Narre Warren South P-12 College Newsletter 25/05/09

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Narre Warren South P-12 College Newsletter 25/05/09


1 School Uniforms Narre Warren South

Published by Narre Warren South P-12 College No. 5 /09 Monday 25th May 2009 Narre Warren South P-12 College Amberly Park Drive Narre Warren South Vic 3805 Telephone: 9704 3333 Facsimile: 9704 3399 Email: Website: Principal: Mr. Rob Casamento Assistant Principals: Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Prep - Year 4 Ms. Kerri Bolch, Year 5 - Year 8 Mr. Ken Robinson, Year 9 & 10 Mr. Rob Duncan, Year 11 & 12 SCHEDULED MEETINGS School Council 27th May 6:45pm Policy & Planning 5th August 5:30 to 6:30 Facilities 12th August 6:30 to 7:30 Fundraising 16th June 9:00am Finance 15th July 6:00pm

CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2009 May 28th Presentation Ball June 1st-5th Yr 11 Exams 8th Queens Birthday, Public Holiday 9th-11th VCAA Exams and GAT 11th Athletics Carnival 12th DEECD Pupil Free Day 15th VCE Units 2 & 4 Commence 19th Seeing Eye Dog Fundraiser 24th EY Preps in Residency information night 26th Yr11 Subject changes, VCE Units 1 & 3 Results due Last Day of term2. July 13th First Day of Term 3 13th-24th Prep Swimming Program 27th-7th Gr 1 & 2 Swimming Program 2009 TERM DATES TERM 2: 20/04/09 - 26/06/09 TERM 3: 13/07/09 - 18/09/09 TERM 4: 05/10/09 - 18/12/09

Rob Casamento

Principal Tyler Cope and Jessica Francois with Victorian Premier.

REMINDER!!! 28th May, Presentation Ball 8th June, Queens Birthday, Public Holiday 12th June, DEECD Pupil Free Day

Principal Report

At the moment the members of the Principal Team are actively involved in classroom visits to give feedback to teachers. This is a great opportunity to see what is happening in our school, the fabulous lessons and the won-derful work our students are doing. Some of the terrific classes I have seen recently include:

A Year 8 Physical Education class where the students had the job of teaching and coaching Year 4 students in the sport of hockey. The older students formed a team of four and then taught a group of younger stu-dents the skills of hockey. Under the guidance of their teacher the Year 8 students did an admirable job of coaching the Year 4 students.

A Year 8 Health class where the topic was nutrition. The teacher and class used the electronic white board to explore healthy food and not so health food. I was so impressed with the complexity their questions, it clearly demonstrated the high level of interest and knowledge they have about what makes some foods health, and others unhealthy.

A Year 11 VCE Outdoor Education class that was studying their recent trip to Erskine falls which is near Lorne. They discussed low impact camping, tourist management of the site and public safety issues. Having been to the actual falls made the lesson so real for the students. Their class contri-butions displayed insight into the issues of managing such public places.

A Year 8 English class where the class was examining the common themes between Lord of the Flies and Tomorrow When the War Began. The class discussion led by one of the students, explored the common themes of Violence, Leadership and Young People Without the Guidance of Adults. The contributions were really impressive. Students used exam-ples to support their point of view and listen to each other in a most re-spectful way.

As the Principal of the College I was very impressed by the quality of the work of the students and the teachers. I am proud to be part of this College and excited by what our kids are doing.

I was also proud to attend the VCAL State Awards last Thursday where 11 current and former NWS P-12 VCAL students were awarded the VCAA 2008 VCAL Intermediate Team Achievement Award.

Our Assistant Principal Mr Rob Duncan was awarded the VCAA Chair Award for his outstanding long term contribu-tion to VCAL. Congratulations to our strong VCAL Team helping our stu-dents to do their best.

2 School Uniforms Narre Warren South


On Friday 8th May we had a Celebratory Mother's Day breakfast for all our mums, sisters, nans and special friends. We had a wonderful turnout this year and those that attended had a lovely time. Thank you to Barb Corkeron for organising the event and to our wonderful teachers for making everyone welcome. Please see pictures on the next page.

Our Grade 3 Naplan tests were held last week. I would like to congratulate all students for doing their very best. Congratulations also to the Grade 3 teachers, Kate Sorensen, Sue McMahon, Cheryl Gates and Rachna Gupta who supported their students during this very busy week.

This year our Grade 4 Camp will be held at The Briars in Mt Martha. Forms were sent home last week. Par-ents and Guardians are requested to send back the attached reply slip with their deposit no later than Friday 19th June, Please note that places are limited.

I would like to thank all parents and students who are arriving on time for class every morning. This really helps your child if they are on time as it helps them set-tle into their day well. Thank you also for phoning in when you child is unwell and unable to attend school and for sending in a letter of explanation when you child returns. We really appreciate your support.

Prep Information Night

Our first Prep Information night for preps in 2010 will be held on Wednesday the 24th June, starting at 6pm. Please keep the date free. If you are able to attend please call Vicki Warner on 9704 3325.

Enrolments 2010

We are now taking enrolments for Prep grades for next year. Call Karin our enrolment officer on 9704 3333 and she will help you with your enquiry. Registering now will help us to keep you informed of any important dates that are coming up.

School Tour

The next school tour for prospective 2010 prep students will be on Wednesday 3rd June at 9:00am . Please call Vicki Warner on 9707 3325 to book a place on this tour.

Jenni Johnson

Early Years Assistant Principal

Part 3

40. Try finger painting using flour, water, salt and colouring

41. Open and close safety pins.

42. Pass a bead bag from hand to hand or from person to person as quickly as possible.

43. Hit a balloon and keep it in the air.

44. Throw or flick bean bags or balls at a target.

45. Blow bubbles then burst them with fingers.

46. Bowl at a target.

47. Hit a suspended ball with the hand, with a bat, with a stick.

48. Try out musical instruments – xylophone, piano, guitar, recorder

49. Count beads on an abacus.

50. Wash and peel vegetables

51. Use different fasteners – zips,

buttons, press-studs, hooks, laces, Velcro.

52. Put on and take off socks and gloves.

53. Play with nerf balls.

Barbara Corkeron

Early Years Literacy Co-ordinator

Our Preps have been busy in the art room. They have been surrounding their artwork around the story “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. They have made a beautiful collage that came home last week. Prep C’s caterpillars are on display. En-courage your child to retell the story to you at home. We will also be making the butterfly from the story and discussing how primary colours make secondary colours.

Our grade one students have started constructing their 3D art work, Dinosaur Diorama's. Each week we make some-thing new to go inside. Next week the grade one students will be making their dinosaurs out of modelling clay to go inside. These will go on display in the classrooms.

Students from grade two have been making 3D rooms. Con-structed from a shoebox, the grade two students have made feature walls, carpet, mirrors, pictures and windows with curtains. In the next few weeks they will be making their fur-niture from modelling clay.

Assistant Principal Report

Grade 3 Naplan

Grade 4 Camp


PREPS 2010

101 Ideas to improve your child's Fine Motor Skills

What’s Happening in the Art Room?

3 School Uniforms Narre Warren South


The final part of the room project will be to design an outfit for their little wooden person. At the end of the term these will go on display outside the art room.

Grade three students have been very busy making robots. Look out in the next newsletter for photo’s. Thankyou to all the families that collected boxes for the art room.

Grade four students have been experimenting with painting techniques and colour mixing. Most of the grade four art-work is inside their portfolio’s. At the end of the year these will be sent home full of fantastic artwork

Katie Forbes

Early Years Visual Arts Teacher

Early Years Mothers Day Breakfast

4 School Uniforms Narre Warren South


The NAPLAN was run last week, a huge task logistically, with many thanks to all who assisted with its organisation, and the preparation of our students.

As you will be aware, the Bullying Survey was conducted recently, and the next step in the process is to speak to those children who have been named by three or more students. This discussion will be conducted by the Home-stead Leaders and Assistant Homestead Leaders and students will be offered assistance to adjust their actions. In the event students were not aware their behaviour is seen as bullying they will be helped to understand what bullying is, and how to avoid further incidents. There will be a second survey late this year. It was pleasing to note the low numbers of reported bullying, particularly in Grade 5 & 6.

The Year 6 City Camp $100 deposit is due before Tues-day 2nd June. This proved to be a wonderful camp last year and we are looking forward to this year’s trip being just as successful.

Mrs Bray and Mrs Marinopolous have both begun their Family Leave and we are pleased to welcome back Mr Craig Harrison to 5C. Ms Naidu is the proud mother of a son, born on 29th April.

We are working hard on the improvement of our environ-ment, including the acquisition of some Silky hens and a rooster, which we are hoping to show, and a worm farm, which we are keeping a long way away from the chooks...and several keen fishermen!

Cameron from 4D has enjoyed putting the hens into their new enclosure.

Last Wednesday night we had significant damage to our school goal posts. Our children and staff were very dis-appointed to find them damaged this morning. If a mem-ber of our community notices any vehicle or persons behaving in a destructive manner, please take down the registration number and notify us of the details. The police are investigating this act of vandalism.

We are approaching the last part of the semester and final assessments will be coming up all too quickly. All students should be making sure that homework is sub-mitted, work is completed to the highest possible stan-dard and that they enjoy working with their peers and teachers in Middle Years.

Ms Kerri Bolch

Assistant Principal

Year 7 media are doing clay animation where they are making a minute animation using clay characters and voice over. The students will be using a program called Stop Motion Pro where they will add all their still camera shots to make the story come to life.

Congratulations to Grade 5—8 for having excellent attendance throughout the start of this term. In particular 5B—Mr Kromlidis who had only six unex-plained absences from 4th May to 8th May. The class will receive a certificate and reward. This month the class with the best attendance will receive a McDonald voucher. Remember, ‘It is not ok to be away’ Thank you to our fantastic sponsors who support the ‘It’s not ok to be Away’ Program :—McDonalds Corporation, Uncle Sam’s Charcoal Chicken, Food Works Supermar-ket, Coles Supermarket—Casey Central, Hungry Jacks—Westfield and the Pancake Parlour Fountain Gate!

Assistant Principal Report

Bullying Survey

Year 6 City Camp

New additions


Damage to our school

Year 7 Media—Clay Animation—Miss Hicks

It’s not OK to be Away

Student Absences

5 School Uniforms Narre Warren South


As we move rapidly closer towards the serious end of se-mester 2 students across years 9 and 10 are working hard to achieve successful outcomes in all their courses of study. Students should also be preparing for end of semes-ter exams in English and Maths that will take place in early June.

In addition to this it has also been very busy with a range of events for parents and students which have taken place in the last two weeks.

Careers Expo

This event was held on Wednesday the 13th May with well over 160 people attending the night. Information was pro-vided to the parents and students in group workshops of-fered by:

Three Universities-Deakin/Monash/Swinburne University of Technology.

• Chisholm & Homesglen TAFE

• Group Traning Companies-Melbourne Eastern Group Training (MEGT) Traineeship Advisory Services Austra-lia (TASA)

• South East Local Learning and Employment Network-SELLEN

• VCE/VCAL/VET/Mentoring Program-Rob Duncan

The details from these workshops were highly relevant, in-formative and certainly thought provoking. In the discus-sions I had with some parents at the end of the evening they indicated some sense of being overwhelmed with op-tions for their children. They were however thankful that they were better prepared to assist their children in making relevant and appropriate learning pathways choices.

Many thanks to the staff present on the night who provided assistance to parents and students. I would also like to es-pecially thank Ms Brehaut and Ms Godkin for their efforts in organising the night .


As you should be aware students in years 9 – 10 will be undertaking exams between Tuesday 2nd June and Wednesday 3rd June. Below is a table indicating the exam schedule for students.

Ken Robinson

Later Years Principal

Dance and Design Exhibition

An invitation is extended to parents to attend The Dance & Design Exhibition night, a student run event which will be held on the 27th May. The event will com-mence at 6.00pm. Details are as follows:

• 6:00pm - The 'Get Funky' STC project dance per-formance in the gym

7:00pm - Official opening of the Art, Technology & De-sign exhibition, showcasing the work of predominantly year 9 & 10 students from 2D Art, Visual Communica-tion & Design, Digital Technology and Woodwork. There will hopefully (if enough space) be some sculptural work from years 5, 7 & 8. Light refreshments (tea, coffee, cordial& scones) will be organised/served by students from the Catering Company STC project.

Location - B1, B2 & B Block corridor.

8:00pm - door prize drawn, $30 Fountain Gate voucher. Student prize winners announced.

We hope you take the time to attend this event to ob-serve the outstanding work undertaken by students at the College.

Phil Perryman

On Tuesday 28/4/09 a Keys Please session from Vic Roads was presented to a gathering of Year 10 stu-dents and their parents in the school’s auditorium.

‘Keys Please’ is the first step into the driver’s seat. It’s an informative and interactive forum for students and their parents which introduces them to the different skills they will need when learning to drive, including some valuable tips to help them get that all-important licence.

The students who attended, and their parents walked away with a few important insights and hints about how to approach driving lessons and a few participants walked away with some prizes as well.��

Next Wednesday 27/5/09 will see a group of 20 year 10 students visit the Jayco factory in Dandenong for a fo-rum about the ‘Australian School based Apprentice-ships’ on offer at Jayco in association with SELLEN next year. This is a marvellous opportunity for our stu-dents to broaden their knowledge and understanding of what is available to them educationally outside the tradi-tional school setting. �

Years 9 & 10 News

Year 10(English periods 1 & 2, Maths perods 3 & 4, NB: Students will be dismissed from school

after the maths exam has been completed.


2nd June

Yr 9 (maths periods 1 & 2, English periods 3 & 4) NB: Students will be dismissed from school

after the English exam has been completed.


3rd June

Astrids Staff

Keys Please

Jayco Excursion

6 School Uniforms Narre Warren South


Students and parents should make a habit of checking with Careers on a regular basis to see what other excursions, information sessions and activities are being offered. The list of events is updated frequently.

‘Your Future, Your Choice’ is a Year 10 event, aimed at pro-viding students with an opportunity to start considering sub-ject selection, university courses and careers. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from Deakin staff and gradu-ates to find out about prerequisite subjects, course and ca-reer options. They will also learn about the opportunity and advantages of choosing tertiary education and will speak with current Deakin students about life at university.

‘Your Future, Your Choice’ will be held at the Melbourne Campus at Burwood and the Geelong Waterfront Campus on Thursday 11 June 2009, from ������������ ��


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Housing in Indonesia

The year 9 Cultural studies aims to foster an appreciation of the cultural diversity of Indonesia through a study of tradi-tional architecture, to motivate and engage students to ex-plore the relationship between people and nature by study-ing the materials used in traditional housing and to challenge students to experience hands on construction.

The language focus including vocabulary related to building materials, appropriate verbs, passive structures and adjec-tives to describe materials.

Students research Indonesian traditional architecture and make an oral presentation on PPP on one house style they have built.

Term 2, so far, has been a busy one for our VCAL students. There have been a number of activities and excursions with more to come.

During the last week of Term 1 Year 11 VCAL students took part in their last Survivor Challenge on Monday March 30th. We caught the train to and from the City and each Team had a number of City sights they had to visit and information to find in a given amount of time. Some teams had interesting experiences, such as taking trams in the wrong direction! However, an enjoyable day was had by all. Congratulations go to Susana Silva, Diana Calderon, Sharni Keith and Jarrod Hardy who were the winners of the day’s event. Once again many thanks to Ms. Lackman for organising this excursion.

The following day VCAL students assisted the Phys. Ed. staff throughout the day with the organisation and running of the Cross Country. Thanks to those students for their efforts.

Year 12A and some 12B students took part in the annual La-ser Skirmish Day on Monday 18th May with the remaining students to attend next Monday 25th May. A great time was had by students, Mr. Tiffen and Ms. Evans.

Year 11A and 11B are completing the Kokoda Walk in the Ferntree Gully National Park today and 11C and 11E next Tuesday. The walk will be followed by a sausage sizzle. This is an important part of our current Anzac Unit.

Year 11 students are also working on their Projects for Per-sonal Development which will culminate in a Benefit Concert on the 24th June, 7pm to 9pm in the Gym. Money raised will be donated to the Narre Warren CFA.

Just a reminder that it is expected that all students be in full uniform and if for some reason they are not that they bring a note signed by a parent/guardian stating why they are not in full uniform. They will then be issued with a pass for that day.

Also it is most important that if your child is absent from school that you either provide a signed note stating why your child was absent, provide a doctor’s certificate or phone C Block Reception and leave a message with Monique. This would be most appreciated by staff.

If you have any queries or concern please do not hesitate to contact the VCAL staff or myself on 9704 3333.

Sue Stoneman

VCAL Program Manager

VCE Exams

Just a reminder that Year 11 Exams will run from June 1 to June 5. Students are expected at school only when they have scheduled exams. A timetable will be given to students later this week. Year 12 exams for some subjects will run from June 9-11. Students are already aware if they have to sit a mid-year VCAA exam. Students required to sit the GAT have been notified by letter. A reminder that no scheduled Year 12 classes will run over these three days.

Year 9 LOTE Cultural Study

Deakin ‘Your Future, Your Choice’

VCAL—Term 2

Year 11 & 12 News

7 School Uniforms Narre Warren South


VCAL State Award

Last Thursday, 11 current and former VCAL students were awarded the 2008 VCAL Intermediate Team Achievement Award from the VCAA. This is state wide recognition for their excellence in developing and implementing the “Brodie-Lee Douglas Memorial Catwalk”. The students involved were: Stefan Blanco, Craig Earl, Michelle Byrne, Jess Connor, Shenae Glynn, Alysha Griffin, Filiz Lang, Mi-chelle Carver, Abi Walker, Angie Grenade and Tahlia Sei-sun. Well done on a great effort. Narre Warren South P-12 College has now won 6 State Awards in the past three years for its VCAL Program.

Presentation Ball

Thursday May 28 is the big night! Participants have been practising hard and it is sure to be a great night. Thanks to the staff who have worked so hard to bring the night to-gether, especially Ms Hawken and Ms Maddock.

Rob Duncan

Assistant Principal

On Thursday May 14, 10 VCE Geography students headed to Wilson Botanic Park in Berwick for their compul-sory fieldtrip. Students listened intently to the curator fill them in on the history of this local resource and the geo-graphic characteristics that make up the large site. The guided tour of the park was particularly informative and the students continually sought more detail through their pos-ing of relevant questions. It was refreshing and heartening as a teacher to hear students’ responses to details of wilful damage that occurs in the park. Our students were fantas-tic representatives of our College community and I was very proud of their attitude and conduct on the day. Karen Sykes Year 12 Geography teacher

VCE Students on Units 3 Geography Fieldtrip to Wilson Botanic Park.

The Year 10 students were all presented with a copy of the 2009 JobGuide – a valuable resource to help with career exploration. Students now have the task of de-ciding which career pathway they would like to pursue, and can contact Careers if they require further informa-tion.

It was a successful evening, and I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of the staff who helped out. A big thank you also goes to our senior students who were Group Leaders on the night: Hannah Stenton, Courtney Hedges, Matt Brown, Jessica Francois, Piraki Daniel and Eamal Noor.

Year 10 Work Experience

Just a reminder that work experience placement details need to be provided to the Careers Department by the due date of 29th May, 2009.

Careers News / Update on our Homepage

It is never too early to start thinking about career op-tions, learning about different vocations, and exploring the huge range of courses available at TAFEs and uni-versities. Students from Years 9 & 10 will also start receiving the Career News newsletter as from this term. The newsletter will be sent to students via their school email addresses approximately every fortnight.

There is now a Careers section on the right-hand side of the school’s homepage - where you will find links to universities, TAFEs, inde-pendent colleges and other useful websites such as VTAC, UMAT, Australian Apprenticeships, Year 12 What Next?, Centrelink. Editions of Career News will also be posted there.

Ruth Brehaut

Careers/MIPs Program Manager

VCE Unit 3 Geography Fieldtrip


8 School Uniforms Narre Warren South


A team of staff are working hard at the College to improve the physical environment of the school. One of our objec-tives is to resource plants and trees for the College grounds without incurring a cost to the school. On May 27-30, the City of Casey are giving away two plants to each residence. We are hoping that many of the parents in our community would be willing to donate their free plants to the school for planting. All you need to do is present a proof of residence upon collection of your plants. Collection points and times are as follows:

• Centro Cranbourne in the Food Court

• Westfield Fountain Gate outside Priceline

• Times : Wednesday 27-Friday 29 May : 9am-5pm Saturday May 30 : 9am-12pm

If you are happy to donate your plants to the College, please send them with your child to the General Office. The College will them arrange the planting of these to beautify our school and ultimately provide more shade.

We are still looking for donations of timber, corporate um-brellas and shading for the construction of tables and chairs to provide shade and seating for our students.

If you can help with any of these items, or you have any quer ies , p lease contact Karen Sykes at or at the College on 9704 3333.

Karen Sykes (on behalf of the Physical Environment Focus Group)

Mission statement 2009. “Students are equal players in decisions which affect our learning community”. Over the last two months the leadership group have been collecting input from students and staff to structure a new Student Voice Program. Student feedback from Prep to Year 12 has shown they would like to be involved in leading focus groups, organising fundraising and lunchtime activities and having a regular presence on College decision making bodies. Term 3 will see the building of the Student Leader-ship Team for 2010 as we work together to build upon stu-dent leadership within our community.

We are now accepting enrolments for 2010. If you would like any information in regards to enrolments please con-tact Karin on 9704 3301 or come into A Block reception.

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NWSP-12 College is inviting around 10-15 interested mothers to come and join us on THURSDAY mornings chatting over a cup of tea or coffee and supporting other mothers with their English skills.

Breakfast will be provided. All you need to do is to turn up andJ. The classes will run Thursday mornings for an hour starting from 28th May in rooms G24 and G25

It is a great opportunity for the parents of our school community to meet and catch up in an informal atmos-phere. The Early Bird Mothers’English Conversation Classes are aimed at providing opportunities for parents of different language backgrounds to improve their use of everyday English as well as for native English speak-ers to meet and share common experiences with other parents in the school community.

Interested parents need to contact Mr Y. Duyal (English as an Additional Language Coordinator) on 97043333 and leave their name please.

Early Years (P-4) 9704 3325

Middle Years (5-8) 9704 3330

Later Years (9-12) 9704 3341

City of Casey Plant Giveaway

Student Voice

2010 Enrolments

The Early Bird Mothers’ English Conversation Classes

Sub– School Contact Phone Information

9 School Uniforms Narre Warren South


The titles short-listed to win the Children’s Book Council of Australia were announced last month. From the titles short-listed for Older Readers, I would highly recommend to stu-dents in Year 7 and above;

Finnikin of the Rock Author: Melina Marchetta

Finnikin of the Rock and his guardian, Sir Topher, have not been home to their beloved Lumatere for ten years. Not since the dark days when the royal family was murdered and the kingdom put under a terrible curse. But then Finni-kin is summoned to meet Evanjalin, a young woman with an incredible claim: the heir to the throne of Lumatere, Prince Balthazar, is alive.

Evanjalin is determined to return home and she is the only one who can lead them to the heir. As they journey to-gether, Finnikin is affected by her arrogance . . . and her hope. He begins to believe he will see his childhood friend, Prince Balthazar, again. And that their cursed people will be able to enter Lumatere and be reunited with those trapped inside. He even believes he will find his impris-oned father.

But Evanjalin is not what she seems. And the truth will test not only Finnikin's faith in her . . . but in himself.

You can read about the other short-listed titles on the web-site

Premier’s Reading Challenge 2009

It is very pleasing to be able to announce that we now have 366 students registered to take the challenge and 49 of those students have already completed the challenge. A celebration morning tea will be held later this week to ac-knowledge the efforts of these students and the teachers who have been supporting and encouraging them. We are looking forward to being able to have another celebration – later in the term – with the students who will have com-pleted the challenge by then.

Thank you also to the parents who have been encouraging their sons and daughters at home. Please remind them that if they are not registered – IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO DO SO!

Mrs. te Lindert

Head Librarian

Samuel Tan who was a student at this college in 2008, receives his scholarship from Monash Univer-sity on May 11th 2009. It was a proud moment for Samuel and Narre Warren South P – 12 College. This will assist Sam to gain his degree. He is planning to do an honours degree, and will consider going even further. He invited Mr Penny and Mrs Brehaut to at-tend the ceremony with him. He is enjoying the uni-versity experience, and is achieving at a high level.

When: Wednesday 27th May

Where: Narre Warren South P-12 College

Time: Dance - 6:00pm sharp

Exhibition-7:00 - 8:30pm (official opening around7:30)

Student’s artwork, graphic art, digital media & wood-work will be set up in B1, B2 and the surrounding cor-ridor. Dance Performance will be in the Gym.

Come and take a look, some artworks are up for sale, with 20% of profits going to the art department. There will also be a door prize drawn at 8.00pm.

Hailey Murphy & Alex Lazare, Year 9

Library Learning Centre News Samuel Tan Receives Scholarship

The Night of Dance & Design Exhibition

Congratulations to Heather Perrott on her wonderful achieve-ment of 30 years Vol-

Congratulations Heather

10 School Uniforms Narre Warren South


On Tuesday 5th May the School Captains were invited to join local M. P. Judith Graley for lunch at Parliament House. Two of the current School Captains, Tyler Cope and Jessica Francois, represented the School at the lunch.

We travelled into the city and had the honour of meeting our M.P along with other school captains from schools in our local area including Lyndhurst, Eumemmerring and Fountain Gate Secondary schools.

Firstly we were given the grand tour of Parliament House in Melbourne. We were shown the parliament rooms in which bills are introduced and debated, the parliament library and also parliament’s grounds which include a tennis court.

Then it was time for lunch, we were taken into the par-liament’s restaurant where all the parliament members eat, however not being members we had to eat in a place called the strangers corridor. The stranger’s corri-dor is the lengthy corridor leading up to the members’ only area where parliament members can bring their families and friends. Here we ran into the current pre-mier John Brumby and had the privilege to ask him a few questions also. M.P. Judith Graley spoke to us about doing our best and to remember that anything is possible if you try!

We then ordered our meals, from a selection of dishes prepared by specialist chiefs, the food was amazing and they were huge also! From there we had the opportunity to sit in question time at parliament, which was very amusing. The experience was very interesting and it was a great day out to be able to bond with the leader-ship in our local area. We felt very privileged to be given this amazing opportunity.

By Tyler Cope and Jessica Francois.

Whooping Cough

The school has been notified of incidences of whooping cough in Early Years and Later Years.

Please be vigilant in monitoring any cold/flu symptoms that your child may have. If you have any concerns please seek medical advice.

Symptoms Whooping cough begins with symptoms similar to those of a cold. These can rapidly progress to include:

• Severe cough, which occurs in bouts of coughing

• Characteristic ‘whooping’ sound on inhalation

• Vomiting at the end of a bout of coughing

Apnoea – the child stops breathing for periods of time and may go blue

These symptoms may be associated with poor appetite, fatigue and dehydration. The person may appear normal between bouts of coughing. During the convalescent phase, the cough gradually decreases but can take weeks to disappear.

More information can be seen on the following web site and click on the fact sheets A-Z.

With the onset of the cooler weather many people find that their asthma seems to flare up. If you or a family member has asthma at this time the following tips may help:

• Visit your doctor for review of your asthma

• Ensure that your written Asthma Action Plan is cur-rent

• Carry your reliever medication at all times

• Try to avoid viral infections

• Continue to comply with the Asthma Action Plan de-vised by your doctor

• Continue to follow a healthy lifestyle – exercise and watch your diet

Autumn and winter fires can be a real problem for some people with asthma who are sensitive to smoke from wood fires call The Asthma Foundation of Victoria to find out ways to heat your home.

For more information about asthma please contact Asthma Victoria on 1800 645 130

Visit to Parliament House with M.P Judith Graley Message From Sick Bay

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