News Magazine Winter edition Nov 2017-Jan 2018...^I stopped over in oventry for 24 hours the other week and took the opportunity to go to oventry athedral. I found the experience both

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News Magazine Winter edition Nov 2017-Jan 2018

In this issue:

November: Remembrance & Communion


50 years of the Women’s Fellowship

The Advent of The

Prince of Peace

(Isaiah 9:5-7)

St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018



From the Minister: “Christmas Present?” p3

From the Editor p4

Remembrance p5-p9

Communion Notices p P10


J.A.M. Report pp12-15

Pastoral Care News pp 15-16

Poet’s Corner p16-17

A Harvest present! P18

50 years of the Women’s Fellowship celebrated p19

St Margaret’s Christmas Fayre p20

From our Reader: Looking for a Christmas present? P21

Points of View p22

Christmas Concert Evening p23

Scouts Christmas card post service p24

Scouts News pp 25-26

“Food and drink” :

Friendship Toast p27

Recipe ideas p28-p29

Men’s Breakfast Group p29

Dates for your diary pp30-33

Organisations p34

St Margaret’s Church Contacts p35

St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018


From the Minister:

It is once again approaching the Season of Advent. I

don’t know about you, but in a sense, I have grown

weary of Christmas over the years. We troop out the

same old platitudes year in, year out and nothing seems

to change – Christmas for the vast majority of people,

has become a time for unreasonable self-indulgence and a remarkable

capacity for some to get into significant debt. All because it is the Saviour’s

Birth? I don’t think so! Almost all of what Christmas is about has been

hijacked by the shops in order to boost sales and profits and the success or

otherwise of their entire fiscal year is often measured by how well, or

otherwise, they do at Christmas. The only Good News at Christmas for the

shops in how much their profits are boosted at Christmas!

Bah, humbug, I hear you say! But please don’t get me wrong – I want to

celebrate Christmas. I want to enjoy a special day when I share a day of

expressing my love to them by the giving of presents and the sharing of a

meal. I want to feast and give thanks for my family. But I don’t want the

whole escapade to begin in August and be part of the whole hype for nearly 4

months as our culture hijacks the whole affair.

I do want time to reflect upon the Advent – the Coming of God the Son into

our world. I do want to spend time marvelling at the extent of the love,

kindness and generosity of God. I do want in my mind to go to that cave

where he was born in such humble circumstances and reflect on the great

self-giving, sacrificial love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I do want for two or

three weeks in Church, with my sisters and brothers in Christ, to sing the

ancient and modern Christmas Hymns and be filled with joy and peace of the

whole “reason for the season”.

So let us not shun the giving but make our principal concentration The Gift,

this Christmas.


St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018



Hello All – and welcome to this edition of the magazine which

starts the new quarterly schedule. This magazine covers

November, December 2017, and January 2018. Blimey – talking

about 2018 already!!

An awful lot going on so do take time to read all the details of what

is happening. We do of course have Remembrance Sunday, Communion and

Christmas events details all included so make sure you check your diaries. I would

draw your attention to the Scout Christmas Card delivery at an EXTREMELY good

price so save yourself some money. We have our Church Christmas Fayre in the

plans and of course people can have their photographs taken with Santa who

always manages to favour us on this day! Lots of goodies required for the stalls

and of course tell your friends and bring them along on the day please – another

few tiles for the roof!! Back by popular demand is a page for recipes including a

lovely Christmas Pudding suitable for people with diabetes and the meringues that

are available at the afternoon tea sessions. I usually receive a poem or two from

people so I have introduced a “Poet’s Corner” and I would encourage those of you

who like a nice bit of poetry to submit your favourite and let’s make this a regular

feature. I am again obliged to David and Linda Langskaill for allowing me to

include articles from the 39th Scout Magazine. Delighted to report that both

David and Linda were awarded the Scout Movement “Thanks Badge” for all their

hard voluntary work over many years. Very well deserved – well done both!

Lovely photographs of the Women’s Fellowship 50th Birthday – it really was good to

see them all at the service and we hope they enjoy a good few years yet!

Remembrance Day is always special to me – for no more than my heart felt

appreciation of those that dedicated their lives to making sure that we could enjoy

the lives that we have had. Delighted to say that we have two contributions for

the Points of View section – so come on get involved!!

I do hope you enjoy the magazine – pretty full this time but always room for more

from the youth sections and other groups. I know you will join me in wishing

Alistair Greenshields every good wish for the role that he has taken on for the

church and I hope to be able to include a contribution from Alistair in future

magazines to keep us informed as to progress.

Do please have a good read of Iain’s letter!!

Hope you enjoy the read - and remember:


Ross Kerr

St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018


REMEMBRANCE “I stopped over in Coventry for 24 hours the other week and took the opportunity

to go to Coventry Cathedral. I found the experience both moving and inspiring.

Standing in the ruins of the old, bombed out building and looking at the charred

wood taken from these ruins, forged into a Cross, I found deeply moving. Looking at

the words beneath the Cross – “Father Forgive” – I sensed the reality of Jesus in

that statement and place.

No matter how noble we make Remembrance sound it is sadly remembering our

human capacity to kill and maim one another. Yes, we give thanks and remember

those, often very afraid, men [and women] too who gave their lives to prevent the

spread of tyranny – as we should, and with humble and grateful hearts. However,

the very fact of war [and it continues to this day unabated all over the world] is a

sad statement about the nature of our sad and broken world and our capacity to

destroy and maim. That is why I found, standing at that charred Cross in Coventry

so moving, and why on Remembrance Day, I will give thanks for noble souls but will

also be saying, Father Forgive.”


St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018



The Kohima Epitaph is engraved on the war memorial at Kohima where the

decisive battle of Burma was fought in 1944, at the same time as the D-Day

landings in Normandy. The Epitaph dates from 480 BC when it was composed as a

tribute to the Spartan troops who died at Thermopylae defending Athens from

invasion by Persia. In 1944 General Slim’s 14th Army similarly suffered heavy

casualties defending India from invasion by the Japanese army. However, in a

series of fierce jungle battles in and around Kohima they inflicted on the Japanese

the biggest defeat in their military history and forced them to abandon their plans

to invade India. The similarity between the two battles led those designing the

Kohima War Memorial to relate it to the Spartans at Thermopylae and to include

the epitaph composed in their honour. The epitaph as engraved at Kohima is

dedicated to all the Commonwealth forces who served in Burma from 1941 to


“When you go home, tell of us and say,

For your tomorrow we gave our today”

(This information was first given by the late Bill MacKay, who served this church

for many years. I find it very interesting and moving and felt it should be included

in these pages of Remembrance – Ed.)

St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018



by John McCrae, May 1915

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018


“Why Wear A Poppy?”

by Don Crawford

“Please wear a Poppy,” the lady said,

And held one forth, but I shook my head,

Then I stopped and watched as she offered them there,

And her face was old and lined with care;

But beneath the scars the years had made

There remained a smile that refused to fade.

A boy came whistling down the street,

Bouncing along on carefree feet,

His smile was full of joy and fun:

“Lady,” said he, “May I have one?”

When she pinned it on he turned to say,

“Why do we wear a poppy today?”

The lady smiled in her wistful way,

And answered, “This is Remembrance Day,

And the poppy there is a symbol for

The gallant ones who died in war,

And because they did, you and I are free,

That’s why we wear the poppy, you see.

I had a boy about your size,

With golden hair and big blue eyes.

He loved to play and jump and shout,

Free as a bird he would race about.

As the years went by he learned and grew,

And became a man – as you will, too.

But the war went on and he had to stay,

And all I could do was wait and pray.

His letters told of the dreadful plight,

(I can see it still in my dreams at night)

With the tanks and guns and cruel barbed wire,

and the mines and bullets, the bombs and fire.

Till at last, at last, the war was won –

St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018


And that’s why we wear a poppy, son.”

The small boy turned as if to go,

Then said, “Thanks lady, I’m glad to know,

That sure did sound like an awful fight,

But your son – did he come back all right?”

A tear rolled down each faded cheek:

She shook her head but didn’t speak.

I slunk away in a sort of shame,

And if you were me you’d have done the same:

For our thanks, in giving, is oft delayed

Though our freedom was bought

And thousands paid.

And so when we see a poppy worn,

Let us reflect on the burden borne,

By those who gave their very all,

When asked to answer their country’s call.

That we at home in peace might live.

Then wear a poppy, remember and give.


(wonderful sentiment – Ed)

St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018



Sunday 19th November, 2017

Morning Communion 10am

Evening Communion 7.30pm

We look forward very much indeed to welcoming you to either or both Services

(if you have not “tried” the Evening Communion before, do come along. It is a

shorter, more “personal” Service, perhaps- and most who attend also attend the

Morning Communion! Ed.)



Session Clerk: Ritchie Campbell

Senior Elder: Ross Kerr

1. Mrs. I Cunningham

2. Mrs. I Gillespie

3. Mrs. J McAleece

4. Mrs. J Gresty

5. J Thomson

6. M Giraldas

7. D Clark

8. Mrs J Eadie

Reserve: Mrs. M Watson

St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018



The wonder of Christmas comes around again and as usual St. Margaret’s will be

celebrating the birth of Jesus in style – and in different ways to suit all!

3rd December: ADVENT 1 – Gordon Brown leads the first of two Services for Advent, “Prophets foretold Him, infant of wonder” St Margaret’s HALBEATH at 11.30am: COMMUNION led by Rev Iain Greenshields 10th December: ADVENT 2 – 10am led by Gordon Brown: “Prophets foretold Him…” 17th December: ADVENT 3 – 10 am Guest Service NATIVITY Featuring TOUCH SHCOOOL NURSERY (followed by JAM Club Christmas Party) 24th December: ADVENT 4 – 10am Service led by Iain Greenshields WATCHNIGHT SERVICE (with mince pies!) at 10.30pm led by Iain Greenshields 25th December CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE at 10.30am with Gordon Brown 31st December AULD YEAR/NEW YEAR SERVICE at 10.30am with Sandy Muirhead

(Something for everybody and each service for everyone as well! Gordon’s

introduction to Advent will be up to his usual high standard to set us up for the

“BIG DAY”. Will be great to see the children taking part and I am sure that they

would like Relatives and friends to come along to help celebrate – so go on –

encourage them to come along! Do note the time change of the services on 24th

and13st December. – Ed)

St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018


J.A.M. Club

It’s good to be able to share news, relating to the younger members of

our church family, with you once again. In our year plan, we always include

some “object lessons” as they often help children understand tricky

messages in a meaningful way. In October we used a pumpkin-right from

the start we were clearly on to a winner! The children heard the story of

a gardener who grew pumpkins and brought his finest one into his kitchen.

He was keen to show his friends the most beautiful specimen possible, so

he took a knife and cut out all the “goo” from the inside.

It was now clean both outside and inside but the gardener still didn’t feel

it was good he carefully carved a lovely face. However, even

this wasn’t enough to make the pumpkin perfect in the gardener’s opinion!

His final task was to place a light inside it and the pumpkin glowed

beautifully. At last, the project was complete and he had created

something extraordinary.

We explained to the children that we are like the pumpkins and God is the

gardener. God creates and cares for us......he wants to clean out the nasty

parts (our sins) so he sent his son to take the punishment we

deserved.....he gives us his light to shine through us.

Of course, the boys and girls loved hearing about “yucky bits” and “goo.”

They regaled us with stories of their own pumpkin-carving efforts. From

St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018


now on, we hope they will remember what they learned about

God......through a story about a pumpkin!

If possible, in our craft activities, an effort is made to link the craftwork

to the theme of the evening. It would not have been a good idea to have

our youngest members wielding very sharp knives to carve real pumpkins!

As ever at J.A.M. Club......we try to have a “plan B!” This entailed

decorating individual “lanterns” which were safely lit using battery-

operated tealights. The children loved this craft!

We concluded our evening with “the pumpkin prayer (which the children

took home)

Here are some photographs taken during the evening.

The Pumpkin Prayer Let me shine with the light of Jesus,

let my eyes see the beautiful things around me. Never let me turn up my nose to others....

and let my mouth share the good news I have found!


St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018


This is a lovely photograph of Elice with her wonderful lantern.

The lanterns glowed beautifully

So, as you can see, the Autumn was indeed a time of fruitfulness at

J.A.M. Club. However, time moves on and the next few months will be busy

ones! The Christmas Fayre is always a time much-enjoyed by the children.

It’s a day when our whole church building is utilised.......the cafe is open in

the Rita Elder Hall, the hall (next to the Sanctuary) is used to capacity

for displaying the many fantastic items for sale......and the lower hall

becomes a fun place for the children. It’s a day we hope to see our J.A.M.

club members-and also their families if possible. Each child takes home a

St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018


personal invitation to encourage their folks to come along and support St.


Remembrance is a theme which we consider important, so one of our

evenings is based on this topic. We then move on (all too quickly!) to the

season of Advent and celebration of Christmas. It’s always a time when we

try very hard to help the boys and girls understand the real reason for

celebrating Christmas.....of course we also enjoy the festivities and share

lots of fun with the children! Our special service on the 17th December is

followed by a party. When the children finish school for the holidays,

it’s time for the J.A.M. Club leaders to have a wee break

too.....WHEW!.......before we resume on the 14th January 2018.

Sponsored Walk & Coffee Morning September 16th & 17th, 2017

Jim, Linda and Joyce wish to thank all who


and donated to their Alzheimer Scotland Action on

Dementia fundraising event. The magnificent sum

of £811, including Gift Aid, was realised. £611 of

the total was sent to Alzheimer Head Office in

Edinburgh and the proceeds from the coffee

morning (£200) were donated

to the Kirkcaldy Branch of the Charity to support


in-house projects with Fife dementia sufferers.

Well done St Margaret's!

St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018




How many members of the Pastoral Care Group

does it take to change a lightbulb?

Well, two actually!

We are starting a service for just those awkward

wee kinds of jobs, and it’s open to members of

the St Margaret’s congregation who could do

with a wee hand now and again.

Whether you’re not able to go up a ladder or need something pruned in the garden

or a (small!) repair done, please contact

John or Morna Thomson on 730074 or

There is NO CHARGE for this service (forgive the pun!!) though if you’d like to make

a small donation to the Roof Fund, you can do so through Jim Adamson (tel


(Please note that we can’t do any professional work such as electric or plumbing

repairs, which need a qualified tradesman)



Smiling is infectious, you can catch it like the flu.

When someone smiled at me to-day, I started smiling too.

I passed around the corner and someone saw me grin.

When he smiled, I realised I’d passed it on to him.

I thought about that smile, then realised its worth;

A single smile, just like mine, could travel round the earth.

So, if you feel a smile begin, don’t leave it undetected.

Let’s start an epidemic, quick, and get the world infected.

St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018



We met and married a long time ago,

Worked for long hours when wages were low.

No TV, no wireless, no bath - times were hard.

Just a cold water tap, and a walk up the yard.

No holidays abroad, no posh carpets on floors,

But we had coal on the fire, and we didn’t lock doors.

Our children arrived, no “pill” in those days,

And we brought them up without state aid.

They were quite safe to go and play in the park,

Then old folk could go for a walk in the park.

No vallium, no drugs, no LSD

We cured most of our ills with a good cup of tea.

But if you were sick you were treated at once,

No form to fill in and come back in six months.

No vandals, no muggings, there was nothing to rob

And we were quite rich with a couple of bob.

People were happier in so many ways,

Milkmen and paper boys used to whistle and sing.

A night at the pictures was one mad fling.

We all get our share of troubles and strife,

And we just have to face it, that’s the pattern of life.

But now I’m alone and I look back through the years,

I don’t think of bad times, the troubles and tears.

I remember the blessings, our home, our love,

And that we shared them together

I thank God above.

(sent in by Linda Adamson)

St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018


The lovely wee faces pictured above belong to the party of children from Touch

Nursery School who visited us on Thursday 5th October. They were at St Margaret’s to

present the donations of food they had very thoughtfully collected for our Harvest

Guest Service on 8th October – knowing that donations were passed on to Fife


What a pleasure it was to be there when their Nursery Teachers brought them up to

the Thursday café to sing a song of “Autumn leaves are falling down”! Café staff

treated the girls and boys to pancakes and juice, and then it was time for a photo in

the Sanctuary.

The other two cheeky wee faces in the picture belong to our Minister Iain and that

lovely gentleman and senior member of our congregation, Mr Bob Kerr.


Come to think of it, why don’t YOU come along to the Thursday café? It’s not just

about the good food – there are always lovely people to meet and something might

make your day! …And even more so, why not come along to the short and sweet

Guest Service on the first Sunday of the month? It’s a family-friendly café-style

Service designed for folk who haven’t been to church and are interested in what goes

on. Last one of 2017 is on 5th November, with a flavour of Remembrance

themes. It would be lovely if you could invite someone to come with you

to this “taster” Service.

Let’s thank the Lord for good food shared!

St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018


The Women’s Fellowship would like to thank everyone for making the 50th

Anniversary such a success. Thank you to June for the lovely cake, Audrey for the flowers and Jim Adamson for the photographs and Iain and Irene for their company

at our meal at the Pitbauchlie. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. A warm welcome to any

ladies who would like to join us.

(Great achievement by this group! Many years of happy fellowship ahead so why not come along ladies to swell the throng! Ed)

Women’s Fellowship 50th Anniversary




St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018


St Margaret Parish Church


Saturday 11th November

11.30am – 2.30pm

Tombola, bottles, chocolates, bric a brac, crafts, home baking,

Winter Wonderland downstairs with lots of fun for the children

Free pictures with Santa!


St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018


From our “Reader”!

Looking for a Christmas present?

How about a book? One that is difficult to put down. One in which the

outcome is not revealed until the very last pages. And even then, another


Then how about “Conclave” by Robert Harris - one of today’s leading story


Behind the locked doors of the Sistine Chapel in Rome, 118 Roman Catholic

Cardinals meet in ‘conclave’ (meaning – ‘room or private place that can be

locked up’) to cast their votes in the world’s most secretive election – for

the appointment of a new Supreme Pontiff or Pope. Events unfold over a

period of some 72 hours. During that time, we learn much about the way

the Catholic Church works and how the Cardinals think. These are holy men.

But some are ambitious. And they have rivals.

A terrific read for the Christmas break.

Now in paperback. In the shops £7.99. Online, probably cheaper.


St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018


Points of View

The Editor, St. Margaret’s News. Sir,

The Kirk Session are no doubt working hard at delivering the targets set out in out

forward plan “Mission & Action plan”

In this context I have been quite taken by some of the articles in recent editions of

Life and Work written by the Rev. Albert Bogle, for instance the suggestions that

kirk Sessions might consider revisiting their supplementary rolls and trying to

renew contact with those on such a roll. Has our Kirk Session ever considered such

an action?

I also noted a reference which was made to the “Church without Walls” published

way back in 2001. Is there anything in that report which might still be of

significance to St. Margaret’s Church to-day?

Would be interested if our Kirk Session are considering or would consider either of

the foregoing suggestions.


(name & address supplied)

(The editor received this in plenty of time to allow

for a response by our minister. Ed)

As part of an exercise in visiting the whole congregation (90% visited so far) the

minister has included visiting everyone on the supplementary Roll. Some people

have gone away and were uncontactable, but the majority of people wanted to

remain, in some form, their association with St. Margaret’s – something the

minister is entirely happy with. Only two people asked to be removed from

Church membership.

Church without Walls is partly about our “outreach”. This is the task of our new

Family and Children worker but also a responsibility as a Church to engage with him

in maintaining bridge-building.

Iain Greenshields.

St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018




6.45 pm for 7.15 pm

As part of St. Margaret’s Christmas celebrations, we will again be holding the now

“cannot be missed” evening when we all join in with Christmas Carols and have a

really good evening.

We will of course have “goodies” for eating and drinking – home made products by

members of the congregation and specially prepared mulled wine to warm

everyone up.

The GREAT NEWS is that we will again be joined by our very good friends from

across the Forth in West Lothian - the now “NOT TO BE MISSED”


Those of you who have attended before know just how good they are – those that

have not been along before then give yourself a REAL treat by coming along. The

BEST VALUE in entertainment that you will have over the festive season.


We will have that now famous and quite unique rendering of the 12 days of

Christmas – so we do need your voice to help swell the throng. FANTASTIC.

Tickets will be on sale for £6 at the Church - see Irene Cunningham or pay at the

door on the evening.



St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018


2nd Fife & 39th Fife Scout Groups


The Scouts are again providing a Christmas Post Service this year at a remarkable

low cost of 35p per card! Cards will be accepted for the following areas:












The following areas will NOT be covered:




Cards can be handed into the church on

SUNDAY 3rd and SUNDAY 10th December 2017

Cards can also be handed into the Scout Hall on the evenings of


Between 6.30pm and 7.30pm

Cards will be DELIVERED between 16th & 21st December 2017

(Come on folks, a great way to beat inflation and keep costs down, as well as helping

this important fundraiser for the Scouts – Ed)

St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018



The House of 1000 Mirrors

Long long ago in a small, far away village, there was a place known as the House of

1000 Mirrors.

A small, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit. When he arrived,

he bounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through

the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could. To his

great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their

tails wagging just as fast as his. He smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000

great smiles just as warm and friendly. As he left the house, he thought to himself,

"This is a wonderful place. I will come back and visit it often."

In this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one,

decided to visit the house. He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he

looked into the door. When he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at

him, he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at

him. As he left, he thought to himself, "That is a horrible place, and I will never go

back there again." All the faces in the world are mirrors. What kind of reflections do you see in the faces of the

people you meet?

St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018


by Keith Strachan

WELCOME …. Welcome once more to our quarterly magazine. We

finished off prior to the Summer holidays with our

Group Camp at Fordell Firs with the weather for once

being kind to us with a weekend of sunshine. Lots of

site activities together with a campfire on the Saturday

evening and a coastal walk on the Sunday all added up

to an excellent weekend.

I mentioned in my last Magazine report that a number

of members of our Executive Committee were stepping

down at the AGM in June and it was very pleasing to

see the positive response from parents to joining up

with us to ensure we continue to have a viable and ac

ve Committee. It was very rewarding that in addition

to the kids receiving their badges and awards, our

District Commissioner presented Yolanda, Graham and

Tom with their Awards of Merit. Well deserved.


Some of our Explorers had a Summer Camp at

Meggernie near Aberfeldy in July - see Explorer report.

Following our return from the holidays we arranged

camps at Nineacres, Crook of Devon, for the Beavers

and Cubs to assist Yolanda in achieving her Outdoor

Camping Permit, with the Scouts having a separate

skills camp. Another good camp but once again it

finished up very wet and the hall was under canvas for

a whole week to allow everything to dry off

Cubs, Scouts and Explorers attended the District

Sports Day in September and came 3rd overall. Once

again, the weather was good while we were at

Pitreavie and luckily everything finished before the

heavens opened.


Looking ahead, we will be holding a ’Gardenathon’ in

November to tidy up the hall garden areas and we will

also be taking on responsibility for the area of ground

behind the hall to bring this area of land back into use

for the Sections. It is a great area for prac cing tent

pitching, cooking etc and we can look at using different

parts for badgework.

We are looking forward to running the Group

Hallowe’en Party at the end of October which is always

a fun and messy event, and Graham has once again

booked seats at the Pantomime for December.

At the end of November, we will be a+ending our

Church, St Margaret’s in Touch for our St Andrew’s Day

Service together with the Guides. A good a+endance is



This all leads up to the Scout Christmas Post in

December which is our main fundraiser for the year

and needs as many parents as possible helping with

the sor ng and delivering. A lot of work but it is also

good fun. I look forward to seeing you there. Keith

St Margaret’s Magazine Winter 2017/2018

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I would like to share with you a Toast which one of our friends has introduced us to and

It has now become our habit to use whenever we gather with friends as we did one

Saturday evening.

There are Long Ships

There are Tall Ships

There are ships that sail the seas

But the best ships are Friendships

And may that always be.

May you be blessed with many good friends as we are.

Moira Watson

(Many thanks Moira – and we feel blessed with your friendship. Ed)



1 pint of trust 1 cup of mutual affection

1 dash of caring 1 sprinkle of respect

2 cups of understanding 2 lbs of common interest

2 spoonfuls of shared secrets 3 spoonfuls of listening


(From Audrey MacArthur – many thanks - and mix this all up with love and you have

that perfect friendship which we should be spreading to those in need at Christmas. Ed)

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(as served at the Church afternoon teas)


➢ 4 egg whites ➢ 8 oz (225 g) castor sugar


• Pre-heat oven to 130oC

• Line 2 baking trays with non- stick backing paper.

• Place egg whites in large clean bowl and whisk on high speed until stiff – BUT not dry.

• Add the sugar a teaspoonful at a time whisking well after each addition

• Either pipe the meringue mixture into “blobs” onto paper or use two spoons making oval shapes

• Bake in pre-heated oven for about 1 – 1.5 hours or until they can be easily lifted from the paper

• Turn off the oven and leave the door ajar until the meringues are cold

• To serve – fill with whipped cream


(suitable for people with diabetes)


3 oz currants 4oz wholemeal breadcrumbs

3 oz raisins 1oz blanched almonds chopped

3 oz sultanas 2 teaspoon mixed spice

4oz Wholemeal flour 1 pinch salt

1 medium carrot – grated. 1 lemon – rind and juice only.

3 oz polyunsaturated 1 quarter pint Guinness stout

Margarine (melted)

3 eggs


• Mix all ingredients together – stout in last.

• Transfer to 1-pint pudding basin

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• Steam for 2.5 – 3 hours.

• Then keep till Christmas day when steam for a further 2 hours (approx.) The pudding will darken during this 2nd steaming.

• This pudding can be put in the freezer.

(both recipes supplied by Janet Kerr whose husband can definitely recommend them!! –



Although dates and details have still to be finalised the new programme is shaping up as follows 14 October – “Saving the world one heart at a time” – Christian Bikers Association 18th November – “Coping with diabetes” – our very own, Ross Kerr December – Joint meeting with Fossoway & Cleish Men’s Group, at St Margaret’s. Topic for discussion will be – “Is there a place for ‘an eye for an eye’ in respect of the most heinous crimes?” Sandy Muirhead will lead this discussion. Then into the New Year….. February – “Should we follow the Church of England example and provide services for transgender people?” – probably led by Episcopalian priest [tba] March – “Who should have the final say over a child’s welfare – parents, medics, the courts or other authorities?” – led by Hilary Warnock April – “What is love?” - Discussion guided by our Minister, Iain. Numbers attending last season’s meetings fluctuated quite widely. This made catering difficult and it was slightly embarrassing when guest discussion leaders had travelled a distance to be with us. So, we urge men folk from the congregation and beyond to come along and join us and to those who are regulars – why not invite a pal or two? These are informal, friendly but worthwhile gatherings. We look forward to seeing you. Contact – Gordon Brown for any information [01577 840248]

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DOOR DUTY 2017/18

5-Nov J Colville Mrs M Chapman

Mrs A McArthur Mrs V Evans

12-Nov Mrs I Cunningham Mrs J McAleece

Mrs I Gillespie Mrs J Gresty

19-Nov W Bowie Mrs N Bowie

J Adamson Mrs L Adamson

Mrs C Gray Mrs C McCulloch

26-Nov J McLean Mrs V Wilson

M Gordon Mrs E Brown

3-Dec I Telfer J Thomson

S Foxley M Giraldas

10-Dec R Kerr Mrs S Richards

Mrs D Hynd Mrs M Aitken

17-Dec Mrs M McIntosh T McIntosh

Mrs M Watson J Anderson

24-Dec J Colville Mrs A Prentice

Mrs A McArthur A Prentice

31-Dec Mrs I Cunningham Mrs J McAleece

Mrs I Gillespie D Clark


7-Jan W Bowie Mrs N Bowie

J Adamson Mrs L Adamson

14-Jan J McLean Mrs J Eadie

M Gordon J Eadie

21-Jan I Telfer Mrs F Grieve

S Foxley J Grieve

28-Jan R Kerr Mrs. M Chapman

Mrs D Hynd Mrs E Pratt

4-Feb Mrs. M McIntosh T McIntosh

Mrs. M Watson Mrs. V Evans

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In response to a recent request for new volunteers to join the Rota, we welcome and

thank Rosslynn Clusker, Mrs Cheryl Jones and Mr Tom McIntosh. Due to several

volunteers “retiring”, we are still recruiting volunteers. If interested, Marjory McIntosh,

726342, can give you further details. Go on – it will be good for your CV! As you are now

aware, at the beginning of each month the Church is having a “Guest Service” and 6 rota

volunteers are required to serve teas and coffees at tables located at both ends of the

Main Church Hall.

November, 2017

05 Mrs Irene Cunningham

Mrs Isobel Gillespie

Mrs June McAleece

Mrs Marjory McIntosh

Mrs Margaret Scoon

Mrs Jeanette Clements

12 Mrs Ann Prentice

Mrs Maureen Chapman

Mrs Margaret Hynd

19 Mrs Marjory McIntosh

Mrs Mary Bruce, covering Mrs J Grieve

Mrs Marion Smith

26 Mrs Nancy Bowie Mrs Lorna Telfer

Mrs Margaret Orr

December, 2017


Mrs Irene Cunningham

Mrs Isobel Gillespie

Mrs June McAleece

Mrs Ann McEwen

Mrs Maureen Hynd

Mrs Vera Wilson

10 Mrs Ann Prentice

Mrs Catherine Gray

Rosslynn Clusker

17 Mrs Nancy Bowie

Mrs Pam Moultrie Mrs Cheryl Jones

24 Marjory McIntosh

Mrs Margaret Scoon

Mr Tom McIntosh

31 Mrs Maureen Chapman

Mrs Marion Smith Mrs Margaret Hynd

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January, 2018 07

Mrs Irene Cunningham

Mrs Isobel Gillespie

Mrs June McAleece

Mrs Pam Moultrie

Mrs Jeanette Clements

Mrs Margaret Orr

14 Mrs Ann Prentice

Mrs Margaret Scoon

Mrs Cheryl Jones

21 Mrs Marjory McIntosh

Mrs Vera Wilson Mr Tom McIntosh

28 Mrs Ann McEwen

Rosslynn Clusker Mrs Margaret Hynd

February, 2018


Mrs Irene Cunningham

Mrs Isobel Gillespie Mrs June McAleece

Mrs Catherine Gray

Mrs Margaret Hynd Mrs Margaret Scoon

11 Mrs Marjory McIntosh

Mrs Margaret Orr Mr Tom McIntosh

18 Mrs Nancy Bowie

Mrs Maureen Hynd Mrs Cheryl Jones

25 Mrs Maureen Chapman

Mrs Marion Smith Rosslynn Cluster

As usual, if you are on holiday, or on door duty, can you please arrange a swap.

Thank you in the meantime to everyone who helps with this much enjoyed tea and

fellowship after the Sunday Services.

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Date Donor Tel No. Arranger Tel No. Nov 5 Mrs M Watson 07766295705 June McAleece 724992 Nov 12 Mrs A Lawrence 725889 Colleen Watson 721284 Nov 19 Mr & Mrs W Bowie 727779 Nancy Bowie 737779 Nov 26 Moira Moyes 738341 Audrey McArthur 728128 Dec 3 Flower Fund Marion Aitken 735996 Dec 11 Merva Brown 721661 Marjory McIntosh 726342 Dec 17 Mr & Mrs J Cunningham 731947 June McAleece 724992 Dec 24 Moira Watson 07766295705 Nancy Bowie 737779 Dec 29 Mr & Mrs I Carlton 721049 Coleen Watson 721285 Jan 7 Mr Mrs Ross Kerr 726663 Audrey McCarthur 728128

Jan 14 Mrs. Moira Moyes 738341 Marion Aitken 735996

Jan 21 Mrs. Joan Eadie 721992 Mrs. Joan Eadie 721992

Jan 28 Mr Mrs J Hynd 720222 Mrs June McAleece 724992

Please could arrangers swap if these dates are unsuitable. FLOWER DELIVERY CALENDAR 2017

NOV 5th John and Shiela McLean 726919

NOV 12th Jennifer Paxton 249220

NOV 19th Jim and Linda Adamson 727719

NOV 26th Keith and Elizabeth Brown 733956

DEC 3rd Tom and Marjory McIntosh 726242

DEC 10th Shiela McIntyre 735352

DEC 17th Marion Aitken 735996

DEC 24th Pam Moultrie 622329

DEC 31st Rachel Wilson 734696 Please feel free to change with members of the team if the date selected is not suitable.

PLEASE NOTE: The information for January deliveries will be issued separately.

(Thanks to Lily for organising this and of course to the people who deliver the flowers

which are always very welcome - Ed)

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ORGANISATIONS Bowling Fellowship - Meet on Mondays in the main hall at 6.30pm. Contact Tom McIntosh

on 01383 726342

The Craft Group - Meet on Tuesdays in the Rita Elder Hall at 2.00pm. Contact Audrey

McArthur on 01383 728128

The Guild - Meet on the first & third Wednesday of the month at 2pm in the Rita Elder Hall

– contact Margaret Hynd on 01383 721314

Women’s Fellowship meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 2pm in the Rita

Elder Hall. Contact Helen on 725753

Swingnastics – Meet from September to May every Wednesday in the Rita Elder Hall at

10.00am Contact Catherine McCulloch on 01383 734463

Ladies Badminton - Meet for social Badminton every Wednesday at 10.00am - 12 noon in

the Church Main Hall. Contact Cherry O’Sullivan on 01383 720594

Banner Group - Meet on Thursdays in the Rita Elder Hall at 2pm Contact June McAleece on

01383 724992

Men’s Breakfast Discussion Group – Meets once a month on a Saturday morning from

September - May at 8.30am (see website or programme in the magazine for actual dates

and/or contact Gordon Brown on 01577 840248)

Sunday Club & Crèche - Meet in the Church at 10.00am on Sundays during Morning Service,

except during school holidays. Contact - Helen Webber on 01383 736486

JAM (Jesus And Me) CLUB –Meet Sundays in term time at 5.45pm - 7.15pm. Contact Linda

Adamson on 01383 727719

Rainbows - Meet every Tuesday in the Rita Elder Hall at 6.15pm - 7.30pm Contact Anne

Laird on 01383 727515

Brownies – 2nd Dunfermline Pack meet on Wednesdays in the Downstairs Hall 6.15pm -

7.45pm. Contact Susan Guild on 01383 727167

2nd Dunfermline Guides meet on Thursdays in term time, from 7.15-9.15pm. For more information, please contact Anne Simpson on 01383 410490 or 07972181351


Meet in the Scouts H.Q. Carron Grove

Contact Keith Strachan on 01383 735399.

Beavers - Mondays 6.30pm - 7.45pm

Cubs - Tuesdays 7.00pm - 8.30pm

Scouts - Wednesdays 7.30pm - 9.30pm

Explorer Scouts - Thursdays 7.00pm - 9.00pm

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READER Gordon Brown

Nowell Fossway, Kinross-shire

01577 840248

MINISTER Rev. Iain M Greenshields

38 Garvock Hill, Dunfermline


SESSION CLERK T. Ritchie Campbell 1 Pitbauchlie Bank

Dunfermline 725516

TREASURER Moira Watson 14 Hailes Place Dunfermline 07766295705





Cunningham 2 Whyte Walk Dunfermline


CHURCH OFFICER Manuel Giraldas

137 Fod Street Halbeath


ROLL KEEPER Jim Adamson 8 Garvock Hill

Dunfermline 727719

ORGANIST Heather Kelsall

78 Keltyhill Road Kelty

01383 830215


75 Scotland Drive Dunfermline 726663

CHILDREN & FAMILIES WORKER Alistair Greenshields

38 Garvock Hill

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