NextGen 2011 Rob Hamlin ARQIVA

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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NextGen Conference Bristol 15 Nov 2011



The benefits of delivering broadband to all Rob Hamlin Enterprise Director


This is the challenge

! In addition approximately 250,000 rural small and medium sized businesses are hindered by a lack of broadband access

! This unaddressed market could represent a revenue opportunity of circa £450m per annum

! Extending broadband to these premises would increase UK GDP by circa £15bn per annum

According to the UK government there are up to 2 million homes (circa 5-7% of all UK households) without access to basic 2 Mbps broadband

3km Buffer from BT Exchanges Area >3km away from BT Exchange


! Everyone is entitled to receive a minimum of 2Mbps ! This is the minimum required for reasonable business applications,

videoconferencing and iPlayer type services

! With the focus on superfast there is a danger that 90% of the population get high speed access

! But the last 10% get left behind

Broadband for all


Delivering broadband for all

LTE demo network at Preseli

! On site end-to-end LTE solution ! Utilised 10 MHz pair of 800 MHz spectrum

freed up via Digital Switchover ! Demonstration of ‘not spot’ solution ! Ability to demonstrate large suite of

common applications including: ! iPlayer, Video on Demand ! WiFi Bridge ! Video Conference Calls




Sharing as the solution



New Entrant

Core Network Aggregation Access Wholesale Providers

Development of standard products


Business Cases for Fixed and Mobile

Aggregation and Wholesale Platforms Installation

Access to Fibre Deployment Existing Networks

Marketing & Awareness

Existing Assets

Economics & Best Practice


Our design is focused on the use of external aerials, if dongles were utilised the site count would need to increase substantially:

Case study: Wales

Rural not-spot locations 800 MHz Coverage

Wales: CPE Outdoor 800 MHz Coverage Wales: Dongle Outdoor 800 MHz Coverage

97.7% of premises covered

87 sites

56.7% of premises covered

Wales: Dongle Indoor 800 MHz Coverage

16.5% of premises covered


The role for the Government

! Government support delivers results ! Without it Public Service TV would not be possible

To provide universality for broadband we welcome the Government’s

initiatives ! Encouragement for investment in infrastructure

! BDUK tenders - £530m ! £150m rural mast fund for mobile

! Focus on underserved communities ! A small proportion of funds in Wales c.£30m could fill not spots ! DCMS recommend extending 800MHz coverage obligations to 98%, it should

be for two blocks


Delivering for the final 10%

1.  Make sure no further delays in the spectrum auctions

2.  Ensure Adherence to Universality Requirement •  Universal coverage is the foundation on which superfast is built •  Ensure that spectrum auctions include universal service obligation in their

criteria •  ‘Rural first’ approach avoids exacerbating the digital divide

3.  Define Service Requirement(s)

•  Lack of definition makes technical and business planning very hard •  Ensure required Committed Information Rate, Availability and Uplink Speeds

4.  Plan for the last 10% Deployment and Broadband Evolution

•  Define the optimal mix of technologies based on available funds •  Shared infrastructure as the most effective economic model •  Clarify rules for the mast fund and look for synergies with rural broadband

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