
Famous persons of the Tatarstan region

Nikolay Lobachevsky

BiographyScientifical contributionsContributions to development of Kazan State

UniversityIs Lobachevsky still well known in Tatarstan?


“There is no branch of mathematics, however abstract, which may not some day be applied to phenomena of the real world”

Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky was born on December first 1792 in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. His father Ivan Maksimovich Lobachevsky was a clerk in the office of a land surveying company until he passed away in 1800. After the death of his father seven year old Nikolai moved to Kazan in western Russia on the edge of Siberia with his mother and two brothers. While in Kazan, Nikolai attended Kazan Gymnasium which is the equivalent of attending an American magnet school rather than public. Nikolai graduated in 1807 and decided to further his education at the newly founded Kazan State University.


Gymnazium in Kazan in 19th century

As a student at Kazan University, Lobachevsky was influenced to pursue the study of mathematics by professor Johann Christian Martin Bartels, a former teacher and friend of German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss. Lobachevsky received a Master's degree in physics and mathematics in 1811, in 1814 he was appointed to a lectureship at the university and by 1822 he was made a full professor. It did not take long for Lobachevsky to make an influence at the university, from 1820 to 1825 he was dean of the Mathematics and Physics Departments and head librarian from 1825 to 1835. In 1826 M.N. Musin-Pushkin was appointed as the new curator of Kazan University and found Lobachevsky to be someone he could work well with. As a result in 1827 Lobachevsky became rector of Kazan University, a position which he held for the next 19 years.


Kazan State University in 19th century

What is Lobachevsky famous for?

Lobachevsky contributed to the mathematical world by publishing many books, the first of which was a Concise Outline of the Foundations of Geometry. The text did not survive, but the ideas were incorporated into his first publication on hyperbolic geometry. Throughout his career he also authored the books New Foundations of Geometry (1835-1838), Geometrical Investigations on the Theory of Parallels (1840) and Pangeometry (1855). Lobachevsky is credited with developing a method for the approximation of the roots of algebraic equations. This method is now known as Dandelin-Gräffe method, named after two other mathematicians who discovered it independently from Lobachevsky.

Mathematical contributions

„Imaginary geometry“

Lobachevsky is known as the one of the founding fathers of non-Euclidean geometry. His main achievement is the “development” of non-Euclidean geometry and being the first in the world to publish anything on this topic. The non-Euclidean geometry that Lobachevsky developed was called hyperbolic geometry. Lobachevsky replaced Euclid's parallel postulate with his own postulate that states there is more than one parallel line through any given point; Lobachevsky’s greatest piece of work was completed in 1823, however it was never published in it’s original form until 1909.

Contributions  to geometry

Lobachevsky devoted the whole life to the development of the Kazan State University, which is situated in Kazan, the capital of the Kazan region. In 1827 Lobachevsky was elected rector of the Kazan University. Later on he was reelected six times, heading the university for twenty years. As the rector he energetically and competently devoted himself to different activities:

What else do we know about Lobachevsky?

He organized and led a vigorous program of the erection of the university complex of buildings: library (for many years he was director of the university library), an astronomical and magnetic observatories, new medical facilities and physics, chemistry and anatomy laboratories. Understanding quite well the importance of the library for education, Lobachevsky used to go to St. Petersburg to select and buy books himself.


Astronomical observatory


Chemistry laboratory

Astronomical theatre

He read a number of special courses for students. Lobachevsky invested much effort in raising not only the standards of education in the university, but also in the local schools and gymnasiums. He even found time to give lectures on physics to the general public during the years 1838 to 1840 and opened free access to the public to the library and museum of the university.


Two natural disasters struck the university while he was Rector of Kazan: a cholera epidemic in 1830 and a big fire in 1842. Owing to resolute and reasonable measures taken by Lobachevsky the damage to the University was reduced to a minimum. for his activity during the cholera epidemic Lobachevsky received a message of thanks from the Emperor.


Is Lobachevsky still well known in Tatarstan?

Lobachevsky Scientific

Library in Kazan

Lobachevsky Street in Kazan

The Lobachevsky Medal

Now, we can conclude that Nikolay Lobachevsky is still one of the most popular and significant persons in Tatarstan region. His contribution to the development of Kazan State University and Russian science in the 19th century, spreading of education is one the most important contributions in Tatarstan region and in Russia. It’s one of those who citizens of Kazan may be proud of.


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