voltage surface lines; reporting). This provision requires records of repairs to high-voltage lines

to be maintained.

Proposed § 208.225 relates to simultaneous repairs and incorporates the provisions of 30 CFR

77.704-4 (relating to Simultaneous repairs). This provision requires workers to work

simultaneously when working on high-voltage lines within reach of each other.

Proposed § 208.226 relates to the installation of protective equipment and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.704-5 (relating to Installation of protective equipment).

This provision requires protective equipment to be installed prior to commencing work on high-

voltage lines.

Proposed § 208.227 relates to the use and inspection of protective clothing and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.704-6 (relating to Protective clothing; use and inspection).

This provision requires all workers wear protective clothing when performing work on high-

voltage lines.

Proposed § 208.228 relates to the inspection of protective equipment and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.704-7 (relating to Protective equipment; inspection). This

provisions requires the visual inspection of protective equipment and clothing.

Proposed § 208.229 relates to the testing and storage of protective equipment and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.704-8 (relating to Protective equipment; testing and

storage). This provision requires all protective equipment to be tested and stored properly and in

compliance with certain standards.

Proposed § 208.230 relates to operating disconnecting or cutout switches and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.704-9 (relating to Operating disconnecting or cutout


switches). This provision mandates that disconnecting or cutout switches on high-voltage lines

shall only be operated with insulated sticks, fuse tongs, or pullers which are adequately insulated.

Proposed § 208.231 relates to tying into energized high-voltage surface circuits and incorporates

by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.704-10 (relating to Tying into energized high-voltage

surface circuits). This provision requires workers tying into high-voltage surface circuits to wear

protective clothing and employ protective equipment.

Proposed § 208.232 relates to the use of grounded messenger wires and ungrounded systems and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.704-11 (relating to Use of grounded

messenger wires; ungrounded systems). This provision permits the use of grounded messenger

wires to suspend cables of such systems to serve as a grounding medium.

Proposed § 208.233 relates to grounding guy wires and incorporates by reference the provisions

of 30 CFR 77.705 (relating to Guy wires; grounding). This provision requires guy wires from

poles supporting high-voltage transmission lines to be securely connected.

Surface High-Voltage Distribution

The following proposed additions to Chapter 208 incorporate by reference the federal mine safety

regulations governing surface high-voltage distribution:

Proposed § 208.241 relates to high-voltage circuits and circuit breakers and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.800 (relating to High-voltage circuits; circuit breakers).

This provision provides that high-voltage circuits providing power to portable or mobile

equipment shall be protected by suitable circuit breakers.

Proposed § 208.242 relates to the procedures for the testing, examination, and maintenance of

circuit breakers and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.800-1 (relating to

Testing, examination, and maintenance of circuit breakers; procedures). This provision provides

the testing and examination procedures for circuit breakers.

Proposed § 208.243 relates to the records of the testing, examination, and maintenance of circuit

breakers and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.800-2 (relating to Testing,

examination, and maintenance of circuit breakers; record). This provision requires written

records to be kept for tests of circuit breakers.

Proposed § 208.244 relates to grounding resistors and incorporates by reference the provisions of

30 CFR 77.801 (relating to Grounding resistors) are incorporated by reference. This provision

requires grounding resistors, where required, to be of the proper ohmic value to limit the voltage

drop in the grounding circuit external to the resistor to no more than 100 volts under fault


Proposed § 208.245 relates to the continuous current rating for grounding resistors and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.801-1 (relating to Grounding resistors;

continuous current rating). This provision require the current rating of grounding resistors to


meet the “extended time rating” set forth in the American Institute of Electrical Engineering,

Standard No. 32.

Proposed § 208.246 relates to the protection of high-voltage circuits, neutral grounding resistors,

and disconnecting devices and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.802

(relating to Protection of high-voltage circuits; neutral grounding resistors; disconnecting

devices). This provision requires high-voltage circuits supplying portable or mobile equipment to

contain either a direct or derived neutral which shall be grounded through a suitable resistor.

Proposed § 208.247 relates to fail safe ground check circuits on high-voltage resistance grounded

systems and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.803 (relating to Fail safe

ground check circuits on high- voltage resistance grounded systems). This provision requires all

high-voltage, resistance grounded systems to include a fail-safe ground check circuit or other no

less effective device.

Proposed § 208.248 relates to the maximum voltage for fail safe ground check circuits and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.803-1 (relating to Fail safe ground check

circuits; maximum voltage). This provision specifies that the maximum voltage used for ground

check circuits under the previous subsection may not exceed 96 volts.

Proposed § 208.249 relates to the approval of check systems not employing pilot check wires and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.803-2 (relating to Ground check systems

not employing pilot check wires; approval by the Secretary). This provision permits approval of

ground check systems not employing pilot check wires where it is determined that the system

includes a fail-safe design.

Proposed § 208.250 relates to minimum design requirements for high-voltage trailing cables and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.804 (relating to High-voltage trailing

cables; minimum design requirements). This provision provides the minimum design

requirements for high-voltage trailing cables.

Proposed § 208.251 relates to the minimum design requirements for cable couplers and

connection boxes and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.805 (relating to

Cable couplers and connection boxes; minimum design requirements). This provision provides

the minimum design requirements for cable couplers and connection boxes.

Proposed § 208.252 relates to the connection of single-phase loads and incorporates by reference

the provisions of 30 CFR 77.806 (relating to Connection of single-phase loads). This provision

requires single-phase loads to be connected phase-to-phase in resistance grounded systems.

Proposed § 208.253 relates to the installation of high-voltage transmission cables and incorporates

by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.807 (relating to Installation of high-voltage

transmission cables). This provision mandates that high-voltage transmission cables shall be

installed or placed so as to afford protection against damage.


Proposed § 208.254 relates to above-ground clearances at high-voltage powerlines and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.807-1 (relating to High-voltage

powerlines; clearances above ground). This provision requires high-voltage powerlines located

above driveways, haulageways, and railroad tracks to be installed to provide the minimum

vertical clearance specified in the National Electric Safety Code. Such a powerline shall not be

installed less than 15 feet above ground.

Proposed § 208.255 relates to the minimum distance from high-voltage lines booms and masts

must be and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.807-2 (relating to Booms and

masts; minimum distance from high-voltage lines). This provision specifies that booms and

masts of equipment operated on the surface shall not be operated within 10 feet of an overhead

energized powerline.

Proposed § 208.256 relates to the minimum distance requirements from high-voltage powerlines

for the movement of equipment and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.807-3

(relating to Movement of equipment; minimum distance from high-voltage lines). This provision

specifies the minimum distance requirements from high-voltage powerlines for moving


Proposed § 208.257 relates to disconnecting devices and incorporates by reference the provisions

of 30 CFR 77.808 (relating to Disconnecting devices). This provision requires disconnecting

devices to be installed at the beginning of each branch line in a high-voltage circuit.

Proposed § 208.258 relates to the identification of circuit breakers and disconnecting switches and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.809 (relating to Identification of circuit

breakers and disconnecting switches). This provision requires circuit breakers and disconnection

switches to be labelled to show the units they control.

Proposed § 208.259 relates to the grounding of high-voltage equipment and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.810 (relating to High-voltage equipment; grounding). This

provision requires frames, supporting structures, and enclosures of stationary, portable, or mobile

high-voltage equipment to be grounded.

Proposed § 208.260 relates to the movement of portable substations and transformers and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.811 (relating to Movement of portable

substations and transformers). This provision requires portable substations and transformers to be

deenergized before moving.

Low- and Medium-Voltage Alternating Current

The following proposed additions to Chapter 208 incorporate by reference the federal mine safety

regulations governing low- and medium-voltage alternating current:

Proposed § 208.271 relates to low- and medium-voltage circuits serving portable or mobile three-

phase alternating current equipment and circuit breakers and incorporates by reference the


provisions of 30 CFR 77.900 (relating to Low- and medium-voltage circuits serving portable or

mobile three-phase alternating current equipment; circuit breakers).

Proposed § 208.272 relates to the procedures for the testing, examination, and maintenance of

circuit breakers and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.900-1 (relating to

Testing, examination, and maintenance of circuit breakers; procedures).

Proposed § 208.273 relates to the records kept for the testing, examination, and maintenance of

circuit breakers and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.900-2 (relating to

Testing, examination, and maintenance of circuit breakers; record).

Proposed § 208.274 relates to the protection of low- and medium-voltage three-phase circuits and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.901 (relating to Protection of low- and

medium-voltage three-phase circuits).

Proposed § 208.275 relates to the continuous current rating for grounding resistors and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.901-1 (relating to Grounding resistor;

continuous current rating).

Proposed § 208.276 relates to low- and medium-voltage ground check monitor circuits and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.902 (relating to Low- and medium-voltage

ground check monitor circuits).

Proposed § 208.277 relates to the maximum voltage for fail safe ground check circuits and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.902-1 (relating to Fail safe ground check

circuits; maximum voltage).

Proposed § 208.278 relates to the approved ground check systems not employing pilot check

wires and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.902-2 (relating to Approved

ground check systems not employing pilot check wires).

Proposed § 208.279 relates to the use of separate connections for the attachment of ground

conductors and ground check wires to equipment frames and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.902-3 (relating to Attachment of ground conductors and ground check

wires to equipment frames; use of separate connections).

Proposed § 208.280 relates to disconnecting devices and incorporates by reference the provisions

of 30 CFR 77.903 (relating to Disconnecting devices).

Proposed § 208.281 relates to the identification of circuit breakers and incorporates by reference

the provisions of 30 CFR 77.904 (relating to Identification of circuit breakers).

Proposed § 208.282 relates to the connection of single-phase loads and incorporates by reference

the provisions of 30 CFR 77.905 (relating to Connection of single-phase loads).


Proposed § 208.283 relates to ground wires and ground check wires for trailing cables supplying

power to low-voltage mobile equipment and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR

77.906 (relating to Trailing cables supplying power to low-voltage mobile equipment; ground

wires and ground check wires).

Ground Control

The following proposed additions to Chapter 208 incorporate by reference the federal mine safety

regulations governing ground control:

Proposed § 208.291 relates to plans for highwalls, pits and spoil banks and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1000 (relating to Highwalls, pits and spoil banks; plans).

Proposed § 208.292 relates to the filing of a plan and incorporates by reference the provisions of

30 CFR 77.1000-1 (relating to Filing of plans).

Proposed § 208.293 relates to the stripping of loose material and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.1001 (relating to Stripping; loose material).

Proposed § 208.294 relates to spoil material placement at box cuts and incorporates by reference

the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1002 (relating to Box cuts; spoil material placement).

Proposed § 208.295 relates to benches and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR

77.1003 (relating to Benches).

Proposed § 208.296 relates to ground control and inspections and maintenance and incorporates

by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1004 (relating to Ground control; inspections and

maintenance; general).

Proposed § 208.297 relates to scaling highwalls and incorporates by reference the provisions of

30 CFR 77.1005 (relating to Scaling highwalls; general).

Proposed § 208.298 relates to workers at highwalls and incorporates by reference the provisions

of 30 CFR 77.1006 (relating to Highwalls; men working).

Proposed § 208.299 relates to drilling and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR

77.1007 (relating to Drilling; general).

Proposed § 208.300 relates to necessary safeguards for the relocation of drills and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1008 (relating to Relocation of drills; safeguards).

Proposed § 208.301 relates to the operation of a drill and incorporates by reference the provisions

of 30 CFR 77.1009 (relating to Drill; operation).

Proposed § 208.302 relates to collaring holes and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30

CFR 77.1010 (relating to Collaring holes).


Proposed § 208.303 relates to guarding drill holes and incorporates by reference the provisions of

30 CFR 77.1011 (relating to Drill holes; guarding).

Proposed § 208.304 relates to the operation of and safeguards to be put in place for jackhammers

and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1012 (relating to Jackhammers;

operation; safeguards).

Proposed § 208.305 relates to the safeguards for air drills; safeguards and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1013 (relating to Air drills; safeguards).

Fire Protection

The following proposed additions to Chapter 208 incorporate by reference the federal mine safety

regulations governing fire protection:

Proposed § 208.311 relates to training and organization precautions for fire protection and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1100 (relating to Fire protection; training

and organization).

Proposed § 208.312 relates to escape and evacuation plans and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.1101 (relating to Escape and evacuation; plan).

Proposed § 208.313 relates to warning signs for smoking and open flames and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1102 (relating to Warning signs; smoking and open flame).

Proposed § 208.314 relates to the storage of flammable liquids and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.1103 (relating to Flammable liquids; storage).

Proposed § 208.315 relates to the accumulation of combustible materials and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1104 (relating to Accumulations of combustible materials).

Proposed § 208.316 relates to the fueling of internal combustion engines and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1105 (relating to Internal combustion engines; fueling).

Proposed § 208.317 relates to ventilation requirements for battery-charging stations and

incorporates the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1106 (relating to Battery-charging stations; ventilation).

Proposed § 208.318 relates to belt conveyors and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30

CFR 77.1107 (relating to Belt conveyors).

Proposed § 208.319 relates to the requirements for firefighting equipment and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1108 (relating to Firefighting equipment; requirements;



Proposed § 208.320 relates to requirements for the type and capacity of firefighting equipment

and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1108-1 (relating to Type and capacity

of firefighting equipment).

Proposed § 208.321 relates to the quantity and location of firefighting equipment and incorporates

by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1109 (relating to Quantity and location of firefighting


Proposed § 208.322 relates to the examination and maintenance of firefighting equipment and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1110 (relating to Examination and

maintenance of firefighting equipment).

Proposed § 208.323 relates to the use of a fire extinguisher for welding, cutting, and soldering

operations and incorporate by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1111 (relating to Welding,

cutting, soldering; use of fire extinguisher).

Proposed § 208.324 relates to requirements for safeguards for welding, cutting, or soldering

operations and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1112 (relating to Welding,

cutting, or soldering with arc or flame; safeguards).


The following proposed additions to Chapter 208 incorporate by reference the federal mine safety

regulations governing maps:

Proposed § 208.331 relates to mine maps and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR

77.1200 (relating to Mine map). This provision specifies the requirements for mine maps.

Proposed § 208.332 relates to the certification of mine maps and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.1201 (relating to Certification of mine maps). This provision identifies

certification requirements for mine maps.

Proposed § 208.333 relates to the availability of a mine map and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.1202 (relating to Availability of mine map). This provision requires

mine maps to be available for inspection.

Personnel Hoisting

The following proposed additions to Chapter 208 incorporate by reference the federal mine safety

regulations governing personnel hoisting:

Proposed § 208.341 relates to requirements for personnel hoists and elevators and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1400 (relating to Personnel hoists and elevators).


Proposed § 208.342 relates to requirements for automatic controls and brakes for hoists and

elevators and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1401 (relating to Automatic

controls and brakes).

Proposed § 208.343 relates to rated capacities for hoists and elevators and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1402 (relating to Rated capacity).

Proposed § 208.344 relates to posting a load maximum for elevators and hoists and incorporates

by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1402-1 (relating to Maximum load; posting).

Proposed § 208.345 relates to the requirement to examine hoisting equipment daily and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1403 (relating to Daily examination of

hoisting equipment).

Proposed § 208.346 relates to the certifications and records of daily examinations kept for hoists

and elevators and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1404 (relating to

Certifications and records of daily examinations).

Proposed § 208.347 relates to the operation of hoisting equipment after repairs have taken place

and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1405 (relating to Operation of hoisting

equipment after repairs).

Wire Ropes

The following proposed additions to Chapter 208 incorporate by reference the federal mine safety

regulations governing wire ropes:

Proposed § 208.351 relates to requirements for the use of wire ropes and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1430 (relating to Wire ropes; scope).

Proposed § 208.352 relates to the requirement for the minimum strength of the wire rope and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1431 (relating to Minimum rope strength).

Proposed § 208.353 relates to the requirements for the initial measurement of wire ropes and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1432 (relating to Initial measurement).

Proposed § 208.354 relates to examination specifications for wire ropes and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1433 (relating to Examinations).

Proposed § 208.355 identifies the criteria for retiring wire ropes and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.1434 (relating to Retirement criteria).

Proposed § 208.356 relates to the requirements for load end attachments to wire ropes and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1435 (relating to Load end attachments).


Proposed § 208.357 relates to drum end attachments to wire ropes and incorporates by reference

the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1436 (relating to Drum end attachment).

Proposed § 208.358 relates to the retermination of end attachments of wire ropes and incorporates

by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1437 (relating to End attachment retermination).

Proposed § 208.359 relates to the replacement of end attachments and incorporates by reference

the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1438 (relating to End attachment replacement).

Loading and Haulage

The following proposed additions to Chapter 208 incorporate by reference the federal mine safety

regulations governing loading and haulage:

Proposed § 208.361 relate to the requirements for loading and haulage and incorporate by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1600 (relating to Loading and haulage; general).

Proposed § 208.362 identifies restrictions for the transportation of persons and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1601 (relating to Transportation of persons; restrictions).

Proposed § 208.363 permits only authorized persons to ride on trains and locomotives and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1603 (relating to Trains and locomotives;

authorized persons).

Proposed § 208.364 places overcrowding limits on the transportation of persons and incorporates

by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1604 (relating to Transportation of persons;

overcrowding), with the modification that the mine work areas will be the surface areas of

underground coal mines.

Proposed § 208.365 regulates the installations associated with loading and haulage equipment and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1605 (relating to Loading and haulage

equipment; installations).

Proposed § 208.366 specifies the inspection and maintenance requirements for loading and

haulage equipment and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1606 (relating to

Loading and haulage equipment; inspection and maintenance).

Proposed § 208.367 relates to the operation of loading and haulage equipment and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1607 (relating to Loading and haulage equipment;


Proposed § 208.368 regulates dumping facilities and incorporates by reference the provisions of

30 CFR 77.1608 (relating to Dumping facilities).



The following proposed additions to Chapter 208 incorporate by reference the federal mine safety

regulations governing those miscellaneous provisions selected from the federal rule.

Proposed § 208.371 relates to proper communications in work areas and incorporates by reference

the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1700 (relating to Communications in work areas).

Proposed § 208.372 specifies the minimum location requirements for first aid equipment and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1707 (relating to First aid equipment;

location; minimum requirements).

Proposed § 208.373 identifies the requirements for protective clothing and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1710 (relating to Protective clothing; requirements).

Proposed § 208.374 relates to the coloration of hard hats and requires distinctively colored hard

hats or hard caps for newly employed or inexperienced miners and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.1710-1 (relating to Distinctively colored hard hats or hard caps;

identification for newly employed, inexperienced miners).

Proposed § 208.375 relates to the prohibition of smoking prohibition and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1711 (relating to Smoking prohibition).

Trolley Wires and Trolley Feeder Wires

The following proposed additions to Chapter 208 incorporate by reference the federal mine safety

regulations governing trolley wires and trolley feeder wires:

Proposed § 208.381 relates to cutout switches and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30

CFR 77.1800 (relating to Cutout switches).

Proposed § 208.382 requires overcurrent protection and incorporates by reference the provisions

of 30 CFR 77.1801 (relating to Overcurrent protection).

Proposed § 208.383 requires devices for overcurrent protection and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.1800-1 (relating to Devices for overcurrent protection).

Proposed § 208.384 requires the guarding and insulation of trolley wires, trolley feeder wires and

bare signal wires and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1802 (relating to

Insulation of trolley wires, trolley feeder wires and bare signal wires; guarding of trolley wires

and trolley feeder wires).

Slope and Shaft Sinking

The following proposed additions to Chapter 208 incorporate by reference the federal mine safety

regulations governing slope and shaft sinking:


Proposed § 208.391 requires plans for installing slopes and shafts to be approved and incorporates

by reference those provisions of 30 CFR 77.1900 (relating to Slopes and shafts; approval of

plans) with the following modifications:

The Department will approve plans relating to slope and shaft sinking and construction.

Proposed § 208.392 requires compliance with approved slope and shaft sinking plans and

incorporates by reference those provisions of 30 CFR 77.1900-1 (relating to Compliance with

approved slope and shaft sinking plans).

Proposed § 208.393 requires reports to be maintained of preshift and onshift inspections and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1901 (relating to Preshift and onshift

inspections; reports).

Proposed § 208.394 specifies the approved devices for conducting methane and oxygen

deficiency tests and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1901-1 (relating to

Methane and oxygen deficiency tests; approved devices).

Proposed § 208.395 regulates drilling and mucking operations and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.1902 (relating to Drilling and mucking operations).

Proposed § 208.396 identifies permissible diesel-powered equipment and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1902-1 (relating to Permissible diesel-powered


Proposed § 208.397 specifies the minimum requirements for hoists and hoisting and incorporates

by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1903 (relating to Hoists and hoisting; minimum


Proposed § 208.398 regulates communications between slope and shaft bottoms and hoist

operators and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1904 (relating to

Communications between slope and shaft bottoms and hoist operators).

Proposed § 208.399 relates to the safeguards for hoists safeguards and incorporates by reference

the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1905 (relating to Hoist safeguards; general).

Proposed § 208.400 requires daily inspections of hoists and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.1906 (relating to Hoists; daily inspection).

Proposed § 208.401 identifies the general requirements for the construction of hoists and

incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1907 (relating to Hoist construction;


Proposed § 208.402 regulates the use of hoist installations and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.1908 (relating to Hoist installations; use).


Proposed § 208.403 requires a hoist to be operated by a qualified hoistman and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1908-1 (relating to Hoist operation; qualified hoistman).

Proposed § 208.404 dictates the use of permissible explosives and shot-firing units for explosives

and blasting and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1909 (relating to

Explosives and blasting; use of permissible explosives and shot-firing units).

Proposed § 208.405 permits the use of nonpermissible explosives and shot-firing units when

approved and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1909-1 (relating to Use of

nonpermissible explosives and non-permissible shot-firing units; approval by Health and Safety

District Manager).

Proposed § 208.406 relates to explosives and blasting and incorporates by reference the

provisions of 30 CFR 77.1910 (relating to Explosives and blasting; general) with the exception of

the following modification:

(b) All explosive materials, detonators, and any other related blasting material employed in

the development of any slope or shaft shall be stored, transported, carried, charged and fired in

accordance with the provisions of 25 Pa Code Chapters 210 and 211. Except as provided in

paragraph (c) of this section, all shots shall be fired from the surface.

Proposed § 208.407 regulates the ventilation of slopes and shafts and incorporates by reference

the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1911 (relating to Ventilation of slopes and shafts).

Proposed § 208.408 regulates ladders and stairways and incorporates by reference the provisions

of 30 CFR 77.1912 (relating to Ladders and stairways).

Proposed § 208.409 requires fire-resistant wood installed in slopes and shafts and incorporates by

reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1913 (relating to Fire-resistant wood).

Proposed § 208.410 regulates electrical equipment and incorporates by reference the provisions of

30 CFR 77.1914 (relating to Electrical equipment).

Proposed § 208.411 relates to the storage and handling of combustible material and incorporates

by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1915 (relating to Storage and handling of combustible


Proposed § 208.412 identifies fire protection precautions for welding, cutting, and soldering

operations and incorporates by reference the provisions of 30 CFR 77.1916 (relating to Welding,

cutting, and soldering; fire protection).


F. Benefits, Costs and Compliance


The proposed regulation will implement existing federal regulations thereby making them

independently enforceable in the Commonwealth. This will promote interaction between the

regulated community and the state. Furthermore, the definitions that will be added to Chapter 208

by this proposed rulemaking will improve the clarity of the regulatory scheme.

Compliance Costs

The proposed rulemaking will not add any compliance costs since it will implement existing

federal regulations with which mining operators in Pennsylvania already comply.

Paperwork Requirements

The proposed regulations will not generate additional paperwork because mining operators must

comply with the existing federal regulations that will be implemented by this rulemaking.

G. Pollution Prevention

The Federal Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C.A. §§ 13101—13109) established a

national policy that promotes pollution prevention as the preferred means for achieving state

environmental protection goals. The Department encourages pollution prevention, which is the

reduction or elimination of pollution at its source, through the substitution of environmentally

friendly materials, more efficient use of raw materials and the incorporation of energy efficiency

strategies. Pollution prevention practices can provide greater environmental protection with

greater efficiency because they can result in significant cost savings to facilities that permanently

achieve or move beyond compliance.

H. Sunset Review

This regulation will be reviewed in accordance with the sunset review schedule published by the

Department to determine whether it effectively fulfills the goals for which it was intended.

I. Regulatory Review

Under section 5(a) of the Regulatory Review Act (71 P. S. § 745.5(a)), on __________, 2014,

the Department submitted a copy of this proposed rulemaking and a copy of a Regulatory

Analysis Form to the Independent Regulatory Review Commission (IRRC) and to the

Chairpersons of the Senate and House Environmental Resources and Energy Committees. A

copy of this material is available to the public upon request.

Under section 5(g) of the Regulatory Review Act (71 P.S. § 745.5(g)), the Commission may

convey any comments, recommendations or objections to the proposed regulations within 30

days of the close of the public comment period. The comments, recommendations or objections


must specify the regulatory review criteria which have not been met. The Regulatory Review

Act specifies detailed procedures for review, prior to final publication of the rulemaking, by the

Department, the General Assembly and the Governor of comments, recommendations or

objections raised.

J. Public Comments

Interested persons are invited to submit written comments, suggestions or objections regarding the

proposed rulemaking to the Board of Coal Mine Safety. Comments, suggestions or objections

must be received by the Board by DATE. In addition to the submission of comments, interested

persons may also submit a summary of their comments to the Board. The summary may not

exceed one page in length and must also be received by the Board by DATE. The one-page

summary will be distributed to the Board and available publicly prior to the meeting when the

final rulemaking will be considered.

Comments including the submission of a one-page summary of comments may be submitted to

the Board online, by mail or express mail as follows. Comments may be submitted online to the

Board by accessing the Board's Regulatory Comment System at If an acknowledgement of comments submitted

online is not received by the sender within 2 business days, the comments should be retransmitted

to the Board to ensure receipt. Written comments should be mailed to the Board of Coal Mine

Safety, P.O. Box 8477, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8477 (express mail: Rachel Carson State Office

Building, 16th Floor, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101-2301) Express mail should be

sent to the Board of Coal Mine Safety, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 16th Floor, 400

Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101-2301. Comments submitted by facsimile will not be


E. Christopher Abruzzo


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