Neo -Noir Analysis

Post on 18-Jan-2017






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Typically it differs from film-noir as it sometimes in

colour with a dull filter, just like in

blade runner.

However, misfits flips between moments of black and white and colour , for example when the femme fetal does something bad her lips are vibrant red and the rest is black and white, this example is also used throughout sin city. linking to sin city.

At the start it was raining just like it was in blade runner, this is a typical feature for film noir. 

Sometimes instead of going to a bar which is common in film, in blade runner the every man went to a sushi place which might be trying to emphasize how modern it is, especially with the flying cars. But misfits and bound kept the tradition.


A lot of these film start at then end particularly bound and red riding which had the death and it flashes back to the start and it tells the audience how it happened.

However blade runner left the audience confused at the start as we are unaware of what is going on, however it doesn't stick to the narrative structure of a typical noir.


The generic characters of neo-noir are the same as film noir, however they are played by different ethnicity and gender, like in bound the every man is a woman but she has the typical job as an every man,

And in misfits the every man is black which is different, because of the historical background, black people were seen as lower class but now that we live in better society the every man role is diverse.

Camera And Composition

The camera shots again the same, apart from they have got newer technology to film a range of camera shots. 


A lot of music were modern twists, for example sin city kept with the jazz genre but combined, electronic sounds and classical instruments (jazz fusion).

Misfits used pop music, which is the most common genre of music for that as is jazz for the 1940s.

However red riding had a single acoustic guitar which was playing quite subtle music, unconventional for film noir as it is usually very dramatic.


The editing is fairly the same as in film noir, however misfits have used slow motion for when the femme fetal drops the cigarette on the floor to emphasize the evil that she is about to do.

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