Noroffio18 Surat Keteranoan

Post on 16-Oct-2021






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Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan: Pendidikan Bahasa lnggris

Senin - Selasa/6 - 7 November 2O1TSMP lslam terpadu Al- Manar Desa KelambirKecamatan Hamparan perak, Kabupaten DeliserdangPelatihan Berbahasa lnggris Berekuivatensi TOEFLBagi Guru di SMP lslam Terpadu Al - Manar

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: Pelatihan Berbahasa Inggris Berekuivalensi TOEFL bagi Guru di

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$rat keterangan ini dibuat. unttrh diketahui dan dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

November 2017

2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2TOEFL POST-TEST


t'irne-25 minutes(including the reading of the directions)

Now set your clock for 25 minutes.

-[his st.clion is clesigrrcci t() ltleasule vorrl a[rilitv to lecognizr'larrurrirgt: tltat is aprplollt ialr'lot stanclart]ur-ittcn Ilrrglislr.'['lrert:rre t\\,() 1\'pe\ ol tluc'stiolrs in this scctirirr, rrith s;lccial clitcctiorrs lort'ar:h tvpe.


Dir-e'ctions: Thr'se questir.rns;rre inconrplL'tc scntcnces. Ber,cath each sentenc-c vorr rvill sr't- loulr,,,t.rlc1s or phri,rscs, mtrrked (A), (B), (C), anci (D). Choosc the onc uorcl or phrase tlrat lrest r:ornpletcsthe sentence. Then, on vour i.uls\\,er sheet, {'ind tlrc nunrbcl of t]re question ancl l'ill in the space llrntcorrcsponds to the letter of tlre anst,er'\'ou hnve ctrosen.

Look at the foliorving cxamples

Example I Sample Ansruer


Thc sentence shoulcl read, "The president rvon thc clcction by a landslicle.'''ftrerel'ore, 1,or.r sl-rotridchoosc answer (A).

The president


the election bv a lanclslide

(A) \\ on(B) he u,on(C) yesterday(D) fortunately

L,xample II

When ,-_ the conlelence?

(A) the doctor attcndcd(B) did the doctor attend(C) the doctor will attend(D) the doctor'.s attendance

Sample Answer


The sentence shoulcl read, "When did rhe cloctor attend the conf'erernce?" Thcrcfore, vou shorrlclchoose ansu,er (B).

TOEl.L4'tesl directiorrs and lorntet arr rlprintrd by p.xlilissionof E1'S, thr: cop_vr ighl owfle.. [h,\\,cveri .rll eramples and rstqucstions are plovided bt. Pear srrrr Ldrcation. lnc. STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION POST.TEST

2 o 2.2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2planet Mclcr.rrv -.=.- rotations dttritrg

rr*-o tril-rs ;rror.tucl tlte Sr.rn

thrcc- conrplcLecomplcrcs thleellre conrlr[ction r:f t lti'e..t-onrpleting tht'ee oI tlre



of'wcstef rl Lltalr rvzrs

bv Lake Bonneville.

lirrres. ar [:rr gc plit-ltinres, thcre rvas a large parlpitrt t,l lhr tirnel-ar l:rlgc parrls oI titne

lrrlic<'pter is;.rblr'ttr ltrlvcr ttt - -rntors procluce lilt c,r'cn aI zero

r-tl speecl

t-liElrt be c:rus.: of thel-lt-ir-rs therhe fl,r'ilg ol' tltcfli-ht bcc:rrrsc tlre

uppet levels oF the Sun's aLnrosphet e

of rcrv lou, --

heats the gases thelereqr high tefirperatLrrcs

dense and solardensitr,, soiar activit5'density', br,rt solar activit!densitr.' and activitl,o[ the Sun is



stone, has been vah-red

ornamental prrrposes for more than_\-ears

an opaque deep blucis an opaqtre de:ep blrreit is an opaqrre clcep bluethat is an op.rque deep blue

aineers --

climb Mount Everc'slmake reservations to d<.r so, often up tcr

-r'.ca|s in advance,

lYant tothev u,ant tcr

n'ho rvautwantinc to



Crc'irrecl bv thc tlissolirtiou o[ limestone, tl]etrnclelgrouncl crii\rc s)'stent -- MatnnrothCave is noted lilr its stalactitcs andstltlaunti rcs.

( A ) is knol'tr zts(R) ir is knorvn to bc{C) linortrr irs

(D) tt, lrc kttort'u

Nl(,sl slnng tclnrs alc sinrplr old rvorcls

-. - ;rdrlitionirl trerv tneatrings.

(;\ r si\'c(R ) giuerr(C) :tlc gii cn(D) rirev ale givett

\t,t'tlr Clrrroliua'.s Outcr Bartks are a chain oflorr', nitnos, isl;rncls


the r-nainlandIronr the l'l'equent Atlantic stot'ms in thcaf Lla.

(,\) thev bull'cl(B) that br-rffer'((:) to btril'er then't(D) tlrat ther' lrul[u'r'

It is at the age of approximaiel-v- eighte enr-nonths


childrcn begin to makecorrrbinatior-rs of trvo or three u,ords,

{A) rthen many(B) rvhcn arc rhanj(C) rvhen do nrauy(P) rr,rhen have man1,'of the

Srorl ofa Bad Boy, er semiaLrtobiograpl-ricalno",el b.v Thomas Bailev Aldrictr, ranks higheunong books -- have incorporated theirbovhood experiences.

(A) the Anrerican aulhors(ts) rvhich irre American arutlxrrs(C) in rvhich American arrl]rols(D) arc those r.r,hich American authors



2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2


In Llre l..l IJroa tar pits o[ [-os r\ngeles --rrlticlr lrare bcen qrlcslr,cd i'rrrnr llrc

Plr'ist, rcctlt Pr'l irrtl.

(r\) lhoirslrncls ol arnimuls :rlt:(B) tlroL.rsancls lrrc anirnals(C) the tlrolisancls ol aniutlrls([) ) :lre tlrousanris ol a:r inrirls

--- l.)lr)\idutl ir lirirrg lr,r'rrt.irrlr 9{l

pelcerlt of tlre popr-rltitir,rr r'rI llrc.,\nrr'ricanL()l()niLs.

(A) Fiirniing ,,r as r,rrhll( R ) \\llrat l'at nrinq((. t Far nrinu rras(D) \VIr;rt rr tLs h|r.t.rirrg

Not oulv --

nrore brittle tlurn lrar.dmir;rles, Llr.rt tlret, irre also less ztl'rle torviIlrstirrrtl lristr r.\ irrtls.

(A) sr,lt rnaplcs alc(il) ur c s,r[[ rlaples(C) tlrev nrc' solt nrlple,s(D) srrlt rnaples

-- l)(.( r)rnc blockctl s() tlrirl' hcat antl

rrroisIUt t, cor.rlcl not c.scapr:, cleittIr rvorrlclrcs,rlt.

(,\ ) \\'cr c thr. skirr's 1'rort,s lo( U) -l lrc pr:rcs ol the skin \\,cre to(C) -l-lre

sl<irr's porcs(l)) ll tlre'pcr'cs o[ tlru skin









o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2rrly'ritten Expression

ln tlrese tlrrcstions, c;rclr sentcuce has [r;ttr urtdcrlincd u'orcls ot-phtases. Tlrc fottl'

I p;rrts el ihe septctlcre.u-Lr mar'ked (A), (R), (C), arrcl (D). Ideutil'-v thr, one trndclliuecl "t'tit'cl

tlii t rrrust l;c c[angecl in olclcr'[()r'tl)L'ser]t.errcc to bc eorfect. Then, on 1'ottr ansu'er shcct,

rrunrber ol- tlrr' cluestit-ln zrnd [i1l in ihe space rhzrt correspoutls lr, the lettet ol the a.nsu,et']'ou

el ilrc ing exaurplcs

Examplc I

Th.- ftrlrr su'ir-rg ot.r a rricrlinA- - B-

in lil'ths.

:e slrorrlclansrver'(B)

t u neci--D-


researcl: for the book Roors-- A *-E--

I_Ialet, tlyelve ]iears.


Samp\c Ansrrtr


Sample Ansrver


took Alex Halcy tiveh,e years." Tl-rerel"ore,

TOEFL{T tcst directions and f-ormat are (.prirrtcd by pernrissiohof ElS, the copydghr otner: Houevcr, all oxamples and tcstqucstioN are prcvided bv Pcarson Pdrrcation, Inc,


read, "'l'hc lotrr strings on er r,iolin zire Iunecl in fifihs."'l'herrefore, \,ou should





shoulcl read, "The research for the book Root.rchoose an.srver (C).


2o2o2o2o2o2020Z16. The rl'ar.e lerrgths of ltltrar,iolet lieht are shcrrt rhan those olvisitrle light but longer

.\ -B- J- -iltlrau tltosc ol X-r'avs.


All thoroughbretls trrc clcscenclecl frr.rru three Arerbian stallion iffported into EnglanclT- --B- --e-- -D-belrveen I 6ti9 arrd I 72.1.

Bv rrte:rsuling thc late ()f ck)cliv ol'pot:rssirrL.n isotopes irt r,olcanic ash, scicr-rlists

cun cl:rte tlre lal.ers ol.r,olcanic t'rslr ancl airv trurran ltrrrrrirrs in tlrcl .

B ---e- -D-

l9 Hr-rndrcds crf patli:rl to conrl:rlete {'ossil skelctorr s <tL Ti-icentlops hitvc been gathet. inAI]

Nolth Anrc.r'it:ar 1r'r,,rr rot:ks oI tlre llrlr- Clctaceor-ts periocl-l)


Br, the tiL-uc t.ri t-hc clinosar,ir-\, tultles h:ii,e alrcaclv cteveloped the har.d strell- r- -T-into rrhiclr their-htarls aurl cotrlcl be clllrr,rr.----i:-


A_ z,oont le ns pi'ocltrces atr jtrr.'ertccl leal inraqu, eithel orr tlre Iilrrr"in 1 cal-ner.r ald 6nAIJC_D-Llre Iigltt-se rrsiLi,,e trrbe o1'.i telr-\:ision caller'ar

Ihe lcrzrvcs ancl rrrttrrg t$'igs ,:11'the lir-r.rr-r:r planL irrc .gt.orrncl into a


l)aste tllat cnn us0il as a dve.




porl,der to prodr.rce a

'rhir tr'-orc purir.'s o[ sprnal nen,es are prescint in hunrans, and cach pair have twoAIJC-D_


24. \{illiam Randolph Hearst built a chain of nervspaper-s that included 25 dailies ancl l lA B- --e-Sunday editions al rheir peak in 1937.


The electr"omagnetic speL:t'Llm co,sists in ba,ds of different rvavelengths,a-B".--e--_-_-T--


L.i- rr o n

qlor,v{ h--T-


o 2.2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2t|ecs are sirnilar irt iongevitv irncl appear-lo ol'ilngc tr!'es btlt ltal'e trlore t.rllright

27- Christopher Columbus, alike uran-v- other explorels, undercstirnated the siz.e of the-7---B---e-Earth zrnd ovcrcstirnated the r,r,idt.h of Asia.


2S, i\langanese, fotrnd in tr-irce anrolrnts in higher animals, activiites a Iarge antouut ol---r B

ih' er:.:vmes ;nvolvecl in metaLrolic processcs.---T: -5-

r9 The remains ol' tlomo erectLts,;rn extirrct sPt'cies of carly n1iur. \\/as [rrst discovelecltr -r T- ---D_*-on the islanrl o[.lata by Dtrtch phvstcian [:ugcne [)r:bois.

]ti. The F-ord Nlotor Companv intlodr"rcccl the nrrrviug :.rsserltrll linc rrr l!l l-{ so that ir s,ill-E-

b.' able to meet thi: hrrge de nrand fot' its--=e- D

Bt 1S30, approxinrate lr 200 sLczrrnboi.rts-A

.\1rssissippi l{iver.

il- 'fhe irtrgc Vleteor (lrarter rr,,as creatccl u'hcn a 6i,000-tr.;n irolr nrt:leorites stmck theABCD

EartI.r near Winslorv. Arizona.

Daniel Boone helpecl to builci the Wilderness Road throtrgh the Cr.rnrberlancl Cap,A --- B-

creating a route for settlers heading \{esterl-v.CD

34- The Appalachian Llotrntains extend Georgia and Alaban-ra in the sorrth to Canada inABCD

the north.

35. Howard Hughes once did more than half a billion dollars in one dav in l96fr rvhen heAB

received a singie bank draft tor $546,549,17 t for his share of l'WA.D



N,lt.rclel -l'.

haci bec,rntt optt:ttion:,llt' orr tltc( t)



2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 236. Thc citv of Tampa, Florida, is


located orr peninsula across Tampa Bay from Saint---I- ---E-----T- --D*



The closer il gets t() Dec:ember 2l , the first rlay of r,vinter, the short the days become.ABCD

Onll,abor.rt a hundred out of an estinrating 3,000 knorvn mineral speciesA

have been founcl at least lcasoniiblv srritablr. l'or use as gems._______-E----_e---T)Most o[ tlre vear San Migucl Islantl is shloucled in Lrg, and strong northwest rvinds

ABbattel relentlessly the island--e----------D-

40. \,Vonten have admitted ro the Llnited Stares N,liliran Acadenry at \ Iest Point sinceA -E--

1976, and tlre Iirst wome n cadets qraduared in 1980.--D

This is the end of Section 2.lf you {inish before 25 minutes has ended,

check your work on Section 2 only.


When you finish thc rcst, yor! may do the following:o Turn to the Diagnostic Chart on pages 553-555, and

circlc ttrc nurnbers of the questions that you missed.o Turn to Scoring Information ol1 pages 549-550, and

tletermine your TOUFI- scoi'e.

r Turn tr.i tlre Progress Chart on page 5119, and add yourscore to the chart.



3a3a3a3a3a3a3a3TOEFL POST_TEST



(including the reading of the directions)Now set your clock for 55 minutes.

This section is designed to measure vour abiiitl,'to read and understand short passages similar intopic and stvle 'o thos: that students are likely to encounter in North American urriversities anclcolleges. This section contains reading passages and qucstions about the passages.

Directions: In this section you rvill read several passages. Each one is followed by a number ofquiltion!7bout it. You are to choose the one best ansiver', (A), (B), (C), or (D), to each qucstion. Then,on your answer sheet, find the number o[ the question and fill in the space that corresponds to theletter of the ansrver you have chosen.

r\nsu,er all questions about the information in a passage on the basis oI rvhat is stated or impliedin that passage.

Read the I'ollou,ing passage:

John Qrrincy Adams, ,uvho served as the sixth plesident oi the UnitcJ Statcs from [ 825to 1829, is today recognized for his masterful statesmanship and diplomacv He dedicated hislife to pLrblic sen'ice, both in the presidency and in the various other political offices that he

Llrrc held. Throughout his political career he demonstrated his unsri,erving belii:l'in freedom of(5) speech, the antislaverv cause, and the right of Arnericans to be free from Er-rrope;rn and Asian


Example I

To rvhat did John Qrrincv Adams der,ote his Ii[e?

(A) Improving his personal Iife(B) Sen'ing the public(C) Increasing his tbrtune(D) Working on his private business

Sample Answer

According to the passage, John Quincy Adams "dedicated his lile to public service.should choose ansvu,er (B).

Example II

TOEFL@ test dlrections and format are reprinted by permissionof ETS, thc cop.vright owner. However, allqamples and testquestions are provided bv Peareon Educ&tioD, Inc.

Thercfore, you

Sample Answer



In line 4, the rvord "unswerving" is closest in meaning to

(A) moveable(B) insignificant(C) unchanging(D) diplomatic

The passage states that John Quincy Adams demonstrated his unswerving belief "throughout hiscareer." This implies that the belief did not change. Therefore, you should choose answer (C).


A 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3ious l-10

S,spirin's origrirrs r-.o hack at lcust aS e;Lrl1, as 1758. ln lhat vear, tlrrglislrrnan F.drvard Stonea clistincrivc bittcr Ilar,or-in the barli of tlre rvillorv trcr. To Stone, this 1:;rrl.icrtlat'hark seemcdnruch in cclnrrn()rl rvith "Perlrvian Balk," u,hich lrad becn used medicinlrlh'since the 1640s to

dorr.n l'elcrs and to Ir'eat rltalari.r. Stonc clcciclecl to t.rst tltc cfltei:tiveness oI thc rvillorv bark. Heiled sorre, pulvci lzcd it .inl-o tiny pieces, aLrcl concltrctc'd cxperimt:nts r-tn its properties. ['lis tests

ratcrl rlrat thi.; pr,rlvcrized u,il[ou, balk r.vas effectivc both in r:'clucittg high temperatures andrelic--i:-:g aches irncl parns. In 1763, Storre presented lris findings to the British l{otlal Socictv.

Ser..-ral decades Ialel further stuc]ics on the rneclicinal r,ah:e ol'the rvillor.r' bark u,ere being:red bv tuo Iraliarr scicntists. These chenrists, Brugnatelli and Foutaua, clc,tenrrined that thechernic;Ll rh;r1 rvas responsible rol' thc meclicinal chari.rcteristics in the u,illorv bark was the:al salicin, rvhich is the ective ingredient of todal"s aspirirt

The n;rrue "aspirin" is the trade narne of thc drug based on tl-re chernical salicin, properly kuowr-rls:rlicylic acid. l'he tradc name "aspirin" rvas invented for the drr,rg in the 1890s by the Bayer

Companl, irr Gelrnany. Tlre first bottles of aspirin actuallv went on sale to the public just prior toturn of thc centurJ', in 1899

lccording to the passage, aspirinoriginated

{Al no laterthan 1758lB) sometime after 1758(C) definitclv sometime in 1758

{D) noearlierthan i758

!r can be inlen'ed irom thc passage th.rtPtru\ian Bar'[i

t A, catrst'rl I cr clsiBi irrcl[ective in treating r-n:rlaliar-Ct ruas clescr-ibed tr: the British Roval

Societr, bv StonetDi rva. itr irs.' 1lr iur lo rispit irr

& Thc prol'r()rur "it" in line -5 relers tr-r

i-11 n.t::r la ria(B) u iliorr, balk[C] effectiver-resstD) the British Roval Societv

d- The rvord "pl'operties" in line 5 could best- be replaced by

(A) orvne:rship(B) bodv(C) characteristics(D) materials

5. What did tlie rvillorv bark look like afterStone plepaled it for his experiments?

(A) It .,r,as in lirge chr-rnks.(B) It rvas a thick liquid.(C) It r.r,as a rough porr,der.(D) It rvas in strips of bark.

6. The Italian chernists rnentionecl in thepassagL- n'rost probabll, conducted thcirstrrdies on rvillot blrk

(A) in the 1750s(B) in the 1760s(C) in thc 1770s(D) irrthc 1780s

7. \\rhat is tnre about Blugnatelli andFon tanir ?

(A) Ttre,r, r.r,elc lrom England.(B) Thev added a chemical to the willor.v

bark.(C) Thev conducted studies on tl're rvillo',v

bark.(D) The.v.' rvele medical doctors.

8. The exprcssion "prior to" in line l4 couldbest be replaced by

(A) at(B) before(C) during(D) after


A 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3ons 1-10

.r\.spilip's o;igirrs 96 bac:li at lcast as catlv es I7-58. In tltirt ycat, ll,rrgiishrnar-r Ecll'arcl Stont:r rlistirrctive hirtcr fllrvol rrr tlre l.rrrr li ot'thc lrillorv trec'. 'lir Storrc, t[ris Jtat ticttlar bark scientcd

mrrc:h in conrn)ort u,ith "Pe r uvieLn Bark," ,,vl-ri,::h h:rcl bet:u usccl rncclicinirlly since the 1640s trl

dorvn fevcrs treat miilari;1. Stone clecided to tcst the e{'fectivc-ness o[the rvillorv bark. He

solte, ptrlverized it i,tto tiny picccs, arrcl conductc-d experimerlts ott its properties. His tests

ted that this pulveliz.ed u,illorv balk r.vas ei'iective both in reducirtg high temperatttres auding acl::l:; ancl pains. in r763, Stonel presenlecl his fir-rdings to the Blitish Roval Society

Scr,cral decades later, ftirther srudies on the mcdicinal value of the u,illorv t:ark rvere bcingted by trvo Italizrn scientists. The:sc chemists, Bn.rgrratelli and Fontana, dctcrmined that the

chemical that r.i'ars responsible for rhe nredicrnarl char';rctet'istics in the u,illorv bark rvas tlreical salicin, rvhich is the active rlgredient of todery's asplrin.The narne "aspilin" is the tracle nanre of tire drug bziscd on the cher-nical salicin, properly knorvnylsalicvlic acicl. The trade name "aspirin" lvas invented for the dl,rg in the 1890s by the Bayer

Compan-y in Gem-rany. The t'irst bottles of aspirin actuallv \\'ent on sale to the public just prior: torurn o[ the centurr', in 1899


-{ccordir-rg to the pass:ge, aspirinoriginated

(-{) no latcr Lhan 1758

iBi sr:meti..e irlter i758lC) ciefinirely sonretinre in I758{Di no cerlicr tlran 1758

It can be inferred i'r'om the passage thatPcnrvilrrt Berk

cauie\I te \ ('r':rvas inel'f ective in trcating malaria.,r':rs rlescribecl to tl're British

Societl bv Stone1Di rras in use plior to aspirin

Thc pronoun "it" in line 5 r'efers to

iAi malaria(B) rtillorv bark(C) effcct iveness(D) the British Ro.val Society

The u,ord "propertics" in line 5 could bestbe rcolaced b-v

{.{) orr'nelshipfB) body(C) charactcrisl ics(D) rnaterials

5. \,Vhat did the u,illorv balk look like afterStone prepalcd it [ol his experiments?

(A) It r.r,as irr lalge ch_unks.(B) lt rvas a thick liquid.(C) it r.vas a rough por.r,der.(D) It rvas in strips of bark.

6. The It;rlian clrenrists nrcntiooed ilr thepassagc rncist probabl-v" condtrcted theirstrrdics on rvillorv balk

{A) in rhe 17iOs(B) in the 1760s(C) in the 1770st D) in tlre 1780s

7. What is tltre about Brr-rgnatelli andF<:ntana?

(A) They *elc lr'oin England.(B) Tbey added a chemical to the willow

bark.(C) Tltel.'cnuducted studies on the willo'"v

bark,(D) They w,ere medical doctors.

8. The expression "prior to" in line l4 couldbest be rcplaced by

(A) at(R) hefore(C) during(D) after


A 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3lQuestiolrs t I -20

I-lerrlen l,4clr.ille, an Ar-nerican alrth,lr best kn<>rvn tt>clnv ior his uolel llctb.t' Dk:k, rvas actuitllvmnf,lc populirr cluling his lifetirle tor sume oI his other'rvorhs. lle tlave lecl c\tcnsive]\'ancl rtsecl the

Lntrvleclgc, gaine-cl cluring his travels as ttre basis for his early novels. In 1837, at tl-re age ol eigl'Iteen,

lllelville signed as a cabin boy on a merchant ship llrat rvas to sail l'rom ltis folassachusetts home to

Lir-erpool,Englald.Hisexperiencesontl-,i:itripset'r,edasabasistbrtltenovel Redbunt (1849), IntrSJl \,Iclville sel our 01 a rvhaling ship headecl lol the South seas. After jurmping s]rip in Tahiti, he

roranclered arotrrrcl the islan<1: cf Tahiti agcl Moorea. This Sor,rth Sea island sojoltrn rvas a backdrop to

rlenor.el Orrrt:o (1847). Altertl-rree years aq/a.)r lrom hornc, Melville joined up rvith a U.S. naval [iigateuhrai ..r'as rcrr.rrning to the eastern United States arouud Cape Horn. The novel V4ire'Jacket (1850)

describes this lengthr, \'o-yage as a navy seaman.\Yirl.r th.- ptrblication of these early ardventlrr: novels, Melr,ille developecl a strong and lo-val

[ollorring arn.)ng readers eager ior his tales of exotic places and situations. Horvevei in I 851 , with the

qrublication oL Nloby, Diclc Melville! popularity started to climinish. Moby Dick, on one levcl the saga

of rhe hur-rt for the great r.r'hite rvhale, rvas also a heavily symbolrc allegory o[ the heroic struggle of&urnanitv against the universe. The public was not ready for Melvilles literary metamorpl,.rsis fromnrc.rantic advenrure to philosophical s-vmbolism. It is ironic that the novel thaLset-ved to diminishIlelr'illc's popularin,dr-rring his lifetime i.s the cne for rvhich he is best knou'n loday,

I t l-he nrain sr"rbject of the passage is

i..\) \lelvillc's tlavelsIB) the popr-rlalitv of Melville's novclsi C ) -\'leiville's personal backgloundt1)\ .\,:|ob| DtLk

(c)il- .i;corcling to rl're passrge, \''telvilie's early' (D)

i:;-)\ (.]s \\ c't rl

iA) pr-rblishecl rr'hiie he \\'as travelirlgr ll ) .rornpletclr IictioniLIiCl all zrbor,rt his u,ork on ivhaling shipsiD) b:rsecl c>n hls r,rar,els

n l In u irat r car.' clicl \,ie lville's book aborrt hiserperiences as a cabin bov appear?

{A) 1837(B) 184 I

(c) 18,17(D) 1849

l-1- Tlre u orcl "basis" in line 5 is closest innreaning Icr

(A) foundation(B) message(C) tctton.r(D) therne

15. The passage implies rlrat Melvillc sta-\'cd inl'ahiti bL'cau\c

he had rrnofficiallv leti his shiphc rvas on lear,e lrhile his ship r..'as in

poIthe had iinish.:cl his term c'f dutvhe had reccived p,:rrnission to take a

vacation in Tahiti

16. A "frigare" in line 8 is probablv

(A) zrn ,rft-ice(B) a ship(C) a tloop(D) a train

17. Hort,did the pr-rblication of lttoby- Dickaffect Melvillels popularity?

(A) His popularit-v increased immediately-.(B) It had no effect on his popularitv.(C) [t caused his popularity to decrease-(D) His popularity remained as strong as




3a3a3a3a3a3aIti. Accorclirrg to t)re passage, A4oby [)i.t:k is

(1\) :r rr)rlanlic aclverrtule(B) a singie-faCeted rr,,ork(C) zr sholt, about a rvhale(D) svrnbolic ol hrrmanitl, [iglrting the


19. 'lhe u,ord "metanrorphosis" in line l5 iscloscst irr rrrci.,ii,E to

(;f; el|cle(R) change(C) rrivsticism(D) descenr

20. 1'he passage u,ouldreacling in a courseori



3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3Qtrestions 2I-31

Allh.*glr or-rly a small pcrcentagc o1'Ilrc clectronlag]letic ladi:rtiotr lllat is e tllittecl ir.r iill S:-- 'rultrar..rr,let (UV) r.acliation, tlic e,mo,-,rit thar is cnrirted rr'<:r.rl,-l be trtlottgll to cause s(l\rcrr Llitlll;r{J -

rnosr fonns oI Iife on Earth rvcle it all to rezrch the surl'ace t.rl tlre Ear-th Fr.ll'trtr,atclv, a]l of lilu S-:-'r.rltraviolet radiation does not reach the Earth because ol a lavet-ol'c,xt'1;cn, called thc tlzotte [3r:;

"n.,ir.ling the Earth in the stratosphcre irt an altitude ot about 15 nrilcs above thc Earth' Tht ri";:::

i,u". ut .n.t t much of the Sun's uitraviolet radiation aud prevents it lroru reaching the Earih' is a form ol oxygen in rvl'rici, cach molecule consis!s o[ three atoms (O,) insrcai rf :: ;r\\,() iltorns (Or) trsually found in an oxygen rnolecule. Ozone fornls in the strat()sphcre irl a Fi--j--ii.t5.t is initiatc.i by ultiaviolet radiation fronr rhe Sun. UV rzrcliation ftoor thc Sr-rn splirs Ir\":.::r]1()lecules u,ith two atoms intri free oxygen atoms, erud each of these tlnatt:rchect crxvgen a:cn-r: up r.i,ith an oxygen molecule to form ozone. UV radiatit-rn is:rlso capzrble oI slllitring .t +z!:'-=

n.,ol".rler; thus, gzone is constantly'forming, splitting, zrncl refrimlir.rg ill the sll'2it()sphcr,:. \\iie::1---

'aclizrti,n is absorbed cir-tring the ptt.:ce:s ol ozone fornration and re[orm:rtir-rn, it is unabi:1':' :>*3::r

Ir.arrh ancl cause dam:ige thcre.Recently, hou,ever, thc gzone lay'er over parts o[ the Eat th has beeu dirninishing- C'::-':: :='-:-i

lir., cLrlprits i1 rhc case oI the clisappearing ozone, L!rose that itte t'czilll' rcsprlnsil:lc' arc :i::..hlor.otlur.ocarbons (CFCs). CFCs mczrnder-up h'om L,;rrth into the strttlosl>trcr-r', \\'ileii il:t ::::"'\n and release chiorine. The releasecl chlorinc reacts rvitlt ozotte itt thc: stt:ttr,spll:r'::'':'-:-::chlorine morLoxide (CIo) and oxygen (o') The therr hcconles lrLc t') g() ''h:'ou=:"

":=; : :

.r,er. lncl over again. One chlorine arom lan, in lact, destl'ol Itutrcir-ccls oi thcusandt t;i::: ':--moiccrrlcs in this repctitious cvclri, and the cliccts oIthis clc-stl'rrcti\re pr()cess ard t1.f.'. ';=:-:-'.:-cliclerrt.

I 1 . Ac:or'<ling to tho passage, r.rltra.''iole t

raili;rLiotr ['r-om the Sr.rn

(.\) is causing se,.'ctc damage t() theE:rrth's ozcinc lavcr

(B) is onlv a fraction of thc Surt'stlectromagrletic r :,rdiatron

(C.) crcatcs cltctrontagttctic lzrcliatron( l) I ahvavs reltches the Llarth

21. l he rvold "encircling" in Iirte -5 is closest ittnre:rning to

(A) r'olaf ing( B) attacking(C) raising(D) sr"rrrounding

23. It is stated in the passagc tltat lhe ozonelaver

(A) enables tthraviolet radiation to reachthe Earth

(B) reflects ultraviolet radiation(C) shields thc Earth from a ]ot of

ultraviolet radiatiorr(D) reaches down to the Earth

tl olecr.t le

,\t L(rlrSt\l\ )l til:(r 'J\:.f:- -(R) contains rl.tol'e r)\\'{l1l ;i --:-: i-;.r 1fP

ttsruil tr:<t'gen rncle:'-,.* ; -e"(C) cltlsisls oi t\\'() tr\\'gai. :: - :: ''Dr,,'rrL.rirtrllrc.:-rrt:.:;.;l,::--- : :

l: tltu rt.ttltl r)\\{r:.::- ----- :

ll. Tlrr \\olLl '[rce' in lin.' ll'e,:r.: :-: -repl;rced b1'

(A) liberal(B) graltritor-rs(C) ur-rconnectetl(D) ernar-rcipated

26. Ultraviolet radiation c3uses fl!"1.:=:molecr-tles to

(A) to the stratosFhe!=(B) burn Llp ozone molecul=(C) split up and reform as r&:ma(D) reducc the numbe: cf

ch Ioroflurocarbcn.


3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a *" a 317. -l'lrc

[)n)rr()un "it" irr ]irrc l.l lo 30. Wherc in the pas

(;\) r':rdirrtir.rrr(.8 ) proccss(C) [or.rrrir{.ior.r(D) damage

Tlre rvurrl "culplits" in line I6 is closesI irrnreanin.g to rvhich of the following?

(r\) Cuiltv paltics(B) Detecr.ives(C) Group mcmbels(D) Leaders

According to the passage, whal happensafter a chlorine molecule reacis u,ith anozone molectrle?

(r\) The ozorre breaks dorvrr into rhrceoxvgclt atonts.

(B) Tvi'o different molecules are cr:eatecl.(C) 'fhe two molecules combine into one

molecule.{D) Thr-ee clistinct inolectrles resulr..



explain horv muchdol'j

(A) Lines 1*3(B) Lines 12.-14(C) Lines I8*19(D) Lines 20-22'

3t The paragraph follou,inglikelv clisctrsscs

(A) the negative results o[ozone destruction



where chcome lron'r

the causes of themolecules

(D) horvelcctromagneticcreated


A 3 a 3 a 3n 3 a 3 a 3 a 3Questions 32-40

A trlturlter <i[ tronmetric me;lsllremcl]ts ilr cornrrtc,n r.lsc- nlitv irt Iilst glztncc sce nt to lacl< tlre logicand clat'itv of rl)e rnetfic svstcrlr, rvith its ureasLrrenrenls all neeLt[ [;zrsecl t.,n terrs ancl n'rr-rltiltles o{ tens.Hou,ever, these nonmetric rleasnrements developecl ovcl tirne tl'onr habitr"ral use oi. corlmonplitccitems to make simple measurements. The-v might not scern Iil<e sirlple measLrrelllents t6clay, br.rt sr-rcfiis theil histol'\'.

Tlre n-reasurclr.renl-s /bol zlndtard devek,ped basecl on a\rcragc lengrhs oI boclv ptrrts. As can beinferred l'rom rhe name , []re Romans used the ternl foot to describe the le,'rgtlr of a r-nan\ [oot, {,ronrthe base o[ t]re heel to the tip of the big toe. T]ror.rg]r rrot .rcL]ur.^tc nrr.asut-e[]cnl, clr-rc to thelzrring lengths of n-renls feet, a foot \vas a mcaslrrernL.nt thi\l \\,.rs eas] to cr)nceptLlalize ancl t,isualizebv most peoplc. TIte ieun.lztrul li,as trsed extensivelv bv thc [,nglish as thd nle;lsultnrcrt fr-orr: the tipof a nran's n()se to the tip of his outstretched thumb. Englislr King Eclt,:rrcl I rccle[inecl a 1'arcl asequivalent to l]rree feet in 1305, and it sti]l has this meiinin.s todav.

To describe longer distances, the Romaus also irl,enteci the usi: of the telrrl rlrile. The r.r,orcL nrileconres llom the Latin *<;rd ntille, rvhich rneans one rl:r ttsand. A milc r.r'ns nreant to to adistanci:- ol'one tlrousttncl paces, each pace consisting ol'l.u,o steps or:rpprorinratcly five thouszrncl lee1.

On the ocean, speeci is tneasured in knots, rvith onc kl)ot roLlglil),c-c1uivzrl.,tt lo one nai-ltical mileper hor-tr'. This meastrrenrent of speed comes flor-n tlie d;rvs ,,r,hen sailors uscd a knotte<l r.ope toderet'trline their speed rvl-rilc at sea. A rope rvas knotted at regularr irrl.('l'!,als zrncl 1o-ssecl ovcrboard. Therope \\.us let otrt as sand [lo,,.r,ed through irn hotrrglarss. \\ihen rhc sanrl lrac] p:rssecl thr'or"rg| [lre lroursi.<s.the speecl of thc bo;rt ri,as determinecl bl counrrnc the numbcr of linots rhat h:rcl been ier <,rrt.

1f The nrain iclea of r hc passage is that I

r-totl n.i e1 ri c illozl s l.t J'crlicn tS

(.{) itre, in r-ealili,, quire illoeical(Bl l:,.1r th. .laritr olrrrcrlie

r|silsufcntenls(C) ale irctuallr, basecl on sirlrpJe conceltts( D ) 6{e1,e'11;psci lronr lkrnran


\\rlrat is stntc-d .rbou1 the term /bor as uscdbl the Rontans.)

(A) lt irad notl.ring to do rvirh the bodypart of the sarne name.

(B) lt u,as not a standard measltrcllent.(C) if ri as cqr-rzrl in length ro trvcr

footsteps.(D) [t ri,as ltol \:L.l-\, easy for people to


The r.r'ord "visualize" in line 9 is closest inmeauing to

(A) pictlrl'c mentallv(B) describc exarctly(C) sketch r"oughlv(D) measure precisely

3-i. lt is NOT nreutionccl irr rlie passaee rhartlte L.:r rrr r,1.1

rvas oi'ieirrellv used It.r clcscr-i+e imcasi.r r-e nr cnt [>ased on bocil- parur

changeci in clt'tiinilior-r in rhe !{rfo

(C) rs not eclr.ral Lo Ll-rrcc [ee!(D) rvas in rrse ltrior ttt rhe ter:il bum

Thc \\orci "L-\tellsivc.l\'" in linr- [8,wIJb.-st be replac.:rl hv

(A) le ngthilr.(B) pr.ecrsely(C) rviclel,v(D) occasionalll

Wlrat is NOT tnre, accordirypassage?

The English rvorida Latin *'or<I-



The Latin r*'ordmeanings as rrr.

A distance ofa2,000 stepi

A distance ofiaequiv-alerrt







3a3a3a3a3a3i8. Wlrat rs a "knot" in line 16? 10

(A) A meastrre of clistance(R) A rneasure o[ force(C) A mcasr.rrc r-rl. timc(D) A mcasur:c t-,1spccd

.39. lt is implied in the passage that

(A) a meitsurement in knots requiresinfornration on botlr distance and!ime

(B) a knot can be r,rsed to makemeas(ue(nents on land

(C) a knotted rope could be used tomeasure knots rvithout anhourglass

(D) the terffrkilot has come to be usedonlv recentlv



The fir:ilTheTheThela

3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 aQuestions 4t-50

In the first half ol the nineteenth ccnttlln, the tJ,S. govel'nr1lcrll1 decidcd tharlm

systern for protecting its coastline. [t ther-r began building ;t series ol' fot-ts alonE tIrc

eastern part of the country to facilitate its defenses'

The largest o[ rl-rese ]or1s ."vas Fort Jefferson, wltich u'zrs begtttr it'r I E46' ThirGarcler] Key, ine of a cluster of small c<x-al islands 70 n'riles $'est of Ke1' wesr- Ar d

construction, Fort Jefferson r.r,as belicved to be of primarl'strategic irnportancc l0becatrse of its location at the entt]$ra.y. to tbe Gulf of Me.xico. Bccatt'c uf its locaia groar body of \ rater, it becatne knou,n as the Gibraltal of the Gtrlf, in refereoclaithe mouth of the MeditelT,Inean. The fort itself rvas a massir,'e slructure- It lrarrvith 8-loot-thick rvalls, and was surrounded bv a meclieval-stvle uroat for added

nost of the Garden Key, it r.r,as approximately halI a nrile in circumlerence-

In thc latler half ol the uineteenth centrrt-v, during thc Civil War aDd its

trsed as a prison rather than a military installation. The most nolorious oiils I

Samuel Mr-rcld, a physician rvho rvas [rost probably inncicentlv- involved i,, rhe

Abraharrr Lincoln. Thc irctual assassin, John \\tilkes Bc,oth, broke his lcg as he

the Forcl Theater clu|iDg the assassination. Dr. N1udcl sct Boottl's bfoken l3-e-

involvement in rh.e assassination. As a result of tl'ris actior-r, Dr. I!1udd s'as r*:

ar.rd rentancled to Foft Jefterson. He rvas pa;doned after onll four vears

efltir.ts irr cornbatting an epidemic o[ vcllc.r$, levc.r that t-avaged the frlrt.continuous trse of Fort Jefferson endecl in thc 1 870s, although the L -s.

sp6radic use oI it into the tNentieth centul]. T<rclaV, the tlrassive ruir-rs srill ra

thiit stands guard oyer the cntrance to the gulf, unclisttrrbed except for ih.:er

r'cntrrres ouL from the coast to Visit.

-lL Thr'passage is mainit'ab<ltrt .14. Tire pronL-,ilF -ii' ti@

i {) a scrics t,I lut ls(B) a of events at one l'ot't(Cl) a single event at onc lo|t(D) a .series of'evettls at sevet'al I'ot'ts

42. All ,rf the follor.ving are true about Fort +5

.leffcrson H,XCEPT rhart

(A) it is on :rn island(B) it rvas built becrause of its srrategic

location(C) it is in the rnicldle of the Culf of

Mexico(D) it has been compared with an island

at the opening oI the Nlediter-ranean

(A) six-sided(B) seven-sided(C) eight-sided(D) irr:egular in sltape

(A) i,rrt(B) sh:,pt(C) nr{i:ii(D) circur::cnr:me

All of theSamuel \ludd


hc ruas ahe carai f,o-he tr.ashc u'as nt s

43. The rvord "hexagonal" in line 9 is closest inmeaning to

- (A)

46. Iloq.'*'as FctI 865?





3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3 a 3n 317 . "\'cllr-ru, lei.e r" in Iine l9 is most likell,

(A) an cncmv militar-y forcr:(B) a prison reginren(C) a contagious disease(D) a nrcrrtul illness

.18. What is implied abottt Fort Jeffersontoday?

(A) Tt is a thrirring comr-nru-rity.(B) lt is a relatively quiet place.(C) It is still in use by the U.S. military.(D) It remainr in good condition.

49 Whele in the pass:rge cloes tl-re nnthorclesc:r'ibc an injury'to the man rvho shr>r


(A) i-ines 5-7(B) Lines l3-15(C) Lines l5-16(D) Lines 18-19

The irrfornration :n the passagc ispresented

(A) in chronological order(B) by listing examples of a concept(C) ir.r spatial order(D) b:, argtring for a hvpothesis


This is the end r,f Section 3.

6D 6D 6", 6A 6a 6-) 6-)\--l \J \-.i \ r/ \--l \J \----l

1 \\'hr'rt r r,rr l(

r Ttrru to the Diagnostic Chart ()n lllrses irir6-55U, andcircle the numbers ol thc questions that vou missed.

r Turrl to Scoring Information on pages 549-550, anddetermine your TOEFL score.

o Turn to the Progress Chart on page 559, and add l'ourscore to the chart.



part A

Dirccl,i-ons: ln Part A.vou rvill }rear short c.n'er.sations betr'ccn trv. pe.pre. A:,::.-:.:- ::r:,ais-6&[.r-inTvor-r rvil] hear a qttestion abottt the conversation. The con'er.sations uu,-l q,-,.r,,..,. ... : -rL :urepeated Atteryotr hear a question, read rhe fr:ur pr;ssible ans\\,ers in r,our i:-Si r"_,. r j-:tr: :r(ft:lr.* :rsbcst :'tusrvct T'en, on vollr answer sireet, find rl're n,nr':r.l rh.-q;";i;;i a:: :, ' - :-rE i,nr*:p,ir,urcorresponds 1o the letter oI the ansr,ver vou have chosen.


LISTE,NING COM PRE,H E,NSIONTime-approximately 3.5 rninutes

(includi.g the reading .f the directio's for each oart)

fut tlris seetiotl Lri tlrt tust, r'or-t riill ltrre lrrr il[)l)r)lt(]nit\ t() clcnr()r\lr.:rtc vr.rrrr.abilitr. -r,,:("r:\(r'5llr()ns.rrrtlt.rlkrirr[ Ilrcrt.:rrt.r]rrc(.1).rrr:t,rtlrrsse.ti,rrt,rritlrslrcr...::-piil't 'Alls\\'el'all thc clLrcstions on 1hr'tresis ol ii'lurt is stated or.impliccl by l6c 5p!.1,.:;.:-.not ralir-- rlotes or rvlite in \oLrf boL;li at i-Lu-r,tinrc. D,, p1;1 1,,,r, ,1," prgr.rr';;;i'r:.,'..,

Listen to an exatnple. S'a-.dE trusq*llr

On the recording, you lvill hear:

(man) Tltat exunt,,t,tLs jttst rt,,r,firl.(r.r,oman) Olt it cotltl ltat,e been tv<

(narrator) ll'ltat docs tlte tvttrrtrtrt rtrcttn)

I, 1'our test book, you *.ilr reacr: (:\) The e\anr \\es r-ra[.;:,-.r.._-(B) {t rvas t}te r,r,,rr si a....,r" ...- -__ _" _: ruslmr(C) It coulcitr'i harc b.-..:.t t:t,--i= _-j --;:-(D) lr ri'asn t rlrar h:rrd.


\\'oln:rn disagleed r*irlr thc r:rarr. The best :rrrsrrcr-r, ,l "

qr',..*iiu, llir:,_.- al._= _,* e._66.$ rncurrtr.. ur,(D), "lt rr:rs,'t that hard." The.efor.e, the correcr clroicc, is (D).

TpII-L 1e.t direclrorrs rocl Ir,rmrrr ur., rcprinrecl hr.permissiorrol E lS. ll). (r,l,,rt!ht,r,rrL... l{,rverer; all'erarrrpl* arrrl restquestions are pr{\,i(ir,d bl.pearson Educarion. Irrc.



(A) llc'll ccillect thc exrnts this aftcr nt.rorr(B) Thc e\:mr \!ill [>c irt rrnorr.(C) I{e: u,illcollect rhe cxarns at l2:0[)(t)) 'l'hc tcsts ha\.e nor vet been gradeci.

(A) iVlaltlta applied for zl r.istr last rronth.(B) fulirrth:r's visa ',vill last fol orrlv I

rrronth.{C) I\lartha arrivecl lasI month r,.,itlrour

hel lisa.( l)) tll:rltha's r. iszt t,zrs ;rl:.eaciv ck,liver.ccl.

(,,\) The prolcssor clcsclibeci u,hat thestuclents shorrlcl clo.

( []l Thct-r. rvas a krr-rs lirrc {o r-egister- krr.tlru r rtlrrirecl clas:.

(C) The prolessor required an outliue.(D) '.lhe prolessor-Iined r-rp for rclir.cntent.

(A) ChLrcl< liacl ir-r-rplor,ed.(ll) This visir rvas berter than thc lirst.(C) Chuck looked ar him in rlle hospiral.(D) ChLrcl< clidn't seem to be cloing verv

u,u.ll .

(A) She thinks Ihe tuition shoLrld [:ei ncr:eased.

(B) Thc serrestetrs tr-rition is qr-riteaffordable.

(C) It costs too much.(D) She ]ras rnorc than enoueh for iuition

(.\) He rl-rinks he got a eood gracie.(R) Tl-re history gracle s u,cre :rll C or-

nbovc.(C) Nt.r one got histor.\,gracles.(l)) All the graclcs u,er.e Ct or loncr.

(A) The yrarl<ing lots rvcrc [rrll beforcl0:00.

(B) lt nas inrpossible to sta]-r clzrss bvl0:00.

(C) Ile parkccl thc car belor.e class atl0:00.

(D) l'lre possibi[it.r,of finding a place topark increased.


10. (A)



( t))









I-lrr- mam dl4


Tlre irtr-s

Ir-s nod

tntnulGfi-The mmod'l'he hm

SheIIIt -s


(A) In a depirr-tnrenr sndunE(B) lrr tr barrk.(C) .tn en accorrnringllldj(D) In a,clreckour lim-

SIre '.s Iotrnd a uers ri&lSltc t't'rrrltl like zr hnry:-

Slre's shonl;ing fonoSlre's thankful shr-

.l arte.lrsrrellv i.i;i[sIrer- r:rc:rtiurs

-lir rrc'.s cor-rsi:r ufuanFt'ancisco

\\,'lrcrrc-r cr t

cousln go5 IID

l\,' :

learrcs Sarr

He u'ishes heHe lropes hcFIe ruishes hcHc rr,irhes he

The chamrcHe r::-iire




t2 li-aflic shhddSlrc rlrinks

ourside-She aqr-eesShe'l! s:at

13. (A) The:l.StertrnE!@_



Part B

!iLSS1lqtl Ir,thtspartoi't]rc.tcst,r,ourvill hearlonger-cortver-qations.Atter.cachc<.ru,u,ersertion,r.onri'ill heal scveral cluestiotts. Tltc corn,ersations i,rnd cluesriors r.vill ntlt [:e rcpr:;rtccl.

.\ilct lotr Iteat'a queslion, r'ead the frlrrr possiltle.tns\\'ers in vour tcst bogk ancl c[o6se the bestiins\\'cr. Then, r>n vour an.slvel sheer, lind the numbel ol'thc qrrestiorr arrcl lill in the space thatc()n cspa)rr(ls t0 the letter. crI thc arrsu,er Vou ]rzrve choscrr,

Rc'rncnrbel', \,oLr noi allo$ed to take notes or rvrite in vor.lI res1 book.


(r\) Atter-rcl a football gume alonr'.(B) Co lo ;1 sllortirlg even1,(C) Eal in thc cafctcria arrcl srr-rclr'.(D) See a plar,.

(A) It's thc [inal gamo of thc scason.(B) It's bctrcr th:rn thc clr.:rnrii

department's plav.iC) 1t's a very inrponant game.{D) II's.'lr;. trr th.c cafctcr..,

(A) i\ plal:(B) i\ game.(C) A studv group meeting.D) Dirr:tel in r he celererir.

(A) SatLrrdav night.(B) AiLcr clinncr in thc cafcteria.(Cl) Sr-rncl;rv ;rfrcrnoon.(D) Mavbe ne.rt *.ee-kend.

(A) Tlash olbiring Earth,(B) A tlip bv an asrLonaul to rhe \.Ioon(C) Thc o.,clabunclance oI garbagc t_in

E.alt l-r.

(I)l li.rc0nring snacc' scicritists.

(;\) From a lecturc.(B) In a ruagazine artjcle.(C) Irr a book.(D) On a tclcr.'ision pr<:gralrn.

(,A) 17,000 por-rnds,(B) 3,000 tons.(C) 3,000 pouncls.(D) 300 tons.

(A) Sl.rc r,r,ill be able ro lra'u,el in space.(B) Thc problcrl u ill tal:c cerrc of lt-<i;(C) ScicntisLs rvill lind solurions :r :i-.

;:roblenr.(D) The jr:nk it,ill all ro Earrh.






TOEFLS lcst (iirectiols anC folfur * rlrm@iiit &finilhof F,T.S. thecopvrighl orrnirr Hoq<r'-o- rl *""-qp1*j* -que,ltions are fxrvided by PeaM F.5'.ffi* i&84 LISTENING COMPREHENSION POST.TEST


part C

ILrc-.Jr!*r ln rlris pri't ,l: tlre tcst, r'.u ruiil rrca. se'cr.,r t;r[is. ;\rrcrr-autrlucstions. 'l'lre talks ;rnd cluest.ions rvili rrot bc t.cpe11cgl.

l\lLt'r rrLr hcar-ir cl,rc'srir,rr, r,otr rr-ill rc.rr trrc ititrr'p.s-si[rrL: ,rrs\\!!-r.sbcst ,rrsr*cr. Ttrc,,.n \ol*.ans\\,cl.slrccr, lirrcl tlrc rrrrrrber.r:rl tht. qcot |esponds to thc lctter.of Ihr- alltsl\,ct.\,nu h:rt,t: e lroscn.

IIere is an e.xample.

On the recorcting, you rvill hear:

Artist Grant \4/ r,'cLs a gritlittq lorc.c irr ilre -sc/rooloflpregionalist, a style tlrc di.stitt.t:rive r:haranilthe Un.itetl States. Il/r.totl began dnnt,ittg

"ri,rroi, *ilree, arul tt,hen he *,as rhi.rt1,-eiglr, ",ri of nii iniot

ank)ut1t ol ptrbLic notiL:c ond attlLtint.7.his paiuing,starlclt, simple depictiott of tt .se).tolts ,urrpL"' .r,;d

No\v listen to a sanrple clLlestion.

(narrator) ll'ltq1 q1r'1" ttl'1ts1i111i11u 1., /rrir,ri,rr (1.\ Ailtt.ttL.Lith r..,:.{riE&up

(narrator) Listan ro .rt instrtcror tuilt t. rri-E crttss trrt.trt;rnirrrr-r4g-


In your test book, you rvill read: (A) ,Art lrrrrn(B) AIL lionr(C) Alt ilorrr

. (D) ;\rr [rr'lr.r-r

A rncric:r'-;Llte cerrtral rerir uriolrs urixtnrr,rral sectiq*sd

painting is knor..rr :rs ilmthe cor lect cl-roit< is tD*.

Tirc l;est :rns\\icr t() tlle qrresli(rn. .,Wlrai \l\lc rrfr\r'l lrUirr I ru'all sectiurrs ol Arrrct.ictr. ' Tlrcr.,lur..

Notl listen ro anotlrer sample question

(rrarrator) 14/latt is tltc nturte .IVitotl's,irs/ .serr:ces-s7r/ pri*rhrqg]

In;r'our test book, you will rcacl: (A) ,,Anrer.ican Regionalisu-

(B) "llhe Fzrnril.r.Fann in|d(C) "Americar Gothic--(D) "A Scriorrs Couplc.-

The best answer to the qllestio,, "lvhar is rhe .;rnre of \&,oocrs most"Amelican Gr:thic." Theref.ore, th" co..."r ct_,-,ric.,'i, (C).Reme*ber; vou are not arorved t. take ,otes ol.u,rite in vour test hoil..

TOF.Fl,rrest direcrions and lormnr are replinted hy Demission.)l ETS. rirc cop!righr ownrr: Houe!cr; ali",*^pf"i i^,f i"ri'""qn($tions an provided hy pearuor Eduoalkrn, lm:. -----''-'







(r\) Ol tlre lirst clal ol class.( U) tn the nridclle (:,i th(' semc-ster.(C) At tlrc cncl <,f class.(D) ln the ['inal r.reek ol the sclnester.

(A ) l.atc| toclar..( B) Bt Fliclav til this rveek.(Ct In trr.,r rvr'eks.IJ)) Irr rlrltc rrrek:.

(A) Jour-r-ral itnd rnagazine articlcs.(B) Books ixrn or-ttsicle tlre librart'.(C ) lJotiks listecl in str.rclent .irrumals.(D) Ilotlr books and jor-rlnals.

(A) Tu'o.(B) 'fhree.

tC) Five.(D) Se'r'en.

(A) [r) \\'ir]ter.(B) In spring.(C) In strmme't.iDl In fall.

i.{i Seasonable. rvith rvarm summers andcoid rrinters.

iB) Fairll- constant and modemte.{Ci \:ery humld,{.D) E}:tremelv hot lrar-round.

(A) Thev come irom the southu,est.iBl Thev comc most days of the year.{C) Ther ar-e the harclest during the night(D) Thev increase the humiditr,.

(A) Preprrring lor':r trip.(B) Writing u rcport about thc rveathet'.(C) Beginniug n strtcly ol'tlte weathcr:(D) Br-rving rvaltn clothes Ior a tlip.

(A) N,lodeln Arnericittr Atrthors.(f]) Urritecl Statcs [{istorv.(C) ALner-icatt Dentocracy.(D) Nineteenth-Ccntut v Americau


(A) The clcath of Ablaham Lincoln.(R)'Ihe beautl, o[Anrerican c{emocrzrcl'.(C) The raisilrg ol'plants.(D) Thc nraturity tlf p()etr\'.

(A) lt's a poem :rbout ttre attthor.(B) It's a poern abortt Abraham Lincoln.(C) It's a c<-rllection of tu,elve poems that

remainecl unchanged.(D) lt's a volunrc oI poetry that gre\\, \!ith

its ar.rthor.

(A) "Leaves of Crass."(B) "Song of Myself."(C) "When Lilacs Last in tl,e Dooryard

Bloon-rcd."(D) "American Denrocracy."





This is the end ol Section 'l . Stop work on Section 1.

Turn oft the recording.

@@@@)@@@trVlicn you finisl'r the test, ,vou Illay clo the fbllorving:o Turn to the Diagnostic Chart on pages 55 l-552, anil

circle the nurnbers of the questions that 1'ou ll1issed.

o Turn to Scoring Information on pagcs 549-550, andcletermine your TOEFL score.

r Turn to the Progress Chart on page 559, and add vourscore to the chart.




2 i Helmi Ardians-vah.S.Pd



Amrnar.S.Pd.l ,CM

6 | Muhammad Zenies Neri.S.pd

l!t 7 ,Umi Hidayah.S.PdiiI8 I Halimahrssa'diyah SB.S.pd

Chandra lraw,an.S.Pd

M. Wahvu Ilharni.fu{.H. I

Siti Asni Damanik.S.Pd.I I q

Tya Ramadani.S.Pd


Eka Susanti.S.Pd.I

Eka Widyaningsih.S.Pd





k, l^*',f,1, {^lmah 0L r

3^rW{shnaa lu us


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