Nebulas by Brian Charlesworth. Long Exposure Photography Long exposure photography of the universe is an incredible mix of art and science.

Post on 06-Jan-2018






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What is a Nebula? An interstellar cloud of hydrogen, helium, plasma and dust in outer space. Visible in the night sky as either an indistinct bright patch or as a dark silhouette. “Nebula” in Latin means “cloud”


Nebulas by Brian Charlesworth Long Exposure Photography Long exposure photography of the universe is an incredible mix of art and science. What is a Nebula? An interstellar cloud of hydrogen, helium, plasma and dust in outer space. Visible in the night sky as either an indistinct bright patch or as a dark silhouette. Nebula in Latin means cloud How do they form? Gravitational Collapse in the ISM (space stuff) Material collapses under its own weight Massive stars form in the center radiating light visible to the eye What do Nebulas become? Nebulas are star creators in a way Stars are born as gravity pulls in more and more interstellar space matter (ISM) The Triangulum Emission Garren Nebula The Cats Eye Nebula (planetary nebula) Protoplanetary Nebula These nebulas have objects that were on their way to becoming stars but were not able to reach a mass or temperature high enough to become a full-fledged star These protostars later become planets The famous Eagle Nebula M16 Pillars are about 2-3 lightyears long. Eagle Nebula Active star formation is taking place here Long pillars are nicknamed Pillars of Creation Small dark areas in M16 are thought to be protostars Composed of Hydrogen gas and dust ~6500 light-years away Nebulas Nebulas may also be the end of a star Butterfly Nebula About 2100 light-years from earth, this nebula is the result of an impending death of a binary star system at the center Scientists think this will happen to our Sun in About 5 million years. The Eye of God The Eye of God Nebula This nebula is the closest nebula to our home planet at only 700 light years Its age is about 10,600 There are over 20,000 comets in this nebula alone The Eskimo Nebula Eskimo Nebula One of the most photogenic Nebulas Discovered by William Herschel It can be seen with a small telescope Said to look like an Eskimo with a hood on Crab Nebula One of the most historical supernovae remnant One of the brightest and easiest to see in the night sky Was a star that ran out of fuel and imploded and collapsed on itself. Nebulas The eye candy of the Universe

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