New Energy - Construction

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New Energy - Construction


New Energy for an Ultra-modern Vietnam

Part 3: The ScienceSection D: Applications

June 2014 Saigon New Energy Group

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Now let’s consider how ZPE can help us in the construction industry

One thing we have seen a lot of in Vietnam since the early 1990s is a tremendous amount of construction

Because houses in Vietnam are usually very tightly packed together, it’s a real challenge to

erect new buildings without damaging the neighboring structures

Usually, construction crews have to rent or buy very expensive specialized equipment to

lift heavy materials into place

You’ll recall that we’ve been exploring principles in physics which allow for an object’s mass and weight to be temporarily reduced by

changing the local value for Planck’s “constant”

We’ve also seen how ZPE gives rise to many kinds of antigravity applications

For a long time, modern architects and construction engineers have puzzled over how the ancient Egyptians could have lifted so many heavy stones – on average, more than 1.5 tons

each – into place so perfectly

And, according to historians, they built the oldest and biggest pyramid (the Khufu pyramid) in just 20 years’ time

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just “float” heavy stones into place?

Wouldn’t that help you build a pyramid Egyptian-style?

In New Energy science, that is exactly what many people think we will

be doing in 10 or 15 years.

Imagine tying an antigravity device to a heavy stone – let’s say 20 tons

Using a remote control, you create a localized antigravity field around the stone and then command it to lift up

Kids are being introduced to the idea through toys –Now, build the real thing!

Higher, higher, then forward, to the left a bit…

OK! It’s in place now. Set it down.

And you’re done.

Next stone…

Granted, antigravity for construction projects will take some time to develop. But already, a lot of the basic science has been done, and now we need to disseminate

that science and get people actively working in laboratories to apply it.

This is the kind of technology that can radically reduce construction costs and make homes cheaper

Long before we get antigravity for construction, there is already one related

ZPE application that is available now.

That is a ZPE-enhanced welding torch which reaches temperatures of over 3200 degrees centigrade

Welding torch using water as fuel

The gas used in this system is the same as that used in water fuel cells –

It is “Brown’s gas” or HHO, consisting of H2, O2, and Charged Water Clusters

It’s the CWCs that attract and cohere the ZPE, which is why this welding flame is so hot

With this technology, welders will simply need to a pour a little tap water into a container, and their welding torches will burn nice and


In Vietnam today, this is probably the ZPE application that is closest to market

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