NaNoWriMo 2011

Post on 19-Mar-2016






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Naper. Wri. Mo. NaNoWriMo 2011. Plot Development. or my evolution from pantser to ploter o ver a 4 year period. Quick Definitions. Plot – moving your characters in an interesting way through the course of your story. Climax. Crises. (Lots) Tension (None). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


NaNoWriMo 2011Plot Development


or my evolution from pantser to ploter

over a 4 year period

Quick Definitions• Plot – moving your characters in an interesting

way through the course of your story.

Beginning of Novel End of Novel

(Lots) Tension (None)



More quick definitions

• Pantser – Someone who begins Nano with little or no clue what their story will look like on November 30th but manages to write a rockin’ story anyway.

• Plotter – The rest of us.

My Nano History• 2007 – “Longs March” 30,000 words– 100 % Pantser

Long’s March

Beginning of Novel End of Novel

(Lots) Tension (Yawn)

• 2008 – I hid in a cave– That’s right, the wound licking took almost 2 years

• 2009 – “Forever Ends on Friday” 50,311 words-50% Pants, 25% strong coffee. 25% Plotter,

Forever Ends on Friday

Beginning of Novel End of Novel

(Lots) Tension (Yawn)

• 2010 – “Get Crackalackin’”, 51,257 words– 25% Pants, 50% Plotter, 25% strong coffee

Get Crackalackin’

Beginning of Novel End of Novel

(Lots) Tension (Yawn)

I have a subplot ! ! !

Tom’s top Plot tips• Define your main characters.• Define your climax and major crises.• Write your last scene early.• Be willing to ignore your Plot. • Develop your own style of plotting.• Let your characters speak to you.• Google is your friend.

Tom’s Nano tips• Fire your inner critic.• Don’t look back!• Write for an audience of one (you!)• Post-it Notes: “Write like a poet,” “Show, don’t

tell.” • Use Cloud storage to save your story.• Stay connected to NaperWriMo Forums• Attend Write-in Events

Time for some fun!

• Write a 10 point plot outline for the following:Script Frenzy Plot Engine

• Who’s your main character?• What are the main plot points?• Where does the tension come from?• Where does your story take place?

Tom’s Final tip:

If I can win Nano,ANYONE CAN ! ! !


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