NGCT your helping hand in Iran presentation

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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NGCT Next Generation Commerce & Trade

NGCTYour Trusted Helping Hand in Iran’s Market

With 80 million in population, ample natural resources, a diversified economy and rising demand across all sectors, post-sanctions Iran will dramatically change the global economy by unlocking one of the world’s last untapped markets for new business.

Interest from the International business community in the Iranian market has been growing “exponentially” since the sanctions were lifted. While foreign companies clearly have an appetite for starting new business in Iran, the fact remains that it is not easy to establish presence in an un-known country. The market itself is promising, but only companies who are well positioned and connected will be able to meet that promise.

NGCT, with its profound understanding of the Iranian market, and its long-lived business presence, is perfectly well positioned to serve your business needs head-on, the same way it has succeeded in identifying and addressing rising opportunities over the years.

Local Experience and Connections Managed with International Standards

NGCT is a business consultancy and trading company that was founded in 1999 by the Lebanese-Iranian entrepreneur, Paul Gemayel, who was born and lived a life time in Iran, in partnership with Wassim Salim, another Lebanese pioneer in the Iranian market. Over the course of the years, NGCT developed long lasting business relations with hundreds of private and public companies across all sectors, as well as tens of government ministries, agencies and organizations. With a skilled, dynamic and highly educated young team, NGCT continues to expand and nourish its business network in Iran to cover every sector, and answer to any need.

The Challenges You’ll Meet

We will make sure that your investment will be protected by using proper labor relations as well as stakeholder relations which are very important factors.

In Iran there’s a lack of reliable data which makes it extremely difficult to evaluate local partners or do business at ease. So by going through us, there will be nothing to stand in the way of your success.

The import-export and customs procedures, as well as underdeveloped contract logistics are hard to deal with since the retail market in Iran is highly fragmented. With the help of NGCT, you will be able to go through all the complexities with no hardship.

There are many cultural sensitivities impacting all areas of business. These can make working here confusing, but they can all be taken care of here at NGCT.

Human resources and recruitment can become very frustrating. At NGCT we help you find the right person with the talent and experience needed for the job.

Turnkey Solutions to Support your Business All the Way Forward

Starting from the moment you consider venturing into a new business in Iran, NGCT is ready to lend you a helping hand all the way forward. Our wide range of services and turnkey solutions cover all your requirements from planning and logistics, to establishment and legalities, and even operation and management.

Interested Enough to Plan a Business Trip to Iran?

Be at Ease and Let Us Arrange it for you

Hotel Reservation Airport Pick up and Drop off English or Arabic Speaking Drivers Translators Time Sharing Offices Meetings Booking

Interested in the Iranian Market but not Sure where to Start or How?

We have all the answers for you:

Market Study Market entry study and strategy: Iran’s been isolated from the international

community for a long time and so the businesses work in a country specific rules. Now at NGCT we will do a thorough research and deliver a market study that will guide you step by step through all the regulatory, cultural and political frameworks in this very much competitive environment. We help you localize the strategies you already have to adapt you to the Iranian market. At this stage, you’ll learn how to make your strategies stronger, which capabilities are needed for your business to succeed, what strategies are functional when it comes to sales, pricing, production, partnerships, etc.

Contacts and Leads Matchmaking and Identifying Prospect Partners

Already Decided on Establishing Your Business?

Don’t Get Lost in the Formalities, we are Here to Spare you the Hassle:

General Overview on the Iranian Laws Legal Advisory and Consultancy

It’s imperative to be well-informed and advised in Iran’s legal system to be able to avoid taking major risks. At NGCT, our legal advisory team will advise you on all legal questions to protect your business from any problem that might come up.

Tax advisory Company Registration in Main Land and Free Zones License Acquiring Flats, Offices and Show Rooms Specifying and Leasing Recruiting

There’s a limited availability of talent and experience locally. Specifically, in sales, marketing or finance. So here we help you find and retain the right staff.

Service Contracting

First Time Opportunities for First Time Comers to the Market

More than any other market entry consulting company in the market, NGCT provides you with direct access to solid business opportunities, and guarantees you the chance to:

Acquire hands-on knowledge about the Iranian market and the challenges and opportunities it presents

Meet new prospective buyers and partners and present your products and services to them

Network with the country's top companies and decision makers

Our goal is to help and guide our customers all the way through, until they are able to choose and decide the right path on their own. Upon our customers’ request, we propose solutions to any small obstacles they face so they can start working in Iran at ease.

Other than the time sharing offices, and the services we offer, we give the customers tailor-made formulas that suit their specific needs and purposes.

After we did one of our customers thorough a market study, they had no intention to start a full operation in Iran but wanted to do business. Therefore, we opened a company for them in which they owned 100% of the shares. And we also helped them choose a location for their shops and the needed staff.

Due to the fact that they do not wish to open an operation now, they asked us to handle their management (doing their accounting, managing stocks and sales as well,…). In that sense we are taking a fixed fee from them which is calculated on the amount of time and input we have to put.

Another customer of ours is a foreign IT solution company who was very much interested in the Iranian market but did not intend to start an independent office with staff at the beginning. Because in that case, the business would take too long to be well-developed.

Currently, the company is present in Iran with an office room and a Sales manager that NGCT itself provided. It is important to note that the company hired this person but since they do not have a legal identity in Iran, they can pass through ours.

The IT Company uses the office facilities, telephone lines, secretary, and assistance of NGCT. So, it receives full support by our team. The meetings and contacts needed are all provided by NGCT since we enjoy a strong data bank in connections as a result of the long time we’ve been working and our business experience in the Iranian market.

The second type of cooperation NGCT offers is the one which involves space sharing, with you managing your own company and business. Here there is an example of such a cooperation currently in progress at NGCT which can clarify the case.

NGCT welcomes any type of cooperation requested from our

esteemed clients.

Please do not hesitate to share your opinions and concerns.

NGCTYour Trusted Helping Hand In Iran’s Market


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