North Penn School District - BoardDocs, a Diligent Brand · 2020-02-04 · • PASBO Award of Achievement • Philadelphia Inquirier article • PASBO tax symposium presentation •

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North Penn School District Property Tax Rebate ProgramFinance Committee Meeting

February 3, 2020

$0 to $8,000 $650

$8,001 to $15,000 $500

$15,001 to $18,000 $300

$18,001 to $35,000 $250

State Rebate Amounts - Owners

$0 to $8,000 $650

$8,001 to $15,000 $500

State Rebate Amounts - Renters

2019-20 North Penn Program

• Piggyback on existing state program

• Rebates to property owners and renters

• Documentation and application submitted to district

2019-20 North Penn Program

• Rebate of 30% of state amount

• Rebates cannot exceed 100% of taxes paid

• Maximum rebate of $195

• Hybrid properties addressed

• Renters included

• No supplements

2019-20 North Penn Program

• Budgeted $142,438

• Assumed 50% of those eligible will apply

• Projecting 40% actual applicants

• $40,247 in rebates YTD

• 377 applicants

Applicant Type Percent of Applications

Average Rebate Amount

Renters 7% $163

Hybrid 16% $115

Owners 76% $100

2019-20 North Penn Program

2020-21 Program

• Increase the 30%?

• Allow rebates including supplements?

Income State Rebate # Claimants Total State Rebates

$0 to $8,000 $650 95 $60,924

$8,001 to $15,000 $500 371 $184,004

$15,001 to $18,000 $300 168 $49,914

$18,001 to $35,000 $250 938 $233,075

Totals 1,572 $527,917

North Penn Data (2017) - Owners

State Rebate

# Base Claimants

Total Base Rebates

# Supplements

Total Supplements

$650 95 $60,924 72 $23,400

$500 371 $184,004 242 $60,500

$300 168 $49,914 90 $13,500

$250 938 $233,075 254 $31,750

1,572 $527,917 658 $129,150

North Penn Data (2017) - Owners

Income State Rebate # Claimants Total State Rebates

$0 to $8,000 $650 433 $245,719

$8,001 to $15,000 $500 341 $169,100

Totals 774 $414,819

North Penn Data (2017) - Renters

Projected Participation % NP Rebate % 2020-21 Budget

50% 30% $141,410

50% 40% $188,547

50% 45% $212,116

50% 50% $235,684

Budget Amount - No Supplements

Projected Participation % NP Rebate % 2020-21 Budget

50% 30% $160,783

50% 40% $214,377

50% 45% $241,174

50% 50% $267,972

Budget Amount - Supplements


PA Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program

• Administered by PA Department of Revenue

• Funded from lottery and slot proceeds

• Household income limit of $35,000; lower limit for renters

Program Eligibility

• Age 65 or older

• Widow or widower age 50 or older

• Age 18 or more and permanently disabled

Program Information

• Maximum household rebate is $650

• Supplemental rebates for qualifying homeowners can boost rebates to $975

• Sliding scale based on total income

• All income counted

• 1/2 of Social Security income is counted

2019-20 North Penn Program

• PASBO Award of Achievement

• Philadelphia Inquirier article

• PASBO tax symposium presentation

• DVASBO fall workshop presentation

• Two other districts already implemented

• Contacted by six other districts

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