Nooma A Spiritual Temple

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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The Holy Spirit comes to live inside every believer at salvation. We have the Spirit on-board. That regular and continuous presence makes a difference in the way that we conduct ourselves. We are created and re-created to worship God with our bodies. Tabernacle Baptist Church, Spirit sermon series


Introduction• Temples– Ornate, special structures (no expense spared)– Holy places, special rules to protect that– Centers for worship, sacrifice– Dwellings for deities and or men together

Introduction• The Spirit takes up a permanent residence in

every believer at the moment of regeneration.

• Our bodies become temples of the Spirit.

The Spirit’s Presence 1. The Spirit’s presence is bestowed as a gift.

(Jn 7:37-39)– This gift quenches spiritual thirst. (37)

– This gift is contained within but flows out freely, blessing all those who are around. (39)

– This gift is received by faith in Christ. (38)

The Spirit’s Presence 2. The Spirit’s presence is given at salvation to

all believers. (Eph 1:13-14; Gal 3:2, 5)

– A person not having the Spirit is an unbeliever. (Rom 8:9-11; Jude 19)

• No in-dwelling means no pleasing God• No in-dwelling means no power against sin • No in-dwelling means no promise of eternal life • No in-dwelling means no participation with


The Spirit’s Presence 2. The Spirit’s presence is given at salvation to

all believers. (Eph 1:13-14; Gal 3:2, 5)

– A carnal, sinning believer is still indwelt by the Spirit. (1Cor 6:17-20)

• We are inseparably bound together (married) with Christ by the Spirit• We are no longer free to “play the field”• Sinning is a gross violation of the covenant

The Spirit’s Presence 2. The Spirit’s presence is given at salvation to

all believers. (Eph 1:13-14; Gal 3:2, 5)

– A church is a corporation of indwelt individuals. (1Cor 3:16-17; Eph 2:21-22; 1Pet 2:5)

• We are God’s building, a carefully laid structure on a firm foundation (3:9-11)

• We are like living stones, built together upon our precious Cornerstone, for the purpose of sacrifice and worship

The Spirit’s Presence 3. The Spirit’s presence is permanent in

believers. (Jn 14:16-17)

– His dwelling is with us, who believe – He will never leave us alone– We can never evict Him

Special Cases• Ps 51:11; Acts 5:32; 8:14-17; 19:1-6

The Spirit’s Presence“Whether or not we feel it God the Holy Spirit

lives within our beings constantly.” Charles Ryrie

Ramifications• Rest securely in the Spirit’s commitment to

the relationship.• Enjoy the presence of the Spirit in regular

daily life.• Develop sensitivity to sin against the Spirit.

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