National parks of Greece

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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National parks of Greece


National parks of Greece

Greece is characterized by a highly fragmented, rugged landscape hosting a great variety of ecosystems and an outstanding biodiversity.It is a relatively small country with a population of up to eleven (11) million people and an area of 132.000 km2, which, however, is positioned at the crossroads of three continents (Europe, Asia and Africa) and therefore played a key role in communication and development of the surrounding area. The natural environment of Greece is characterized by dramatic changes of ecosystems and habitatsIt has a very long coastline (16,000 km), numerous peninsulas and islands. It is mainly a mountainous country with a great variety of geological formations and rocks. It is estimated that forests cover 20% of the surface.and over 50 % of its territory is 200-1000 meters above sea level.There is a wide geographical variation (mountains, hills, valleys, plains, rivers, islands, beaches, lakes and lagoons.All these features create a unique landscape, with unique specificities from region to region.Moreover, in our country we find many different types of climates (from dry - Crete until cold - continental Rhodope), creating a large mosaic of vegetation and contribute to the isolation of certain habitats, which in turn generate a relatively large number of endemic and rare species of plants and animals.At the same time, the paleogeographic history of the site in conjunction with changes in the global climate and glacial periods resulted in the enrichment of flora and fauna. In addition, many species were widespread in Central and Northern Europe, remained in our country as a residual and considered quite rare today.

The Greek forests are among the richest in flora and fauna rare species in Europe.H form and composition depends on their geographical location.In the northern part of the country, one encounters the green forest of the Rhodope mountains and Pindos, and the famous Mount Olympus.The tree species that grow there firs , poplars - trees , dogwood , elm , cedar , wild walnut tree , hazel , trees , cherry trees , cypresses , etc.In the southern parts of coniferous trees dominated by different species of pine trees, mountain and oak in the lower parts.Even at 700 meters above sea bushy formations are developed covering 13.5 % of the total forest area of country.The species grown there consist of small trees, laurels as arbutus, willow trees and shrubs, such as ivy, thyme, oregano, holly, mullein. etc. as a series

of wild flowers such as orchids , saffron , cyclamen , irises , anemones , dragon flowers , daisies , chamomile , wild pansies , violets , poppies , etc.Also , there are riparian forests in Greece which is on par with those in other European countries and deserves to be protected as a forest of ash in the delta of Achelous , the forest of the river ( Kotza Orman ) and forest Delta Lokrou - Arachthou

Also one of the important elements that constitute the Greek landscape is natural and ecological fences develop rural areas , help to protect the crops from the natural environment and the land from erosion and flood prevention and is an important habitat for many plants and animals. These hedges are formed by more than 150 species of plants, shrubs and trees (Such as wild roses, willows, elms, trees, etc.)Over 1200 species of animals , birds and insects find shelter , food and shelter in these places , such as partridge , blackbird mouse, mole , butterfly , grasshopper , Wasp , etc.

It is understandable, therefore, that our country has enormous natural wealth and conquered the first place in Europe in this field. Unfortunately, the environment in Greece is facing multiple threats of degradation, even destruction.

Feature is that the Greek wetlands have been destroyed by three quarters, while the rate of reforestation is only 25 % and is the lowest in the MediterraneanAlmost 5% of the Greek coastline consists of ecologically sensitive wetlands, especially in areas experiencing rapid growth of tourism.The risk of disappearance of the natural environment of our country led to the designation of certain areas, habitats, plants and animals are protected. With national laws and presidential decrees, but also with international resolutions, conventions and directives, a sizable percentage of species and regions of the country are protected.Climate change and biological diversity, along with its rich flora and fauna associated with it, has necessitated the creation of national parks

Greek national parks (protected areas)

National parks usually consist of an area of absolute protection , the core, and a protective zone . According to Greek law, the kernel can not be less than 15,000,000 square meters, with the exception of marine national parks. The area should be greater than or at least equal to the size of the core.At the heart of the national park, only scientific research, mild recreational

activities, and collection of information related to the environment.In the wider area of the national park allowed outposts, aquaculture, construction of forest roads, hiking camping, in conjunction with infrastructure and controlled logging.Some of the activities that are prohibited in national parks cores are industry, creating settlements, houses, cottages and huts, grazing, logging, hunting, cutting, uprooting, collecting plants etc.In Greece the demarcation National Parks, ie areas of natural wealth protected by state regulations began to be consolidated from the 1950.The national parks in Greece, known for its lush vegetation and fauna and has enormous ecological value. Rare species of plants, animals, reptiles and birds nesting in these shelters and deserve every possible protection and attention.The first National Park established in the country in 1938 is Olympus.

So in our country are: 10 national forest parks, two water parks and 27 national parks

  National forest parks• Olympus National Park• National Park of Parnitha• Parnassos National Park• National Forest Enos Kefalonia• Sounio National Park• Iti National Park• White Mountains National Forest (Samaria) • Pindos National Park (Valia Calda) • National Park Prespa• Gorge Aoou

National marine parks (National Marine Parks are marine areas declared as protected areas) .In Greece have set up two sites as National Marine Parks

• National Marine Park of Allonisos, Northern Sporades, 1992  which includes land and sea areas of the high sea,  because they are the refuge of the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus)• National Marine Park of Zakynthos, 1999   for the protection of the sea turtle Caretta caretta

National Parks

There is an abundance of protected areas, particularly wetlands specifically designated after the 2004 National Parks.These, in order of approval are as follows :

• National Park Ropes Marathon 2000• Park wetlands and lake Koroneia Macedonian Tempi , 2004• Northern Pindos National Park , 2005• National Park Messolonghi ( lagoons ) , wetlands and estuaries Aitolikou Achelous and Evinou and islands Echinades , 2006• National Park of Dadia Lefkimmis and Soufliou, 2006• National Park Lake and Lake Kerkinis Pamvotidas , 2006• National Wetland Park Evro Delta , 2007• National Park wetlands Ambracian , 2008• National Park of East Macedonia - Thrace 2008 ( Nestos )• Tzoumerkon National Park and Canyon Arachthou , 2009• National Park Kotychi - Strofylia , 2009• National Park Axios , Loudias and Aliakmona , 2009• Rhodope Mountains ( virgin forest fence ), 2009 , and• National Park Chelmos Vouraikos 2009 .

According to the Greek Biotope - Wetland Goulandris today in Greece are :

• 10 National Forest Parks ( 687,320 hectares)• 14 National parks (713,480 hectares)

• 51 Preserved natural monuments ( 168,400 hectares )• 585 Wildlife Refuges• 7 Controlled hunting areas ( 1,070,860 hectares )• 21 game farms Treasure ( 36,030 acres)• 2 Protection of Nature (Psalidi Kos western Milos )• 1 - area house development in the area ( Lake Pamvotida )• 10 Wetlands of International Importance (Convention Ramsar)• 390 Areas of the NATURA 2000 network• 16 Districts biogenetic reserves ( 222,610 ha)• 2 Biosphere Reserve ( Parks and Samaria Olympus )• 2 World heritage sites (Metsovo and Athos )• 1 area ( Samaria , which has been awarded Eurodiploma)

Nowadays , designated 234 NATURA 2000 sites across the country , covering a total of 18% of the land area of Greece , which is about 2,360,000 hectares , excluding purely marine areas .• 19 Aesthetic forests ( 325,060 hectares )

Map of Greece with the positions of National Parks and National           Parks (including water parks

The national parks in Greece, famous for its rich vegetation and fauna and have tremendous ecological value. Rare species of plants, animals, reptiles and birds nesting in these havens and deserve every possible protection and attention.What follows are just a few of the most important national parks in Greece: 1. Parnassus, the sacred mountain of the Muses of ancient Greece mythology2. Mount Iti, where Hercules met terrible fate.3. Parnitha, with more than 1000 species of plants and 120 species of birds4. Mount Sounio (important passage for migratory birds) 5. Olympus, the living part of the ancient Greek gods, with over 1700 species of plants live, including 25 points in the world6. National Park Aoou - gorge with two of the biggest natural landscapes Greece7. The Vikos Gorge with rich flora consisting of rare species at risk of extinction threat8. The chasm Aoou, which is also rich in flora and fauna where one can find , among other species , the rare otter in the river9. The National Park Valia Calda - the most important park of our country , where more than 80 species of birds nest , while 30 of those listed in Annex I to 79/409 EEC direction .It is a place of considerable ornithological value presents 11 species of raptors and 68 species of woodpeckers.Also , is the living part of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) and wolf (Canis Lupus), while an ideal habitat for otters and amphibians are rich region (6 species) and reptiles (9 items)10. Another important park is park of Samaria in Crete with the unique canyon. The Cretan wild goat and one of the rarest raptors necrovorous in Greece, the Vulture.11. The National Park of Ainos Kefalonia the island is famous for its magnificent fir (Abies Kefalonia )The fauna of all these areas consist of a large number of mammals , such as badgers , foxes , squirrels , hares , bears , wolves , deer , badgers , wild boars , wild cats , a few jackals , deer and rare species of birds, especially raptors , such as vulture , vultures , golden eagle and the golden eagle , the snake eagle , the robin and owl .The vegetation is also awesome abundant and therefore, these parks are fairly characterized as a botanical paradise and living spaces of the ancient gods!Greece also has a great reputation for several surfaces of water. Setting the humidity and climate regulation is their function. The play important role in wintering birds and migration, breeding in northern Europe and the former

Soviet Union.In this way you will become an integral environmental supply chain that connects the northern areas to the south.In Greece 410 regional surfaces importance of water has been recorded, while 11 have been declared as “Water Surfaces international importance” RAMSAR- February 1971,like the Messolonghi lagoon - Aitolikou - Achelous mouth Ambracian Coast( breeding area of marine turtle Caretta - Caretta), the delta of the Euro (one of the most important bodies of water in the Mediterranean lagoons Thrace Porto - Lagos and Acetabulum , the Prespa National Park ( two lakes) , Nestos and Axios and earthscapes and bulbs.All these places are home to more than 300 species of birds such as Pelicans onocrotalus, the cormorant, the cinder Goose, the black stork, the Agathocalimana (unique species in Europe), the Aegioglarus etc. Also, a large number of amphibians, reptiles, mammals and insects nest to find food and shelter there.However, these areas are not seriously undermined by excessive cultivation of the land, drainage, pesticides, destruction of riparian forest, open channel, hunting, construction of new dams etc. regardless of high ecological, scientific and cultural costs.

ThreatsThe pollution of the natural environment and the degradation of forests and other natural ecosystems, although dating from the beginning of the industrial revolution, however, took place during the last 40 or so years.Industrial development of the country follows inevitably to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the concentration of industry size urban centers, local climate, etc., destruction of the environment. In industrialized Western countries (Germany, France, England), and in countries of the former Eastern bloc necrosis observed from plants, pollution of surface and groundwater, a dramatic reduction of species and populations of fauna and flora.From this general rule could not be differentiated our country. The rapid and unregulated development of the two major urban centers (Athens, Thessaloniki) created, among other things, a serious pollution problem. Athens until 1960 had 1,000,000 residents and several factories, without '' cloud ‘‘, except perhaps in Eleusis and Piraeus, where heavy industry is concentrated.In 15 years (1975) the population tripled (3,000,000 inhabitants), cars proliferated and gathered to bowl three quarters of industrial and economic activity. This led Attica previously had one of the best climates in the world, become the most polluted region of our country, as demonstrated by

systematic studies on the effect of emissions from these activities in natural ecosystems of Attica.Thus, one of the big threats is air pollution.Series are human interventions (uncontrolled logging, dams, creating settlements, etc.At the same time , other activities , such as recreation in the national forest and natural phenomena (sometimes artificial of course) such as fires , creating a threat to the forests of our country , especially during the summer months , when tourism increases and high temperatures create flammable forests .Another serious threat is the human interventionAll these positions seriously undermined by excessive cultivation land , drainage , pesticides , destroying riparian forest , open channel , hunting , construction of new dams etc. regardless of high ecological, scientific and cultural costs .

Conclusions on environmental protection

It is reasonable that every part of the planet Earth is a paradise!It is vital to keep on improving our own quality of life and as a legacy for future generations.It is our duty to protect our environment, our forests and our shores. There will be no life on our planet, without the awakening of environmental awareness and environmental responsibility are values that must be guided in future citizens who will influence legislation and environmental policy

through voting, pressure or involvement to make our world their best!Let's not waste time!Let's all try, citizens and state together in every part of the earth to save the environment, or at least save what is left of it, before it is too late for all of us!

By Ann Magkiosi

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