Neonatal resuscitation (NNR) Dr. Renu Singh. Burden of the problem Birth asphyxia 23% of the 1 million neonatal deaths in India Long term neurological.

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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Neonatal resuscitation (NNR)

Dr. Renu Singh

Burden of the problem

• Birth asphyxia• 23% of the 1 million neonatal deaths in India• Long term neurological complications• Death• NNR (Neonatal resuscitation) :simple,

inexpensive, cost effective method• Problem: NNR often not initiated, incorrect

use of methods

Successful NNR: factors

1. Anticipation: call a skilled personnel2. Adequate preparation3. Accurate evaluation, algorithm based4. Prompt initiation of support

1.Anticipation: High risk delivery • Maternal condition– Advanced maternal age ,DM, HT, stillbirth, fetal loss, early

neonatal death

• Fetal condition– Prematurity, post maturity, congenital anomalies, multiple


• Ante partum complications: APH, oligo /polyhydramnios

• Delivery complications– Malpresentation, MSAF, instrumental delivery, antenatal

asphyxia with abnormal FHR

2. Adequate preparation

• Radiant warmer is turned on,& is heating• Oxygen source is open with adequate flow

through the tubing• Suction apparatus tested, functioning properly• Laryngoscope is functional with bright light• Resuscitation bag & mask demonstrates an

adequate seal & generation of pressure

Radiant warmer

Successful NNR: factors

1. Anticipation: call a skilled personnel2. Adequate preparation3. Accurate evaluation, algorithm based4. Prompt initiation of support

Evaluation, algorithm based

• Rapid assessment of neonate clinical status

• Is the infant full term?• Is the infant breathing or crying?• Does the infant has good muscle tone?

• Yes: no resuscitation, routine neonatal care• No: needs resuscitation

Approach to resuscitation2010 AHA, AAP

• A: initial steps(provide warmth, clear airway if necessary, dry, stimulate)

• B: breathing(ventilation)• C: chest compressions (circulation)• D: administration of drugs &/or volume


Resuscitation: initial steps

• Provide warmth• Head position “ sniffing position”• Clearing the airway, if necessary• Drying the baby• Tactile stimulation for breathing

AAP Algorithm

AAP Algorithm

PPV: Positive pressure ventilation

• Form of assisted ventilation• Needed when there is no improvement in HR• Also assess chest wall movements• Should be delivered at rate of 40-60

breaths /min, maintain HR>100 /min• Devices: BMV, ET (endotracheal

tube),LMA(laryngeal mask airway)

Bag & mask ventilation

Endotracheal tube

• If BMV is ineffective/prolonged• When chest compressions are performed• Initial endotracheal suctioning of non vigorous

meconium stained newborn

Endotracheal tube

LMA(Laryngeal mask airway)

• Soft mask, fits over laryngeal inlet when inflated, occludes the oesophageal opening

• Done when BMV is unsuccessful & tracheal intubation is unsuccessful or not feasible

LMA(Laryngeal mask airway)

Targeted SPO2 after birth

1 minute 60-65%

2 minutes 65-70%

3 minutes 70-75%

4 minutes 75-80%

5 minutes 80-85%

10 minutes 85-90%

1. Initial steps in resuscitation2. PPV

AAP Algorithm

Chest compressions

• Started when HR<60 per minute despite adequate ventilation with 100% oxygen for 30 sec

• Delivered at lower third of sternum, to depth 1/3 of AP diameter of chest

• 2 techniques: – 2 thumb-encircling hands technique– Compression with 2 fingers ,second hand

supporting the back– 3:1 ratio::[ 90 comp:30 ventilations]

1. Initial steps of resuscitation2. PPV(ET)3. CHEST COMPRESSIONS

AAP Algorithm


• Rarely indicated• Most important step to treat bradycardia is

establishing adequate ventilation• HR remains <60bpm,despite adequate

ventilation(ET) with 100% Oxygen & chest compressions

• Epinephrine or volume expansion or both


• Route of administration: intravenous(IV),ideal• Recommended dose: 0.01-0.03 mg/kg per

dose• Desired concentration: 1:10,000 0.1 mg/ml

Volume expansion

• Suspected or known blood loss• Isotonic crystalloid solution ; normal saline• Blood• Dose calculation: 10 ml/kg

The golden minute

• <30 seconds: complete initial steps• Warmth• Drying• Clear airway if necessary• Stimulate

• 30-60 seconds: assess 2 vital characteristics• Respiration (apnea/gasping/labored/unlabored)• Heart rate (<100/>100bpm)

• Golden Minute Project: skill based training

AAP Algorithm

Post resuscitation care

• Needed for those who required PPV• At risk of deterioration– Hypo/hyperthermia ,hypoglycemia, CNS

complications(apnea, HIE), pulmonary complications(TTN, Pneumonia), hypotension

• Need monitoring ,evaluation• NICU may be necessary

NNR : not indicated

• Conditions with certainly early death• Extreme prematurity(GA<23 weeks)• Birth weight<400g• Anencephaly• Chromosomal abnormality: Trisomy 13

NNR: nearly always indicated

• High rate of survival• Acceptable morbidity• GA≥ 25 weeks• Those with most congenital malformations


• Conditions associated with uncertain prognosis

• Survival borderline

• Parental desires concerning initiation of resuscitation should be supported

Discontinuing resuscitative efforts

• Newborn with no detectable heart rate, consider stopping NNR if the heart rate remains undetectable for 10 minutes


• Most infants transfer from intrauterine to extra uterine life

• 10% need some intervention,1% need extensive resuscitation

• Anticipate the need for NNR• Adequate preparation for NNR• Evaluate the newborn as per AHA/AAP

guidelines & follow the recommended protocol


For successful neonatal resuscitation following is/are needed except:

1.Anticipation2.Adequate preparation3.Skilled personnel4.Delayed initiation of support


• For successful neonatal resuscitation following is/are needed except:

1.Anticipation2.Adequate preparation3.Skilled personnel4.Delayed initiation of support


• Following are true in relation to initial steps of neonatal resuscitation except

1.Provide warmth2.Tactile stimulation3.Endotracheal intubation4.Drying the baby


• Following are true in relation to initial steps of neonatal resuscitation except

1.Provide warmth2.Tactile stimulation3.Endotracheal intubation4.Drying the baby


• The following is the primary measure of adequate ventilation

1.Chest wall movement2.Improvement in heart rate3.Pink extremities4.Spo2 of 100%


• The following is the primary measure of adequate ventilation

1.Chest wall movement2.Improvement in heart rate3.Pink extremities4.Spo2 of 100%


Endotracheal intubation may be indicated at several points during neonatal resuscitation except

1. Ineffective BMV 2. During chest compressions 3. Vigorous meconium stained newborn4. Non vigorous meconium stained newborn


• Endotracheal intubation may be indicated at several points during neonatal resuscitation except

1. Ineffective BMV 2. During chest compressions 3. Vigorous meconium stained newborn4. Non vigorous meconium stained newborn


• The recommended compression to ventilation ratio in neonatal resuscitation is



• The recommended compression to ventilation ratio in neonatal resuscitation is



• The recommended dose(mg/kg per dose) and route of epinephrine in neonatal resuscitation



• The recommended dose(mg/kg per dose) and route of epinephrine in neonatal resuscitation is



• Recommended method/clinical indicator of confirming ET placement is

1.Condensation in ET2.Chest movement3.Equal breath sounds on auscultation4.Exhaled C02 Detection


• Recommended method/clinical indicator of confirming ET placement is

1.Condensation in ET2.Chest movement3.Equal breath sounds on auscultation4.Exhaled C02 Detection

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