



Who am I?

CEO of consulting company «Gibkie (Agile) Technologies». Fields: project management, business-process improvement, corporate agility.

Project Management Professional (PMP) from 2007

Director of PMI Moscow Chapter, Ekaterinburg Branch

Former vice-president of Kazakhstan PMI Chapter

Partner of Edward Fern, author of «Ten-P Paradigm» methodology

Business-trainer with 5-years experience

• Intoduction: Ten-P Paradigm – methodology of product development project management by Edward Fern


• Application of the methodology. Pattern and antipattern. Main reasons of the success and of the failure.


• Conclusions: Needs of right methodology and value of corporate management of projects.



I and Edward J.Fern in Kazakhstan in April, 2013

Product Development and Enterprise Success Companies, who derive more than 50% of their

revenue from «New» products, are 10 – 60 % more profitable than those who do not.

One new product in eight meets its ROI goals.

The best companies meet ROI goals with only one in three development efforts.

The rewards of rapid product development are:

Market share


Access to capital

Cooperative suppliers

Cooperative channels

The TIME-TO-PROFIT product development system

Slide from Edward Fern` presentation

The Ten-P Paradigm™ • Positioning

• Planning

• Partnering

• Producing

• Processing

• Packaging

• Pricing

• Promoting

• Placing

• Pleasing

Time-To-Profit Race

Antipattern: «Yo-mobile» project

• Start of the project – 2010.

• End of the project – March, 2014

• Status: failure. Project is terminating by sponsor

Main reasons of failure «Yo-mobile»

• Positioning mistake: low-pricing segment. • Pricing: model of moderate cost with final price of

$12,000-14,000. • Partnering deficit: Accent for innovation components. No

contractors for such undertime. • Lack of planning. There are no professionals to produce

such components in Russia. • Producing: There was no plant. Decision to build a special

plant. • Processing disproportion: a lot of innovations, bad

processes to meet large expectations. • Promotion: only on the initiation stage. Over 200,000

preliminary orders. • Pleasing: Ups-effect • Time-To-Profit Race is lost

Pattern: «Tesla Motors» project

• Start of the project – 2006

• End of the project – 2013

• Status: success. New projects in progress

Main reasons of success of Tesla Motors

• Good positioning: premium segment. • Pricing: The price of first Tesla Roadstep is about

$100,000. • Partnering decision: Accent for system integration. Lotus,

Sotira, Siemens, Magna, Continental, Brembo, ZF are partners.

• Appropriate planning and producing. Buying a Toyota plant in California according to capital investment from sponsors and government.

• Processing: a wide range of load stations for Tesla cars were built

• Promotion: High and continuing demand. • Pleasing: WOW-effect • Time-To-Profit Race is winned

Important aspect: from Project Management to Project Governance


Corporate Culture

Project Management

Project Governance

For more successful projects I need…


Project Governance

Charismatic personality

Involvement of stakeholders

Strong management skills

Best methodology for new products

Project management methodology

Trust in success

And some fun for team…

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