Natural Resources/ Environmental Science Animal Wildlife Management.

Post on 21-Jan-2016






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Natural Resources/ Environmental Science

Animal Wildlife Management


Explain important life processes of wildlife organisms.

Describe the life span stages of wildlife.

Distinguish between feeding groups. Describe how ecosystems are

important in wildlife biology.

Terms Abiotic factor Biophage Biotic factor Carnivore Circulation Digestion Ecosystem Elimination Food

Food chain Food web Growth Herbivore Ingestion Life processes Life span Locomotion Omnivore


Photosynthesis Reproduction Respiration Saprophage Secretion Sensation

What are the life processes of wildlife organisms? Why are these important?

Life Processes – essential functions of a living organism in order to remain in the living condition. Supporting life processes is a part of

managing wildlife populations. When life processes stop, an organism dies. There are eight life processes used in

wildlife science.

8 Life Processes Growth Food (Ingestion, Digestion, Elimination) Circulation Respiration Secretion Sensation Locomotion Reproduction

Life Processes - Growth

The process of an organism increasing in size by adding cells, by the cells getting larger, or by replacing cells. With young organisms, growth is primarily

adding cells to increase size. With mature organisms, growing new cells is

needed to replace those that are lost. Growth requires food with essential


Life Processes - Food

Any substance that nourishes an organism

Animals get their food by swallowing, otherwise known as ingestion.

Once ingested, digestion occurs. Digestion – process that changes food into

forms that can be absorbed by the animal.

Life Processes - Food

After digestion, elimination occurs. Elimination—remaining food materials

are expelled from the body.

Plants make their food by the process of photosynthesis.

Life Processes - Circulation

Movement of substances within an organism Food nutrients, digested food, and

other substances are involved in circulation.

Animals have a circulatory system that involves the heart, and blood vessels.

Life Processes - Respiration

Process by which an organism provides its cells with food and oxygen. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are the

two primary substances important in respiration.

Animals use structures, such as lungs and gills, for respiration.

Life Processes - Secretion

Production within an organism of substances needed for life processes. Specialized body structures, known as

glands, are often responsible for secretion.

Life Processes - Sensation

Ability of an organism to feel or otherwise gather information and respond to its environment. Animal’s sensation is easier to

understand than plants. Animals typically have touch, taste,

sight, smell, and hearing.

Life Processes - Locomotion

The movement of an animal from one place to another. All organisms have some type of

movement. Internal movements are needed for an

organism to carry out life processes.

Life Processes – Reproduction

Process by which organisms give rise to new organisms of the same species. This is not a life process that is

essential for living; however it is essential for a species to perpetuate itself.

Reproduction may involve sexual or asexual reproduction.

Reviewing Life Processes

Pick an animal, any animal. List some things it does within each

life process. Be ready to share with the class.

What are the life span stages of wildlife?

Life Span The period of life of an organism

which includes five stages. Beginning Growth & Development Maturity Decline Death

5 Life Span Stages

The first stage is the Beginning With animals, life span begins with

birth or hatching. Most animal babies require some

support from their mothers, although some can live without care provided.

5 Life Span Stages

The second stage is Growth & Development. New organisms grow and develop to

reach maturity. If nutritious food is available in an

organism’s environment, they will typically grow rapidly.

5 Life Span Stages

The third stage is Maturity. Mature organisms are fully developed,

although some additional growth or changes may occur.

Maturity includes the ability to reproduce.

5 Life Span Stages

The fourth stage is Decline Eventually, organisms begin to lose

their ability to maintain themselves, and aging sets in.

Life processes may occur at a slower rate and the organism loses its strength and weakens.

5 Life Span Stages

The fifth stage is Death. Death is the end of the life of an

organism. The protoplasm in its cells is no longer

active. Upon death, an organism decays and

the nutrients return to the earth to support future life.

What are the different feeding groups?

There are two ways feeding groups are classified.

Feeding groups can be classified by whether what they eat is living or dead.

Feeding groups can also be based on food material that they eat.

Classification based on food that is living or dead.

Biophage—wildlife animal that eats living plants or animals.

Saprophage—wildlife animal that eats dead animals or plants. They are sometimes known as


Classification based on food material.

Herbivore—wildlife animal that eats only plant food material.

Carnivore—wildlife animal that eats only the flesh of other animals. Carnivores are usually the larger animals that prey on the smaller animals.

Omnivore—wildlife animal that eats both plant and animal material.

What is an ecosystem? How are they important in wildlife biology?

Ecosystem—the community of living and nonliving things in a particular environment or area. Ecosystems may be large or small and

include air, water, and land. Ecosystems are always changing. If a

drastic change occurs, an organism is forced ot seek a new place to live or it dies.

What are the two major factors in an ecosystem?

Biotic Factors—a living organism, such as an animal or plant. Biotic factors depend on the abiotic factors for life-giving needs.

Abiotic Factors—nonliving things, such as water, sunlight, and soil. Without abiotic factors, organisms cannot live.


Ecosystems have an organized energy transfer system. A Food Chain is the sequence in a

community in which animal wildlife species get their food. All species have different food chains.

The differences in the food chains form unique, interconnected food webs.

Create a Crossword

Circulation Digestion Ecosystem Elimination Food Photosynthesis Reproduction Respiration

Growth Ingestion Life processes Life span Locomotion Saprophage Secretion Sensation

Review / Summary

What are the life processes of wildlife organisms?

Why are they important? What are the life span stages of wildlife? What are the different feeding groups? What is an ecosystem? How are they important in wildlife biology?

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