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Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya




REG. NO. : E35/38539/2013



Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya

Definition of some terms.

Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya

In Kenya, drugs and substance abuse has become a real menace. The

vice has devastating effects on individuals and the country at

large. In the following case study some of these terms will be

used quite often:

Drug abuse-also called substance abuse or chemical abuse, is a

disorder that is characterized by a destructive pattern of using

a substance that leads to significant problems or distress.

Drug addiction-also called substance dependence or chemical

dependency, is a disease that is characterized by a destructive

pattern of drug abuse that leads to significant problems

involving tolerance to or withdrawal from the substance, as well

as other problems that use of the substance can cause for the

sufferer, either socially, physically or even psychologically.


As we have already seen drugs are essentially poisons. As we look

at the causes of drug abuse it is vital to keep an open mind

because people across all walks of life have abused drugs for

varied reasons. Some might seem are ‘acceptable’ or rather

Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya

comprehendible to some of us depending on the societies which one

has been brought up from. However, the most important thing is to

offer support, love and care to these people.

People especially young one has abused drugs so as to fit in.

This is commonly among peers because the person wants to feel

part of the group. The fear of stigma makes these groups of

person want to be associated with that group and the only way to

do that is by doing what their fellow mates are doing. It may

also appear in the form that the drug abuser wants to seem grown

up or rather mature by their fellows. Research in many

rehabilitation centers in Kenya for drug addicts have shown that

peer pressure and the need to fit in is among the top leading

causes for drug and substance abuse in the country.

The family has been described as the single most influential

child hood factor in buffering the child and in shaping later

adaptation. The influences of the family on adolescent drug abuse

are fundamentally important, but complex. Factors about the

quality and consistency of family management, family

Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya

communication, family relationships and parental role-modeling

have been consistently identified as predictive of drug misuse.

Specific family factors include:

Ineffective parental family management techniques; for

example, lack of discipline.

Negative communication patterns such as blaming and


Poor family relationships, as indicated by negative family

relationships, a lack of sharing of affection and

communication with children or parental interest in the

children’s activities and child abuse.

parental role-modeling :

– Parental criminality or anti-social behavior.

– Parental drug use.

– Perceived adult drug use.

– Positive attitudes towards drugs by parents.

– Parental modeling of drug use as a coping strategy.

Drugs work in various different ways. A small amount acts as a

stimulant while a greater amount acts as a sedative. Only the

amount needed to achieve the effect differs. As a result many

Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya

persons have used drugs to relax themselves while for others to

relieve boredom. About any of abused drugs in Kenya can be used

for any of the above reasons stated because what matters most is

the amount to achieve the desired effects.

Generally reasons for drugs abuse differ considerably by drug.

(Johnson, 1998) . Youngsters who are in the beginning stages of

drug use, will say “to experiment, to see what it is like.” After

that comes “to have a good time with my friends”—a social reason,

as well as “to get high.” Those in the heavier user groups

increasingly mention psychological coping as the underlying

reasons for their use—“to get through the day,” “to relieve

boredom,” “to deal with anger and frustration.” It can thus be

noted that causes for drug abuse among Kenyans vary from parental

influences, psychological reasons and even peer influence. These

three make up the bulk of the causes for drug and substance abuse

in Kenya especially in the major towns and cities around the

country. Other reasons cited may be:

Get more energy.

Seek insight.

Get through the day.

Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya

Increase other drugs effect.

Signs and symptoms of substance and drug abuse.

Drug abuse affects people from all walks of life and all

socioeconomic statuses. Whether a person starts taking drugs

because of peer pressure or stress relief, or whether he or she

abuses prescription drugs, it can be easy to become addicted.

Some drugs take longer to become addicted to than others, but all

drugs are to some degree capable of making the user dependent.

Breaking free of a drug addiction often requires outside help.

Drug abuse wreaks havoc on the body and mind and can eventually

kill. Drug and substance abuse is not always obvious. Many people

are ashamed of it and will deny it if confronted, or they may

genuinely not know they are addicted. 

Drug abuse negatively affects a person’s behavior and habits as

he or she becomes more dependent on the drug. The drug itself can

alter the brain’s ability to focus and form coherent thoughts,

depending on the substance. Changes in behavior, such as

Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya

increased aggression, lethargy, depression or sudden changes in a

social network can indicate a problem with drug abuse. Alcohol,

for example, can make a person more aggressive and prone to

getting into fights or making impulsive decisions. As the

compulsion for using drugs overtakes a person’s life, performance

at school or work will suffer because of a lack of focus and

shifting priorities.

Research has revealed students especially teens in Kenya involved

in drug and substance abuse have gone to an extent of selling

valuable personal possessions. Drug abuse also can lead to

criminal behaviors, such as home robbery and mugging. It is

believed that the infamous Mungiki terror squad which terrorized

many Kenyan lives for years were used to smoking marijuana. Many

terror gangs in Nairobi estates such as Kayole, Dagoreti and

Kibera are believed to recruit their followers through use of

drugs as they provide them for addicts who intern are used to

commit criminal activities around the county.

Looking at some of the most abused drugs in Kenya and their


Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya


Alcohol is one of the most widely abused legal substances in the

Kenya. Because of its legality, it is hard to control access to

those of legal age. Symptoms of alcohol abuse include frequent

hangovers, irresponsible drinking, such as before driving, and

excessive binge drinking. People who abuse alcohol will

frequently have the scent of it on their clothes or breathe.

Others include:

Repeatedly neglecting your responsibilities at home, work,

or school because of your drinking. For example, performing

poorly at work, skipping classes, neglecting your kids, or

skipping out on commitments because you’re hung over.

Using alcohol in situations where it’s physically

dangerous, such as drinking and driving, operating machinery

while intoxicated, or mixing alcohol with prescription

medication against doctor’s orders.

Experiencing repeated legal problems on account of your

drinking. For example, getting arrested for driving under

the influence or for drunk and disorderly conduct.

Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya

Continuing to drink even though your alcohol use is causing

problems in your relationships. Getting drunk with your

buddies, for example, even though you know your wife will be

very upset, or fighting with your family because they

dislike how you act when you drink.

Drinking as a way to relax or de-stress. Many drinking

problems start when people use alcohol to self-soothe and

relieve stress. Getting drunk after every stressful day, for

example, or reaching for a bottle every time you have an

argument with your spouse or boss.


Marijuana is considered one of the “softer” illegal drugs, but it

is still prone to abuse. It is also one of the most popular drugs

among many demographics. People often use marijuana for

relaxation because of its euphoric effects. Some signs of

marijuana abuse include dilated pupils or bloodshot eyes. In

addition, effects of Marijuana use include short-term memory and

decreases overall motivation. People who use marijuana often try

to hide the smell in their rooms by covering it up with incense.

Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya

Small burns on the ends of the thumb and forefinger can be a sign

of frequently smoking a marijuana joint to the very end.


Heroin is one of the most addictive and dangerous drugs a person

can abuse. It is a powerful narcotic and can cause addiction upon

its first use. Most often, heroin is administered through

injection into a vein. If you see needle marks on someone’s arms,

it is a sign of possible heroin use. The needles can be inserted

anywhere that a vein is located, but the arms are the most common

location. In the long run, heroin use can cause side effects such

as weight loss and collapsed veins, as well as inflamed tissue

around the needle sites.

Prescription drugs

Prescription drugs are often overlooked as substances of abuse

because of their legitimate medical purpose. Antidepressants and

painkillers are the most commonly abused types of prescription

drugs. The physical signs will vary, but if you notice a trend of

someone frequently visiting different doctors to seek a diagnosis

Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya

of chronic pain, it is one sign of prescription abuse. Another

sign is taking higher dosages than prescribed or frequently

losing prescriptions.

Common warning signs of drug and substance abuse among teens in

Kenya are:

Having bloodshot eyes or dilated pupils; using eye drops to try

to mask these signs

Skipping class; declining grades; suddenly getting into trouble

at school

Missing money, valuables, or prescriptions

Acting uncharacteristically isolated, withdrawn, angry, or


Dropping one group of friends for another; being secretive about

the new peer group

Loss of interest in old hobbies; lying about new interests and


Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya

Demanding more privacy; locking doors; avoiding eye contact;

sneaking around.

Thus we can sum the manifestations of drug and substance abuse

into three major categories.

Physical signs.

Eyes that are bloodshot or pupils that are smaller or larger than


Frequent nosebleeds--could be related to snorted drugs (meth or


Changes in appetite or sleep patterns.  Sudden weight loss or

weight gain.

Seizures without a history of epilepsy.

Deterioration in personal grooming or physical appearance.

Injuries/accidents and person won’t or can’t tell you how they

got hurt.

Unusual smells on breath, body, or clothing.

Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya

Shakes, tremors, incoherent or slurred speech, impaired or

unstable coordination.

Behavioral signs of drug abuse

Drop in attendance and performance at work or school; loss of

interest in extracurricular activities, hobbies, sports or

exercise; decreased motivation.

Complaints from co-workers, supervisors, teachers or classmates.

Unusual or unexplained need for money or financial problems;

borrowing or stealing; missing money or valuables.

Silent, withdrawn, engaging in secretive or suspicious behaviors.

Sudden change in relationships, friends, favorite hangouts, and


Frequently getting into trouble (arguments, fights, accidents,

illegal activities).

Psychological warning signs of drug abuse

Unexplained change in personality or attitude.

Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya

Sudden mood changes, irritability, angry outbursts or laughing at


Periods of unusual hyperactivity or agitation.

Lack of motivation; inability to focus, appearing lethargic or

“spaced out.”

 Appearing fearful, withdrawn, anxious, or paranoid, with no

apparent reason.


Effects of drug and substance abuse range from short term effects

to long term effects. While the specific physical and

psychological effects of drug abuse and addiction tend to vary

based on the particular substance involved, the general effects

of abuse or addiction to any drug can be devastating.

Psychologically, intoxication with or withdrawal from a substance

can cause everything from euphoria as with alcohol, inhalant

intoxication, to paranoia with marijuana or steroid intoxication,

to severe depression or suicidal thoughts with cocaine. In terms

Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya

of effects on the body, intoxication with a substance can cause

physical effects that range from marked sleepiness and slowed

breathing as with intoxication with heroin, to the rapid heart

rate of cocaine intoxication, or the tremors to seizures of

alcohol withdrawal.

The National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug

Abuse (NACADA) study shows that the following are some of the

effects of drugs and substance abuse in Kenya:

It promotes poor health amongst users, which also affects their

productivity at work, performance in school and responsibility at


It is responsible for violence and criminality in our villages

and urban areas, as well as in learning institutions such as

violent strikes that disrupt the education system.

It depletes family finances leading to poverty and inability to

meet families’ obligations including payment of school fees,

purchase of food and other amenities, as well as investment in

income earning enterprises.

Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya

Alcohol and drug abuse is responsible for diminished perception

of risk thereby leading abusers into risky sexual behavior and

exposing themselves to HIV/AIDS and STIs.

It disrupts agricultural production thereby leading to decline in

food security;

It is responsible for accidents at home, at the workplaces, along

our roads, at school and other places resulting into injury or

even death.

The effects of drug and substance abuse can be categorized in

three broad areas:

On the Individual

People who use drugs experience a wide array of physical effects

other than those expected. The excitement of cocaine high, for

instance, is followed by a "crash": a period of anxiety, fatigue,

depression, and an acute desire for more cocaine to alleviate the

feelings of the crash. Marijuana and alcohol interfere with motor

control and are factors in many automobile accidents. Users of

marijuana and hallucinogenic drugs may experience flashbacks,

Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya

unwanted recurrences of the drug's effects weeks or months after

use. Sudden abstinence from certain drugs results in withdrawal

symptoms. For example, heroin withdrawal can cause vomiting,

muscle cramps, convulsions, and delirium. With the continued use

of a physically addictive drug, tolerance develops; i.e.,

constantly increasing amounts of the drug are needed to duplicate

the initial effect. Sharing hypodermic needles used to inject

some drugs dramatically increases the risk of contracting AIDS.

In addition, increased sexual activity among drug users, both in

prostitution and from the effect of some drugs, also puts them at

a higher risk of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

There are over 4,000 deaths directly attributable to drug use in

the Kenya every year; the substances most frequently involved are

cocaine, heroin, and marijuana, often combined with alcohol or

other drugs. Many drug users engage in criminal activity, such as

burglary and prostitution, to raise the money to buy drugs, and

some drugs, especially alcohol, are associated with violent


Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya

Effects on the Family

The user's preoccupation with the substance, plus its effects on

mood and performance, can lead to marital problems and poor work

performance or dismissal. Drug use can disrupt family life and

create destructive patterns of codependency, that is, the spouse

or whole family, out of love or fear of consequences,

inadvertently enables the user to continue using drugs by

covering up, supplying money, or denying there is a problem.

Pregnant drug users, because of the drugs themselves or poor

self-care in general, bear a much higher rate of low birth-weight

babies than the average. Pregnant women who acquire the AIDS

virus through intravenous drug use pass the virus to their


Effects on Society

Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya

Drug abuse affects society in many ways. In the workplace it is

costly in terms of lost work time and inefficiency. Drug users

are more likely than nonusers to have occupational accidents,

endangering themselves and those around them. Over half of the

highway deaths in the Kenya involve alcohol. Drug-related crime

can disrupt neighborhoods due to violence among drug dealers,

threats to residents, and the crimes of the addicts themselves.

In some neighborhoods, younger children are recruited as lookouts

and helpers because of the lighter sentences given to juvenile

offenders, and guns have become commonplace among children and

adolescents. The great majority of homeless people have either a

drug or alcohol problem or a mental illness—many have all three.

A number of different prevention approaches have been found to be

effective in decreasing the risk of drug abuse and addiction.

Simple lifestyle changes, like increased physical activity and

using other stress reduction techniques, are thought to help

prevent drug abuse and dependence in teens. More formal programs

have also been found to be helpful. For example, the Raising

Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya

Healthy Children program, which includes interventions for

teachers, parents, and students, has been found to help prevent

substance abuse and addiction in elementary school children when

the program goes on for 18 months or more. The prevalence of

easier access to technology has led to the development of

computer-based prevention programs. Such programs have been found

to be very promising in how they compare to more traditional

prevention programs, as well as how many more people can be

reached through technology.


1. . (Johnson, 1998) Reasons for use, Abstention and Quitting.

Case study on causes, manifestation and effects of drugs and substanceabuse in Kenya

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