Naskah Power Point Interaktif

Post on 29-Jan-2016






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Naskah Power Point Interaktif


NASKAH POWER POINT TIPNama : Ristiana NugrahaniNIM : 0402514041Mata Kuliah : Teknologi Informasi IPAProdi : Pendidikan IPA (Biologi) PPS UNNES Semarang


Membuat Background : klik kanan pada slide (dibagian luar textbook) Format Background Fill pictures or

textures file pilih background. Insert shape pilih rectangle (persegi panjang) gambar pada slide edit shape

convert to freeform edit point buat melengkung ke dalam.

Membuat gambar pada shape klik kanan pada shape (dibagian luar textbook) Format Shape Fill pictures or texture

file pilih background.

Membuat Tulisan ENZIM Klik Insert shape cloud callout atur size klik kanan copy sebanyak 5 kali

masing-masing shape lik kanan add teks klik format shape fil klik shape online custom animation entrance fade swivel

LOGO UNNES Insert Picture custom animation motion pads Arc Down start after pervious Klik picture UNNES custom animation emphasis flash bulb start after previous Insert text boxt ketik “by: Ristiana.....” shape fill yellow entrance fade swivel.

Slide 2

Membuat Background transparan

Klik design Background style format background fill picture from file pilih sesuai selera transparency 58%.

Membuat tombol menu Insert shape rectangel format shape effect preset 12 copy sebanyak tombol yang

diperlukan klik kanan add text lakukan untuk 5 tombol berikutnya select all tombol custom animation emphasis spin effect option sound chime.

Insert picture custom animatin entrance bounce start after pervius effect option sound chime.

Membuat hyperlink Klik kanan tombol DEFINISI & STRUKTUR hyperlink Place in the Document

slide 3 Klik kanan tombol MEKANISME KERJA ENZIM hyperlink Place in the Document

slide 20 Klik kanan tombol FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI hyperlink Place in the

Document slide 12 Klik kanan tombol TATA NAMA & KLASIFIKASI hyperlink Place in the Document

slide 24 Klik kanan tombol QUIZ hyperlink Place in the Document slide 26 Klik kanan tombol REFERENSI hyperlink Place in the Document slide 33 Semua tombol di select custom animation emphasis spin

Membuat animasi Cara Kerja Enzim Insert shape 2 pie klik kanan groupshape fill yellow custom animation entrance

fly in strart after pervious. Insert text box ketik ENZIM custom animation entrance appaer after

previous. Insert shape isosceles insert right rectangel klik kanan groupshape fill green/ blue

custom animation entrance fly in start after previous. Insert tekst box ketik SUBSTRAT select custom animation entrance fly in

start with previous.

Select custom animation motion paths custom paths start after previous. Select teks ENZIM custom animation exit dissapearstart after previous. Select teks SUBSTRAT custom animation exit dissapearstart with previous. Insert text box KOMPLEKS ENZIMcustom animation entranceAppearstart

after previous.

Select custom animation exit dissapear start after previous.

Copy paste klik kanan ungroup slect keduanya custom animation entrance appear start after previous.

Select custom animation motion paths custom paths start after previous. Select text KOMPLEKS custom animation exit disappearstart after previous. Select text ENZIM custom animation entrance appear start after previous. Select text PRODUK custom animation entrance appear start after previous.

Select custom animation emphasis flash bulb start after previous effect optionsound: aplause

Select custom animation emphasis flash bulb start after previous effect optionsound: aplause

Membuat tombol exit Klik kanan tombol exit hyperlink place in this document last slide

Membuat Suara Klik shape cloud calluot custom animation effect option sound pilih suara yang


Menampilkan Viedo Klik kanan tombol video hyperlink place in this document slide 34.

Slide 3

Download picture dengan file type gift seperti di lingkaran merah copy paste di slide. Insert shape cluod callout fill shape pilih warna add text custom animation

wipe start after previous. Insert shape Snip diagonal corner rectangel fill shape pilih warna add text

custom animationemphasis flash bulb start on click.

Membuat Tombol Home

Download gambar dari internet Select klik kanan hyperlink place in this document slide 2 copy paste pada semua slide.

Membuat tombol Exit

Download gambar dari internet Select klik insert action hiperlink to slide 35 copy paste pada semua slide.

Slide 4

Klik kanan klik format background klik picture or texture fill klik file pilih gambar klik insert.

Insert shapes rectangel fill shape pilih warna ketik ANABOLISMEcustom animation emphasis teeter start with previous.

Insert shapes rectangel fill shape pilih warna ketik “Anabolimse adalah..” custom animation entrance boomerang start after previous.

Slide 5

Klik kanan klik format background klik picture or texture fill klik file pilih gambar klik insert.

Insert shapes rectangel fill shape pilih warnashape effect preset 4 ketik KATABOLISMEcustom animation emphasis teeter start with previous.

Insert shapes rectangel fill shape pilih warna ketik “Anabolimse adalah..” custom animation entrance curve up start after previous.

Slide 6

Membuat backgroundLangkah-langkahnya seperti pada slide sebelumnya.Text dalam Shape Insert shapes cloud callout fill shape pilih warnashape outline pilih warna

ketik “ Setelah...” custom animation entrance fade start after previous. Insert shapes cloud callout fill shape pilih warnashape outline pilih warna

ketik “ Setelah...” custom animation entrance fade start after previous. Insert shapes stripe right arrow fill shape pilih warnashape outline pilih warna

ketik “ ENZIM.” custom animation entrance Crawl in start after previous.

Slide 7

Membuat Bagan Struktur Enzim Insert Smart Art Pilih Hierarcy Add text.

Membuat Hyperlink pada Bagan Klik Non Protein (Gugus prostetik) klik kanan hyperlink place in this document

slide 9. Langkah selanjutnya menyesuaikan dengan shape pada bagan dan letak slide.

Slide 8-13 Langkah-langkah dalam pembuatan slide 8-13 kurang lebih sama dengan pembuatan slide-slide sebelumnya.

Slide 14

Insert shape horizontal scroll shape fill pilih warna shape outline pilih warna add text custom animation emphasis Flicker horizontal score start with previous.

Insert shape pentagon shpae fill pilih warna shape utline pilih warna add text custom animation entrance grow and turn start after previous. Lakukan pada shape yang lain.

Membuat Hyperlink Klik kanan shape SUHU hyperlink place in this document slide 15. Klik kanan shape pH hyperlink place in this document slide 16. Klik kanan shape INHIBITOR hyperlink place in this document slide 17. Klik kanan shape KONSENTRASI SUBSTRAT hyperlink place in this document

slide 19.

Slide 15-25

Proses > kurang lebih sama seperti pada slide12

Slide 26

Insert shape Snap and round single corner rectangel fill shape shape effect soft edge copy sebanyak 5 kali.

Hyperlink Klik kanan Shape no 2 hyperlink place in this document slide 27. Klik kanan Shape no 3 hyperlink place in this document slide 28. Klik kanan Shape no 4 hyperlink place in this document slide 29. Klik kanan Shape no 5 hyperlink place in this document slide 30.

Shape Soal Insert shape Round rectangel fill shape shape effect soft edge Add text.

Hyperlink Klik kanan jawaban A hyperlink place in this document slide 32. Klik kanan jawaban B hyperlink place in this document slide 31. Klik kanan jawaban C hyperlink place in this document slide 32. Klik kanan jawaban D hyperlink place in this document slide 32. Klik kanan jawaban E hyperlink place in this document slide 32.

Slide 27-30

Proses kurang lebih sama dengan slide 26

Slide 31

Inset Text box “Great..!!....” select text animation sound: Aplause Inset picture dengan tipe file gif select picture animation sound: Aplause

Slide 32

Inset Text box “Sorry...” select text animation sound: Explosion. Inset picture dengan tipe file gif select picture animation sound: Explosion.

Slide 33

Insert shape horizontal scroll fill shape pilih warna outline shape pilih warna custom animation emphasislighten start with previuos.

Insert shape round rectangel fill shape pilih warna outline shape pilih warna custom animation entrancecircle start after previuos.

Slide 34

Insert Video kedalam Slide Padatempalte seperti gambar diatas klik Insert Media Clip.

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