Neonatal Sacrococcygeal Neuroblastoma Mimicking a Teratoma

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Case ReportNeonatal Sacrococcygeal Neuroblastoma Mimicking a Teratoma

Leticia Gely,1 Humberto Lugo-Vicente,2 María Correa-Rivas,3 Kary Bouet,1

Zayhara Reyes Bou,1 Mohammed Suleiman,3 and Inés García1

1Department of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, San Juan, PR, USA2Department of Pediatric Surgery, University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, San Juan, PR, USA3Department of Pathology, University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, San Juan, PR, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Ines Garcıa;

Received 6 July 2016; Revised 19 October 2016; Accepted 23 November 2016; Published 1 January 2017

Academic Editor: Christophe Chantrain

Copyright © 2017 Leticia Gely et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

We reported the first case of a congenital intrapelvic presacral neuroblastoma in Puerto Rico managed in the early neonatal period.The preoperative diagnosis was a sacrococcygeal teratoma Altman stage IV classification. This case confirms the importance of acomprehensive physical examination and observation of low-risk newborn infants with a history of adequate prenatal care and anunremarkable fetal ultrasonogram during pregnancy.

1. Introduction

Neonatal tumors are rare [1]. Around 2% of all pediatricmalignancies are neonatal tumors, with an incidence of 1.58to 3.65 per 100,000 live births [2].Themost commonneonataltumor is neuroblastoma, accounting for 28–39% of tumors inthis period, with an estimated incidence of 0.61 per 100,000live births [3].They originate from the neural crest cells whichnormally give rise to the adrenal medulla and sympatheticganglia [4].

Clinical presentation of neuroblastoma is dependentupon the site of the tumor origin, disease extent, and thepresence of paraneoplastic syndromes [5]. The majority oftumors (65%) arise in the abdomen, with over half of thesearising in the adrenal gland [5]. Additional sites of origininclude the neck, chest, and pelvis. Metastatic lesions arecommon presenting findings of neuroblastoma, especiallyin the neonate [5]. Disease dissemination occurs throughlymphatic and hematogenous routes. Bone, bone marrow,and liver are the most common sites of hematogenousspread with particular predilection for metaphyseal, skull,and orbital bone sites [5]. The prognosis for children withneuroblastoma is inversely correlated to the age of the childat diagnoses and the extent of the disease [4].

Motherswho delivered infants diagnosedwith neuroblas-toma can develop symptoms during their third trimester such

as sweating, pallor, headaches, palpitations, tingling of handsand feet, and/or hypertension. This occurs by transplacentalexchange of fetal tumor catecholamines into the maternalcirculation [4].

We presented a newborn with an intrapelvic neuroblas-toma originally thought to be an Altman stage IV intrapelvicsacrococcygeal teratoma.

2. Case Presentation

This is a case of a term male born at 39 1/7 weeks of ges-tational age by spontaneous vaginal delivery to an 18-years-old mother G

2P1A0. The mother had no history of systemic

illness. There was no consanguinity in the family. Prenatalscreening tests (Human Immunodeficiency Virus, HepatitisB, and Syphilis) were negative; Group B Streptococcus waspositive; the mother did not receive antenatal antibioticsduring pregnancy. No prenatal complications were reported,and no fetal anomalies or abdominal findings were detectedon antenatal ultrasound. Patient had anApgar 8 at oneminuteand 9 at 5 minutes. No complications during labor anddelivery were reported.

At first day of life, the patient presented with hypoactivity,poor sucking, and cyanosis for which he was admitted to theNeonatal Intensive Care Unit due to suspected early onset

HindawiCase Reports in PediatricsVolume 2017, Article ID 3624847, 3 pages

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Figure 1: CT image showing mass on presacral space and hydrour-eteronephrosis.

of neonatal sepsis. Diagnostic studies were performed andtherapeutic management was instituted, including antibioticcoverage. On day #2 of life, the patient presentedwithmarkedabdominal distention and marked bright red bloody stools.Oral feedings were discontinued, an orogastric tube wasplaced for gastrointestinal decompression, and metronida-zole therapy was added to antibiotic therapy. The abdominalradiography revealed bowel dilation with no distal air. Theclinical findings and presentation raised concern of bowelobstruction. On follow-up X-rays, a persistent radio opaqueshadow in the lower abdomen raised the concern of urinarybladder obstruction. A Foley catheter was placed, obtaining60ml of urine. On day #4, an abdominal ultrasound was per-formed and revealed bilateral hydronephrosis, more promi-nent on the right side due to compression and a prominentparenchymal mass. A barium enema revealed a presacralsoft tissue mass. On day #5 of life, an abdominopelviccomputed tomography (CT) scan revealed a well-definedmass in the presacral space compressing the rectum andcausing severe small and large bowel dilation. The masswas also causing compression of distal right ureter withsevere hydroureteronephrosis and mild left hydroureter (seeFigure 1). The CT scan findings favored a sacrococcygealteratoma without evidence of metastasis. On day #6 of life,a pelvic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a largehypervascular presacral mass measuring 3.2 cm anterior-posterior by 4.1 cm transverse by 6.4 cm (see Figure 2). Thesacrum was preserved without evidence of erosion or boneinvasion; however, the mass extended and expanded the leftsacral vertebras 3 and 4 neural foramina. The MRI revealedbilateral hydronephrosis and bowel dilation, secondary toureteral obstruction by the mass.

The patient was taken to the operating room on day #7of life. Through a combined intra-abdominal pfannenstieland sacral midline approach, the intrapelvic tumor wasremoved completely along with the coccyx. Sacral segments

Figure 2: MRI image showing mass extending to sacral vertebras.

four and five needed removal due to adherence of thetumor. Dissection was undertaken staying near the capsuleof the tumor avoiding damage to the already stretched pelvicnerves. During dissection, tumor adherence to the sacralpromontory at the level of S1 to S3 caused piecemeal removal.Postoperatively, the child could move both lower extremitieswell, had pinprick, sphincter muscle stimulation in the anus,and did not develop urinary retention.

The tumorwas received fixed in formalin and consisted ofseveral fragments of gray tan soft tissue measuring in aggre-gate 8.1 × 6.5 × 1.1 cm. On section, the tumor was gray, tan,and softwith focal hemorrhages. A 1 cm segment of coccygealbone was identified and was free of tumor. A microscopicexamination disclosed a poorly differentiated neuroblastoma,with low mitotic karyorrhectic index. Few scattered ganglioncells were identified. The coccyx bone revealed no tumorinvolvement. Synaptophysin and chromogranin confirmedneuroblastoma. N-myc was not amplified.

3. Discussion

Congenital neuroblastoma is defined as a neuroblastomaidentified within a month of birth [6]. Neuroblastoma isthe most common extracranial solid tumor in infancy andchildhood and can arise from any neural crest elementof the sympathetic nervous system [7]. Neuroblastoma isslightly more common in boys than in girls, with a male tofemale ratio of 1.2 : 1 [8]. Some reports state that neonatalneuroblastoma constitutes about 1% of all neuroblastomasat all ages [9]. One study reported that 16% of infantneuroblastomas were diagnosed during the first month of lifeand 41% during the first 3 months [10]. In a study by Park etal., a prenatal diagnosis was usually made after 32 weeks ofgestation and approximately 93% of tumors were adrenal inorigin [5]. Some environmental factors have been implicatedin the development of neuroblastoma (e.g., paternal exposure

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to electromagnetic fields or prenatal exposure to alcohol,pesticides, or phenobarbital) [5].

Prenatal ultrasound and postnatal ultrasound are a usefulscreeningmodality in the evaluation of congenital neuroblas-toma [6], but sometimes it can bemissed, as in this casewhereprenatal sonogramsdid not identify themass.Neuroblastomadiagnosis is defined by pathologic confirmation from tumortissue or by pathologic confirmation of neuroblastoma tumorcells in a bonemarrow sample in the setting of increased urineor serum catecholamines or catecholamine metabolites [5].

In infants less than one year of age, about 55% of thetumors are intra-abdominal and about 30% are in the chestas compared to 75% and only 15%, respectively, in olderpatients [7]. In this report, the newborn patient presentedat day #2 of life with findings suggestive of sepsis andabdominal distention secondary to an intra-abdominal masscausing compression of both the urinary and intestinaltracts. Around 20% of neonatal neuroblastoma presents withspinal cord compression requiring prompt diagnosis andtreatment with steroids and chemotherapy to relieve the cordcompression [11].This patient did not presentwith spinal cordcompression. Although sacrococcygeal neuroblastomas havelowmortality. they have high morbidity owing to tumor bulkpressure and probable postoperative neurologic deficit [12].

The initial diagnostic testing should includeCT orMRI toevaluate primary tumor size and regional extent and to assessfor distant spread to neck, thorax, abdomen, or pelvic sites.Brain imaging is recommended only if clinically indicatedby examination or neurologic symptoms. Bilateral posterior-iliac crest marrow aspirates and core biopsies are requiredto exclude marrow involvement [13]. Tumor markers orprognostic factors should be obtained prior to surgery but,in this case, were not obtained because it was thought to be asacrococcygeal teratoma.

Few cases of sacrococcygeal neuroblastomas are reportedin literature. Sunaa et al. [14] mentioned the first case ofneonatal neuroblastoma mimicking Altman type III sacro-coccygeal teratoma in 2005 [15]. It is worth noting that ourcase was thought to be a variant of teratoma. This is thefirst case reported of congenital intrapelvic neuroblastoma inPuerto Rico, in the early neonatal period. This case confirmsthe importance of the comprehensive physical examinationand observation of low-risk newborn infants with history ofan adequate prenatal care and unremarkable fetal ultrasono-gram at midpregnancy. The differential diagnoses of abdom-inal distention in a newborn infant are broad, but promptevaluation is important for the diagnosis and managementof rare conditions presenting in the newborn period andthe importance of pathologic confirmation of the diagnosisof tumor lesions in the newborn. A comprehensive andinterdisciplinary approach when evaluating neonates withabdominal masses is also important for a prompt diagnosisand management of the case.

Competing Interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


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