
New Media HistoryLes 8: Webdesign: Web 1.0 - the Early Years

Towards Hypermedia & HTML

GML :h1.Chapter 1: Introduction

:p.GML supported hierarchical containers, such as


:li.Ordered lists (like this one),

:li.Unordered lists, and

:li.Definition lists


as well as simple structures.

:p.Markup minimization (later generalized and formalized in SGML),

allowed the end-tags to be omitted for the "h1" and "p" elements.




This manual describes how to build a distributed system using the

Remote Procedure Call system developed in the Online Group

of the DD Division of CERN, the European Particle Physics Laboratory.

<h2> The system

The remote procedure call product consists of two essential parts:

an RPC compiler which is used during development of an application,

and the RPC run time system, which is part of the run time code.

Target systems supported are



<li>Unix (Berkley 4.3 or Ultrix or equivalent)

<li>stand&hyphen.alone M680x0 (MoniCa) systems (Valet&hyphen.Plus, etc)

<li>stand&hyphen.alone M6809 systems

<li>M680x0 systems running RMS68K

<li>M680x0 systems running OS9

<li>The IBM&hyphen.PC running TurboPascal or Turbo-C

<li>The Macintosh running TurboPascal or MPW


Web Design


‘Horrible Text and Minimal Layout’

Surfing the Web




<FRAMESET ROWS="*, 2*" COLS="20%, 30%, 40%">

<FRAME SRC="labela.htm">

<FRAME SRC="labelb.htm">

<FRAME SRC="labelc.htm">

<FRAME SRC="info.htm">

<FRAME SRC="info.htm">

<FRAME SRC="info.htm">



Helaas is het oude web quasi verloren gegaan.

Leerstof: videoHyperland(DouglasAdams):‐

Leerstof: tekstMarkupLanguages:‐‐‐‐

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