


contents architecture richmond series conservation center raven rock visitor center ellsworth kelly gallery backyard apartment chair


photography sketches creations

richmond series study of a city

Richmond, VA

A cumulative project observing arterials as physical constraints, and the resulting change of texture, density and scale.

diagram one diagram two

richmond series: study of a city

collage model


conservation center study of site

Corolla, NC

Responding to site-specific code, climate, historic buildings, and natural conditions. Optimizing natural daylight and ventilation. Reinforcing the transitions between forest, marsh and sound.

conservation center: study of site





existing dock

boat house

Whalehead Club

raven rock visitor center study of a public retreat

Raven Rock State Park, Lillington, NC

Exploring the dynamics in the relationship of visitor to land. Separating and integrating complex program elements.

raven rock visitor center: study of a public retreat

ellsworth kelly gallery study of circulation

Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC

Creating spaces corresponding to each painting. Stringing spaces together in a promenade of exploration and discovery.

level one level two level three

ellsworth kelly gallery: study of circulation

level one level two level three

backyard apartment study of a residence

Faircloth Street, Raleigh, NC

Increasing diversity and density in the neighborhood with a modest 600 sqft solution. Expanding living to embrace exterior spaces.

backyard apartment: study of a residence

chair study of details

Two methods of layering and laminating. Custom hardware to differentiate between construction methods.

chair: study of details

photography study of life

photography: study of life

sketches study of observation

sketches: study of observation

creations study of fun

creations: study of fun

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