

Andrea DanielsAndrew HaileJoshua Polk

3rd Block/Ms. Moore

You Will Learn…

How nanotechlogy came aboutAbout nanomedicine

Some types of nanobotsHow nanomedicine is being used today

In depth on nanomedicineThe future of nanotechnology

What Is NanomedicineNanomedicine is the use of nanotechnology in the field of medicine. In its original sense nanomedicine uses nanobots to improve or repair bodily functions. It does this using techniques and tools being developed today to make complete, high performance products.

What is Nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology is the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale. In its original sense, 'nanotechnology' refers to the projected ability to construct items from the bottom up, using techniques and tools being developed today to make complete, high performance


How It Came About?

In the 1980's K. Eric Drexler popularized the word nanotechnology. When he was talking nanotechnology he meant building machines on the scale of molecules, a few “nanometers” wide—motors, robot arms, and even whole computers, far smaller than a cell.

Nanotechnology For Instance

What Are Nanobots?

Nanorobotics is the technology of creating machines or robots at or close to the microscopic scale of a nanometers (10-9 meters). More specifically, nanorobotics refers to the still largely hypothetical nanotechnology engineering discipline of designing and building nanorobots. Nanorobots (nanobots, nanoids or nanites) would be typically devices ranging in size from 0.1-10 micrometers and constructed of nanoscale or molecular components. As no artificial non-biological nanorobots have so far been created, they remain a hypothetical concept at this time.

Body Assisting NanoBots

How this nanobot is described is body assisting. How this robot works is that those cells and parts of the body that cannot be properly repaired, are replaced by these nanobots. These nanobots operate at the highest level capable improving bodily functions. Lets just say you are a patient fresh out of surgery and your ligaments are weak; this nanobot assist the ligaments and increases productivity.

Repair Nanobots

This nanobot is described as a repair nanobot. How this nanobot works is that those cells and parts of the body that do not operate properly are repaired to as good as new. These nanobots repair faster than doctors and find the problem faster than a doctor can. This type of robot detects the problem, analyzes the problem, and repairs it.

Disease Killing NanoBots

How this nanobot is described is disease killing. This nanobot is programmed to find all things that don’t belong in the body and destroy them. These nanobots operate at the highest level capable improving bodily functions. Lets just say you are a patient overcoming surgery and you catch a virus; this little nanobot injected in you seeks and destroys all viral cells/organisms.

Nanorobot for nanomedicine drug


How Cancer Is Soon To Be Treated

You can soon get limbs too.


Enhancements include body parts such as:

Arms (super strength) Legs (No arthritis) Eyes (see like a telescope) Heart (No Heart Failure)


Scientists have had a string of remarkable successes lately, taking signals from the brains of monkeys and men, and using them to move mechanical arms.Darpa, the Pentagon's blue-sky research division, now wants to ratchet that work up about ten notches, by developing a "neurally controlled artificial limb that will restore full motor and sensory capability to upper extremity amputee patients. This revolutionary prosthesis will be controlled, feel, look and perform like the native limb."So, basically, what Luke Skywalker gets in Empire Strikes Back, after Darth chops off his hand. Except, researchers won't have a long, long time to get this limb ready. Darpa wants the robo-arm stat -- in four years or less.

Robotic Legs

This feature is now used in military for those who lost a leg. It functions how you tell it to function as if it were your own leg. The best part, NO PAIN!

Robotic Heart

“He’s dead” is no longer a phrase. We now have robotic hearts that take the place of a real heart. Operates off of a rechargeable battery that charges on physical movement, solar electricity, and heat energy. The arteries acts as a hydroelectric system for the body and keeps you energized and healthy. Heart failure is now just a remedy.


“The NanoMask is the first face mask in the world to utilize nanotechnology enhanced filter media to effectively isolate and destroy viral and bacterial contaminants. Nanoparticles enhance the intrinsic filtration efficiency of the media by acting as a destructive absorbent to kill virus and bacteria that come in contact with the filtration system.”

Not for Sale in 2008 (Only Sold Privately To Medical Centers)

Acticoat® Wound Dressings “Acticoat* (with

SILCRYST™ Nanocrystals) Dressings offer powerful antimicrobial barrier protection. Only Acticoat maintains safe bactericidal concentrations of silver with patented nanocrystalline technology.

$6.49 Box

Nanometer-silver Cryptomorphic Condom

The condom-in-a-can is essentially an antiseptic foam spray that the manufacturer claims forms a physical membrane inside the vagina, protecting it from infection, acting as a barrier to pregnancy and providing a lubricating effect.

$22.49 Big Box

How To Use

• Shake the pot up and down evenly 4-5 times before sexual intercourse.• Insert the small end of leading pole lightly into the soft cap of the pot.• Invert the pot and insert the big end of leading pole into the vaginal slowly. It is suitable when the leading pole is of 6 -8cm in the vaginal (the length of this leading pole is 9cm ),press the shower nozzle with the forefinger until the foam is squirted and full of vagina (stop pressing it when the vagina mouth is exceeded), then take out the leading pole slowly. • Wash the leading pole for more using. • Use it in 1-5 minutes before sexual intercourse, and once again after sexual intercourse.

Part 1. Of Legal Issues

One of the main legal issues or concerns that is being brought up today about nanotechnology and nanobots is the call for FDA to collect Nanotech products. Hundreds of nanotech products, including foods, medicines and medical devices, now have reached the market, and their number will grow tremendously in the years ahead.  But the main regulatory body, the Food and Drug Administration, is not yet systematically collecting basic nanomaterial information.

Part 2. Of Legal Issues

However, the FDA plans for each agency to keep a list of FDA approved products employing nanoscale materials. But because the FDA does not have a list for themselves to keep track of one the agencies stated that why should they follow by it. One of the big questions out their for the future is whether any of the nanotechnology agencies can appropriately react if a future problem is discovered related to the "nanoness" of one of its regulated products. Until there is more research done and the science is in, products using nanotechnology should be tracked and specifically monitored and FDA must be prepared to investigate whether other approved products might be susceptible to similar problems.

In Andrea’s Mind…

I have learned that nanotechnology is the involvement of crafting machines from individual atoms, to build microscopic, massively parallel computers. My predictions about the nanotechnology is that it is our future whether people like it or not. The way technology is advancing in the world right now, and what many are saying nanotechnology developments will be able to do, make me believe that in the next 20-30 years half of the world will have some type nanotechnology in them.

In Joshua’s MindWhat I learned about nanotechnology is jus completely astonishing. I think in 15 years we will have nanohumans that walk the earth like it was natural. In possibly 30 years I think nanobots will be able to reproduce like humans. Nanotechnology can’t be seen with the naked eye or even smelled. Nanotechnology is the new wave of life and is changing as we speak day by day. I like the idea but it scares me to think about the glitches. If a carrots fibers can create a snowboard, or even a battleship is astounding. It’s the overall fact that food can be a weapon that isn’t poison. Wine that has nanobots, nanofood, nanohearts, and even nanoeyes is making way for the future. Over the past few years nanotechnology has not been recognized as efficient as it has been. People everyday, are getting injected with some type of nanobot to aid their body. Some nanobots are used for heart surgery and I think that it is really cool. You can trust a steady robot with the right knowledge instead of a doctor with a shaky hand. I think this idea of nanobots is genius. On top of genius they can now inject it into our products without altering taste smell and feel.

Mr. Haile mind

Well I learned about the different typesnanotechnology. I like that there aredifferent nanobots that go in your body tocure different types of diseases or help

partsof your body that are weak. In the future Ibelieve that many people would havenanotechnology inserted into them fordifferent reasons.

Jeremy Baumberg's

Jeremy Baumberg's

Nanotechnology professor Jeremy Baumberg's approach to science has always been hands-on. "I was the sort of child who took everything apart," he states. Before college he worked for IBM, writing software.

Baumberg has always tried to make connections between research disciplines; he has also sought environments that support his openness, curiosity, and broad interest in science. Jeremy Allam, Baumberg's former boss at the Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory in the U.K., says that Baumberg "doesn't like to put things in compartments; he likes to see connections. Unlike some scientists, he seems to be equally happy to engage in basic and applied science, and to explore how they cross-fertilize each other." Consequently, Allam says, Baumberg discovers things that others might not. The result: a successful research career in nanophotonics that spans the divide between academia and industry.

Tinne Delande


Tinne Delande is ask such questions frequently like such:Do You Work At Night?“I don’t work at night. But a lot of my colleagues sometimes work at night”, says Tinne Delande.What Do I Have to Study to Become a Nanotechnologist? That depends. Most of the researchers are engineers or people with an advanced education in science. Their laboratory assistants generally have a shorter, but more practically-oriented education. And of course, there are also mechanics to maintain and repair the equipment.

Other Nanotechnologist

University Of Albany State

University of Albany State has a number of courses including nanosciences and nanoengineering. They have three different courses for the foundation of nanotechnology. These courses mainly introduce the fundamentals of nanochip fabrication including a description of typical obstacles encountered, to be simple, the basic principles of integrated circuit “nanochip” operation and presents.

Cornell University

Nanobiotechnology is the application of nano- and micro-fabrication methods to build tools for exploring the mysteries of biological systems.  It is a graduate-level course that will cover the basics of biology and the principles and practice of microfabrication techniques with a focus on applications in biomedical and biological research.

University Of New York

The university of New York has many nanoengineering and nanoscience courses. UNY has three different courses for the foundation of nanotechnology. These courses mainly introduce the basic principles of integrated circuit “nanochip” operation and presents, in detail, the fundamentals of nanochip fabrication including a description of typical obstacles encountered.

How We Don’t See It

How Nanomedicine Works






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