North American Societies

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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Chapter 16 Section 1. North American Societies. Key Terms. Potlatch Anasazi Pueblo Mississippian Iroquois Totem. Complex Societies in the West. North American Societies less developed than South Had complex societies Conduct long distance trade . Cultures of Abundance. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Chapter 16Section 1

Key Terms

Potlatch Anasazi Pueblo Mississippian Iroquois Totem

Complex Societies in the West North American

Societies less developed than South

Had complex societies

Conduct long distance trade

Cultures of Abundance

Oregon to Alaska rich in resources

Most important resource was the sea

Hunted whales in canoes

Potlatch-give food, drink and gifts to the community (rank and prosperity)

Accomplished Builders

Southwest- drier desert lands

Hohokoam of central Arizona were farmers

Used irrigation Squash Beans Corn Used pottery

instead of baskets

Accomplished Builders

Anasazi-lived in four corners region (Utah)

Built cliff dwellings Mesa Verde

Colorado 900’s lived in

pueblos Villages of large

apartment style compounds

Made of stone or sun baked clay

Accomplished Builders

Pueblo Bonita the largest means beautiful village

Required high degree of organization and inventiveness

Human labor quarried sandstone

Used mud like mortar

Accomplished Builders

Some walls 5 stories tall

Windows small to keep out burning sun

Housed 1000 people Had 600 rooms Kivas-underground

ceremonial chambers used for religious practices

Accomplished Builders

Anasazi pueblos abandoned by 1200

Hopi and Zuni used kivas (Pueblo peoples)

Created pottery and baskets

Traded corn and farm products with Plain Indians for buffalo and hides

Comanche, Kiowa, Apache were Plains tribes

Mound Builders and Other Woodland Cultures Mound builders

lived east of the Mississippi River

700BC the Adena built mounds

200AD Hopewell built burial mounds Filled with gifts

Mound Builders

Mississippian were the last

From 800AD to the 1500’s

Thriving villages, farming and trade

Between 1000 and 1200 30,000 lived in Cahokia

Crossroads of east and west

Northeastern Tribes Build Alliances Varied cultures Economic and

cultural connection Trade linked people in

North America Mississippian trade

from Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic coast from Great Lakes to Gulf of Mexico

Northwestern Tribes Build Alliances Iroquois spoke related

languages Five tribes in upper

New York form Iroquois League

Mohawk, Oneida, Cayuga, Onondaga, and Seneca

To promote joint defense and cooperation

Religion Shapes View of Life Believed the world

around them was filed with spirits

Recognized a number of sacred spirits

Great Spirit Spirits gave customs

and rituals Peace and harmony

from practicing rituals

Religion Shapes View of Life Beliefs included a

great respect for the land

Tried to alter land as little as possible

Land was sacred Could not be bought

or sold Europeans claimed

lands it caused a conflict

Shared Social Patterns

Family basis of social organization

Extended family Some organized

families into clans Some families

lived together in a large house

Shared Social Patterns

Totems-natural object that a can identifies with

Define behaviors in social relationships

Northwestern displayed totems on masks, boats huge poles in front of houses

Shared Social Patterns

Used totem symbols in Ritual dances Marriages Naming children Planting and

harvesting Hundreds of

different patterns of life

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