NAMI BIA 2015#EFTRIP by Garance Tretout. It has started on The Orange River…

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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by Garance Tretout

It has started on The Orange River…

It was a question between putting a tent or sleeping outside “at our own risk”

In Namibia, one road, one truck, two panneaux and nothing around for kilometres.

I told you, it is dead…desert, sand and sun.

Even in the middle of nowhere we find the way to have fun with our CRAZY guides !

One day Safari : lucky us so many animals this day!

It was also a stop in a strange old Dutch colony town with again an unpronunciable name Scrapbumhoek (they had so much space to build )

In Namibia there is dangerus predators everywhere ! Like this one !.....

Or like this big cat…!

Can you see the toilet over there ? No? Don’t worry there’s no, dig a hole in Namibia ground.

It was also all about WATER ! Water and water as you see. An monkeys, chimpanzees eating all the time when we were in civilization.

It was also sunrise on top of Dunes.

And wonderful sunset everyday…

It was a trip where you can stop under the first and only tree around to have lunch. And look at our cool truck !

We had some little naps while driving…

And again lost animals…

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