
The Following is a detailed vision of what my life will look like by March 16, 2018

Sharing it with YOU helps it become a reality. You are now a part of it too, thanks for reading!

This painted picture depicts the various training areas of life and it extends beyond me. In many respects, my wishes for you are here as well.

What I do:

I’m a Life Athlete. A champion for the strong. Health, happiness and personal power are my key values in business and in life.

I have the top rated podcast in the lifestyle / health fitness category, and I’m a bestselling author.

I have an average of 3 million unique downloads per episode.

The top people in a myriad of domains want to be on my show and there is a long waiting list for interviewees.

I speak all over the world inspiring people to action and changing paradigms to one of teamwork, abundance, joy, health happiness and power.

Some highlights have been my first TED talk and my first two books hitting the New York Times Bestseller’s list.

This is WHY I do what I do:

I champion strength so that others do too. I inspire people to live lives they have chosen and to levels that inspire themselves and others.

Life Athletes build off of this platform and live dynamic, powerful lives that they love.

I work with Life Athletes, people who actively want to be, do, and have the best experience living that they can create.

They set the levels they want to reach in all areas of their lives and they choose how to best achieve their goals. The methods might vary but the results are that they’re living and playing life with virtuosity.

I work with Life Athletes who are willing to push themselves. Willing to risk, to sweat, to bleed, in order to have lives that they love. Lives of passion and purpose. Lives that will change the world through their sheer awesomeness and the opening they make for others to do the same.

I do this by having them look at the training areas of life. The different aspects that form together to make a whole, and to have them find where they are in each and where they want to be.

From there I have them choose methods of training and of action that best suit them and their goals. We bridge the gap.

Their habits of thought and habi t s o f ac t ion become reflections of their champion self.

They achieve what they want to achieve because they train to be who they want to be, in all aspects of life.

I achieve what I want because I stand for others having the lives that they want.

"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they

want." - Zig Ziglar

I speak at events around the world and have been featured on platforms such as: TED, EOFire, The Tim Fer r i s Podcast, The OWN and others, as I champion for the strength in those around me.

Life Athletics is more than a movement, it’s a sustainable way of life.

I have started to train other coaches to work with the Life Athletics model and framework.

I coach the elite and I coach other coaches. They recognize the light and energy I bring and they amplify it and spread it.

We are a team of Life Athlete Champions dedicated to creating the best human experience for the entirety of the species.

I teach clients the actionable steps they need in order to unlock their champion self, their strong self, their Life Athlete self.

Through Life Athletics they live at a higher level than they ever have before, across all areas of their lives. Through Life Athletics, my customers and clients thrive.

I give away a treasure trove of tips, suggestions, strategies, tools, advice, and step by step learning programs through my blog, podcast, books, ebooks, guides, webinars and more.

I feel honoured and blessed when my clients, customers and even just people on the street, tell me that my work has changed their lives. That they’re living inspired lives as Life Athletes.

They routinely show me how their lives have changed and how their efforts have been inspiring those around them and making the world a better place. It moves me every time.

Millions of people around the world are talking about Life Athletics and are living as Life Athletes because of the results they’ve seen in their own lives and the lives of others.

They see and appreciate the value that I bring.

Champions and role players, people from all over the world, want to work with me because they know that I ‘get’ them, that I understand them. That I champion their strength.

I bridge the gap over their doubts, fears, limiting beliefs, and limiting decisions, and together we deliver them to their dreams.

Their ‘dream self ’ flourishes.

They have never been healthier or happier.

I am perceptive, intuitive, and aware of my key strengths.

I manage my state and play at life to bring my best self to all of life and to all of my interactions.

The brand is growing by the moment with no end in sight.

It shows as ‘being a Life Athlete’ is a commonly discussed thing.

We are the future. We are the champions of the world.

We are Life Athletics.

It is a brand synonymous with excellence across all fields.

Parents want it for their children and for themselves.

Employers want it for their employees and themselves.

Life Athletics is recognized as an enriching experience that benefits all.

People want to be part of it because it’s clear that it works and is the key to being the best human you can be.

I am a Life Athlete and I make sure that I walk the walk.

My life is constantly being crafted and refined.

I maintain a focus on my target and horizon goals as well as my methods for reaching them.

My health and happiness are of paramount importance to me and while the methods used to grow and maintain them may vary, it’s clear that my dedication to them doesn’t.

My mind, body and spirit are nour i shed through my Li fe Athletics training.

I surround myself with people who add to my life and who amplify the awesome.

How I feel:

I feel completely on purpose.

I am living my dream.

There is nothing better than seeing someone get their power and strength and to see them live as a Life Athlete, healthy, happy and powerful.

I turned pro.

I brought my talents to life.

I live in a way that acts as an invitation to others. My life is a call to action. BE A CHAMPION!

I love being me and I love my life.

As a result, I am fully present each and every day.

I see beauty and I appreciate the world and the universe around me.

I see possibility, as well as the pathways and the bridges to it.

I’m thankful for the opportunity to experience life in this way. I recognize the blessings.

People see and reflect back that I’m in the best shape of my life, across the board.

They see the light and love and they want to learn the secrets.

The secrets ARE to be light and love.

Every day I start with my morning routine designed to presence health and happiness.

I manage my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies to be a reflection of healthy happiness and love... and it shows.

I approach every day with energy, gratitude, generosity, passion and vulnerability.

I maintain this with grace, charm, sweat, effort and joy.

I trust my systems in life and in business.

I get my work done early and then I step away ensuring that work and life are both being honoured and that I am free to live and love as I choose. My work is my passport to my dreams.

My friends and family enjoy our time together and are enriched by it.

They’re open and loving and feel grateful to be with me as I do to be with them.

My love for life is infectious.

My team recognizes my value and my values. They are grateful to be a part of the team and they live their self expression through our work and interactions.

They are continually growing into their own power as a result.

Every area of my life benefits from the ruthless focus and discipline I’ve applied to achieving this lifestyle.

I feel like the luckiest person on earth and I’m in exactly the right place.

How I feel:My Global Offerings

‘The Life Athletics Champion’s Club’ is the flagship offering from Life Athletics.

It is recognized as THE best and most enjoyable community for those who demand excellence in every area of their lives.

It is regularly featured by those in the know and it wins annual awards of excellence.

The Life Athletics Infinity Club is the company’s Elite offering.

Affiliates love to promote the Champions Club, and this has led to live events and workshops to take the training truly global.

My Coaching is kept strictly for a handful of people each month. These are people who I love working with, and who love working with me.

They are leveraged and ready to achieve results fast. It’s powerful and it’s a joy.

We make c lear, measurable progress every session and we feel absolutely electric as a result of working with each other.

Clients regularly sing my praises and are proud when I share their excellent results for others to learn and build from.

My books, guides, and apps are making a real and posi t ive difference in the lives of millions. They’re selling extremely well as a result.

For the first time, people are playing their lives at the high levels they always dreamed of.

The Life Athletics webinars are extremely popular and are a way for hundreds of people to have an interaction with me at the same time from all around the world.

T h ey l e ave c l e a r t h a t t h e experience made a difference and they bring new energy to their lives.

They soak up the knowledge and l e s s o n s I s h a re f r e e l y a n d generously. This leads people to w a n t t o b e a p a r t o f my community, growing the experience and value of the Life Athletics brand and business.

It’s a win for everyone involved and as the participants grow, so do I and so I’m able to bring even more value.

How I feel:Culture and Spirit.

At Life Athletics we are a team. I’m a firm believer that the people I work with are the best in the world.

From that place what we do is reflect strength and find solutions for areas of relative weakness.

We are stronger together.

Each group or individual will have their own ways of getting their needs and their goals met. What we do is to make sure that they know what they want and we find ways for them to get it.

We only align ourselves with clients that are ready to take their lives to the next level.

Their readiness paves the way for the results.

Life Athlete coaches are trained and certified to champion strength.

Sometimes it means pushing past old patterns that clients might have.

It’s all done from a commitment to excellence and a passion for greatness.

These are the big leagues and Life Athletes demand the best, we hold that space.

How I feel:

Brand and Image

The Life Athletics Brand:Life AthleticsLife Athlete Champion(s) for the strongHabits of thought and habits of action.Your life is your sport.Chose your level, live your game. It’s your life, it’s your sport, level up

People inherently get that you have to train for sport and they just see that as a normal part of being an athlete.

Once they see that their life is their sport they see immediately that they can train themselves to the levels they want.


Individuals and Companies contact me weekly to see how we can work together to showcase their latest tool, product, or service.

We only work with the best, that help those I serve save time and money, become more efficient, productive and happier, and ultimately more successful.

As a result, we attractTOP SPONSORSHIP RATESthat compensate the time, effort, and thoroughness I put in to provide the most reliable reviews and opinions for my community


“Be the change you want to see in

the world”

This is my leadership style. I am doing this to have the life, and the world that I want. I treat others as the leaders in their own similar journeys.

They love how I show them the best way to achieve what they want in business and life, and that I practice it in my own life too. They happily provide raving testimonials about how much I've increased their personal and business wealth - be it mindset, knowledge, money, time or freedom.

Thank you for reading my vision.

Nik Wood. Founder and creative director of Life Athletics.

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