Myths About Success, by Adam Kidan

Post on 09-Jan-2017






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Myths About Success

By !Adam !Kidan

Success comes from having all the answers

• Successful people don’t start with all the answers, they simply learn how to find out what they don’t know!

• Success often comes from learning from your mistakes along the way

Success doesn’t require


• You need to be aware when you need to keep going and when you need to make changes!

• You’ve gotten to where you are now, but you need to make tweaks if you want to go higher

Success can happen overnight

• Inspirational media stories aren’t always true!

• Any overnight successes took time before they got their recognition

Success !doesn’t !require !sacrifice

• You need to make choices about what you really want at the moment!

• Your priorities can shift as you enter different phases of life, but expecting perfection in all areas all the time is unrealistic

Success will make your problems go away

• Problems are necessary on the road to success whether you’re in an entry-level job or at the zenith of your career!

• Successful people simply just have better strategies and resources to cope with the problems that they do have

Success !makes you !better-liked

• The more you’ve accomplished, the more you’ll be open to criticism!

• Success will most likely make you lose friends, but also lets you build new friendships

Success makes you happier

• Money might make you happy, but that’s only in the short-term!

• The only way success can make you happy is if you take the time to be grateful for each moment

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