
NO EXCUSESdesign slides like a champion10 free resources for designing better slides

Times have changed.

These are no longer...

...your onlyoption.

free resources to design better slides10


Let your images tell the story.

Get free stock photos here




2FREE fonts

USE CREATIVE FONTSto make your point.

Don’t go too

crazy though,

or you’ll drive your audience


Font Squirrel

3FREE icons

Instead, use free icons like these.

Ripping logos from Google is time consuming and looks crappy.

Icon Finder

4FREE resources


Use the many free resources at your finger tips to learn the best

ways to turn your bullets into something beautiful!

The Slideshare Blog Find some great ideas, tutorials and inspiration.

*Not Free BUT Amazing and Helpful

These books may not be free but they are very inexpensive and very valuable. Presentation Zen and Slideology are two of the most well known slide design books, and often recommend by the best of the best designers. Full disclosure, the third one Slide Design for Non-Designers is my book. *shameless plug!* However, it’s only $5.99 and is designed like an interactive workbook. It includes many video tutorials that walk you through how to design slides using basic office software like PPT or Keynote.

5FREE inspiration

You don’t have to be a slide design super hero…

…just steal ideas from other good designers.

NoteAndPoint.comA curated blog that represents the best of the best slide decks. Unlike SlideShare or other sites, NoteAndPoint only posts beautiful slide decks. It’s a great spot to get inspiration for your next deck. If you see one you like, try and mimic the design.

6FREE Templates(pretty)

You no longer have any excuses because you can use their beautiful free templates. Their mission is to make design simple for everyone and they are doing just that. I love Canva and you will too! …No they don’t pay me to say that, I genuinely believe in their mission and love them.

Canva changed the game! Get free templates, build the slide deck using their platform and then download it to your computer. You also have free, fun, text layouts and fonts to include as well as free or $1 stock photos.

7FREE photo editing

Why use stock photos when you have so many great pictures of your own? One of my favorite presentations to date was from a colleague that gave his whole presentation only using images of his kids. It didn’t feel like he just uploaded his iPhone photo library. He got creative, and each picture connected with the message. If you have good photos, use a free photo editor to take them from good to great! Their mission is to bring powerful, easy to use photo editing tools into the hands of anyone and everyone with an internet connection. You can make collages, add funky effects, touch up images, and many other functions.

8FREE infographics

Data speaks louder than words!

Sites like Piktochart and offer free options to use infographic templates to turn your data into beautiful visuals.

9FREE tutorials

Have a

question about

how to do


Google that sh*t!It sounds like common sense but so few people take advantage of it. You can type in just about any question and chances are someone has asked that exact question in some forum somewhere. I have taught myself so much about design, web design and video editing simply by Googling every time I got stuck.


FREE Color Schemes

The best slide decks use colors very intentionally and are typically crafted with a thoughtful color scheme.

The site is pretty simple to use. Pick a color and it will generate a number of different color

Using bullets is lazy. You are only helping yourself, as bullets serve as an outline for the presenter.

give your audience something to smile about.

NO EXCUSESdesign slides like a champion

Let’s connect!@courtoconnell

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