NOTICE OF COMMITTEE MEETING...District Council Of Loxton Waikerie Asset & Lease Committee meeting agenda Thursday 11 July 2019 Page 1 of 2 Influencing today … shaping tomorrow NOTICE

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District Council Of Loxton Waikerie

Asset & Lease Committee meeting agenda Thursday 11 July 2019 Page 1 of 2

Influencing today … shaping tomorrow

NOTICE OF COMMITTEE MEETING The meeting of the Asset Committee will be held in the Council Chambers, East

Terrace, Loxton on Thursday 11 July 2019 commencing at 2.00 pm

Greg Perry Director Infrastructure Services

Friday 5 July 2019

AGENDA 1. Present

2. Apologies:

3. On leave

4. Member’s Declaration of Interest

Committee members are required to:1. Consider Section 73 and 75 of the Local Government Act 1999 and determine

whether they have a material, actual or perceived conflict of interest in any matter tobe considered in the agenda, and

2. Disclose these interests in accordance with the requirements of Sections 74 and75A of the Local Government Act 1999 on the approved ‘Declaration of CommitteeMembers Conflict of Interest’ form (accessible via council’s website, the ElectedMembers Extranet or upon request) and forward to the responsible officer no laterthan 12 noon on the day prior to the meeting.

5. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meetings (Attached) 1 to 3

Recommendation:That the minutes of the Asset and Lease Committee meeting held on 10 July 2018 betaken as read and confirmed.

That the notes from the informal gathering held on 10 July 2018 be received. 4

6. Business Arising

District Council Of Loxton Waikerie

Asset & Lease Committee meeting agenda Thursday 11 July 2019 Page 2 of 2

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7. Correspondence: Nil

8. Recommendation Reports

8.1 Concrete Kerbing and Footpath Construction 5 to 7

8.2 Ian Oliver Drive 8 to 10

8.3 Moorook Oval 11 to 12

8.4 Unmade and Upgrade Roads Policy 13 to 17

9. Next meeting – To be Advised

10. Closure

District Council Of Loxton Waikerie

Minutes of the Asset and Lease Committee meeting held on Tuesday 10 July 2018 in the Loxton Office Council Chambers

commencing at 1.09pm

1. Present: Mayor LE Stasinowsky, Crs JF Flavel (Chairperson), MJ Vowles, DAThiele, TJ Norton, MA Zeppel and KA Webber

Mr DL Beaton (Chief Executive Officer), Mr TP Tol (Director Infrastructure Services),Mr NT Wishart (Acting Director Corporate and Community Services), Mrs SLPortolesi (Acting Manager Corporate Services), Mr T Bowes (Property Officer), Mr AJDick (Asset Management Officer), Miss JL Barry (Administrative Assistant) and JohnComrie (Audit Committee Chair)

2. Apologies Nil

3. On leave Cr DG Kimber

4. Member’s Declaration of Interest : Nil

5. Confirmation of minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of meeting held Tuesday 27 March 2018.

Cr Thiele moved Mayor Stasinowsky secondedThat the minutes of the Asset and Lease Committee meeting held Tuesday 27March 2018 be taken as read and confirmed.


6. Business Arising: Nil

7. Correspondence: Nil

8. Recommendation Reports - General

8.1 Asset & Lease Committee – Annual Action PlanCr Thiele moved Cr Webber seconded That the Asset and Lease Committee note the progress in achieving the 2017/18 Annual Action Plan

That the Asset & Lease Committee adopt the 2018/19 Annual Action Plan. CARRIED

9. Recommendation Reports – Asset Management

9.1 Long Term Financial Management Plan (LTFMP) & Infrastructure and Asset Management Plan (IAMP) Review Cr Thiele moved Cr Zeppel seconded That the Asset and Lease Committee receive the report.



District Council Of Loxton Waikerie

Asset and Lease Committee meeting minutes Tuesday 10 July 2018 Page 2 of 3

Influencing today … shaping tomorrow

Cr Thiele moved Cr Webber seconded That further work be undertaken having regard to the comments at the Asset and Lease Committee meeting including prioritisation of capital, strategic and operational projects and the next review of Councils IAMP be undertaken by the new Council.


9.2 Traffic Counters – Data Collected & 2018/19 Program Cr K Webber moved Cr M Zeppel seconded That the Asset and Lease Committee

1. Note the data collected in 2017/18.2. Endorse the planned use of traffic counters during 2018/19.


10. Recommendation Reports – Leases and Community Land Management Plans

10.1 Lease to Riverland Model Aero Club, Loxton NorthCr Thiele moved Cr Zeppel seconded The Asset & Lease Committee recommends that Council signal it’s intent to acknowledge the ownership of buildings and/or improvements upon the Crown Land as the Lessee’s, and further, that Council undertake Public Consultation process in order to grant a ground lease to the Model Aero Club.


10.2 Lease for portion of land, 53 Tobruk Terrace- Senior Citizens Club Mayor Stasinowsky moved Cr Zeppel seconded Formal Motion : that the matter be raised from the table.


Cr Norton moved Cr Zeppel seconded The Senior Citizens Club’s be granted a licence to occupy for 12 months for a down sized portion of the current size to reflect the area the Senior Citizens Club can maintain and ensuring adequate area for the building and car parking.


10.3 Waikerie Bowling Club Lease

Cr Vowles left the chamber at 2.22pm and returned at 2.23pm.


District Council Of Loxton Waikerie

Asset and Lease Committee meeting minutes Tuesday 10 July 2018 Page 3 of 3

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10.4 Waikerie Gliding Club Lease

Cr Thiele moved Cr M Zeppel seconded That reports 10.3 and 10.4 lay on the table.


11. Information Reports

12. Next meeting – Tuesday 25 September 2018

13. Closure – The meeting closed at 2.53pm


District Council Of Loxton Waikerie

Notes from Informal Gathering of the Asset and Lease Committee and Audit Committee held on Tuesday 10 July

2018 in the Loxton Office Council Chambers commencing at 10.00am

1. Present: Mayor LE Stasinowsky, Crs JF Flavel, MJ Vowles, DA Thiele, TJ Norton, MMalthouse, MA Zeppel and KA Webber

Mr DL Beaton (Chief Executive Officer), Mr TP Tol (Director Infrastructure Services),Mr NT Wishart (Acting Director Corporate and Community Services), Mrs SLPortolesi (Acting Manager Corporate Services), Mr AJ Dick (Asset ManagementOfficer) and John Comrie (Audit Committee Chair)

2. Presentation of Report 9.1 in the Asset and Lease Committee Agenda andReport 7.1 in the Audit Committee Agenda, Review of the Long Term FinancialManagement Plan (LTFMP) and the Infrastructure and Asset Management Plan(IAMP)

The Informal Gathering discussed several elements of the report including: Methodology for Review New Capital Projects – how they may be prioritised and the potential effect

new Capital Projects may have on financial sustainability Several Scenarios were presented with regard to potential effects on the

Operating Surplus Ratio Potential issues and opportunities were identified Key recommended actions and messages were identified

3. Closure – The Informal Gathering closed at 11.02am


District Council Of Loxton Waikerie

Asset Committee Meeting Thursday 11 July 2019 Page 1 of 3

Influencing today … shaping tomorrow

Asset Committee Reports

Report Number


Subject Concrete Kerbing and Footpath Construction

Author of report

Greg Perry

People consulted

Coordinator Loxton and Waikerie

Strategic Plan

Other document reference File Reference

Financial implications Risk/Asset Management Attachments

Expected outcomes:





That the Asset Committee recommend that council; 1 Installs approximately forty metres of new kerbing and paver footpath adjacent 35 Peake

Terrace, Waikerie. 2 Installs approximately seventy metres of kerbing and crusher dust footpath adjacent number 11

and 13 River Terrace, Kingston on Murray.


Council undertakes repairs and replacement of both concrete kerbing and footpaths annually under maintenance and capital replacement. The other type of works that takes place is the installation of new infrastructure which is when areas have new kerb and footpaths constructed due to new housing and areas identified as being deficient.


District Council Of Loxton Waikerie

Asset Committee Meeting Thursday 11 July 2019 Page 2 of 3

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Asset Committee Reports

Council have allowed a capital allocation of money in the 2019/20 Annual Business Plan to formulate a more detailed Asset Management Plan for the replacement and installation of new kerbing and footpaths. The current allocation is a sum of money that is used to undertake works but at present has no specific nominated area.

Two areas that have been nominated are:

• 35 Peake Terrace in Waikerie where a new house has been built. The kerb stops before thehouse and vacant block of land. The approximate forty metres of kerb is suggested to continueon the same alignment and stop at the boundary of the former Waikerie Motor Cycle andMarine premises. This work would also include extending the paved footpath and allow the newdwelling to finish their concrete crossover and driveway to the kerb. Cost to undertake the workwould be approximately $14,000.


District Council Of Loxton Waikerie

Asset Committee Meeting Thursday 11 July 2019 Page 3 of 3

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Asset Committee Reports

• River Terrace, Kingston on Murray adjacent the Murray River is largely kerbed. However thereis a portion of approximately 70m that is not and remains crushed rock.

The kerbing currently travels along River Terrace heading west and then stops leaving twodwellings before the kerbing starts again to travel around the corner and up Pope Street.The footpaths will be finished behind the kerb with crusher dust which is the same as themajority of the existing footpaths in this location. The area between the kerb and bitumen willbe sealed and line marked because of the corner accordingly to guide traffic from RiverTerrace to the beginning Holmes Road. The cost to undertake the work would beapproximately $18,000.


District Council Of Loxton Waikerie

Asset Committee Thursday 11 July 2019 Page 1 of 3

Influencing today … shaping tomorrow

Asset Committee

Report Number


Subject Ian Oliver Drive

Author of report

Greg Perry

People consulted

Coordinator Roads and Capital Projects

Strategic Plan 2018/19 Annual Business Plan

Other document reference File Reference

Financial implications Risk/Asset Management Attachments

Expected outcomes:





That the Asset Committee recommend council: 1 Allocates a new capital budget allocation to complete option xxxx of the project. 2 Funds to complete the works are made available from the 2019/20 operating sealing budget line.


As work is undertaken around the Silo Art being footpaths, carpark and surrounds, the importance to have the Nippy’s Factory aesthetically balanced with the rest of the Town Entrance Statement has never been higher. A concept had been floated with ideas of having the area between Nippys Building and the road way completely hotmixed; not only would this be very hot and not very attractive but the additional funds required would be in excess of $100,000.


District Council Of Loxton Waikerie

Asset Committee Thursday 11 July 2019 Page 2 of 3

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Asset Committee

An original concept from the 2016 Waikerie CBD Revitalisation workshop and form what was referred to as Ian Oliver Entry Avenue. This concept involved planting trees along Ian Oliver, however Nippy's were concerned with too many trees concealing the building and names printed on its walls. Nippy’s have begun work paving the entrance to their shop front, and to compliment this, a suggestion to have a hotmixed footpath (approx. 2.5m wide), line marking to promote foot traffic and a bike lane with car parking available against the building (Option 1) or a hotmixed strip (approx.. 3.0m wide) mainly for car parks (Option 2). Either options will encourage people to stop, shop and walk in the surrounding area. Trees with controlled height and foliage as well as a spray seal over the remaining section between the bike lane/parking lane and Nippy’s building, will discourage heavy trucks from trafficking the area apart from the weigh bridge. Nippys have agreed to supply a water outlet for the trees if this concept makes fruition. This could also present as a perfect opportunity and place to conduct the tree planter box trials and if they were to be unsuccessful then it would be simple and cost effective to transition to in ground tree planting.

Most of the pavement works have been completed; the cost of combined hotmix, Spray Seal, Line marking and Tree installation will be a more cost efficient approach, and will finish off the eastern town entrance works to Waikerie along Ian Oliver Drive. Cost to undertake Option 1 is $51,000 Option 2 is $58,000 The extra funds needed to complete works would need to be either redirected from the 2019/20 reseal maintenance budget operating line or Council will need to make a capital budget allocation.

Option 1


District Council Of Loxton Waikerie

Asset Committee Thursday 11 July 2019 Page 3 of 3

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Asset Committee

Option 2


District Council Of Loxton Waikerie

Asset Committee Thursday 11 July 2019 Page 1 of 2

Influencing today … shaping tomorrow

17. Infrastructure Services Recommendation Report

Report Number


Subject Moorook Oval

Author of report

Greg Perry

People consulted

Parks & Gardens Staff

Strategic Plan 1

Other document reference File Reference

Financial implications Risk/Asset Management Attachments

Expected outcomes:

Economic Cost saving on maintenance and power.


Environmental Water savings


That the Asset Committee recommend to council that the irrigation on the Moorook Oval be reduced to save water due to restrictions and continued based on minimal oval use unless circumstances change.


Moorook Oval has continued to be watered and mowed despite no sporting team playing regular games at Moorook. Watering over the past 3 months has been reduced significantly due to minimal use and the realisation of irrigation restrictions for the 2019/20 financial year. The forecast irrigation allocation has climbed to the current 26% of entitlement and is suggested to still increase


District Council Of Loxton Waikerie

Asset Committee Thursday 11 July 2019 Page 2 of 2

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17. Infrastructure Services Recommendation Report

but this still means that watering will need to be better planned and managed over the Loxton Waikerie Council District. Due to the Moorook Oval having very little to no use it is being suggested that the watering for the oval continue but considerably reduced compared to 2018/19 to maintain minimal turf cover. The reduction in watering will enable higher use areas such as main streets, some parks and ovals that attract regular use, be kept to a higher standard within the restricted water allocations. The reduced watering of the oval will also see a decrease in the amount of mowing required and mowing would be done without catching any of the grass clippings, power savings would also be applicable. The photos show the oval which is quite yellowed but this is largely due to the recent frosts experienced around the district. It should also be noted that turf is very resilient and can recover quick if required. The right handside photo shows the area that turf was harvested from for the Moorook Riverfront replacement.


District Council Of Loxton Waikerie

Asset Committee Thursday 11 July 2019 Page 1 of 1

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17. Infrastructure Services Recommendation Report

Report Number


Subject Unmade and Upgrade Roads Policy

Author of report

Greg Perry

People consulted Strategic Plan

Other document reference File Reference

Financial implications


Risk/Asset Management


Attachments Policy is attached

Expected outcomes:





That the Asset Committee recommend to council that the Unmade and Upgrade Roads Policy be adopted.


Refer to attached policy.


Template Policy "insert date"

Influencing today … shaping tomorrow


Policy identification: Policy type: Council Summary: The policy provides guidelines relating to

requests to upgrade and construct unmade, unformed and formed roads.

Record number: Date of adoption or approval: Last review date: Next review date: Authorised by: Council Responsible department: Infrastructure Department Responsible officer: Director Infrastructure Services Review officer Road Construction and Capital Projects Co-

ordinator Consultation required: Planning Department Relevant references: Delegations: District Council Loxton Waikerie Delegations

Register Legislation Local Government Act 1999 DCSB –I-14.02 –

Crossover, Road Verge and Driveways Policy Development Act 1993

Related policies Related procedures

1. Policy statement

To provide clear guidelines regrading requests to the District Council of Loxton Waikerierelating to unmade, unformed and formed roads.

2. Strategic reference

From Council’s LW Future – 2015 – 2020

3. Policy objectives

The policy will assist Council in determining the extent to which it will be involved in thesurvey and capital improvement and/or maintenance of unmade or unformed roadreserves.

To ensure any works on unmade, unformed or formed roads are undertaken without impacton existing budgeted works. To ensure that there is a fair and transparent process in placefor the improvement of unmade roads.

Policy Title – Policy Template


Template Policy "insert date"

Influencing today … shaping tomorrow

Note: This policy does not apply to vehicular access (driveway) from the road to the property boundary.

4. Principles

This policy has been developed to meet Council’s core values. Our core values are theprinciples, attributes and qualities we hold as important that we will display in the way wego about our business

5. Policy

There is no obligation on the Council to undertake capital improvement and/or maintenanceto unmade, unformed roads within a public road reserve for the purpose of access by theland owner to his or her property.

In general, Council will not undertake capital improvements or maintenance works tounmade or unformed roads where the road does not provide access to a property with anexisting dwelling. Special circumstances, where a benefit to the community cab bedemonstrated, such as firefighting access, weed control and access to camp grounds andtourist attractions, may be considered at Councils discretion.

Should a landowner require access via an unmade or unformed road, Council expects thatthe landowner will provide that access at their cost. This places the landowner in a similar


Template Policy "insert date"

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situation to a developer who has to upgrade roads at their cost as part of a new development.

Where a public

6. Definitions

Public Road Reserve: An area of land gazetted to public use as a road, but does notinclude State controlled roads. In some cases, these areas may be graded periodically asfire access tracks, or for other purposes. For the purposes of this policy, these roads areconsidered unmade.

Sealed Road: A road with bitumen, asphalt or paver surface.

Sheeted Road: A formed and surfaced road with pavements constructed of rubble or graveland by the use of stabilisation processes.

Formed Road: A public road reserve that does not have rubble or gravel paving but whichis formed using a grader so that stormwater drainage will occur and to provide a surface forvehicular movements.

Unformed Road: A public road that has been cleared and opened to, and routinely used bythe public.

Unmade Road: A public road reserve that has had no capital improvements includingclearing. Notwithstanding, an unmade road may be trafficable or un-trafficable in allweathers.

7. Policy delegations

The officers listed below have sub-delegations under this policy:

• Director Infrastructure Services• Coordinator Capital Projects and Roads – Infrastructure Services

Council’s delegations register notes the powers delegated in full.

9. Roles and responsibilities

Director Infrastructure Services

10. Availability

This Policy will be available for inspection at the Council Offices at Loxton or Waikerieduring ordinary business hours at no charge.


Template Policy "insert date"

Influencing today … shaping tomorrow

Copies of this Policy will also be available from Councils website: or postal copies may be obtained from the Council Office free of charge.

11. Document history and version control

Date Version Authorisation - Council/ Committee/ Senior Management Team

Amendment Details

0.1 Asset Management Committee item/ year

First Version


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